Wedding toasts in Kazakh: original national congratulations

All peoples of the world are different. They have different customs and traditions, languages ​​and faiths. The only thing that unites them is belief in the bright feeling of love. In absolutely every country there is a marriage ceremony.

Of course, all nationalities conduct them in their own way. One thing remains unchanged - the very essence and congratulatory speeches. There is no way to complete a celebration without congratulating the newlyweds after the wedding ceremony. After all, they have entered a new serious and independent life, this is the first important stage in their destiny. Therefore, he demands that this be celebrated and congratulated the spouses.

Toasts and wishes for the wedding

Dear newlyweds!

Dear newlyweds! Congratulations on your legal marriage! From the bottom of our hearts we wish you to keep your love forever! Today is the happiest day of your life. People say: “Is it easy to get married? It’s difficult to create a family.” I want to wish you mutual understanding, love and harmony! We wish you to carry your happiness throughout your life!

Kymbatty zhas zhubaylar! Szderdi tasks nekelerinizben kuttyktaymyz!

Shyn zhurekten mahabbatty mangige saktaularynyzdy teleimiz!

Bugingi kun – szderdin omirlerinizdege eng baqytty kun. “Uilenu onai, ui bolu kiyn,” - deydi halkymyz. Men s_zderge ozara tusinistik, mahabbat pen tattoo tileimin.

Sіzderge tileytіnіmіz – bүgіngіdey baqytty sәt omіr fights bіrge bolsyn!

Congratulations on your wedding day!

Congratulations on your wedding day! We wish you to keep your love! May all your dreams come true! Live long, hand in hand, for many years! We wish you many happy years to come! We wish you health, wealth, peace and warmth in your life! May you always have fun! We wish you a long and happy life with lots of children! Let the road be bright, let the family be friendly!

Toylarynyz kutty bolsyn! Mahabbatarynyzdyn bayandy boluyn tіleymiz! Bar armandarynyz orandalsyn! How to fix the problem! Thank you, please! Omіrde densaulyk pen baylyk, tattoo pen yntymak tileymiz! Toylarynyz toiga ulassyn! Balalarynyz kop bolsyn, baqytty uzak omir surinizder! Zholdaryn ashyk, remove the big tattoo!

For the holidays!

Zhastarga tіleytіnіm: Zor densaulyk, ashyk aspan, moldir mahabbat! – I wish the young: Good health, clear skies and sincere (transparent) love.

Konil bolsa – әn de bolada. If there is a mood, there will be a song.

Kelisim bolsa – nan yes tabylada. There will be agreement, and a piece of bread will be found.

Eki bastaryn - ush bolsyn. Ush bastaryn – torteu bolsyn. Let your two heads become three. And three will become four. (Wish for an addition to the family).

Ata-analaryn syylap, ekі zhakka birdei karakdar. Respect your parents. The same on one side as on the other.

Al barshalarynyza tіleytimіn: Tіlekterіmіz perishtenіn kulagyn shalynyp, kabyl bolsyn. May the angels hear our wishes and accept them with favor.

Or otbasyna, shynayy konilmen bakyt-bereke tileimin. Elimiz aman, zhurtymyz you big son! With all my heart, I wish everyone present, every family, happiness and goodness. Peace and prosperity to our people!

To determine a favorable day for a wedding, check the calendar: what day of the week your birthday falls on.

Dear newlyweds! Congratulations on your legal marriage! From the bottom of our hearts we wish you to keep your love forever! Today is the happiest day of your life. People say: “Is it easy to get married? It’s difficult to create a family.” I want to wish you mutual understanding, love and harmony! We wish you to carry your happiness throughout your life!

Kymbatty zhas zhubaylar! Szderdi tasks nekelerinizben kuttyktaymyz! Shyn zhurekten mahabbatty mangige saktaularynyzdy teleimiz! Bugingi kun – szderdin ommirlerinizdege eng bankytty kun. “Uilenu onai, ui bolu kiyn,” - deydi halkymyz. Men s_zderge ozara tusinistik, mahabbat pen tattoo tileimin. Sіzderge tileytіnіmіz – bүgіngіdey baqytty sәt omіr fights bіrge bolsyn!

Congratulations on your wedding day! Toylarynyz kutty bolsyn!

We wish you to keep your love! Mahabbatarynyzdyn bayandy boluyn tіleymiz!

