Beautiful and funny congratulations on your 22nd wedding anniversary (Bronze wedding) from husband, wife, parents


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The 22nd wedding anniversary, although not a round date, still requires attention. After all, every year the value of relationships only grows. Choose from us the freshest and most not trivial congratulations on this wonderful date. We have poems and SMS, prose and statuses for social networks, as well as much more that will make the holiday simply unforgettable. Remember one of the main things is attention.

To husband from wife


Bronze is difficult to process, It was not easy for us to build a marriage, husband!.. But today, on our anniversary, it remains for us to give up on difficulties with you! Twenty-two is a big date for family ties. The years rushed by, but the love was strong! How right I was when I said “yes” once... And with a ring on my right hand!


Congratulations to you, my beloved husband, Happy anniversary of our Bronze! And I wish that we would never experience cold or blizzards, Let our home be a full cup! Congratulations are flying from family and friends, We greet them all at the table! We are now celebrating the fact that we got married twenty years and two years ago!


Our marriage union is strong as bronze, Today is our anniversary! Twenty-two is the lifespan of a bond with the most beloved man! There will still be many years ahead to enjoy family life! May God grant us plenty of love without troubles!


A bronze monument to our marriage. We have been erecting it for twenty-two years! Let's approach this very important event! Congratulations to each other! My beloved husband, we have gone through a lot: The house has been built, the tree has been planted, The children are already going their own way!.. Our whole life is decorated with joy!


The bronze anniversary is an important event for you and me, beloved! For 22 years we have been trying to make each other’s lives bright, sweet, rich and happy! And, in my opinion, we are doing great! Just like on our wedding day, I want to say again: my dear, I love you! And until I am very old, I will love you only stronger and hotter every year! Happy holiday to us!

To the wife from her husband


I have only one love - it’s you, my wife! Through the years we have passed, Our feelings have carried with us! Weddings Bronze fireworks are heard here and there! I congratulate you on this, my dear!


Happy 22nd anniversary, I congratulate you, wife! You and I will dance on Zolotaya, and let the pigeons fly into the sky! Rings on the fingers are not shackles at all, they are a symbol of our eternal love! In my feelings you confess again On a holiday, dear, catch!


The hardness of bronze has been embodied in our marriage, Anniversary - 22! And on this date My heart began to beat stronger with love! How great it is that we have been married for so many years!.. I am immensely grateful to you, wife, for the hearth that warms my soul with tenderness! Without you, I would have frozen long ago, probably... How happy I am that I am always loved and needed!


The wedding is dressed in bronze, We are 22 today! I remember you in a White dress... My head is spinning!.. The registry office, the veil, and the cries of “Bitter!”... You are beautiful, as always! We had to go through so much in these marriage years!.. There are a lot of troubles behind us, There are plenty more ahead! But the family has only become stronger, love burns so hotly!


My congratulations today will be in prose, although our life together is more like a song! My dear wife, for 22 years you remain for me the most beautiful and desirable woman in the world! The bronze anniversary is another confirmation that a modern marriage can be strong and durable! And I hope that it will be eternal! I love you, dear, and congratulate you on such an important event for our family - Happy Wedding Day!

Cool congratulations for spouses on their 22nd wedding day

The bride is smiling, the groom is smiling, No one knows for how many years, He has stuck to her with love!

May you always be close from love and from all the best, interesting events for you, may you only be in harmony!

Many years have passed and many events have happened, But do not lose the light that is in the heart from many hidden.

Love your spouses, because in a difficult moment in life Only the one who extends his hand will turn out to be the best friend.

Live well and happily, May everything be beautiful for you! It doesn’t matter how many good years you have kept your marriage from troubles!

Have fun, dear people, you have come to the anniversary! Let your heart cry today From love, which is very strong!

Today there are a lot of delicious treats at the festive and wedding table, today people have gathered sincerely, everyone is having fun, praising you all around!

Today there are many very pleasant words, They are only in your honor and only for you, Let the fatigue of the past years go away, Let your feeling please the eyes of passers-by!

