Original and beautiful congratulations to the groom on his wedding

On the wedding day, the newlyweds receive congratulations from both parents and guests.
The main thing is that the wishes are sincere and beautiful, and the form in which they will be said (in poetry or prose) is not so important. It is not necessary for the congratulatory speech to be long and consisting of moral teachings - it is unlikely that such wishes will impress the newlyweds.

It is better to formulate short and succinct wishes that will remain in the memory of the newlyweds and everyone present at the wedding for a long time.

Beautiful congratulations to the groom in your own words on the wedding in prose

Dear newlyweds, beloved son! On this solemn wedding day, we bless you and your young wife for a strong family, a happy life together, and endless love. Love and take care of each other, protect your home and always meet each other halfway. And give us strong and healthy grandchildren. May you live happily ever after!

Dear groom! I'm glad that you found your soulmate - the charming, sweet and kind girl of your dreams. Take care of her and always support her. Be with her in health and sickness, in joy and in sorrow. Remember that you are one whole, which means that only together you can reach the top! A strong family, true love, a son-heir, happiness and health!

Dear groom, congratulations on your wedding day. We wish you to be happy not only on this fateful day, but throughout your entire life together. Keep the fire of love bright, take care of each other’s peace and don’t waste your feelings on everyday trifles and stupid problems. Let your life together be easy and pleasant, not cloying, but sweet, interesting and varied, like spring, blooming and beautiful!

Dear groom! On this magical and solemn day, I would like to wish you wisdom, patience, fortitude and perseverance in achieving your goals. Share everything with your wife in half, take care of your feelings, go together to victories and achievements! Long and happy years to the newborn family! Bitterly!

Dear newlyweds! Congratulations on your great holiday and fateful day. This handsome and stately groom is my friend whom I have known for a thousand years. I can't tell you how happy I am today for him and his beautiful bride. I’ll say frankly that even though the groom is a close person to me, he is still a “gift”. Therefore, I wish young people to always find the strength and desire to make compromises in family life. Understand each other, take care and live happily. Long and bright years of life together! Bitterly!

Dear groom! I want to congratulate you on the fact that you are a real lucky man, because you got a real beauty and smart woman as your wife. I wish you to always reliably protect your soulmate from all problems and adversity. Let your family union become an example of ideal relationships for many years to come! Love and respect each other! Bitterly!

Parting words to the groom before the ransom from his father and mother

The parents of the groom, as well as the bride, say words of blessing and parting words several times . The very first time this happens is when young people announce their intention to start a family - on the day of their engagement. And right before the wedding - even before the son leaves the house to go after his future wife.


Just as faith is strong and indestructible, and mead is sweet, in the same way let the family of (the son’s name) with (the name of his bride) be indestructible by any adversity, strong in faith in each other, sweet in their love. Let them be inseparable, starting right from this day and this minute - only together, so that not a moment apart from each other! Amen.

Parting words

  • Son! We wish you to create a happy, strong family. Take care of your future wife, love her devotedly. May your relationship be built on honesty, mutual understanding and the love that is shining now in your eyes. Be happy!
  • Beloved son! We bless you for creating your family. May God protect her from all misfortunes, from storms and evil. Be faithful, love your wife. Protect her with a strong shoulder from the difficulties of this world, let her receive help from you in all matters. May there be harmony and love, devotion and faith between you for happiness for yourself and joy for other people. Peace, peace and endless happiness to you!
  • (Groom's name), son! All earthly blessings and peace to you! Let your home be a full cup and let love and mutual understanding always reign there. Having harmony in the family helps preserve love for a long, long life. We wish you healthy and strong children, so that they grow up and make you and your wife happy and help you. We wish that the sun shines brightly for your family and that the clouds do not roll into the sky. May God protect you and everything that is dear to you, and you, in turn, respect and take care of your wife. Be always happy!

In the next video you will find two examples of blessings from the parents of the bride and groom before the wedding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9Xhe0oQ9KU

Seeing off the bride from home to the registry office

They begin to gather the bride at night. Before going to bed, the mother can comb her hair and braid it as a symbol of purity and purity. The wedding outfit should also be prepared in the evening, so that in the morning mother, grandmother, sisters and friends can take part in getting ready without wasting time looking for things and accessories.

