Touching and funny congratulations and wedding gifts for brother from sister and brother

Wedding congratulations to brother from sister

​​ Which will warm you.​ ​ from the cover,​ May you a century,​ ​ time together for a long time,​ doubts will be with you forever. to you​ ​How is everything today? Sister still​ ​A smile like pearls​ like a bird,​ And life flowed on,​ ​ 51​ Touching wishes for my brother from​ ​ will make us happy with a baby.​ With the wedding I want​ on the shoulder!​ ​ I wish. ​it’s a good day!​ ​ sometimes you’re right.​ sparkles,​ ​Could be like a full river over your husband.​ ​The years run by like​ sisters​ I really care for​ ​ you, I’m a brother​ All the way in life​ ​Solemn event, brother​ The whole world is brighter​ ​Love and honor​ In fishnet stockings​ chirp!​ ​I give water to my younger brother​ from the tap.​ ​My brother, congratulations​ to the dear little ones, I miss​ congratulating​,​ ​walk shoulder to​ you,​ ​and become more beautiful!​ ​For your wedding,​You lost your life​ ​You look like​ you: health,​Let love, beautiful​ ​ long-awaited.​ you, I promise​ to nurse.​ ​ and kindness.​ without betraying​ a friend​ family,​ ​ (name of the bride) and​ bachelor!​ Princess​ ​Wealth, a​ country house,​ will be strong,​ ​Today I have bound you as a spouse​ ​I will read books to them​ So that the family will warm​ ​ a friend!
Divide by​Under the Mendelssohn March​ (name of the groom),​ ​Congratulations! You are now in your snow-white ​So that you can enjoy Overcome everything together ​you take hold of your destiny, read and lead with love, two of your joys come into the hall Today I’m raising I’m married!​ dress.​ ​ with the love​ of bad weather,​ ​The one that does not exist​ Consonance of hearts, as if​ ​ for a walk,​ Reliable, cozy and​ ​ and victory, you decide​ ​ a glass!​ And I want to say​ ​ The groom will leave from​ ​Without a break in​ So that a full-fledged with​ ​ is more desirable!​ the sound of gentle strings,​ ​Only it wasn’t strong at once.​ ​ sharing all the problems​To the most beautiful couple​Beloved brother, my​ ​brotherly to you,​ stress, that house! ​And he will squeeze you​ All my secrets​ ​ family.​ your union,​ wedding formal suit,​ ​ than five!​ brother,​ ​I have always been proud​ With your wedding​ You are full of fun​ ​ I’m very hugs.​ ​ I trust,​ 58​ Mischievous and strong.​ ​But I must admit​​ ​You are happier than you, my brother,​ I congratulate​ ​and kindness.​ I’m glad!​ ​Just hold him ​Dear sister, you​ ​Wedding rings are dressed,​So as not to spoil​ ​openly and honestly,​I congratulate you, brother​ ​in the world.​ and I know that​ ​Advice and love​Besides​ ​I wish you, brother​ strong,​ ​ mine!​ Mendelssohn's march is playing,​ ​ everyday burden,​ What's important, everything​ ​ my glorious,​ May your ​ angels​ ​ be proud of your​ ​ with all my heart​ ​ - handsome! And​ with your half​ ​After all, with​ this bright​ ​ all over the body​ You need it, urgently,​ at the wedding​ ​With your wedding!​ the marriage is preserved,​ ​ with achievements and in​ I wish,​ ​I firmly believe,​ Live in joy,​ ​ you - that​ I congratulate you this afternoon!​ ​ trembling,​ children!​ ​ bride,​ Good luck! I believe​ ​Accept gifts, wishes​ That the best​ without knowing any worries!​ ​ is necessary!​ I am heartily glad​ ​Younger brother, so​ 52​ Shy glance for​ ​Today you are​ happiness - you​ ​ in you -​ ​ from my sister,​ you will be my husband!​ ​Let there be life​ And your beautiful​ ​ for you!​ you will be the best​ I know, for sure,​ I know for sure, happy family!​ children​ Let the way to​ I was a boy at the end of the aisle,​ At all times​ Be gentle with​ Be a gentle husband in the world :​ you will be​ the wonderful husband that you always could​ Let the trouble not​ Let us all​ ​ true happiness​ you already lead a beautiful wife.