Beautiful and funny congratulations on the silver wedding in prose and verse

You and I have been spending a quarter of a century together. We no longer know how we can live without each other.

Congratulations, dear man, on our glorious date. Everything related to family will only be a holiday.


I wish us to always live Peacefully and with love. I admire you, my dear, I always admire you.


We have become one, Together for 25 years already. We have learned to wait and believe, To forgive and understand everything.


Happy anniversary to you, beloved husband. I wish us to enjoy the song of our common souls.


Man, you and I are having a silver wedding! Fate brought us together in such an unusual way, We have been TOGETHER for twenty-five years, There is no happy couple in the whole world!


Let the magic of love continue, And I will preserve all your confessions, Let our home and hearth prosper, And love promises to be together for a long time!


Today is a holiday for my soul, and for yours, I hope, dear, too. We have been living in silence for twenty-five years, Well, of course, we can still do it in an extravaganza!


I want to wish you harmony and happiness in your future life, so that your heart sings. May we not know troubles and sorrow, And may we look boldly into our future!


Dear, we have lived with you for a quarter of a century in peace and love. There is no person closer to me in the world, I share nights and days with you.


I congratulate you, my love. May the light of the sun never dim for us! I now wish both of us Optimism, happiness, long years!

Happy anniversary, dear, you are my beloved husband! Crazy about you, stay close, dear!


I want to go to the restaurant, my love! Celebrate the anniversary! I will be drunk with love, I will dance for a long time! Take out your wallet, And put on a jacket, Choose any place, Where we will be super ok!


As winter waits for summer, and autumn waits for spring. So, of course, I wait for you every day. And I want to confess, my dear husband, that I love and am happy next to you!


Today is our little family holiday! May all our hopes come true, may fate love and protect us! And may love always live in our home!


I wish you just happiness, always achieve your dreams, be healthy and love us deeply, as only YOU can!

Congratulations to my beloved wife on her 25th wedding anniversary

It’s been 25 years since the wedding took place, And all our relatives were worried about us. But we held back and were able to carry Love through the years. And over the years, only the family grows stronger, My beloved always greets me, Warms my soul with love, happiness, And fills the monastery with joy. Silver wedding Here's the thing, So imperceptibly, but years have passed.

****Dear wife, my beautiful darling! It was not in vain that we spent all these years together. Twenty-five holidays, twenty-five years, We have three grandchildren, you are a grandmother, I am a grandfather. Thank you to the guests for coming to congratulate us, And much to us I wish you happiness with your wife. Happy beautiful wedding day, happy big wedding day! Let's live to see the golden one!

****I congratulate you on your silver wedding, My closest and dearest person, With all my heart, beloved wife, I wish you good luck, joy and health for the rest of your life. May the years fly by, Like a school of migratory birds, If only you were welcome , always happy, And the rest in life is nothing.

****The silver wedding is wonderful and beautiful, And they cry out to us bitterly, like many years later. And we hold hands with you happily, And we know that the 25 years we lived together were not in vain. I congratulate you, dear wife, And I so want that The flame did not go out for a long time. A cozy, family nest, Where happiness and love, and children and grandchildren are with us.

Congratulations on a silver wedding to a wife from her husband

Twenty years and five on top, - I want to congratulate my wife on her silver wedding, on her excellent date. Be healthy, cheerful, Be beautiful and gentle. Prepare a delicious dinner for me, So we will love!

****My affectionate, tender, faithful, beloved wife. 25 happy and wonderful years flew by in an instant, only leaving a good mark, I want to congratulate you on your wedding, and put a silver ring on you. May good luck be with you in life, So that she can overcome all obstacles.

My dear wife! I don’t know you completely. We’ve been together for twenty-five years, But I’m still looking for the answer. You’re like the sea - now a breeze, now a surprise, now a new charming whim. I’m running to fulfill it, because I’m yours, Faithful husband - helmsman !Happy wedding day, my love!

****25 distant years ago, I met you, dear! And since then I haven’t looked away, And I found a pier in my love. Today I want to wish that you smile more often, You deserve not to suffer, May your dreams always come true !

****I want to tell you: We will not grieve. We know how to celebrate, Forgive and trust. The two of us have walked a long way, So that we can earn everything through our labor, find rest at the end of the road.

****My treasure, my diamond, Silver, bright countess, I’m glad to be around for so many years, And my feelings haven’t cooled a bit. Twenty-five years - happy years, And I don’t regret a second, May we meet a lot troubles, We have gone through everything, we have overcome everything. Even though our heads are covered with silver, But the feelings are there and have not cooled down, Together we were able to build a house, And we raised our children.

****Everything has turned silver, silvered, And 25 have already sailed to our pier. With you, dear, it’s always warm and bright, Well, how lucky I am in life, dear. I hasten to congratulate you on your wedding, I wish you a lot of happiness. May health and luck never fade away, May our family and home be eternal

****Silver wedding - a quarter of a century, I congratulate a dear person, My angel, my wife, You are alone for me all my life. Silver wedding - anniversary, Solemn, wonderful day. I congratulate my beloved wife, My soulmate in life. Silver wedding - 25th year, And the feeling of happiness still lives in my chest. I congratulate my best friend, My beloved, reliable wife.