May you have beautiful grandchildren, May joy fill all the cups in your hands, May your lips not taste the salt of separation, May your marriage not be touched by doubts or fear!

Your love is like pure water, It flows through you as if it were blood, We wish you never to know another feeling in the future, Let your heart not yearn and not be empty in it!

From parents


Our children, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts! Twenty-two - the numbers look like swans, We wish you to be faithful like these birds! Love has its own secrets and codes, two loving hearts can solve them! In order to always live in harmony in your marriage, you need to open the door to your soul more often! A stamp on the heart, not just on paper!..


Today, daughter, we will rejoice with you, After all, the anniversary date is a Bronze wedding! You proved your love not with words, but with the longevity of your family! Who could have said on the day you put the ring on your finger, That this marriage would last twenty-two years! And let your happiness know no bounds, And let the light of joy flow from your eyes!


The joyful day of the bronze wedding has arrived on the calendar! The next step in life Since, son, you entered into a strong family marriage union! We congratulate you! There is nothing dearer in the world than those bonds that you concluded in love! Now your sons and your wife are building family nests... Let the big family be friendly, There will be prosperity, comfort!


They say that there is no metal more valuable than gold! But today, for you children, bronze is much more valuable! After all, it is a symbol of the anniversary of your family life! You lived 22 years in love and happiness, tried to be persistent in the face of life’s ups and downs, always supported each other, raised children, and did not forget us old people! It is the warmth of your soul that brings you so close that no envious people or external circumstances can break your strong bronze union! Congratulations, dear ones, on your 22nd wedding anniversary!

Bronze wedding. How to congratulate in prose?

Happy Bronze Wedding to you! Today you have been together for twenty-two years! A beautiful date, two deuces, which symbolize how strong and reliable the connection between you is. You could say that bronze is not gold yet, but it is a great holiday to celebrate your love! Bitterly!

Bronze wedding! This is a reason to congratulate you and wish from the bottom of my heart never to be separated, never to get sick, and never to quarrel over trifles. Having walked such a long path hand in hand, you were able not only to preserve, but also to strengthen your feelings. So may God protect your family for at least as many more years from all adversity!

Today is a wonderful holiday, a strong family has a wedding anniversary! For 22 years now, you have treated each other with reverence and care! I wish you that in the future, the ties that bind you will become ever stronger. Now the foundation and support of mutual love shines like bronze! I wish you happiness, prosperity, trust, sincerity, love, new sensations and pleasures!

Bronze is a strong foundation for your family. We wish you the path to your golden wedding! Let mutual understanding and support become your helpers! Breathe each other and enjoy every day together!

Congratulations to a wonderful, harmonious married couple on reaching the milestone of 22 years! Your union is an example for young families, an example of relationships in which love and trust, respect and the ability to listen to your partner reign. We wish you to go through the entire path of life hand in hand, maintain the warmth of communication and the joy of meetings!

Our dear friends! Today you have reached your first precious metal - bronze. We proudly congratulate you on this date and wish you to celebrate another “precious anniversary” together! You are very nice, always generous and friendly, you raised obedient children, and achieved success in your work. May good luck accompany you in any business or endeavor! Never be sad, never give up!

Bronze Wedding Anniversary is close in quality to fine wine. The older you are, the richer and brighter the bouquet. Let the exquisite taste of aged wine accompany your anniversaries!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your bronze wedding and on your wonderful 22nd anniversary of family life! I wish that the number 22 becomes a symbol of you, as two faithful swans who sincerely love each other! I wish you many more joyful achievements and happy events, great victories and good luck together!

We wish that happiness continues forever, love does not fade, and bronze gradually turns into gold, which is stronger than anything! So that your feelings remain fiery, as on the first day, and emotions that take your breath away fill your hearts!

Maintaining your love from year to year is not an easy task! But you have been able to do this easily for 22 years, so never stop. Let every day be filled with a festive atmosphere and joy! The main thing is that your love lasts forever!