May all your dreams come true! Bar armandarynyz orandalsyn!

Live long, hand in hand, for many years! When you're tired, let's face it!

We wish you many happy years to come! Thank you, please!

We wish you health, wealth, peace and warmth in your life! Omіrde densaulyk pen baylyk, tattoo pen yntymak tileymiz!

May you always have fun! Toylarynyz toiga ulassyn!

We wish you a long and happy life with lots of children! Balalarynyz kop bolsyn, baqytty uzak omir surinizder!

Let the road be bright, let the family be friendly! Zholdaryn ashyk, remove the big tattoo!

I wish the young people: Good health, clear skies and sincere love. Zhastarga tіleytіnіm: Zor densaulyk, ashyk aspan, moldir mahabbat!

Let the dome of your yurt be higher, the walls be wider, the threshold be protection. Shanyraktaryn biik bolsyn, keregeleryn ken bolsyn, bosagalaryn berik bolsyn.

If there is a mood, there will be a song. Konil bolsa – әn de bolada.

There will be agreement, and a piece of bread will be found. Kelisim bolsa – nan yes tabylada.

Let your two heads become three. And three will become four. Eki bastaryn - ush bolsyn. Ush bastaryn – torteu bolsyn.

Respect your parents. The same on one side as on the other. Ata-analaryn syylap, ekі zhakka birdei karakdar.

May the angels hear our wishes and accept them with favor. Tіlecterіmіz perіshtenің құлагѓын шалынін, қълінін.

With all my heart, I wish everyone present, every family, happiness and goodness. Peace and prosperity to our people!

Al barshalarynyza tileymin: Әр otbasyna, shynayy konilmen baqyt-bereke tileymin. Elimiz aman, zhurtymyz you big son!

Toy zhasap zhatyr syilas, dos adamym, Zhaksy soz, lebіzderdі qosh alamn Tіleymіz biiktigin shanyraktyn, Tіleymіz beriktіgіn bosaganyn.

Shyrkasa shabyttanyp akyna bugin, “Toybastar” dep aytayk atyn munyn. Mangilik ekі zhastyn bakyty men, Tileyik kudalardyn tatulygyn.

Today my dear friend organized a wedding. I have prepared the best wishes for him. I wish you, my friend, a high shanyrak, a strong threshold. If an akyn sings his song to us, we will call this song “Toibastar”. And we wish the two young people great happiness and strong friendship as matchmakers.

Ekі bulak bir arnaga togysty, Ekі zhurek ugynysty, tabysty. Tileyikshi appak arma-agysty, Tulparga tan ozyp shygar shabysty. Zhana otaudyn shanyragyn koterip, Kel, old, zhaksy telek etelik! Uylengender – Altyn Saray Salgandar, Balalygy estelikke Kalgandar! Kalady endі balalyk shak ertek bop Kel, dostaram, shatyk toyga ortak bop! Ekі zhubai – qatar turgan perishte, Birge ushsyn bak-bolashak – oriste!

Like two springs, so two young hearts were reunited. So let us wish them a good course, victory in everything, like the best horse. Let's, friends, wish the new family good things. The young people, having built their golden castle, will leave their childhood antics in their memory. Let's, friends, share their joy and happiness with them. Here the young people stand before us, like two angels, and let them fly towards their happiness!

Kazakh toasts for a wedding

  1. We wish the bride and groom that two heads become three, and a fourth one is added to it. You have a big and friendly family!
  2. Today you have a big celebration, your family and friends will raise a toast. After all, it’s happiness that now there are two of you, May the new family be strong!
  3. More children, fatter sheep, and your own yurt!

Wedding congratulations in Kazakh language

Kazakh weddings - beautiful and original - are held, as hundreds of years ago, in accordance with established traditions. Most often, such celebrations are held at the end of summer, when religious fasting ends and there is an abundance of vegetables and fruits on the table.

Often the full moon period is chosen for a wedding ceremony, since bright nights are perfect for holding traditional national games and competitions. According to custom, the parents of the bride and groom, other relatives and friends pronounce congratulations on the wedding in Kazakh at this celebration.

How to congratulate on your wedding day in Kazakh?

*** Egіz akku siyaktangan to the old ones, Bastapsyzdar zhұbayly omir – dastanyn. Ours is a big deal - otauyn, ours is a big deal. Bir isinen asyp tusip bir isin, Sharyktasyn kut - bereke - yrysyn. Otauyn and kishigirim – Otanyn, Mangi bolsyn, mangi bolsyn ilysyn!

