Congratulations in your own words from a wedding witness

Words of congratulations from the witness in prose

Not a single wedding is complete without loud congratulations, warm wishes and kind words. One of the most memorable congratulations for newlyweds at a wedding should be the words spoken by the witness. After all, at this celebration she will receive almost as much attention as the bride herself. The witness's speech at the wedding will sound bright and inspired if you use our selection of the best congratulations on your wedding day.

This morning you woke up as a bride and groom, and in the evening you will fall asleep as husband and wife! Let me, as a witness, once again congratulate you on your wedding day and wish you to always love each other with all your soul and live in happiness and joy! Speak words of love to each other more often and keep the warmth of feelings in your hearts! I am sure that many joys await you ahead, you have to fulfill common dreams, experience many happy and difficult moments together - and in the end understand that on this happy day you took the best step in your life - a step towards happiness and love!

The secret of happiness is attention to each other. Happiness is made up of individual minutes, of small pleasures - from a kiss, a smile, a kind look, a heartfelt compliment and countless small but kind thoughts and sincere feelings. Love needs daily support so that it can make you truly happy. I wish you to always remember this, and may everything always be wonderful in your home. Take care of each other, try to understand and forgive, experience all the joys together and overcome difficulties together. May your union be strong and long, may your home be filled with children's laughter, comfort and warmth. Be always happy and healthy!

Our dears, may the love that united you burn brighter and brighter, may your life be happy, beautiful and joyful! I wish you extraordinary happiness, dizzying love, sky-high tenderness, complete mutual understanding. I wish to become two halves of one whole, to understand each other from half a word, and even from half a glance, to always surround each other with care and affection. And I, as a witness, propose to raise a glass to your wonderful present and to your no less happy and cloudless future!

Today, on your wedding day, you exchanged rings. There is an opinion that newlyweds should have three rings: the first ring is the engagement ring, which is worn at the engagement, the second is the wedding ring, which is worn at the wedding, and the third ring is the ring of patience. And if the first ring is purely symbolic, and the second can be removed at any time, then the third ring should remain with you for life. I wish you patience, understanding in your family life - and may everything work out successfully for you. Let all joys become common and multiply many times over! Hold on tightly to each other, protecting your family happiness. Advice and love to you!

I want to say that there is nothing more beautiful in the world than love between a man and a woman! Family is sometimes stronger than stone, stronger than the elements, wiser than wisdom. Take care of your family hearth, let your hearts beat in rhythm, and your eyes always look in the same direction. We wish your family prosperity, peace, understanding and cordiality. Let joyful children's laughter soon sound in your nest. We wish you a sea of ​​love, youth, joy and positivity!

Our dear young people, today is your day! How beautiful and happy you are now! Remember this sweet moment of love. May this state of love and tenderness always be with you. Let prosperity and abundance reign in your home, and soon children's laughter will ring out. Live together, appreciate and understand each other!

Our dear newlyweds! You have managed to become not just two halves, you are the very whole that is indestructible and indivisible. You are a wonderful couple, and it is a great honor for me to witness such a touching, romantic and emotional celebration of your love. Today you are creating your family, and I want to wish you harmony, understanding, mutual support and undying love. Become each other's support, protection and happiness. May you have one soul for two!

Dear bride and groom! Today you have become husband and wife and firmly united your destinies into one. You have become the closest people, and now you will overcome all joys and hardships shoulder to shoulder. I wish that no life difficulties or everyday trifles bring discord into your relationship, so that the joys of one person become a common joy for you! Let the thread with which you have connected your paths in life today not only never break, but grow stronger year after year, turning into a strong rope, and the rope into a family rope! Happiness to your home and the new family born in these minutes! Take care of each other, do not rush to reproach, try to understand and respect each other! Let children's laughter ring in your home soon! Be healthy, be happy!

Congratulations on your wedding day! This is truly a wonderful event – ​​your family’s birthday! Today, a family is a small newborn who has to go through the journey of life. And today you two, holding hands, are entering into a new life together. You have to take the first timid steps, which will become stronger and more confident every day if respect, wisdom, patience and love reign in the family. We wish your family long and happy years! We wish you to celebrate family anniversaries with children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren and lose track of the years! May you live happily ever after!

Our dear newlyweds, today you lit your star of hope and dreams. Let its bright light illuminate the entire long path of your life, let two rings be a talisman of happiness and prosperity. Keep tenderness, love and affection for many, many years. Protect holy love from all adversities, keep the right path in life, and do not let happiness slip away. May there be only joy in your life, may all your dreams come true. Let your hearts, warmed by love, beat in unison. Make sure that your marriage always bears only a sign of quality!

