Congratulations on your wedding day in your own words to parents

Congratulations to parents on their children's wedding


The kids have grown up, the time has come for the wedding!
That means drinking for another week.. I want to congratulate you, Those who took these same children to the sandbox recently, took them down from high branches, and didn’t sleep well at night!

I wish you good health, and don’t grow old in your soul! Be touched by their love, Be ready for the fruits in the future!

Soon they will be found in the cabbage, And you will have to pick joyful and nimble grandchildren from the berry branches again!

PARENTS for their children's wedding

Glory to the young today, And honor to the parents. After all, family power increases the score.

For parents, exam, When is the children's wedding. But the status is very nice: A sea of ​​flattery from the guests.

He obliges you to be at the wedding with the newlyweds. And other worries, Loads many times.

Prepare the bed for the young, escort guests home. Sometimes you allow feelings to overwhelm your soul with a wave.

Congratulations, gifts, and praise only in your honor. You don’t even need fortune tellers, fortunately you exist in the world.

Congratulations to parents on their children's wedding


Your boy has grown up. Diapers, toys Replaced with a new red Mercedes. Hares, bears and firecrackers are forgotten. Otherwise he shows interest...

One day your boy saw a beautiful curly girl. I decided to trust her to wash the diapers, I decided to turn the same wheel with her.

Now, they are the most beautiful couple - Romeo doesn’t even come close! You have a grandson: a Cossack or an aksakal, So that someone steals your peace again!

Well, we congratulate you, mom and dad, you will soon have to raise your grandchildren! Let your grandchildren be a joy, not a drama. Well... smile! There is no need to be sad!

parents for their children's wedding

Parents on their children's wedding day!

Well, matchmakers, we congratulate you, you are now one family, your children have become a couple, making you related forever!

Congratulations on your engagement, your children are a treasure, and just around the corner, there will be grandchildren and kindergarten.

The main thing is to live in peace, And share the day off, On this one - the grandchildren will come to you, Then on that one - to others, as an agreement.

Let the children live in harmony, do not “squabble”, do not play pranks. The cup of happiness will be full. The children's house will be full.

Congratulations, congratulations! You are now one family, your children have become a couple, making you related forever.

Parents of newlyweds

Congratulations to parents on their children's wedding


Mom and dad, don't be sad!

The creaking of snow and the howl of a blizzard, The bright stars are burning, The guests sang forty times: “For health they are young!”

They drank twenty times for diapers, Twenty-two for the harvest... Someone was crawling to the door on his belly - Don’t see him off...

But they forgot, they missed the groom’s dad and mom! We fill, we pour Whose hand is light!

Mom and Dad, don’t be sad - We all drink to you while standing. Forgive your Son - After all, he will be the King.

And with such a beauty next to us, the two of us are destined to live together! You love her like a daughter, Everything will be “the way” for everyone!

Wedding congratulations to parents

The bride and groom are, of course, the main ones at the wedding celebration, but it is very important not to forget about the people who gave life to wonderful newlyweds, about the people who, day after day, put a piece of their soul into their daughter and son, cared and worried about them, taught them love and forgive, be kind and grateful - about their parents. It was thanks to the life values ​​that our parents were able to instill that our newlyweds met each other. So parents are also, in a sense, “culprits of identity.” Parents, like no one else, rejoice at the wedding of their children and dream of their long and happy life together. Be sure to find a few warm words for the mothers and fathers of the newlyweds - they will be especially pleased. The congratulations card gives you a great opportunity to choose the right congratulations for your parents’ wedding. Hundreds of beautiful congratulations and warm words to the closest people in the world in poetry, prose or via SMS. Give your parents a smile on their big day.

You got your children married today, We sincerely wish you good luck. Wipe your tears quickly - You need to smile, not cry.

You got your children married today. We are glad to congratulate you all now. We will remember this moment forever. We congratulate you on such a sweet hour.

Take care of them, loving them tenderly, guide them on the true path. If trouble suddenly overtakes them, try to return them happiness.

Always support them in the family, wish them love and a long life. And never trust your enemies - Help the children before the funeral service.

Your children are celebrating their wedding. They are happy, they have everything ahead of them. Don’t forget to tenderly congratulate them and wish them all their troubles to be left behind.

Share the joy with them and take them on a journey of love. Let the two of them walk across the planet And soar high above the earth.

Let only good catch up with them, Evil will leave this life completely. Let luck smile sometimes, Even at the moment when it is not asked for.

Parents, we are happy to congratulate you, you are now getting your children married. Let that wedding walk and make noise, And you hold your glass more cheerfully.

Our dear parents, congratulations on your children’s wedding! Love them equally and accept them as your own! Good luck to you all!