22 years of marriage is a colossal effort and a truly amazing success! We wish your marriage to be saturated with love and tenderness every day. Let the number 22 become a symbol of swan fidelity for you!

Congratulations on your 22nd anniversary, on your bronze wedding! Let the geese-swans bring only happiness, health, understanding, prosperity and love to your home! May your bonds remain as strong and stable as the symbol of your anniversary - bronze. Live with an open soul and a loving heart for each other!

Dear spouses! Today is exactly the 22nd year in a row that you are celebrating your love. Your feelings are strong and indestructible, they have incredible power. We wish you good “Siberian” health for many years, so that you can see the weddings of your children and grandchildren, celebrate your silver and golden wedding anniversaries! Be tolerant, be strong, be beautiful and gentle with each other!

To go through such a long stage of life hand in hand is a huge achievement! Sometimes, in the course of everyday life, we forget that happiness sometimes lies in the little things. May you be covered with a wave of happiness every minute, and may your love multiply every year!

22 years is a long time! And yet, there is room for improvement. May your golden eyes still sparkle with happiness on the way to the wedding! Goodness, light and prosperity to your strong family!

Darling! I want to congratulate you on our bronze wedding anniversary! Thank you for the tremendous support you gave me during this time and for inspiring me to this day. Over all these years, you have not given me a single reason to doubt your devotion, and for this I respect you very much as a person, a woman, a mother and a faithful friend in life!

Beloved wife! What a pride to call you that way! You are everything I need for life, because you have the most necessary qualities: thriftiness, tenderness, caring, the desire to help and support. I always happily run home to where you and our children are, I always miss you and think about you!

My congratulations today will be in prose, although our life together is more like a song! My dear wife, for 22 years you remain for me the most beautiful and desirable woman in the world! The bronze anniversary is another confirmation that a modern marriage can be strong and durable! And I hope that it will be eternal! I love you, dear, and congratulate you on such an important event for our family - Happy Wedding Day!

The bronze anniversary is an important event for you and me, beloved! For 22 years we have been trying to make each other’s lives bright, sweet, rich and happy! And, in my opinion, we are doing great! Just like on our wedding day, I want to say again: my dear, I love you! And until I am very old, I will love you only stronger and hotter every year! Happy holiday to us!

I love you because you are mine and always, every minute of your life, did not allow me to forget about it: you gave gifts and tender words, you were there in difficult times and shared joys. You are my best friend, you are my companion in all matters and thoughts. I want to live with you in perfect harmony for many more years of our married life!

My dear husband! You opened the world for me, like a new Universe! Thank you for your endless care, for your enormous knightly patience and the nobility with which you proudly call yourself “dad.” I am sure that our children are proud of you and try to look up to you, just as I do!

Dear Parents! Today I would like to confess to you my endless love and that we look up to your couple. You are always cheerful, always give positivity and wise life advice, and are not afraid to be real and tell the truth. For us, you are the best parents that God could give us. We hope that for many years to come you will be able to inspire us with your deeds, words, actions and tenderness so that we delight you with grandchildren, good events and family holidays!

They say that there is no metal more valuable than gold! But today, for you children, bronze is much more valuable! After all, it is a symbol of the anniversary of your family life! You lived 22 years in love and happiness, tried to be persistent in the face of life’s ups and downs, always supported each other, raised children, and did not forget us old people! It is the warmth of your soul that brings you so close that no envious people or external circumstances can break your strong bronze union! Congratulations, dear ones, on your 22nd wedding anniversary!

From friends


You, sister, hold on tight to your happiness, 22 is the age of the family! Living together for so many years is a rarity today. Take care of your relationship! Your anniversary is called Bronze. Stay together, dear lovebirds! May your dreams come true, never take the rings off your hands!


Relationships are cast in bronze, Two deuces - a wedding procession! Your marriage is worthy of admiration, Another milestone has been passed! Friend, I wish you and your husband to continue to amaze everyone! Congratulations on your anniversary, the holiday has come to the house again!