Congratulations on your silver wedding in verse - fresh ideas.

Living together for a quarter of a century is quite impressive. Any married couple that has reached such a milestone definitely deserves respect. There are many options for where and how to celebrate such a grandiose silver anniversary. Everyone chooses the one they like. Some people prefer a narrow circle of friends and a homely environment, while others want the holiday to take place in a large banquet hall with a large number of guests. In any case, guests should congratulate the married couple. To do this, you need beautiful congratulations on your silver wedding in verse or spoken in simple words, but from the heart.

25 years of marriage is a serious date and you need to prepare for it accordingly.

It would be great if the couple prepared a congratulatory speech for each other. Surely, each spouse will be pleased to hear warm words from a loved one. Moreover, such an event occurs once in a lifetime; not every married couple can boast of such a date. It is worth treating this event with respect and responsibility.

To husband from wife


My beloved husband! I would like to congratulate you among friends, on our new wedding day.

Already twenty-five wonderfully different years We lived with you, - I am a grandmother, you are a grandfather.

They give us silver in honor of our wedding date, Oh God, twenty-five wonderfully different years!!!

Congratulations to you and me!


Husband, father and even grandfather! Twenty-five years together - Silver wedding, Warmth, pancakes, pancakes.

In the circle of family and friends, We gathered at home, We waited for the lowest bows with you.

Here's the silverware We got on this day - And fruit treats For the grandchildren and children.

Comfort, hearth, estate - This is our wedding!


Happy wedding day, beloved husband, to you! How many roads you and I had to go through. Our day has come, it has come - we, loving each other, will now step over the silver threshold.

For twenty-five wonderful years together, I won’t say that the fairy tale has become reality. We cry together with you and sing, It happened that wings grew out of happiness!

Happy wedding day, dear! And continue to be with me!


I look into your eyes - beloved to the point of pain! Oh, how many years have passed, and how much has flowed under the water, Living water and dead water, tempting roles We have learned to reject. It wasn't easy for us.

Silver wedding! My dear, congratulations! I promise to be there for you, to be your wife and continue to do so!


My husband, we are united together! We have one destiny for two, one roof over our heads, common children, grandchildren, friends and plans for the future. Congratulations on the 25th anniversary of our difficult life together. We wish you healthy strength and wishes for two, interesting events. And let’s learn to relax - the second half of our life - before the golden wedding!

Congratulations on your silver wedding to your husband

Category: Silver wedding (25 years)

Today, dear, is our date! Today is a silver wedding! There may be grandchildren soon, We will be fully congratulated! You are like a light in a window to me! I don't exist without you! And at dawn and at sunset, I hug and kiss you! Days pass and years fly by, And you are the same as before, my boy! I thank the holy firmaments that for me you are an unread book!

*** Your smile is sweeter and more beautiful to me than thousands of other men in the world! I will never exchange our happiness for the golden mountains in the palace! I am grateful to all my fate, For the fact that I was able to see you! For what was decided in heaven, We should be together and not offend each other! Your laughter is dearer to me than anything in the world! You are my dearest person! And let our children be proud of their dad! I am forever grateful to fate! *** Today is the most wonderful day! Only 25 years have passed since You gave me the most flattering gift! You called me to get married and showed pressure! I fell in love with you from the first minute! You immediately charmed me! He took me away from the hustle and bustle! Unraveled my secrets! Years will pass, But love will not pass! All the worldly vanity will not be able to fill the fire of love that burns in us again and again! *** My beloved man! You and I have been together for years! Our whole life is a picture! I'm like a bride again! You are creating a reliable support! You are dearer to me than the sun! You and I have never created a quarrel. We have never walked away from a happy ending! And on this day I want to write beautiful poems for you! And kiss you lovingly, Forget all past sins! *** Today is our lucky day! Today is the date 25! Even the shadow of sadness is gone! I'm like a girl again! I remember that happy moment! When I met you, dear! It's like the lightest highlight! You are my favorite! From year to year, from moment to moment, I love you and am faithful! Our whole life with you is so chic! I'm crazy about you! *** Today you are so beautiful! And I'm dressed like a fairy! I love you, the most clear one! I kiss you hesitantly... You are getting younger every year! And I don’t grow old with you! I love you and you too! From your glance I am delighted! I congratulate you, my beloved, on living with you like in a fairy tale! You are dear, dear, beautiful! I kiss your eyes tenderly! *** Only for you now, beloved, I give joy and care! You made my life happy! He implanted a note of happiness into its origins! Beloved, dear, dear! I just adore you! And our path together is holy! I cherish and respect you! Quite a few years have passed! When we got married! You are the light in the tunnel for me! We smiled with happiness that day! *** When I see you, dear! I'm melting with love and happiness! You are the kindest and bravest! We are not afraid of bad weather with you! I love! I love! I really love! You are my beloved man! When you're not around, I miss you! I admire you greatly! We live with you in perfect harmony, for 25 years together, together! I hear you with my heart, beloved! You give me the look of a bride!

