Cool competitions for a 25 year wedding anniversary (for a silver wedding)

In folk traditions, a charter for a silver wedding has long been established. There are wonderful customs that are worth observing today: washing together, exchanging silver rings, drinking three bottles of wine hidden 25 years ago, drinking tea together.

Organizing a 25th wedding anniversary can be very different. Some people prefer to celebrate it at home without a toastmaster, for their nearest and dearest. At home you can really feel more relaxed, and the hostess of the celebration will be able to show off her culinary talents.

Organization of the 25th wedding anniversary

The idea of ​​spending a silver wedding anniversary with family will only emphasize the love of the silver “newlyweds” for home comfort and communication with family and friends in an informal setting.

If the spouses happen to celebrate their silver wedding anniversary in the summer, then it is best to celebrate the 25th wedding anniversary in nature. This could be a summer house or a country cottage to place tables in the fresh air. Arranging something like an ordinary picnic somewhere on the bank of a river or a forest edge is a tempting idea, but it doesn’t go well with traditions: but what about a wedding cake, without which it’s simply impossible to imagine celebrating a silver wedding? Therefore, more civilized conditions are preferable.

silver medal

On a silver wedding, there is a tradition of giving the spouses who are the heroes of the occasion a silver medal. In this competition, spouses must give a silver medal to each other, but before doing this, they need to guess which medal is the creation of the other half. Each participant (guest), including the newlyweds, receives identical medal templates (a simple circle cut out of paper) and markers. Without spying on each other, the participants make (draw) a medal, trying to put their own meaning or, perhaps, a wish into it. When all the guests have completed the task, the presenter collects all the medals and mounts them on the wall (puts them on the table). The celebrant spouses must recognize each other's medals. If they guessed right, they received loud applause and a real medal; if they didn’t guess right, it’s okay, we keep trying until they guess right.

Silver wedding traditions

Customs and rituals for the 25th wedding anniversary

According to popular belief, as you celebrate your wedding anniversary, so will your subsequent family life. The silver wedding awaits on a special scale. The couple remembers the special day and can again feel like the center of attention. Folk rituals are observed from the very morning. The day of the twenty-fifth anniversary begins, like all family life, with a kiss. So kiss each other for as long as you can. A long kiss will give you many more happy days. This tradition has a well-founded explanation: spouses should not move away from each other even after so many years.

Some couples become immersed in nostalgic memories and want to relive past exciting moments. If you wish, you can register the marriage again and have a beautiful repeat ceremony. After such a long period together, it becomes clear why you want to live your whole life with this person. And the holiday, in which jokes, customs, and practical jokes will be repeated again, will become an unforgettable adventure.

Morning wash

Silver wedding traditions also include the ritual of morning washing. After waking up, husband and wife wash each other exactly three times. In this case, water should be poured from a silver vessel. Even if it's just a tradition, washing your face like this will put you in a good mood and show how much you care for each other. Each of these ablutions has its own symbolic meaning. The first washes away the burden of past problems over the years, the second gets rid of negative thoughts, and the third cleanses the couple and prepares them for the next stage of married life. At a silver wedding, after ablution, it is necessary to dry each other with linen towels. You should not pour out the water - it should evaporate in the sun to drive out all the bad things from the house.

Exchange of silver rings

Of course, gifts to each other can be beautiful, original or traditional. Flowers for your wife will lift her spirits and emphasize her femininity. But still, the exchange of rings is the most important tradition of a silver wedding. The ceremony can be held not only for two, but also to invite relatives and friends.

It is not necessary to arrange such a ceremony at home. Some couples book a table in a restaurant and, with pleasant wishes, exchange such signs of love and fidelity. The other spouses come to the church where the clergy are performing the ceremony. It is imperative to save this jewelry. It is recommended to wear silver rings for a year, after which you can exchange them for gold wedding rings.

Festive meal

It is not at all necessary to arrange a flawless ceremony out of a silver wedding. Leave room for fun at the gala dinner, immerse yourself in the emotions of your first joint holiday. Invite witnesses, think about competitions. A silver wedding deserves to be captured in photographs of the highest quality. Professionals can take care of everything while you enjoy your time. It would be a good idea to give videos and photographs to all participants.

Take care of your wedding loaf or cake by remembering how you cut it before. Don't forget that guests are served the best cuts. To symbolically emphasize the theme of the celebration, use a beautiful table setting, which should include silverware. The table decor will be complemented by silver candlesticks or other elements. White candles, napkins, flowers will add a festive atmosphere.

In general, you won't need a huge range of dishes. You can get by with a low-key evening with delicious desserts and coffee. The entertainment program may also not be very active: a collage or video presentation of bright moments lived is perfect for such an evening.

Tea ceremony

In addition to the formal part with the guests, be sure to spend time with each other in a quiet, cozy atmosphere. Memories of happy moments lived together, drinking tea, plans for the future will only strengthen your family happiness.

