Wedding anniversary toasts in your own words. Wedding toasts: short in verse. What other fun toasts can you say at a wedding?

A wedding anniversary is a wonderful holiday, a family birthday. Spouses may be celebrating a significant anniversary or just a few years of marriage - in any case, they will be pleased to hear kind words from loved ones. On the anniversary day, the whole family gathers at the festive table, where you can say a funny wedding toast or a touching congratulation.

A wedding anniversary toast can be in verse or prose. Our portal has found several universal, sincere and memorable congratulations for you.

Wedding anniversary toasts

Family life is like the sea: sometimes calm, sometimes a storm of 10 points. And only the strongest ships can withstand its instability. Let's drink to the ship of your love and may it sail on the right course for many, many years to come!

Love, like good wine, only improves in quality over the years. The main thing is the correct aging and storage conditions. Keeping your wine from turning into vinegar is not difficult, with the right skill. Likewise, love is strengthened by mutual respect and support. Let your family continue on its right path, cemented by this bright feeling.

I raise my glass to your anniversary! I wish your family happy, harmonious days, pleasant and memorable moments, joy and warmth. Take care of each other, understand, and most importantly love!

An anniversary is a small birthday, a family birthday. What do you wish for your birthday? Only the most necessary things. Prosperity, longevity, love. And I would like to wish the spouses patience and inspiration for the development of their relationship.

I wish you to avoid quarrels, scandals, insults, jealousy, omissions and misunderstandings in your family life. Let love, respect, tenderness, awe and care always reign between you, which will not disturb either everyday life, or adversity, or difficulties that you sometimes encounter. Happy wedding anniversary to you!

The main enemy of married life is everyday life. And so that your family “boat” never crashes on it, I wish you more romantic moments, exciting leisure time together and only happy minutes spent with each other! Fall in love with each other more and more every day, and may your love grow stronger over the years! Happy Anniversary!

Well done to those who are celebrating their wedding anniversary. After all, building and maintaining a real family is very difficult. And you are doing an excellent job with this task. Let's drink to that!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! May your every day be filled with success and luck. May you live it with delight and desire. For a strong family, for your future!

Let's drink today to the holiday of love - your wedding anniversary. Your ship has withstood storms, heavy rains and heavy winds. Let him continue to float smoothly, warmed by the rays of tenderness, understanding and love.

Our dear former newlyweds, in honor of our wedding anniversary, we shout three times “Hurray” for your happy family, for your successes and endeavors, for the warmth of your hearts. And, of course, it’s bitter!

Toasts to the bride and groom

Many guests invited to the celebration wonder how to beautifully congratulate the newlyweds. You can wish them happiness, love and good luck as standard, or you can take a more responsible approach to composing a congratulatory speech and prepare several long and short toasts for the wedding, from which you can choose the option that suits you.

Our dears, we hasten to congratulate you on the loss of your “single” status, now for you, groom, there is only one woman in the world - your beautiful wife. And you, wife, should only admire your husband! So let your love continue to last, so that even after many, many years you will be as in love with each other as you are today.

Happy wedding! Today your hearts are united by a wonderful feeling - love. And so that it only becomes stronger over the years, do not forget to nourish your feelings with tender hugs, passionate kisses, loving glances and sleepless nights! Bitterly!

Happy wedding day to your beautiful couple! As you know, happiness is defined differently for each person, so I wish you to find your own formula of family happiness, so that your every day is filled with joy and pleasant moments, and comfort and harmony always reign in your home. And, of course, don’t forget about adding to the family, because children are what make a family stronger and happier!

Anniversary toast: how to congratulate your husband

My beloved, close relative! Congratulations on our wonderful holiday. You are my protection, support and support. My love for you gets stronger every year, I am happy with you. I love you very much and will always love you, no matter what. And you be happy, healthy and satisfied with everything. Happy day to you!


My dear husband! I sincerely congratulate you on our wedding anniversary. Thank you for always sharing both grief and joy with me. You always helped me feel most needed and loved. I am glad that after a while our feelings did not fade away, but became even stronger and stronger. Let's raise a glass to our family!

You can congratulate your spouse not only touchingly, but also with humor. A cool toast for your husband on his wedding anniversary will please him!

Beloved husband, my man, today I will congratulate you on your anniversary. And lovingly, I wish that you were very happy, and that you gave me flowers, that you didn’t be sad or grumble, that you received a lot of money. So that you, my light, may live with me for many years, keeping tenderness and love. Congratulations!

Toasts for a wedding anniversary

They have lived a lot together, the spouses have been related for years. May you be united by the kindest memories and good aspirations. Let all your brave dreams come true, let all your bright intentions come true. And we will glorify the holiness of your marriage bonds with a solemn toast!

Our dear heroes of the occasion. Today, on your wedding anniversary, I want to raise this glass so that you would always take a break not from each other, but from others with each other! May you never get tired of mutual communication!

Happy wedding anniversary. I would like to drink to your strong union, which pleases your friends and family. You are an example of harmony and mutual understanding. So let’s drink so that no difficulties can quarrel between you.

Our dear heroes of the occasion, allow us to raise our glasses in your honor. Today, on the day when we celebrate your wedding anniversary, I would like to wish you to value your time more - because it is priceless! Think carefully about whether you are spending it and bringing it more together. After all, time spent together is doubly priceless!

What is marriage? This is a constant test of strength. This is trust in your soulmate and eliminating the possibility of doubting her behavior or actions. This holiday is your family’s day, so the only thing I would like to wish is patience. May it be enough for you to smooth out all the rough edges and live together happily and for a very long time!

