The magic of wedding glasses: signs and beliefs, how to decorate them yourself

A wedding these days involves observing customs and traditions. This has been going on since ancient times. However, some rituals have lost their power, and some, on the contrary, have become increasingly integrated into the modern wedding industry.

In Greece, newlyweds smashed plates after the ceremony, in Rome - clay pots, but in modern Russia - wine glasses. Young spouses nowadays need to understand which wedding traditions they should follow and which they can abandon.

This also applies to such a ritual as breaking glasses.

The meaning of tradition

No matter how the breaking of dishes is carried out in the rituals of wedding celebrations of different nations, its essence is the same - to drive away evil spirits and attract goodness into the house. By breaking a fragile wine glass, the bride and groom seem to be saying to the mythical creatures - you see, not everything is so good with us. Don't be jealous, we suffer losses too! And those, supposedly satisfied with such an act, move away from the young people and will not interfere with their lives.

Other meanings of breaking glasses: how not to glue the glass from which the wine glass is made, and how the newlyweds will not return to their former free and free life. In addition, the dishes were originally made of crystal, which was believed to have magical properties to ward off all sorts of troubles from a young family.


The hussars performed this tradition somewhat unusually: they placed a glass of strong drink in the shoe of their beloved, and drank the contents without their hands. Shoes remained in the house forever as a kind of talisman and guardian of the hearth.

People's opinions about rituals

It is no secret that some people consider ancient wedding rituals to be relics of the past. They do not follow them and try to make the celebration modern and fashionable.

However, there are those who have a positive attitude towards Slavic ancient practices. They try to observe the rituals, learn the details of the customs from ancient sources and believe in their predictions. However, what to do if the result of breaking dishes promises an unhappy life? Psychologists believe that you should not set yourself up for such an outcome. After all, it all depends on the person and his desire to save the marriage. Therefore, people who are too suspicious should refuse such a ritual, because against the background of excitement and stress, something may go wrong. This should not cause the breakdown of relationships and families.

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History of the tradition

The ancient Slavs broke a clay pot after the wedding night, which meant that the bride had lost her virginity and now belonged entirely to her husband. And woe to that girl whose pot remained intact - she will never see happiness in her family life! The more shards there are, the more prosperity there is in the house. The larger the pieces, the healthier the babies will be.

Gradually, this ritual turned into the tradition of breaking glasses after a wedding. It is often repeated at the entrance to the house, where parents meet the newlyweds with a loaf of bread on a towel. Then the bride and groom drink champagne and throw the glasses over their left shoulders, where it is believed that evil spirits sit. Thus, they drive her away so as not to interfere with their new family.

If the glasses are made of durable glass, and it was not possible to break the wine glass the first time, then, in order to avert the trouble, the groom’s friend can run up and finish the job with a blow of his heel. It is believed that in this way he will help unite the family and become her true friend for life.

Wedding tradition with loaf
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