Traditional gifts for a silver wedding

The customs of a silver wedding allow you to choose gifts from this metal. Participants in the celebration can donate tableware, jewelry, figurines and decorative elements, and watches. It is better to consult with the heroes of the occasion before presenting a certain gift, so that there are no repetitions with the rest of the guests.

You can add a little originality by finding unusual jewelry or medallions with photographs as a gift. In addition to traditional silver gifts, an alternative option is a surprise experience: a ticket to a concert, a master class or a trip to a joint trip.

Silver Creek

Guests are divided into two teams of equal numbers. Team members stand in separate rows one after another. At the same distance from each team there is the following set: 25 small plastic glasses of water (identical) and a plastic bottle of the appropriate size (2-3 liters). At the command “start”, the first team members run to their set, take one glass of water and quickly pour the water into a bottle, after which they run back, passing the baton to the second participants, and they themselves stand at the end of the team. Then the second participants run and do the same. And the winner will be the team that is faster and more careful, which is important, and can pour water from 25 cups into a bottle.

What scene to congratulate the celebrants on their 25th wedding anniversary

25 years from the date of marriage is a significant date that is celebrated among family and friends. To make the holiday interesting and memorable for everyone who is invited to it, think over an entertainment program.

Include in it funny scenes of congratulations on your silver wedding anniversary, which will evoke a lot of positive emotions among the heroes of the occasion and their guests. People of different ages can participate in such miniatures.

Scenes for the 25th wedding anniversary with jokes

A funny scene for the 25th wedding anniversary with the participation of Baba Yaga (a man can play this role) will cause a lot of fun. She appears at the festival with the words: “Oh, my broom, my broom!” Where have you taken me? Well, I got the transport! Is the navigator broken?! Oh, tell me, honest people, the anniversary is not here? Pour me a glass as soon as possible, but more fully, don’t be sorry. Don't look at Yaga, I can still drink!

They pour her a glass, but she looks at it with suspicion and turns to the guests: “What are you drinking here?” (They answer her).

– Why am I interested in this? Let me tell you a secret: years of marriage are reminiscent of popular drinks: champagne is the first anniversary of marriage. You are still young and playful. Beer - three years of marriage. The playfulness remains, but the taste has already changed: it has become more spicy. Rum - five year anniversary; spouses are drawn to adventure. Wine - ten years of marriage; husband and wife become gourmets. Liquor - fifteen years of marriage; you understand all the sweetness of family life. Vodka - twenty years; quite a strong union. Tincture - twenty-fifth anniversary. Your feelings are time-tested and infused over the years.

Then, in this congratulation scene, Baba Yaga raises a toast to the silver wedding anniversary: ​​- Marriage is a good thing, If the marriage is twenty-five. We can safely congratulate you and wish you success. A quarter of a century is cool, It’s not one minute, And not a month, and not a year. May your family stronghold only grow stronger year after year, May love crown it!

“And now, as it should be, I want to give you gifts,” Yaga says in continuation of this scene and takes out the gifts from the basket that he gives to the heroes of the day.

- So as not to suffer from a hangover, I brewed a potion for you from toadstools, toads and snakes. Drink it without fear! (Gives the celebrants a jar of pickles).

- I poked around in the closets and collected some potions. To be strong in love, take a carrot. (Hands carrots to husband).

- Grate it, boil it with milk, then take it more often and invite your wife. ...Oranges help against colds and sore throats. (Gives these fruits).

- But this is jelly made from mold! Haven't you drunk it before? So accept it when the carousel begins in your body! It doesn't taste that good, but it takes away the tremors! (Gives a carton of fruit juice.)

- That’s my whole order for you! Tea, did you have fun? It seems like I told you everything. Well, if there is not enough advice, you write to me, tell me about your problems, knock on Skype in the evening, well, bye, friends, hang in there!

Congratulations for a silver wedding

After this, at the celebration of the 25th wedding anniversary, you can present a skit in which the host will invite the celebrants to answer questions.

Questions for your husband could be:

  • How many guests were at your wedding?
  • Name your wife's favorite flowers.
  • How old is your mother-in-law?
  • Questions for the wife:
  • Where and when did you meet your husband?
  • Name his favorite dish.
  • What sports team does he support?
  • And so on.

After the spouses answer the questions, the presenter will summarize: - Well, you have successfully passed the recertification. Today we congratulate you on successfully overcoming a difficult distance - twenty-five years. There were many different obstacles on your way: barriers, deep ravines, turbulent rivers and impenetrable jungles.

– But you successfully overcame all obstacles, because such guides as love and mutual understanding led you along this path. You rightfully deserve a silver award. And we wish you the same success in completing the next distance and receiving a gold prize!

Then the heroes of the day are presented with a “Silver Wedding Certificate”.