I drink to your anniversary, I drink to happiness, to family, There is a reason for smiles, I want to congratulate you!

I wish you prosperity, May everything be fine, harmony and good luck to you, May goodness reign in the family!

Your family is celebrating another birthday today. Let women be sad about their age, but talk about the age of their family with pleasure. Many years of happiness to you, dear spouses.

No matter what anyone says, the union of two loving hearts is one of the best that nature has come up with. Even if some people say that loneliness is the best gift, but looking at this couple, I think all of us will agree that the best gift is the same strong and strong love! For you!

The relationship between a man and a woman is a fragile vessel. And when the vessel contains nectar, which is very valuable for both, then both carefully protect it. You have been carefully keeping your vessel of love for __ years, you value each other, love and respect, and I raise my glass so that your love will never be diluted by anything bad, and so that the concentrate of your love becomes richer and more beautiful over the years!

Family is something that should always remain one. That is why the step towards starting a family must be taken carefully and thoughtfully. Your family is something to strive for; you can even be written about in textbooks! Yes, even if everything is not always smooth for you, but this is normal, because the most important thing is that you are able to resolve your problems in a civilized manner. Live happily and long!

Happy wedding anniversary greetings funny funny

You have been harnessed to your cart for a long time, but it seems that you are dragging it with pleasure; we wish you that this pleasure of working together for the benefit of the family never ends.

How many have eaten each other’s nerves, How many have done the opposite... But today you are again at the goal: Live together for another year!

Wedding anniversary - cool! I congratulate you today! Let everyday institutions not flood the family boat!


And your tandem is not bad at all, And may God help you to live as a couple for many years, to be able to love until old age.


A real family tandem is when you know all the cockroaches of your other half better than your own. Over the years of your life together, you have earned the title of an ideal married couple. We wish you to carry it with dignity and pride for many, many years!

Let the sweet and honeyed month repeat itself And on the anniversary of your loud Wedding too. And may you have excellent health - It will definitely help you on the holiday!


Another year has passed like a lynx, You remembered your wedding anniversary... And what else will happen - guys, hold on! I wish you to live in family discipline!


The husband is accustomed to cutlets and borscht, the wife is accustomed to a man’s strong shoulder. Over all the years you have lived together, your marriage has gone through both ups and downs.

We wish to sail, as before, in a common boat. So that no machos and beauties disturb your family paradise, So that the family experience is maximum.


On the anniversary of the birth of your family, May the nightingales sing loudly to you, And may the house be full of friends, And furnished as if it were a museum!

Happy anniversary, I congratulate you! And I wish you love without boundaries, And harmony next to each other, And smiling, joyful faces!


Anniversary, anniversary, There's a reason for the fun. For some, marriage is work, for others it is just worries,

And in your family, like in a fairy tale, there is a sea of ​​feelings, emotions, affection. Keep up the good work and adore each other! Author: Katerina Semenova


You have lived a lot together, But in life it happens that even a dear husband gets tired of his wife,

But if suddenly these doubts come to your family - Drive them away, friends - Have your own opinion. Author: Irina Artemuk


Day after day, year after year, family life goes on. The anniversary suddenly happened and the reason appeared

Congratulations to you from the bottom of my heart. How good are you! You keep your love and take care of each other! Author: Katerina Semenova

Today the air has absorbed all your love, Happy wedding day to you, darlings! Bitter for you again! Let your life now be nothing but joy, And at night, let fatigue not interfere with love! Author: Tudan Alena


Happy anniversary to you guys, Let the money flow, So that even after a century in the family You will be completely happy, And so that you can also lose your heads from love! Author: Fursova Olga


We wish you to have an apartment and even a car as soon as possible, and let life give you other gifts, such as a daughter and a son. Author: Irina Artemuk


Happy wedding anniversary! This is heroism - to live together, I wish you happiness in the future, So that you can repeat the honeymoon! Author: Yulia Timofeeva


Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! Let your life be only the highest class! Let time, everyday life and boredom never cool your feelings, And let your actions and words never offend you! Author: Tudan Alena

Happy anniversary, on an important date! We were young once... The recklessness of those years Bachelor sends greetings. We congratulate you together, We wish you to continue to suffer, So that before the golden wedding, you will never know peace.


The young union is one year old today, So that you don’t have troubles, So that you don’t piss each other off, And so that the money flows into each other’s hands, They want each other, Intimacy in general is cool, There are at least five heirs, You always walk by the hand, So that it’s cool everything is in fate, And life was like a dream!


So that a man always has... A glass of poured wine! So that the woman always gives... Him to drink the glass to the bottom! Happy anniversary young people!


Today on this day and hour we want to congratulate you on your wedding anniversary. We wish you regular night pleasures and normal neighbors through the wall. You carefully keep your love.

Give tenderness and affection to each other We wish you unearthly passion And let them always bypass all troubles and bad weather Let there be a lot of happiness in the house!


The spouses wear a chain of gold, They are bound by a legal marriage. Day and night a cat walks along it in a square, which is no fool. He goes to the left with a song, The one that flows from his chest, How his husband endured, did not crack, And did not go to the left. The cat will reward his wife more rightly, Whose love and beauty, And congratulate her on her anniversary. So let's take an example from a cat!


Hello hot young spouses! We congratulate you with all our hearts. A young wife with a successful choice, But a wife with such a little wife! Now accept the wishes, clear skies for you, friends, Children's football team, You can't live without this!


