Unusual wedding congratulations: how to diversify gift giving? Tips +Video

A wedding is a pleasant and joyful celebration, where there can be a lot of guests.
But only a few will be remembered. Those who can make a truly creative wedding congratulation will remain in the hearts of the newlyweds for a long time. Why is it worth taking a responsible approach to preparing wedding congratulations? When it's time to make a toast, everyone reads or says memorized phrases, one after another. Everyone quickly gets bored with standard cards and confusing congratulations from relatives and friends. Don't forget that you are on a holiday. Which means it's fun time!

Cool congratulations for the wedding

​PozdravOK.ru​ good.​ ​ wedding​ a family is created.​ ​ with a slipper.​ In week seven​ ​ the beds were hot,​ So that you always​ ​ Happiness reigns in your family​ ​ Bitter!​ Happy wedding day to you​

​I wish the newlyweds,​I wish you love.​ ​To torment you with notations​ ​And years are​ for you, and not​ ​You were sweet from me,​ ​years ahead!​ ​Tender and nice.​Congratulations to you, now you​ ​ congratulations,​ I won’t deal with all the​ ​ problems with​ this,​ ​ up to a hundred we​ are five and not​ ​ - a multi-cooker.​ Well,​ ​Live without quarrels,​And second: let​ ​ringed. I wish you to​ Live to old age​ ​ regardless​ ​ of an important day​ But I’ll tell you​ ​ we wish to save​ six.​ ​Happiness and love​ today - it’s bitter!​ ​ misunderstanding -​ my wife​ ​ I wish​ the end of her days.​ ​Always as one whole​ I tenderly congratulate.​ ​ my parting words:​ Love that will not​ ​Always be pure,​ without measure,​ ​To the melodious clink of glasses,​Here from us​ ​Biceps shakes,​carry these handcuffs​ ​Together you will turn gray,​ ​Sounding laughter flies around,​Let your wife​ ​give your boat​ neatly dressed,​ ​And hope for you,​Under the cries of “Bitter!”,​ ​a task for you.​And from long-legged​ ​ marriage and keep​ going bald,​ ​ Love and fidelity​ Closes the circle of happiness.​ ​ let the​ beauty flow. smile on​ Going to the store,​ ​ save.​ The wedding plays joyfully,​

​And an excellent housewife​ She will not be replaced by​ work to take​ Together for a whole century​ We wish you boldly and​ each other,​ She protects​ her​ face, and not​ groan.​ A wonderful house, a car, a dacha,​ Everyone for the holiday​ ,​ nothing on the planet,​ ​​he’s lunch,​ live​ successfully​ Let the district envy!​ Third. To my husband we have a twitching eye, beautiful

​In general, happily​ ​Hope, joy, in​ ​Well, the husband​Now after all people​ ​And in the evening​And each other​ ​Open family life​ ​There will be endless joy,​ ​we wish​ well-being, and don’t live,​ ​ addition,​Wedding! I am very glad that he is famous for his businesslike manner - there is no dearer for the holiday and you value the door. And there will be wealth Personal achievements, mental disorder, extraordinary And let each other Bad weather go away, ​you!​ A tree can grow,​ ​ light.​ day off​ ​Congratulations on your wedding,​ May your love​ ​ be eternal!​ ​ son and home.​ The baby is left for you​

​To the theater and​ Happy holiday crazy​ ​ will help​ Happy wedding day of the groom​ ​Brought decent.​ ​ bodies, not​ ​Today a guest at the wedding​ of Love and happiness​ ​ family.​ ​Stay in love forever,​​ start,​ go to the cinema​ ​ happy and crazy​ In a difficult life​ ​ with a fiancee​ ​So that there is that​ disheveled tired look.​ ​ I,​

​ to the young.​ ​I wish you joy and love.​ ​As in​ So that the family​ ​ will be brighter with your wife.​ ​ love. Let you be on your way. in the affairs of​ ​ your marriage, do not​ Be able to tenderness, respect​ ​Let there be life​ ​With black caviar,​ ​flying high in​ ​I’m not a fan of​We wish you sincere feelings​ ​Wedding day, like a day​ ​moment.​In I’ll get along and won’t dare to interfere,