Similar congratulations:

  • Congratulations on your 25th wedding anniversary
  • Congratulations on the silver wedding
  • Congratulations to parents on their silver wedding
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From my husband


My queen, today you are all in silver - you have been working towards this for a quarter of a century. You weren’t walking alone, I held your hand, I was afraid to let go and lose you. You are a faithful companion, a brave, resourceful woman, a caring mother, a gentle grandmother, and for me a queen! I raise my silver cup and invite you to raise yours - with me! For our silver, which longs to become gold! For our life together!


My wife learned to listen to me - just for this it was worth living side by side for 25 years. Don’t think that everything was smooth and smooth, it was painful and disgusting. However, I tried, and she tried. So over the years we turn into miners. And one day they find real gold. On the day of the silver wedding, I invite you, my love, on the journey to our golden date!

From my wife


My brave knight, I want to thank you for every year that you dedicated not only to me, but to the whole family. I see how you try, how important your mission is to you - to protect, protect, provide. I ask you: learn to relax in my arms, forgetting about earthly things, and approaching heavenly things. I raise my glass to romance - twenty-five years later! Happy wedding day to us, dear!


They told us so many words - warm, beautiful, sometimes fair. But you and I know what the true price of our silver date is. I’m ready to go further with you for exactly the same number of years and winters. I love you, and I will follow you to the ends of the earth. Just call. And now we are on the edge of a new day, a new night. Congratulations to you and me on our 25th anniversary of marriage. The glasses are full until the silver moon!

From parents


Dear children, who no longer look like children at all! We congratulate you on your silver date and wish you to remain children, despite your appearance, silver hair and different dates. Let time stand still before your love and tenderness. We wish you eternity and raise a glass to eternity!


How beautiful, close, loved you are! You have been showered with silver today, but not all the silver that is called it. There are fakes in this pile of good silver. So let's drink to you learning to distinguish real jewelry from fakes. Happy wedding day to you!

Congratulations from the spouses

A wife and husband can also prepare cool and funny congratulations for each other on 5 years of marriage:

1) You and I 5 years ago, Planted a tree, And now we grow it Affectionately and carefully.

Together we put down roots into fertile soil, in this tree you are the trunk, and I am the crown.

I wish you, husband, not to bend under the winds, let my branches be strewn with fruits.

Let's celebrate a wooden wedding under a tree, so that we can become the happiest in the whole world.

2) You and I remember our wedding day again, Although a few years have passed, But still five! Happy wooden anniversary Congratulations my husband, You are the only man. My assistant, best friend. Happiness does not leave us. Respect will not go away. You and I love each other. This will save you and me.

3) Today is the first anniversary of our common life. We have been sharing our days and nights for five years now. I will be a frank, beloved wife - You were given to me by fate. You are like a miracle. I wish you and I that we always love, that we are the same in our souls as on our wedding day.

From friends


Congratulations from a friend To dear spouses: You’re already feeling silver in the morning, And you can’t sleep.

Twenty-five years together, Some are grandmothers, some are grandfathers. Happy wedding day to you, friends, I came to congratulate you.


I am your witness! How many years have passed since then, We fill our bowls so that it becomes instantly warm.

Let's raise our glasses and congratulate the spouses on their silver wedding, on their song-filled mood.


My dear sister, You are charming and kind, A faithful wife, You look without fear.

I want to congratulate you and quietly whisper: Be happy always, After many years.

With legal silver! Congratulations modestly!


Living together for so many years, not everyone can endure being friends like this and loving like this.

With silver, friends, we hasten to congratulate you and present you with a Thirst Medicine!


Fate has meted out twenty-five difficult years for you. They said “no” to troubles, They only believed in happiness.

Your happiness, silver - Sparkling, alive! If you live as long, you will become golden!


We came to the wedding of our best friends. We have known each other for a quarter of a century. There is silver all around, light and warmth, Under the roof of your house.

We congratulate you on your silver wedding, and we wish you continued love!

Best Wishes for Silver Wedding (25th Anniversary)

They lived together for a quarter of a century and treasured their love. May it be your best reward to be together for many more years! Let troubles and quarrels pass by - you are always a support for each other!

Congratulations on your 25th wedding anniversary.

25 - not more and not little, In general, you did well, We want to congratulate you on the beginning And we want to congratulate you on the end.

To begin with, our wishes for Happiness, youth and love. So that at dawn, instead of ringing, only nightingales wake you up,

So that you always stay close, Help each other in difficult times, So that all family obstacles in this life are not for you.

As for the end, it’s easier. We would like to humbly wish you that all your problems and worries end at the number 25.

SMS with a silver wedding.

The joyful wedding has begun - 25 joyful years! The silver shines again, the aroma flows through the bouquet. Dear ones, we congratulate you, And we wish you not to grow old, So that happiness does not melt, So that your voice rings.

Our wishes are not new, What more could one wish for? If you have preserved the foundation, When you are already 25. You have preserved love, like a hearth, You have taken care of it every day. And that’s why we all came to you today for the holiday of happiness.

There is silver at the temples, There is silver at fate. Let Love and Goodness not leave your home. May you be loved everywhere. May you always be appreciated, And may the star of happiness never go out over you!

Congratulations on your silver wedding.

There is silver at the temples, There is silver at fate. Let Love and Goodness not leave your home.

May the remaining years of endless light be the same hope and warmed by friendship.

May you be loved everywhere. May you always be appreciated, And may the Living Star never go out over you,

Under which you are together. So many have walked along the difficult, memorable paths of the earth.