You have a year of marriage, We will definitely not drink kvass, We congratulate you in a fun way, So that you are satisfied, We give you jazz every day, So that there is enough gas in the tanks, So that you appreciate each other, So that you don’t forget about intimacy, So that the dishes don’t fly, And there were a bunch of kids, a lot of money for your family, and so that they believed in the dream!


You are cool - that's for sure! Eh, guys, everyone would do this. You have become a strong family. Your marriage is not a marriage at all!

We were looking for gifts for you, We walked around the whole city. Not found! Then they said: “You have each other!”


For a whole year you put up with each other, You woke up in bed alone. This is your great merit, you deserve peace and tranquility! Congratulations, friends, on your anniversary! Let us wish you love and warmth, So that life does not seem like a routine, So that it is bright and kind!


With anniversary congratulations, I send you a joyful family ode! You are beautiful and forever young, Because you are full of love. Always charming, extremely attentive to each other. Such an awesome family! Let the whole Universe envy!


Happy anniversary to you guys, Let the money flow, So that even after a century in the family You will be completely happy, And so that you can also lose your heads from love!

Toasts for the golden wedding

Even if life has exhausted you greatly, even if you have quarreled more than once, I wish you to live exactly the same number of years of marriage, another 50. You are golden people, you have golden hands and your anniversary is golden! For your love and reliability!

Today is your golden wedding. Years go by, but the family remains. We are glad to see you still together, holding hands. We are glad to see your children and grandchildren next to you. May your happiness not fade away, continue to love and live happily ever after.

If only everyone like you could live to see such a wonderful anniversary - a golden wedding. Dear heroes of the day, you have lived together for so many years, of course, not in vain. You have a nice home, a happy family, children, grandchildren - what more could you want! And we sincerely wish you peaceful skies above your head and longevity.

Half a century, a golden wedding, To this I drink today, I wish you happiness and goodness, I wish you to keep your love!

I wish you wisdom, success and patience, I wish you to understand each other, I drink to joy, longevity, You also adore each other just as much!

It's hard to believe that you are already celebrating your 50th wedding anniversary. Just recently you were greeted in a white dress and an elegant suit, but half a century has already passed. Live long and happily, without any obstacles. Love, appreciate, be friends!

I drink to the golden mean, I want to wish you happiness, 50 wonderful, long years, There is no happier family in the world! I wish you to live without troubles, And share joy with sorrow, I wish you to live a hundred years, And let love and advice reign, For you, for a strong family, Today I want to drink!

Fiftieth anniversary is always a serious anniversary. And when we are talking about marriage at this age, the importance of this event increases. So on this day I want to wish you good health so that you can enjoy each other’s company for as long as possible.

Oh, and a glorious anniversary for you - 55 years since your marriage! We congratulate you and wish you to maintain your love for many, many years to come. Be happy together! For you!

They say that people tend to spread rumors only when they cannot explain in any other way how someone does something better than them. I want to raise a glass to our heroes of the occasion today and wish them that rumors about them would only spread in this case! May everything always work out for you!

You have lived hand in hand for half your life, half a century. And there is no person more valuable to you. Love, don’t rush to grow old, because you can’t erase happy moments from your memory! Happy Anniversary! For you!

Cool toasts

If the newlyweds have a good sense of humor and love to joke, then you can prepare funny toasts for them that will amuse not only the newlyweds, but also all the guests present at the celebration.

Congratulations to your couple on their wedding day! Let them say that a good deed cannot be called a marriage, but I am sure that you will refute this phrase and become an exemplary family!

Congratulations on your wedding day! We wish you such amazing love that the husband always understands women’s logic, and the wife knows how to forgive men’s pranks, and the husband’s salary is always equal to the wife’s demands. Then your family will be strong and happy for many, many years!

Congratulations on your wedding day! May your union only become stronger over the years. We promise that every year on exactly this day we will test it for strength! So live in harmony and harmony until your golden wedding and do not forget to acquire numerous offspring - the main indicator of the strength of the family!

Finally, we can congratulate you on your wedding day! We have been chasing you down the aisle for a long time, even though everyone has long said that a love like yours can only be envied! Now we are giving you a new task - live happily and together and add new members to your family, so that your home will always be fun and joyful!

Toasts to wife on wedding anniversary

My dear, priceless, most beloved wife, I want to make a toast in your honor and congratulate you on our wedding anniversary! I wish you to always be happy and always feel that I care about you and love you with all my heart. I am a very rich man, because I have such a valuable treasure like you! Thank you, my beloved wife, for every day we lived together! Happy wedding anniversary!


Poetic toasts are good for their originality; they will be appropriate for a wedding anniversary and will pleasantly surprise your wife. And the lines of the poem can be remembered by your family for a long time.

Do you remember, dear wife, what kind of holiday has come? Look: I don’t forget, I memorized all the dates. You are smart, gentle, beautiful - There is no more beautiful wife! Do you remember how we swore to each other to be together? Happy anniversary! Let the whole world bloom for us! Whatever we wish for each other will come true for us!

Wedding anniversary toasts

I raise my glass to you, who brought us together today - To this friendly family, Which I love so much!


For your burning hearth - So that it doesn’t go out and wither! For your comfort, warmth and light - May we live together for a hundred years!


For loyalty, devotion and honor, And for the love that is in the heart! For your sensitivity, kindness, For happiness, sincerity, dreams For peace, harmony in the family, For joy in every new day! But, the main thing is that you have enough wealth, wisdom and strength!