​ And now for​ ​ - the ideal of purity,​ it is not​ patient,​ caring, faithful and you.​ would cross your threshold!​ a joy!​ illuminated by a bright star! Good luck and today I will come to you I from the heart of you From the heart does not leave you today, And all the years ​ you, and I wish your chosen friend to forgive, love you in​ I cry, then I laugh,​ with any problem! And give in to your family life! But believe me, it’s not in vain that I congratulate you on the wedding of your union, let you be like a garden. You are the groom, you are everything in life, my brother, beloved, ​Dear groom, and​ my dad was always proud of this,​ My dear and​ Brother, only he​ will be forever!​ the spring rowdy,​ he became a husband. ! I am​ the reason.​His soul is still​ ​a dearly beloved brother!​ I was able to understand you,​ ​With the clink of crystal glasses​ ​Children,​ ​You take care of​ its parts,​ ​And the string itself​ yielded.​ ​ the most happy sister​Recently your younger brother​ ​with you!​You and your fiancee​ ​Who is close to you​This day is filled with happiness.​ ​happiness grow up,​ and pamper,​ ​Love each other,​ - from the shoulders​ ​Look not in​ in the world -​ ​said: “I’m getting married!”​ I’m glad that​ ​ I’ve been​ relatives for many years.​ ​Today you’re a wife​ May everyone​ ​Happy​ Well,​ and idolize​​ her,​ ​to her toes!​ eyes to each other ,​ ​ today my​ is getting married​ And I suddenly​ ​ managed to find you​ I wish,​ ​And the girl​ said​ ​ day in​ your house in response,​ ​You direct yourself from gossip and​ And to one​ ​Brother. Thank you, my beloved, I realized that he is ​Olya,​living together! And​ ​ would: Smack.​ Under the gaze of​ your loved ones​ flies.​ ​He will definitely give you,​ take care of​ rumors of love.​ ​ to​ the left side together.​ brother, that you​ ​ are a man.​ Cheerful and generous​ ​ happiness waterfall! ​And I will tell​ ​ people.​59​ ​Your love for​Wedding - holiday​ ​From old relatives​And family life​ ​you give me what​a little boy​ ​soul!​And a sea of ​​joy!​ - life just​ ​Let everything work out​Happy wedding day​ ​ 1000 years!​ for life,​ ​ roots.​ with my wife​ ​ which I'm in the past.​ ​Her bright smile​ And mountains of positivity!​ ​ alone .​ excellent,​ ​ younger brother,​ 53​ ​Once I got married, then​A novel again: Adam​ ​Let it be​ always dreamed of -​ ​But my advice​ ​is decorated​I'm glad to see​ ​You with your wedding​ ​Bloom like a lilac​You have grown and​ ​Brother, as you​ ​carry on,​ ​and Eva,​ ​with every day.​ ​ dear, lovely sister!​ ​ have not been in vain:​ And this day,​ ​you are shining​ ​congratulations.​ in the spring,​ ​became stronger,​ ​grew up quickly,​ ​Eat a pound of salt​ ​And I’m lost​I’m a lot today​ ​Dear brother! Today's​ He is beautiful, strong,​ ​ and the whole world​ from love! day -​ ​ it’s good,​ big!​ ​And many years​ on the road,​ ​ you, sister,​ ​ glad,​ broad-shouldered,​ ​Life is sewn from​ Will you find happiness?​ ​Dedicated to my brother...​ the first step to​ ​And you chose a friend for yourself​ ​ to your beautiful chosen one!​ From where there is no​ ​And I’m very proud​ ​You have become a life of​ rags in my heart,​ ​ I believe in it!​ You have known the sweetness​ ​ of yours family happiness​ ​ great couple!​ appreciate and farewell,​ ​Well, it happens.​ ​ you!​ it’s easier.​ ​ flew into an adult,​ Not always in​ ​I’m on the right,​ shackles​ ​ on a long path ​I admire the bride​ ​Even if​ there is help - call!​ ​I wish you happiness​When the sisters part,​The bride is simply chic,​ ​And I’ll tell​ her it will be smooth,​in her aunt’s rights!​ ​Before the God of saints! life! Let the​ ​ ​ brother​ let you sometimes not​ ​ Let him meet your brother from the way to you‏>



Today I sometimes cry, sometimes I laugh, But believe me, there is a reason for this. Recently my younger brother said: “I’m getting married!” And I suddenly realized that he was a man.

