What to give for your 28th wedding anniversary, traditions and congratulations

When searching for any information regarding the 28th wedding anniversary, you can often come across information that this date is not customary to celebrate, or they attribute to it the name Orchid Day, which, appropriately, is inherent in the American people. In Eastern Europe, and with it in Russia, it was given the name Nickel Wedding.

For those who are afraid whether this date can be celebrated, let’s tell you a secret - all wedding anniversaries were invented no more than 200 years ago by a bored intelligentsia. Just for fun and also to add more value to family institutions. Therefore, everyone can decide for themselves whether to celebrate this holiday.

Why is a wedding of 28 years of marriage called a nickel wedding?

Many people know that the 28th year of married life is called the “nickel wedding.” It is worth noting that this anniversary does not deserve attention and is very rarely celebrated, because its celebration is associated with bad luck. Nevertheless, spouses are simply obliged to congratulate each other on this date, because this is their personal event.

Whatever folk signs exist regarding the celebration of this anniversary, the date remains the same symbol of the love and devotion of the spouses. The symbol of a wedding is nickel, which “adds reliability, strength, and exceptional radiance and brilliance to the marriage.” You can also stick to nickel in gifts, because, as you know, symbolic souvenirs should only bring good luck and harmony to relationships.

INTERESTING: There is one ancient fortune telling for the “nickel” anniversary. On this day, spouses should exchange gifts from this material and look at the “behavior” of the metal. If he has retained his attractiveness, then the love of your “other half” is pure and sincere, and if not (or even clouded, darkened), then your feelings have already “lost their shine.”

It is best to celebrate this anniversary not even with your family, but with the two spouses or only with children (children are an extension of the couple themselves and therefore cannot break the custom in any way). Husband and wife should exchange congratulations and gifts. On the other hand, if someone wanted to congratulate you with words, flowers or surprises, you should not refuse. Please accept any gifts and wishes.

Features of the celebration of the “nickel wedding” on the 28th year of married life

How to mark - script

Few people know about such a significant date in family history and why it is celebrated, most likely because this number is associated with the superstitious prejudices of the 7-year renewal cycle.

According to astrologers, every 7th year brings some changes and, as a rule, not always for the better. Numerology says the opposite, rehabilitating the date of the nickel wedding. From the point of view of numerologists, the number 28 has strong energy, and it is not for nothing that they gave it a name to match. Nickel is characterized as a ductile, but at the same time durable, silver-colored metal that is resistant to corrosion.

The past years have also tempered the spouses, making their marriage strong and regulated in all respects. Having gone through many life's ups and downs, becoming much wiser and more tolerant, the husband and wife were able to keep love in their hearts, not lose it, but rather increase it, treat each other with trepidation and tenderness, just like in their youth.

How exactly to celebrate this date: noisily, with a bunch of guests or alone, having a romantic dinner in a restaurant - each married couple decides based on their own preferences and the budgetary funds that they are willing to spend when planning the holiday.

There are several customs that are associated with a nickel wedding:

  1. In order to continue to live happily, long and inseparably, spouses need to exchange nickel rings on this day.
  2. The mistress of the house is obliged to check the condition of the dishes made of this metal, if, of course, they have a place among the kitchen utensils, and clean them to a shine, thus driving away all the negativity from the family in the form of squabbles and scandals.
  3. The presence of cutlery made of nickel or with its inserts on the festive table is welcome, which also has a beneficial effect on the warm and sincere atmosphere of the home.

A great idea to celebrate this event alone, together, would be an invitation to a date, handwritten by the husband on a beautiful card and left along with a bouquet of wonderful flowers on the bedside table while the wife is sleeping. Such a sweet surprise will incredibly please a woman, giving her the understanding that she is still young, loved and adored by her husband. Moreover, it is better to make a date at the same place, if possible, where they met or met for the first time.

Despite the fact that the spouses have already reached a serious age, it is still the 28th wedding anniversary, and it is not forbidden to play pranks.

For example, instead of just a walk in the park, you can look at the attractions and ride on various carousels, go to the room of distorting mirrors - turn back time a little, feel free from everyday worries, relax and have fun.

