Wedding toasts and wishes at a Kazakh wedding. Wedding toasts in Kazakh language

To determine a favorable day for a wedding, check the calendar: what day of the week your birthday falls on.

Dear newlyweds! Congratulations on your legal marriage! From the bottom of our hearts we wish you to keep your love forever! Today is the happiest day of your life. People say: “Is it easy to get married? It’s difficult to create a family.” I want to wish you mutual understanding, love and harmony! We wish you to carry your happiness throughout your life!

Kymbatty zhas zhubaylar! Szderdi tasks nekelerinizben kuttyktaymyz! Shyn zhurekten mahabbatty mangige saktaularynyzdy teleimiz! Bugingi kun - szderdin omirlerinizdege eng baqytty kun. “Uilenu onai, ui bolu kiyn,” - deydi halkymyz. Men s_zderge ozara tusinistik, mahabbat pen tattoo tileimin. Sіzderge tileytіnіmіz - bүgіngіdey baqytty sәt omіr fights bіrge bolsyn!

Congratulations on your wedding day! Toylarynyz kutty bolsyn!

We wish you to keep your love! Mahabbatarynyzdyn bayandy boluyn tіleymiz!

May all your dreams come true! Bar armandarynyz orandalsyn!

Live long, hand in hand, for many years! When you're tired, let's face it!

We wish you many happy years to come! Thank you, please!

We wish you health, wealth, peace and warmth in your life! Omіrde densaulyk pen baylyk, tattoo pen yntymak tileymiz!

May you always have fun! Toylarynyz toiga ulassyn!

We wish you a long and happy life with lots of children! Balalarynyz kop bolsyn, baqytty uzak omir surinizder!

Let the road be bright, let the family be friendly! Zholdaryn ashyk, remove the big tattoo!

I wish the young people: Good health, clear skies and sincere love. Zhastarga tіleytіnіm: Zor densaulyk, ashyk aspan, moldir mahabbat!

Let the dome of your yurt be higher, the walls be wider, the threshold be protection. Shanyraktaryn biik bolsyn, keregeleryn ken bolsyn, bosagalaryn berik bolsyn.

If there is a mood, there will be a song. Konil bolsa - әn de bolada.

There will be agreement, and a piece of bread will be found. Kelisim bolsa – nan yes tabylada.

Let your two heads become three. And three will become four. Eki bastaryn - ush bolsyn. Ush bastaryn – torteu bolsyn.

Respect your parents. The same on one side as on the other. Ata-analaryn syylap, ekі zhakka birdei karakdar.

May the angels hear our wishes and accept them with favor. Tіlecterіmіz perіshtenің құлагѓын шалынін, қълінін.

With all my heart, I wish everyone present, every family, happiness and goodness. Peace and prosperity to our people!

Al barshalarynyza tileymin: Әр otbasyna, shynayy konilmen baqyt-bereke tileymin. Elimiz aman, zhurtymyz you big son!

Toy zhasap zhatyr syilas, dos adamym, Zhaksy soz, lebіzderdі qosh alamn Tіleymіz biiktigin shanyraktyn, Tіleymіz beriktіgіn bosaganyn.

Shyrkasa shabyttanyp akyna bugin, “Toibastar” dep aytayk atyn munyn. Mangilik ekі zhastyn bakyty men, Tileyik kudalardyn tatulygyn.

Today my dear friend organized a wedding. I have prepared the best wishes for him. I wish you, my friend, a high shanyrak, a strong threshold. If an akyn sings his song to us, we will call this song “Toibastar”. And we wish the two young people great happiness and strong friendship as matchmakers.

Ekі bulak bir arnaga togysty, Ekі zhurek ugynysty, tabysty. Tileyikshi appak arma-agysty, Tulparga tan ozyp shygar shabysty. Zhana otaudyn shanyragyn koterip, Kel, old, zhaksy telek etelik! Uylengender - Altyn Saray Salgandar, Balalygy estelikke Kalgandar! Kalady endі balalyk shak ertek bop Kel, dostaram, shatyk toyga ortak bop! Ekі zұbay - қаtar ұрған perіshte, Бірге ұшсын bak-bolashak - өрісте!

