Show off your wisdom at any holiday: the best Georgian toasts

For a birthday

Georgians usually make a lot of toasts at birthday celebrations. Here are examples.

To a woman

In Georgia they say: a man should look like a hazel tree trunk, a woman like a peach fruit. So let's drink to our dear hero of the day, who, like a ripe peach, is rosy and fresh!

During the feast, the toastmaster proclaims a toast: “The first word I want to say is “Be.” The second word is the name of the Russian national dish - cabbage soup. And finally, the third word is the name of the fruit - plum.” So, be generous this day, be generous throughout your life!

Ancient wisdom says: in an ideal world, like gives birth to like. Thus, good produces good, and evil produces evil. So let's drink to this beautiful woman, the hero of this celebration, who, by doing good, increases its amount in the world!

In Abkhazia they say that participating in the joy of other people doubles the joys of our lives. So let’s drink so that the joy of each of us will increase tenfold the joy of our dear hero of the day!

Georgian elders tell the following story: Once upon a time, many, many years ago, a certain Kakha Kalmakhelidze led his flocks to the mountains. Once he was grazing his sheep for several weeks - and suddenly he saw a wonderful flower on the mountainside. Kakha tore it off and attached it to his cloak. When he returned home, a beautiful woman came out of the flower and said that she would be his wife and the mother of his children. I propose to drink to our dear birthday girl, who was probably also found by her husband in a wonderful flower!

In Georgia they say: the love of a young woman is like new wine: tart, unseasoned, intoxicating; The love of an older woman is like old wine: aged, with a bouquet. So let's drink to our beautiful hero of the day, who is like valuable wine!

To a man

In Georgia they say that friendship can only be strong with maturity of mind and age. So let's drink to the fact that for our dear hero of the day the time has finally come for real, lasting friendship!

In Georgia they say that a person who sees a star falling from the sky will be happier than anyone else. So let's drink to our hero of the day and wish him to see not one, but two shooting stars.

In Georgia they say that a real person can be recognized by the grapes that he grew with his own hands, by the wine that he himself made from these grapes, and by the table that he set on the day when the wine he made was ripe. So let's drink to our dear hero of the day, who, although he does not grow grapes or make wine, the tables in his house are always simply excellent!

Dear Gogi! I want to raise this glass to your coffin... which will be made from the oak tree I planted this morning! For your longevity!

There is a Georgian joke: A girl asks a zookeeper: “Tell me, please, is this monkey a man or a woman?” A Georgian standing nearby answers: “Girl, it’s a male!” A man is one who has money! Let's drink to our hero of the day - a real man in every way!

They say that one day a certain poet came to the great Queen Tamara and complained that he was very poor. The queen answered: “Homer was much poorer, but to how many people he gave spiritual food!” I propose to drink to our hero of the day - a man who gives people inspiration!

One Georgian was asked: “What is a pineapple?” He answered: “Do you know lemon?” Do you know apples? Do you know persimmon? Do you know grapes? Well, it doesn't look like it at all. So I ask, what is our birthday boy? Do you know Pentyukh? Coward you know? Lazy guy, you know? Stupid you know? Well, it doesn't look like it at all! For the health of our birthday boy!

There is such a Sufi parable. A certain wise man heard that in a neighboring village there lived a man wiser than him. He became envious and decided to test the wisdom of another. He gathered his students and went to the neighboring village. There he asked where the house of the desired person was and headed straight there. On the way, he caught a butterfly and decided: I’ll ask if it’s alive. If the answer is “no,” I will release it; if the answer is “yes,” I will clench my fist and the butterfly will be dead. Having entered, he introduced himself and invited the man to check whether the owner’s wisdom was really what they say it was, and asked him to answer the question he had in mind. The sage looked into his eyes and replied: “Everything is in your hands.” So let’s drink to the fact that our birthday boy is the master of his own destiny!

A certain person came from a village to the city for a certificate. The official turned his documents over in his hands for a long time and finally said: “I would give you a certificate, but there are a few signatures and seals missing.” You need to do the following: first go to Vinashvili, take Butylidze, talk to Otkuporyan, then go to Nalivaiko, Sutrapyan, put a stamp on Pokhmelidze. And then come to me. And don’t forget about Shashlykidze! Hurry up, tomorrow we have foreign guests, Messrs. de Pied, de Lieu, To Li Yama and To Li Kanawa. Call the numbers: two for a hundred, three for two hundred, extension for one hundred and fifty. So let's drink to ensure that our birthday boy does not meet bureaucrats!

A Georgian is driving along a mountain road and suddenly sees that a collapse is about to begin. Then he decides to warn the people who will follow him along this road, draws three posters and installs them one after the other. The first of them has the word “NOT” written in large letters, the second has a bunch of empty boxes drawn on it, and the third has a phallic symbol. A few hours later, the Georgian is driving back and sees that some car is covered with stones. He comes up to the driver sitting next to her and says: “Daragoy, how could you get into a landslide when I warned you?” And the driver answers: “What kind of pictures did you draw?” While I was looking at them, I didn’t notice how the car was buried. – NOT – tara – pis! So let's drink to our dear hero of the day, who is never in a hurry!

In Georgia they say that a person’s wealth is measured by his wealth, and happiness by the merits of his soul. So let's drink to our dear hero of the day - a man worthy in all respects!

One day, a good wizard came to a Georgian king, famous for his good deeds, and brought him three priceless gifts. He said the following words to the king: “My first gift is health.” May you be strong, powerful and immune to disease. My second gift is oblivion, which will save your memory from the fears, sorrows and troubles of the past. Let them no longer burden your soul. My third gift is the gift of intuition, which will always suggest the right way out of the current situation. And I, as this wizard, wish our dear hero of the day the best health, oblivion and intuition that would lead him through life in the most correct way. To the health of the hero of the day!

Caucasian toasts with meaning

In one mountain village there is such a legend: when a child is born, God kisses him. God will kiss the child on the mouth, and he will grow up to be a magnificent speaker. kisses your hands, you will grow up to be a jack of all trades. So let's drink to the birthday boy, because even God himself doesn't know where he kissed him.