And after that, go to your favorite restaurant, where you can spend the rest of the evening in a romantic setting, nostalgic for the past and enjoying a festive dinner. But sometimes you want to arrange a small Sabantuy, since life is very busy now and there is not always enough time to meet with relatives and friends.

Therefore, the reason to have fun at a nickel wedding will most likely be received with a bang. Again, you can throw a feast for the whole world at home, or you can rent a small room in a cafe or restaurant. You should not invite many guests, the date is not round, it is enough to call your closest ones.

In a cozy, friendly atmosphere where everyone has known each other for a long time, even salty jokes and gags dedicated to the heroes of the occasion will cause fits of laughter, raising the mood.

Here is a small selection of fun and interesting competitions for a small company:

  • "Exactly". As the couple's friends and relatives gather around the table, they should be well aware of the major milestones in their lives. This competition is precisely aimed at finding out, through questions asked in a tricky form, which of the guests knows the heroes of the day best. A list of riddle questions must be prepared in advance, asking one of those present to become the presenter. Answers should be given very quickly, without reasoning, this is the whole point of entertainment;
  • "A tongue without bones." Everything is simple here, just take a couple of lollipops and a few funny tongue twisters. Participants must put candy in their mouth and read the text out loud. It turns out to be completely different from what is printed on the pieces of paper; the interpretation of well-known proverbs causes laughter and jokes at the talkers. The most talkative one wins;
  • "Surprise Bag" A funny competition, the essence of which is to dress everyone up in funny and ridiculous items of clothing, wigs, clown noses, etc. All of the above is put into a bag and given into the hands of one of the guests, who must give it to a neighbor, and so on until the music stops. Whoever has the bag in his hands at this moment must blindly take out the first thing he comes across from the bag and put it on himself. After which the competition continues until all the guests are dressed up - some with rose-colored glasses, some in a red wig, etc.

It is not at all necessary to seek help from a professional toastmaster in order to organize an entertainment program for the evening. The spouses themselves are quite capable of doing this, especially since they know well the preferences and characters of their guests.

The main thing is to carefully think through and prepare witty, funny games.

Why isn't the 28th wedding anniversary celebrated?

As already mentioned, celebrating a nickel wedding is not customary. The reason for this is popular belief, which states that by the age of 28, marital relationships can experience a “peak state”: quarrels, scandals due to misunderstandings, difficulties and trials of family life.

There is also a psychological basis for this problem, and professional psychologists say that a couple in their 28th year of marriage has simply reached the age when they feel a crisis associated with age, poor health, and frustration due to not realizing their desires and dreams.

That is why, instead of being “obsessed” with celebrating an anniversary, spouses should pay attention to each other, their children and live, as they say, “for themselves.” It was not for nothing that this time was compared with nickel, because this metal is very “capricious”. Like marital nickel, nickel can “give a shine” if properly cared for, or darken if left uncared for.

Why is it not customary to celebrate a wedding anniversary?

What should we give each other?

It would not be amiss for the nickel newlyweds to think over gifts for each other, then the celebration will definitely be a success. Just arrange a small surprise for your soulmate, and the mood for this wonderful day will be guaranteed. The most popular option is jewelry: it can be rings, earrings, necklaces - anything. You can give your spouse cufflinks and eau de toilette. A photo album or slide show with wedding photos will be a pleasant surprise. Try to recreate events and make a video with photos from each year of your life together.

What to give for a nickel wedding of 28 years to a family of friends: gift ideas

Close people, despite the fact that the spouses do not celebrate the “nickel anniversary” of their wedding, can still please the married couple with pleasant words and gifts. You can give them either on the anniversary day or after the date itself. The purpose of the gift is to please and pleasantly surprise the spouses.