Like two white swans, you begin your story of your family life. May your union be strong, May the threshold of your home be strong. May all your endeavors go well. Let the cup be full! Home is our little homeland, so let it be strong for centuries!

*** Ekі bulak bіr arnaga togysty, Ekі zhurek ugynysty, tabysty. Tileyikshi appak arma-agysty, Tulparga tan ozyp shygar shabysty. Zhana otaudyn shanyragyn koterip, Kel, old, zhaksy telek etelik! Uylengender – Altyn Saray Salgandar, Balalygy estelikke Kalgandar! Kalady endі balalyk shak ertek bop Kel, dostaram, shatyk toyga ortak bop! Ekі zhubai – qatar turgan perishte, Birge ushsyn bak-bolashak – oriste!

Like two springs, so two young hearts were reunited. So let us wish them a good course, victory in everything, like the best horse. Let's, friends, wish the new family all the best. The young people, having built their golden castle, will leave their childhood pranks in their memory. Let's, friends, share their joy and happiness with them. Here the young people stand before us, like two angels, and let them fly towards their happiness!

Congratulations on the wedding in Kazakh language

Kazakh congratulations on the wedding day - imaginative and beautiful - are heard one after another at the festive table. Choose suitable texts to please the newlyweds on this special day.

*** Konilde koktep mahabbat guli, nur guli, Estilsin үyden kumis kulkinin sonyry. Orisi kenip babadan kalgan aulettin, Terbelsin besik, estilsin sabi holes.

Adami gumyr bolary aikyn bir nukte, Zhaksylyk keler yntymak bard, birlikte. Bass koskan zhastar Sizderge ulken tіlegim, Bіrіңе bіrің suyеnіsh bolғan tіrlіkte.

The flowers of love bloomed in the soul, Let the silver ringing of laughter be heard, Let the house be full of children, Continuers of the generation. Let the laughter of children and their babble be heard. May your life be long. Let joy come where there is unity and agreement. Newlyweds, my wishes to you: Become each other’s support for life!

*** Omirleri baqytty, andi bolsyn, onirleri osyndai sandi bolsyn! Dostyk penen zhastyk shak zhalyn atyp, Ak mahabbat bayandy, mandi bolsyn! Halkyna kalauli bol, Elіnе eleuli bol. Bir balamyz ekeu bolsyn Zhas zhubailar odaghy bekem bolsyn.

We wish them happiness and prosperity in this life, may they live in abundance. Friendship and youth burn in their hearts, and their love will be reliable and fruitful. Be the son and daughter of your people, we wish you an addition to your family and strong ties!

*** Tіlekpenen batalaryn ak bolsyn! Eki zhurek bir-birine zak bolsyn! Agamyz gave the heat bolsyn, Zhengemiz os uige kelip kongan bak bolsyn! Bir - Birine senimderin ak bolsyn! Bir — bere sezimderin pak bolsyn Bugingi os toydyn ieleri Zhaman attan, zhat kylyktan sak bolsyn!

So that the wishes are pure, So that the hearts of lovers are united, So that the brother is a family man, And our daughter-in-law becomes a bird of happiness for us. Love each other forever, May each other's feelings be pure. Today the heroes of the occasion will be honest with each other.

Kazakh wedding congratulations in prose

Can't attend the wedding in person? Send wedding congratulations in Kazakh to the young couple by email or post on a page on a social network.

*** Kymbatty zhas zhubaylar! Szderdi tasks nekelerinizben kuttyktaymyz! Shyn zhurekten mahabbatty mangige saktaularynyzdy teleimiz! Bugingi kun – szderdin omirlerinizdege eng baqytty kun. “Uilenu onai, ui bolu kiyn,” - deydi halkymyz. Men s_zderge ozara tusinistik, mahabbat pen tattoo tileimin. Sіzderge tileytіnіmіz – bүgіngіdey baqytty sәt omіr fights bіrge bolsyn!

Dear newlyweds! Congratulations on your legal marriage! From the bottom of our hearts we wish you to keep your love forever! Today is the happiest day of your life. People say: “Getting married is easy, creating a family is difficult.” I want to wish you mutual understanding, love and harmony! We wish you to carry your happiness throughout your life!