Toasts to parents' wedding anniversary

Perhaps your beloved parents are celebrating their wedding anniversary - in this case, this is a serious date. It will be very pleasant for them to hear a toast from children on their wedding anniversary, let it be touching and sincere.

Dad, mom, congratulations on your wedding anniversary! I don’t know a better family, yours is an example for us. Dad is brave, smart, strong, Mom is everything to match him. You are like halves, We all dream about this!


Today you are not only mom and dad - today you are the bride and groom again! The holiday is always so welcome, especially since you have been together for so many years! For you poems, champagne, gifts, And dancing, and flowers, and a sea of ​​laughter. So be it, dear dad and mom, Another hundred years in love, without knowing grief!

Short congratulations


Congratulations on your wedding! Health and harmony! Let the light of mutual love always burn in your home!


We wish you all the best! Live long only this way: Without knowing quarrels, disagreements, troubles, In love and happiness for many years.


I want to wish you to raise good children - a bunch of girls and boys - Well, in a word, a whole kindergarten!


May your home be as strong as a wall, soaked to the top with love. And there is silence and kindness in the house, And children's laughter from your window - Evidence of happiness and health.


Well, what can you wish for the bride and groom? May they always be together in everything. Guard your love trustingly and vigilantly. And only at the wedding may you feel “Bitter!”


To the sound of a crystal glass, To the sound of champagne wine, We congratulate the newlyweds! We wish them complete happiness!


From heaven I hear a voice clearly: “You are looking for truth in a glass in vain...” So that the glasses do not become empty, We need a set for winemaking.


Please accept our sincere congratulations on your wedding day! We wish you a long happy life. Know how to proudly maintain a very high level of happiness in your young family!


Dear newlyweds, have a happy, long and blessed life. As they say: “Live, live, and make good money”! Peace and joy to you!


How many stars are there in the blue sky, How many birds' nests are in the trees, How many children are running around And scattered stones - How many happy days for you!


May you have no gloomy days, May happiness boldly enter your home, May you be warm from laughter, And may there be light all around from love!

Cool short wedding toasts

Humor occupies a leading position in toasting. Funny toasts are always original. Agree, congratulations about happiness and health have already been heard hundreds of times. We focus on fun and offer you the following options for short toasts in poetry and prose:

Congratulations, dear ones, we wish you different things: a very quiet mother-in-law, a simply cool mother-in-law, a good father-in-law, so that he can sponsor you with money, and a father-in-law who invests in you too.

So that the mother-in-law does not visit, So that the husband does not beat or drink. And for the wife to love, Let peace come to the family!

Let the honeymoon be in Bali, Guests give money, but not rubles! Let the wedding dance for a long time, until dawn, We wish you sun, peace and love!

So that family quarrels would be infrequent, And passionate reconciliations would follow, So that red-haired Vanya, big-eyed Dasha would sit on each of your knees.

An exemplary wife will never reprimand her beloved for over-salting scrambled eggs, and an exemplary husband will pretend every time that he does not see how his wife hammers a nail crookedly. Let's drink to an exemplary marriage and complete mutual understanding of our newlyweds!

They say that in an ideal family, the wife does not pay attention to where the money comes from, and the husband does not notice where it goes. May you have a truly ideal family.

What is the difference between a fairy tale and a fairy tale? The fairy tale is when he married a snake, and she became a princess. And it’s true - if it’s the other way around. Let the life of our newlyweds be like a fairy tale!

Eve was too jealous. And even though there were only two of them in heaven, when Adam came home too late, she, just in case, counted his ribs. Let's wish our bride not to be so jealous, and her husband to never give a reason to count ribs!

When a man is persistent, he will certainly achieve what a woman wants. Let's drink so that a man's determination and a woman's whims coincide!

Cool wedding toasts in verse

We wish you to burn with love, relax on the island of Bali, rich and red borscht, and passionate relationships.

I give carrots so that problems can be dealt with deftly. Accept onions as a gift so that there are no tears and separations. I will give you a mug so that you respect and love each other. Soap to keep your home always cozy and clean. Soothers and panties for your little son, handkerchiefs and socks for your beautiful daughter. I give you a chocolate so that you always feel sweet and red pepper for passion. A jar of jam so that respect reigns in the family. Take cabbage so that your pockets are not empty.

Don’t hide under your thumb, husband, admire your wife like a flower. And you, wife, when you come home, do not become a saw to him. Live together in harmony for another two hundred years.

Funny toasts for a wedding can be not only in prose, but also in short verses. Such a poem can be written on a postcard, but it is better to learn it by heart.

Funny wedding toasts

A legal wife is a real pearl in the hands of her husband, who shines with her beauty and illuminates the path with light. Let's raise our glasses to ensure that the spouse carefully preserves this priceless pearl given to him by fate!

Each of us has our own destiny, and I want to raise a glass to the destiny of the young people - to the destiny thanks to which they met. May she continue to be supportive of our beautiful lovers!

Take a look at this wine glass filled with champagne - let your home be like a full cup!

The champagne in this glass is sweet and sparkling - let there be fun in your relationship, let all your days and nights be sweet and unforgettable! Bitterly!

My dear newlyweds! Let my toast be a little short, but it will have the most positive energy. I wish you to walk through life with a kind heart and pockets heavy with money!

You know that the worst wish you can make for newlyweds is to wish them a good wedding night. So, I wish you a restless night, so that you don’t sleep until the morning! I will drink to the bottom for this and advise everyone to do the same!