The white dress, the sound of crystal, Twenty years and two years flew by!.. And I became a witness, How, friends, on this day you got married! And just like in times past, you remained desirable to each other. There is not a thread between you, but a string! Be happy beyond words!


You, friends, can be envied: Having lived in marriage for 22 years, It is impossible to love each other like that! The husband’s gaze is so eloquent, And the wife is all shining with happiness! Weddings The Bronze holiday has arrived! Let your union not know bad weather, 22 is just the beginning!


Your family was born Twenty-two years ago! You kissed to your heart’s content, The guests again “Bitter!” They shout, The wine is flowing like a river! Love is cast in bronze, The heart is conquered again, Hands are closed again... For you, dear friends, Bronze strong victories Today I will wish, And to live in marriage for a hundred years!


Husband and wife are not simple words, As people say! Husband and wife are a strong union, Do not break your bronze bonds! Be more tolerant of each other, friends, Open the door to your hearts without closing it! Twenty-two years is the beginning of the journey, You have to go three times longer!

Scenario for the 22nd anniversary of the Bronze Wedding.

Introduction: 22 years of marriage can easily be called an anniversary, which deserves a good, magnificent celebration, so the only thing that matters is to prepare for it in advance.

It is customary to always invite a large number of guests to the Anniversary, so don’t skimp, send invitations to all your relatives, even those who live in other cities, perhaps they will have the time and opportunity, and as a sign of respect for your holiday they will come to visit. Don't forget about friends, just family friends, work colleagues, perhaps even friendly neighbors with whom you periodically come into contact. All of them will be only glad to have your invitation and will definitely support you with heartfelt congratulations and, of course, worthy, beautiful, bronze gifts. Well, in order to gather such a large number of guests at once, you will need a large room and a lot of delicious food, so entrusting these chores to a good restaurant in your city, you can have a great place there.

We won’t tell you anything about the menu; the masters of their craft will definitely prepare you their most wonderful masterpieces. By the way, you can also order a cake in a restaurant; any chef knows a lot about confectionery.

Let's talk to you about your outfit. The holiday is beautiful, Anniversary, with a bronze accent, which allows you to dress in something bright and shiny, slightly with reddish notes. For a husband, this color can be a tie, and for a wife, a whole dress or accessory.

Decoration of the banquet hall. The staff in the restaurant will perfectly lay the tables for you, but the decoration of the hall itself falls entirely on your shoulders. But don’t be upset, it’s not as difficult as it seems. Buy balloons in bronze and silver shades for variety, inflate them with helium and tie them with a bow on each guest’s chair. The theme should be Wedding, so give preference to heart-shaped ones. In your place where your couple will sit, you should tie a ball of a larger than maximum size; it should be bright and beautiful. By hand, using a marker, you can write your names and wedding date on it. Prepare large firecrackers with a wedding theme, you can buy sky lanterns and during the celebration take a short break, everyone go outside and launch them into the sky.

Now about who will host your holiday. For such an event you need a very good presenter, so go only to trusted places, namely holiday agencies. As a rule, all the leading staff there are experienced, they are all tested, otherwise they simply would not be hired, because every agency values ​​​​its reputation.

Let's discuss the topic of music. The musical arrangement is not unimportant, because the music will play constantly, and it is very important to choose light, unobtrusive compositions. But for dancing, make a list of more fun and romantic tunes.

In general, that's all, let's get down to the holiday itself.

Scenario. Presenter: Dear guests, dear friends, I am glad to welcome you, In this ceremonial hall where the lights are burning, At this holiday that is dedicated to love, And the date for love is not simple, Bronze shines without ceasing, 22 years of married life Anniversary, And it should be celebrated more fun! (everyone applauds)

Presenter: And now I invite the spouses to me, So that they continue to have happiness on earth, I will perform a bronze ceremony, And may they be blessed from heaven! (the spouses go to the presenter)

Funny and funny


We will call the wife copper, and let the husband be tin! Together we will cast you in bronze, And may you live a healthy life! Two deuces, but not in the diary, And the count goes according to the passport! You have walked your path lightly, you definitely have something to brag about! We wish you to be young and playful on your anniversary! All your guests will leave you happy and drunk!


