Funny bachelorette party competition for bridesmaids

A few nuances of holding a bachelorette party

  • The witness organizes the entire festive event, and she also thinks through the scenario (with the help of all the expected guests). The bride will appreciate the very fact of organizing the holiday and the help of a close friend.
  • Contests for the bride's bachelorette party should be short.
  • Their number should be optimal, because the bride will want to have a sincere conversation with her friends and take pictures with them.
  • It is also advisable to think about the theme of the celebration. And ask guests to come in themed outfits.
  • A bachelorette party can take place at home, in a restaurant, in a sauna, or outside the city in nature. Accordingly, a dress code is expected.

If we talk about the competitive game program, then first the script should include competitions that are suitable for a bride at a bachelorette party, and then competitions for bridesmaids.

Options for moving competitions for bridesmaids

Active competitions should be held when the participants of the bachelorette party get tired of table conversations and want to have fun or dance. Here are some examples of them:

Try it, get it!

For this competition you will need darts from a game of darts and a large poster of a full-length naked man. The darts in this challenge represent cupid's arrows. The girls' goal is to get into the picture just below the belly . This will be a 100% hit. The one who manages to do this is considered the winner.

Happy chicken coop

All participants in the competition should be divided into two equal teams. Their task will be to transfer the egg from one nest to another. True, this should be done without using your hands. For this test, you can take chocolate eggs, and use ordinary wicker crackers as nests, which will stand on tables or chairs at the start and finish. The participants, at the bride’s command, will need to take a tablespoon into their mouth and use it to hook the egg that lies in the cracker. It should be carried to the finish line without dropping it.

The winner is the team that completes the task the fastest and transfers all the eggs from nest to nest.

The most beautiful bride

The trial participants should be divided into two groups. Each of them must choose a bride. The girls are given several rolls of toilet paper and asked to create a wedding look within five minutes. In addition to paper, girls can use their accessories, as well as napkins from the festive table. After the brides are ready, they, led by the hero of the occasion, can stage a fashion show on an impromptu podium to the thunderous applause of the rest of the bachelorette party participants.


The full-length poster of a movie star or any handsome man already used in the dart competition will come in handy for this challenge as well. Each girl present at the bachelorette party should be given panties cut out of colored paper and a push pin. All bachelorette party participants need to be blindfolded, rotate them several times to slightly disturb the orientation, and bring them to the poster, offering to decorate it with a piece of clothing in her hands. The winner will be the girl who gets as close as possible to the real place where this piece of clothing is usually located.

“What if my betrothed turns out to be...”

Bachelorette party competitions simply have to be funny. And during this test everyone will laugh. Girlfriends write down the most disgusting male qualities (chomps, throws socks around, doesn’t put clothes away, is greedy, etc.). Leaflets with creepy characteristics written are placed in a bag. The bride pulls out ten pieces of paper and not only reads out loud the designation of the next masculine quality, but says something like this: “What if it turns out that my husband is a greedy person, then I...” and now the bride must quickly come up with a funny answer on how she will fight this character trait in her future husband.

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