As a witness, I am glad to congratulate the newlyweds on this bright event. I wish you that all your dreams will someday become reality, that impossible tasks will seem like an example with one variable, and that the word love will become the key to prosperity and understanding in the home. I would like to wish that every time you start to quarrel with each other, you replace words with strong kisses, which would only strengthen the relationship. The most difficult thing in marriage is to maintain the thrill of first meetings and withstand the onslaught of everyday problems. I sincerely wish that your young family, despite its youth, can show how strong, indestructible and independent it is. With all my heart I wish you to experience the happiness of being parents, to always be in abundance and to enjoy every new day!

The beauty of immature love is that the shortcomings of the chosen one cause only joy and tenderness, and that everything he says seems infinitely smart and valuable. All feelings and emotions are like a volcano - explosive and beautiful. The beauty of ripening love is that you understand how much you want and will do for your loved one, and that your loved one is ready to do a lot for you. Like an avalanche, this deep, strong love increases with every action, recognition, and shared event. The beauty of a mature relationship is that the years lived together, solved problems and meaningful joys evoke deep devotion and respect for the person who has lived with you for so many years, spreading a warm wave through your soul just from the name of your loved one. You will experience all the delights and surprises of family life and all these stages, but remember - your chosen one does not change, only your attitude towards him changes, only the lenses through which you see him. Therefore, love him, and love him again, and together you will succeed!

Happiness is different for everyone, but the sages believe that true happiness is to find half of your soul, but not to hold it tightly, but to let it go so that it voluntarily agrees to stay with you. And I want to wish you: love and appreciate each other, treat your soul mate like a beautiful snowflake - admire, protect, but be afraid of offending or squeezing your palm too tightly. I believe that you will maintain your happiness, and there will always be a place for love, mutual understanding and affection in your family! Bitterly!

Marriage creates one life out of two. In it, two different people find the meaning and purpose of life, it doubles the strength of each, allows you to see new horizons, more acutely feel the aroma of flowers, the beauty of the earth and rediscover the secret of life. Take care of your family happiness as your most precious treasure. May your family always be based on the harmony of souls and hearts, tastes and characters created by nature, connected and sanctified by love. May children born in love be a true blessing for you. It is impossible not to say a few words about the parents of this delightful couple! It is to them that you (young people) owe your birth, the kind of people you have become. Remember - if they weren’t there, the person dearest to you wouldn’t be next to you now. Be grateful for that. Think about this when your mother-in-law reads morals, believing that these are wise advice, when your mother-in-law surrounds you with her care... Don’t forget your parents, appreciate them and their selfless endless love, take care of them and help!

Dear newlyweds! Today the bird called “family” has grown two wings and these wings are you. Its flight is just beginning, so fly carefully and always be together, because a bird with one wing cannot fly. Now you are not afraid of the rain, because you will cover each other. You are not afraid of the cold, because you will warm each other. There are two of you, but you are no longer alone, and you both have one life. So let this life be happy and long!

Love is the most wonderful feeling in human life. They say true love only grows stronger over time. And I want to wish you that your feelings will become even more tender, strong and strong over time. Always be attentive to each other, forgive weaknesses, be quick-witted and always treat a variety of situations with humor! Learn to be patient, listen and understand. Accept your loved one for who he is. Love each other, with love you will overcome all life's difficulties. Congratulations to you!

Today is your wedding, our dear newlyweds. Keep this solemn event in your hearts for the rest of your life. Having put the rings on each other, be able to preserve them until old age. I wish you good health, understanding and respect, great happiness, pure love like spring water. May all bad weather pass you by, and life flow like a river of honey. Let peace and love reign in your family, let your feelings be sincere and pure. May every day of your life together bring you only pleasant moments. Save holy love and keep it from adversity. Just follow the right path in life, and don’t let your happiness slip away!

Life is an endless rush and bustle, sometimes diluted with stupid grievances and disputes, it is an alternation of clear and gloomy days, black and white stripes. And what exactly will prevail in your family depends solely on you, on your ability to love and forgive, endure and encourage, seek compromises and make concessions. Let love, health, joy, kindness be the basis of your young family. Happy wedding!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your wedding day. So you have joined the ranks of family people, and I, as a witness, am sincerely glad about this! From now on there are no longer two halves, you are one whole. I would like to wish that the torch of love you lit never goes out! With all my heart I wish you to carry these tender, strong feelings throughout your life. May your hearts beat in unison, may all your cherished dreams come true, may children be born to your joy. Live in peace and harmony as a happy, friendly family, love each other. Let love give you only inspiration, and every day bring joy, and there will be no barriers to happiness. All the best to you, peaceful skies, bright and mutual love. Let comfort and prosperity reign in your home and let reliable friends and welcome guests visit it. Always be faithful to each other, take care of love like the apple of your eye. May your life be long - long and the happiest. God bless you!