Mother-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law and father-in-law are sitting at the same table! The husband is definitely a clear falcon! My wife has a cat-like look! Bronze is the symbol of this wedding, 22 is the family date! I would like to wish you a friendly life with good cognac!


The sword is bronze, Bronze statues! Life with an affectionate spouse Let your spouse be happy! Husband hugs his beautiful wife affectionately! We all really like that you live in a fairy tale! The Bronze Anniversary was named for a reason! You in the family are tightly connected to each other!


Bronze bust of your wife? We must make sure! What kind of bronze does your spouse have? Tell us, friend! The Bronze wedding is called, Beer is flowing from the kegs, And champagne is flowing like a river! There is no other family like this! We wish you, dear, that your husband will be a prominent guy Even at one hundred and fifteen years old! Love and advice to you!


We congratulate you on your anniversary in a humorous, funny, fun and sparkly way! Let the holiday go in full swing! Let everything be “okay” in marriage, twenty-two is a family term. From bell to bell you rewinded like a lesson! We wish you to remain “young” and love! Let's shout "Bitter!" - you kiss, and we will drink sweetly!


The amazing thing is nearby - you have been married for twenty-two happy years! And not a single fight, We didn’t hear any complaints, quarrels - we didn’t even know them! You surprised everyone with your bronze patience! May you continue to live harmoniously in your family nest, We will congratulate you on your anniversary in three years!

Congratulations on the 22nd anniversary of marriage

Bronze is difficult to process. It was not easy for us to build a marriage, husband. But today, on the anniversary, we can give up on difficulties with you! Twenty-two is a big date for family ties. The years rushed by, but the love was strong! How right I was when I once said “yes” And with a ring on my right hand finger!


Congratulations to you, my beloved husband, Happy anniversary of our Bronze! And I wish that we would never experience cold or blizzards, Let our home be a full cup! Congratulations are flying from family and friends, We greet them all at the table! We are now celebrating the fact that we got married twenty years and two years ago!


Our marriage union is strong as bronze, Today is our anniversary! Twenty-two is the lifespan of a bond with the most beloved man! There will still be many years ahead to enjoy family life! May God grant us plenty of love without troubles!


A bronze monument to our marriage. We have been erecting it for twenty-two years! Let's approach this very important event! Congratulations to each other! My beloved husband, we have gone through a lot: the house has been built, the tree has been planted, the children are already going their own way. Our entire life is decorated with joy!


I have only one love - it’s you, my wife! Through the years we have passed, Our feelings have carried with us! Weddings Bronze fireworks are heard here and there! I congratulate you on this, my dear!


Happy 22nd anniversary, I congratulate you, wife! You and I will dance on Zolotaya, and let the pigeons fly into the sky! Rings on the fingers are not shackles at all, they are a symbol of our eternal love! In my feelings you confess again On a holiday, dear, catch!


The hardness of bronze has been embodied in our marriage, Anniversary - 22! And on this date My heart began to beat stronger with love! How wonderful it is to have been married for so many years. I am immensely grateful to you, wife, for the hearth that warms my soul with tenderness! Without you, I would probably have frozen a long time ago. How happy I am that I am always loved and needed!


The wedding is dressed in bronze, We are 22 today! I remember you in a dress with a white head all around. The registry office, a veil, and shouts of “Bitter!” You are beautiful as always! We had to go through so much during these marriage years. There is a lot of trouble behind us, but there is still plenty ahead! But the family has only become stronger, love burns so hotly!


Our children, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts! Twenty-two - the numbers look like swans, We wish you to be faithful like these birds! Love has its own secrets and codes, two loving hearts can solve them! In order to always live in harmony in your marriage, you need to open the door to your soul more often! A stamp on the heart, not just on paper.