Like two springs, so two young hearts were reunited. So let us wish them a good course, victory in everything, like the best horse. Let's, friends, wish the new family good things. The young people, having built their golden castle, will leave their childhood antics in their memory. Let's, friends, share their joy and happiness with them. Here the young people stand before us, like two angels, and let them fly towards their happiness!

Universal phrase for congratulations

In the Kazakh language there is a phrase “kutty bolsyn” , which is universal. This is a kind of congratulation on any good event, be it a wedding, birthday or buying a new car. The meaning of the phrase sounds like “let it be blessed”, “let it be good”. “kayyrly bolsyn” is also widely used , which is also a congratulation and has the same meaning.
In addition to the general phrase “kutty bolsyn”, the Kazakh language has specific congratulations that are used only for certain events. For example, such as:

Features of a Kazakh wedding

Wedding toast in Kazakh.
A Kazakh wedding is different from any other in how it takes place. Before the wedding ceremony itself, the bride is taken to the groom's house. She spends her night there. The next morning, the girl and her husband go to the mosque, where the minister marries the couple. Only after this are the young people ready to accept congratulations.

Previously, according to ancient Kazakh customs, the newlyweds went to visit guests along with gifts. They visited all the relatives and gave each one a souvenir. In response, relatives handed over something necessary for everyday life and everyday life.

Relatives, while visiting the newlyweds, congratulated them on their marriage. Moreover, congratulations were expressed in toasts, songs, and simple words. Still, toast was considered the most popular and widespread option at that time.

Currently, the Kazakh wedding is increasingly changing and modernizing. Now newlyweds rent entire rooms in the restaurant where they invite guests. As a rule, no one visits relatives after the mosque. Often, a Kazakh wedding is not much different from a Russian one. But it still contains ancient traditions that have been honored by the people for many years.

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At a wedding, of course, there are different congratulations and it is very difficult to single out just one. But, nevertheless, such a phrase can include the wish “eki zhas baqytty bolsyn” (translation - “let the young people be happy”). Unlike other common wishes, such as “mahabattary bayandy bolsyn” (“may love be strong”), “ubirli-shubirli bolsyn” (“may there be many children”) and others, which can be applied not only on the wedding day, but and on the anniversary, the phrase “eki zhas bakytty bolsyn” is used to congratulate the newlyweds.

Birth of a child

The most common phrase that Kazakhs say at the birth of a baby is “bauy berik bolsyn.” Translated as “let the thread be strong.” What thread are we talking about? There are several answers to this question, but the most common are the following two:

1. The thread that connects the child to the mother. Most often it refers to the umbilical cord.

2. The thread that connects the child with the spiritual principle. In the Islamic religion there is the concept of a certain thread that unites believers. And saying “bauy berik bolsyn”, the congratulator wishes that the child always follows the path of Sharia.

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The project of the Flarus translation agency “Congratulations on Translation” is a universal list of congratulations on both international and national holidays with translation into foreign languages ​​of the world. All greetings are translated by professional translators. You can congratulate your colleagues and friends from another country in their native language, and also find out what major holidays are celebrated in a particular state.

