18th wedding anniversary 10.15.2020 Wedding anniversary, Congratulations

Let everything in life go your way, on a bright and wide road, so that there are many, many smiles like mushrooms in the rain!

May your sky be turquoise! Relax on the turquoise sea! And let your bonds not only become older, but also be able to become stronger.


I congratulate you on your turquoise wedding now. You've been together for eighteen years. Happiness to you in this wonderful hour!


To live only with each other, Divide everything in half. I want to wish you only happiness and patience.


Take care of your feeling, There is no stronger armor. The power of your love alone will save you from troubles and grief.


There are a lot of things, actions and anxieties behind me. 18 years old wife, not everyone could do this.


Well, you are such a couple, always side by side. You lived so unitedly and lovingly for years.


So let everyone’s feelings be renewed on the anniversary. Love a hundred times more, Be in sensual beauty.


Let prosperity reign, Understanding of hearts. May you be like the best example for everyone.


The turquoise wedding is a beautiful event, on which I heartily congratulate you, dear ones! I sincerely wish you inescapable, comprehensive and pure love for many more years to come.


Family coming of age Turquoise wedding anniversary! Eighteen years have passed in love. This is the essence and the reason for happiness.


Eighteen years you have been together, inseparable, as always. Once again you are the bride and groom, the wedding has come to you again.


Let your entire home be illuminated with turquoise radiance. Let love and understanding hover in him Day after day.


Happiness, joy to you, affection, a long and cheerful life. We now congratulate you on your turquoise wedding.


Congratulations on your tender wedding, turquoise like a wave, May fate bestow you with happiness and prosperity in full!


The turquoise anniversary has a cunning secret - the wife is lucky with the man, the husband has a great wife!

Congratulations on your 18th wedding anniversary

Congratulations on your 18th wedding anniversary, the symbol of which is the beautiful and durable turquoise stone. After 18 years, your relationship has acquired its own special, delightful “color” and “stone” strength. So may you encounter only happiness and joy on your family path, and let troubles and troubles pass you by! I sincerely congratulate you on your turquoise wedding, on your 18th anniversary of joint happiness and love! I would like to wish you bright tenderness, like turquoise, mutual understanding and prosperity! I wish you good hopes and joyful events, family comfort and joint success! 18 years is the age of marriage! We wish you happiness and that in many years you will still be around! 18th wedding anniversary, bittersweet! Hearty congratulations on your turquoise wedding! We wish you many years of happy life together in peace and prosperity! A strong and exemplary family, Today you have a turquoise wedding. A lot has passed, eighteen years, since they took a vow of fidelity. Let the lights of happiness burn in your eyes, And irrepressible passions boil. We wish you love and tender days, kiss the bride and groom soon. Congratulations on your family coming of age! We solemnly welcome the turquoise wedding! We wish you health, love, good luck and happiness! May your home be spared problems and bad weather! You have been sailing in the same boat for 18 years, and the wind of happiness helps you on your way. Love is the most important find for you, After all, nothing more beautiful can be found in the world! May every moment of your life bring joy, peace, warmth and light! Congratulations on your 18th anniversary of family life, on your turquoise wedding. May your happiness be the gentle and soft color of turquoise, may your family be healthy and cheerful, may understanding and love always reign in your home, may your feelings never fade away and warm your hearts again and again. Eighteen years have passed, The same sparkle is in your eyes. The smell of wedding was in the air, Turquoise was shining! We sincerely congratulate you on your blue wedding date. May love last forever and be golden after the wedding!

Congratulations on 18 years of marriage

True love always creates and never destroys. And this is man’s only hope. Leonardo Buscaglia The turquoise wedding anniversary is 18 years of marriage. By this time, crisis situations, if there were any in the family, end, and dawn comes. The children have already matured enough, which means there are much fewer problems. The groom has turned a little grey, the bride can’t fit into her dress! But I must admit, I was stunned when I heard the age of the wedding: You have been together for 18 years, so I hasten to congratulate the bride and groom.

You can start your congratulations on a turquoise wedding with such humorous words if you know that the spouses will not be offended by your words. The most important thing is to congratulate from the bottom of your heart, so that the words come from the heart.