You, sister, hold on tight to your happiness, 22 is the age of the family! Living together for so many years is a rarity today. Take care of your relationship! Your anniversary is called Bronze. Stay together, dear lovebirds! May your dreams come true, never take the rings off your hands!


Relationships are cast in bronze, Two deuces - a wedding procession! Your marriage is worthy of admiration, Another milestone has been passed! Friend, I wish you and your husband to continue to amaze everyone! Congratulations on your anniversary, the holiday has come to the house again!


The white dress, the sound of crystal, Twenty years and two years flew by. And I became a witness, How, friends, on this day you got married! And just like in times past, you remained desirable to each other. There is not a thread between you, but a string! Be happy beyond words!


We will call the wife copper, and let the husband be tin! Together we will cast you in bronze, And may you live a healthy life! Two deuces, but not in the diary, And the count goes according to the passport! You have walked your path lightly, you definitely have something to brag about! We wish you to be young and playful on your anniversary! All your guests will leave you happy and drunk!


Mother-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law and father-in-law are sitting at the same table! The husband is definitely a clear falcon! My wife has a cat-like look! Bronze is the symbol of this wedding, 22 is the family date! I would like to wish you a friendly life with good cognac!


The sword is bronze, Bronze statues! Life with an affectionate spouse Let your spouse be happy! Husband hugs his beautiful wife affectionately! We all really like that you live in a fairy tale! The Bronze Anniversary was named for a reason! You in the family are tightly connected to each other!


Bronze bust of your wife? We must make sure! What kind of bronze does your spouse have? Tell us, friend! The Bronze wedding is called, Beer is flowing from the kegs, And champagne is flowing like a river! There is no other family like this! We wish you, dear, that your husband will be a prominent guy Even at one hundred and fifteen years old! Love and advice to you!


We congratulate you on your anniversary in a humorous, funny, fun and sparkly way! Let the holiday go in full swing! Let everything be “okay” in marriage, twenty-two is a family term. From bell to bell you rewinded like a lesson! We wish you to remain “young” and love! Let's shout "Bitter!" - you kiss, and we will drink sweetly!


The amazing thing is nearby - you have been married for twenty-two happy years! And not a single fight, We didn’t hear any complaints, quarrels - we didn’t even know them! You surprised everyone with your bronze patience! May you continue to live harmoniously in your family nest, We will congratulate you on your anniversary in three years!


Bronze wedding is not an easy date! Although the anniversary is not golden yet, there are so many joyful moments ahead! Let there be a sea of ​​congratulations today!


Happy 22nd anniversary, I hasten to congratulate you! Let your smiles give you wrinkles!


22 – like two ducklings, an unusual date! And the wife is always a very pretty girl! Let the husband carry it in his arms and give gifts! Let all the guests envy your strong couple!


The spouses are celebrating a holiday today - they call it the Bronze Wedding! Let the love in our hearts not fade away, And let happiness flow through our veins!


I send this little verse to you with my soul! Two dozen and two years The weather is clear in the house! Although this is not an anniversary year, Bronze is your family metal!


I wish you happiness, laughter, Joy, success in everything! On your Bronze date, may you live richly!


Such married couples will have a bronze tan! 22 is not a long time! Let everythnig will be alright!


I don’t give you frivolous poems, After all, the Bronze Wedding is not a joke day! Say “I LOVE” to each other again, And you will again become Cupid’s target!


There are exactly 22 candles on the cake, Today, young people, you are in the night Two halves - a woman with a man, Congratulate each other on their anniversary!


Your marriage is truly worthy of respect, you have raised wonderful children. We wish you happiness and inspiration in the implementation of your ideas.


We wish you very good health, We wish you to always be one, Look at everything with hope and love, So that your hearts sing in unison!


But love saved the marriage, Because it is mutual. Looks like a smart wife, husband, of course, strong


We want to congratulate you on your bronze wedding. Let any ordinary day be like a holiday!


Let love, like the sun, always warm, make hearts sing and rejoice, do not spare each other care, warmth, in your hand to feel the right hand.