Presenter: – This certificate is issued to a couple who have lived together for 25 years. During this period, the spouses showed love, respect and care towards each other, and also acquired useful skills: patience, the ability to make concessions and resistance to stressful situations. We consider the silver marriage officially registered.

The “newlyweds” and witnesses put their signatures on this document.

After this, the presenter reads to the celebrants their “main document” - the Family Constitution:

  • Spouses are obliged to preserve and protect their family until the end of their days.
  • In this unit of society, the wife is the Minister of Finance, Trade, Food Industry, Health and Culture.
  • The husband holds the positions of Minister of Internal Affairs, Minister of Electrification, Gas Industry and others.
  • The wife has the right to rest, the husband to work.
  • Spouses have the right to kiss each other at least once a week.
  • Spouses have the right to have from 1 to 15 children. Children are required to know who is their father and who is their mother.

Subject to all points of the constitution, spouses are obliged to celebrate a pearl wedding in 30 years, a ruby ​​wedding in 40 years, and a gold wedding in half a century.

Then, as a continuation of the congratulations sketch at the celebration of the 25th wedding anniversary, the host brings out a bottle of champagne. – The Silver Jubilee is a big date, and our heroes of the day have a golden one ahead of them. And I would really like them to invite us all to the next anniversary. Let them promise us this by swearing on a bottle of “golden” champagne.

The host places a bottle on the table and the couple writes on the label: “We swear to invite everyone present to the golden wedding and uncork this bottle” and sign it. The presenter puts a “stamp” on the painting with a drop of hot chocolate.

And then he turns to the heroes of the occasion: - Dear heroes of the day! You will take this bottle home and keep it for 25 years. Do you commit to not opening it before the golden anniversary? Anniversaries: – We commit!

And the congratulations on the silver wedding anniversary will end with the presentation of funny diplomas, certificates or diplomas to the heroes of the occasion, for example, a certificate to the wife for a thousand kisses from her husband, a certificate to the husband for the right to give gifts to his wife and declare his love every day, etc.

A silver wedding is a wonderful occasion to please your friends or relatives celebrating their anniversary. We hope that they will like the funny scenes for their 25th wedding anniversary, and that this holiday will leave many pleasant memories.

What to give for a silver wedding?

Many people understand that the choice of gift depends on the name of the wedding or anniversary.

Based on this, we see that for a silver wedding you need to give something made of silver.

It’s true that if the question “What do they give for a silver wedding?” doesn't leave you alone, then here is a list of specific items that you can present to your friends/parents/grandparents:

  • Silverware (forks and spoons, knives, etc.)
  • Paired jewelry (heart-shaped or key-shaped pendants, bracelets for him and her)
  • Photo collages with the best photos over 25 years

Top 5 cool competitions for spouses

One of the most interesting parts of the silver wedding celebration is the entertainment. With their help, you can diversify the banquet and give it a festive atmosphere and fun.

We recommend preparing all quizzes in such a way as to remind the heroes of the occasion of that day that happened 25 years ago. The holiday can begin with the traditional first dance of the newlyweds. You can edit a multimedia film from photo and video archives of a family who lived in love and understanding for 25 years.

As for competitions for newlyweds, a significant part here is based on the newlyweds’ knowledge of each other. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the most popular quizzes.

"Wheel of Fortune" . A drum is prepared in advance and rotates around its axis. It contains funny tasks for the bride and groom, the fulfillment of which depends on the experience of family life. The winner is the one who completes his tasks better and more correctly.

"The Spouse Exam" . The essence of the intellectual quiz is that when identifying a school subject, the husband is asked questions on the topic. For example: mathematics - how many months does your marriage last? How old was the bride on the day of marriage? How old is your mother-in-law? Geography – based on pre-prepared photographs of a joint vacation, the spouse must name the cities. In biology: What flowers were first given to your wife? What flowers did the bride's wedding bouquet consist of 25 years ago? At the end of the quiz, the spouse is given a certificate of successful completion of 25 years of married life.

"Blitz poll" . First, the spouse is asked a list of any questions that are related to their family life. Next, the husband must quickly answer the same questions without hesitation. The more correct and matching questions there are, the better. Based on the results of the competition, the spouse receives the “Ideal Husband” medal.

"Bride ransom" . The groom is given a small bucket (preferably silver or wrapped in foil). His task is to fill the container with coins with the help of the guests. You can only throw pennies into the bucket.

"Seven-flowered flower " To conduct this competition, you need to prepare a flower in advance, with petals that can be easily separated from the corolla. On the reverse side of each petal is written a date associated with the family life of the young people. Taking turns tearing off the petals, each spouse must say what date it is and briefly describe this day.

According to tradition, the entertainment program of the special day should end with eating the wedding cake, which will be cut by the spouses. The guests wish the newlyweds a sweet life together for at least another 25 years.

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