Amethyst wedding (48 years) - what a wedding, congratulations, poetry, prose, SMS

From my wife


We, my husband, have been happily married for forty-eight years! That love passes is a lie, It does not pass, no!.. We celebrate the amethyst wedding this year! You are in a suit, and I am in a dress, So we live without worries!


We survived the spring weddings, We survived the stormy passions of the summer! Winter prophesies for us gray hair, But there is no love more beautiful than autumn - It’s almost golden time, 48 years in the wedding waltz We are spinning!.. It’s as if yesterday You told me at the registry office: “Make up your mind!” Of course, I answered “yes”, Since then we have been married! On wedding day, now and always, We are souls, husband, we love each other!..


We managed to come to Amethyst’s anniversary, even though we quarreled at times! If there was something wrong, forgive me, It’s not a gift - my character, I won’t hide it! But love works miracles with us too, in 48 years we have become family! On holiday in our house there are voices from our grandchildren - We, my husband, are “young” again today!


My dearest, best husband! Here we have a holiday again - the Amethyst Anniversary! Our beautiful children and grandchildren, close friends and kindred spirits came to congratulate us on our forty-eighth anniversary of marriage! How nice it is to see everyone at one big table! And it’s doubly nice that you still look at me “with a twinkle,” just like on our wedding day!

How to celebrate 48 years of marriage?

The amethyst anniversary is a family holiday. Pass on experience and traditions to future generations; remember the funny moments of life together; show an example of tender feelings and undying love - this is its deep meaning. The date does not imply a major celebration, because the “newlyweds” are saving up their strength for a golden wedding. Traditionally, the 48th anniversary of a happy family life is celebrated in a narrow circle. How to celebrate a memorable date?

  • Invite your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren to get together in the evening for a cup of tea and cake.
  • In honor of your wedding anniversary, arrange a joint walk with your loved one to places of “military glory”: dates, meetings.
  • Sit over a cup of coffee in a small cafe, remembering the best moments of family life.
  • Meet with friends, wedding witnesses: remember your youth.
  • Celebrate the anniversary with an evening out to the theater or concert. This is a great occasion to wear an amethyst necklace, presented in the morning by your beloved husband.

From spouse


Congratulations, my dear, on our Amethyst wedding! On this day you are so beautiful, You become more beautiful every moment! And we learned bottomless family joy through dialogue! Our right to happiness is legal. We paid before God long ago! 48 is probably so little for the two of us, dear!.. My bright, kind, faithful one, I congratulate us on our anniversary!


May Amethyst give me exactly half of Happiness today on my anniversary! I, wife, am not an egoist! I give you the other half from my heart! I’m still jealous of you and still love you!


Keeping swan fidelity, We have been living together for 48 years! My dear wife, today you are like a bride! I love your smile so much, I adore that sly look, I sing serenades to you again, I know the wonderful aroma by heart! I recognize footsteps from thousands, Your voice is sweeter than the chirping of birds! On the anniversary, you can forgive me My hundred million mistakes!


My beloved soulmate! You and I, as a single whole, have been married for forty-eight years! Wife, mommy and granny - all these titles are within your grasp! Thank you for your sincere feelings, for your patience and boundless affection! You already understand me without words, so I’ll just congratulate us on the Amethyst wedding, and my look will say everything for me!

From friends with an amethyst wedding


Friends, we have been friends for a long time! Today I want to share your festive dinner with you! And I wish you to love each other as if on your wedding day, on your forty-eighth anniversary! Give affection and attention, Cherish your grandchildren and children! And I, as an old friend, have the right to hug you! Kiss each other more often - That’s what I want to wish you!


Don’t forget my dress, which is whiter than snow! I remember, like no one else, That two people got married at this hour! I am a witness to this! Congratulations, friends! May virtue never leave your family hearth! In modern times - a museum exhibit. Such a long-lasting marriage! A whole forty-eight years is, of course, no small thing! We ask you very much, Be healthy, friends, So that I can dance at the Golden Wedding, 48 is not enough!..