That the little boy is a thing of the past. But my advice was not in vain: He is handsome, strong, he is good, and he chose an excellent mate!

I admire my brother's bride and my dashing brother! I'm so happy! I am so glad! But I felt a little sad.

I would like to take care of him, And raise him, as I once did... But today is the day of the best wedding! Little brother's wedding day!

Congratulations, my brother! I wish you luck and success in life! Live respecting and loving your wife! Happiness to you and children's laughter!


I congratulate my brother on his wedding day, May the family be strong and friendly! May you hold hands all your life! So that they don’t cheat and don’t break up!

Great love - so much so that you can’t even measure it with a yardstick! Support, love, and believe your wife! And never become the reason for her tears! Warmth to you, sunshine, no rain or thunderstorms!

Your union was sanctified by angels in heaven, So, let love bloom in your hearts! Let the marriage be strong, good, successful! So that there are not even gloomy thoughts!

I wish you long roads, without sorrows, without defeats and worries! And from now on, in less than a year, the stork will bring you a baby!


My dear and beloved brother! Today you are the groom - sounds beautiful! Today everyone is happy to congratulate you! Happy and successful marriage!

Happy day for me too! After all, in addition to my brother, I now have a sister! May your new family be strong! And everything will be fine with your personal life!

All the quarrels of our ancient days, I forgot a long time ago! And your future children, Consider me already in love!

Happy birth of a new, great family! Bitterly! Kiss, my dears!

Touching congratulations to a brother on his wedding from his sister

​And your brother is simple
!​ ​Well, you, brother,​ ​ are a haven of family,​My brother has distinguished himself​The pain is felt so​ ​Well, as​ with your wife,​ ​But, so that the house does not sparkle​ ​So that you wash your socks,​ and understanding of relatives​ ​I'm so happy!​ Well done,​ ​Without storms,​ With rare masculine beauty!​ ​Sharp,​ not to fall in love?​ ​Take care of each other​ dramas happened,​ ​and table in​ So that a young friend . Let love​​ I'm

​and with the sky​Spent the night with​That tears run​ ​I wish you happiness,​ and love,​ ​Let love help​ the couple! clear, you ​ from the eyes...​ Love, kindness and
Remember that​ it has become a little.​ happy, like a sister,​ ​My brother, today​ And blondes, and​ How can I live​ ​ caresses,​ life is only with​ Congratulations, brother, on​ ​ the wedding from my sister​ Stroking, I woke up,​ ​ you have a way​ I wanted it​ ​ I wish you love​ We congratulate you,​ ​ brunettes...​ now, I don’t know,​ Let the years fly by,​​ to her
​​ Happy wedding day!​Such as I,​ ​And fed for​ a long time, and to​ ​take care of, great, happiness and​ ​Let in life​ But now I found​ ​But enough strength​And you live​Hurry for my nephews​ ​You are glad and​ you won’t be able to find caviar, and you won’t be able to educate him as good. Yours will be all you, I tell you: in a fairy tale, give birth! Guests are welcome, brother! ​And washed the dishes.​ only sweet honey​ once upon a time…​

​May life be wonderful.​

​What I’m ready to call​Happy wedding day,​60​ ​54​I wish you​ ​You know, that’s why​And the floors​ ​of the first month, but​But today the day​ ​you flows like​Let your ship​ ​wife, sister, dear! Since childhood I have been looking for good luck on this solemn day for a long time! sweeping, and the prose of life. the best wedding! ​And you be​ ​I love your little brother,​ day,​ ​In life's decisions​ I was pushed around, poor thing, ingratiated...​ ​And I fed my friends,​ Let various little things​ ​The wedding day of the youngest​ So that troubles and​ ​The helm in your hands​ vanity​ ​ happy with her,​ ​Not separated and​ ​I can’t​ task.​ ​ Enough!​ ​Beer to buy,​ ​and trifles​ never​ brother!​ ​ Sorrows disappeared forever,​ squeeze confidently,​ ​And close from​ son-in-law!​ ​ close boys,​ realize,​ ​​ I congratulate you,​ ​And I loved football.​ will not spoil yours​

​Congratulations, my brother,​‏>

Toasts to the sapphire wedding

And today we will congratulate those who are 45 together! May God grant that we preserve our feelings as you do. special art


Also understand each other and approve of all habits. Let the years rush by years, And the feelings remain with you.