Friends! Congratulations on your 18th anniversary, which came after that memorable spring wedding day, which warmed all your friends with its rays, so we wish you long life and smart grandchildren. A lot of words can be said in your honor and continuously, but I want to express my thoughts with the following poem:

Turquoise, turquoise, Close your eyes quickly, Turquoise wedding is the luckiest! For eighteen whole years you had one ticket on the family ship, which carries you through life. Let the ship continue to float on the waves of love, And neither grief nor misfortune will ever meet you! Kiss, young people, you are so beautiful, This is a vow for you, This is a gift from me! Eighteen years have passed, The same sparkle is in your eyes. The smell of wedding was in the air, turquoise sparkled! We sincerely congratulate you on your blue wedding date. May love last forever And after the Golden wedding! There are a lot of things, actions and anxieties behind me. 18 years old wife, not everyone could do this. Well, you are such a couple, always side by side. You lived so unitedly and lovingly for years. So let everyone’s feelings be renewed on the anniversary. Love a hundred times more, Be in sensual beauty. Let prosperity reign, Understanding of hearts. May you be like the best example for everyone. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! For 18 years you have been in peace and in love, Let the doubts of the ice melt now, You were born for each other! May all adversity be left forever, May you live in love and care for a hundred years! Let the feelings flow again with renewed vigor, I wish you unknown victories! Oh, how recently you got married, And outwardly you have not changed. Eighteen years have passed, But you saved all your feelings! What kind of weddings don’t happen, What kind of dates aren’t celebrated! But it’s a special case with you, We’ve reached the turquoise wedding. So let this anniversary be a wonderful sign for you. More than once at 18. And never part. The sky is turquoise, It couldn’t be more beautiful, Your family life is already 18 years old. At the turquoise wedding you are the Bride and Groom, And the storm of everyday storms has already calmed down slightly. The turquoise sea caresses the shores, a reliable shoulder and a gentle hand are nearby. Let the boundless ocean rock you with love, Let the family ship sail to the happy islands. Eighteen years ago they shouted - Bitterly! We are young, naive and happy And it seems like just yesterday, but only the toastmaster was cheerful and talkative... And now at the turquoise wedding you are happy, and let the happiness last! It will definitely come in handy for you and your children in family matters! I congratulate you on your turquoise wedding now. You've been together for eighteen years. Happiness to you in this wonderful hour! To live only with each other, Divide everything in half. I want to wish you only happiness and patience. Take care of your feeling, There is no stronger armor. The power of your love alone will save you from troubles and grief. Today is her eighteenth anniversary, and her symbol is an alluring color. On this day we wish you to remain as you are today for many years to come. May your sky be turquoise! Relax on the turquoise sea! And let your bonds not only become older, but also be able to become stronger. Eighteen years you have been together, inseparable, as always. Once again you are the bride and groom, the wedding has come to you again. Let your entire home be illuminated with turquoise radiance. Let love and understanding hover in him day by day. Happiness, joy to you, affection, a long and cheerful life. We now congratulate you on your turquoise wedding. Eighteen long years you have lived together, and today you are again like a bride and groom! On this joyful day, We congratulate you, We wish you happiness, joy, love from the bottom of our hearts! So that your children always bring you Joy, So that you can live together for many, many years! Turquoise is in your eyes, And love lives in your hearts! For eighteen whole years, you ate lunch together! Together they cried, laughed, smiled at little children, and loved and endured. Together they walked towards a common goal! May happiness illuminate you with the light of heavenly turquoise today, The bride and groom have a turquoise holiday today! Accept all wishes and bring them to fruition: Take care of your health and cheer up. Hold hands quickly Just smile at each other On the road of life, you are bolder, It’s like walking on a rainbow! You have a turquoise wedding, Eighteen years of you two! You can see the sparkle of shining eyes, After all, hearts burn with eternal fire! I wish you goodness, understanding, and pure harmony in everything! May your wishes come true and may your love only grow every day! I consider your family simply exemplary. That's why I respect you. Happy turquoise wedding! Victory is a glorious symbol. May marriage protect you, give you joy, happiness, strength, health, and tenderness! 18 years! On this date, friends rush to congratulate you. We are all happy for you, of course, and we wish you now: Nice days, goodness and light. And on this holiday, we give you two bouquets of bright roses as a sign of admiration and love! You've been together for eighteen years. Wedding symbol turquoise. You are the bride and groom again, Even the heavens are happy. You shouldn't be upset, you've only walked part of the way. We wish you love together. Happiness is only ahead. I have been living in the world for many years, And in the light of a new miracle date, I will pour for the coming of age of the Family that was born once... I have not forgotten a day, nor a month, When you were a bride... And soon my daughter will get married, And the guys will go into the army. I’m not guilty of a failure of memory, I just don’t count the years - I want you to become for a moment more carefree than the young, dear! We lived together for many years, And life was harsh to us, But we summed up more happiness - On our turquoise wedding day!