My dears! Today your family ship goes to sea for the first time. Let's drink together to the successful voyage of your ship without life's storms. Happy sailing!

Congratulations to the newlyweds on the day of registration of their family! Create warmth of feelings and care for each other in your nest. Chirp, sing and raise more chicks!

The groom stole the bride's heart, and she stole his last name. Overall, I'd say both count. So let's drink to the lovers on their wedding day!

Let the Compass of Life show you the way, You won’t turn away from its path. Who matters more - Libra will decide, Who lived longer - The Clock will decide. And only we can decide now, Who will kiss harder. Bitterly!

Funny wedding anniversary greetings

How many have eaten each other's nerves, How many have done the opposite, But today you are again at the goal: Live together for another year!


Wedding anniversary - cool! I congratulate you today! Let everyday institutions not flood the family boat!


Anniversary, anniversary, There's a reason for the fun. For some, marriage is work, for others, only worries. And in your family, like in a fairy tale, a sea of ​​feelings, emotions, affection. Keep up the good work and adore each other!


And your tandem is not bad at all, And may God help you to live as a couple for many years, to be able to love until old age.


The birthday of your wedding has come - This friendly family has become older, Let the holiday be decorated with smiles, Let friends give gifts in batches.


May family life not be a burden to you, and may your husband rush home steadily. Let his wife be his beloved Muse, And let the budget be enough for all his needs!


Let the sweet and honeyed month repeat itself And on the anniversary of your loud Wedding too. And may you have excellent health. It will definitely help you on this holiday!


Day after day, year after year, family life goes on. The anniversary suddenly happened and the reason appeared


Congratulations to you from the bottom of my heart. How good are you! You keep your love and take care of each other!


Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! This is heroism to live together, I wish you happiness in the future, so that you can repeat the honeymoon!


Happy anniversary! The wedding is the reason! A big secret was hidden in it - a family was born!


I wish, without a doubt, an impeccable relationship, fulfilling, harmonious, kind, warm and excellent!

We heartily congratulate you, May you live long and carefree. Fate has united you now forever, forever. And may there be no trace of Discord between you and all the years.


And no matter how difficult your life would be, Two hearts were inseparable. So be happy always! And all we can do is exclaim in unison: Bitter! Bitterly!


Let your life flow like a river, on a path that knows no barriers! And let only three constellations burn above your head:


One constellation - Love. The other is Loyalty and Happiness, and the third is simply Kindness. Let them sparkle over your family, so that your dreams come true.


What can I wish you on this day... Love - so you won’t miss it! Wish you happiness? So it is in your eyes, you are on earth and you are in heaven!


We wish you great happiness, May there always be spring, May you never know misfortune. And their hearts would be pure.


So that you trust each other, Not counting the years that have passed, You haven’t lost loyalty over the years And you haven’t been afraid of various troubles!


And if, say, sometimes trouble appears unexpectedly, fight it shoulder to shoulder - Two pairs of hands are much stronger!


There is still a wish left to raise good children - a bunch of girls and boys - well, in a word, a whole kindergarten!


Love, family are only in your power. A crystal vessel full of roses, A gift from heaven, the basis of happiness, For many only a source of dreams.


Take the gift carefully in your hands, Like a light candle flame. Don't spill and carry through all obstacles and swords.


All the best to you in life and health, wealth, peace and warmth. A family warmed by love is always reliable and strong.


So that your union is only a joy, So that the children are near you, To you, young people, we will simply say: Live together in good time!


For love, for sacred bonds - May God grant you to drink grace, So that, sealed by marriage, you would not try to reverse your fate.


In the days to come, new milestones will follow, So that there will be no end to happiness, So that your two wedding rings will never become shackles!


What can I wish for you? Of course - happiness! It is everywhere: in flowers, in dreams, Sometimes in music, sometimes in bad weather, Sometimes only in dear eyes.


Strong happiness, tenderness and passion, Loyalty in friendship, life, in love. Kiss more, swear less, May you go through life together.


Be beautiful, be happy, and your mother-in-law and mother-in-law will be happy. Be healthy, always happy, May Advice and Love be with you!

Cool toasts for your wedding year

If your friends consider you a “soulful and recognized joker,” then, of course, they will be happy to hear funny toasts from you for a wedding or wedding anniversary.


Dear friend! I always discouraged you from getting married, but today it’s too late. No need! Your wife is the best! Bitterly!


I raise my glass to your financial well-being! And let everything in your family always be equal: if you buy a tie for your husband, then for your wife you must buy a fur coat!


Dear friend! I wish you that your wife turned out to be not just the one with whom you can live, but the only one without whom it is impossible to live!


Getting married at your young age is like leaving a cool party at 9 pm. Let's drink so that you never regret it!

Toasts for a “chintz” wedding (1 year)

Truth is at the bottom of the glass, and happiness is in the eyes of a woman. So let's drink to the spouses who do not sacrifice happiness to the truth! Let your family life be as light, beautiful and bright as chintz, and over time become as bright, beautiful and durable as a precious stone! Bitterly! *** Chintz is famous for the fact that it protects us from the summer heat better than other fabrics, and its bright colors, even in winter, do not let us get bored and remind us of summer. Even if it cannot protect from rain and cold, which sometimes burst into our lives, it can give joy and protect from sadness. So let’s drink to the fact that HE protects you from any quarrels and troubles in life and makes family life festive, and the roof and walls of the house built by your love can always protect you from winter bad weather!

*** Like a dress made of chintz, Like a bright firebird - This is the year, and we wish you happiness and a harvest of fun and laughter, May you live the happiest of all!

