6 reasons why carnations are the perfect choice for a bouquet

You can make a bouquet of carnations with your own hands at home. There are many options for forming a bouquet, but we will consider the most common ones - heart-shaped and round. For the first option, only carnations and sweets are usually used, but round bouquets are often diluted with other flowers, for example, chrysanthemums and lilies of the valley. Such compositions are mainly made for wedding ceremonies, adding special elegance to the already beautiful appearance of the bride.

#1 Many amazing shades

Carnations boast a huge palette of impressive shades:

  • Scarlet
  • Snow-white
  • Peach
  • Powdery pink
  • Raspberry
  • Yellow
  • Greens
  • Pearl lilac
  • Two-color

Modern tools make it possible to obtain carnations of almost any shade. Technologies of spraying paint and dyeing through the vessels of the stem give us the opportunity to enjoy blue, black and even rainbow buds.

The legendary history of the existence of carnations

Carnation (“Dianthus”) – translated from ancient Greek means “flower of the gods.” Indeed, none of the representatives of the flora can boast of such a legendary history.

The flower was brought to Europe by the crusaders from Tunisia. However, the Moluccas Islands are considered its homeland. According to some ancient legends, the carnation appeared from a part of the human body and was a symbol of tragedy. According to other legends, it is a symbol of pure love and true innocence.

In France, girls presented their beloved boys with carnations when they saw them off to the army. The soldiers kept the buds as a symbol of a speedy return to their beloved, safe and sound.

While in England, the carnation became the darling of high society and symbolized power. And in Belgium, on the contrary, it was characterized as a flower of the common people .

Bright lilac carnation combined with cream roses

The Germans considered it a symbol of fidelity and constancy, a talisman of the family hearth.

Soviet Russia glorified the flower as an image of revolution and a symbol of memory of those killed in the Great Patriotic War.

For Italy and Spain, this is a sign of great love. A traditional wedding flower, when the groom presented the bride with a bouquet of white carnations in a fiery dance.

In Ancient Greece, this flower was awarded to the winners. Its buds were woven into wreaths for nobles and rulers.

Photo of a bride's wedding bouquet of white carnations

Ancient mythology connects the appearance of the flower with the personification of the rage of the goddess of hunting Artemis, which caused the death of a young shepherd.

Today, florists believe that this flower symbolizes love and represents honor, loyalty and courage. Taking the totality of almost all beliefs and symbols, we can conclude that carnation is a very worthy representative of the flora in a wedding bouquet for a gentle and loving bride.

Red mono bouquet

#3 Deep symbolism

Besides being the national flower of Spain, Monaco and Colombia, the carnation is rich in symbolism. Most often it is a symbol of love, courage and inner strength, at the same time its scientific name Dianthus caryophyllus translates as “heavenly flower” and is closely associated with Christianity.

In addition, each shade of carnation has its own separate meaning. For example, snow-white buds are traditional for Mother’s Day, red ones are for declarations of love and honoring heroes, and green ones decorate St. Patrick’s Day.

Bouquet design and decoration

When creating wedding bouquets, special attention is paid to packaging. You can tightly wrap the flower stems with paper, fabric or lace of a suitable shade. The color of the packaging material should not completely match the shade of the flowers in the bouquet . It is better to choose lace or ribbons that are a lighter or darker tone. Bouquets tied with silver ribbons look original.

A bouquet of white carnations can be decorated with a silver satin ribbon

As decorations, you can choose rhinestones, lace, and greenery. Bouquets of pastel colors are often braided with wire and artificial pearls.

Optimal types of carnations for an unusual bridal bouquet

Today there are more than three hundred varieties of this plant. However, only a few of them, the most common ones, are suitable for a wedding composition.

Garden carnation Shabo . It has fragrant, large buds. Semi-double or double structure. The species was created using a selective breeding approach, therefore it has a huge color palette.

Beautiful floral piece made from moon-hued carnations

Chinese carnation . Large single buds. They are distinguished by their simple or terry structure. Petals along the edge of a rugged shape. Also characteristic is a edging of a different color along their edges.

Bouquet with Chinese carnation

Turkish or "bearded" carnation . It is famous for the special structure of its small buds. The edges of the petals are cilia-shaped.

Composition in combination with small clove buds

Florists know that these types of carnations are optimal for creating a wedding bouquet.

How to make it in the shape of a heart?

You can make a heart-shaped bouquet of carnations and sweets with your own hands, without leaving home, for this you will need 21 red carnations, floral tape and wire for flowers (preferably red), brightly colored ribbon for decoration, butterflies or any small decorations of your choice, as well as sweets for every taste.

  1. Gather all the elements to form a heart on your work surface. It is best to take a wide ribbon that is green, and a wire that is red, matching the color of the carnation buds. If you chose flowers of a different color, select the ribbon according to the same principle.

  2. Take a thick wire and pierce the base of the bud of each carnation one by one. This stage requires caution and should not be rushed, otherwise you risk breaking the bud from the stem or tearing its base, which is why the flower will not stay in the composition.

  3. Once all the flowers have been pierced, gather the stems into a bunch to create a spiral-shaped weave (as in the photo). Secure the stems together with wire.