Congratulations “New Year” A holiday celebrated by many peoples in accordance with the accepted calendar, which occurs at the moment of transition from the last day of the year to the first day of the next year.
Congratulations “Orthodox Christmas” One of the main Christian holidays, established in honor of the birth in the flesh of Jesus Christ from the Virgin Mary. The Russian Orthodox Church and other churches using the Julian calendar celebrate January 7 according to the Gregorian calendar.
Congratulations “International Gratitude Day” On January 11, perhaps the most “polite” holiday is celebrated all over the world - International Gratitude Day. It was introduced at the initiative of the UN. This positive holiday reminds us that gratitude can make the world a kinder place and will always find a response in people's souls. Politeness has been valued at all times, because words of gratitude have almost magical power. Such a simple but meaningful “thank you” can make our life much easier, because it is much easier for a polite person to establish relationships with others.
Greetings "Pongal (India)" Pongal is a Hindu harvest festival celebrated in January after the winter solstice. The Pongal festival marks the end of the first rice harvest. It is dedicated to the sun god Surya and other higher powers responsible for the prosperity of peasant farms and a bountiful harvest. In some regions this festival is called Makara Sankranti. The date of the holiday is determined on the basis of the solar calendar, so it remains unchanged from year to year and is celebrated on January 14th.
Congratulations “Day of Unification of Ukraine” The holiday is celebrated on January 22 and symbolizes the unity of Ukrainian lands. The sovereign state of Ukraine was formed on the basis of a treaty of 1919, which went down in history as the Act of “Zluki” - an act of unification of Ukrainian lands, which was promulgated in Kyiv on Sophia Square.
Congratulations “Prešeren Day (Slovenia)” The Slovenian cultural holiday dedicated to the memory of the outstanding Slovenian poet and author of the Slovenian anthem Franze Prešeren is celebrated on February 8th.
Congratulations “Valentine's Day” A holiday that many people around the world celebrate on February 14th. St. Valentine's Day.
Congratulations “Defender of the Fatherland Day” A holiday celebrated on February 23 in Russia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine and some CIS countries. It was established in the USSR in 1922 as “Red Army and Navy Day”.
Congratulations “Night of Saint Juan (Spain)” On the night of June 23-24, Spain celebrates San Juan (Night of Saint Juan). For the Spaniards, this is a favorite event of the summer season. It is impossible to imagine this holiday without fiery dancing, jumping over fires and swimming. At this time, the water is already quite warm, so this day also marks the opening of the swimming season.
Congratulations “Maslenitsa” A folk holiday cycle that has been preserved by the Slavs since pagan times. The ritual is associated with seeing off winter and welcoming spring.
Congratulations “International Women's Day (March 8)” It is celebrated annually in a number of countries on March 8th. The UN has adopted the following name for this holiday - International Day for Women's Rights and International Peace.
Congratulations “St. Patrick's Day” The holiday is celebrated on March 17 in memory of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. On this day, music festivals, parades, and beer parties take place. The symbol of St. Patrick's Day is the shamrock and the main color is green.
Congratulations “International Francophonie Day” March 20 is a holiday for all people who speak French.
Congratulations “Novruz” March 21-23 marks the New Year holiday according to the astronomical solar calendar (spring equinox) among the Iranian and Turkic peoples.
Congratulations "O-Hanami" National Japanese holiday of admiring the cherry blossoms. The tradition of spending hours under flowering trees, which dates back to the imperial palace, causes almost the entire population of Japan to flock to the parks for several days at the end of March to enjoy this stunning spectacle.
Congratulations “Fool's Day (April Fool's Day)” World holiday celebrated on April 1st. During this holiday, it is customary to play pranks on friends and acquaintances or simply make fun of them.
Congratulations “Easter” The oldest Christian holiday; the main holiday of the liturgical year. Established in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Congratulations “Yurjevanje (Slovenia)” Folk festival in honor of St. George’s Day, April 23, which marks the beginning of spring.
Congratulations “Labor Day” Celebrated in 142 countries and territories around the world on May 1 or the first Monday in May. In the USA it is celebrated on the first Monday of September.
Congratulations “Holiday of the Unity of the People of Kazakhstan” A national holiday in Kazakhstan, celebrated annually on May 1. Representatives of 140 nationalities live in Kazakhstan.
Congratulations “Constitution Holiday (Poland)” On May 3, 1791, Poland adopted the first written constitution in Europe and the second in the world (after the USA).
Congratulations “Victory Day (May 9)” Celebration of the victory of the Soviet Army and the Soviet people over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Celebrated annually on May 9, it is a non-working day throughout the CIS.
Congratulations “Victory Day” On May 9, Russia celebrates a national holiday - Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, in which the Soviet people fought for the freedom and independence of their Motherland against Nazi Germany and its allies. The Great Patriotic War is the most important and decisive part of the Second World War of 1939-1945.
Congratulations “Day of Slavic Literature and Culture” May 24 is a holiday in memory of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Cyril and Methodius, who based on the Greek alphabet created the Slavic alphabet - Glagolitic and Cyrillic.
Congratulations “US Independence Day” On July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America was signed.
Congratulations “Day of Cyril and Methodius (Czech Republic, Slovakia)” On July 5, the holy preachers Cyril and Methodius came to Moravia.