You've been together for exactly 45 years - Isn't it a joke, I want to understand. The hugs are tight, the looks are tender, But there is no need for unnecessary words.


Now that calendars lie We say with full right, Those who live in love and peace are worthy of the purity of sapphire!


You remembered again With a triumphant smile, Before any word, Forgetting mistakes.


If the wedding is 45, She is a berry again, But not a simple one - filled with sapphire.


Once again we wish the “young” Happiness, light as smoke, a big bag of joy, and good luck, with all our souls!


We are again at the festive table, As if all the years had not happened, Sapphires are in the rings, and your house is decorated with a bouquet of lilies of the valley.


All 45 happy years Soul to soul, hand in hand. There is definitely no more beautiful couple, well, or there hasn’t been one yet!


The sun is shining brightly, The sapphire rings have adorned the shine, Your happiness has not gone away - Your happiness has matured.


45 years together - It’s like one day has passed. Let smiles give light, Despite gray hair.


45 years have passed! And, without wasting further words, We wish you to live a Hundred Years. And be together.


A wedding celebration made of sapphire promises us stability in the world. Those who are 45 years old together can manage it completely!


Today is your anniversary. Not just a date - forty-five! What a wonderful picture - you are the bride and groom again.


Your love has been tested over the years, She doesn’t care about quarrels and problems, Let only happiness be next to you, And have a strong shoulder at your side.


So that you can always lean on, And tell what’s gnawing at your heart, And warm up in the warmth of your beloved hands, And kiss the curve of your loved ones’ lips.


Together forty-five, your marriage is a berry again! And you are also beautiful, so wise, so patient.


The eyes shine like sapphires, but how else can they shine? After all, there is no happier couple in the whole world, since their wedding anniversary is forty-five!


You are forty-five today! We dare to wish you: May your eyes also shine, May your grandchildren add happiness!


We will not get tired of being proud and solemnly wish to live longer than a hundred years, lasting happiness forever!


Year after year without problems, To serve as an example to everyone An example of family life, Full of feelings and optimism!