*** Chintz comes in different colors, multi-colored and red, with marks, with stripes, with flowers, with a pattern of dots, but always soft and not rough, and we love you for it!

*** Congratulations on your anniversary (we lived together for a whole year!), And we wish strength to the husband and patience to the bride!


Live cheerfully and amicably, Swear if you really need to, But friends and girlfriends know that you can’t live without each other! You've been together for a year! Live in such a way that your marriage becomes even happier!

*** Married life together is one year old today, And on this gala evening he sends you all kinds of congratulations, They wish you good luck and happiness, If love burns, don’t burn out, And I wish you, guys, to never be bored together! A house full of kids, plenty of everything for the house, But still the most important thing is that you don’t get bored, together!

*** The family is one year old, it is made of chintz. We wish her not to wear out, not to get worn out and not to get dirty, never to wipe herself, not to shed and not to sit down, for you to play and have fun, and live without unnecessary troubles Together until old age!

*** I wish you happiness, fun and laughter, May the calico year warm you better than fur, I wish you health and enthusiasm in addition, May there not be a drop of discord in the house.

*** I wish, I wish, I wish you good luck, And a bright sky, and happiness and in addition, So that both happiness and harmony reign in the family, So that your outfit is as bright as a chintz outfit!

*** A year of sailing together is a lot... How many of the best ships have crashed on reefs due to ordinary mutual grievances and misunderstandings! And for some reason I remembered this joke: “Darling, could you sweep the room?” “I feel so bad, honey.” You see, even your hands are shaking! - Wonderful! Then it won't be difficult for you to shake out the carpet! Let's drink to optimism, which allows you to find a piece of ham in any disgusting situation and turn any circumstance for the benefit of the family!


The start was good, and the year turned out to be a success, And we have the right to congratulate you, And we congratulate you, and wish you happiness, And may thunderstorms and bad weather pass you by!

*** The honey year is over... But the honeycomb is full, And the ship plows with azure waves, And the chintz of the scarlet sails does not fade... So let the gold of the peaks shine for you!

*** Everything in this life is fleeting, And chintz will soon replace linen. And copper, and steel, and non-ferrous metals, And the melodic ringing of gold. What does it take to have such luck? Don't just change, that means!

*** Over the course of a year, the hearth has grown, become warmer, It warms both owners and guests, Let trouble burn in it like firewood, And let love never go out!

*** Dear “newlyweds”! On this joyful day for you and all of us, I want to wish you that your family will always be friendly, that in your thoughts and deeds you will continue to be like that joyful fabric that gave its name to the anniversary. For a whole year you created this canvas, every word, every gesture, like threads, was woven into it. You painted it with joyful colors, protected it from the dirt of strife and quarrels. And the chintz came out great! I wish you to preserve and increase your ability to continue to give in to each other not only in small things, to forgive insults, to give joy and love. It’s not for nothing that they say that in a close-knit family the porridge is thicker.

I ask all guests to join this wish. Let's fill our glasses and drink to the newlyweds together! Bitterly!

*** On this solemn and joyful day for all of us, I ask you, dear guests, to raise your glasses to these wonderful people who, a year ago, knitted the threads of their destinies into such a whimsical, beautiful and complex pattern, such a beautiful and durable fabric that difficulties and the trials could not separate them, destroy their love and mutual understanding! I want to drink to the heroes of the day and to the powerlessness of time in the face of real feelings!

Short and funny wedding toasts

I want to raise a glass to the happiness of the young family! They say that true love is endless. Let it be so for you too. Love and appreciate each other. For the young! Bitterly!

“When you chase happiness, one day you will realize that it was right under your nose all along.” It’s so good that our newlyweds found their happiness quickly enough! For the young! Bitterly!

After the introduction of Prohibition, there were much more divorces in the world, because many men looked at their wives with sober eyes for the first time. So let's drink so that our groom will always be drunk without wine from his beautiful wife. Bitterly!

I would like to raise a glass to our groom’s mother-in-law and father-in-law! Compared to the family from this joke, our bride’s family is undoubtedly wonderful, friendly and cheerful! Let's drink to this wonderful family!

Dear newlyweds! I wish you that one day you will be attacked: let money attack you in a dark alley, and you will not be able to fight it off. Bitterly!

I would like to wish the young: In joy, separation or sorrow, To forever remember the first hug, Forgetting about the last quarrel. Nowadays, we often hear: it’s not a wonder that they separate, it’s a wonder that they live. And we wish you to live a wonderful life. And even more - amazingly wonderful!

Dear young people! The great Spaniard Cervantes said: The lover, in whose breast love is fed again and again by Doubts, is unworthy of Her holy peace. So let's drink so that our bride and groom never doubt each other!

What is a mixed feeling? This is when your mother-in-law in your Zhiguli car flies into the abyss. So let's drink so that mixed feelings never visit you!

“Happiness is when you are understood.” This is true. I want to wish our young people mutual understanding and love for many, many years to come! Happiness to you, dears!

Wedding toasts and congratulations

Be healthy, live beautifully, Love each other, be happy! Find in each other not only a spouse, but the best, most faithful friend!


Any hut will become a palace, Where a good wife reigns! She is dearer than all riches, dearer than pearls and gold! I drink, or rather, I vote with my glass For the choice of the groom - for the young woman!


  • I would like to wish the young: In joy, separation or sorrow, To forever remember the first hug, Forgetting about the last quarrel.


Now I see no reason not to drink to men. I'll drink to the women too. A new family was born!


