Mahogany wedding (27 years) - what a wedding, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS


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This date has such a beautiful name that you want to choose a congratulation on your 27th wedding anniversary that is as original and touching as possible. In this collection we have collected just such - the best poems, statuses and SMS that will help you congratulate your loved ones or each other on this wonderful date.

To husband from wife


What should I give you, dear? How can I surprise you, my love? You've been mine for 27 years! Our diagnosis is incurable - Its name is “love”, It has been tested for years! And the Red Tree again today spoils us with fruits: Those fruits are children, grandchildren, a house, And noble gray hairs!.. I can only dream of one thing, That we be united to the end!


It’s our wedding at the Mahogany Tree, So we didn’t make a mistake, That we said the word “yes” at that solemn hour At the altar! My dear, my beloved husband, Let life weave its roots for us, We will withstand thousands of blizzards with steadfastness! Happy holiday to us!


Every year we count our anniversaries with you! Life, husband, adds new wrinkles to us... 27 is not at all little, But it’s not a full stop! I haven’t said everything yet, I’m composing lines: We will intertwine our hands like branches, So as not to part! The kids look like you - How not to smile!.. The wedding date was named Red Tree! After all, the roots of marriage have become stronger than ropes!


Life gave me the Anniversary from the Red Tree today! I didn’t dream or hope that I would live to see these days! My husband, I am proud and grateful that he has been with me for 27 years! What will happen next will be even more wonderful, After all, there is no happier family in the world!


For you, my dear, my dear husband, I wrote a congratulation in my own words: today is your anniversary - the Mahogany Wedding! Over the twenty-seven years of our marriage, our relationship has become warmer, stronger, more reliable and more soulful! We have already managed to do a lot - raise wonderful children, get our own home, see the world, even babysit our grandchildren! But ahead, I hope, no less joyful events await us, and let our love become even stronger!

Pictures and cards suitable for the event

To congratulate spouses from afar, you can choose beautiful pictures or cards on the theme “Happy 27th wedding day.” Cards in honor of the 27th wedding anniversary are distinguished by an abundance of bright red elements and mahogany products:

  • symbolic wedding rings;

Rings made of wood

  • figurines, caskets;

Or a photo of a themed postcard

  • "Trees of Happiness"

Picture with a picture of a tree
Other images are designed in the spirit of standard congratulatory messages - cakes, glasses, hearts, ribbons - all red or with scarlet splashes.

Photo with hearts

Image with glasses

To the wife from her husband


I dedicate this verse to my dear wife! The fire in my chest of love has not subsided in 27 years! On your anniversary, light up with your sunny smile Everything is on your way, wife! On our wedding day, you will warm me! And congratulations, my beloved wife! Hold me tight, I need you more than anyone else in the world!


I am incredibly glad and happy that 27 years are behind us! We spent those years in happiness, And how much happiness lies ahead!.. The day is decorated with a Red Tree - It blooms in my soul! Every moment with you is important to me, Wife, joy awaits us!


Today I bring you a bouquet, but it’s not roses or daisies! In it I collected the bright light of the sun and the love songs of spring birds! I tied my bouquet with a knot from the most tender words and revelations! After 27 years, we came straight to our holiday - the Birthday of the Family and Marriage! Wedding parade Today we are crowning with the Red Tree! I, dear, am infinitely glad to come from a stamp in my passport to a wedding!


I thank you for your care and tenderness, and I don’t hide the fact that I only love you more! Today the anniversary was called the Red Tree, Exactly 27 years ago our Wedding was born! You, beloved wife, are like the light of the sun to me - There is no one more beautiful or wiser in the world!


Darling, I simply cannot imagine my life without you! It’s amazing, on the one hand, and so joyful, on the other, that we have maintained such a noble, gentle, loving relationship for 27 years! On this day of our Mahogany Wedding, I once again want to confess my eternal love to you and thank you for what we have already experienced together, and dream about what is yet to come!