Dear Parents! A low bow to you and the warmest wishes! Today you have found new relatives, and we wish you to love and respect each other!

The wedding of children is a very touching event, because on this day they begin a truly adult life. Thank you for your patience and love.

Dear parents! Today everyone will raise their glasses to the happiness of the newlyweds, and I want to drink to those who raised such wonderful people. Here's to you, parents!

Dear Parents! We wish you mutual understanding with your children! So that quarrels and adversity always pass you by!

On this day, your daughter became a wife, and in the future she will become the same wonderful mother that you have always been, and you will be. Congratulations!

In verse

  • Your son is leading the bride down the aisle,
  • He is adored and loved by everyone.
  • His choice is worthy of all awards,
  • And I am doubly happy to congratulate my parents.
  • Parents, welcome the new addition,
  • After all, you are very lucky
  • Get a young daughter,
  • After all, there is no way to do without it.
  • Let your children live together
  • And only love each other more.
  • Let misfortune not touch them,
  • And happiness will be there forever!
  • Son of parents, please stand up.
  • I will tell you my wishes.
  • Congratulations on the wedding of my beloved son.
  • Now it’s not just what you need.
  • He grew up and decided to get married.
  • And he was able to fall head over heels in love with the bride.
  • May your son live happily and successfully.
  • He is the best groom and that's for sure.
  • Keep your health and that of your children,
  • Love them tenderly and only more.
  • May the bride and groom visit you,
  • And let everyone have enough space in the house!
  • Don't worry about your son
  • His bride is a young lady.
  • She cooks excellent dinners.
  • And he always gives important advice.
  • And to you, parents, bow and respect.
  • I have no doubts about raising my son.
  • He is ready to become a wonderful family man,
  • This is clear to everyone without further ado!
  • Your son is creating a family.
  • He moves forward.
  • Development does not tolerate constancy.
  • And it’s good that there is no stubbornness in your character.
  • Thank you for raising a man.
  • The bride has no reason to worry.
  • The groom is a good man
  • She will be happy with him all her life!
  • Our souls smile at you,
  • After all, your son is getting married!
  • May he and his wife be happy,
  • And you take care of each other!
  • Have clear and sunny days,
  • Good weather in the house, in everyday life!
  • We are very happy for you,
  • My son chose that friend!
  • Finally your son is getting married!
  • Congratulations to the young people!
  • May God help them more often
  • And we wish you to live and not be sad!
  • Don't bend under anyone
  • To live, to wait for grandchildren and to be surprised by the world,
  • Appreciate your love and loyalty,
  • And let there be tenderness in relationships!
  • We congratulate your son!
  • We wish you to be happy!
  • Let him have a son and a daughter,
  • But he didn’t forget about you either.
  • Warmth and good luck to you,
  • They raised such a son - he's adorable
  • And don't let them disturb you
  • Evil, deception, resentment, jealousy.
  • Expecting grandchildren, love
  • You are each other forever,
  • We wish you a bright life,
  • Long, joyful and carefree!
  • We wish that your son
  • The wife was always obedient
  • So that after many years
  • She was not indifferent to him.
  • To love you constantly,
  • She indulged him in everything.
  • And so that you don’t have
  • Never any scandals with her.
  • So that your grandchildren are born,
  • To be healthy
  • Mom and dad were respected
  • And they loved their grandparents.

Congratulations to parents on their wedding day

Parents, I want to congratulate you on a wonderful day - a day of wedding and love! That day when you became closer, And two souls merged into one.

I wish you joy and happiness, so that nothing darkens you; May you always be as warm as in May - Live as friendly as you are now!

Happy wedding, parents!

My dear parents, I congratulate you on your Wedding Day! And may the Guardian Angels protect you throughout your life!

Let there be no suffering, no illness, no sadness! Let your wishes come true, Let your marriage be stronger than steel!

It's a wedding!

It’s okay that you’re not twenty – you’re always young at heart! Start kissing - Why are you embarrassed?

From children and grandchildren: “Bitter!” - It’s a wedding at last! Don’t get lost no matter how much, well, at least you, father!

Congratulations to parents on their wedding day


The years flow by like a river, But you are still together - Father is in the place of the groom, And Mommy is the bride!

The family has had children for a long time, And grandchildren are growing up, And you are still just as young, And you don’t care about blizzards!

On your wedding day, I wish you to keep Love as before; Trust does not fade away And look into the distance with hope!

You have kept the light, walking through the years, Nothing has clouded your vision; And there is no bad weather in your house - You solve the dispute with a kiss.

You have become wiser and more loved, And this is a wonderful illness! Happy wedding day, congratulations to mom and dad! May God continue to avoid separation!

