Make a contribution to the budget of a young family! Cool cash competitions for wedding guests

This may sound a little mercantile, but a wedding for newlyweds is a good way to “earn extra money” and not just spend money. Guests will be happy to help the bride and groom support the young family budget with their monetary gifts. But how to bring them to this? The solution is simple - to hold money competitions for wedding guests, during which participants in the celebration will give their “ruble” for future family needs.

What is it for

The philosophy of money competitions for weddings is this. Every guest who comes to the wedding sincerely wants to provide financial support to their loved ones, even if they are quite wealthy people. This is a kind of contribution to the family budget, which will only grow over time. Remember the saying “money leads to money”? This is exactly what wedding “fees” from guests are aimed at. If the morning after the holiday the pockets of the young are full of banknotes, then in the future they will not know the need. At least that's what popular rumor says.


Collect wedding gifts in a chest! Like boxes, the accessory can be decorated in any style you like. If desired, make a piggy bank chest with a slot in the “lid”. Decorate the chest romantically: openwork butterflies, cute bows, images of angels, etc. An interesting option is a “antique” chest, decorated with leather, straps, buckles, artificially aged and worn. A similar accessory can be purchased in souvenir shops. This chest is suitable for weddings in the style of a pirate party or ancient times.

On the first day of the celebration

So, the guests are not tired yet, they are full of energy and eager for competitions. It's time to invite them to take part in cool cash competitions for their wedding by spending some money.

  1. "Boy or girl?" A fairly well-known money competition, somewhat reminiscent of voting. Witnesses are involved. They are given stockings - the man is blue, and the girl is red. At the toastmaster's command, they run through the rows of guests, asking them to put some money in their stockings. After a full circle, the collected funds are laid out on a pre-prepared chair or table and counted. If more money is in the blue stocking, then the young couple should have a boy, and if red wins, then a girl.
  2. "Wedding Sale" The most popular item at a wedding is a cake. More precisely, its first piece. At the richest weddings, guests give millions for it! The sale is carried out in the form of an auction. The toastmaster sets the starting price (usually 200-300 rubles), after which guests begin to place bets. The highest bidder takes the piece. You can also sell souvenirs with the image of the newlyweds, things of the bride, for example, a garter and even her kiss!
  3. "Pay for the dance." It is also held in the form of an auction, but the “product” is a dance with the bride. Moreover, there is a strict rule - no close touching. Not only can this make the groom jealous, but the girl will also be very uncomfortable. The price is again set by the toastmaster, but bidding usually starts at 500 rubles.

Interesting! One of the most popular competitions is an auction. Read more about it here.

But the once popular trade in alcohol is now fading away. Why? It is not clear, but the fact remains a fact. The point is that the newlyweds take a bottle of alcohol, preferably good wine or vodka, autograph it and “put it up for sale.” You can sell a drink at a fixed price, but traditionally this alcohol is sold according to auction rules.

A lot of alcohol

Alternative: order after the fact

The wedding took place in 2014 in Veliky Novgorod. We spent 340 thousand rubles - most of it was helped by our parents, and we saved a little ourselves.

We spent about 15 thousand on the suit - bought from a friend - and the material for the dress - sewed by my mother; the restaurant cost 90 thousand. The rings were bought for 20 thousand rubles, the wedding organizers took the same amount. Plus, some amount was spent on florists, hall decorators, hosts, flowers and gifts for guests.

They made a big deal with alcohol: they ordered good wine from France for 50 thousand rubles. There were about two-thirds left - we finished it with our parents for another six months. Conclusion: it is useless to take a lot of alcohol; it is wiser to negotiate a discount with the restaurant and order after the fact. It’s better not to skimp on memorabilia: photographer, videographer and toastmaster.

On the second day

The guests are already tired, but they are ready to continue the party. This means that you can organize money competitions on the second day of the wedding.

  1. "Find the money." Witnesses collect money from guests in advance (those who can give as much as they can), after which they hide the funds received in secluded corners of the apartment. Just not very deep, otherwise the young ones may not find them. Particularly popular places are such as the ceiling of a chandelier, under the blankets on sofas, in the refrigerator and in the pockets of newlyweds’ outerwear. You need to lead them to the search with a hint. For example, “a good wedding fairy came to your house and left you several gifts,” and then ask the young spouses to find these fairy gifts. You can accompany the game with children's “hot and cold”.
  2. "Money Sweeping" A very simple competition that originated in Soviet times. One of the guests scatters money collected in advance on the floor. The bride is given a broom and dustpan, after which the participants in the celebration ask her to sweep in unison. Everything that the girl collects in a scoop goes into the family budget.
  3. "Cold beer from the bride." What do some guests want most the morning after their first wedding day? That's right, improve your health. And so the bride goes to the refrigerator, takes out a bottle of foamy drink, and... That's right, arranges an auction. An additional bonus to the “cure” is that the bride will personally pour beer into a glass and bring it to the winner.

Interesting! Here are 20 of the coolest competitions for guests. And here is the link for tips on how to choose a good presenter.