What to give to your wife or husband

Spouses usually exchange personal gifts, so each of them should find out in advance which wedding is being celebrated in the 27th year of marriage and decide what to give to the husband or wife. It can be:

  • bathrobes in chocolate brown and dark red;
  • paired sets of tea or coffee cups and saucers of the same colors;
  • subcervical pillows;
  • soft mahogany poufs for the bedroom;
  • a casket for decorations or for important documents.

In addition to the main gift, a woman is supposed to be presented with a bouquet of scarlet roses, because no wedding should be complete without flowers.

A birthday cake will delight both

From parents


You, daughter, don’t judge harshly the rhyme in these lines! How much happiness lies ahead for you and your husband, daughter! You have reached the anniversary of Krasnodrevyannaya! Oh, daughter, may life always give you gifts!


On your anniversary, we want to tell you, children, that you too will live together! And today we will all attend your holiday, raise a toast so that you love, you feel sorry for each other and take care of each other, like all 27 wonderful years! They could live together until old age, and it was always interesting!


My children, today is not an easy day! It’s still a long time before the Golden Wedding, but even now the date is important for you - the Anniversary of the Red Tree is now! May luck be a frequent guest here, this house definitely has everything for happiness! Congratulations to your strong family, I love you with all my heart, dear ones!


Our dear children! Today is not just another day on the calendar, but the real birthday of your family! 27 years ago you entered into a legal marriage, and this anniversary is called the Mahogany Wedding! This symbol means nobility, strength and durability of family relationships! We wish you to continue to love each other deeply, take care of your children, and don’t forget us old people! Congratulations, our dear ones!

Gifts, products and souvenirs made of mahogany

If you have the opportunity to make a gift made of mahogany for your wedding anniversary, choose elegant items that will not only serve as decoration, but will also benefit the owners. As a wedding gift, the following mahogany products are appropriate:

  • a wine cabinet with a glass door if the spouses are engaged in home winemaking or collect purchased or gift wine;
  • carved hanger or umbrella stand for the hallway;
  • small original bookshelf.

Interior items can be given only if they organically fit into the style and color scheme of the home. If you are not sure about this, it is better to present a variety of mahogany souvenirs for your wedding anniversary - candlesticks, figurines and compositions of carved figures.

From friends


It’s your wedding today, sister, so be it, she’s 27 years old! I would like to wish you and your husband that you live in marriage without troubles! With the Red Tree in your relationship, strong bonds will be cemented by love! I won’t ask you for permission to shout “Bitter!” again today!


It is no coincidence that my signature is on the marriage certificate, friends! I am extremely happy for you, that you have been a family for 27 years! It’s such an honor to be a witness, and I’m proud of our friendship! May there be countless joyful days, May the years bring you happiness!


You're lucky, friend, your husband is just golden! You are a happy wife, He is a happy husband with you! The symbol of your anniversary is called the Red Tree! You always create comfort for your beloved man, Well, he, girlfriend, always carries you in his arms! Take care of each other and never quarrel!


May your boat of love, friends, float thousands more miles! You, Lord, bless their marriage! May your wife always have a sweet husband, and may your wife always be loved! After all, family is work! 27 are short years, People who are married live longer!.. This period is associated with the Red Tree, A sign of nobility and strength! You made a vow to each other that you would love so deeply!


The Red Tree intertwined you firmly and firmly - Twenty-seven beautiful years have flown by! It was destined to be your most faithful spouses, to be your mother and your father! Fortunately, you are walking with stubborn steps with a wedding ring! We wish you, friends, clear skies, Sunny joyful days, and the coolest mood! There is nothing more valuable in the life of family!


Don’t stop loving each other, After all, there are still many years ahead! Celebrate the anniversary today, Light has descended on the Red Tree! Come on, friends, watch the tape where your wedding was captured! Of course, there is no happier day in life, when the wife said “yes” to her husband!