22 years have already flown by, But it’s not a problem for you either! The bronze wedding blushed, Seeing how you fall in love in the morning.


Let the candles of happiness shine for you, Let the lights burn beautifully, After all, they reflect your souls in the pool of love.


Let music play in the house, glasses and poems ring, After all, the bronze wedding is coming - You have lived for years in love.


So that you move through life tirelessly, Take care of the family hearth. Shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand, Love was carried through the years.


To cherish relationships in this way, To protect from various troubles, To always find solutions For so many years.


Your union is plastic and strong, Like bronze, that bright metal. I wish you that in the future He will only become stronger.


I wish you another half a hundred years of living happily and making each other happy. So that young people can set an example, So that there is no misfortune and illness!


We won’t get tired of loving each other, We’ll go on vacation in the summer, Well, when winter comes, We’ll sit down and dream over a cup of tea.


Our dear spouses! 22 years is not a date yet, But it is still an anniversary.

Short SMS congratulations


Bronze wedding is not an easy date! Although the anniversary is not golden yet, there are so many joyful moments ahead! Let there be a sea of ​​congratulations today!


Happy 22nd anniversary, I hasten to congratulate you! Let your smiles give you wrinkles!


If you get an X-ray, you might be surprised how much you could love each other! Congratulations via mobile SMS on Bronze's anniversary now, And I wish the marriage to be the strongest! Let this day become cool, unusual, greatest for you!


22 – like two ducklings, an unusual date! And the wife is always a very pretty girl! Let the husband carry it in his arms and give gifts! Let all the guests envy your strong couple!


The spouses are celebrating a holiday today - they call it the Bronze Wedding! Let the love in our hearts not fade away, And let happiness flow through our veins!


I send this little verse to you with my soul! Two dozen and two years The weather is clear in the house! Although this is not an anniversary year, Bronze is your family metal!


I wish you happiness, laughter, Joy, success in everything! On your Bronze date, may you live richly!


Such married couples will have a bronze tan! 22 is not a long time! Let everythnig will be alright!


I don’t give you frivolous poems, After all, the Bronze Wedding is not a joke day! Say “I LOVE” to each other again, And you will again become Cupid’s target!


There are exactly 22 candles on the cake, Today, young people, you are in the night Two halves - a woman with a man, Congratulate each other on their anniversary!

What to wish?

Even welcome gifts cannot replace warm words, so it is important to prepare funny short congratulations. Now there are wishes that can only be used by a specific person, for example, a sister. They can be in poetry or prose, the main thing is that they should be uttered from the heart. Then the anniversary will be celebrated much more interesting.


From my husband


I am ready today and always to carry you in my arms, wife! I have lived happy years, And I am ready to live with you for a hundred years! I will raise my toast to you, And say “thank you” for everything! I’ll kiss you, hug you tightly, and again I confess that I love you! Twenty-two is a good number, There is still a whole way ahead with you! I’m incredibly lucky with you: I’m happy during the day, I can’t sleep at night... You gave me wonderful children, I want to meet old age together! You cause a storm of passions! What I have - I will pay everything, To see the bronze dawn, To meet only the sunset with you! There is no one more precious in the world, You are my treasure, and I am rich! Happy anniversary, my dear, Congratulations to Bronze! And I will tell you, without hiding, that I love you more only now!..

From my wife


I dedicate my toast to the best man in the world! We came to our Bronze anniversary, The path was winding, not easy... There were doubts, anxieties and tears, You managed to dispel them, And gave me family dreams! The marriage matured every year, And it flew by, not a lot, not a little, Twenty-two years now! With you next to me, I became the happiest one, my love, believe me!.. I’ll drink to the bottom and now I’ll wish that we would walk together, observing all the laws of love, to our Golden wedding!