*** Zhastarga tileytinim: Zor densaulyk, ashyk aspan, moldir mahabbat! Shanyraktaryn biik bolsyn, keregelerin ken bolsyn, bosagalaryn berik bolsyn. Konil bolsa – әn de bolada. Kelisim bolsa – nan yes tabylada. Eki bastaryn - ush bolsyn. Ush bastaryn – torteu bolsyn. Ata-analaryn syylap, ekі zhakka birdei karakdar.

We wish the newlyweds: good health, clear peaceful skies, crystal clear love. May your hearth be strong, may there be bread, and may there be song. Unanimity is the path to prosperity. Respect your parents, be mutually polite.

*** Kurmetti zhas zhubaylar! Zandy nekeleriniz kutty bolsyn. Sizderge Alataudyn shynyndagy ak karday taza pak konil, sol shyndardan sarkyray akkan kausar bulaktay moldir mahabbat tileimin. Sizderge altyn kuzdin yrysyn, densaulyktyn kystay myktysyn, koktemdey kol-kosir omir, zhazday zhadyragan omir tileymin. Kyzdaryn monshakty, uldaryn onshakty bolsyn. Shanyraktarynyn keregesi ken, teresesi ten, bosagasy berik, ensesi “Kelisim sarayynday” biik bolsyn!

Dear newlyweds! Congratulations on your legal marriage! We wish you love as pure as the snow on the peaks of Alatau, as crystal as the water of a mountain stream! We wish you to collect as many fruits of love as the harvest of a fertile autumn, and health as strong as the winter cold. Let life flow before you like a full-flowing river in spring! Let your feelings be as hot as the summer heat! We wish you many girls, like beads in a necklace, and may there be a dozen boys! So that your house is high, and life in it is wide and deep.

Congratulations on your wedding day

Wedding wishes in Kazakh language.
If you just listen to the congratulatory speech in the Kazakh language, you will be surprised at how figurative and beautiful it is. As a rule, it uses a large number of figurative and expressive means of language:

  • epithets;
  • metaphors;
  • comparisons;
  • personifications.

Kazakh congratulatory speeches in prose sound like excerpts from oriental fairy tales that you so want to visit.

  1. Our young people are like two streams that once merged into one powerful river. Make sure that your river of love is passionate and stormy, but at the same time calm and humble. Let her explore as many new and interesting roads as possible. And if you encounter obstacles along the way, then feel free to overflow them and enjoy the all-encompassing power of the flow.
  2. Do you remember how each of you built sand castles as a child? Now you have grown up, and the castles have become real. I would like to wish our newlyweds to build a joint castle that will be durable, beautiful and cozy. Make sure that no undercurrent can break it. Let your love warm your castle from the inside and let it glow, shimmering with the sun's rays.
  3. The young are like two angels who met each other in heaven. Looking at them, it becomes clear that fate brought them together for a reason. They flew towards each other through life's obstacles and bad weather. Now they are together, which means that their love has burnt all problems and worries to ashes. From now on, our angels fly towards new adventures, holding hands tightly.

Wedding toasts and wishes at a Kazakh wedding

Theme of the collection: Wedding toasts and wishes at a Kazakh wedding. Live with a smile, in warmth and kindness, always ready to lend a hand to each other. Only with support can you overcome a lot and never part ways.

My blessings, congratulations and good wishes. I wish you all the best for all the years ahead.

Beautiful spouses have a beautiful life! Let life be just a fairy tale!

Life never stands still, it is always changing. It’s good when they change it themselves, adjust it to suit themselves. We congratulate you on your wedding and wish you to be real creators of your family happiness. Be happy with everything and enjoy your love.

Congratulations, dear newlyweds. Now you have stepped on a single path of life, you have connected your two destinies with one thread. And I wish that this thread never breaks, that your path leads you to success and great happiness. I wish that your love can overcome any difficulties and make your life wonderful.

Happy wedding day, sweet couple! Let your first common holiday be the right start to a happy family life!

Our dear newlyweds, support each other, please, appreciate and respect. Have a bright and good life!

Happy wedding! I wish you to carry through your entire life this bright moment of the union of your loving hearts and preserve the passion for each other that burns in your hearts at this moment.

Congratulations on a great and happy day in your life, on an important step - on getting married before God. I wish you, dear ones, to live your whole life in love and peace, prosperity and goodness, happiness and joy, understanding and fidelity. May God give you healthy children and a strong family.

