For those who are not too lazy - cool competitions for guests on the second day of the wedding

The second day of the wedding is no less intense with practical jokes, games and competitions than the wedding celebration itself. You should also pay attention to its organization and not let everything take its course.

Competitions on the second day of the wedding can be tied to a specific theme, or you can simply organize a day of fun using a prepared script or acting out scenes. In any case, you can’t do without a leader. Several options for entertaining games are presented in this article.

Why and how

In the times of Ancient Rus', the creation of a new family was celebrated for three days or even more, and each of them was planned down to the smallest detail, and everyone knew in advance what they would do. Nowadays there is no longer such a framework, the wedding has been reduced to two days, but they are also held in such a way that most of those present leave with pleasant memories for the rest of their lives. Usually everyone dresses in casual clothes, allows themselves to discard the formal appearance and sincerely rejoice for the newlyweds.

Whether to celebrate the second day of the celebration or not is everyone’s personal choice. In defense of this tradition, we can also say that after the official banquet, the newlyweds and their guests can finally relax, enjoy communication in a familiar company and simply have a good time.

Mostly those who fly away on their honeymoon immediately after the banquet do not spend the second wedding day. Also, those newlyweds who want to save the family budget are limited to one day, since even gatherings in a relaxed atmosphere will require financial expenses.

In most cases, newly-made spouses still come up with funny competitions for the 2nd day of the wedding, prepare for it and invite their relatives. It can happen in different ways.

  • Outdoors. In the warm season, an open-air picnic or a buffet on a boat will be an excellent alternative to stuffy apartments or restaurants.
  • At home. To create a cozy atmosphere, all guests can be invited to the apartment with the spouses or their parents. This option will not work if there are a lot of friends and relatives, because of which they will not fit in one room, or it will be inconvenient for them.
  • In the cafe. This option is popular in cases where the weather does not allow you to get out into nature, and you don’t want to organize a celebration at home with all the ensuing consequences in the form of large-scale cooking and cleaning.

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The scenario and competitions for the second day of the wedding are prepared depending on the tastes and wishes of the newlyweds themselves, as well as on the morals of the company.

Some people will like regular get-togethers with a discussion of the past evening. Others will enjoy participating in competitions and skits. Still others don’t need show jumping at all on the 2nd wedding day - videos, old photos and nostalgic memories are more pleasant for them.

Competitions on the 2nd day of the wedding for guests and newlyweds are different from the entertainment for the first day. And all because guests no longer need to get to know each other. Most of them have already formed small groups based on their interests, so there will be no problems forming teams for competitions. In addition, competitions on the 2nd day of the wedding are more free in terms of themes - it is not necessary to organize games tied to the wedding.

If the celebration is held outdoors, then most often active competitions are organized. For example, you can split into two teams and play football or volleyball. At the same time, the usual ball can be replaced with a fitness ball or a balloon to make it more interesting.

Interesting! If the majority of the company is young people, you can arrange a quest to find hidden treasure or play Twister. And perhaps relatives of the older generation will not mind keeping the youth company.

For indoor celebrations, quieter entertainment is usually chosen. You can hold quizzes, music competitions, show funny skits or arrange harmless pranks. But you can also organize active competitions and relay races if free space allows and the guests are in the mood for the appropriate atmosphere.

Interesting scenarios for 2 wedding days in nature with competitions and skits

As a rule, for competitions they choose friends and dress them in various costumes. Outfits can imitate the images of newlyweds , their parents, matchmakers and all those characters that you like. One of them, the most cheerful and mischievous, can be appointed instead of the toastmaster. The number and choice of competitions depends on where the wedding will be held:

  1. Competitions on the second day of an outdoor wedding for young people should be active and active. However, if you decide to host relays or matches, there should be plenty of space.
  2. When a celebration takes place in a banquet hall, you should pay attention to stage performances, charades and other non-sports entertainment.

An interesting solution would be to organize a themed party. For example, in the style of “Wedding in Malinovka” or in fancy dress

Decorated according to all the rules, it will definitely involve everyone present in the cycle of events.