The family road has been long - But this is far from the end!.. Where, sister, has life led you? I remember the beginning: you were walking down the aisle! You were in a dress, and your husband was the groom, so embarrassed and terribly funny! Wait, my poem today is not about that day, but I have a different reason to congratulate you: I want to congratulate you on your forty-eighth anniversary and always wish you, So that the family strengthens, grows, and prospers! And the years have brought wisdom to your marriage!

Cool congratulations on 48 years


I thought a little and brought a bouquet to the wedding! Oh, the wife's legs are slender!.. What I would like to wish: Let the husband follow each leg, And the second one walks behind him, And the wife strokes him with her palm - my advice is simple! And then all the legs and arms will be tightly intertwined! 48 years in love with each other Since the wedding day!


Musicians in your honor Strings tear souls! There is something to drink, there is something to eat, If you want, sing and dance! The holiday is coming in the house - Come on, pour it! Every toast comes up - Just have time! Wedding symbol – Amethyst, 48 years old! Your marriage is strong and pure, There is no better couple!


We divided the sugar in half, and we divided the salt in half! We celebrate on a grand scale - we have lived for 48 years! Even if the groom is a little gray, the bride already has grandchildren! Marriage is not a smooth road, There is no boredom in family life! Troubles and insults, Quarrels, tears and whims, There were even broken saucers From the family set!.. But love will glue the fragments into an Amethyst wedding! Together, who knows how to forgive! And I would like to wish you not to sulk and get angry, but to kiss more often, hug, have fun, and never part!


You are not so young today, “young” - There are wrinkles, there are diseases, and gray hair! Your jaw is floating in a glass, how do you kiss it? But on this wedding day of yours, we ask you not to give up: When we shout “Bitterly”, you won’t refuse, You will still sweeten your holiday with a kiss! On your forty-eighth anniversary, surprise all your guests - dance your wonderful wedding waltz for us again!

What do guests give?

If you are invited to an amethyst wedding, try to bring a gift that will be remembered for a long time. You can go with a traditional theme and choose an amethyst piece. This is an opaque and durable stone from which a variety of souvenirs are made. You can find animal figurines and money trees. Functional interior items can be inlaid with amethyst or other purple stones:

  • caskets;
  • candlesticks;
  • photo frames;
  • watch;
  • mirrors;
  • paintings;
  • glasses for anniversaries.

If you want the present to be not only beautiful, but also useful, you can always turn to non-thematic gifts that are appropriate for any occasion. A set of dishes, kitchen utensils, bed linen, bedspreads and blankets, towels and bathrobes will be useful in the household. Home textiles in amethyst tones will also be a very symbolic gift.

Bring the spouses a slow cooker, a double boiler, or a microwave. If the heroes of the day have a garden, you can choose:

  • set of tools;
  • garden decorations;
  • flowerpot;
  • pots, vases.

You can also donate equipment for harvesting, such as a juicer, infrared vegetable dryer or food processor.

From children to parents on the 48th anniversary


There is no greater happiness for children and grandchildren, When you, dad and mom, are with us as always! Your marriage was not affected by the wicked separation, There is no better reward for an amethyst wedding! There is no greater joy than eating a snow-white cake at the table with you and drinking the most delicious tea! Let fidelity and tenderness continue to live in marriage, There is no better family than ours, dad and mom!


I bow to you to the ground, Parents, from us! You preserved, as best you could, Preserve and now Love and loyalty, the honor of the family! You are 48 years old! Loved as much as we could! And there is no more happiness than watching your union grow stronger every moment! Do not break family ties, After all, the spring of love flows!


You, dad and mom, don’t have to be sad that your youth is quietly leaving! After all, you are not tired of giving each other your Smile at sunrise! You always meet sunsets together, And hold hands tenderly! The number “48” is just a year, And the main thing is hope, That there are many different miracles in the future! We, children and grandchildren, are all nearby! Your love is like a gift from Heaven, and what else is really needed?..