Your feelings have been tested by time, They have not become a hindrance to the year. Neither the darkness nor the cold frightens them - They only always became stronger.

Remain family to each other, and support each other in destiny. I wish love your strength - May the light protect the angels from troubles!

Happy Wedding, parents!

My beloved parents, you are the most irresistible! Congratulations on your bright wedding! You are happy, I know it!

And keep these feelings, Let the sun shine in your hearts all your life, Be attentive to each other, And be diligent in relationships!

Stay young forever, parents, My people are long-lived, May your strength never leave you, Be healthy forever, I wish you!

Congratulations to parents on their wedding day


To parents - the best of the best

My beloved parents, you are the best of the best for me! Happy Wedding and the birth of a family. Today I congratulate you, lovingly!

Be young people at heart, Be content with good work, Be content always as children, May your home be forever full of cups!

Happy Wedding Day!

Parents, you are dear, I congratulate you on your wedding! Let good days come and let joy flow from your eyes!

May happiness be given to you without measure on the great path! I wish you a lot of strength and faith that everything will be fine!

How many years have you been together, But always like doves; Dad gives sweet bags to mom like a bride,

Mom is waiting for dad, worried, Painting her lips and eyes. We, always admiring you, are certainly all for it!

We wish you, dear ones, to live your life without knowing troubles, to celebrate all your weddings like gold for many years to come!

Congratulations to parents on their wedding day

I wish my beloved mother-in-law: In such a difficult female lot, it is necessary to be happy, Just allow yourself to do so!

You deserve only joy, Love with a good person. So that life would not be a burden at all, neither in autumn nor in hot summer!

Today you are our winners, your happiness is honestly deserved. Today you are not just parents - a young bride and groom!

Your wedding is a sweet event. We wish you the brightest days! May your family be happy, and may your love grow stronger every year!

I wish my mother-in-law great joy in love. Let the night shine every day, And the day not end in the night!

After all, happiness is also endless... And let every piece of life be soaked with it forever, Without any complicated problems!

My dear and dear ones, I congratulate you on your wedding! May we live together for a very long time, and spend an hour next to each other!

As a daughter, I wish my beloved parents joyful moments... So that the mother is an inspiration, And the father is the one for whom everyone is waiting!

Dear mother-in-law, we appreciate and respect you, we adore your delicacies, we promise to visit often, we will completely forget the jokes about our mother-in-law, thank you for your beautiful daughter! Please accept these flowers as gratitude.

Today you became a mother-in-law. Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts. This title is honorable, bear it proudly.

Just love and pamper your son-in-law - He is now your own. May there be peace, prosperity and tranquility in your family.

I see you admiring each other for the first time. You were just mom and dad, and you will become spouses.

Have thousands of wonderful days together and trusting feelings to you, Loving, live day by day. Happy wedding to you, parents!

How nice it is when there is such an event in your family! And a wedding is doubly so, and you can’t hide your happiness here...

We hasten to wish our father-in-law, And not one iota less, Only to glow from love alone, No matter how shy he may be!

For my wedding, I wish my beloved mother-in-law to burn in beautiful love for many years... And may the angel fulfill all your wishes for such a wonderful vow of fidelity.

Let joy fill all the minutes of the years lived in tender vastness. And so that, of course, there would be fewer fierce days than warm, sunny ones in Hawaiian tenderness!

Congratulations today on your new big status. They became a sweet, kind father-in-law, and their young dad.

I wish you and your children to live together and not lose heart. And never forget about the importance of family ties.

Happy wedding day to you, parents, let it be the best day in your life, let love and happiness spread its wings, because today you are marrying your children.

Let them take off like a pair of swans, Let them build a native nest for themselves, Let the years pass and like a flock of swans They will sail over your house.

My dear, you, as you know, are like a second mother to me, And I’m glad today, of course, That today you are like that again, As you were in your past life - with a smile, The beauty and figure of a model, I’ll tell you a secret - there, in the smoking room at the registry office all the men were stunned.

Mother-in-law, today you have become a wife, And next to you is a young husband, I wish you a bright, happy, fulfilling, joyful and beautiful life!

Let every day give pleasure, Fortune promises to be favorable, May you have goodness and strength, dreams, inspiration, Appreciate every moment of life!

I congratulate my new mother-in-law on her wedding. Let your beloved daughter's son-in-law become a good husband.

Let him carry her in his arms, and buy her a fur coat and a car. He always brings money into the house, as a man should.

So that your daughter’s family is strong and happy, Love with your son-in-law is in kilometers. You always measure it.

Today I became a mother-in-law. My children have become more numerous: a new son has appeared. There is no reason for us to be hostile.

Let people scold your mother-in-law, I will be your mother. I wish you understanding. Congratulations on your wedding! Happiness, strength and health, strongly flavored with love.