May the dawn never go out. Happy life! May you always be happy! And for today – Bitter!


May the dawn never go out. Happy life! May it always be sweet for you and like today – “bitter”! Bitterly! Let's drink to the young people!


Friends! I propose a drink for a kiss! After all, it was invented by a man because he couldn’t find any other way to shut a woman’s mouth. Bitterly!


  • There is a river of champagne now, Now with us you are the husband, and you are the wife! And let this moment be forever, And let the bells ring in your honor! Let's raise a toast to you and drink it all to the dregs!


To the sound of a crystal glass, To the sound of sparkling wine, we congratulate the newlyweds And today we drink to the dregs!


So that you can live and live, but don’t suffer! And, having lived a century, do not repent of what you have lived! We want to wish you again and again: Advice, happiness, and love!


They say that in a good marriage, the husband is the head and the wife is the heart. So let’s drink so that our young people will never have headaches or heartaches in life!


Like a cup of good wine, May your life be full! Don't spill this cup, drink it all to the bottom!


I propose a toast like this: Since we all had to gather at the wedding, Let the wine flow like a river, And we must bathe in wine!


Friends! On today’s main holiday, without concealing high and joyful feelings, I propose a toast to your glorious union, To your love! After all, now you are family!

Cool funny toasts for a wedding

We want to wish you wisdom and patience. Let marriage from now on be as sweet as jam. Drive away all enemies like flies with a newspaper. Let the family shine like a bright comet!

Say goodbye to freedom: Ringed now. Your total income is the window, the table, and the door. But now you share both sadness and grief. And love and kisses! Let's drink to the young people!

Congratulations on your magical day! May you be lucky in all matters! There will be a house in the Maldives and a good bank account. We congratulate you on your wedding and wish you from the bottom of our hearts. Don't swear, don't swear - we're all good at this.

They say that only a wise man is able to admit a mistake, only a strong man can ask for forgiveness, and only a loving one can forgive. May you always have enough love, strength and wisdom.

The sages say that the more expensive and more often a husband buys gifts for his wife, the more valuable she becomes to him. We would like to wish the bride to become a real jewel for the groom.

One day my wife had to go on a business trip. In the house she left many different notes for her husband: on the sugar bowl “I love you”, on the computer “Pay for the Internet”, in the closet “Where are you going to go without me in a white shirt?” So here is my toast to the wise wives who know how to predict everything.

One gangster had a dream to commit a grand bank robbery and leave his mother-in-law's fingerprints there! Only a bad son-in-law can have such thoughts about his mother-in-law. I propose to drink to the groom, who will become a good son-in-law for a wonderful mother-in-law.

They say that a persistent husband always gets what his wife wants. I raise a glass to ensure that the aspirations of our dear groom always coincide with the desires of the bride, and there is an opportunity to make them come true.

Dear bride and groom, never forget - one drop of understanding can replace a liter of valerian.

Wedding toasts to the bride

Let's drink to the bride. Let her be like a faithful alarm clock for her young husband and not allow him to fall asleep.

One day my wife had to go on a business trip. In the house she left many different notes for her husband: on the sugar bowl “I love you”, on the computer “Pay for the Internet”, in the closet “Where are you going to go without me in a white shirt?” So here is my toast to the wise wives who know how to predict everything.

Let's raise a glass to the bride and arithmetic. After all, in married life she will need to master arithmetic operations: dividing the marital bed and multiplying gender, adding beauty and subtracting age.

The proverb says that a wife is a man’s main wealth. Next to a good wife, happiness is multiplied, and grief is halved. I want to drink so that the bride can bring this proverb to life.

Cool wedding toasts for the bride are perfect not only for her friends, but also for the groom’s friends. Raising a glass to the newlywed, you can praise not only her, but also the excellent taste of her husband.

Wedding toasts: short in verse

Surely, among us there are those guests who always wish all the best to the young people with poems. Pay attention to our interesting examples of short wedding toasts in verse.

Like a cup of the best wine, May life always be full! Don't spill this cup, drink it all to the dregs!

What advice and instructions can I give you? At a wedding, everyone has known the words for a long time. You just love. And with great excitement, in thirty years, kiss at the cinema!

To the sounds of Mendelssohn, we will hasten to congratulate the newlyweds on the holiday! Let all obstacles melt away like smoke, May love always rule in life!

We emptied our glass of intoxication so that in five decades we can celebrate your golden wedding together and live the whole century without grief, tears or troubles.

We wish you happiness over the edge, Smiles, sun, joy. Let the family be happy Now and right into old age.

We are going to wish the young people, In joy, separation, even in grief, to constantly remember the first hug, completely forgetting about the last quarrel.

So that at a wedding the word: “Bitter!” Let it always sound loud. Let's shout - Bitterly! To the whole world - Bitter. Let's drink to the young!

You are having a big feast today, your parents and friends will raise a toast. After all, it’s just joy that now there are two of you, Let the new family become strong!

Congratulations and wishes for the wedding in verse and prose

Wedding. I would like the young people to retain a bright, unforgettable impression of this day, so that the guests do not get bored, so that everyone has fun and interesting. Our selection of wedding congratulations and wishes in verse will be useful to wedding guests, witnesses and parents of the newlyweds. A beautiful congratulation on your wedding day in verse will move the newlyweds and guests to tears and will be remembered for a long time.