Congratulations to your younger brother on his wedding

​May you be a friend​The love of your wife​ ​let you be in trouble!​ ​My dear and beloved​You have been for a long time​What are you already​ ​Dear brother - your​ day has come!​ ​Oh, what a wonderful relationship! Let​ ​ you!​ ​ be a friend who always admired,​ gives strength,​ ​At your brother’s wedding from​ ​ a little sister!​ ​ met your destiny,​ an adult man,​ ​ a groom!​ Shall I tie the​ ​ family ties? This is a dream!​ But your love​ I wish in life​ ​God grant you​ Resolute to be the captain​ ​ of your brother​ On your Day​ ​I really appreciate​ And I decided to wife​ ​I congratulate you,​ it’s tight!​ ​After all, when you will not lose the sweetness ​ and luck, and​ ​ joy, comfort and you need, know! and​ ​ love​ all your joint​ ​success!​ family warmth.​ ​My brother from my sister​ ​so that love​Don’t be afraid,​ ​I wish you to live well,​ as a​ bride - to be related forever!​ ​And hearts beat with life! Let​ ​Live a little, respecting your wife​ ​My brother, you​Brother, be good​ ​ will go away -​ ​I have not always turned into support,​ ​So that the​ two are happy,​ ​The surname craves twists​ in unison -​ ​ is bitter only today.​ and loving!​ ​ the groom is just​ a husband,​ ​Even though he is busy,​ ​for many years in​Remember, brother, that​ ​ together,​I am happy and​ ​in a circle,​ ​On my own It’s bitter to do everything!​ ​With a legal marriage,​ ​children's laughter!​ I am sure that​ ​ wear,​ ​ in love,​ And, like today,​ ​Everything will change,​ ​You are not the​ father,​ ​Let another person come to the home!​ ​Today I am a lot​ brother, you!​ ​My dear and​ your marriage will​ ​Sometimes cook for her​And together we will​ ​ stir your blood!​ It will be, because​ So that the​ ​ home will be cozy,​ Baby- little man, to dad​ ​ words​ ​Live you, little wife​ beloved brother!​ ​ strong,​ dinner,​ ​ we... And he,​ Let it be in unison​ ​ before,​ it was yours comfortably!​ ​Immense salary,​​ similar,​ Dedicated to my brother...​ ​ loving:​Today you are the groom​ ​After all, you are reliable,​What she wants,​ ​here is getting married!​ ​your hearts beat​But forever​ ​55​And every married​ ​To your mother... and Dear brother, don’t​ ​Don’t hit her​ - it sounds beautiful!​ and honest, very​ ​ask.​ Well, what does​ ​ ring a bell for him!​ I’m next to you.​ Today is a wedding, a holiday,​ ​ night ,​ aunt, I mean​ ​ frown your brow -​ and don’t yell,​ ​Today you​ ​are smart here,​Come home with​ ​can I say? strong! flowers,​ ​What is the power,​ the reality of all dreams!​ Congratulations on your sister’s wedding​ ​For my youngest​ 49​ ​I’m only for​ ​My brother’s wedding!​ Give children!​ ​With a successful marriage​ happiness to meet .​ ​About gifts, brother? In love​ And never​ ​ from a brother​ very happy,​ ​An important step and​ this! I will break out​ ​ Congratulations!​ May the bachelor world​ ​ and be happy!​ For you today​ ​ forget,​ and understanding​ forget your little sister! back,​ from the skin,​And on this​ ​forgotten -​Happy this day​ ​we raise our glasses,​Please her​ ​With mutual reinforcement a hundredfold;...​I want the​ ​wind to be happy—​cheerful,​Happy holiday my​ ​It’s all about​ a wonderful day for him,​ ​Share with her​ and for me!​ So that you are successful​ ​ mother,​ ​You don’t need​ to be here for your husband​ ​We were with​ ​ God forbid you​ ​ junior brother, up to the hour and ​I sincerely, sincerely wish​ ​ a house, a salary, a life; children.​ ​ young comfort and​ In relationships -​ ​ days!​ ​Not to know repentance​ How hard it is -​ ​ I have now​ ​And lived, be the​ soul.​ ​I’ll say: happy day​To the sounds of the wedding march​ ​It’s difficult for me to feel warmth now.​ ​ not a layman, not​ you be healthy,​ ​ torment!​ lend your shoulder,​ ​ - sister!​ into the soul of many​ ​Your wonderful holiday has come,​ weddings, my dear​ You are entering in​ ​admit,​Happy wedding day​

​ sucker,​‏>

Happy wedding anniversary greetings are cool and funny

The wedding day is remembered with tenderness Lips merged to the sound of glasses In life, after all, everything consists of errors, But this time she hit the nail on the head!


Two young solitudes met, And half found fullness. I want to wish you bottomless happiness, I want to shout “bitterly”, because the anniversary has come!


Congratulations, Happy anniversary, dear, I know you bought a bouquet, For me, my beloved, You didn’t forget about the date, I know very precisely, But I didn’t buy flowers, It was urgent Day after day, after year, year after year Family life goes on. The anniversary suddenly happened and the reason appeared


Congratulations to you from the bottom of my heart. How good are you! You keep your love and take care of each other!


Happy anniversary, friends! It was not in vain that you got married, You became a close-knit family, You are a mountain after each other.


I wish you happiness, love, kindness, May there always be laughter in the house. Joy, fun, peace and a wonderful feast to you!


Let your union glorify the family, May it bring Heirs to God’s light that will decorate our lives, And let the joy of the sun rise in an instant!


Today is the wedding anniversary, And we wish you to know that the real reason for love is not the stamp in the passport, but fidelity, work and understanding, care, affection every day. Let the realization be established that you are a family now!


On the anniversary I promise, To carry my husband in my arms, I will no longer ask for a fur coat, I will take care of his nerves for myself, Let the moths be hungry, He is the very first man, I know the password for him Congratulations, beloved husband, Happy anniversary, dear, So that didn’t happen to us, Don’t forget your password!


Happy anniversary to you guys, Let the money flow, So that even after a century in the family You will be completely happy, And so that you can also lose your heads from love!


On account of family life One year has increased. We want to keep this account as long as possible.


Let love not be replaced by friendship and respect. Let the fire of passion burn, Give pleasure.


Let your heartfelt union only become stronger, After all, going through life together is more pleasant and easier.

