Bride ransom - the history and sacred meaning of the ritual

With the ransom of the bride, the wedding celebration and the first entertainment for the assembled guests begin.
That is, the ransom is a kind of announcement of the upcoming holiday, announcing how fun, easy and relaxed the wedding itself will be. Despite the fact that ransom is a long-standing tradition, and simply a fun pastime, many modern newlyweds refuse it. What are couples guided by when deciding whether to hold a buyout or cancel it, and what can replace it?

Bride ransom

In many countries, especially eastern ones, it is customary to pay a bride price. This could be carpets, gold jewelry, and of course money. It is believed that the more modest, beautiful and hardworking the bride is, the larger the bride price will need to be paid to the groom. In Russia, the ransom is not so much a payment for the bride, but simply a wonderful rite.

Where does a wedding begin? From the ransom, of course. What does the groom remember after the wedding? Ransom. After all, this is a fun and interesting moment of the wedding. Where else, if not at the ransom, can you find out what “feats” the groom is ready for for the sake of his beloved. It is here that bridesmaids can show their imagination in inventing and acting out performances with competitions for the groom and witness.

It's not worth skimping

Despite the fact that ransom competitions are varied and fun, misunderstandings still happen. For example, at one of the weddings, the bride accidentally heard how the groom did not want to give more than 200 hryvnia for her, for which he received a bouquet from her on the head. So, no matter how much you don’t want to give money to who knows who, it’s better to give more than to sell it cheap and offend your loved one, and gain the reputation of being “stingy” among the guests.

Wedding signs and traditions are an important and significant thing, so you need to know them, even if you are not going to adhere to certain rituals. You will learn about the origin of wedding traditions from the article Where did wedding traditions come from?

History of the ritual

One of the ancient wedding rituals in Rus' has always been ransom or scolding. The bride's ransom was always prepared in advance and acted out as a performance with the participation of not only the groom and the witness (buddy), but also all the guests.

The name of the ritual speaks for itself. During the ceremony, the groom symbolically ransoms or takes the bride from her parents, while showing his strength, generosity and cheerful disposition.

Preparations for the ransom began in advance. So in the groom’s house, in the evening, they decorated the cart on which the groom was supposed to go to the bride. And in the morning, the mother carried out a ceremony of farewell to bachelorhood and dressed her son in new clothes. Before the ransom, the bride said goodbye to her home, parents, and girlfriends in her own way and dressed up for the holiday.

The ransom began with the arrival of the “wedding cortege” at the bride’s house. The road in front of the house was swept by the bride's matchmaker and blocked with a thick log brought by the bride's relatives. The groom had to cut the log to make way for himself. While the groom was sawing a log, those around him showered him with jokes. When the log was sawn, the groom was praised, and the whole procession headed to the gate of the house. Here new tasks had already been prepared for the groom. The groom fulfilled them and presented sweets to the children and bridesmaids. When all the tasks were completed, the groom entered the house, but even here a test awaited him. Several girls were sitting on the bench, covered with scarves, and he had to guess which one his beloved was under.

And now all the obstacles are behind. The groom was seated in the princely place under the icon next to the bride. After this, the feast began.

Scenario or tips for choosing it

In order for the wedding ransom to look like a holistic event, it is necessary to decide what it can be. Pay attention to:

    Classic, usually consisting of several stages. This is the meeting of the groom, the path to the bride and the meeting with the betrothed. All stages are accompanied by various tasks described above, jokes, sometimes poems or even songs.

Whatever buyout scenario you choose, remember that you don’t have to follow it completely, because there are no boundaries. There are only your preferences, which can be combined with our tips and ideas, creating a truly unique comic event at your wedding celebration.

Bride ransom for the groom.

With the modern rhythm of life, no one is surprised that girls take the first step in creating relationships, and often even propose marriage.

Groom ransom by the bride is an alternative to the standard bride ransom for powerful and strong-willed girls who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals.

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The site provides only informational information for creating an original and beautiful wedding celebration. I'm not selling anything

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