In addition to the usual congratulations on your 18th wedding anniversary , you can create a video congratulation from photos. A slide show is a beautiful video, film or clip from your photos, music and text. You can try to create your own video greeting from photographs, adding congratulations in verse or prose to it.

Congratulations on the 18th anniversary of your family life, on your turquoise wedding. May your happiness be the gentle and soft color of turquoise, may your family be healthy and cheerful, may understanding and love always reign in your home, may your feelings never fade away and warm your hearts again and again.

Happy 18th wedding anniversary to my husband

And at the hour of sunset, and at the hour of dawn, You, beloved, are no dearer! Let your eyes shine, as before, everyone congratulates us on our anniversary! For all 18 years we have walked side by side, Family and children - this is our reward! Our children have grown up, 18 years have passed! But only the family grows stronger, Husband, I love you so much! Hug me tight, congratulate me on your anniversary! Turquoise time - We are young! Hooray! Dear husband! I love you, my dear, and I will love you in another 18 years, and again, and again... As much time as the Lord has given us to live in a happy marriage! Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! Happy turquoise wedding, dear, I congratulate you now, 18 years old, beloved, I am captivated by the beautiful eyes. I wish the two of us happiness, so that we love as we did then, so that love protects our marriage from grief and doubts. My dear husband, I congratulate you on our turquoise wedding, on the 18th anniversary of our marriage. Remember yourself at 18 years old - full of hopes and ambitions, confident in yourself and ready to win. And I wish you, my beloved, to continue to be as brave, decisive, cheerful and energetic. Happy turquoise wedding, my dear husband! May joy surround you all the time, May happiness bloom around you, I love you, my dear! I love it... My dear, dear husband, Happy anniversary, my dear! I appreciate you, I love you! I pray to God for you: that He may give you strength, that you may be healthy, that you may always be faithful to me, to His devoted wife! I want to tell you about what's on my soul. My heart is beating so fast, it misses you and is sad! I want to confess to you - I love you madly! Happy Anniversary! Darling, today is our wedding anniversary, I want to wish you joy, happiness, prosperity! So that our family does not know troubles and grief, so that bad weather does not touch us! May this special day bring you good mood and joy! I love and appreciate you!

What do you give to friends on this day?

If you have been invited to celebrate a turquoise wedding, it is logical to think about what you can give to your friends - the heroes of the occasion. Since the date is not an anniversary, popular “etiquette” suggests not shelling out for jewelry or other luxury items with natural turquoise. Considering what kind of wedding is celebrated in 18 years of family life, it is recommended to present:

  • flowers of a blue or turquoise hue, they are given in random quantities in an odd number;
  • items of clothing in the same colors;
  • sweets in turquoise wrappers or packaging.

You can order a gift cake decorated with turquoise fondant or pastry mastic and the number 18 made of white cream.

What to give to your husband or wife

A husband who has the opportunity to give his wife a beautiful piece of jewelry can take advantage of the moment and consolidate congratulations on the date of 18 years of marriage with a gift made of natural turquoise (considering what kind of wedding it is). Natural turquoise is an unusually “delicate” stone, although it symbolizes victory and the achievement of what was planned. It will look great in earrings, a bracelet or a necklace, especially if the woman has gray or blue eyes. You can also give your wife a jewelry box inlaid with this stone.

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