Congratulations to sister on her wedding

​ successful and well-fed,​ Let her be loving​ ​Kiss her only​ Let her​ ​ be lasting for years,​ and not for nothing​ ​ brother!​ married life.​ ​What you were able​ let me congratulate you,​ ​So arrange in​ May your joint​ ​ spouse,​ be warm!​ ​ your new family!​ And all the adversity​ ​Congratulations to you​ ​Congratulations on the wedding of your brother​The ring on​ ​becomes a bride.​ you won’t get tired of it!​ ​And
​But the doors will grow a little,​ ​forget -​ ​Brother and I will be okay

​Now you are​Brother, now you​ ​You, little sister,​ are a super couple.​ ​ was,​ everything will be decided,​ ​ let them be open!​ And in the summer​ ​Visiting even​ with your personal life!​ ​ you grown up,​ ​married strong couple,​ ​treasure in any way!​And I want​

​So that there are always dreams​And the bride for​ ​Above the entrance I​ ​the colorful meadow​ ​occasionally be! came true, with his back standing, I’ll cut out the sun and Towards dad

​May a sweet tomorrow​ ​ of old days,​ ​ a year a year,​ (Name of the groom) and​ ​ “bachelor”.​ Congratulations!​ ​For the key to​ Prosperity, good luck to you,​ ​Together you are a team​ cross! let them run!​ there will be dawn...​ ​I forgot a long time ago!​The years flew by quickly,​

​ (Name of the bride).​ ​You have seriously decided​And I will say that​ ​a country of harmony​ of family warmth.​ ​and family,​Congratulations to your brother on the wedding​ ​Today my​well, in the meantime​ ​And your future ones​ You are the groom today​ ​You and​ will marry​ ​for you I managed to find you.​56​

​If there is anything, I will support​ Brother, congratulations on​ ​ brother!​ I’m... bitter! Bitter!​ children,​ ​ here.​ 9th grade, guys,​ And to start a family!​ ​ very glad!​ So that from the orange​ ​To the sounds of​ you march, I.​ Happy wedding day to you,​ ​He is now like​ I’m so little brother,​ ​Consider that I’m​ Dear brother, you​ ​Not everyone feels​ I congratulate you​ I wish you to live in​

​ life​ ​ Mendelssohn,​ 50​ ​Look how the​ sultan’s bride is rich:​ ​ I’m happy for you,​ I fell in love!​ ​ I congratulate,​ this is a given!​ ​You sealed it with your signature​ My youngest waved, yours is good,​ ​From money directly​Thank God, it is created​With the birth of a new one,​

​Happiness, joy, family​ ​(Name of the bride) in​ And let me remind you -​ ​ knowing!​ a slice.​ ​ your union,​ prankster,​ ​Love her tenderly,​ your pocket is bursting!​ new family.​ ​ great family !​ I wish you strong.​ ​ we will accept the family as an extra third. Be happy! With​ ​You will seal it with a kiss​God grant you​

​And now I​ ​ cherish and pamper,​ The champagne is already fizzing,​ ​You are so beautiful​ Bitter! Kiss, dear ones​ ​You love your wife​ are very happy,​ ​There will be any person,​ love, (senior, junior)​ ​This is a wedding “Bitter”.​ Huge, earthly happiness,​ ​ I’m at a holiday,​ Give her gifts​ ​And with impatience​ both, good,​ ​my!​ and respect,​ ​We are already​Who is stopping you, brother!​ ​To sister from sister​So that in the family​ ​The youngest gets married, grows up, and kisses more often,​

​waiting for an hour,​‏>

How to congratulate you on your 45th wedding anniversary - ideas for a sapphire anniversary


The main selection criterion is maximum attention to the celebrants themselves. What matters on such days is not so much the amount spent as the attention shown.


The main condition is that the gift does not look like it was bought in a hurry, so there must be beautiful paraphernalia: blue or gold paper, bows, ribbons, stickers, etc.


It’s okay if the family gives you hugs, kisses, something knitted, sewn, grown or prepared with your own hands.


The main thing is that the color symbolism is maintained, or there is a mention of the date that is celebrated during this.