​there will be a marriage, let​Through the years proudly​ ​a continuous fiesta,​So that guests come​ ​dreams and happiness,​ “red phrases”,​ ​and warmth,​ birth -​ ​Pure happiness forever​ consent forever to you​ ​A my husband will leave​ ​ to carry this wedding.​ Let the stork bring​ ​A friendly crowd.​ and let​ ​My​ Joys and worries be concrete soon.​ ​The family appears!​ inspired,​ ​ ready to help​ the household live.​​ fight, let your​ Let the prosperity be​ ​ children.​ Well, you​ ​ will have children.​ ​ two to share,​ Let us boldly wish you happiness,​ ​Like fairy-tale heroes​ And, most importantly, what?...​ ​But the main thing is that​ ​ the family lives in​ the house. , of course, to love!​ ​ the spouse was loved,​ prosperity and well-being,​ ​The sound of cheerful laughter​ support,​

​Strong and desirable,​ ​That's it, guys, you've got it,​ ​Buy for the winter​ ​to live and love!​ You can't!​ ​The path to a life together​Two golden rings​Then let the union​ ​be children's day.​ ​Love your wife and​And the ring so that​ ​After all, your wife and​ boots,​ ​Let the tremulous feeling that​ Let your wedding​ ​ be open,​ ​Engaged you forever.​ ​ be God bless.​ good manners, and​

​Appreciate every moment,​ respect.​ ​ became friends​ ​ with your husband.​ For the summer -​ ​ congratulations inside.​ ​Now you are​ a husband​ I wish you a lot​ ​Love is​ passion at night​ ​Family rear -​And, if you can,​ ​With the ring finger.​And for the husband:​ ​a bright sundress...​Does not leave, dear​ ​And from the heart​ and the spouse!​ happiness​ ​ is the most important miracle,​ burning.​ ​most important. without reproach

​And hot ardor​Insurance against the evil eye,​ ​The clink of glasses, the shine of rings​PozdravOK.ru​ ​It's for shopping​ souls, friends,​ ​You yourself know the rare but cheerful​ list.​ ​Care for a friend​To love, to endure and​ ​ everyday life,​ passions.​ ​ insurance against fornication.​ Legal marriage -​ If a quarrel suddenly happens,​ ​ let it go. to be disingenuous,​ ​Always support a friend​ ​Tenderness, keep affection,​You may have a crown of love.​You, wife, take​Wife, be wise​ ​I!​Start saving up a stash,​ ​for your wife -​And tenderness carry​ ​Know each other!​ ​Take care of your feelings.​ squabbles with​ ​Were you an iron​ ​and tolerant couple.​And you, I see,​ ​Forget the cool car.​Everything will only get worse​

​ through the years!​ ​ to support. , balls and ringing​ ​The wedding is noisy, look​ , indifferent,​ ​you will break it,​ And it was soft,​ ​And today -​ for vodka,​ ​believe and not​ ​Since you have been in love for many years​

​She has objections -​‏>

Cool congratulations on your wedding day

​ glasses -​ ​And let Love warm about her​ ​Then​ they were not inferior in the smallest detail.​ ​ husband and wife. Today everyone is talking about you.

With cool gifts

​That's it, I'm sorry, on​ ​The wife - she​ is​ an important day.​ ​Couples cannot be found​ ​Live happily and​ Live for many years​ ​ spouse don’t dare​ You have been tied up -​ ​On a wedding day​ obsessed,​ ​ live together :​ ​ there is no money.​ always right.​ ​To make the storm of feelings​ sweeter.​ ​ together,​ you, without knowing​ ​ be jealous.​ that’s for sure.​ ​ I wish you peace,​ ​ But reliable, not​ And you , groom,​ ​For the wife: Less borscht​ You need to promise less,​ ​not subsided,​ May you be happy​ ​So that there are no​ quarrels and troubles.​ ​Then he struck Mendelssohn's waltz​ ​So that you were a​ big lazy person.​ ​ and you, bride!​ and meat,​ ​Otherwise you’ll have to​ Drive away the melancholy​ ​ The sun is warming.​ Spill the water! ​Oh, how much is ahead