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In the East they say: a girl’s name should be like the radiance of a Star or the tenderness of a flower. And only at the age of 2... I recognized the name in which I saw the radiance of a star and felt the aroma of a delicate flower. This name…

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Once upon a time there lived an old man on a high, high mountain. His house was very high, in eternal snow. And every morning and every evening the old man left the house and cleared the path to his house in the snow. Let's drink so that the road to our house, no matter where it is, will not have to be cleared - our friends will trample it!

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A stream that has reached the sea, seeing the boundless blue expanses in front of it and mingling with this great blueness, must not forget that spring high in the mountains from which its path across the earth began and all that rocky, narrow, rapids, winding path that it had to overcome. So let's drink so that we never forget our origins!

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In a distant village lived an old aksakal. And then one day he decided to leave for another world. But suddenly a strong wind rose and brought a newspaper from somewhere. And then the aksakal’s gaze came across a note telling that another aksakal lives in a neighboring village, who is 120 years old, and that he still feels great. Our elder felt offended, and he said: “I will live longer than him, because I am only 119 years old.” So let's raise our glasses to ensure that the birthday boy's mail always arrives on time.

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The mountain peoples have one good proverb: “A camel gave birth to a baby camel, but neither did the neighbor hear.” The chicken laid an egg and cackled for the whole world to hear.” Let's raise a glass to our humble birthday boy, who knows his business very well, but doesn't talk about it to the whole world!

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If I'm not mistaken, there is a belief in the Caucasus: the time you spend at the table with friends, God does not count your age. Therefore, I propose a toast to our meetings, to all of us and to our youth!

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One wise old Georgian said: “If you want to be happy for one day, get drunk.” - If you want to be happy for a week, get sick. - If you want to be happy for one month, get married! - If you want to be happy for one year, have a mistress. If you want to be happy all your life, be healthy, dear.

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May your life be cloudless, like the sky over the desert, full, like the jug of a hospitable Caucasian, long and interesting, like the Milky Way. And may your eyes always glow with happiness, like the polar lights above the pole!

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Happy Birthday! We wish you everything that is included in this small but beautiful word - Happiness: Sun - the brightest, Health - the strongest, Smile - the happiest, Love - the most faithful, Friendship - the most devoted.

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The life of every person is like a stormy river. Someone loses their balance on the thresholds of misfortune, someone drowns in the waves of betrayal, and someone’s boat sinks under the fear of irreconcilable circumstances. I wish you to build the ship of your life in such a way that the sails are controlled by hope, the sailors are guided by faith, and you, the captain, are controlled by love of life and determination. In this case, the ship of your life will never sink and will lead you to a happy future.

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On this wonderful day, your birthday, please accept our tribute. Life is a slalom where you have to maneuver between various circumstances and competing interests, especially for business people like you. We wish you reliable partners, eternal sponsors, favorable conditions and successful slalom!

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I raise my glass to express my warm feeling, warmed by the drinks, to the hero of the evening - N. and congratulate him on his birthday. I wish you to be like light, live for two hundred years, sing songs and be blown away by love. Let's ring out a loud "Hurray!" in his honor.

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Let's drink to the mountain! She never went to Mohammed, who had nothing to drink. And let's drink to our friends who always come to us!

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Every person's life is full of injustice. But in fact, the world around us is free from injustice. It arises only when a person begins to be partial to the world. To become just, a person must get rid of the power of feelings. He must always act as if the world existed independently of him. I want to raise a toast so that our birthday boy can control his feelings, and this world will always be fair to him!


At a driving school in Georgia, a driver's license applicant takes an exam. The inspector explains the traffic situation: “You are driving your car along a narrow road.” On the left is the high-high mountain. On the right is a steep, steep abbreviation. Suddenly on the road there is a beautiful girl. And next to her is a terrible, terrible old woman. Who are you going to push? - Of course, the old woman! - Fool!.. You need to apply the brake! So let's drink so that in a difficult situation we don't forget to hit the brakes!

One Georgian tells a friend:

- Understand! I visited the doctor, and he told me: “You can’t drink! No smoking! You can’t do it with women!”

- Poor guy! - a friend sympathizes.

- What kind of poor thing am I? I gave him money... and he gave me permission to do everything!

Let's drink to the rich people!

Once a young horseman was riding through the mountains of beautiful Georgia with his beautiful wife. He was strong as a bull, fast as a mountain river, his eyes were like an eagle, his dagger was as sharp as an attack of appendicitis, and his mind was as twisted as a scribble on a hat...

And so, a mountain goat appeared on the rock above the road. And the horseman, at full gallop, pulled out his gun and shot at the animal. But not a single muscle moved on the goat’s face. Then the man stopped his horse and, taking aim, shot again, but the goat didn’t even move. Then the horseman got down to the ground and, kneeling down, fired again, but the goat only jumped to the side. And when the horseman wanted to lie down to shoot, the goat had already disappeared. Both the young horseman and his young wife died of hunger.

So let's drink so that you don't come across such assholes on your life's path!

Let's drink to the fact that you live for 132 years.

And so that you die at 132 years old.

And he just died, but he was killed.

And they didn’t just kill, but stabbed to death.

And they didn’t just kill him, but out of jealousy.

And not just out of jealousy, but to the cause!

One day a baby camel asks his mother: “Mom, look at how slender and thin the horse’s legs are, but why do we have such crooked legs?” “But we’ll walk through the desert, but the horse won’t be able to, it’ll get stuck.” “Mom, look how straight the horse’s teeth are, but why are ours so crooked and bent, and drooling all the time?” “But we can eat thorns in the desert, but a horse cannot.” “Mom, look how smooth and beautiful the horse’s back is, but why is that hanging out there?” “But we can survive in the desert for two weeks without water, but a horse cannot.” - Mom, why the hell do we need all this at the zoo? So let's drink to survive in our zoo!