The ritual of blessing the bride itself is practically no different from seeing off the groom, except that the icon should be with the image of the Most Holy Theotokos. The father and mother also walk their daughter in a circle around the table three times and say parting words.

Seeing off the bride from home to the registry office

Cool wishes texts

It’s not enough to just figure out how to congratulate the groom on his wedding day; you also need to prepare a wedding wish for the groom. Its text may be humorous. This format is especially loved by young people.

  1. A great day - a wedding day. Each of us will remember him. Let's fill the glasses with what? The Reds, of course, aren’t they? And let his eyes become clouded, Your and ours’ speech will become slurred. But we will have time to wish you, That your love will intoxicate you all, Just like wine at this hour.

  1. We will congratulate you on your wedding and leave our instructions to you. You live strong, together, don’t quarrel just like that. May there be many of you in life, May the Ivanov family become simply classy. Don’t forget about patience, And you always love to Speak to each other Warm and sincere words.

  1. Young people, I cordially congratulate you and ask only one thing. Don't forget to call me again in 100 years. Then you and I will remember. Your wedding, as it is now, Well, tell me how you lived all these years, Surely it will be just class.

What to consider when making a confession

Preparation and reading are two important points. The following points should be taken into account:

• excitement can get the better of you, so it’s better to write down all the words on a piece of paper or a beautifully designed postcard so that you can peep if necessary; • you need to rehearse several times, paying attention to your voice, gait and posture; • sincerity is above all; • in the hall there will be not only a lover who can forgive all sins, but also many guests, so the confession should be thought out to the smallest detail; • the presentation should not be delayed too much.

Composing a confession to the groom and delivering it at the wedding is not very difficult, but you need to put your soul into it and think it through in advance. Tips and tricks will help you do this. You should not completely copy it from the site, even if you don’t have the time or talent, it would be best to take one of them as a basis, but add individuality, because you certainly have accumulated kind words that you would like to say to your loved one.

What should you say when blessing your daughter with an icon?

Blessing a daughter before marriage is an old tradition .

It is believed that parting words from parents will protect the young family from unnecessary adversity, strengthen the union and help with the addition to the family. Despite the fact that this tradition is quite ancient, most modern couples adhere to it.

After all, no one else but parents can give practical advice and share the wisdom of family life.

Many years ago, weddings without the blessing of parents were considered doomed and, to some extent, forbidden.

But even now, marriage without parental approval brings with it many difficulties.

Supporting your own daughter on her wedding day, who seemed like just yesterday was running to school in pigtails with a ribbon, was a very touching moment. Parents find it difficult to restrain their trembling voices, and their daughters find it difficult to hold back tears. The spoken words will be remembered for a lifetime and will be passed on to your grandchildren.

According to the rule, the blessing of the daughter took place twice . The first time was during matchmaking. The parents met the groom and, if the outcome of the matchmaking was positive, they gave the go-ahead for the further ceremony. The main attribute of the ceremony was a loaf of bread and a hand- painted towel. Their presence symbolized the consent of the bride's parents to the wedding.

The second blessing was given before the wedding celebration itself. The ceremony consisted of instructing the daughter on her future family life. Both the bride and groom were blessed with icons.

There is no clear scenario for blessing in the modern way of life. As a rule, the words of the father and mother of the bride should come from the heart. What to say when blessing?

  1. They start with the main wish for peace and mutual understanding in a young family; it was said that husband and wife are one whole. In their speech, parents wish love, kindness, healthy children.
  2. Based on their life experience, parents instruct the bride how she should behave with her husband and his parents. They instruct you to be modest, to listen to your husband, to listen to your mother-in-law.
  3. Parents gave advice on how to survive difficulties and stay together no matter what.
  4. A prayer is read.

By giving their consent to the union of the newlyweds, the bride’s parents not only approve of their daughter’s choice of husband, but also undertake thereby to help and support the new family in the future. Support in difficult times and also share all the joys with children.

The blessing ceremony, as a rule, should take place on the day of the wedding or wedding at home, when the girl spends her last hours in her parents' house being unmarried. It will be better if the parents say the main words alone with their daughter, and more general wishes - when filming, in order to preserve this wonderful moment for a long memory.