Congratulations, my dears! Now you are not just a beautiful couple, now you are a young family. I wish you harmony and understanding, endless love and prosperity. Pamper, care, respect, appreciate and never cease to amaze each other. Happy wedding day!

Today is a special day. It is filled with magic and love. After all, fate has attracted your souls stronger than any magnet. We wish you to live your whole life under the same surname, may this holiday be unforgettable for you.

Dear newlyweds! Let your wedding be the first step into a bright, great future, where your family will become true role models.

Live with a smile, in warmth and kindness, always ready to lend a hand to each other. Only with support can you overcome a lot and never part ways.

I congratulate you with all my heart on the great holiday of your hearts, on your wedding. Be happy, dear ones, successful in everything and mutually loved.

Dear children! Our loved ones, grown up, almost independent, but still so dear and the best in the world! Congratulations on your wedding day! We wish you to live a long, good, rich life as a couple!

Newlyweds! I sincerely congratulate you on this wonderful event! Strong bonds, strong feelings, more exciting family events! An ancient proverb says that temporary failure is better than temporary success. Therefore, I wish your family endless luck and only temporary failures! Congratulations to your new young family!

Congratulations on your divorce! I wish you to find true happiness, spread your wings, perk up, renew yourself and open your heart and soul to new sensations! May all adversity remain in the past, and the future shine with bright impressions, new sensations and warm hugs!

Love is the irredeemable coin that now makes up your living wage! ...

Do good, and reciprocity will definitely return to you. Let your feelings be the brightest, deepest and most sincere!

The great sacrament was accomplished and blessed by the Lord! May the Almighty protect your hearth, protecting it from troubles and increasing your blessings. May he send you more children and better health. Live long, happily, richly and in harmony.

Congratulations on your long-awaited wedding day, you worked towards this and always appreciate this well-spent time. May your new family be filled with experience and wisdom over the years.

Our dear children, today you are the most beautiful bride and groom, and we wish you to become the happiest husband and wife from tomorrow. Our golden ones, may your family be strong, may your bonds never be broken, may the path to any dream be open for your love. Live peacefully, gracefully and sweetly!

To the bride and groom, may luck and happiness fill your entire future days.

As you begin your family life, may all the dreams in your hearts come true. Best wishes to you both.

Our dear friends, congratulations on your wedding day. To love - you love each other, which means you are happy without memory. Therefore, we wish you good health and reliable well-being for your now created wonderful family.

Dear children, adults already, but so beloved and beloved! Congratulations on your wedding! We wish that your family life will be like a full-flowing river that flows among the banks of jelly! May God give you the strength to overcome all difficulties and experience all joys together, holding hands and looking into each other's eyes with love and admiration!

Today the bud of your family has blossomed, we wish that the flower from it attracts the eye with the beauty of your relationship and is fragrant with the aroma of love, and that its fruits become beautiful, healthy children.

Dear newlyweds, congratulations on an unforgettable holiday - the day of the creation of your family union. We wish to build a long-lasting family in which everyone will be loved and respected.

I congratulate the newlyweds and wish them endless family happiness near a warm home, passionate nights, a pleasant awakening in each other’s arms, fullness of feelings, tenderness and mutual understanding!

Marriages are made in heaven and this union is now one of them. Congratulations to the newlyweds!

Today is a significant day - your wedding day. We wish you with all our hearts a happy marriage and good memories of our fun adventures, which we hope, although rare, will continue to take place in our lives.

So that the hearth of your family happiness never goes out. Live well and happily, in peace and prosperity.

My blessings, congratulations and good wishes. I wish you all the best for all the years ahead.

Dear newlyweds! Remain adamant in the face of life's circumstances, be lenient, and know how to give in.

I wish you happiness and eternal love, a strong healthy family. A strong healthy family, happiness and eternal love to you.

Congratulations on your wedding day! You are the most beautiful of brides. May your smiles and loving glances delight our hearts after many years. Let a stork be a frequent guest on your doorstep and give you healthy, beautiful babies.

Let the new and joint page of your life contain only positive emotions, happiness, a lot of joy and laughter. So that your head will spin with love and your heart will beat with happiness.

Sweet, loving, bright! On your wedding day, I wish you an azure sky from the purity of hearts, bright light from the sun of happiness, clean air from atoms of joy and kisses from endless love!