Suliko and Shota lived and fell in love with each other. They fell in love and got married. We just got married, Shota has to go on a business trip. “Don’t worry,” he says to his young wife, “I’ll be back in three days.” Three days have passed, three times three days have passed, and Shota does not return, ten times three days have passed, and Shota is still not there. The young wife became worried and sent telegrams to ten faithful friends in ten cities. And telegrams came from ten cities from ten faithful friends: “Don’t worry, Shota is with us!” So let's drink to true friends who don't let you down in trouble!

Caucasian toasts and Georgian toasts

Toasting in the Caucasus is a separate ritual, in which Georgians are especially strong. Caucasian toasts can be funny, instructive or congratulatory. The collection contains the best congratulations and sayings in poetry and prose.

Caucasian wisdom says: if a good person wants to live in the same beautiful place for a month, he should sow corn there, if for a year, he should build a house, and if he wants to spend his whole life, then raise a child. Let's raise our glasses to the bottom for the fact that our dear parents sowed more than one corn field, built a beautiful house and raised you and me!


My son is returning from school. Father looks through his diary and sees: Mathematics - 2, Geography - 2, physical education - 2, singing - 5. Father happily says: - Well, thank God, you can sing. The Caucasian who cannot sing Caucasian songs is bad, let’s drink to our son to sing like a nightingale!


The Lord created woman from the rib of Adam, but if He had appointed her to be the mistress of a man, he would have created her from the head; if I had been a slave, I would have made it out of a leg; but since He appointed her to be a friend and equal to a man, he created her from a rib. So let’s drink to the fact that from this rib, like from a true friend, only goodness will come!


One Georgian woman comes home and indignantly says to her husband: “Valiko, can you imagine, our neighbor exchanged his wife for a thoroughbred horse!” Surely you would never do that, dear? “Well,” Valiko answers, “at the very least, a foreign car and a bottle of old Georgian wine.” So let's drink to our beloved wives, who are more valuable than any thoroughbred horse, more beautiful than any foreign car and sweeter than any old wine!


Before the holiday, two young housewives who met at a well on a hot day are talking. “You know, Nana, I found a way to peel onions for a roast and not cry.” - Really, Manana? And what is this method? – I entrust the peeling of the onions to my husband. So let's drink to my wife, who knows that a real horseman has nothing to do in the kitchen!


As you know, men in the Caucasus are very fond of blondes. However, they are also partial to brunettes. It also cannot be said that they do not like brown-haired women. But they really treat bald women with prejudice. Friends, let's drink to love without prejudice!


One day they asked Katso: “Listen, Katso, they say that you taught your wife to play backgammon.” Really? - Indeed, he taught me. And, you know, he did well. Last weekend I won half my salary from her. So let's drink to women's passion!


A real man is one who remembers exactly a woman’s birthday and never knows how old she is. So let's drink to the fact that only real men will meet on the path of women's lives!


When a son grows up in a Caucasian family, the father initiates him into the secrets that a real horseman should know. And this is what a real horseman should know about a woman. A woman always has three ages: apparent, real and self-attributed. But the horseman must forget about the existence of the first two ages and completely trust the woman. So let's drink to women not being embarrassed to tell the truth!


Since ancient times in the Caucasus, a man and a woman have been likened to two notes, without which the strings of the human soul do not give the correct and complete chord. So let's drink to the women who, complementing us, give birth to heavenly music!


Every woman is like a rose - equally beautiful. But there are no roses without thorns. The petals quickly fly away, but the prickly thorns remain. So let's drink to women keeping their petals longer!


A Georgian takes the exam to obtain a driver's license. The inspector explains the traffic situation: - You are driving your car along a narrow road. On the left is the high-high mountain. On the right is a steep, steep abbreviation. Suddenly on the road there is a beautiful girl. And next to her is a terrible, terrible old woman. Who are you going to push? - Of course, the old woman! - Fool!.. You need to apply the brake! So let's drink so that in a difficult situation we don't forget to hit the brakes!


The father is angry with his son, who does not know verb conjugations at all: - Well, think carefully, if I tell you: I love them, you love them, he loves them, we love them... Explain to me what this is? - This is a brothel, dad. Let's drink so that your son not only understands grammar, but can always distinguish a good woman from a bad one!


The jackal came to the lion and said: “Let’s fight!” Leo didn't pay any attention to him. Then the jackal threatened: “I’ll go now and tell everyone that the lion was terribly afraid of me.” The king of beasts winced. “Let the inhabitants of the desert condemn me for cowardice - it’s still more pleasant than they will despise me for fighting a jackal.” I dedicate this toast so that we do not humiliate ourselves in front of types who are dirty and unworthy of us.


Caucasian wisdom says: “He who has a beautiful wife is no longer poor. He who has an intelligent wife is rich. He who has a beautiful, intelligent and economic wife is truly rich.” So let's drink to the true wealth of our friend!


One old aksakal told me: “By how a man’s wife is, how good she is and what kind of housewife she is, one can judge what he is like and whether he knows his worth.” So let's drink to the charming and skillful hostess, whose husband, apparently, is a real sultan!


One ardent Caucasian man was very fond of pretty girls. But each of them wanted to be the only one, so one day he was left alone. Then a friend advised him to advertise in the newspaper. This is what they wrote: “A passionate Georgian man will meet a beautiful girl who will understand and forgive him.” So let’s drink to a woman’s love, patient and understanding of everything!


Once, having quarreled with his wife, Givi asked a rhetorical question: “Strange!” Why do the biggest fools have the most beautiful wives? - Well, you’re a sycophant! – his wife answered him with a forgiving smile. So let's drink to the naive women who hear a compliment in every word!


Young Suliko once complained to her friend: “Vano came to me last night.” I was so excited, so fascinated by him that in a fit of ardent tenderness I said: “Take the most precious thing from me!” He led the horse out of the stable, jumped on it and rushed off like the wind. So let's drink to the fact that we always understand women correctly!


In the Caucasus, three qualities are valued more than others in a woman: love, tenderness and modesty. So let's drink so that no woman hides these qualities!