Today I can call you father-in-law, You and your mother have decided to have a wedding, We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts, So that the days are joyful and the nights are good.

Love, dream, relax everywhere, May your union be light and joyful, Give each other warm feelings, May your mood always be chocolate!

Our dearest and dearest people, our parents, thank you simply for having us, for your warmth, understanding, faith in us, support at the right time and your boundless love. We will be eternally grateful to you for everything. We hope that you will be friendly matchmakers and become wonderful grandparents. I wish you good health and long life!

Dear father-in-law, I congratulate you today! I wish you great happiness and love from the bottom of my heart!

This holiday will bring joy, light and sun to your home! May you always be lucky in everything, May luck smile!

Beloved parents, Congratulations on your wedding, I wish you to live in a loving abode until old age.

I want your love union to be inseparable, and for the contact of family ties to grow stronger over time.

My dear dad and mom, congratulations to you! If it weren’t for your marriage, I wouldn’t exist either. So that makes it necessary for my very existence. May your life together always continue to be good and happy. Let it bring you nothing but joy.

Our dearest and dearest people, our parents, thank you simply for having us, for your warmth, understanding, faith in us, support at the right time and your boundless love. We will be eternally grateful to you for everything. We hope that you will be friendly matchmakers and become wonderful grandparents. I wish you good health and long life!

The days fly, flash by and life is in full swing, your children have become the bride and groom.

I wish you, parents, not to be sad at the wedding, bless your children with happiness and love.

Let the young couple lead through life with happiness, And I wish you to meet your grandchildren soon.

Today I became a mother-in-law. My children have become more numerous: a new son has appeared. There is no reason for us to be hostile.

Let people scold your mother-in-law, I will be your mother. I wish you understanding. Congratulations on your wedding! Happiness, strength and health, strongly flavored with love.

Thank you, my parents, for the fact that today our happy family has gathered for such a significant event. Mom and dad are the dearest people who gave me life. I want to wish you many years, happiness, love and mutual understanding. May we, many years later, gather again on this day at the festive table and unanimously shout: “Bitter!”

I wish my beloved mother-in-law: In such a difficult female lot, it is necessary to be happy, Just allow yourself to do so!

You deserve only joy, Love with a good person. So that life would not be a burden at all, neither in autumn nor in hot summer!

Beloved parents, Congratulations on your wedding, I wish you to live in a loving abode until old age.

I want your love union to be inseparable, and for the contact of family ties to grow stronger over time.

Congratulations today on your new big status. They became a sweet, kind father-in-law, and their young dad.

I wish you and your children to live together and not lose heart. And never forget about the importance of family ties.

I am happy and incredibly glad, After all, today is a very bright day, The main holiday for the family is probably the Wedding of the people closest to me!

Mom, dad, I’m so happy for you and I want to congratulate you warmly! May your marriage bring you happiness, and may your love last forever!

Wedding congratulations to the parents of the newlyweds

1. One oak is an oak, A hundred oaks are a grove. One devil is a devil, A hundred devils is a mother-in-law. So let's drink to our mother-in-law being cheerful, cheerful, friendly, loving and appreciating her son-in-law!

2. There is a proverb: Why know if you don’t know how. Why know how to do it if you don't do it? So let's drink to those who knew, knew how, did! For the parents!

3. Today you, young people, have many relatives, both on one side and on the other. But at this solemn moment I would like to address the mothers of our young people. It's no secret what a mother means to each of us. We turn to her in both joy and sorrow. Our pain is their pain, our joy is their joy. And how many gray hairs they had while they raised such beautiful children. They say that small children are small worries, big children are big worries. Dear and wonderful mothers! Even now, when your children are entering independent life, your hearts are still beating anxiously. Dear, good, beautiful mothers! I raise a wedding toast for your good deeds, for your tender hearts, for raising such wonderful children. Low bow to you!

4. Come on, mother-in-law, don’t go crazy. Buy your son-in-law a Zhiguli!! So let's drink to the domestic brand of car and to the bride's parents - mother-in-law and father-in-law. It was they who raised the white swan - smart, beautiful, cheerful, and a joy to look at. No wonder our fellow hunted for her so much. And although they say that a mother-in-law is thorns in a bouquet of marriage, a bitter mixture, a smart mother-in-law is a second mother to her son-in-law. It’s not for nothing that mothers-in-law often say: “One child born is a second betrothed,” or “He took a daughter and became a son.” Let the father-in-law and mother-in-law be second parents for our son-in-law! Let's drink to the bottom for this!