Congratulation “Bastille Day (France)” July 14 is the day of the beginning of the Great French Revolution.
The greeting “Swiss National Day” on August 1 is taken as the date of the founding of Switzerland.
Congratulations “Ferragosto (Italy)” Celebrated on August 15th. Since the times of the ancient Romans, August has been considered the month of vacation (Italian ferie). Gradually it became a religious holiday of Madonna di Ferragosto.
Congratulations “Independence Day of Ukraine” Celebrated since 1991, on August 24, when Ukraine became an independent and democratic state in its modern form.
Congratulations “Czech Statehood Day” Celebrated on September 28, the day of the assassination of the Czech prince St. Wenceslas (935).
Congratulations “International Translator Day” The professional holiday of interpreters and translators was established by the International Federation of Translators (FIT) in 1991. It is celebrated on September 30 - the day of memory of St. Jerome of Stridon (342-420), who translated the Bible into Latin. Saint Jerome is traditionally considered the patron saint of translators. In Russia, Translator's Day has been celebrated on a full scale since 2004.
Congratulations “Kurban Ait” Kurban Ait (the holiday of sacrifice) is celebrated on the first day of the largest Muslim holiday in memory of the sacrifice of the Prophet Ibrahim and 70 days after the holiday of Ramadan.
Congratulations “Day of German Unity” National holiday of Germany, celebrated annually on October 3 in accordance with the Treaty on the Unification of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic.
Congratulations “Lord of Miracles (Peru)” The holiday is dedicated to Jesus Christ. On this day, all nationalities of the colorful population of Peru unite.
Congratulations "National Day of Spain" Spain celebrates its national holiday on October 12th. On this day, in 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered America, and this day is dedicated to Nuestra Señora del Pilar, patroness of all Hispanic peoples and the Spanish Guardia Civil.
Congratulations "Columbus Day" On October 12, 1492, Christopher Columbus's expedition reached the island of San Salvador in the Bahamas archipelago, which was later adopted as the official date of the discovery of America.
Congratulations "Oktoberfest" Celebrated in Munich from September 16 to October 2. The holiday is distinguished by a large number of beer tents and various attractions.
Congratulations “Halloween” Celebrated on October 31 in the USA and Great Britain, informally in Australia and New Zealand. Hallowe'en.
Congratulations “Reformation Day (Slovenia)” A national holiday of extreme importance for the Slovenian language. During the Reformation (1550), Primoz Trubar published the first book in the Slovenian language. Celebrated on October 31st.
Congratulations “National Unity Day (Italy)” Celebrated in Italy on November 4th.
Congratulations “National Independence Day (Poland)” The holiday is celebrated on November 11 in memory of the fact that on November 11, 1918, Poland gained independence from Prussia, Austria and Russia.
Congratulations “Remembrance Day” Remembrance Day, or Poppy Day, is celebrated annually in Great Britain and the countries of the British Commonwealth. On this day, veterans are honored, the memory of soldiers who died in the World Wars of the last century and in modern military conflicts is honored. Remembrance Day falls on November 11 because it was the day the Truce of Compiègne was signed in 1918, ending the First World War.
Congratulations “St. Martin's Day” On November 11, residents of the Catholic part of Europe celebrate St. Martin’s Day. This is the last holiday before the long Nativity fast. People have fun, eat a lot of delicious food, and then, until Catholic Christmas, do not eat food of animal origin. Saint Martin is considered the patron saint of all the poor, common people and soldiers in service.
Congratulations “Day of the Struggle for Freedom and Democracy (Czech Republic, Slovakia)” November 17, 1939 - closure of Czech universities by the Nazis, November 17, 1989 - student protests, Velvet Revolution.
Congratulations “Feast of New Beaujolais (France)” November 21 is considered “winemaker’s day”, on which the entire population of France can evaluate the quality of the new harvest grapes.
Congratulation “Thanksgiving Day (USA, Canada)” 4th Thursday of November. Celebrated in the USA and Canada. According to an ancient tradition, several generations of one family gather in the house of their elders for a festive dinner. Everyone says words of gratitude for all the good things that have happened in his life.
Congratulations “Mother's Day” International holiday in honor of mothers. There is no single specific date for the holiday; in many countries Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May, including the USA, Germany, Italy, Australia, and Japan. Mother's Day in Russia is celebrated on the last Sunday of November. Take care of your mothers!
Congratulations “Hanukkah” The Jewish holiday Hanukkah is celebrated from the evening of December 12 until the evening of December 20. These days, candles are lit in every Jewish home in memory of the great miracle that occurred during the consecration of the Temple after the victory over the troops of King Antokh in 164 BC and the liberation of the Jerusalem Temple. It is customary to celebrate Hanukkah with family and friends.
Congratulations “Catholic Christmas” One of the main Christian holidays, established in honor of the birth in the flesh of Jesus Christ from the Virgin Mary. The Roman Catholic Church and most Protestant churches celebrate December 25 according to the modern Gregorian calendar.
Congratulations "Birthday"
Congratulations “Wedding Day”
Congratulations “Wedding Anniversary”
Congratulation “Child’s letter to Santa Claus and response” New Year is almost here and it’s time to think about the gifts that your child wants to receive on the most magical night of the year! He can tell Santa Claus about his cherished desires! Write a letter to Veliky Ustyug with your child, and most importantly, you can send your child a reply letter from Santa Claus!