There is a custom in the Caucasus: when a girl is born in the house, the father takes out a gun and shoots once. When a girl grows up and they want to marry her off, the father shoots the gun twice, but when the girl is married off, the father shoots the gun three times. So let's drink to the sound of gunfire coming from our homes more often!


The mountains are a great way to stay young. Those days spent with guests are not taken into account when calculating the years lived. I propose a toast to you, dear guests, for your spiritual generosity, because today, without knowing it, you extended my life!


Once upon a time, in a distant mountain village there lived an old man, and he had a beautiful daughter. And so he decided to marry her off. He called the horsemen and gave them the following speech: “Whoever of you climbs this high mountain so that not a single pebble falls from under his foot, will catch a mountain sheep there, bring it to my feet and slaughter it so that no one drop of blood will not fall on my snow-white robe, so one of you will become the husband of my beautiful daughter. And whoever does not do this, I will kill him. And then the first horseman came out. He was brave, dexterous, smart, but one small grain of sand fell from under his foot - and his old father stabbed him to death. Then the second horseman came out, and he was also brave, dexterous, smart, and handsome. He brought a mountain ram to the feet of the old father and began to cut the ram's throat with his sharp dagger. But one small drop of blood fell on the snow-white robe of the old father - and the second horseman fell, stabbed to death, next to the first. And then the third horseman came out, and he was the proudest, bravest, dexterous and handsome. He brought the ram to the feet of the old father, surgically cut open the throat of the ram without a single drop of blood, and looked joyfully at the old father. But his old father also stabbed him to death. The beautiful daughter screamed in horror: “Listen, atets!” After all, the third horseman did everything as you ordered! Why did you kill him? And the old father said to her: “For company!” So let's drink to good and warm company!


One eastern man says to another: “I will take a beautiful, intelligent, economical and clean girl as my wife.” - How will you manage all four? – the other one was surprised. So let's raise a glass to our wives, who combine these and many other qualities!


In the garden of a Georgian house, two flowers are talking: “Do you love me?” - Of course. And you me? - Ochen! - Wah-wah, where are the bees? Let's raise our glasses so that our love is not hampered by unfavorable circumstances!


When Vano's wife bought a lottery ticket, she said:

– If I win, I’ll buy myself a new coat. - And if not? – Vano asked. “Then you’ll have to buy it for me!” So let's drink to the women who always find a way out of difficult situations!


A young horseman says to his wife after the wedding: “Before we go on our honeymoon, my heart, I want to tell you something else about my past.” “Givi, but you already told me about your past before the wedding,” the young wife is surprised. – What I want to tell you about happened precisely in the interval between the wedding and today... So let’s drink to women learning the truth from us in a timely manner!


In the Caucasus, if a woman leaves a horseman for another man, the horseman becomes disgraced for life. After all, the only thing that prompts a woman to cheat is boredom and monotony, from which her heart withers. So let's drink to ensure that women never get bored in our presence!


A long time ago, such a custom existed in the Caucasus. The girl, before getting married, had to tame a mountain ram. She took an armful of fresh grass with her and climbed high into the mountains early in the morning. If she managed to see a mountain sheep, she would reveal her presence and throw grass to it, while she herself would move away. This went on for some time. Ultimately, the ram got used to the girl and, having eaten the grass brought to him, lay down at her feet and dozed blissfully. Only after this, when the girl managed to tame the proud freedom-loving animal, could she get married. After all, inside every Caucasian man lives an untamed mountain sheep. So let's drink to the women so that they can tame us!


The Mountain never went to Mohammed because he had nothing to drink. So let's drink to our friends who always come to us!


The sage was asked: “Why do friends so easily become enemies, but it is very difficult to turn enemies into friends?” “But in the same way, it is easier to destroy a house than to build it,” answered the sage, “and it is easier to break a vessel than to make it, and it is easier to waste money than to earn it.” I propose a toast so that we create and not destroy.


It is known that the Almighty made all women from the same cloth, but did not put sugar in each one. Since then, all men have been wandering around in search of their sweet woman! So let's drink to those who seek and find!


In the Caucasus they say: “It is better to have enemies who tell the truth to your face than friends who flatter.” So let's drink to our friends being sincere with us!


The Sultan enters his harem and whispers in the ear of one of his wives: “Your eyes are like midnight stars. Your lips are like coral. Your body is like a vine. Pass it on." Let's drink to the fact that such words are intended only for one woman, the one and only!


When Vaso, after the wedding, began to calculate his expenses for the honeymoon and compare them with the size of his wife’s dowry, he concluded that he married solely for love. So let's drink to women who marry solely for love!


One day, a husband and wife were walking in the mountain gorges of the Caucasus, with the wife walking ahead of her husband. Quite by accident, a mullah saw them and was indignant: “Hasan, you are violating the Koran!” – When the Koran was written, the roads were not mined. Go ahead, Fatima! So let's drink to women always going one step ahead of men!


Every mountaineer knows that women value courage in men. You just have to amaze them to interest them, and when you interest them, it is not difficult for them to like you. So let's drink to women who know how to appreciate men!


An eastern man is a heat-loving man; he cannot live without the sun's rays. But the sun for a mountaineer is not only a heavenly body: it can easily be replaced by a woman who will warm a man with her affection and tenderness during bad weather. So let's drink to the wonderful women who will never let us freeze!


One day, a neighbor asked Khoja Nasreddin to borrow his donkey. “I don’t have a donkey,” Nasreddin answered. And at this time a donkey brayed in the stall. “Eh, you say that you don’t have a donkey, but you hear the donkey braying,” Nasreddin’s neighbor shamed him. He shook his head and said reproachfully: “You believe the donkey, but not me, who lived to see a gray beard?” So let's drink to not being an ass when planning to borrow something from the neighbors!


Once upon a time there lived a sultan, and he had a harem, which was located 100 kilometers from the palace. And he had a servant, whom the Sultan sent every day to fetch the girl. The servant died at the age of 30 and the Sultan at 90. So let's drink so that it is not we who run after women, but they who run after us. Because it is not women who kill men, but the running after them.