You live together for a quarter of a century - Eat vobla, drink kvass... And there is no person in the world Happier than each of you!

You are familiar from above, from below, from the rear, But even though everyday life is boring, Love is boiling in you - it has not cooled down, And the wedding day is not forgotten!

Silver - wonderful - wedding, Day of new deeds and feelings, passions, You should also call this day the Day of your golden children!

Hello to the couple (as if unknown!): One hundred years of happiness to you - the bride and groom.

Congratulations to the mother-in-law and father-in-law on their silver wedding.

Let me put the question bluntly: Where will we place our feelings for you?! The wedding day is ringing in silver - Happy anniversary to you, mother-in-law and father-in-law!

Love freshly, passionately, Forget about separation and adversity, Live many more years in harmony, love and happiness!

They will give you a lot of gifts, they will give you glasses made of silver... And we will give you grandchildren - you definitely won’t get bored living with them.

SMS to son-in-law with a silver wedding.

The world is filled with light and goodness, - The wedding is cast in silver! Again friends, relatives, fun, laughter: Beloved son-in-law, you are the most beautiful of all! Take care, son, of your love, bring good things into the house and don’t get sick, so that we can all gather here again for the hundredth wedding anniversary.

Congratulations on the silver wedding from children.

There is no more beautiful anniversary in the world, Dear mother and father: Your silver wedding - Happy crown of many years!

You have gone through heat and cold, a moment of disagreement, an hour of separation... But everyone is both strong and young: Time has stopped in you.

And I’m already flying wingedly with my beautiful dream There, I’ll congratulate you somewhere on your golden wedding.

Congratulations on your silver wedding.

25 years of marriage is a unique event in a relationship. Having lived together for a quarter of a century, the couple are celebrating their silver wedding. It is no coincidence that the name is associated with the noble metal. This date is beautiful! In any case, a married couple who have lived together for so long can be proud of their achievement! The symbol of the holiday is a silver ring, a beautiful decoration that is admired not only by the owners, but also by friends, relatives, and children. Everyone present is in a hurry to express congratulations on the silver wedding. There are certain traditions in the celebration, and those who observe them not only pay their respects to the wisdom of their ancestors, but also make the celebration a truly spiritual, symbolic holiday for everyone.

On this day, the husband and wife should begin their morning exercise by washing themselves using silver utensils. The ritual of ablution should take place in three stages. As the belief goes, washing for the first time means washing away years from a person, the second time means all the worries and sorrows, the third time means preparation to meet a new path in life. At the end of the ritual, the dishes containing the remaining water are placed in the open air. It is believed that water takes away all grief and sadness.

You can celebrate your anniversary with your family, quietly, calmly, inviting your loved ones and friends. There is a custom of presenting a newlywed 25-year-old couple with various silver jewelry, decorative interior items, and also exchanging wedding rings. Those invited read out congratulations and celebratory poems to the celebrants.

Greeting cards for the 25th anniversary of marriage: all the best is already on Invitizer

Congratulatory greetings for a silver wedding are an obligatory gift that often accompanies very real gifts. It is these additions for 25 years of family life that allow you to especially celebrate this day, share joy and give parting words to live even longer together. To ensure that wishes are presented in an original form, the capabilities of a specialized website are used. Already collected here:

  • the best cards for congratulating you on your silver wedding;
  • free silver wedding celebration ideas;
  • animated pictures.

The congratulator can write each card, which makes such a gift personal and unique.

Congratulations on Silver Wedding Day

Be sure to organize a wedding ceremony for the spouses at the registry office. Just don’t forget to inform the heroes of the occasion about this so that they can worry about their festive outfits.

If possible, arrange photo and video shooting for the spouses on their silver wedding. A themed photo shoot will give you a lot of positive emotions and allow you to capture these happy moments.

And, of course, what would you do without a birthday cake? A beautiful cake ordered from a professional pastry chef will give you the most vivid and unforgettable emotions.

How to choose and design a postcard?

Not everyone has the opportunity to attend the celebration, and the silver wedding is often celebrated in a narrow family circle. However, everyone will be able to congratulate the loving couple on such a significant event. To do this, just find an interesting postcard on a special page, sign it and indicate the sender. You can also specify the date in a separate field if the wish must be delivered by a certain date. All messages reach their recipients exactly at the specified time. This congratulatory method is popular because it allows:

  • remind you of yourself in such a pleasant way.
  • please the married couple.
  • renew lost relationships.
  • wish you great happiness, even being far from people.

The portal of pleasant surprises is open at any time. Here they give out interesting ideas and offer to choose a suitable congratulation for the occasion.

Congratulations on your silver wedding to your husband

Today, dear, is our date! Today is a silver wedding! There may be grandchildren soon, We will be fully congratulated!


You are like a light in a window to me! I don't exist without you! And at dawn and at sunset, I hug and kiss you!


Days pass and years fly by, And you are the same as before, my boy! I thank the holy firmaments that for me you are an unread book!


Your smile is sweeter and more beautiful to me than thousands of other men in the world! I will never exchange our happiness for the golden mountains in the palace!


I am grateful to all my fate, For the fact that I was able to see you! For what was decided in heaven, We should be together and not offend each other!