Gift options:

  • A nickel figurine is a symbolic gift that will allow spouses to balance and give harmony to their relationship. The figurine can be large or small, made in any shape.
  • Nickel cup holders - such household items will be both a symbolic and useful gift, because they can also be used every day. In addition, they can serve as an excellent decorative element for a vintage-style home.
  • Nickel candlesticks are a useful item for the home and a beautiful piece of furniture for a room in a classic style.
  • Nickel photo frames can decorate any home; you can place your favorite family photos in them. A nickel or metal frame can have not only lace forging, but also engraving with wishes.
  • Nickel mirror frames are a good gift for those who prefer to have antiques and stylish interior items in a classic style in their home.
  • Home decor items (made of nickel or other material) - this can be anything: shelves and book stands, fireplace sets, plant pots for flower pots, decorative hanging decorations, clothes hangers, dish hooks, shoe racks and much more .
  • Nickel tableware (or other material) - tableware always acts as a symbol of the wedding, and if it is made of nickel, you give the spouses your warmest wishes and bring a symbol of the anniversary into the house so that the couple gains harmony, peace and understanding.
  • Nickel cutlery – like tableware, is very important for the couple on this wedding anniversary.
  • Decorative stands and lanterns for the garden - if you find it difficult to choose a gift for your home, you can easily “guess” what you can give to the spouses’ plot: decorative figurines, stands, flowerpots, hooks and hangers, hanging and solar lanterns, fences.
  • Accessories for table setting (made of nickel or other material) are miniature elements, but very important and heart-warming little things: napkin rings, napkin holders, jars for spices, cups for toothpicks.
  • Nickel jewelry - choosing such a gift is difficult, but quite possible. The main thing is to choose jewelry for both spouses: rings, bracelets, pendants, pendants.
  • “Universal gifts” - in this case we are talking about those gifts that do not necessarily correspond to the name of the wedding anniversary, but are simply pleasant and necessary: ​​sets of bed linen, sets of dishes and dinnerware, bedspreads, towels, home appliances, rugs, tablecloths, sofa cushions , books, photo albums.

Original gifts in honor of the “nickel” wedding anniversary

Original gift ideas

To avoid awkward situations when several guests present identical gifts at once, it is worth discussing all the details with other invitees. The following options can be original souvenirs:

  1. Cake with an original congratulatory inscription.
  2. T-shirts with photographs of the Nickel newlyweds and funny phrases or wishes for a future happy life.
  3. It is recommended to give children and grandchildren a box with wishes, tickets to a concert of the spouses’ favorite band, or, if there are no ideas at all, you can put a certain amount of money in the box.
  4. If the celebration is symbolic and you are not required to give a full-fledged gift, you can give a nickel hairpin to your spouse and a lighter to your spouse.

It is customary to expect gifts made from nickel from guests. The classic option, in addition to dishes, is candlesticks, a chandelier, a tablecloth or bed linen.

What to give your beloved wife for her 28th nickel wedding: gift ideas

You can improve your relationship with the woman you love by regularly showing your attention. To do this, it is important to prove how well you know your “other half” by choosing a pleasant and desired gift.

Gift options:

  • A house plant can be either a beautiful orchid for the windowsill or a rose bush for the yard. The main thing you should focus on when choosing is your wife’s preferences: does she like to care for flowers, does she like flowering plants, can she pay due attention to the plant.
  • A bouquet of flowers is a universal gift given to a woman by a loving man. There are several nuances to this rule: choose expensive flowers (for example, roses are a symbol of love and passion), carefully choose the color of the bouquet (red - love and passion, yellow - friendship and warmth, white - tenderness and sincerity, pink - affection and sensuality ).
  • Jewelry – nickel or metal jewelry (for example, handmade) should be present for every woman. This can be jewelry in a classic or ethnic style, which can be combined with casual, beach or national clothing): earrings, bracelets, rings, brooches, pendants, and so on.
  • A romantic evening is not only a gift, but also a wonderful way to spend your anniversary by booking a table in a restaurant and remembering the old sensuality.
  • A romantic trip will appeal to any woman, no matter how expensive and “distant” it will be (abroad or to the lake), the main thing is to plan your leisure time so that the time spent together does not go in vain.
  • A jewelry holder is a stylish and practical accessory for keeping all your jewelry in order.
  • Household items - a variety of stylish home decorations: bookends, decorative shelves, lamps and floor lamps, bedside lamps, figurines, vases, dishes.
  • Lingerie, clothes - the choice of such a gift depends on the preferences and needs of the wife, from intimate lingerie to outerwear.
  • Accessories - the choice of this gift is very large: handbag, wallet, case, shoes, scarves or stoles, hat.

Gift ideas for a “nickel wedding” for spouses

What to give your husband

Wedding anniversary</p>

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