Fun competitions in nature on the 2nd day of a wedding without a toastmaster can be as follows:

  1. Costumed . Invite a few guests to create their own look. They will need to choose the right one from a heap of clothes and dress up as a certain character. It is advisable that the other guests know who it is. Whose costume is the most impressive and interesting receives a memorable gift.
  2. Mini-match . Gather 2 teams from those present, give them a mop each and announce the rules of the game, in which they must hit a tennis ball into the opponent’s goal. Tie memorable ribbons to the winning team so that they feel unity with each other throughout the evening.
  3. Moms and babies . For this competition, prepare 3 caps, 3 baby bottles, 3 large diapers. Choose 3 boys and 3 girls from the guests. According to the conditions, the girls need to quickly put caps and diapers on the young men, and the latter, in turn, drink a drink from a bottle.
  4. Cars . In this case, 2, 3, 4 or more utility wheelbarrows will be required, the number of which is determined by the number of teams. A driver is selected who must transfer all members of his team from one point to another. You can put as many people in a car as you like, and whoever transports all the team members first wins.

The bride clinks champagne with her guests

If you cannot come up with a cool scenario with competitions for the second day of the wedding on your own, contact a professional toastmaster or find information on the Internet. Finally, ask friends who have hosted similar parties. Or take a ready-made joke script and reproduce it in your own way.

Fun leisure options

Cool competitions on the second day of the wedding perfectly lighten the atmosphere. You can start the entertaining part of the holiday with a kind of fortune telling for your firstborn.

The usual sliders and strollers no longer attract anyone, so it’s better to choose another option. For example, guests are divided into two parts, preferably equal in size.

One team is given a blue ball, it votes for the boy, the other participants are given a pink one, and they, accordingly, “cheer” for the girl. The teams stand in two lines side by side and, at the command of the leader, pass the ball to their comrades. When it gets to the end of the line, the last person pops it and shouts “Done.” If the first team is for a boy, the first child of the newlyweds will be a son, and vice versa.

Interesting! Find out about fun competitions for the first wedding day, as well as unusual fairy tale games.

"Roasted pig"

The “Baked Pig” competition will require several pairs of boys and girls; newlyweds can also participate. The female half of the participants are given aprons and rolls of foil, the male half - headbands with pig ears or masks. The girls’ task is to wrap the boys in foil, as before baking, and at the same time decorate them with additional fruits, sauce, etc. The fastest and most original participant and her partner win.

"Significant other"

All guests at the wedding can participate in the “Second Half” competition. Participants are divided into male and female halves, forming two circles. The one that is smaller by one person (female) will be internal, and the male one will be external. Participants stand facing each other and dance in a circle, with the circles moving in different directions.

At the same time, music sounds, and when it stops, the men must grab the hand of one of the girls. Anyone who does not have time to find his other half must dance inside the general circle.

"Brutal ballet"

There are fun competitions on the second day of the wedding, especially for the male guests. They can take part in the comic skit “Brutal Ballet”. Each participant is given a colored skirt, which can be quickly made with your own hands from tulle, and any other accessories to enhance the effect - headbands with large flowers, fishnet stockings, etc. Men dress up as ballerinas and dance to music, and the winner is chosen based on the level of applause during the performance.

Size matters

For this competition, all men will be needed, as well as various objects reminiscent of manhood, of different sizes, for example, a small cucumber and a large cucumber, eggplant, zucchini, banana and so on. The men are given “items.” They put them in their pocket. And then a participant or several participants take turns walking through a row of men and using their hands to try what is in their pocket. From memory, each participant must determine who had more. Participants who guess correctly receive prizes.

Entertainment for newlyweds

The newlyweds also need to take part in the general fun. For example, the simplest competition for newly-made spouses is “Potato”. The couple is given several potato tubers and a knife; the task is to peel the vegetable as carefully as possible, and at the same time the peel turns out to be long. The one who wins becomes the honorary ruler of the kitchen.