Your laughter is dearer to me than anything in the world! You are my dearest person! And let our children be proud of their dad! I am forever grateful to fate!


I fell in love with you from the first minute! You immediately charmed me! He took me away from the hustle and bustle! Unraveled my secrets!


Years will pass, But love will not pass! All the worldly vanity will not be able to fill the fire of love that burns in us again and again!


My beloved man! You and I have been together for years! Our whole life is a picture! I'm like a bride again!


You are creating a reliable support! You are dearer to me than the sun! You and I have never created a quarrel. We have never walked away from a happy ending!


And on this day I want to write beautiful poems for you! And kiss you lovingly, Forget all past sins!


Today is our lucky day! Today is the date 25! Even the shadow of sadness is gone! I'm like a girl again!


I remember that happy moment! When I met you, dear! It's like the lightest highlight! You are my favorite!


From year to year, from moment to moment, I love you and am faithful! Our whole life with you is so chic! I'm crazy about you!


Today you are so beautiful! And I'm dressed like a fairy! I love you, the most clear one! I kiss you hesitantly...


You are getting younger every year! And I don’t grow old with you! I love you and you too! From your glance I am delighted!


I congratulate you, my beloved, on living with you like in a fairy tale! You are dear, dear, beautiful! I kiss your eyes tenderly!


Only for you now, beloved, I give joy and care! You made my life happy! He implanted a note of happiness into its origins!


Beloved, dear, dear! I just adore you! And our path together is holy! I cherish and respect you!


Quite a few years have passed! When we got married! You are the light in the tunnel for me! We smiled with happiness that day!


When I see you, darling! I'm melting with love and happiness! You are the kindest and bravest! We are not afraid of bad weather with you!


I love! I love! I really love! You are my beloved man! When you're not around, I miss you! I admire you greatly!


We live with you in perfect harmony, for 25 years together, together! I hear you with my heart, beloved! You give me the look of a bride!

Congratulations on your silver wedding - 25th wedding anniversary

Happy anniversary, happy silver, All worries for later, I wish you rest, and not lose each other!


May love live for centuries, May you always be happy, May you receive gold, And may you live in harmony!


You have been married for a quarter of a century, I congratulate you today, Adore each other just as reverently as you do now.


Let wisdom decorate you, let feeling protect you, let only joy await ahead, understanding will not pass you by.


There is still so much ahead of you to experience, I wish only to meet each new day together.


Your eyes sparkle with love, Your marriage is dressed in silver, You are no longer together for twenty - Twenty-five happy years.


You are not afraid of bad weather, There is grace in your home, I wish you a sweeter life and prosperity year after year!


Your wedding is silver, Silver is on your hair, But love lives on as before, In your souls and hearts!


Twenty-five is a holy date, Life has not been easy, Pain and wounds, passion and happiness are somewhere deep in the heart!


Everyone has passed, overcome, Honor, glory and praise to you! Let the golden wedding be just as fun!


Congratulations on a very important date. We’ve been together for a quarter of a century now. Let love never have a sunset, Let it sing in our hearts only as a song


Always be happy and patient, let your home be cozy. And give each other joy Every day, and every hour, every minute!


You have lived for a quarter of a century, you have preserved your feelings, I want to congratulate you, I hasten to wish you kindness!


So that you surround yourself everywhere, And so that trouble recedes, So that love lives for centuries, Be happy always!


Always love, keep your feelings, May heaven protect you from troubles! Live in goodness and prosperity, and in peace, Let your eyes sparkle with happiness!


A quarter of a century is a long time, you have gained a lot of experience, we are very happy for you, you look great, as always!


Let love not fade away, May it always inspire you, May it inspire you to take action, And may it not forget about tenderness!


May good luck be nearby, May it please you with its warmth, We wish you a beautiful life, May there be only warmth in your heart!


Today silver is your talisman! Look how it shines in the sun, After all, silver is not a simple metal, It preserves health and strength!


So let silver protect your marriage, Live happily, in love, richly, And let your silver suddenly turn into gold through life’s clouds or darkness!


In a silver chariot the Jubilee rushes towards you loudly, Twenty-five happy years Honor your vow of fidelity!


Let the family hearth warm, Everyday life will become kinder, And for decades to come, you will meet the dawn together!


You were made for each other In this huge world, You were given two tickets under the stars for luck!


And for twenty-five years you have already lived in perfect harmony, Love in abundance in your baggage, And there is no better union!


Let troubles fly by, keep your enthusiasm, May your marriage be reliably held together by Silver threads!


25 wonderful years you live in perfect harmony, Your marriage is dressed in silver, And the years do not destroy it.


You value this treasure And protect your family, You often find yourself under Fortune's watchful eye!


Let all the roads lead you in the same direction, And let the route of fate carry only love and inspiration!

From parents


How our children have grown up, and how we have grown old! But it's a joy to be with you on such a special day. We congratulate you on your silver wedding and give you such beauty!

Take care of each other, as you have learned over the years of difficult family life. You have children, grandchildren and, of course, us - Let's open a family business.


Our daughter has grown up, she’s been married for twenty-five years already—and there will be more to come! The husband is always nearby and on guard, We are calm for her, the wind will not blow you away.