Congratulations from the parents of the newlyweds


How long have you had whooping cough or mumps? You still look like a boy... You're getting married today, son! The beautiful bride stands! Cheerful guests gathered - Eat, drink, sing songs until the morning, And everyone in every toast wishes happiness and goodness! And we wish you, our son, Like the stars in the sky, sweet nice nights!


Congratulations to the young people! Accept our order: Joy, grief - divide equally between two! Having remained faithful to each other, Walk your whole life side by side, Without knowing bitter, evil insults And a reproachful look. May the sun always shine on you and may your days be cloudless. Never part, May your hearts love you deeply!


Let love come into your home, not just in words and sounds; let it live among you, like salt, like your daily bread. Let neither storms nor bad weather cool your feelings, and let health, peace and happiness reign upon entering the family. Let children be a mutual sign of Love for you. Let your marriage be of the highest class! Although it is called marriage.

Congratulations from the groom's friends


The time has come and you got married, so be steadfast to the end. Since (bride's name) eyes are holding you so tightly. Be a man in your home, Help wash the dishes, Don’t forget to carry your wife in your arms more often. Let there be no separation between you, be together day and night, and then you will have a son, maybe a daughter.


Congratulations on your special day, May you be happy forever together! Friends, we are ready to confirm again, That we love you, as before, And in the distance we will drink to your Love, To Wisdom, Faith and Hope!


My best friend has become a family man today. And I want to tell you, young people, a few parting words for your future life. Firstly, become an example for us unmarried people, secondly, invite us to our first christenings, thirdly, just live happily.

Congratulations from the bridesmaids


Oh, the viburnum is blooming, oh, the flowers are blooming. You fell in love with a young guy, And now you have become his wife, May he always love only you alone. Be a faithful wife, caress your husband so that he doesn’t swear, hug him warmly, and then he will immediately change his tone, and smiles and laughter will come from all sides. Take care of your husband, I sing to you, And whisper more often: “I love you!” Then he will become an ideal husband, and he will always adore you.


May your home be a full cup, a cup of happiness and joy, live cheerfully and amicably, argue if necessary, but know your business tightly, that you cannot live without each other! You can't be sad at all now. Friends! So let’s shout loudly: “Bitter!”


I cannot describe all the feelings that are boiling in my soul right now. I’m not just immensely happy for you, I also really want, like you, to start a family. I would like to wish you: do not lose the happiness that surrounds you today.


What to wish the bride and groom? May they always be together in everything. We slept, ate, drank together, took the children to kindergarten. So that there is not even a reason for the quarrel! Always let the man give in first. Guard your love trustingly and vigilantly. And only at the wedding may you feel “Bitter!”


Congratulations from the guests


They conquered the whole world in love with their strength: Roman and Francesca, Ruslan and Lyudmila, the Shepherd and the pig farm, Romeo and Juliet. You also adhere to this tradition. So that welcome guests visit you, So that there is no discord and anger in the house, So that there is fun and success here, So that even melancholy is choked with laughter. Be healthy, live richly! And keep this date sacred for the rest of your life!


Know, newlyweds, Know, invitees: Today is called the “Green Wedding.” Why green? To know, fate has ordered For the time being to listen: Young, they say, green! Well, maybe - the smart guys and smart girls will tell you, that now you should move along the green street! Life will generously pour you Silver and gold... So what if it's green? The main thing is that you are young!


How did the word FAMILY come about? Once upon a time the earth had not heard of him. But before the wedding, Adam said to Eve: “Now I will ask you seven questions.” Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess? And Eve quietly answered: “I am.” - Who will raise them, my queen? And Eve meekly answered: “I am.” Who will prepare the food, my joy? And Eve, still the same, answered: “I.” - Who will sew a dress, wash my clothes, caress me, decorate my home? Answer the questions, my friend. - I, I, I! She said the famous seven “I”. This is how a family appeared on earth. At the wedding today I drink my glass To you, young people, to your FAMILY!


To help your young wife prepare delicious and healthy dishes, give her a home smoker. Chicken, sausages, fish, ribs, balyk - the wife, make sure your husband doesn’t swallow his tongue.


What can I wish for you entering the new world? Great friendship and family warmth. And a lot, a lot of happiness! May life be poetry for you. Let the sounds of Mendelssohn's wedding march announce your glorious union to the world, And let the parting words always accompany you As old as the world: “Advice and love to you!”


You are our true friends! Hearts united forever, Two different small destinies secured into one big one! Happy years to you, warm winters and only joyful events, so that every moment of yours is what you want.


The strength of the bonds between two loving hearts has worried people for a long time. Let the union of wedding rings last for many years! We send you a bouquet of congratulations, and we’ll add a pile of wishes. Be happy for many years! Dear, beloved, it’s bitter!


Like the crown of a young maple, May your life be bright! Let the symbol of the wedding – the color green – help preserve Love! Live in joy and happiness! Even if it’s not easy at times, I wish you peace and harmony to live until your golden wedding.


My dear friends! I'm happy for you! You simply emit a rainbow glow that envelopes everyone around you. I just dream, in about two years, to see you nearby, but in the amount of three copies.


Our dear birds, you have become a young husband and wife. Now a long and happy road of family life lies before you. I congratulate you and want to wish you only happy days, so that you, like two swans, float through life side by side, warming each other with your warmth. Be happy!

The shortest wedding toasts: without further ado

And finally, for the laziest guests, the portal presents several options for the shortest wedding toasts.

Happiness in all corners, dollars in all pockets and health in all organs!

Let's raise our glasses to make the tables burst with abundance and the bed with love.

Love elevates. Let us drink to sublime love, which can lift us to heaven.


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