From parents to children


Not a son-in-law, not a daughter-in-law, but a daughter and son! Let there be two hundred more anniversaries, But today you stand at the beginning! You are 22 years old! And bronze is a metal made of tin and copper, stronger than a fist! May your family, children, be strong! The glasses are filled! This toast is for you! In a family, the path is never easy and simple, Family is work, hard work of the two of you! After all, life is not always a song or a verse, Sometimes life together is simple prose!.. But we want you to turn it into a fairy tale! Let there be children's laughter, care, love, We would like to nurse our grandchildren again! Parental home, children, don’t forget, come to us more often, dear ones! Let there be two hundred more anniversaries, Let there be two hundred more reasons to meet!..

Bronze wedding statuses for Vk, Instagram, Fb

  1. The Bronze Wedding has a memorable date - 22 years! It's like a pair of swans swimming side by side in the same direction!
  2. Our marriage grows stronger every year, sadness and adversity go away! It's our Bronze Anniversary!
  3. Congratulations to my beloved daddy and mommy on their day - their 22nd wedding anniversary!
  4. There are 22 candles on the cake! Our hugs are warm! Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! We are waiting for gifts made of bronze!
  5. 22 years together! We have a son and a daughter! Bronze Anniversary! We are happy day and night!
  6. Bronze is difficult to process! But over 22 years of family life, we were able to mold two ideal characters out of two strong morals!
  7. Copper is the wife, tin is the husband! And together we are a friendly family made of bronze! It's our Wedding Day! Hooray!
  8. The wife is as beautiful as a bronze figurine, and the husband is as hard as a bronze blade! Twenty-second anniversary of the strongest family in the world!
  9. Our close friends have a Bronze wedding anniversary! We want to wish them love and understanding!
  10. 22 years are behind us, still ahead... God only knows how many more happy days lie ahead for our family! Happy holiday to us!
  11. Let your 22nd anniversary be another step towards your 100th wedding anniversary!
  12. May bronze someday turn into gold, and we will reach from 22 years of family life to the 50th anniversary!
  13. For everything, my love, I thank you! Like bronze, I love you so much!
  14. Let's celebrate our anniversary at sea with a bronze tan! 22 years is the very beginning!
  15. “Copper+Tin=Bronze.” And who in our family is which metal, guess for yourself!

Congratulations on your Opal Wedding

Congratulations on your 23rd wedding anniversary

Why is the wedding of 22 years of marriage called bronze?

Having reached 22 years of marriage, the couple celebrates their bronze wedding anniversary. This, of course, is not a round date, but, nevertheless, it is a date worthy of respect and at least a symbolic holiday. It is also worth noting that this date is very beautiful, since two identical numbers are repeated. The “Bronze Wedding” couple often “walks” in a rented cafe or restaurant, inviting friends, loved ones, and relatives to the event.

When a couple lives together for more than 20 years, they gain the understanding and trust that is valued in every marriage. Spouses treat each other with warmth and attention, give love and support their “other half” in any matter. It received its name solely for the strength of a metal such as bronze. Various figures and statues are often made from it. Likewise, marriage, like working with metal, requires patience and work so that in the end you get a good result of the work.

There are no strict traditions regarding the celebration of the “bronze wedding”, but, as usual, the occasion requires a set table, festive champagne and gifts. There is one modern custom that couples try to observe when they reach 22 years of marriage - to go to a professional master class on working with bronze and create some beautiful product for themselves. Such a souvenir will not only bring the couple closer, but will also become a talisman for the family, as well as a talisman of love for the rest of their lives.

If you don't want to throw a whole event in honor of your anniversary, your celebration may well be limited to a modest, romantic evening that just the two of you will spend. The main thing is to remember forgotten feelings, romance and the qualities that you value in each other. “The Bronze Wedding” is an indicator of how strong the family is, how strong and confident the husband is, and how skillful and economical the wife is.

The holiday should not be complete without children, because by the age of 22 married life they are sure to be present and some of them are already adults. If you want, entrust the organization of the event to your children so that they think through in detail not only the menu, but also the entertainment part and invitations for guests.

What is a “bronze” wedding and how is it usually celebrated?

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