5. A young man fell in love with a girl of a different nationality. I decided to marry her. The girl said: “I will marry you, but first do a hundred things for me.” The guy began to fulfill her whims. First she made him climb a rock without a single ledge. Then jump off that cliff. The young man jumped off and broke his leg. Then she told him to walk and not limp. And there were other tasks: to swim across the river and not get your hands wet; stop the enraged horse and bring him to his knees; cut the apple that the girl placed on her chest. The guy completed ninety-nine tasks. There's only one thing left. Then the girl said: “Now forget your mother and father, and your language.” Without thinking twice, the young man jumped on his horse, waved his whip and rode off forever. This toast is to never forget those who gave us life, and to our native language.

6. The time has come for the king's son to get married. He liked the daughter of a poor peasant. And then the matchmakers came to him and said: “You are a happy man, the prince liked your daughter, he has decided to marry,” and added with a grin: “We hope you won’t refuse!” “I’ll refuse,” the peasant unexpectedly answers. - Does he know any craft? - Why does he need a craft if he is the king’s son? - the matchmakers were surprised. “Today the king’s son, and tomorrow a swineherd... The prince began to visit the masters: some say that it takes three years to learn the business, others four.” Where does the prince have patience when he loses his mind from love? Once he meets a man and watches how he quickly and deftly weaves mats. In three days, he says, I’ll teach you. The prince was delighted, became his apprentice, and three days later he again sent matchmakers to the peasant. “Now I’ll marry my daughter to him,” says the peasant. - If need comes to them, they will sell a mat for thirty kopecks and buy bread - they will not die of hunger! So let's raise our glasses to the wisdom of the bride's parents!

7. Now let's raise a glass to the health of the groom's parents - the newly-made father-in-law and mother-in-law - and thank them for raising such a fine fellow, a clear falcon, a beautiful guy. Although the image of an evil mother-in-law still lives on, the kind look and heart of dear M will, without a doubt, overturn these ideas. Let's give them a loud greeting! Long live the groom's parents!

8. On this significant day, it is worth proclaiming wedding toasts to the bride’s parents - mother-in-law and father-in-law. They raised a white swan, smart, beautiful, cheerful - a pleasure to watch. No wonder our fellow hunted for her so much. And although some say that a mother-in-law is thorns in a bouquet of marriage, a bitter mixture, a smart mother-in-law is like a mother to her son-in-law. Let us wish her to bring help, kindness, advice, affection, and not discord, to her daughter’s family. For your health, dear father-in-law and mother-in-law.

9. We are always ready to dedicate poems to our mother-in-law. After all, this is their immeasurable work, That the troublemaker got married. There is no need to worry anymore, And quarrel with your “little” son: And where he was, and who he was with, And where he drank, and what he drank... A young woman comes to her mother-in-law - The mother-in-law immediately melts with happiness. Doesn't know where to sit, Decides what to treat? You need to take care of your mother-in-law for this, give rewards for your sons, and remember all their troubles, not forgetting to visit them!

10. Dear guests! On this festive and joyful day, it is necessary to raise glasses with love and respect to those who, so to speak, are guilty of the guilt of the heroes of today's celebration - I mean the respected parents of our dear bride. Look, different feelings are fighting in their hearts. Their faces are either sad at the thought of the upcoming separation, or joyful at the sight of the happiness of their precious child. Dear parents of the bride, drive away sad thoughts, rejoice in the happiness of the newlyweds, because today you are also acquiring a son. So let's raise a glass to the health and longevity of the newlywed's parents!

11. Wishing all the best to our newlyweds, I want to at the same time give them wise advice: never forget those who gave you life - your parents. Do not spare a kind word for them. After all, a kind word is not difficult, but quick. Come closer to them and bow to them lower, as they said in the old days. After all, the young man works with his hands, and the old man gives with his mind. Apply it to your mind and parents - you will live a comfortable life. For mutual understanding between parents and newlyweds!

12. On this significant day, I want to propose a toast to the bride’s parents - mother-in-law and father-in-law. They raised a white swan, smart, beautiful, cheerful - a pleasure to watch. No wonder our fellow hunted for her so much. And although some say that the mother-in-law is thorns in the bouquet of marriage, a bitter mixture, but a smart mother-in-law is like a mother to her son-in-law. We wish her to bring help, kindness, advice, affection, and not discord to her daughter’s family. For your health, dear father-in-law and mother-in-law.

13. Glory, praise and honor to parents! I think the people will agree, That we should raise a toast to our parents, We wish you health and happiness!

14. In the middle of the night, a young wife calls her mother: - Mom! I'm going crazy! It’s already two o’clock in the morning, and my husband is not there!.. He probably has a mistress! A wise mother calms her daughter: “Daughter!” But why do you have such bad thoughts? He probably got hit by a car and is now somewhere in intensive care or in the morgue. I propose a toast to the wise mothers of our wives! In other words, for the mother-in-law!