​In the​summer, we can’t do it.​ and laziness.​Finally, that holiday has come,​Today we lost our friend,​We came with our friends to congratulate​And the children’s noisy family!​Winter supplies await you.​Don’t forget about Family is yours

​I knocked on the door​ ​And my husband with​The status is now your​ ​ club. And let you.​ ​ swarm​And let love​ ​Different tasks, all sorts​ ​And all year long​ compliments​ ​ priceless treasure, the main one!​ wedding.​ ​ wife, to the joy of​ “spouses.”​ ​ between We wish you happiness​ ​Young people,​ ​If your​ ​ never dims light.​ troubles! in the world live​ ​Concord will be at night​ ​And patience, and​ peace!​ ​The heavens have united you​ ​You, bride, are waiting​ ​(So as not to die​ moments.​ ​ rubbish.​ burns,​ ​Why do you need freedom, ​to you and in​ ​and days.​ ​ ​participation,​ ​I wish you​ ​For many, many, many years.​ cooking,​ ​ out of longing).​ Now I’ll tell you,​ ​The wine is flowing like a river today, Family life is in full swing.​ ​ when there is love?​ love.​

​You shouldn’t hide​So that you will be patient until late,​ ​On this happy day,​And also laundry​ ​What is it? Not​ a bride.​ ​You have been married forever​Young in all​She warms and​Strong, strong your​ ​gray hair on each other​ ​Exorbitant fun.​ bright,​ and cleaning,​ ​ are you afraid?​ Together with your loved one​ destiny.​ ​ beauty,​ soul, and blood.​ family.​ ​ grievances,​ Through life together​ ​May the spiritual fire​ We want you​ ​And eternal struggle​ And even stronger​ ​ you are not cramped.​ May your way​ ​They are congratulated together​Happy Wedding Day​ ​I, having finished the monologue,​After all​ ​you are in the air.​He will bring you congratulations!​ wish,​ ​with socks,​ unite?​ ​Swear to endure it​ will be easy and everything... beautiful! Live long, I give you congratulations. ...​ together,​ ​Congratulations on your legal marriage.​ ​Try for each other​ ​that means?​ A wedding is​ strong,​ ​under your feet!​ ​Even though it will be difficult​This is the beginning of life​ ​Here you go ​Have wealth, even​ ​Love, health, just give​ a little freedom,​ ​Sharing and troubles,​ ​you are no joke,​Since you’ve already decided​ ​But you, groom,​The best spouse with​ sometimes.​ ​ beautiful.​ The time has come for more than you need, ​ happiness​ For freshness of feelings​ ​ and good luck.​ Accept congratulations,​ ​ create!​ do not relax,​ ​ spouse. ​Attention to each other,​ ​Today I was enough for you​Even if you fought,​ ​And then gifts​So that you will be in joy,​And on the sofa​ ​The house​ ​will be a bright​ delicious dinner,​ ​Forever will be​Before God and give affection​ ​ I wish,​ for years.​ ​Wait to sleep together.​ ​ not in grief,​ don’t wallow!

​people!​ ​And with each​ ​Live for many, many years​The kids will appear,​ ​went to bed late.​All guests, of course,​ ​All of you in half​ ​And it’s better in​ ​Between you -​ come to eat!​ ​It will become reliable, strong,​ Swear truly, for a long​ ​ moment you will love me more!​ ​ in agreement.​ Is it too early,​ ​To go on vacation together,​ it’s clear -​ ​ shared,​ ​ go to the store​ ​ excellent order,​ Just kidding! Of course,​ ​Matrimonial path for the faithful​ Today is the birthday of​ ​Mutual assistance, patience,​ ​After all, these are consequences​

​Together rock the baby doll.​ ​Gathered here not​So that not in​ ​And dresses with​Your main​ ​will be for your husband.​And storms are not​ ​Side - about​ ​one family,​So that there is no​ ​passion at all, novel.​ ​But money,​ in vain,​ ​poverty - buy in​ a fur coat,​ ​success -​He is well-fed more​ ​will crush!​ - side, with​ ​And the guests of congratulations​ gnawed at your life.​ ​So that to bring them up, those, alas - ​Everyone wants to see,​ wealth​ ​To have a beautiful wife​ Loud, sonorous​ ​ obedient.​ Now you have become a husband​

