Very funny wedding pranks for newlyweds, parents, friends

A wedding is not complete without funny pranks, the subject of which is not only the friends of the bride and groom. You can play a prank on the newlyweds themselves and their parents.

Before you come up with and implement wedding pranks, you need to thoroughly think through all the actions, trying not to offend anyone and make sure that the participants in the prank are those who have no idea what is happening. A properly organized prank will be a source of a lot of positive emotions and will leave good memories and impressions.

One, two, three, the figure of the spouses freeze

Guests are divided into pairs: man-woman. The presenter takes turns reading out the task with a specific figure, for example: one, two, three - the figure of the spouses in a jewelry store, freeze (the figure of the spouses in the bathhouse; in a restaurant; in an elevator; in a horror movie; in a prickly raspberry bush; in a field, when you feel the urge ; in China; in the animal world and so on). The presenter makes a wish for the figures, and the couples freeze in the appropriate style. The rest of the guests and the young people themselves choose the best, eliminating one couple at each stage. The couple that reaches the final will be the winner.

How to prank the young

If young people are the subject of the prank, then friends and witnesses can take part in its preparation.
Sometimes they create such an unexpected surprise for the bride and groom themselves, happily playing pranks on each other.

The newlyweds’ address to each other can become a funny prank if such congratulations are made in the form of a comic confession:

  1. The groom, addressing his young wife, says that he can no longer remain silent and hide the truth from her. It is at such a solemn moment that he, in the presence of his closest friends and family, must confess. It's time for a short pause. Now you can look into the eyes of the bride to read surprise, impatience, and sometimes even fear in them. Having achieved the desired effect, the groom continues to say that he endured for a long time, tried to hide what was hidden in the farthest corners of his soul, but today he realized that he no longer has the strength to hide it, and he is forced to confess. Another short pause. A few seconds later, he takes the bride by the hand and, looking into her eyes, says how much he loves her, that he made the decision to get married a year ago, but did not dare to propose, fearing refusal. After such words, it is better to immediately kiss your beloved, without giving her time to come to her senses.
  2. A young wife can also play a prank on her chosen one. To do this, it is enough for her to depict sadness on her face and say that she has to make an important confession. It will be better if the young husband learns everything from her, and not from others. The fact is that she did not want the very ring that he proudly wears now to shine on his hand. In response to the astonished look of the groom, the girl says that she wanted a different model, but could not resist and chose this one, which will become a symbol not only of marital fidelity, but that she is always ready to listen to the opinion of her beloved.
  3. The presenter and witnesses present the young couple with a box, talking about an unexpected package that was brought and left without naming the sender. The newlyweds must decide which of the young people the message can be addressed to, but before opening the box, they will have to guess what is there . The young people take turns expressing their guesses, wondering who could have given such an unexpected gift. The funny thing is that they put a greeting card, a set of diapers, and an alarm clock in the box, but the most vivid memories will remain if you place a cracker with a surprise inside the box. As soon as the box is opened, there will be a pop and everyone around will see a rain of confetti.

It’s cool that the witnesses themselves can congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding day.

Addressing the bride, the groom's friend says that long before the wedding and even before meeting his future wife, the current husband paid a lot of attention to one girl.

She was closest to him, with her he shared his deepest secrets, told her about his cherished dreams. And on this special day, she simply must be next to the newlyweds.

While the bride, in front of the guests, is lost in conjecture and waits with bated breath, the witness invites the groom’s sister to the hall. After a short pause, she is given the floor for congratulations.

A wedding cake, or rather its presentation, can also be turned into a fun prank. At a solemn and important moment, the multi-tiered confectionery building falls, and only after everyone around comes to their senses does it become clear that it was a model.

Funny dress-up contests, a wedding lottery, and the presentation of unexpected gifts to guests and parents of the newlyweds will help create a special atmosphere at the wedding and make the fun original.


The guests are divided into teams (you can do this: a team of guests from the bride’s side and a team of guests from the groom’s side). The newlyweds name any two colors, for example, the bride is red and the groom is black. As soon as the teams have heard the colors, the participants must collect as many objects of these colors (red and black) around the hall, from the street, from pockets, from passers-by, and anywhere else. The team that can collect the most items of both colors in 5 minutes will become the winner, and each member will receive a nice souvenir.

Comic and funny wedding day gifts for the groom

For a young man, a wedding is no less important moment in life. His status has changed. And now he is no longer the joker and merry fellow, but the husband is the support for the young family. It is he who is assigned the role of a rock in family life, which is obliged to protect from all kinds of troubles.