15. With all our hearts, we wish you good health, and may your wrinkles be smoothed out, and sadness and sadness disappear from your face. Today is your happy day, you can’t count your family and friends. Fun, music and jokes, at the wedding you are your children. You raised them, it was difficult, you lost peace and sleep. For all your worries and worries, I bow to you to the ground!

16. The day before birth, the Child asked God: “I don’t know what I should do in this world.”

God answered: “I will give you an Angel... Who will always be by your side.” “But I don’t understand his language.” – The angel will teach you his language, he will protect you from all troubles. – How and when should I return to you? – Your Angel will tell you everything. – What is the name of my Angel? – It doesn’t matter what his name is... will call him: mom

17. With all our hearts, we wish you good health, and may your wrinkles be smoothed out, and sadness and sadness disappear from your face. Today is your happy day, you can’t count your family and friends. Fun, music and jokes, at the wedding you are your children. You raised them, it was difficult, you lost peace and sleep. For all your worries and worries, I bow to you to the ground!

18. Now let's raise a glass to the health of the groom's parents - the newly-made father-in-law and mother-in-law - and thank them for raising such a fine fellow, a clear falcon, a wonderful guy. Although the image of an evil mother-in-law lives on, the kind look and heart of dear ... (name), will undoubtedly overturn these ideas. Let's give them a loud greeting! Long live the groom's parents!

19. Many of your nights have passed without sleep, You can’t count the worries and worries for us, I bow to you, dear mother, For the fact that you exist in this world.

20. Let's raise our glasses again and drink together to our mother-in-law! Well, how can you not honor the mother of the groom with a glass - she gave him a son, raised and cared for him. And what a fellow! Good, pretty, like the sun. Thanks from the whole family! And we will fill our cups and drink to your health!

21. Dear guests! On this festive and joyful day, it is necessary to raise wedding glasses with love and respect to those who, so to speak, are guilty of the guilt of the heroes of today's celebration - I mean the respected parents of our dear bride. Look, different feelings are fighting in their hearts. Their faces are either sad at the thought of the upcoming separation, or joyful at the sight of the happiness of their precious child. Dear parents of the bride, drive away sad thoughts, rejoice in the happiness of the newlyweds, because today you are also acquiring a son. So let’s raise our glasses to the health and longevity of the newlywed’s parents!


Wedding congratulations from parents

Live together - love and advice. May the light of joy shine upon you on your journey!

Our beloved children! From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you a happy married life. We bless you for a long life of love and happiness, we wish your family mutual understanding, prosperity and goodness! May your feelings only grow stronger every day. Live for your own happiness, and for our joy, advice and love! rating: ↑ 15 ​​↓

Dear children! We wish you to live very happily together and not lose your love! And may there be more joy and bright moments in your life, and may you be able to overcome all problems, because you are together! Keep your love, trust each other and value each other very much. Happiness to you on your family voyage and may your ship of love never stray from the right course! ↑ 25 ↓

Dear you are ours! Today you are embarking on the path of eternal love, happiness and family harmony! Believe in each other and live happily! Let nothing overshadow your well-being, and we will support you in everything! We are very happy for you and for this step that you are taking now on your life path! As you start a new page, remember about your mark on this earth - give us grandchildren and granddaughters, and we will love and pamper them! Let everything go well in your family, so that cash is not transferred in the house, so that your hearth always remains warm! And may you only hear “bitter” at a wedding! Advice and love to you! Peace and prosperity! Bitterly! ↑ 7 ↓ — Congratulations on the wedding from parents

Before you is the kingdom of love, May its worries and undertakings fill your days with joy, May they be beautiful! I wish you a lot of happiness, Live in peace and harmony, So that you have a house full of children, And there is no need for anything! ↑ 37 ↓

Congratulations on your legal marriage and we wish you much happiness! We say now in earnest: May a million beautiful roses Lie all along your path, That will be destined to pass. And let the fire of great love Burn without dying out. Life is easier to get through with love - Everyone knows this. Achieve agreement on everything! Live for many years! Always respect each other, Love and advice to you! ↑ 31 ↓

The world has become more beautiful with your love, Happy wedding day! We wish you smiles, joy, health in this bright hour! Build your bright, cozy, hospitable and happy home, Let there be more love and happiness in it with every minute! ↑ 30 ↓

Congratulations from your parents! May happiness always accompany you! Parental blessing to you - On a long journey, for many years! May every day of your life together bring you joy, love, and light. May life always be a full cup for you, So that you do not know sorrows and troubles! You are now responsible to each other For every step, for every breath and look For happiness, for love, for everything in the world - May your days fly in harmony! ↑ 35 ↓

