Three wedding years: what kind of wedding is it, what to give, how to organize it

Three wedding years: what it means and how it is celebrated

Over the three years they have lived together, the couple have already become so close that they began to feel each other’s “skin.” They have already learned to adapt and take into account mutual interests.

According to tradition, before a leather wedding, a couple must forgive all people who have offended them, pay off all debts and put their house in order, throwing out the old, cracked, torn and no longer needed.

Why is a wedding called a leather wedding?

The anniversary received this name because of the properties of the skin, which are compared to the relationship of a married couple.
Leather is both pliable and resilient material. However, if you handle it carelessly, it can easily break. So, a married couple, who in three years managed to face difficulties, passed all sorts of tests on the ability to correctly react and survive the challenges thrown by fate to strengthen family ties.

From a psychological point of view, three years is a rather difficult period of life together, when a couple is immersed in real family life with all its serious problems. And this is another reason to celebrate such a significant day so well that all difficulties become a thing of the past and do not interfere with living in the future.

Congratulations on your 3rd marriage anniversary

To congratulate you on your third wedding anniversary, you should choose warm words coming from the depths of your soul. After all, sincere wishes are sometimes more expensive than the most expensive gifts.

Congratulations in prose

If you have no inclination to write poetry, and you don’t want to use templates from the appropriate resources, just express in your own words what’s on your heart.

According to the law of the Universe, a sincere wish, expressed with a piece of the soul invested, will surely come true.

Examples of congratulations in prose:

  1. “Dear lovers! 3 years have already passed since your wedding. And the fact that you have walked this path means that you were able to overcome disagreements, resolve everyday issues, and maintain relationships. We wish you to wake up every day with a feeling of happiness and continue to love each other until your skin crawls.”
  2. “Happy anniversary, dear spouses! We are very happy for you. Cherish your relationships, take care of love, be a support for each other. We wish peace and harmony to reign in your marriage until your golden wedding.”

Congratulations on your leather wedding in verse

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