Daughter, before I was only worried about you, and now also about my son-in-law. (Husband's name) you are so smart! Never offend him: as a mother, I forbid you! Advice and love to you!

When two amazing destinies, two characters, two halves of hearts come together, the result is a unique combination, which is called a family. I congratulate you and wish you not to lose those sparks that once lit your hearts! Happiness, all earthly and unearthly blessings, take care of yourself!

Without a doubt, the two of you walk straight ahead, without turning left. Don’t lose the sparkle in your eyes and realize that you are each other’s soul mates.

Dear and wonderful newlyweds. I wish you to live in grace and joy, peace and true love.

Congratulations. Today is an unusually important and reverent day, a day when everything that was dreamed of came true and the magic of love united two lines of fate into one single one. I wish you unanimity, perfection and constant family growth. Be happy!

Dear newlyweds! We congratulate you on starting a family and wish that throughout your married life you look at each other as lovingly as you do today. Appreciate each other, protect and love each other even after many years.

The honeymoon is the happiest period for spouses: a time of carelessness, passion, sublimity of feelings, lightness, and tender trembling of lovers. Let us wish the newlyweds that their honeymoon will last a lifetime.

Your story is just beginning, because only in a fairy tale does it end with a wedding. And you, dear newlyweds, still have many adventures ahead and will have to overcome a lot.

We wish you great happiness to your newlyweds, the fulfillment of all your marital dreams and the justification of all your warm hopes.

Thanks to Amur for choosing such targets! I promise to be the loudest at your wedding!

We wish you a reliable and strong family. From today, forget grievances and start living in new discoveries. Let there be more bright and joyful days in the bustle of everyday life.

Our dear children! As it was sung in one wonderful song: We wish you happiness, happiness in this big world! Like the sun in the morning, let it come into the house. We wish you happiness, and it should be like this - When you are happy yourself, share your happiness with others, we wish you that your marriage will be happy! May your love be joyful!

Our dear and dear children. We congratulate you on your wedding day and on the good start of your family relationship. May your tenderness, love, mutual understanding and luck always help you overcome any difficulties.

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart on your wedding, now your marriage is legalized in heaven. Always be faithful to each other, live in peace and harmony, may grace settle in your home, may your family be truly happy and strong.

I congratulate you on your wedding and wish you to write your future family life together. I advise you to approach this process creatively and make your life interesting and easy, fun and happy.

My dear ones! From the bottom of my heart I want to congratulate you on this main event. May the love ties that bind you only grow stronger over the years, may the trust and mutual understanding between you only grow, may the collection of happy memories you share be replenished, and may the spark of romance not fade throughout your life!

Dear newlyweds, we sincerely congratulate you on your wedding day! Be the cosmos, endless energy, stars and galaxies, rainbow love, reliable support, endless horizon for each other.

Let your hearts beat in unison and let your souls become related forever! May all your cherished dreams come true, and may your family hearth burn for a long time. Walk together this bright path until the diamond wedding itself.

Dear newlyweds! Let your family be a strong and unbreakable union of two loving hearts. We wish you a speedy addition of offspring, many happy years spent together.

Dear doves, dear newlyweds, I sincerely congratulate you on your wedding. Always be happy and loved, I wish your family goodness and kindness, prosperity and understanding, peace and good luck. May your home be full of joy and comfort. Advice and love to you.

For life to be successful, you need to skillfully use everything for its intended purpose. Place love in your heart, hold luck in your hands, and maintain a home in your home. I congratulate you on your wedding and wish you to master the foundations of great wisdom.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on your engagement. I wish you that this serious step will make your life happy and interesting, fun and prosperous, wonderful and wonderful. Always love each other, give sincere joy and care.

Happy wedding! Be happy and let no trouble extinguish your family hearth.

Today you are a beautiful bride, and tomorrow you will wake up as the most wonderful wife. Congratulations on your wedding day and wish you, my dear, a happy life as a woman, strong wings behind your back and eternal love in your heart. May you manage to keep the flame of the family hearth alive in any situation, may your spouse adore you and carry you in his arms. — Wedding toasts and wishes at a Kazakh wedding.

Today is a day where both are to blame and this celebration took place entirely through your fault. Two destinies collided and created a storm of the most vivid and violent emotions.

Newlyweds, congratulations on the day of formation of a new unit of society - your family. Love, happiness and health to you. Happy wedding!