Game about raising children

When you have sorted out the household responsibilities, you can begin to distribute the tasks of raising children. The newlyweds are given a doll; after the presenter's signal, they need to swaddle it, put a cap on their head, and insert a pacifier into their mouth. Instead of dolls, you can invite two male volunteers who can both resist and be capricious. The future parent who handles the “child” faster and more accurately wins.

"Understand me without words"

Newlyweds can demonstrate the mutual understanding that reigns in their family with the help of the “Understand Me Without Words” competition. The rules are similar to the game "Crocodile", so there will be no difficulties. The witness whispers a word or phrase to the bride, which she must explain to her lover without words, only with gestures and facial expressions. When the groom guesses, the witness gives him his word, and the bride has to decipher the message.

Bride ransom

At every wedding there is a ritual of bride price, which has long been famous for serious trials, because representatives of one clan paid another for the bride. Nowadays, everything is much simpler; the ransom scenario is prepared for the groom by the bridesmaids and relatives, giving everyone a positive mood for the upcoming celebration. It all starts with the groom meeting at the house of the bride's parents, where he is tested. In this peculiar game, the groom and the witness bargain, showing miracles of ingenuity and wit, offering various types of “barter”: champagne, sweets, outdated bills, money “dolls”, ridiculous gifts. The point is that the groom should not rush to shell out money. After haggling a lot and agreeing on the “price” with the bridesmaids, they finally buy the bride and go to the registry office.

Home game options

If the celebration continues at home, the newlyweds will also need to think through an original scenario for the second wedding day with competitions.

“Have a fun life young people”

Participants are divided into pairs, one of which can be the bride and groom. The presenter invites the partners to choose a task for themselves among the pieces of paper folded into a hat. They depict scenes from family life, for example, buying a new apartment, seeing off a child to first grade, a mountain of unwashed dishes after a holiday, etc.

The pair’s task is to act out a believable scene according to the assignment. The newlyweds themselves speak first, then at will, and the most original participants are awarded.

"Family Patron"

A “Family Patron” competition is organized for the witness and witness. Participants are given a small hat in which they must collect “gifts” from guests. This can be any personal item, for example, a phone, bracelet, watch, jacket, etc. Only one thing can be given from one person.

At the end of the competition, it is calculated which of the witnesses collected the most items. The host advises the newlyweds to contact the winner when they need something.


Items collected from guests in the previous game can not be returned immediately, but can be used to organize a “Sale” competition. All collected items appear like lots at a flea market, and the owners can get them back if they pay a certain price - completing a task chosen by lot from a hat. This could be a song, a dance, a toast, or any other simple task. If desired, the guest can ask someone present to pay this price instead of himself.

"Pot of Wishes"

There are also calmer competitions for the second day of the wedding. At the end of the evening you can play the game “Pot of Wishes”. It is advisable to find a clay pot for it, but you can use the same hat. Small pieces of paper are folded inside on which letters, words or phrases are written. Music sounds, and guests stand in a circle and pass the pot to each other.

The music stops and the one who has it in his hands chooses a piece of paper for himself. If a letter is written on it, you need to say a short wish to the newlyweds, which begins with it. If the note contains a word or phrase, then they need to be used in a long wish.

Poetry competitions

Competitions held in poetic form are very fun and cool. For example, a competition of ditties, toasts or anecdotes is taking place cheerfully. Several guests are invited to participate in a toast competition for newlyweds. You can also use a poem as a basis. Examples of some of them are given below.

  1. God has given you a great feeling, We wish you to carry it through the years, So let love intoxicate you more than wine, And also let adversity pass you by.
  2. Today we are drunk from wine, And you are drunk only from your love! We wish you that the years fly away, and love burns in your blood!
  3. Let your life be filled with passion to the envy of the entire neighborhood, May you get drunk on each other, Without drinking even a drop of wine!

How well do you know your soul mate?

In this game you can test a newly-made husband and wife to see how well they know each other. You can ask them any questions, from some anatomical details to various hobbies and even children's toys. At the end of the competition, guests can please the heroes of the occasion with funny ditties.