Comical and funny


To you, newlyweds, we want to say our simple congratulations: We wish you to have the most passionate intimacy, Any problems will be solved, Let the table be bursting with the sweetest dishes, And the house will be a full cup! The year has come to you from the Red Tree, After all, your wedding is 27 years old!


Your marriage has already crossed that line, Jokingly, you are allowed to send each other “three cheerful letters”! It’s good that the children managed to give birth to grandchildren! Otherwise, my husband would have gone crazy long ago. He suffered so much for 27 years, Almost fell asleep over a glass, Waited while the table was being set! Well, the wife is also good, the wife has been tired of sawing for a long time! Today her soul began to dress up again in a white dress! Even if there are just a million disagreements, Even if sometimes it’s like a bird to scream! But only two people know – she and he – that their happiness will last until old age!..


Redwood is no joke! 27 years is by no means a minute, For many years you flew and rushed, You kissed, made up, fought, Adult children, there are grandchildren, So much trouble that there is no time for boredom! Today is the reason for happiness - your marriage anniversary has arrived! The guests immediately opened their mouths as they suddenly found out your wedding age! You will have to surprise everyone - you will continue to live together for, like, 100 years!


The beloved mother-in-law hugged her son-in-law, and the mother-in-law began to kiss her daughter-in-law! Well, the father-in-law and father-in-law are drinking for brotherhood! A very picturesque landscape on the table – Vodka, cucumbers, pies and cake – Redwood wedding – top class! Twenty-seven years old, the family is already happy! I congratulate you on your anniversary!


The eyes burn like lights, After all, the date is not simple! Oh, the treats are “bitter”, Congratulations on your wedding! “Gorki” snacks and wine, “Gorki” even sweets! 27 years old - I’ll say one thing, that you are no happier!


The Red Tree is blooming now, Your family is growing every year - There were two of you, then there were children, And now the grandchildren are running around the planet!.. At the age of twenty-seven years of marriage, We have never met a stronger family, no!.. Let the family give so many “fruits”, How many years have passed since the wedding!

What to give to parents or friends

To congratulate friends or parents on their 27th wedding anniversary in a way that they will remember, you should think about what you can give.

Friends are supposed to give gifts for their 27th wedding anniversary, taking into account what kind of anniversary it is, that is, mahogany products or any goods of bright red or red-brown color - blankets, bed linen, sets.

When deciding what to give to your parents for 27 years of marriage, you don’t have to focus on what kind of wedding it is. You can simply purchase something that parents need, for example, LEXUS LX 570 brake discs or something they have long dreamed of:

  • tablet or other gadget;
  • high-quality kitchen or home appliances;
  • tickets to a show or event, shopping gift certificates, resort packages, pool passes.

The most reasonable thing is to consult with your parents and find out their wishes, taking into account your capabilities.

You can complement your gift with painted gingerbread cookies.

SMS congratulations


The SMS with congratulations will be short, but it will be able to convey exactly the essence: I want to congratulate your family on the 27th Birthday! Drown headlong into happiness!


The Red Tree wove its roots, 27 years have flown by!.. We wish you to celebrate your anniversary, Be the happiest on the planet!


Not from gold, but from Wood, Not from yellow, but from Red, Celebrating your birthday, your marriage! 27 – great date!


We wish, holding hands, To go forward, putting on a jacket, Putting on a veil, putting on a ring, Putting a smile on your face, Suddenly realize that there is nothing better, Moments in 27 years! Let there be a million reasons, May there be many anniversaries!


Happy 27th marriage anniversary I hasten to congratulate you via SMS! Although it is not a round date, however, I ask you to celebrate it brightly! The date was named Red Tree, Because love grows stronger! They promised to be together until their gray hairs, Take vows of fidelity again!


Today the anniversary will spin you in a waltz, Today is the 27th wedding - let’s not let it go!.. Let the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law also be strong friends, Just as father-in-law and son-in-law shake hands tightly!


Be united in soul and in thought, your marriage has been invincible for 27 years! Let the Red Tree bloom, everyone congratulates you on your anniversary!