Congratulations on the wedding to brother

​For you, my dear eldest​ ​And you have always fallen in love for a long time!​ ​ with your wife!​ Accept, little sister, these congratulations!​ ​God, what a​ abundance, comfort,​ ​ brother,​ Not so ​When the bride is​ ​happy from the bottom of her heart.​ brother!​ ​ prosper to everyone.​ (Name of the groom) will be​ ​Brother, congratulations from my sister​ How​ ​ this is sweet,​ coziness.​ ​I'm
and just be​ ​ the hall will come in!​ ​With the wedding, brother​ I’m so used to​ ​Today there is a turmoil with​ the kind and sensitive​ ​Accept you, bride, you are good!​ ​You changed your last name!​With the wedding, brother​ ​I’m glad to see you, my friend.​ I’m a good husband,​ ​Let him be joyful​ I want to congratulate you,​

​to be little and​ ​in the morning,​ ​a husband,​ a day so special.​Everything from you​ ​You, my youngest, congratulations,​May God be an​ ​exemplary father and​ your day,​Be worthy of a beauty​​ a fragile girl, because​ My brother is getting married,​ ​I can do it,​ After all,​ the wedding is​ today in admiration!

​that it’s always high time for you,​ ​as a sister, to confirm!​ the shadow is only from​ ​Let it be from joy​Not a girl -​ ​I wish you joy,​It will get better and​ ​But I believe everything​ ​not laziness​Respect her, love, protected me. For​ I told him​ ​We are from the early​ ​ mountains,​ your soul sings!​

​ husbands and wife! Congratulations, sister, with​ ​in a fairy tale there will be​ And a wife will​ ​ be on our​ ​ shoulder,​ ​Help in everything,​ I was like​ ​For a long, long time planning,​ ​we loved each other,​ will not be strict .​ ​wedding I am your​ husband,​

​wonderful and beautiful,​ the little ones will show,​ ​You are the best! To you​ May your firstborn be soon​ ​and like the apple​ behind a stone wall!​ ​With a single life​He will be able to have a family​Let the top await​ ​ I wish:​In the house macho​ ​So that they are a couple​So that they pass quickly​ ​I will hand over your gift ,​ was!​ ​ Take care of your eyes.​ Now yours are​

​ I was afraid to say goodbye.​ to protect you from problems!​ ​ Not mountains of gold​ are really needed!​ ​ you are the happiest.​ days. ​Happy wedding to you​ ​Sister and parents​And life is love and not silver,​ ​If necessary -​57​ ​From childhood we will be honey syrup,​

​ you tell: ​ Hurray! Let her not​ He become a master​ ​ wife, on them​ Fields of a fruitful family​ ​Bathe in the streams​ I wish you​ ​ endlessly and​ And will bring you a salary...​

​ and wonderful,​ ​ grew,​ along the paths of life,​ ​ thinks - marry​ strong, family warmth.​ ​ you will take care​ I wish,​ ​ love, warmth.​ loving -​ ​ edges!​ On your wedding day, dear​ ​For the joy of everyone​In happiness, joy,​ ​Let it be like in heaven.​ ​Carry your wife​ about the family, on​

​And let the weed​ Healthy and strong​ ​Let the troubles wind​ With love (older,​ ​ sister,​ a new family was born,​ ​ comfort and love,​ love and luck,​ ​he will take care of you​ for them you will give ​ discord to him, don’t give birth to children, ​ ​ they won’t make you old.​ younger) sister.​ I want you to be happy​ ​God grant that​ ​You learn to value your family,​ ​And it won’t arise​ even if he loves​ in​ your arms,​​ his future children!​ threatens,​ ​And let them be fulfilled​On your wedding day,​My dear sister,​ ​wish​ you all lived​ ​That's why I​ ​are in each other​ ​strongly,​He is devoted, honest​ ​May all​ live long lives and​ ​ your dreams.​ brother, accept the words,​

​You seem to have disappeared​‏>

SMS congratulations on the sapphire wedding of 45 years in verse

You have been together for exactly forty-five wonderful, bright years! And we want to wish you confident victories!


  • After all, there is a big life ahead. So let happiness await you, We wish you happiness along the way, Let there be no hassle!


Do you remember the time when they mutually said that yes, you are ready to be a husband, a wife - a happy and friendly family?!


It is typical for long marriages when husband and wife are similar. We look at you: this is true, As if you were the same blood!


Facial features, movements, gestures will easily tell you: you are family! Sapphire groom, bride, I cordially congratulate you!


My beloved wife, one and only! We have been with you for forty-five years, and I believe that we couldn’t be happier!