Congratulations on your family day, on the great celebration in honor of the birth of a new evidence in our bee swarm. I wish you to be a cool couple, in love like d'Artagnan and Constance, young at heart like Romeo and Juliet, faithful like the Master and Margarita, dreamy like Assol and Gray, happy like Cinderella and the Prince.

Caucasian toasts for a wedding

  1. The sages say that a man is obliged to give his woman happiness. What is the greatest happiness for every woman? Children! So let’s drink to the groom giving the bride so much happiness that it’s enough for a whole kindergarten. Bitterly!
  2. In the Caucasus, every man wants his beloved to be brave and wise, beautiful and skillful, talented and cunning. Our groom chose the best woman in the entire area. For the young!

As you can see, choosing a beautiful toast for an oriental wedding is not difficult. It all depends on what exactly you want to wish the newlyweds, and how closely you know the bride and groom.

Oriental wedding toasts

An eastern wedding is a magnificent celebration with strictly observed traditions and rituals. Particular attention is paid to generous and plentiful food, because the wedding table symbolizes the well-fed and rich life of the young spouses. As a rule, during the festive feast, guests make wedding toasts. Eastern toasts and wishes are extremely beautiful, refined and subtly convey the age-old wisdom of their ancestors.

Kazakh toasts for a wedding

A traditional Kazakh wedding involves inviting numerous relatives from the bride and groom to the celebration. Each guest during the holiday must make at least one toast in honor of the newlyweds. We present several Kazakh wedding toasts.

Congratulations on your wedding day! We wish you to keep your love! May all your dreams come true! Live long hand in hand - many years! We wish you many happy years to come! We wish you health, wealth, peace and warmth in your life! May you always have fun! We wish you a long and happy life with lots of kids! Let the road be bright, let the family be friendly!

Congratulations on your legal marriage! We wish you pure love like the snow of the Alatau peaks, crystal clear love like the streams of Alatau. We wish you prosperity, good health like the winter frost, spring life and the warmth of the summer heat. To have bead daughters and a dozen boys. We wish you all the best that there is on earth!

Dear newlyweds! Congratulations on your legal marriage! From the bottom of our hearts we wish you to keep your love forever! Today is the happiest day of your life. People say: “Is it easy to get married? It’s difficult to create a family.” I want to wish you mutual understanding, love and harmony! We wish you to carry your happiness throughout your life!

Tatar toasts for a wedding

A toast at a Tatar wedding is wishes in the form of a parable, endowed with wise meaning. Toasts from the parents of the newlyweds occupy a special place at the celebration. After all, the wishes of parents always come from the heart and are filled with great tenderness and hope for a happy life for their children.

There comes a moment in everyone's life when he becomes responsible not only for his own destiny, but also for the destiny of another person. Neither man nor woman, no matter how good they are in themselves, yet represent harmony. And only together, only together, uniting hearts and souls, they form that beautiful unity, which is called perfection. Today our young people are one whole and it is in their will to give the world a new harmony, to bring a new particle of love and goodness. And this moment is magnificent! Look at the young people, remember these moments. Raise your glasses and wish them happiness, joy and goodness! Wish them fulfillment of their hopes!

Our dear children! Today is the greatest day in your life, the day of fulfillment of your most cherished, most important desire. Today you were united by love. Just as any journey begins with the first step, so your family begins today. Today is the first day of your family, the first day of your honeymoon and your honeymoon. We want everything to be fine with you, so that nothing overshadows this first, honeyed, greenest year of your marriage. And to make it joyful and calm, we decided to insure you. Accept this policy as a letter of safe conduct for your happiness, your first, most joyful and difficult year of life together. Love each other and be happy!

Dear newlyweds! With all my heart I wish you to celebrate at least ten more weddings in your life: paper - in a year, glass - in two years, seasoned - in three years, chintz - in five years, bronze - in ten years, porcelain - in fifteen, crystal - in twenty, silver - in twenty-five, gold - in fifty, diamond - in seventy-five. I also wish that all today’s guests will certainly attend all these weddings. Let's drink to the fulfillment of this wish and the happiness of the young!

Caucasian toasts for a wedding

Every word in a Caucasian toast is a gem of eloquence and wisdom. Indeed, they combine the beauty and poetry of the highlanders, as well as the best traditions of this proud people. Do you want to please the newlyweds and surprise the wedding guests? For your attention - several Caucasian toasts.