To compile such a list of holidays with translation, a lot of work was done, involving translators and native speakers, selecting the most important holidays and writing unique greetings directly related to the event being celebrated.

You can congratulate your foreign colleagues and friends using the list of languages ​​available on our website or the list of holidays with their descriptions.

New purchase

It is customary for Kazakhs to congratulate a person on any new acquisition, be it clothes or a car. And so that, for example, new clothes serve their owner for a long time, you can say “Ozin kiip, ozin tozdyr” (“wear and wear these clothes yourself”). When buying a new car, the phrase will sound like “Ozin IDAP, Ozin Tozdyr . Such phrases have a very deep meaning. After all, when they want a thing to wear out, they mean that the owner remains in good health long enough to have time to age the thing himself.


In the old days, when the Kazakhs led a nomadic life, each move from winter quarters to zhailau could be considered a housewarming. Such crossings had their own special and beautiful rituals and customs. One of them was a mandatory visit to neighbors with wishes of goodness, peace and prosperity in the new place. “Konys kutty bolsyn” (“may the place where you are staying be blessed”) the guests said as they entered the house. This phrase is still spoken today, but as a congratulation on a housewarming.

Cutting the bonds

When the child reaches about one year of age, the ritual “tusau kesu” is performed - cutting the bonds. This is a very important event in the life of a baby. After all, after him he takes his first steps into this world. Therefore, he is congratulated with a special phrase “kadamy kutty bolsyn”, which translates as “may his first steps be blessed.”

In general, the phrase “kadamy kutty bolsyn” is a blessing for any endeavor. That is, the same phrase can be used to congratulate the bride who entered the groom’s house; a child who went to school; a friend or acquaintance who started his own business, etc.

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