Wedding cake, congratulations, veil! Let warmth reign in your family, May the Red Tree add strength to it, May your married life be wonderful!


The Red Crown Tree is spread out, As a family, you follow the laws: You love and take care of each other, And remain faithful until old age!


Let the wedding tree, with its red branch, give you a beautiful, loving mood! Twenty-seven years old Today is the wedding date - Let it not be the last, After all, in the future it will be three-digit!

Congratulations on the 27th anniversary of marriage

It’s our wedding at the Mahogany Tree, So we didn’t make a mistake, That we said the word “yes” at that solemn hour At the altar! My dear, my beloved husband, Let life weave its roots for us, We will withstand thousands of blizzards with steadfastness! Happy holiday to us!


Life gave me the Anniversary from the Red Tree today! I didn’t dream or hope that I would live to see these days! My husband, I am proud and grateful that he has been with me for 27 years! What will happen next will be even more wonderful, After all, there is no happier family in the world!


I dedicate this verse to my dear wife! The fire in my chest of love has not subsided in 27 years! On your anniversary, light up with your sunny smile Everything is on your way, wife! On our wedding day, you will warm me! And congratulations, my beloved wife! Hold me tight, I need you more than anyone else in the world!


I am incredibly glad and happy that 27 years are behind us! We spent those years in happiness, and how much happiness lies ahead. The day is decorated with a Red Tree - It blooms in my soul! Every moment with you is important to me, Wife, joy awaits us!


I thank you for your care and tenderness, and I don’t hide the fact that I only love you more! Today the anniversary was called the Red Tree, Exactly 27 years ago our Wedding was born! You, beloved wife, are like the light of the sun to me - There is no one more beautiful or wiser in the world!


You, daughter, don’t judge harshly the rhyme in these lines! How much happiness lies ahead for you and your husband, daughter! You have reached the anniversary of Krasnodrevyannaya! Oh, daughter, may life always give you gifts!


On your anniversary, we want to tell you, children, that you too will live together! And today we will all attend your holiday, raise a toast so that you love, you feel sorry for each other and take care of each other, like all 27 wonderful years! They could live together until old age, and it was always interesting!


My children, today is not an easy day! It’s still a long time before the Golden Wedding, but even now the date is important for you - the Anniversary of the Red Tree is now! May luck be a frequent guest here, this house definitely has everything for happiness! Congratulations to your strong family, I love you with all my heart, dear ones!


It’s your wedding today, sister, so be it, she’s 27 years old! I would like to wish you and your husband that you live in marriage without troubles! With the Red Tree in your relationship, strong bonds will be cemented by love! I won’t ask you for permission to shout “Bitter!” again today!


It is no coincidence that my signature is on the marriage certificate, friends! I am extremely happy for you, that you have been a family for 27 years! It’s such an honor to be a witness, and I’m proud of our friendship! May there be countless joyful days, May the years bring you happiness!


You're lucky, friend, your husband is just golden! You are a happy wife, He is a happy husband with you! The symbol of your anniversary is called the Red Tree! You always create comfort for your beloved man, Well, he, girlfriend, always carries you in his arms! Take care of each other and never quarrel!


Don’t stop loving each other, After all, there are still many years ahead! Celebrate the anniversary today, Light has descended on the Red Tree! Come on, friends, watch the tape where your wedding was captured! Of course, there is no happier day in life, when the wife said “yes” to her husband!


To you, newlyweds, we want to say our simple congratulations: We wish you to have the most passionate intimacy, Any problems will be solved, Let the table be bursting with the sweetest dishes, And the house will be a full cup! The year has come to you from the Red Tree, After all, your wedding is 27 years old!


The beloved mother-in-law hugged her son-in-law, and the mother-in-law began to kiss her daughter-in-law! Well, the father-in-law and father-in-law are drinking for brotherhood! A very picturesque landscape on the table – Vodka, cucumbers, pies and cake – Redwood wedding – top class! Twenty-seven years old, the family is already happy! I congratulate you on your anniversary!