The blessing ritual before marriage is familiar to many peoples. Each of them had and now has its own special features of its implementation. It is typical for Christians to perform a ritual with an icon. Ideally, it would be good if the icon is an old family heirloom that is passed down from generation to generation.

The icon of the Kazan Mother of God has long been considered the patron saint of the family and was given as a gift from the bride. The parents blessed their daughter in the “red corner” of the house where the relic was kept. The girl faces the icon and her parents. It is necessary to cross the bride with the icon three times and let her kiss. After this, the icon was given to a young couple, where it protected the family hearth in a new home.

Looking at this feature of the ritual with a modern look, believers still should not abandon it. It is believed that blessing with an icon will be an excellent start to a happy family life. If there is no icon in the bride’s family, then it’s okay. You can simply buy it in advance and also give it to the newlyweds before the celebration.

Other donated items and family values, like the icon, are one of the symbols of the daughter’s blessing ceremony. A memorable gift will be jewelry belonging to the mother of the bride: a ring, earrings or necklace. But the so-called “dowry,” ranging from kitchen utensils to a valuable property gift, can also serve the same role.

Parting words from the older generation to the young at the most important moments in life play a significant role. To some extent, they are also a talisman and determine one’s future fate. This needs to be taken seriously. It was not for nothing that our ancestors honored the ritual of blessing, seeing in it a special magical power.

Some useful tips for parents and daughters before the blessing ceremony:

  1. Parents need to take care in advance of purchasing the appropriate paraphernalia: icons, towels. Ready-made kits can be purchased at the church.
  2. The speech for the ritual can be either in free form or in poetry. If you wish, you can read a prayer for the blessing of your child.
  3. It is better to bless your daughter at home and before the registry office. After the wedding, parents can already turn to the groom with instructions.
  4. Nothing more is required from the daughter and bride herself except obedient silence.

Declaring your love to the groom using a song

Such a declaration of love to the groom at a wedding, like a song, has recently become a real highlight, but gradually it is becoming a tradition when celebrating the occasion. Previously, according to custom, song compositions were performed at a wedding only by friends of the bride and groom. They were heard from the bridesmaids during the period of helping the hero of the occasion get dressed, comb her hair and put on makeup, as well as during the ransom ceremony. A declaration of love to the groom at a wedding in the form of a song from the bride is a touching and sweet moment. This adds originality and uniqueness to the celebration, as well as sophistication and warmth. For every girl, a wedding celebration is a dream and the moment when she considers herself a “prom queen.” A beautiful song dedicated to her husband is an excellent way to prove the bride’s feelings. In her composition she glorifies eternal and true love.

The bride can compose a song herself or order it from professionals, and choose the most suitable text. Often talented girls come up with poems and compare them with music. The main thing is that the confession to a loved one and dear person sounds touching, sincere and romantic.

Some brave ladies formalize their confession in the form of ditties, but this form is used very rarely. Basically, it is for people with an excellent sense of humor, courage and character traits. For originality, you can mix two stylistic trends such as ditties and rap.

What to write

You don’t need to immediately dive into the Internet. You don't want the groom to read another woman's romantic story.

To begin with, listen to your heart, there probably are the most beautiful and warm words that your lover deserves.

Can you tell us a little about how you met? Bring a little magic into your story, let it create the feeling that the relationship between you is not an easy one, but a real fairy-tale story.

For example: “One day a defenseless fairy was walking through the park, her attention was immediately attracted by the Little Prince, who clearly lacked order on his planet. She flew up and offered her help, extending her hand. He agreed instantly, and so our fairy tale began!” Recognition can be absolutely anything; there are no rules. You are free to choose the form and the content itself. They talk about love in different ways, and a poetic form is not excluded.

Think about all the positive aspects of your boyfriend. Tell him about his merits at the wedding; if you joke well, then use this gift by composing a declaration of love. Talk about feelings, be sure to wish your future family understanding and patience. Promise to support your husband and prepare delicious lunches and dinners. In fact, you are allowed to write about anything that shows warmth.

Toast to brother for wedding

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