One day, on a distant mountain plateau, a shepherd was tending a herd of goats. Suddenly an eagle fell from the sky onto the herd like a stone and grabbed one kid. The shepherd fired and the eagle fell, and the kid flew on. So let's drink so that eagles don't get shot and goats don't fly.


If friends support you in grief, then only half of the grief remains, and if friends are next to you in joy, then the joy becomes doubly. Therefore, I raise a toast to my friends who have gathered around this table today: with them I can share both grief and joy!


Caucasian wisdom says: having fallen in love, a person rises one step above everyday, ordinary life. So let's drink to this step! For love!


Vano and Givi are talking. Givi says that yesterday he quarreled with his wife. Vano asks: “Givi, who has the last word?” - Follow me, of course! – Givi declared proudly. “I said: “Okay, buy it.” So let's drink to the women who know how to give in in an argument in time!


Once a young Georgian got married. The young wife says to him after the wedding: “Darling, I must admit to you that I can only cook two dishes - semolina porridge and pear compote.” The young Georgian looked at the dish standing in front of him and asked: “Which one is this?” So let's drink to women who never fully reveal their strengths!


Once two hundred-year-old Georgians were talking. One says to the other: “Givi, yesterday my wife told me that I am as strong as I was at 75 years old.” - Why did she say that? – In our yard there is a stone that was laid by my great-grandfather. So, at 75 years old I couldn’t move it, and now I can’t. So let's drink to a woman's ability to give compliments!


In the mountain villages of the Caucasus there is such a custom: when a girl is born in a family, the father must plant a tree near his house; when the girl grows up and becomes a woman, the father must cut down the tree that he planted at her birth. So let's drink to the mountain valleys, the most beautiful of which are nothing in the world.


Georgians sit at a huge table, drink and eat. The toastmaster stands up: - Gogi, say a toast! - Let's drink! - Well done, Gogi! Well said! A little time passed, and the toastmaster stood up again: “Gogi, say a toast!” - Let's drink! - Well done, Gogi! After a while, the toastmaster stands up again: “Vano, say a toast!” – We have gathered at this beautiful table in order to... – Uh, dear, not like that. Gogi, say a toast! - Let's drink!


Far away in the mountains, at the very peak of the heights, there lived an ancient, ancient mountaineer. He was so ancient that generations succeeded other generations, but he lived and lived. There was only one secret: he had beautiful and flexible wives. Wah! So let’s drink so that life doesn’t lead us away from the only one thanks to which we can maintain our nerves, be forever young and live indefinitely!


The charming young man Rustam and the beautiful Zulfiya loved each other very much. Everything went well in their relationship, and they soon got married. And immediately after the wedding, Rustam was sent on a creative trip. He began to reassure his young wife and promised to return in three days. But three times three days pass, and there is no husband. Ten times three days passed, and Rustam was still not there. Then the beautiful Zulfiya sent seven telegrams to seven faithful friends of Rustam in seven cities. And telegrams came from seven cities from seven faithful friends: “No need to worry, Rustam is with us!” I propose to drink to loyal and reliable friends who will not let you down in trouble!


In the Caucasus they say that the only thing better than a useless friend is a sleeping enemy. So let's drink to our true friendship, because each of us can count on the other as on ourselves!


An old Caucasian proverb says that love, destined for a person from above, seeks him - just as he seeks it. So let's drink to the success of our mutual searches. For love!


When Gogi began to come home late, drunk, and not pay his salary, his wife began to complain to her friend: “I lost ten kilograms because of this.” Her friend sympathized with her and exclaimed: “Why are you suffering so much, won’t you leave him?” “You see,” Goga’s wife answered, “I want to lose another two kilograms.” So let's drink to women who are able to benefit from everything!


One day a young highlander found himself in a compartment with a beautiful girl. He immediately began to look for a way to get to know her: “Tell me, what nationalities do you like men?” - I like Indians, they are so fearless, and Jews, because they are smart... The young man, without thinking twice, answered: - Allow me to introduce myself: Chingachguk Gogi Moiseevich. So let's drink to the diversity of women's tastes!


In the Caucasus they say that if a woman cries, then every tear she sheds is a grave accusation against her man. So let's drink so that women never have a reason to accuse us of anything!


A long time ago, there was a custom in Caucasian villages - when a son grew up in the family of a rural prince and he needed to choose a wife, the villagers brought their daughters to the princely court. The groom's parents asked the girls various questions - they checked how economical, hardworking, and economical they were. In the end, they chose just one. And what do you think: what should the future wife of the future prince be like? But the answer is that they chose the most beautiful one. So let's drink to female beauty, which wins in any competition!


The tour climbed a high mountain. And the higher the tours climb, the better they feel. A mountain eagle saw a tur, made one circle, then another, fell on it like a stone and began to peck. The tour fell and crashed. Let's drink so that, no matter how high we climb the mountain, no one will peck at us and force us to fall.


My friends and friends of my friends! Let's drink to our futile efforts to remake the world. But let the world not count on being able to remake us! For us!


Whether you are a caliph or a market beggar, In the end, everyone has the same price. So drink wine! In it is the source of immortality and light, In it are the blossoms of spring and past summers. Be happy for a moment among flowers and friends, For life was in this moment.


One smart old Georgian said that he who is looking for a beloved without vice risks being left without a chosen one at all. So let's drink to our love, to those we love, just as they are!


Two Caucasian men saw a young and beautiful girl on the street. One of them looked at her with a passionate gaze and exclaimed: “This is a girl, a real peach!” The other, also watching her, said with regret: “Six children...” “Does she really have six children?!” – For you and for me, Givi! Friends, let's raise a toast to love that knows no barriers in its path!


One highlander talks to his friend: “If you only knew how much I like Moscow!” I have the most pleasant memories of the most magnificent women associated with her! “Gogi, but you’ve never been to Moscow,” his friend remarked. – Indeed, I haven’t been, but my wife often goes there... So let’s drink to the women who expand our horizons!