Our dear children! The peculiarity of today is not the celebration, not the rich table, the snow-white dress and the large number of guests. Today is the day when you radically changed your destiny. Now you are together. We really want you to understand that family life is not only about joy. Anything can happen, and a strong family is one that knows how to cope with all difficulties. Respect each other, listen to each other, understand and appreciate each other. And you will definitely succeed! Happiness to you, our dears, love and advice to you! ↑ 45 ↓

You have a lot today: Friends, smiles and flowers, You now have one road, And one goal, one love. You keep mutual loyalty, do not lose your feelings - Appreciate each other, understand, Love and respect each other madly! ↑ 30 ↓

Today a solemn and wonderful day has come in your life - you have become husband and wife. We want to wish that only clear and sunny weather reigns in your home. We want to wish you well and happiness! Take care and appreciate your soul mate, become each other’s support, support and never be separated! ↑ 41 ↓

We want to congratulate you with all our hearts, May your marriage be strong and happy, You, son, be loved by your wife, And you, daughter, be loved by him. Never quarrel or swear, always try to be together everywhere, Let there be only happiness in your home, Let bad weather pass you by! ↑ 32 ↓

Dear kids! With all our hearts we want your marriage to be the most successful and happy! We wish you love and happiness for centuries, always be cheerful and positive. Always try to understand each other, and may your union only grow stronger every year! So be it, but now we will gladly shout to you - bitterly! ↑ 33 ↓

Today you are as beautiful as ever! For us, parents, your wedding is one of the main events in life, and we will try our best to help you so that you live a very happy life! Know that nothing should disturb your union - and this is in your hands. We wish you to give us wonderful grandchildren as soon as possible, although you will have to try on the role of grandparents! Health to you, our children, a happy life together, prosperity, mutual understanding and great love. ↑ 32 ↓

Our dear children, We now wish you that you divide everything in this world in half! May there be happiness in your home and may your family be friendly, may all bad weather pass you by, but love always reigns!

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    Appreciate every minute and thank life for bringing you together. Live happily ever after! Bitterly!

Happy wedding anniversary greetings to parents from children

Mom, dad, happy anniversary!
The Lord himself married you. Dad, you are the best man. Mommy, you are perfect! Your couple is a wonder to everyone, it’s impossible not to notice you. Amazingly beautiful harmonious family! Congratulations, dear ones! I wish you many years to come. Live your whole life, dear ones, without troubles! I want to congratulate my dearest and closest people on their anniversary and say a huge thank you for living on this earth. Dear, beloved, family, May fate send you many years, So that your health does not fail you. You are dearer to me than anyone in the world.

On the wedding anniversary of my dearest and most beloved people - my parents - I sincerely congratulate you. Mom and Dad, I wish you fidelity and mutual understanding, prosperity and respect, love and great family happiness and comfort. May every day bring you success and joy, and may your evening relaxation together bring peace and pleasant heart-to-heart conversations.

Dad and Mom, how I love you! And with sincere joy I tell you that you are a very bright example for me of what size happiness should be in a family. I am endlessly proud of you, dear ones, I wish you to live with each other just forever! May your home always be a strong stronghold for joy, peace, warmth and care!

Happy anniversary to you, dear ones, Live in peace and know no troubles! After all, you are still so young, Even though you have many years behind you! You still have everything ahead, I know, May all your dreams come true! Today, parents, I wish you to live together until old age!

Dear parents, on your wedding day I would only like to wish you well, To keep each other, to love each other, to continue to love, To celebrate another anniversary. Patience, dear ones, and happiness, Carefree, successful days together, Be in your love, in immeasurable luck, A wonderful example for all families!

Happy anniversary, my dearest! May you always be happy. I love you, dear ones. Let the years pass joyfully, You are a mountain for each other. I can easily solve all problems, If I know, you are with me. I will never tire of wishing you warmth and health. I congratulate you with love, May you live for many years!

Congratulations mom, dad, happy birthday family. I wish you understanding, respect, love. I wish you happiness, patience, passion, Take care of your hearth, Peace, joy, prosperity, Tenderness, kindness, all the best.

Dear mom and dad, This day is sacred for us. On this day you were once married to fate. Your wedding anniversary is celebrated by the whole family, You are like two captains For your native ship. We wish you good health. May God give you strength and love, so that you are young and do not know worries.

How happy I am that I have you, I cordially congratulate you on this date! We have a wonderful and friendly family, which I call my paradise! Mom and Dad, always be happy, May your feelings only grow stronger every day! I wish you to carry love through the years: May this fire in your chest not fade! Always give tenderness and warmth to each other, I wish you sincere actions, words, conversations! Then you will not be afraid of either rain or blizzard, After all, there is nothing stronger than love in the world!