The eyes burn like lights, After all, the date is not simple! Oh, the treats are “bitter”, Congratulations on your wedding! “Gorki” snacks and wine, “Gorki” even sweets! 27 years old - I’ll say one thing, that you are no happier!


The Red Tree is blooming now, Your family is growing every year - There were two of you, then the children came, And now the grandchildren are running around the planet. At the age of twenty-seven years of marriage, we have never met a stronger family, no. May the family produce as many “fruits” as many years have passed since the wedding!


The SMS with congratulations will be short, but it will be able to convey exactly the essence: I want to congratulate your family on the 27th Birthday! Drown headlong into happiness!


The Red Tree wove its roots, and 27 years have flown by since then. We wish you to celebrate your anniversary, Be the happiest person on the planet!


Not from gold, but from Wood, Not from yellow, but from Red, Celebrating your birthday, your marriage! 27 – great date!


We wish, holding hands, To go forward, putting on a jacket, Putting on a veil, putting on a ring, Putting a smile on your face, Suddenly realize that there is nothing better, Moments in 27 years! Let there be a million reasons, May there be many anniversaries!


Happy 27th marriage anniversary I hasten to congratulate you via SMS! Although it is not a round date, however, I ask you to celebrate it brightly! The date was named Red Tree, Because love grows stronger! They promised to be together until their gray hairs, Take vows of fidelity again!


Today the anniversary will spin you around in a waltz, Today is the 27th wedding - you can’t let it go. Let the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law also be strong friends, Just as father-in-law and son-in-law shake hands tightly!


Be united in soul and in thought, your marriage has been invincible for 27 years! Let the Red Tree bloom, everyone congratulates you on your anniversary!


Wedding cake, congratulations, veil! Let warmth reign in your family, May the Red Tree add strength to it, May your married life be wonderful!


The Red Crown Tree is spread out, As a family, you follow the laws: You love and take care of each other, And remain faithful until old age!


Let the wedding tree, with its red branch, give you a beautiful, loving mood! Twenty-seven years old Today is the wedding date - Let it not be the last, After all, in the future it will be three-digit!


27 wonderful years flew by quickly, We didn’t even have time to look back, You can already hear the laughter of your grandchildren in the house, Everyone congratulates your grandparents. Today is your wedding anniversary, accept compliments and wishes as soon as possible, may luck always accompany you, may grief and misfortune not notice you.


A mahogany wedding is a symbol of strength, That life was a fairy tale, you used all the possibilities, You carefully keep the key to happiness, You are already standing on solid ground. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary, We sincerely wish you all earthly blessings, May life flow like a full river, May fate prepare pleasant miracles for you.


27 years is a long time, Your son has already given you a grandson, Your family has become many times larger, Your love is as beautiful and strong as before. We congratulate you on your mahogany wedding, We sincerely wish you all the best, We wish everything you dreamed of to come true, May happiness rush to you on its wings.


You are celebrating a solemn date, the 27th anniversary of the birth of your family. Please accept congratulations from the bottom of our hearts, As if living in a fairy tale for many years. May happiness always smile on you, May grief never be known to you, We wish you great joy and goodness, good health, family warmth.


You have lived in love and harmony for 27 years, you are a friendly and strong family, it’s no secret, we congratulate you on your mahogany wedding, we sincerely wish you success and good luck. Appreciate each other, take care of each other, drive sadness and resentment away from yourself, may luck always smile at you, may fate generously reward you in full.


Dear newlyweds, honor and praise to you, your love is always worthy of admiration, the status of spouse is worthily confirmed, you always trust and believe in each other. Mahogany wedding is yours, All compliments and flowers are for you, Always live in joy, don’t be discouraged, Protect your feelings securely.


The years rush by like spring water, Life is so fleeting, The most valuable thing in life is family, And our love, of course. We congratulate you on your mahogany wedding, we sincerely wish you great happiness, love and be loved, may your family be amazing and beautiful.