Original wishes

If you want to distinguish yourself at a celebration, you need to think over a speech that will not be repeated.

An original toast will surprise guests at the event.

  1. The state of falling in love is a happy time, it is replaced by love and mutual respect. Love is an interesting thing, it should always be supported. This is a fire that, if not properly cared for, can simply go out. The task of the young is to find common interests, start a common business, a child, a family, so that love always burns with a bright fire.
  2. Cupid is a symbol of love, born from a mixture of passion, tenderness and chaos. I would like to wish the spouses to find their Cupid and keep him for as long as possible.
  3. Let's raise our glasses to the man who became the main hero of this day. Of course, this is our groom. I would like to tell him one important piece of wisdom. Every evening and morning you need to kiss your wife. Thanks to this, men live longer by as much as 15 years.

Congratulations to the witness at the wedding - video

A wedding day is a bright and joyful celebration of love, in which the closest and dearest people take part, a holiday on which a new family and a new life are born. If you have been entrusted with the responsible role of a witness at a wedding, then you are the bride’s closest friend. Don’t hold back your emotions, because the best congratulations are those that come from the depths of your soul. Don’t be afraid to publicly make a congratulatory speech, and let your congratulations at the wedding become the brightest and most memorable of all the words spoken for the happy couple!

How to congratulate the groom?

Congratulations prepared especially for the groom from a witness can be comic in nature. Men very often make fun of each other, and are not offended at all.

  1. That's it, my friend. Now you have become a husband. And that's it, goodbye to the party, Fun, revelry and noisy crowd. Now my friend, You are someone’s betrothed, This is not a sentence, don’t be afraid, yes. From now on you are a happy man, You have a beautiful wife next to you. Well, what about fishing now? Suddenly you ask me. All fishing was canceled and hunting too. So, my other dear, Farewell, farewell, we will tell you. Now you're under the thumb.
  1. Previously, about twenty years ago, we were completely dependent on our mothers. And it seems that we have grown up, But we are still under the thumb of the ladies. Now the princess and the queen rule over you, And among the people they call her wife. It depends on her will with what face you will come to visit us here. Well then, my friend. I will congratulate you. You forged your own shackles.

What to wish your best friend on her wedding day?

Very often, a close friend becomes a real hiding place for the bride. They trust each other with secrets and share their deepest secrets. It is from among her friends that the bride decides who will become a witness. She becomes the girl closest in spirit.

Congratulations in verse to tears

One of the most difficult options for a congratulatory speech, since everyone wants and demands originality. If you don’t know how to write at least primitive poems, then it’s better not to take on this option at all. Although the poetic form is much more melodic and interesting in terms of acting out.

If you wish, you can write a simple poetic form and add background music or photographs to it.

This method looks very organic and is liked by absolutely everyone present.

“My dear friend, today you are already a wife. I remember how we are with each other. They taught everything in full.

We played hide and seek with you, ran around every day. And once upon a time we dreamed with you. Become more mature and wiser.

Years, days, months and years flew by unnoticed. And you are my friend... Andreev’s wife became.

This day is wonderful and bright. It is filled with star rays. May your life be like in a fairy tale. Glows in different colors.

I will always be by your side, remembering and being sad about how long ago we played with you, catch-up, hide-and-seek and everything.”

This lyrical work will touch absolutely any bride. If you wish, you can replace the two names with those that suit your friends.

Wishes for newlyweds in prose

Prose is a much simpler genre. Although, you must be able to choose the right words. It’s not enough to just say the banal congratulations and wish you happiness. It is necessary to compose a speech that will touch the soul and reach the very heart.

“Today not only the newlyweds are happy, but also all the guests present. They had a chance to witness a unique event. Two lovers united their hearts forever and solidified their union. This is very touching and exciting. Guys, we wish you all to never give up and walk with each other like this throughout your entire life. Let only love illuminate your path. Then everything in life will definitely work out.”

“Our beloved newlyweds, I want to wish you more children. But the question is where to get them. Since childhood, we have been told only 3 ways. You have the opportunity to meet a stork, find a baby in a cabbage, or buy one in a store. Neither method is suitable these days. Where can you find a stork in the city? But store-bought cabbage is full of chemicals. Well, the stores sell anything, but not children. In this regard, I would like to wish you to discover the fourth method, and then share your joy with us.”

What memories will make the witness's speech sincere?