My dear parents, I congratulate you on your anniversary. I wish you boundless, happy love with tenderness. You live in peace, harmony, and love each other very much. Always respect and appreciate every word, deed!

Beautiful congratulations on your wedding from your parents

The wedding of children is both an exciting and fascinating event, and preparing for this wonderful event requires responsibility from parents. On children's wedding day, it is customary for parents to say beautiful words and parting words to the newlyweds for their future life together. Wedding congratulations from parents are often so beautiful that they touch the most delicate strings of the soul. Dear parents, here is a collection of beautiful, original congratulations, find your words for your beloved children. Congratulations to parents at their daughter’s wedding and congratulations to parents at their son’s wedding are no different; all congratulations are intended for both children.

Happy wedding day greetings to parents

Congratulations to parents at the wedding prose

Congratulations in prose, spoken from the heart, are the best!

Our dear children! It’s great that you decided to connect your hearts and give each other every day of your life! Now you will always have a loving and understanding person next to you with whom you can share your joys and problems! Let's raise our glasses to your happy and bright family life, take care, appreciate, respect and preserve it!

Our dear children! As it was sung in one wonderful song: “We wish you happiness, happiness in this big world! Like the sun in the morning, let it come into the house. We wish you happiness, and it should be like this - When you are happy yourself, share your happiness with others.” We wish you that your marriage will be happy! May your love be joyful! Live in friendship and harmony. We always want happiness to last, and therefore I wish you only eternal happiness, only bright love, only true friends! Take care of each other!

The most exciting moment in the life of every father is the wedding of his beloved daughter. Therefore, I ask you to give me a little attention. Today you took your first step towards a new life, family life. There are many, many more steps ahead of you. How they will be - successful or not - depends entirely on you. But you must make every effort to maintain the well-being and happiness in your family; you must have the patience and strength to overcome the unpleasant moments that arise in every family. And I raise my glass to ensure that all my wishes come true!

Our children are dear and loved! From the bottom of my heart I wish you a happy married life! Let your family nest be cozy and warm! And let your family grow by leaps and bounds. And the kind stork will be a frequent guest in your home! Live like two swans: love each other, remain faithful to each other and always be happy!

Our dear children, allow us to say a parting word to you on this happy day. Live in such a way that joy always reigns in your home, there is laughter, songs, and happy children's voices. Together build your best, kindest and most magical world. We wish your family to become a model of family happiness, prosperity and prosperity!

We talked a lot today about love, about the happiness of the newlyweds, and I will not be an exception. I will simply quote the German philosopher Hegel: “The secret of happiness lies in the ability to step out of the circle of one’s “I”.” So I wish my son and his wife only love and trust. I want you to learn to understand each other from a half-sigh, from a half-glance, to always support each other in a difficult situation. And such a connection between you will become indestructible.

Dear children! Live together and happily. I want to wish you eternal happiness, strong love, true friends on the path of life! May your life be happy! May your love grow stronger over the years! For you!

We, parents, congratulate and bless our children. They can build their happiness together. Let them help each other in everything, create a strong family and wait for such a happy day when their children get married and start their own families. And now, dear guests, fill your glasses, let’s drink to the newlyweds, to the new family, and may faith, hope, and love be with them all their lives! Bitterly!

Dear newlyweds, our beloved children! Joy throughout your life, smiles and happiness to you on this day! May your honeymoon seem like an eternity to you, and may you feel the holiday all your life! May the happy laughter of children never leave your home, may laughter, smiles and joy accompany you. Show respect to each other, perhaps there will be not the most pleasant moments in your life, remember: living is much more difficult than crossing a field. Advice and love to you!

Congratulations to parents at the wedding poems

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations! May happiness always accompany you! Parental blessing to you - On a long journey, for many years! May every day of your life together bring you joy, love, and light. May life always be a full cup for you, So that you do not know sorrows and troubles! You are now responsible to each other For every step, for every breath and look For happiness, for love, for everything in the world - May your days fly in harmony! Hold on tightly, children, to each other: When you are not apart, when you are always together, Then the wind, and the frost, and the blizzard, And evil, and hail will be nothing to you!

My son and my daughter! On your wedding day, I sincerely wish that your family will be friendly, that you will live without worries and troubles. God forbid that your soul grow old, keep your love like a talisman, and in good times, walk along the straight road, Hand in hand, all your life!

These are the sincere and beautiful words of congratulations from parents to their children on their wedding. Congratulations from the groom's parents at the wedding and congratulations from the bride's parents at the wedding are usually heard twice in the registry office and directly at the celebration dedicated to the wedding. In addition to congratulations, you can sing a beautiful song for your children.

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