  4. Fasten the ends of the red wire that holds the buds together, and cut off the excess with scissors. If there are small pieces of twigs left, it’s okay, they can be hidden in the buds. Give the twig with flowers a heart shape. If everything worked out and the bouquet holds its shape, then you can wrap the stems with floral tape. Once the stems are secured, adjust the cloves to even out the heart shape. Don’t worry if you didn’t manage to make an even heart the first time, the main thing is to take your time.

  5. Take a green ribbon with a wide brim and overlap the base of the bouquet. Now cut a small piece of ribbon of a different color, for example red, and tie a bow approximately in the middle of the stem.

  6. In order to fill the core of the bouquet with sweets, it is necessary to prepare the base. Take the red ribbon (the one from which the bow was made) and fill the void in the heart, passing the ribbon between the wire and the buds on different sides. Movements can be chaotic, as can direction. You should get a kind of web through which the candies will not spill.

  7. Take the candies and carefully place them on the prepared base in the center of the heart. You don’t have to fasten it with anything, but if you need to carry a bouquet and you are worried that the candies won’t spill out, then take wooden skewers or toothpicks and pierce each candy wrapper with it, and then secure it in the tape (like a pin).

This is how easy it is to make a beautiful gift bouquet in the shape of a heart from carnations and sweet chocolates at home. You can use fruit instead of sweets.

Making a bouquet of carnations is not at all difficult, as you can see for yourself in this article. To form a composition, you can use carnations of any color, and also freely select any auxiliary flowers for a brighter picture and a varied combination of shades. In addition, you can use decor to add even more zest to the bouquet, which will be useful not only for the wedding ceremony, but also as a gift for a birthday, Valentine's Day or graduation.

Composition of carnations and chrysanthemums

To make an arrangement of carnations and chrysanthemums, you will need 7 white carnation flowers, 3 white chrysanthemum flowers, a spool of twine, brown ribbon (organza or satin), scissors or small pruning shears, office pins and brown floral wire.

  1. Prepare all the necessary elements to form a round bouquet and trim the leaves from the flower stems using pruners or scissors.

  2. Take the carnations and connect them together, then add one chrysanthemum flower at a short distance from each other (it is convenient to place chrysanthemums as corners in a triangle).

  3. Using wire, secure the flower stems together just below the buds (about a couple of centimeters) and in the middle so that they do not fall apart. Rewind carefully, but not too tightly so as not to break the stems of the carnations.

  4. Take scissors and cut the edges of the stems so that they are the same length. You need to cut about 3 centimeters below the wire.

  5. Take a brown ribbon and wrap the base of the bouquet, starting just under the buds (secured with a button), and then going down in a spiral and going back up. Secure the tape at the top with a push pin.

  6. Take a spool of twine and wrap it around the base of the bouquet, starting at the top, and then lowering it down and back up in chaotic movements, imitating the effect of a wild vine.

  7. Do this procedure several times and secure the twine at the bottom of the stem.

If desired, you can take ribbon and twine of a different color, as well as carnations. Before forming the composition, the flowers should be kept in water. This is necessary so that the bouquet remains fresh for a longer time.

Buy carnations in Moscow

To order carnations with flower delivery to your home in any district of Moscow and outside the Moscow Ring Road, regardless of the time of day, just click on the “Buy” button and then fill out a short form. If necessary, you can pick up the flower arrangement yourself in one of 15 MEGATSVET24 retail stores. There are several payment options: electronic money, bank card, cash. If you are in doubt about choosing the best option, we will answer all your questions over the phone and help you decide on the perfect gift.

Round bouquet

In order to make a round bouquet, you will need 11 white carnations, 10 hyacinth flowers, 15 lilies of the valley, 5 myrtle greens, floral wire (on average, about 45 centimeters are required per flower), as well as paper, glue, satin tape and sharp scissors. Collect everything you need and start forming a bouquet step by step.

  1. Remove the carnations from the water, take scissors and cut the stem of each flower one by one below the bud by about 3-3.5 centimeters.

  2. Measure and cut the floral wire into equal 45cm pieces. Take one piece of twig and pierce the stem (approximately in the middle). Stretch the wire so that the twigs are the same length on both sides.

  3. Take the tape and wrap the stem of the clove, starting from the puncture site to the very end of the wire. Wrap it slightly overlapping. Separate the lily of the valley stems from the leaves using scissors and form small bouquets of 5 or 6 pieces each. Wrap the prepared bunches with wire and on top with floral paper. Do not throw away the leaves; they will be needed at the very end when forming the finished bouquet.

  4. Combine the prepared carnations together into a round bouquet. This procedure must be performed very carefully, since flowers on wire legs are very fragile. There will be some voids in the bouquet, but this is not a big deal, since all empty spaces must be filled with small bunches of lily of the valley, sprigs of myrtle and, of course, hyacinths. You need to insert cut leaves of white lily of the valley into the smallest voids. Carefully wrap the stems of the bouquet with floral tape so that they hold tightly together and do not fall apart due to movement.

  5. Now you need to take a satin ribbon of any color you like, but in this case white, and tightly wrap the base of the bouquet. Wind the ribbon in a spiral, overlapping, to make it more beautiful, and fix it with glue. If desired, you can additionally decorate the ribbon with beads, beads or any decor.

Important! Before starting to form a wedding bouquet, you need to put the carnations in cool water for 3 hours. This way the flowers will better retain their fresh appearance and the bouquet will last longer.

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