​ fiery support,​ brought to the wedding.​ ​Catch wonderful moments​ stimulate your spouse,​ ​Everyone should be​ How will​ ​You be with each other​ There was absolutely​ ​ laughter.​ And be patient,​ ​ and your wife. ​Pass with hope,​ ​Take care of each other,​And run away from​ ​In your career, strive for​ your wife!​ ​drink and sing,​ ​you would love!​ I’m flattered!​Congratulations on​ ​Mother’s Day,​All the sorrows and​ with faith in your heart!​ do not offend in vain,​

​ resentment.​ to be higher friend​ ​Time is not in vain​How will it be​ ​And with time​And let sometimes​ ​weddings​Socks around the house​ ​share joy.​Congratulations​ ​Keep your love,​Infidelity and jealousy​ ​ friend.​ lose:​ ​ kissing​ around the house​

​ she is grumpy,​ ​And I want​ to collect,​ From now -​ ​To this very​ thanks for everything.​ ​ Don’t know.​ Respect your mother-in-law and​ ​Create family comfort.​ And to each other​ They began to spank someone’s- then​ ​But yours, but​ to wish​ ​And if you drink​ you are called family,​ ​bright day,​Happy, long life​

​Daughters will be born, sons​ love your mother-in-law,​ ​Love, rejoice, create,​ smile -​ ​ legs,​ loved!​ ​You have the second half​ more than the norm,​ ​Your love and​ And we wish you​ ​ young couple​ -​You are in harmony​ ​Whispering tender confessions.​And to your acquaintances, and​ ​And happily twittering​I wish you happiness a lot​Perceive in its entirety.​ ​Do not keep devotion to the addresses!​ Good luck,​ ​So that in marriage​You will have them worthy

​with all my family​‏>


Don't know how to congratulate your friends on their wedding in an original way? Look for videos in which young people are present, and edit them into a short film, telling about the life of the bride and groom. You can even voice it yourself with humor, thereby amusing not only the bride and groom, but also all the guests. They had never watched such a comedy in their lives!

An alternative option is to order a professional studio to create a funny video (realistic or cartoonish), in which the main roles will be played by the bride and groom.

Short congratulations on your wedding day, cool and funny

​And the gene pool for the​ ​ relatives.​ ​Two, or better​ ​ you​ Change the “plus” to​ ​ send.​

​Let it descend upon you​ ​And let the children​ ​ not shed tears​ ​ bring up,​ live.​

​ came in handy,​ And, of course, for the Young.

​ blessing.​ hut,​ ​ not a single one.​ ​And your​ ​Do not break the dishes.​The Lord commanded everyone​

​I entrust to you​So that in​ ​on both sides!​It will never succeed,​ ​my advice,​May the heavens​ ​And bring health and​Mutual respect through​

​ Let the family.​ ​ Well, only​ we should be fruitful.​ ​ Potatoes are​ holidays, and in​ ​Live, not on​ It’s only important to decide,​

​Although in love​ ​love is kept!​ love​ ​years,​I wish​ ​happiness not to know.​ ​Let there be a son​Wait in a year​ ​everyday​ without looking,​

​Neck who, who​ ​ no advice.​ To you, young people, happiness​ ​Get everything as soon as possible.​ ​And help, and​ your ailments,​ ​And walk bravely​ ​ broad-shouldered,​ ​ Antoshka.​ You will be​ In love, prosperity, - the head. And if you quarrel

​and patience.​ ​You are newlyweds now!​ Patience is not superfluous​ ​Needs and envy​ together through bad weather.​ ​And with a stroller​I will kiss​The couple in​ ​it was joy,​ peace, harmony!​ ​And I also wish​

​ - make peace.​ ​Advice to you let​ Let your​ ​ never know.​ ​We will always​ ​provide for your spouse!​ cheeks,​ ​So that everything we want to wish you​

​wedding​ ​Only having reconciled​ love, sleep, as they say!​ ​family.​Let the dear child​ ​And tenderly treat​ with respect,​

​We know the secret, and​ ​So that when you were born​ what you dreamed of​ ​A friendly family,​You remember more often,​ ​lie down.​We wish you super children,​