In the Caucasus, when talking about a woman, they never forget about her main purpose - motherhood. A woman-mother is a special person, her love knows no barriers, the whole world is fed by her breasts. Everything beautiful in a person - from the rays of the sun and from mother's milk, all this saturates us with love for life! So let's drink to women who have the happiness of being mothers!


In the Caucasus, not a single feast is complete without a toast glorifying the female mind. So I, following tradition, want to drink to smart women. While an intelligent woman can express a lot in a few words, a stupid woman has the ability to talk a lot and say nothing. So let’s drink to smart women who have brevity of thought and clarity of mind!”


Remember, my son: There are many troubles in life. Her lessons are both wise and strict. And yet, probably, there is no worse misfortune than suddenly finding yourself without a road. The road - whether under stones, under sand, straight or crooked - is still more expensive than Covered with sadness and melancholy, Aimless, empty roadlessness.


High in the mountains of Kakheti lived an eagle with eaglets and small eaglets. One day, returning from a hunt, the eagle decided to test his eagle, check how brave she was, how she protected the nest and eaglets from strangers... He put on the skin of a tiger and began to slowly approach the nest... The eagle, seeing a tiger creeping towards the nest, boldly rushed at him. Wow, how she pecked at him, beat him with her wings, and tore him with her claws!!! And, without even allowing her to come to her senses, she dropped to the very bottom of the deepest gorge. So let’s drink to the fact that, no matter what condition the husband comes home in, his wife will always recognize him!


Why do mountain people drink from horns? They prefer buffalo horn to any cup, any crystal grace. They will not spare the most expensive metal to dress the treasured horn in elegant lace embossing and the finest chain, like a chain woven from hair. The horn is roomy, no doubt about it. But this is not why it is preferred by the cheerful mountaineers who know how to have fun, but because the wine poured into the horn must be drunk - you can’t put the horn on the table, you can’t leave the wine for later! Let it not be a horn, let it be an ordinary mug, but let everyone drink what is poured and every time for good health! This is a toast to a good custom: what you can drink today, don’t leave for tomorrow!


A young Georgian, a student at Moscow State University, writes a letter to his father in Tbilisi: “Dad, I have already become a real student, only here all the students go by bus, and I take a taxi.” The father sends his son the answer: “Son, my mother and I will sell a lot of tangerines and send you some money: buy yourself a bus, be like everyone else.” Let's drink to the fact that our children do not need anything, and to the rich parents of our children!


In ancient times, a frigate was wrecked in the ocean. Only one Georgian was able to escape - he grabbed a piece of the mast and remained on the surface of the water. Half an hour later, out of nowhere, a beautiful girl emerged and grabbed the other end of this plank. The Georgian looked at her and began to cry. The girl asked him: “Why are you crying?” The Georgian said: “Wah!” Such a girl - I can’t even look after her properly! So let's drink to resourcefulness in love, which will always tell you how to care for a girl!


One Georgian woman watched the program “Around the World” on TV. When her husband came home, she told him: “I found out that in Africa there are tribes where husbands sell their wives.” If we lived there, would you sell me? The generous Caucasian man answered the stupid woman: “I would give you as a gift!” So let's drink to selfless love!


Givi talks to his fiancee. She says to him: “Givi, when you become my husband, I will share with you all the hardships and hardships.” - Thank you, dear, but I have neither hardships nor adversity! - But, Givi, I said: “When you become my husband!” So let's drink to women's foresight!


In the mountain villages of the Caucasus, when building houses, a lightning rod was placed on the roof, for the simple reason that thunderstorms are common in the mountains. But it turns out that storm clouds often gather inside the house. And the best salvation from them is the affection, tenderness and care of a woman - the mistress of the house. So let's drink to women - the best lightning rod in family life!


In the Caucasus they say: “If you want to be happy for one day, drink wine.” If you want to be happy for two days, drink fine wine for two days. If you want to be happy all your life, respect, appreciate, take care of your wife.” So let's drink to our women, who prolong our happiness for life!


My toast, friends, to restless women, who can, hiding their emotions, remain silent wisely, give in with dignity, preserving the peace of both husband and family.


Try to disagree with the old Eastern proverb: “They taste gold with fire, they taste a woman with gold, and they taste a man with a woman.” So let's drink to us - who have overcome all trials and tests with honor!


An eagle that does not fly from high cliffs to wide, spacious valleys is a bad eagle. An eagle that does not return from the wide expanses of the valley to the high cliffs is a bad eagle. So let’s drink so that we never forget about our home, and wherever life takes us, we always return home! - Tell me, Nana, how much did mom pay for two kilograms of apples, if a kilogram costs 2 rubles? - Don't know. Mom always bargains. Caucasians are famous for their ability to trade and bargain. Let's drink to our children adopting this wonderful trait from their parents!


Soso asks Vano: “Vano, do you know what homemade champagne is?” - No, Soso. - So this is when a man drinks wine and a woman hisses. Let's drink to the fact that our dear housewives prefer real Georgian wine to any champagne.


One sultan gathered all his wives, and he had a hundred of them, and said, wiping away a tear: “I’m divorcing you!” I fell in love with another harem. So let's drink to honesty in love!


The young horseman liked the girl - and in order to seem like a cultured person, he uttered the following words: “Girl, can I invite you for a cup of coffee?” To which the girl, without hesitation, replied: “It’s possible, just don’t smoke in bed.” So let's drink to women's insight!


One horseman was asked: “If your wife was guilty, what punishment would you choose for her?” Dzhigit thought and answered: “If I wanted to punish my wife more strongly, I would buy her a lot of jewelry and lock her in a room without a mirror.” So let's drink to ensure that women are never subjected to such punishment!


A real Caucasian man considers it his duty to make a woman happy. But one great man said: “Only a woman who has children can be happy; After all, it is not enough to love; love must be sanctified.” So let's give women happiness! That's what we'll drink to.