Today you are the bride and groom again, After all, you have been living together for 27 years, “Bitter!” - We shout to you with joy, we sincerely wish you joy and good luck. We wish you the warmest and endless love, Be hostage to happiness, complement and always appreciate each other, We wish your cherished dream to come true.


You are a strong and durable family, Harmony in feelings is always visible, Today is your wedding anniversary, Accept congratulations as soon as possible. Let hope, faith and love walk side by side, May the Lord always protect you, Always live in love and harmony, Take care of each other like the apple of your eye.


Today you are in a festive mood, you are celebrating 27 years of birth in your family, you receive a sea of ​​compliments and flowers, I am ready to take every example from you. May happiness be written in your home forever, Be confident in each other always, May there be only good luck on the horizon of life, Many victories, joy and prosperity to boot.


Dear newlyweds, praise and honor to you, There are countless days spent in love, You always complement each other, You have one beautiful destiny. Let all plans turn into reality, Let the sun of good luck smile at you, Let your home be a full cup, Let happiness and joy settle in it.


This day is special for you - family birthday! And I wish you that there will be a lot of love in it!


A lot of tenderness and affection, Relationships are warmer! Let it pass as if in a fairy tale The twenty-seventh anniversary!


Love is not valuable as a romantic trip to a nearby restaurant, nor as a general foreign tour along European shores!


Not with a diamond ring, Not with a white dress on the bride, But with the fact that the common home is strong, And with the fact that we have been together for twenty-seven years!


You have been married for 27 years, but there is no more loving couple! Don't take your eyes off each other - you suit each other!


May Love become stronger with each new anniversary! Let the years fly by, We wish you to always be together!


Days pass, years fly by, But you are always together! Live in perfect harmony, together! Family is all you need in life!


Today we are married 27! He is thriving! I wish you to keep your family, to love each other reverently!


It’s been 27 years since your bright wedding! And the best wedding gift was a marriage, nothing stronger than that!


Let love always warm you, becoming stronger over the years! We hasten to congratulate you on your wonderful wedding anniversary!


My husband is the most beautiful of all men, There are many different reasons to praise You, my beloved, To love You most of all.


From my husband


The glass is filled, there is sparkling wine in it! Today, you and I, wife, are celebrating 27 years! Life is a romantic movie, And we know exactly how it will end!.. Every day passes in love and joy, Many different adventures await us ahead! Don’t let your smile be darkened by the shadow of suspicion, of sorrow, of doubt!.. My soul is filled with you alone, I dedicate my every breath to you, dear, May our life continue to be good! I raise a toast to our anniversary!

From my wife


To remember today, to remember... This day, the veil and turmoil... I want to raise, raise Toasts to you, from sigh to sigh... Drink to the dregs, and drink... Let them shout to us again, “Bitter!”... Hug so tightly, hug, So that everyone knows that you are mine only!.. 27 today, 27!.. It’s not a short time, but it’s not the end yet! I’m not drunk at all yet, I weave line after line into the toast! My dearest, dearest, Give me your smile! How many anniversaries are still with you?!.. Let's dance, let the violin play!..

From parents


Wedding of the Mahogany Tree, which means 27 happy years behind us!.. My heart cries with joy, When I see you so beautiful!.. I raise this toast from the bottom of my heart, And I wish you “Many years to come”! I congratulate you on your anniversary, so that there is more light in the family, more happiness, warmth and health! You, children, are dearest and dearest to everyone! Let your home be full of love, May you always be responsible for each other!

Congratulations to your husband on your wedding anniversary

I am proud of a good husband and I love you so dearly! You are the only one I need in my life, This is happiness, serenity!


Let the Heat of the love potion warm you up in the cold! May friendship always support me, my feelings and smile!


My dear, beloved husband, Today is our anniversary. And I want to tell you: You are the best man for me.


I have no relatives closer to you and no closer person in the world. I hope that someday we will celebrate our family's half-century.


Success, strength to you, dear, health and great luck. Let love become brighter and richer over the years.