The roof of the house is strong, there are children. Hooray! Congratulations on your silver medal, many good things to you!


Today is an unusual holiday for children. We wish you our congratulations from the bottom of our hearts. How difficult everything is in personal life, to be together for years without embellishment.

Twenty-five years, like silver, Flowed like a river into a foggy land. You were both sad and funny, There was a lot of truth and deception.

Despite the difficulties and baggage, you still love each other just the same. Congratulations! Today is your holiday! We will come to you more than once!


Our dear children, who have become faithful spouses to each other! Today your wedding is not a simple one, but a silver one - shiny, bright, strong, precious. We give you words of admiration and wish, of course, to live in perfect harmony for the same amount of time - until your golden anniversary!

Funny wedding anniversary greetings

How many have eaten each other's nerves, How many have done the opposite, But today you are again at the goal: Live together for another year!



Anniversary, anniversary, There's a reason for the fun. For some, marriage is work, for others, only worries. And in your family, like in a fairy tale, a sea of ​​feelings, emotions, affection. Keep up the good work and adore each other!


And your tandem is not bad at all, And may God help you to live as a couple for many years, to be able to love until old age.


The birthday of your wedding has come - This friendly family has become older, Let the holiday be decorated with smiles, Let friends give gifts in batches.


May family life not be a burden to you, and may your husband rush home steadily. Let his wife be his beloved Muse, And let the budget be enough for all his needs!


Let the sweet and honeyed month repeat itself And on the anniversary of your loud Wedding too. And may you have excellent health. It will definitely help you on this holiday!


Day after day, year after year, family life goes on. The anniversary suddenly happened and the reason appeared


Congratulations to you from the bottom of my heart. How good are you! You keep your love and take care of each other!


Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! This is heroism to live together, I wish you happiness in the future, so that you can repeat the honeymoon!


Happy anniversary! The wedding is the reason! A big secret was hidden in it - a family was born!


We heartily congratulate you, May you live long and carefree. Fate has united you now forever, forever. And may there be no trace of Discord between you and all the years.


And no matter how difficult your life would be, Two hearts were inseparable. So be happy always! And all we can do is exclaim in unison: Bitter! Bitterly!


Let your life flow like a river, on a path that knows no barriers! And let only three constellations burn above your head:


One constellation - Love. The other is Loyalty and Happiness, and the third is simply Kindness. Let them sparkle over your family, so that your dreams come true.


What can I wish you on this day... Love - so you won’t miss it! Wish you happiness? So it is in your eyes, you are on earth and you are in heaven!


We wish you great happiness, May there always be spring, May you never know misfortune. And their hearts would be pure.


So that you trust each other, Not counting the years that have passed, You haven’t lost loyalty over the years And you haven’t been afraid of various troubles!


And if, say, sometimes trouble appears unexpectedly, fight it shoulder to shoulder - Two pairs of hands are much stronger!



Love, family are only in your power. A crystal vessel full of roses, A gift from heaven, the basis of happiness, For many only a source of dreams.


Take the gift carefully in your hands, Like a light candle flame. Don't spill and carry through all obstacles and swords.


All the best to you in life and health, wealth, peace and warmth. A family warmed by love is always reliable and strong.


So that your union is only a joy, So that the children are near you, To you, young people, we will simply say: Live together in good time!


For love, for sacred bonds - May God grant you to drink grace, So that, sealed by marriage, you would not try to reverse your fate.


In the days to come, new milestones will follow, So that there will be no end to happiness, So that your two wedding rings will never become shackles!


What can I wish for you? Of course - happiness! It is everywhere: in flowers, in dreams, Sometimes in music, sometimes in bad weather, Sometimes only in dear eyes.


Strong happiness, tenderness and passion, Loyalty in friendship, life, in love. Kiss more, swear less, May you go through life together.


Be beautiful, be happy, and your mother-in-law and mother-in-law will be happy. Be healthy, always happy, May Advice and Love be with you!

Beautiful comic congratulations on your marriage

I congratulate you on your wedding day and I want to wish you to perceive your other half entirely. It will never be possible to change “plus” to “minus”, It is only important to decide, who is the neck, who is the head. And I also wish you to remember the wedding more often, So that anything in life is “bitter” can be corrected with a kiss!

* * *

We want to wish you to become a friendly family, to give birth to children soon, to relax with them at the sea, to the mountains with them and on a hike. Happiness for a hundred years ahead! To live without quarrels, misunderstandings - This is our task for you. And love to keep each other, Let the district envy! There will be endless joy, and wealth will be eternal!

* * *

Listen for two minutes, A wedding is no joke, Accept congratulations, And then wait for the gifts. It is clear to all the guests, of course, that they have not gathered here in vain, Everyone wants to see how they will drink and sing here, how they will kiss here and smile at each other - both to friends and relatives. And, of course, Young. I give you potatoes - Wait for Antoshka in a year. I will kiss the Couple on the cheeks, so that more daughters will be born. So that the groom is a great guy, Here’s a big cucumber for you, And so that it’s hot in bed, From me - a slow cooker. Happiness and love beyond measure, And hope and faith to you. Live together for a whole century and cherish each other.