I drink so that for everyone who was not with us today, Couldn’t drink and eat at the wedding, We preserved the good smell of bread, Which we broke here. For everyone sitting at the table to preserve in their blood for a long time both mischief and this invigorating current of Wine, fun, friendship and love.


Once a venerable Georgian prince sneezed, and the servant said hastily: “A thousand years of health!” - Tsits! - the gentleman shouted. - Why do you wish the impossible for me? “Then live one hundred and twenty years.” - Tsits! – the prince became angry again. - Then at least a hundred! Didn't please again! - Eighty? All wrong! The servant lost patience and said: “If it were my will, then die now!” I suggest we raise our glasses so that we can live as long as we want!

For a wedding

One evening a guy and a girl were walking along the embankment. Suddenly the girl stumbled, and the guy lightly held her hand and gently said: “Be careful, honey, there are pebbles.”

Five years later, the same guy and girl are walking along the same embankment again. The girl stumbled again, and the guy grabbed her hand and said: “Be careful, there are stones here!”

Ten years later, the same people are walking here again, now a man and a woman. The woman stumbles, and the man grabs her hand and shouts: “Are you stupid, don’t you see?!” There are stones here!”

So let's drink to the fact that our newlyweds will encounter only pebbles on their life path together!

Once an oriental man says to his friend:

“I will only take a beautiful, clean, thrifty and smart girl as my wife!”

– How are you going to cope with all four?! - the friend was surprised.

Let's raise our glasses so that our bride skillfully combines not only all these qualities, but also others that are important for the groom.

In the Caucasus they say: if you want to live in one place for a month, plant a cornfield there, if for a year, build a house, and if you want to live your whole life, raise a child. So let the young people sow more than one corn field, build a wonderful house and raise more than one child!

One man had been searching for the ideal woman for many years. Finally, when he was no longer young, he met his ideal. With trepidation, he offered his hand and heart to his chosen one. But she refused to marry him. And do you know why? She was looking for the perfect man.

So let's drink to our young people, to their love, which does not notice shortcomings, but sees only advantages.

Since ancient times in the Caucasus, a man and a woman have been compared to two notes, without which the strings of human souls cannot give a true and complete chord. So let our young people complement each other, and let the strings of their souls give birth to amazing heavenly music that will accompany them throughout their lives.

An Eastern man is a heat-loving man. He vitally needs the sun's rays. But we are not only talking about the sun. He can easily be replaced by his beloved woman, who will envelop him in affection and warmth even during terrible bad weather. Let's raise a glass to the bride who was able to warm up our groom. Let her love and tenderness continue to warm him and serve as support in any adversity.

For health

One wise old Georgian said: “If you want to be happy for one day, get drunk.

  1. If you want to be happy for one week, get sick.
  2. If you want to be happy for one month, get married.
  3. If you want to be happy for one year, take a mistress.
  4. And if you want to be happy all your life, be healthy, dear!!!”

So let's drink to the happiness of everyone present. For health!

  • In Georgia they say that for money a real horseman can buy whatever he wants.
  • What he cannot buy for money, a real horseman will get for a lot of money.
  • What he cannot purchase for a lot of money, a real horseman will definitely get for a lot of money.

So let's drink to something that no horseman can buy for any money. Let's drink to health!

About friendship

One very strong and proud horseman was so proud that he never accepted help from anyone. And then one day he was walking home late and stumbled. fell and broke his leg. He could not get up and walk home, and because of his pride he did not want to call anyone to help him. And he became so weak that he froze at night and died. So let's drink to the fact that we would be proud, but always understand that there are situations that cannot be dealt with without friendly help. For friendship, my dears.

“A long time ago a beautiful girl lived in the mountains. Two stately horsemen friends fell in love with her. One day one of the horsemen came to the beauty and confessed his love. To check on the groom, the girl sent him to the top of the mountain. The girl ordered Dzhigita to start a fire that would burn all night until the morning. If the horseman succeeds, the girl will marry him. The young man galloped up the mountain. On the same day, another horseman came, who also confesses his feelings to the girl. To test him, the girl said that he must put out the fire on the mountain. The horseman galloped away. In the morning, the horseman reached the top of the mountain and saw a sleeping friend, and a dying fire nearby. The dzhigit could not let his friend down and added wood to ignite the fire. Let's drink to real men and true friendship."

Two Georgian men saw a young and beautiful girl on the street. One of them looked at her with a passionate gaze and exclaimed: “This is a girl, a real peach!” The other, also looking at her, said with regret: “Six children.” – Does she really have six children?! – For you and for me, Givi! Friends, let's raise a toast to love that knows no barriers in its path!

Georgian toast scene

You can also congratulate with a short sketch.
Such an original congratulation will definitely delight your guests. Once upon a time there was a Georgian family - the father was a blacksmith, the mother was a housewife and the son was lazy. The father worked, the mother did household chores, and the son ate, drank, and rested. In his twenty years, the son did not earn a penny; he was lazy. And so they lived, but then the father grew old. The old man felt that death was near and he called his son to him. He began to reprimand his son that he was a slacker and did not want to work. The son resisted the words and replied that he would earn money without difficulty. My father said that if he earned even a ruble, he would inherit the entire farm. The son became thoughtful because he was too lazy to go to work. Then the mother came to the aid of her beloved son. She gave her son a ruble, sent him out for a walk, and returned home in the evening to say that he had earned money. The father did not believe his son that he had earned it and threw the ruble into the fire. The next day the same thing happened again. On the third day, the mother did not give her son any money, she sent him to earn money himself. The guy worked for a whole week and earned a handful of coins. I came home, barely able to stand on my feet from fatigue. The father again did not believe it and threw the money into the fire, but the son could not restrain himself and rushed to collect coins from the fire. He began to cry because he had been working for a whole week without straightening his back, and his father had done the same. This time my father believed and said that other people’s money is cheap and you don’t feel sorry for it, but you feel sorry for your own earned money. The father gave his son parting words: “If you work well, there will be money in your pocket.”