I love you with all my soul, You know that I am with you to the end. May all good things await us, May love and joy fly!


  • You’ve been with your wife for forty-five years. Happy, my dear friend. I wish you well, I congratulate you with all my heart. And I also want to say that you shouldn’t be discouraged! The second youth will come, life will be easy, I know!


45 wonderful years Your family hearth Gives everyone warmth and light Every moment!


Let the hearth burn stronger and not go out! On your wedding anniversary, I congratulate you!


They say that at forty-five everything blooms again! I want to wish you Never despair!


May you always be lucky in everything, May your memory never fail you, May good luck come to you, And may great love await you!


  • Love is a striped phenomenon: Warmth and impeccable intimacy are replaced by creepy quarrels and eternal disagreements in families!


But your couple is not banal: problems with feelings do not interfere! And everyone congratulates you on your sapphire anniversary today!

see also

  • Funny wedding congratulations to brother from sister
  • Congratulations to brother from sister
  • Happy 45th birthday greetings to brother from sister
  • Happy 40th birthday greetings to brother from sister
  • Happy birthday greetings to brother from sister
  • Congratulations on your wedding day to your sister in prose
  • Happy Birthday to Little Brother
  • Happy birthday greetings to your younger sister
  • Happy wedding day to sister
  • Happy birthday greetings to your younger sister
  • Congratulations to brother on his 65th birthday from his sister
  • Happy anniversary greetings to brother from sister
  • Congratulations to your younger sister
  • Congratulations to brother from sister
  • Brother congratulates sister at wedding
  • Congratulations to cousin on her wedding

What's the best way to congratulate your brother and his fiancée?

Probably every girl who has a brother has thought at least once in her life that he will have his own family, that he will get married, and their relationship will never be as carefree as before. It is for this reason that wedding congratulations from a sister to a dear brother are the most touching. All guests are pleased to observe the tenderness with which the sisters accept new members into the family.

To beautifully congratulate their brother on his wedding day, sisters often choose wishes written in their own hand. After all, they are the most sincere and very beautiful. By choosing banal prepared phrases, you can turn wedding congratulations from your sister into another dry wish. It may be no different from the phrases of other guests, who also borrowed standard congratulations from books or the Internet. Poetry or prose – it doesn’t matter at all, the main thing is sincerity.

Interesting childhood memories can be a good highlight of a wedding congratulations to an older or younger brother from a sister.

Original speech in your own words from your brother

Examples of congratulations from a brother:

  1. Dear brother. Congratulations on this significant day in your life. You are on the path to new achievements. From now on you have a family and you bear the proud name Husband. You are now responsible for your life and the fate of those close to you. I wish you not to leave the set course, to develop, to become more perfect and wiser.
  2. Brother, I wish you to achieve true happiness. And you are on your way to it. Your beautiful wife will help you with this. Let your family life develop and become only better and more perfect.
  3. A wedding day is an important and serious step for family life. Brother, I wish you that all the responsibility that has fallen on your shoulders brings only joy and happiness.

For parents: who is related to whom in the family?

After the wedding, the parents of the bride and groom should also know who is related to whom in their large newly formed family in order to understand how to address each other.

Who?By whom?
In RussianIn Belarusian
Daughter's husbandSon-in-lawson-in-law
Son's wifeDaughter-in-law (for husband's father), daughter-in-law (for husband's mother)Sister-in-law
Father of the bride/groomMatchmakerMatchmaker
Mother of the bride/groomMatchmakerMatchmaker

For the bride: names of future relatives

After the wedding, the newlywed has many new relatives, each of which has its own historical name. And to make it easier for you to remember who is related to whom, we have compiled a table with the names of the main members of the groom’s family according to their degree of relationship.

Who?By whom?
In RussianIn Belarusian
Spouse's motherMother in lawSvyakrov
Dad spouseFather-in-lawSvekar
Spouse's sisterSister-in-lawZalouka
Spouse's brotherbrother-in-lawDzever
Husband's brother's wifeDaughter-in-lawNyavestka (yastroўka)
Spouse's sister's husbandSon-in-lawZyatz (shvarga)

Advice: according to tradition, the bride must prepare gifts for her future relatives - the groom's family - that should be presented to them during the wedding banquet. If you want to please your beloved’s parents, then be sure to include the purchase of gifts in your wedding preparation plan.

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