A good replacement for a money jar is vases. The principle of fundraising is the same, but beautiful vases look more aesthetically pleasing. It is not at all necessary to search all the stores for an exact copy of the vase that your imagination imagined. Buy a simple white vase and glass or stained glass paints. And paint the accessory until it’s perfect.

Funny options

Some more fun entertainment options.

  1. "Money Ball" 10-15 balloons are inflated. Three of them contain money, and the rest contain tinsel. Another option is food paint, which is easily washed off from the body and clothes. The newlyweds are given needles and balls are thrown over their heads. What happens next is clear. By the end of the competition, everyone is happy, and some are even richer. The main thing is that the bride and groom should not know how many balls contain money, otherwise the competition will quickly end.
  2. "Rich Bottle" Several bills are placed in a champagne bottle, and the groom is given a long hook. The bride takes the bottle in her hands, and the groom, using the instrument, takes the money out. The subtlety is that you cannot use your hands - the hook must be squeezed in your teeth.
  3. "Do not you know? Pay!" The competition is only suitable for the fairly wealthy and begins right at the entrance to the hall. Guests are asked questions from the series “how old is the groom”, “how did the young people meet” and the like. Answered correctly - come on in. No - give me one hundred/five hundred/thousand rubles. Naturally, all the money collected goes to the benefit of the couple.

What can you do with free money?

Create a safety net. If you don't have an emergency reserve, it's worth creating one. A pillow can come in handy in case of dismissal, illness or some unexpected household expenses.

I usually recommend having a reserve of six months of life, but it is quite possible to start with a reserve of two to three months. In your case, this is 100,000 or 150,000 RUR. By saving 20,000 RUR per month, you will accumulate the required amount in 5-7 months.

Repay the loan early. The faster you repay the loan, the less you will overpay. If it is taken, for example, at 12% per annum, paying it off early is as good as investing money at the same interest rate.

To repay early, you do not need to save a large amount - just deposit more money monthly than required. Ask the bank to reduce the required payment, but still pay more than necessary. This way, you will repay the loan faster, and in case of financial difficulties, it will be easier for you to pay the bank: the obligatory monthly payment will noticeably decrease over time.

Spend it on something nice. Surely you want to go on vacation, buy something, or please yourself and your family in some other way. Free money can be used for this too.

Spending all your extra income on what you want is nice, but irrational. You need to find a balance between consumption and savings, and it’s different for everyone.

Invest in yourself. You can spend money on some training if it allows you to earn more. Another example is health care: it is cheaper to prevent a disease than to treat it later.

Save for the future. Perhaps you have some big goals for which you need to save money. For example, you want a new apartment or dream of creating capital for financial independence.

The sooner you start saving money, the faster you will reach your goal

But it's important to determine in advance what you want and when, so you can choose the right tools. These could be bank deposits, IIS with securities or something else


Capture cash competitions for weddings on video and photos. Then you can remember how fun it was. Matvey Kutsyrin

With the money raised from competitions at the wedding, the newlyweds will buy furniture, dishes, and household appliances. You never know what a young family might need money for! After all, they will soon be replenished, and this is also a big expense. So you shouldn’t skimp during such competitions. All this is done not for self-interest, but for the common good. But you shouldn’t be “impudent” either.

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Expert Bonus

And now for everyone who read the article to the end - a useful bonus from me - an example of a vacation planning table that will help you calculate your vacation budget and not forget anything!

NameUnit change QtyPricePrice
Fare23 000
Flightsrub.210 00020 000
Transfer from airport to hotelrub.21 5003 000
Fill in
Fill in
Fill in
Accommodation16 800
Hotelrub./day72 40016 800
Fill in
Fill in
Fill in
Fill in
Fill in
Nutrition8 400
Lunches and breakfasts at the hotelrub.146008 400
Fill in
Fill in
Fill in
Fill in
Fill in
Entertainment2 600
Museum26001 200
Excursion27001 400
Fill in
Fill in
Fill in
Other1 000
Souvenirsrub.1 0001 000
Fill in
Fill in
Fill in
Fill in
Fill in
Unforeseen expenses (10% of all expenses)5 180
Total expenses56 980

Download table →

Reason 2: A wedding is not an asset

Securities and bank deposits bring you money. If you invested 500 thousand at 9%, after a year you will have 545 thousand. Deposits and securities are assets.

You go to work by car. You are relaxing in the apartment. Use your iPhone to resolve work issues. A business suit is needed for a meeting with an important client. All these purchases will help you earn money. In the most humanitarian sense, these are also assets: they help you get money.

If you take a programming course and learn to be a programmer, you can earn money by programming. Your qualifications are an asset, and educational expenses can be considered asset expenses.

A wedding doesn't give you any of that. It's just a big party. It will not make you more money under any scenario.

Here you should not confuse wedding and family. Family is a very asset. Spouses help each other earn money, save money together for joint real estate, improve each other’s standard of living, and take each other on errands. Family is an asset. But the wedding is not.

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