When I see you smiling, There is nothing more pleasant for me My dear, dear, you try so hard to make me happy every day!


Thank you for your love and respect, For a strong and friendly family, I wish you happiness and luck, And just remember: I love you!


You are the kindest, most gentle, Simple, beloved and dear, My happiness and hopes Everything in life is connected with you.


You make me feel great, You pamper me, you make me happy, Fate did not bring us together in vain, She is now the only one for us.


We are inseparable year after year, A kinship of similar, close souls, We are simply bored without each other, From God we are wife and husband!


Husband, I hasten to congratulate you, Today you are the most gorgeous of all. And may your enemies be the envy of your success.


Yes, you can’t hide gray hair anymore, But that’s why life is good, That our age doesn’t mean much, When the soul doesn’t grow old.


So don’t hang your head, We’ll sing our lives yet! Smile this evening, And we will be happy together!

Statuses for the 27th wedding anniversary

  1. Someone wants to remain in the memory of their beloved man, but I managed not only this, but also to be in a place of honor in his passport for 27 years!
  2. My ring finger hasn't gotten cold for 27 years! Thanks to my husband for clothes for him - a wedding ring!
  3. My parents' relationship is as noble and strong as the symbol of their wedding anniversary - the Mahogany Tree! Congratulations to my dear father and mother on their holiday!
  4. Happy 27th Wedding Anniversary! I promise to be not an “oak tree”, but a real “Mahogany Tree” that understands everything quickly!
  5. I thank my wife for loving me for 27 years! Happy day, my queen!
  6. For twenty-seven years, we have also firmly intertwined roots and branches, like the symbol of our wedding anniversary today - the Mahogany Tree!
  7. It's mom and dad's 27th wedding anniversary! This is what I understand – love!……..
  8. Our relationship is as noble and strong as the Mahogany Tree! And even if the date is not round, it is always a special day for us!
  9. It’s scary to think that you and I are one of those crazy spouses who have been able to maintain happiness, love and humor in their marriage for 27 years!
  10. Thanks to mom and dad for a living example of how to live in a happy marriage for twenty-seven years! Happy Mahogany Anniversary, my newlyweds!
  11. It would be nice to celebrate a Mahogany wedding with a bottle of at least red wine!
  12. Twenty-seven years ago, you and I took a chance at the registry office! Now it's time to try your luck in church!
  13. Thank you for answering “yes” to me 27 years ago! Happy anniversary, beloved wife!
  14. Today the Red Tree blossomed in my heart, because my husband and I are celebrating our 27th wedding anniversary!
  15. Thanks everyone for the congratulations! It's our family's 27th birthday! Red Tree Anniversary, Hurray!!!

Congratulations on the Jade Anniversary

Congratulations on your 28th wedding anniversary

Beautiful congratulations to your husband on your wedding anniversary

I want to go to the restaurant, my love! Celebrate the anniversary! I will be drunk with love, I will dance for a long time! Take out your wallet, And put on a jacket, Choose any place, Where we will be super ok!

Happy anniversary, My only man. I wish you and I happiness, Endless caresses.


Loyalty, love, desires, the strength of these promises. I love you boundlessly, my dear, my most tender.


How great it is to be married, to love and be loved! You made me joyful, satisfied and happy! I will go to the ends of the Earth with you, My lawful husband. And I will say again many times, That I really need you!


Congratulations on our wedding anniversary, dear. You are the only man, Friend, husband, my beloved.


  • For me, as they say, You, beloved, are three in one. You were once my prince, now you have become a king.
  • *

    You are the king, I am the queen. I'm not sad with you. I know: if you don’t go left, I won’t let you go.


    Happy anniversary. Catch my kiss. I wish you all the best, You always love me.


    Today is our little family holiday! May all our hopes come true, may fate love and protect us! And may love always live in our home!


    If we live every day in joy and love, if we still smile at each other in the morning, and in the evenings after a long day of work we happily spend the evening together, this is happiness.


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