  1. Don’t disturb my soul, dear, with your proposals, And don’t think that I can’t bear to get married.
  2. I would have found the groom, a falcon that flies in the sky, and not a small sparrow that flies away all the time.
  3. It’s not so sweet to be a wife. You can’t go out for a long time, You need to do everything with caution, Remember that it’s time to go home.


Competitions for newlyweds on the second wedding day turn out to be more lively and interesting, since the guests are no longer embarrassed by each other and are not particularly concerned about solemnity and elegance.

Regardless of where the celebration will take place - outdoors, in a cafe or at home, competitions on the second day of the wedding, if you choose them correctly, will connect both days of celebration into a single whole. This means they will impress everyone present and leave indelible memories.

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Tags: , funny, second, day, competitions, cool, wedding, script

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Wedding shamers

Judgment day for those who behaved in a completely non-wedding manner yesterday. Based on the voting results, the disgraces of the celebration are determined, for example, who had the least fun and smiled the least - receives the title “Sad Squishy” and, as punishment, must only smile for half an hour, otherwise - a fine (a full glass in one gulp); whoever moved the least and practically did not dance receives the title “Log” and dances a fiery dance as punishment; whoever drank the least and remained sober receives the title “Teetotaler and Parasite” and drinks a bottle of champagne or beer as punishment; whoever did not wait for the cake receives the title “Hurry” and, as punishment, must eat the cake in a minute without using his hands, and so on.

For beloved parents

Two mothers, a new mother-in-law and a mother-in-law take part in this competition. Before sitting down to the table, prepare two identical sandwiches. The difference is that a coin is hidden in one sandwich. Two mothers are invited to eat one sandwich each, biting them gradually. The mother who gets the coin gets the role of sponsor for the young family. And the mother, who did not have a coin in her sandwich, takes upon herself the responsibility for raising her grandchildren.

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Where to mark?

There are many options for places to celebrate your second wedding day. The final choice depends on the mood and preferences of the young people.


In summer this is the most popular option. If the weather is good, you can go to your dacha, to a country hotel, or organize a picnic somewhere in the forest or on the shore near a pond.

At home is a classic option for a small number of guests. You can have a party in an apartment or in a country house. If there are still a lot of guests, then it’s worth renting a cottage.

  • You can organize a feast and interesting competitions in the cafe. This raises the question: who should pay the bill? If finances allow, then young people can do it. It is also acceptable if the newlyweds pay for the drinks or the guests pay for their order in full.
  • A boat trip will be romantic and quite unusual. There you can also order a small buffet and entertainment program.
  • A trip to another city is more suitable for a small group of friends who love traveling.
  • An alternative travel option could be a walk around your hometown. It would be interesting to organize it in the form of a quest.
  • Parks and squares are also suitable for festivities.

In winter, it is better to choose active types of entertainment:

  • Downhill skating, for example, on cheesecakes.
  • Visit to the skating rink. A “picnic” on skates with a thermos and light snacks will be memorable for your friends.
  • Horseback riding in a sleigh. You can arrange a leisurely walk admiring the suburban landscapes or a fun competition.
  • Snowboard. Bravely conquering the snowy slopes with friends will give you only positive emotions.

It is worth considering that in the fall, celebration options may be limited by weather conditions.

  • In rainy weather, it is better to organize entertainment indoors: in a cafe, restaurant, country house.
  • On fine days there are more interesting activities, such as cycling.
  • You can organize a hike in the autumn forest. Admiring nature, colorful leaves, mushrooms, berries, sitting around a burning fire - everything will give you an unforgettable experience.
  • Horseback riding. You can visit the equestrian club and arrange horseback riding.

Only double

Tired of the hustle and bustle of the big day, some newlyweds just want to finally be alone.

  • Go on a trip. Many newlyweds fly off on their honeymoon immediately after the first day.
  • Arrange a romantic evening, for example, dinner for two.
  • Do nothing, take a break from everything. This option also has a right to exist. You can just lie on the couch and watch your favorite movie or TV series.

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