* * *

Vivat, newlyweds! May there be tons of happiness, may your income be in the millions, and may you always be in love. Things are always successful, Problems are always inconspicuous, Successes are indecent, And happiness is enchanting. Let your health grow stronger, let your feelings grow and joy bloom, and let your ancestors not interfere!

* * *

I wish you understanding, Many bright, long years, May your wishes come true, And may love give you light! Let everyday life not bother you, Let everything work out! May your marriage only prosper, Let the children laugh in the house!

* * *

Congratulations on your wonderful day! May fate give you happiness, may life change for the better, and may it pour in a lot of money. Give you two carriages of good luck, tons of kindness and laughter, may you be lucky in everything: every day and all year round!

* * *

Love sparkled and sparkled, Today it turned into a wedding. Walk through life side by side. Love and take care of each other. Like two halves of a single whole, give birth to a son - beautiful, brave. You shouldn’t forget about your daughter either. It’s not for nothing that a bed is valued in the house. Don’t be afraid of booties, pacifiers, diapers - Give birth to boys, give birth to girls. All my life - to be close, All my life - to be together, We all wish the bride and groom! Let love shine over your family at the silver and gold wedding.

* * *

Today the main thing at a wedding is not to get drunk, not to marry strangers, and not to plunge your face into jellied meat, not to wake up in a strange apartment in the morning, not to accidentally call your mother-in-law mom, then screw your family in general, but otherwise, let everything be fine, And great happiness awaits you in your personal life!

* * *

Happy wedding to you, young people, It’s bittersweet for you, your relatives shout, Let everything in the family be smooth, Sweet, joyful and sweet! So that the wife does not drink, Adores and loves, The husband does not go out with friends, Kisses and helps! So that quarrels and worries do not cause trouble for you, So that the union makes you happy and inflames you with love!

* * *

In family life, everyone is more important. Distribution of roles: The wife should carry her salary into the house, And sometimes scold the husband for over-salting the soup And staying with the neighbor for a long time. For my husband's house to shine, comfort and dinner on the table. And so that he does not blame his wife for being away from home for a long time. But jokes aside And I want to wish you: May you live in romance and never know grief! No matter what trials fate throws at you, go through life together, caring and loving!

* * *

Our dear couple, We hasten to wish you to make your life sweet and sweet, to give birth to many children! Harmony to you, laughter and smiles, So that until your golden wedding you live only in happiness, becoming a luxurious family! So that you divide everything you need in half, so that happiness is nearby, so that you live a wonderful life!

* * *

On your wedding day, I wish you that your home will be visited by welcome guests, that your fun will feast with success, that even your melancholy will be choked with laughter. So that there are no quarrels and other excesses,

* * *

Live beautifully, live richly - Since you are given to each other forever! Let the wife’s salary be bottomless, Let the wife’s outfits be beautiful! Let the children rush around the house in a crowd - After all, it’s time to continue the family line! Then enjoy your fate to the fullest, There will be an opportunity to take another walk. Let only affection live between you, The dishes do not break, the salt does not spill. In short, we help you with words, and your concern is advice and love

SMS congratulations


We know about your wedding, Congratulations and wish you lots and lots of silver, beyond happiness and goodness!


Twenty years and five more! We must congratulate you on this loudly and beautifully, and eloquently!


We send a short text message to congratulate you, friends, on your secular wedding anniversary and on your wedding! HOORAY!


25 years together! You're cool, you're just awesome! Receive a text message from us, And as a gift, a shower of stars from heaven!


The planet is spinning - a wedding with friends, Not an ordinary wedding - in the glitter of silver. Stay together, have more fun together, We wish you sunshine and goodness!


Married for 25 years, no problems, no further ado. Doesn't that happen? This is what we wish for you!!!


Let everything work out! You are such a couple! We congratulate you on your silver wedding!


Send an SMS to your friends with good wishes, We've lived to see silver! Hurray for you!


Silver glitters and beckons, Congratulations on your wedding. Together for 25 years, we simply have no words!


Congratulations, hugs, welcome, our little birds! We love, we admire, We will be, we will not say goodbye.


Even if these are just words, But they have a soul: Happy wedding day!


Brief congratulations on this rather big date. Together for twenty-five years, you worked hard!


Invite us for a cake and accept our gifts. Happy Silver Day, let's add some mood)


For love and goodness, People are given silver. The bride and groom have been together for a quarter of a century.


We're going to a wedding at your estate. We bring silver and goodness in the heart.

Happy wedding anniversary greetings are cool and funny

The wedding day is remembered with tenderness Lips merged to the sound of glasses In life, after all, everything consists of errors, But this time she hit the nail on the head!


Two young solitudes met, And half found fullness. I want to wish you bottomless happiness, I want to shout “bitterly”, because the anniversary has come!


Accept congratulations, Happy anniversary, dear, I know you bought a bouquet, For me, darling, You didn’t forget about the date, I know very precisely, But I didn’t buy flowers, It was urgent I will accept congratulations, Even without a gift, You and I are one family, It will be holiday is hot!


Day after day, year after year, family life goes on. The anniversary suddenly happened and the reason appeared


Congratulations to you from the bottom of my heart. How good are you! You keep your love and take care of each other!


Happy anniversary, friends! It was not in vain that you got married, You became a close-knit family, You are a mountain after each other.