To make your speech bright, you can talk about three different periods of the groom’s life related to his attitude towards the female sex.
Congratulations on the wedding from a witness in your own words may look like this:

For example:

  • start with a childish act
    that speaks of his boyish gallantry: “Once, when we were still in kindergarten, one girl hit him on the head with a book. And he began to cry. I tell him: “Give her back!” And he answered me: “I can’t. She's a girl!
  • go to memories from school life
    : “And when we were already at school, all the girls knew that he was always ready to help and they shamelessly took advantage of it. I was even angry with him for this: “Why don’t you send them away with their endless requests?!” And he answered me: “My upbringing doesn’t allow me”;
  • recall one of the events of recent years
    : “Just recently a similar story happened. It's my mom's birthday. And then he collapses. With flowers! Remembers my mother’s birthday!”
  • combine all three events with the conclusion
    : “And such a noble attitude towards women remains in him to this day. So let your union be a union of male nobility and female devotion!”

It will be very consonant if you agree with the witness so that she prepares similar memories of the bride. By the way, it’s okay if the groom and the witness haven’t known each other for very long. You can borrow memories from the groom's parents

, explaining your idea to them, or, as a last resort, come up with it yourself.

Another option is to retell how the groom shared his impressions of his future bride:

  • as soon as they met;
  • after the first date;
  • before proposing marriage.

The greater the difference between the periods of life in the memories, the brighter and more fun they will be.

What not to do?

  • There is no need to test the patience of guests by reading congratulations from a piece of paper for a long time.
  • There is no need to talk at length about family and marriage, or teach how to live. Coming from the mouth of a young unmarried girl, this sounds inappropriate.
  • When making a toast, there is no need to be embarrassed, hesitate or stutter.
  • There is no need for clumsy poems (even if they are your own) with banal rhymes and ridiculous content. For example:

Pour me champagne - wine,

To keep the family strong...

Let's drink together to the young people,

So that they race through life on a couple of bays...

Today you united your beautiful hearts,

So stay with love until the very end!

With such verses you will demonstrate poor taste and your own lack of literacy.

  • No need for sexual hints and greasy jokes: you are a friend of a chaste bride!
  • When making a toast, you should not play a role; It is advisable to remain sincere and natural.

What can you say when giving a gift?

Not the most necessary, of course, but a very interesting gift - a wall map in a wooden frame

, where you can stick colored flags with symbols like:

  • places we have already visited;
  • the purpose of our next journey;
  • our dream place.

It is interesting to add flags to indicate a variety of places, taking into account the travel of the newlyweds

: where they studied, where they went on business trips, where their friends live.

Such a gift gives enormous scope for imagination, and congratulations should be associated with words such as:

  • journey,
  • roads,
  • homecoming,
  • satellites.

Maybe these congratulations will give you new, brighter and more original ideas:

  • “This is a map of the journey through life that begins today and will last throughout your long life”;
  • “The whole world is open to you, and you are open to the world. Let peace settle in your hearts, and you give him a new family”;
  • “No matter how far the paths take you, always walk along them together. And may your home always be a place where you want to return.”


Dear newlyweds!

Please accept my congratulations on your family’s birthday! After all, I am a witness at your wedding! I guarantee the bride's virtue,

Her tenderness, kindness, patience, Here is the bride - a sight for sore eyes for everyone! Our handsome groom matches her, I know - there will be happiness for two!

It was not for nothing that I signed today for the well-being and happiness of the couple. For comfort in the family both in the heat and in the cold, For the financial wealth of the husband.

For the unfading beauty of the bride, So that we can live easily and long together. May you work together all day and go to sleep in strong arms.

May the morning dawn caress you, May it be sweet to you! And today - Bitter!

As a witness to a beautiful wedding, I wish you good luck and patience, And many bright and clear days, And hot love, without a doubt!

Today I admire the wedding, And I want to whisper a secret to the bride, What about a husband, I could only dream of such a man, There is no better couple in the whole world!

I hand over to you This is the main document in the world, I leave my signature there, This means that I am responsible for you!

For the wife who loves and respects her husband, And for the husband who takes care of the family hearth, Let love burn and not fade away, Just let it not burn with fire!

Dear husband! Dear wife! Happy wedding day, dear ones, I congratulate you, Respect, appreciate, love each other! I wish you family happiness!

I also wish you a path without obstacles, Healthy children, reliable friends, Let your heart burn, let your eyes sparkle, Let there be no lower pair in the world!

I also wish that from now on I will always remain your friend forever. I am now a witness of how two people became wife and husband.

And I confess to you sincerely, honestly - your love is like a fairy tale! I have never seen a more beautiful wedding! Live in love, respect, affection!

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