Not only wedding guests want to stand out from the crowd with an interesting and unusual gift for
Congratulations (2 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5) Tender and touching date of 37 years together
Muslims, like no other people, honor their traditions. For how many centuries now
Let's test the groom Men should always be more self-possessed, more resilient, and stronger. So, before you give away the bride
When the long-awaited time of preparation for the wedding comes in the life of a loving couple, their relatives
Marriage is a very serious step! When we quarrel with our parents, we don’t think
Having received an invitation to a wedding, every woman thinks about choosing an outfit for such a special event.
Following traditions, most newlyweds enjoy having bachelor and hen parties before the wedding. But holding
A wedding wreath is a tribute to tradition and a symbol of femininity, youth and love, invariably used
When can you get married in 2022 according to the Orthodox calendar? Not every day in Orthodoxy