SMS congratulations


For 48 long years, we haven’t grown cold towards each other, no! May your marriage, like Amethyst, be beautiful, strong, and pure!


Happy forty-eighth anniversary, friends, I hastened to congratulate you today! A wedding day is a day for only two people, although gray-haired, but always “young”!


In a very short SMS I will write only six lines: Amethyst wedding - This is an occasion to try on a dress, Cut a cake and hug! If it's "bitter" - kiss!


Is there a secret to a long-lasting marriage? Maybe this is a good fight? Maybe resentment and a sea of ​​whims? No! A marriage grows stronger from all sorts of surprises, It grows stronger from love and affection! Congratulations on your 48th wedding day!


Happy Amethyst wedding, friends! May the family always prosper, May the “young shoots” grow, May the old people nurse them! Let the house full of relatives gather today for a long slot!

Gift for husband

The 48th wedding anniversary is an unofficial anniversary, so you are not limited in your choice of gifts. They can be traditional or modern.

According to tradition, it is customary to give any accessory or even a trinket, but made of amethyst. It could be:

  • amethyst figurine;
  • ring;
  • cufflinks;
  • tie-pin.

If you prefer trendy gifts, use lilac-colored packaging. As a memorable gift you can choose:

  • hobby accessory, such as chess, fishing rod, binoculars, flashlight;
  • car tools;
  • keychain;
  • telephone;
  • electric razor;
  • e-reader, tablet.


From my husband


I have already lost count of the years since I met you!.. How many days, I have long forgotten, from the moment I fell in love!.. Yes, to hell with my memory! But I love you madly! And today is the year “forty-eighth”, How you became my wife! I will raise this toast for you, And I will hug you so tightly!.. Something “Bitter” began to drink to the bottom - I want to sweeten it with a kiss!

From my wife


I raise this toast today to you and to me! For us! Congratulations on our anniversary! You don’t take your eyes off me... Do you really still think that I look good in a white dress? 48 years still does not burn out Our fire of love! The soul sings! Amethyst is not just a symbol of a wedding, our long marriage is just as pure! What would you like to wish for today? Nothing!.. We already have everything: Understanding, tenderness and patience! Children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren - everything is here!.. Give, Lord, your blessing, So that everything we have remains with us!..

Statuses for social networks VK, Fb, Instagram

  • Like a beautiful Amethyst, our marriage is strong, long, and pure!
  • What a trifle, we are only “forty-eight”! It’s spring in my soul, but not autumn at all!
  • A magical holiday - Amethyst wedding! Let grandma wear her wedding dress again!
  • An example for young people are my parents! What was broken was repaired, what was quarreled was made up! That’s why we lived for 48 years without getting divorced!
  • Granny and grandpa, the years in the barge have flown by like a bullet - you are “newlyweds” again! Happy 48th wedding anniversary!
  • There are still a couple of steps left until the Golden Wedding, and today is the Amethyst Anniversary! Not a round date, but wow, what a significant one!
  • Love can be very long, perhaps endless! Our family is 48 years old, may the happiness last forever!

Congratulations on your Cashmere wedding

Congratulations on your 49th wedding anniversary

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What wedding

Amethyst is a rare purple mineral that has been revered since ancient times. It looks different in daylight and electric light, changes color under the influence of heat, and sometimes for no apparent reason.

In various traditions, amethyst was an adornment for clergy and royalty. It was believed that the stone expels wine fumes and protects its owner from drunkenness. Therefore, cups were often inlaid with them. In Greek mythology there is a legend about the nymph Amethyst, who turned into stone but did not betray her love.

This is a stone of peace of mind, humility, transparency, sincerity. It is recognized as a symbol of the purity of relations between spouses.

Amethyst is durable and beautiful. This is exactly how a marriage should be, which lasted 48 years.

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