Therefore, gifts for the groom, even if they are comic, should have a special meaning. Give an original certificate, according to which the young husband has the right to give flowers to his wife, and, if desired, every day. And be sure to kiss and bring coffee in bed in the morning. A separate document legitimizes the right to clean up and remove garbage. The comic presentation of such gifts at a wedding can be played up with beautiful stories.

For the family breadwinner, cool wedding gifts with items are suitable.

Give a bow and arrow as a suggestive gift. Let the young man learn to bring home rich spoils.

A home defender will need a shield with a sword, as well as a heroic helmet. He must now be able to withstand any attacks from the outside.

And as a guide for a still inexperienced owner, a book on home repairs is suitable. Let the man understand his responsibilities well.

So that the husband does not get angry with his chosen one, especially when he discovers unsewn buttons on a shirt, he is given a set of pins. They will come in handy in family life.

Give a man a license, but an unusual one, and one that opens up a new category for the right to drive a stroller.

To store your family budget, give your guy a cool wallet. But the various miniature safes and piggy banks look even more interesting. Especially double piggy banks, where there are two compartments: for the wife and for the husband. However, all savings must go to the wife’s department.

And so that he doesn’t forget that he’s now a married man, give him a T-shirt with the inscription: “busy.” And there are special items for it so that you don’t go to the left.

Below the belt

For this competition you need to prepare two identical collages for two teams. The collage will include photos of the newlyweds and photos of any other couples (from the Internet, for example), but on each collage, the top of each photo is sealed using tear-off notebook paper with an adhesive strip, that is, the couples are visible only “below the waist.” About 10 people are chosen from those who want to participate and they are formed into two teams. Each team receives a collage. At the “start” command, team members begin to recognize legs. Guests should mark with a pencil on paper only those photos of the collage in which there are newlyweds “below the waist.” The team that correctly guesses all the photos of the newlyweds will be the winner.

Kitchen rolling pin - gift idea

As you know, every wedding is preceded by a bachelorette party and a bachelor party. This is a symbolic celebration of the last day spent as a single person. Usually at such events it is customary to give comic, funny gifts, which have always been a symbol of strong friendship between people.

When going to a bachelorette party, you want to give a unique and original gift, and here the most ordinary kitchen rolling pin comes to our aid. Such a simple tool can be bought absolutely everywhere, from the local market to a kitchen utensils store.

What is the idea of ​​our presentation? When presenting this cool gift, you should pay attention to the fact that this is not an ordinary kitchen utensil, but a tool for managing and coordinating your husband.

It should be mentioned that each empress had her own items that confirmed her high status and symbolized power, and compare our surprise with them. Convince the bride that this particular thing will become a powerful argument in any dispute.

We should be careful when choosing words for our comic gift, because they determine the fun of the surprise. Design tips:

You can really come up with a lot of things when choosing a unique surprise, but you really want to be original and quite creative. After all, such important dates are remembered precisely thanks to such funny moments.


Children's music

Each guest must remember his favorite song, and the newlyweds must show their wits. So, each guest in turn goes to the center of the hall, he is given a baby rattle or a squeaky toy, because the young people will soon have children and they will have to understand not only baby talk, but also children's music. So, the guest takes a rattle and tries to reproduce the melody of his song, and the newlyweds must guess what kind of song the rattle plays. The guest whose song the young people guess gets a prize.

Wedding prank for guests

You can organize a prank at a wedding not only for the bride and groom, but also for their guests. The main thing is to make sure that your jokes are kind and do not hurt the feelings of other people. Only in this case will you give bright and cheerful emotions to everyone present.

Bogus questions

Your host can pull off a great wedding prank for guests and newlyweds. Even before the ceremony, he asks simple questions. For example, how would you feel if you weren't invited to a wedding? All this is filmed and then edited. During the celebration, the host shows on the screen a video from the interview, where completely different questions are inserted. For example, how did you feel when you were invited to a wedding? Such a surprise will definitely cause a storm of emotions.

The establishment is closed

Before the newlyweds and their guests arrive at the restaurant, a sign should be placed on the door with the inscription: “Closed for renovations. We apologize for the inconvenience." Such a prank will definitely shock everyone, but it is better to warn your parents about the joke in advance so as not to lead them to an attack.

Original presentation of traditional gifts

Impressing newlyweds and guests with an ordinary gift is not so easy. And household appliances and dishes can be useful for a young family, especially if the spouses are just starting to run a joint household. Useful gifts can be made memorable if you give them with humor. For example:

A funny sheet with instructions - how to spice up your intimate life

You can put on a real performance by presenting the dishes. Carry a large box with broken dishes to the young people and drop it, as if by accident, while everyone in a panic brings in a real gift with a whole set.

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