I wish you happiness, love, kindness, May there always be laughter in the house. Joy, fun, peace and a wonderful feast to you!


Let your union glorify the family, May it bring Heirs to God’s light that will decorate our lives, And let the joy of the sun rise in an instant!


Today is the wedding anniversary, And we wish you to know that the real reason for love is not the stamp in the passport, but fidelity, work and understanding, care, affection every day. Let the realization be established that you are a family now!


On the anniversary I promise, To carry my husband in my arms, I will no longer ask for a fur coat, I will take care of his nerves for myself, Let the moths be hungry, He is the very first man, I know the password for him Congratulations, beloved husband, Happy anniversary, dear, So that didn’t happen to us, Don’t forget your password!


On account of family life One year has increased. We want to keep this account as long as possible.


Let love not be replaced by friendship and respect. Let the fire of passion burn, Give pleasure.


Let your heartfelt union only become stronger, After all, going through life together is more pleasant and easier.

Funny and funny


Today we will read you Short poems, But don’t be indignant, Don’t hee hee.

Of course, you have been living together for a very long time. Silver wedding – vicissitudes of fate.

Today is your 25th anniversary, it's time to accept gifts from us!


Accept congratulations from your friend as soon as possible, I have known you for many years - a lot of days. We are celebrating a wedding in silver with a crowd, And I wish you to live to see the golden wedding.

Someone gobbled up a chocolate bar, and someone got a sweet treat. But it’s not sweet for you at all - Because it’s BITTER!


Everyone is looking at you today, perplexed. Having loved each other for so many years, does that really happen? A quarter of a century, day after day, to build this warm house and give birth to children, teach them, nurse and guard grandchildren.

We give you a notebook to write down riddles for grandchildren and children, the whole family will be smarter.


So many different kind words have already been said to you about goodness and silver, have you dreamed of it?

Silver is good, but not yet. Aim diligently for gold diggers!


Twenty years and counting five! Live and not bother each other every day, - Faithful spouses.

It's time for you to open the school About family affairs, Secrets and secrets of Families with many children.


You called us - we came, Congratulations on the date! We humbly brought you two meat salads.

To make it delicious for you, We will add salt and divide it in half, Something has become BITTER!

General congratulations

Are silver weddings common today, marking the 25th anniversary of marriage? Unfortunately no. A cool congratulations for a silver wedding should look something like this.

  1. Whatever the idea, addressed to parents or friends, it should contain sincere wishes and, of course, gifts. Think about how much people have experienced together in their life together, give them a pleasant surprise.
  2. Since the main symbol of the wedding is silver, which signifies the strength and preciousness of the relationship between spouses, gifts must be appropriate. This holiday requires a silver ringing, according to legend. Therefore, it is better to give your preference to the appropriate cutlery or dishes. Of course, these can be other products made of such metal, for example, vases, jewelry, figurines, etc.
  3. Spouses must exchange silver rings, which will now, instead of wedding rings, preserve family happiness, reminding them of each other and their life together.
  4. The main thing is that the wishes are from the heart. with a silver wedding in prose or poetry (your own composition or the authorship of a famous poet) can and even should be presented on a postcard. Try to find a large format card with white swans, rings and the inscription “25 years together.” If for some reason you are unable to attend the celebration, please send your wishes by mail, no matter how much it costs. The spouses will definitely appreciate your concern.
  5. The anniversaries will be especially pleased if you prepare for them a Certificate with the title “25 years together:” or symbolic silver medals.
  6. Try to prepare your congratulations to the anniversaries on their silver wedding in secret, so that the spouses do not even know about the surprise that awaits them. How much time you will need for this is unknown, so don’t put it off until the last minute.

So we briefly learned what comic congratulations should be for a silver wedding. But if you want to present something unusual, original - to arrange a real surprise for your parents on their 25th wedding anniversary or to prepare an elegant congratulation for the best silver wedding of your friends - show your imagination and go for it! The 25th wedding anniversary - a quarter of a century of marriage - deserves to make an effort and please the heroes of the occasion!

Statuses for VK, Instagram, Facebook

  1. Silver dust scattered here on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of their marriage.
  2. The artists appeared in the silver rays to celebrate the family's quarter-century anniversary.
  3. There is a desire to admire in this silver date. Congratulations!
  4. Who has what, but we have silver. Together 25 years!
  5. Who likes to celebrate silver dates - come to our holiday. To be continued)
  6. Everything glows and silvers - we are celebrating our wedding anniversary.
  7. A quarter of a century is how long. Exactly that much? to live and love each other.
  8. We accept silver congratulations on your wedding. Yep, already 25 years!
  9. Wrinkles are wrinkles, and children and grandchildren came to the silver wedding.
  10. We are celebrating our 25th anniversary and invite everyone to the cake.
  11. Just yesterday everyone shouted at us bitterly, but today they gave us silver.
  12. If they give you silver, it means it’s time to go to the hairdresser to get your hair done in honor of your wedding anniversary.
  13. Silver on the head, silver in the soul. Together for a quarter of a century!
  14. We simply know how to forgive and enjoy life for 25 years in a row!
  15. We were showered with silverware, showered with gifts and congratulations. Silver wedding, gentlemen!

Congratulations on the Satin Anniversary

Congratulations on your 26th wedding anniversary

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