Mountain sages often repeat to grooms: “If you want happiness to visit you for a day, drink wine. If you expect happiness for two days, drink wine and eat meat. If you want to be happy all your life, then don’t just love, but respect, take care of and take into account the opinion of your wife!” Let's raise a glass to our newlywed, who made the right choice and married a woman whom one cannot help but appreciate!

Smart people say that a man is obliged to make his wife happy. What else can bring happiness to a woman, if not children? Let's drink to the fact that our newlywed brings his wife so much happiness that it would be enough for a whole kindergarten!

Caucasian wisdom says: if a good person wants to live in the same beautiful place for a month, he should sow corn there, if for a year, he should build a house, and if he wants to spend his whole life, then raise a child. Let's raise our glasses to the fact that our dear parents sowed more than one cornfield, built a beautiful house and raised such wonderful children!

Armenian toasts for a wedding

An Armenian wedding usually takes place with great pomp and ceremony. Ancient customs and rituals are an important part of any celebration. A special place is also occupied by Armenian wedding toasts, which are pronounced by numerous guests as parting words and wishes to the newlyweds.

The belief says that the parents of love are the eyes and the heart! I raise this wine glass so that the hearts of our young people will glow and their eyes will be sharp for many, many years to come. Let's drink to the bottom for the eternal ability to love!

I want to propose a toast to the fact that this table will never become scanty, that it will break and even sag from the weight of wines and dishes, and that such cheerful, good and happy people will always sit around it as they are now!

They once asked a very smart and old man: “Why is it very difficult to turn enemies into friends, but easy to turn friends into enemies?” The sage’s simple answer made people think: “Yes, because it is easier to destroy a house than to build it, it is easier to waste coins than to earn them, and it is easier to give up love than to work on a relationship!” I propose a toast to our newlyweds for overcoming all life’s difficulties! For hard work and determination!

Georgian toasts for a wedding

Like all oriental wedding toasts, Georgian “table” wishes are always filled with special meaning and folk wisdom. According to custom, each invited guest must say a toast to the newlyweds - often in the form of a parable or poem. And how beautiful real Georgian toasts sound! Here are some of them.

In Georgia they say that the husband is a falcon, looking from the height of his flight to the ground and looking for prey, and the wife is a turtledove, hatching chicks, creating comfort in the nest and eagerly awaiting her husband. So let's drink to these young people, to their marital happiness and family well-being!

May Almighty God grant you a strong family, carts full of goodness. And may your family be numerous: Mother and father, brothers and sisters, many daughters-in-law. May you have many children, beautiful and smart!

The ancient Indian treatise “Peach Branches” says: the needs of the soul give rise to friendship, the needs of the mind - respect, the needs of the body - desire. All three needs give birth to true love. Let us drink so that we always have these needs, and we love and are loved.

Dagestan wedding toasts

Dagestan weddings are musical, cheerful and crowded. The festive feast is necessarily “oriental”, generous and plentiful - well, a feast for the whole world! One of the ancient traditions at a Dagestan wedding is beautiful, eloquent toasts and wishes to the newlyweds. The newlyweds and all wedding guests will be pleased to hear such a congratulation.

A woman is a ray of sunshine that illuminates the darkness of our lives. So let’s drink so that everyone has time to grab this ray, just as our friend managed to catch the whole sun, which illuminates our close circle today. For the bride, the future mistress of this house!

The mountains are a great way to preserve age. For us, days spent with guests do not count. I propose a toast to you, dear guests, for your spiritual generosity! Today you extended the life of our young people!

You, my daughter, are going to a stranger’s house. And each house is a power in itself. There, only one king has the right to be king - your husband, your chosen one. Be obedient to him. Know how to soften his vices. Don't darken your face. And remember, daughter, that the road where they look for the ideal ones has no end.

Georgian toast-parable for a wedding

Ancient Eastern wisdom says: a husband is the best gift for a wise woman. She will be able to find only good in her chosen one, and correct the bad with her love. A good wife never complains about her husband, because gifts cannot be chosen. Let's drink to women like our bride - next to whom husbands feel like the best!

Toasts for a wedding should be chosen wisely - take into account the specifics of the wedding to which you were invited. Wise oriental toasts for a wedding may differ in wishes depending on whether you are attending an Armenian, Kazakh, Georgian or Tatar wedding. You should choose a wedding toast for your friends’ wedding anniversary in the same way.

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