During a feast in Georgia, you cannot drink wine without making a toast. Georgians believe that wine is a gift from God and drinking it just like that is a sin. Be sure to fill the glass with good wine and joyfully thank God with a toast. tosty

For love

High, high in the Georgian mountains there lived a shepherd. He fell madly in love with the daughter of a local rich man. And he could not marry his beloved, because he, a poor shepherd, would never receive the blessing of her parents. He then began to work harder than before, and built his own beautiful and large house. With a pure heart, the horseman went for his beloved, and when he came to her, he saw that she was being married off to someone else. The guy was indignant, but decided not to give up, because this woman was destined for him by fate and heaven. Then he invited the bride’s father to check the feelings of the candidates for the girl’s hand. To do this, you need to take two apple tree branches and plant them in the ground, one for him, the shepherd, the other for his opponent. Whoever has this branch bloom the next morning will become the beauty’s lawful husband. The father agreed, and, of course, the next morning our shepherd’s branch was in full bloom, while his opponent’s branch withered. This wedding, the perseverance and love of our hero were remembered for a long time in those places. So let's raise a toast to real feelings that help ordinary people create unprecedented miracles!

Three wanderers once walked along a Georgian mountain road. They walked for a long time until they drank all the water in their wineskins. They looked around, and nowhere did they find a single well or stream. And suddenly one of them saw a lonely orange tree with fruits among the rocks. They were very surprised and delighted at this, because they had never seen such trees growing among rocks. Tormented by thirst, they reached the tree and saw that three oranges were hanging on it. The first wanderer was so thirsty that he immediately tried to squeeze the long-awaited juice out of the fruit. Because of the thick peel, he was able to get only a few drops, and his thirst was not satisfied. The second of them tried to eat the orange, but again the peel ruined everything. It was very bitter and harsh and stuck in the wanderer’s long-dry throat. The third one was the smartest. He put his last remaining strength into peeling the orange. Thus he was saved from painful thirst. Let us raise our glasses so that our newlyweds peel away their discord and drink the life-giving moisture of the fruits of their love!

In one ancient Caucasian city, a visiting man saw a young horseman and a beautiful girl and asked them: “How to say “I love you” in your language?” The young man silently hugged his beloved tightly and only then said: “This is how they talk about love in my language!” Friends, let us raise our glasses to love, in which deeds speak louder than the most ardent words!

Nana asks her husband:

- Gogi, do you love me?

- Certainly!

- Oh Gogi! Are you ready to die for your love for me?

- Never, Nana! After all, you know that the love of a Caucasian man is immortal!

So let's drink to love that is not afraid of death.

One Georgian woman watched the program “Around the World” on TV. When her husband came home, she told him:

“I learned that in Africa there are tribes where husbands sell their wives. If we lived there, would you sell me?

The generous Caucasian man answered the stupid woman:

- I would give you a gift!

So let's drink to selfless love!

Congratulations at Caucasian weddings: options

Georgian toasts are colorful and different. You can choose a congratulatory speech for any occasion: be it a wedding or a birthday.

Therefore, think over the semantic content of your congratulations in advance.

Toasts about love

Love is a feeling about which a lot has been said. And it would seem that it is impossible to say anything interesting about this, but Caucasian men know how to eloquently express their feelings.

It is no coincidence that Caucasians are considered one of the most loving and romantic men. For the sake of their wives, they are ready to do things that amaze and touch at the same time.

Caucasian toast for the wedding of the newlyweds.

If you want to tell a beautiful story about love, then be sure to pay attention to Georgian toasts

First option

Far away in a Caucasian village there lived a shepherd and he fell in love with a beauty, the daughter of a rich man. However, he understood that he was not worthy of her. He set himself the goal of winning the favor of her entire family at any cost and marrying the beauty. After a while, he earned money for himself and bought a big house.

The shepherd came to the girl’s house and saw that her wedding was taking place there. He publicly declared that this was his woman and he would not leave home without her. The shepherd offered to plant apple tree branches with the groom. Whoever's apple tree blooms the next morning is worthy of marrying a charming rich woman.

In the morning, the guests discovered that the shepherd’s branch was miraculously covered in flowers, and then he married the charming bride. I would like to remind the bride and groom about this legend and show what our groom planted. (The guest takes out a blossoming branch of an apple tree.)

A toast to women

In the Caucasus, men value, respect and love the weaker sex. Therefore, in those places a lot of congratulations were created that are dedicated to women. Here is one beautiful Georgian toast. Listen to the Caucasian parable that has spread all over the world:

One day, one sunny day, a snake crawled to Allah and said: “I’m tired of crawling, I want to take off my scales. Turn me into a woman. And I can still sting people. You don’t have to be a snake.” Allah helped and turned her into a woman. Soon a white dove flew to him and asked the same request as the snake. And so it happened. Allah turned the dove into a woman and said: “Go and do good.” Since then there have been two women: evil and good. So let's drink to the good, lovely ladies, who outnumber the bad and harmful ones with a black soul.

Georgian toast (from Shurik)

They say that a streak of bad luck sometimes turns out to be a winning streak. So let's drink to our joyful prospects on the runway!


Women are divided into three categories - “I will give”, “I will not give”, and “I will give, but not to you.” So let's drink to the ladies!


So let's have a drink here, they won't give it to you in the next world! Well, if they give it there, we’ll drink there and drink there!


There is no need to chase a woman like a runaway tram. Remember that the next tram is coming behind you. So let's drink to trams running more often!


Let's drink so that we walk down the street late at night and get attacked by money! But we couldn't fight them off!


Dear women! I wish you to always have four animals: a mink on your shoulders, a Jaguar in the garage, a lion in your bed and a donkey who would pay for it all!


Let's drink vodka to the generation that chooses Pepsi! Because we will get more!

Congratulations in verse

That they can, having hidden their emotions, remain silent wisely, give in with dignity, preserving the peace of both husband and family.


I couldn’t drink or eat at the wedding. We retained the good smell of the bread that we broke here.


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