​Let the love of you​ ​the tramp of you wake up​ each other's hands,​ ​Men are like this... For​ love will not eat​ ​ daughters.​Together - without fail​

​Give birth to children soon,​So that anyone in​ ​And may not leave Barrels of money in​ ​in the morning,​ ​Like this humiliation​

​ everyday life,​ So that the groom​ ​ comes true,​ With them to rest​ ​ life “bitterly” the years fly by.​ ​ love,​ Be together forever.​ ​And ten little voices​ a day, always keep!​ ​Restrain your character ,​When your spouse

​well done,​ ​So that everything is at sea,​ ​Correct with a kiss!​Are you married? This means forever.​ Holiday guests do not​ ​On this holiday​ shout: “I want yum-yum!”​

​On this day you are committed​ ​to look like a rag.​ you will always be full:

​They know a lot of words,​ ​I wish you:​PozdravOK.ru​ ​ miracle,​If you are offended - in a word​ ​He is borscht, cutlets,​ cucumber,​

​And with money,​ them and​ ​First and most importantly:​ how much!​ ​And they shout to you​Money, happiness and​ ​On your beautiful day​On this day​

​ tell me, and not​ ​ mashed potatoes​ And so that in​ ​ and not only​ a hike.​ ​Let love in​ What is missing?​

​ “bitter” again!​‏>

see also

  • Funny wedding congratulations from friends
  • 10 years of wedding, what a wedding, cool congratulations
  • 18 years birthday greetings funny
  • Funny happy birthday poems for a friend
  • Funny birthday greetings to an employee
  • 8th wedding anniversary, what a wedding, cool congratulations
  • Funny birthday greetings for brother
  • Funny birthday greetings to a woman accountant
  • Funny birthday greetings to Yuri
  • Interesting funny birthday greetings to a woman
  • 3 years wedding anniversary funny congratulations
  • Funny and comic happy birthday greetings to a friend
  • Video congratulations on Prosecutor's Day
  • Congratulations on your wedding anniversary
  • Funny happy birthday greetings to a woman
  • Funny happy birthday greetings to a female colleague

How to come up with a text?

One of the most interesting ideas for a wedding celebration is a hand-written congratulation in prose instead of the standard options from postcards. It may take some time to prepare :

  • to write the text itself;
  • for a short rehearsal - the congratulations should be read a couple of times in advance so as not to get confused during the celebration;
  • decor.

What should be the content of congratulations from the groom's friends at the wedding? The text may not be creative, but a sincere, heartfelt wish will delight the young couple.

When writing a solemn speech, toast or wishes in prose or poetry, several points should be taken into account :

  • the congratulation should not be too long , it is advisable to do it in a couple of minutes - after a few minutes the attention of the guests and newlyweds will begin to dissipate, because a large volume of text is more difficult to perceive by ear;
  • if the written text turns out to be long enough, do not read out everything - rewrite it in its entirety on a postcard, and at the wedding read the most important thing ;
  • the congratulation should not end abruptly - after reading, give the main gift ;
  • You can take congratulations from the Internet as a sample.

Examples (in prose)

“Today the newlyweds’ union was concluded - this is an important and responsible day, which will be followed by a wonderful honeymoon and years of life together. We wish that your marriage is based on mutual respect, fidelity, care, trust and love, and that passion and tenderness do not fade away over time.”

“We are all gathered here today for a wonderful reason - the creation of a new family. We wish you fewer adversities on the path of family life, overcome all possible difficulties with ease, and multiply and share joys and happy moments with each other. May your family union be strong, mutual and happy.”

the congratulatory text by heart , but it would not be superfluous to print it on a card, rewrite it on a postcard or put it in a book of wishes. This will help you avoid getting confused if the lines are forgotten when delivering a speech , and beautifully designed wishes will remain as a memory.

In verse

The simplest version of a poetic wish is a postcard with a finished poem , but other guests can choose a similar congratulation. Your own wish, even a short but sincere one, will be a pleasant surprise at the wedding.

Some tips for writing congratulations in poetic form:

  • use rhyme generators on the Internet - this will help you find the right word if you have difficulty finding a rhyme;
  • An unusual surprise could be a reworking of the lyrics of the newlyweds' favorite song or any famous song.
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