Congratulations on nikah in Tatar language. Nikah belen kotlau tatarcha.

Congratulations on nikah in Tatar language. Nikah belen kotlau tatarcha.


Yeh, Rabbim! Sinen emerene үtep, oshbu yashlerebezge nikakhybyz ukyldy, nikahlaryn tozek kylyp, mehebbatleren devamly kyl. Bu parlarga heerle homer, heerle selamatlek, teqdirlengen gomerlerende tigez yasheuleren nasip it. Seznen balalarygyz da dinebezne, ilebezne, milletebezne kuetleuche, uzegezge miherbanly, shefkatle, isen vakytta khormet kyluchy, vafat bulsagyz, doga ukuchy balalar bulsa ide. Shul balalarny shatlyk-sөenech, tigezlek belen үsterep, shatlyk-sөenechleren gene kurerge Allah Tagale nasyp itse ide. Tormysh digen ozyn avyr yulny ber beregezge tayanych bulyp, ber-beregezne khormet itep, bulgan hatalarny gafu itep, ber-beregezge yul kuep үterge kurkem sabyrlyklar birse ide. Emin.



Sezne bugenge izge, matur beyremegez – nikah konegez, belen ikhlastan tebrik itebez. Chechek atsyn tormysh golleregez, yangyr tugel bekhet yausyn sez uzasy yularga. Bugengedey bik kup yazlar, zheiler sezne kotep torsyn, telep sezge izge telekler. Par kanatlar bulyp yashegez sez, һerber keshe sezge soklansyn. Һerchak shulai shat yashegez kurmiche tormysh zaryn. Ber-beregezge terek bulyp, kirek bulyp utegez sez homer urleren. Fareshteler sezge һervakytta kanat jeysen, saklap sezne hevef-heterden. Kүgel turleregez һervakytta ayaz bulsyn, chiklep uzsyn bolyt-yangyrlar. Tuar konneregez shatlyklar hem kuanychlar, saulyk, baylyk, tik bekhet kene alyp kilsen. I, Rabbim, sezge heerle ozyn gomerler, korychtai nyk selematlek, tatulykta, tigezlekte ber-beregezne yaratyp, khormet itep, bugenge hisleregezne gomerlekke saklap, uzegezne devamygyz itep sau-selamet igele kle, imanly, miһerbanly, shefkatle balalar үstererge sezge nasyp it!


Sezne chyn kүңelden yңa tormishka ayak basuygyz belen, zakonly nikahygyz belen tabrik item. Bugenge konegez guzel, kilechegegez tagyn da guzelerek, yozegez koyashtai nurly, behet kasegez tula, tormyshygyz matur zhyrlarga tin bulsyn. Yorgen yullarygyzny bekhet koyashi, soyu yoldyzy yaktyrtsyn, һer tuar tannar irtese sezge bekhet, shatlyk alyp kilsen, yoregegezde mehebbet yalkyny menge sunmesen һem surelmesen.



Bugen zhirde yana gail tua. Yana tormysh zhirde bashlana. Beruk matur bulsyn. Beruk nykly bulsyn, And let's go, үzen tashlama! Uzegez Tabyshkansyz yes, Uzegez Kavyshkansyz. Heerle segatte bulsyn Bugen tormysh bashygyz.


Sez bugen in zur hyyalygyzny tormishka ashyrdygyz: bars tik saf mehebbatten gene torgan yana gaile tozedegez! Without sezge in berenche chiratta nykly selametlek, ayaz tannar, tattoo konner, yaratu belen sugarylgan guzel kichler telep kalabyz! Ike yakny tigez itep, yuktan da kyzyk tabyp, ber-berezne kuz karashynnan anlap gomer itegez! Bugen sezge, bagyrkeiler, Bars shul telek kene- Par kugerchenner shikelle Yashegez gorlap kene! Par baldaklar almashtygyz, Vegdeler berkettegez. Inde khezer tigezlekte, Soeshep homer itegez



Nazlanyrga ham nazlarga cherchak vakyt tabygyz. Ishek ham terezeleregezne Gaibatlerden yabygyz.

Tamle bulsyn telleregez, Tamle suz - jan azygy. Tatulykta, tynychlykta Yasheeshen kyzygy.


Ir uryninda ir uze bulsyn. Yrelmesen khatyn burekke. Khatyn bula alu - oli bekhet. Ungan khatyn - irge bekhetke.

Gailege kermesen konleshү. Avyr suz, үpkelep endeshү. Yashegez gel tattoo, soeshep, Shatlykny, bekhetne buleshep.


Tuy konnere - in shatlykly konner, Alda Omet, bekhet, mehebbet. Tukmi, chechmi homer buylarina Ilte torgan izge bereket. Bekhet koshy kunsyn өegezge, Soensenner eti-eniler. Үzegezge ohshap teүfyiklary belen Tupyrdashyp үssen babyler!


Parly tipsen menge yoregegez, Mahebbatnen ike koyashi. Koyash kebek tup-tugerek bulsyn Behetegez - homer yuldashi.

Kushylyp uzken kush kaennar kebek, Berge utsen tormysh yulygyz. Zenger kulde par akkoshtay, Bekhet kullerende yozegez.

Yashegez matur par bulyp, Ikegez ber jan bulyp. Kurshelerge үrnek gailė, Duslar өchen dan bulyp.



Oly yulga sez chygasyz bugen, Berge kushyp ike yorekne. Yul aldynnan eytik sezge Chyn kүңelden izge telekne. Without telebez chin kүңelden sezge Aerilmasyn tormysh yulygyz. Homer sukmaklaryn uzgan chakta Adashmagiz, zirek bulygyz.


Izge teleklerem yullym Kiyau belen kelashke. Bars bekhet-shatlyk kyna Yuldash bulsyn һer eshte. In zur kineshem shul sezge Tormysh bizege - bala. Kilechekte behet yulyn Bary st gyn sala.


Ber-beregezne kaderen belep. Shatlanyp, uynap-kolep, Үtegez tomysh yullaryn Par kugerchenner kebek.



Taldai zifa buylary, Bigrek matur ylary. Shaulap torsyn, gorlap torsyn, Zhyrlap torsyn tuylary.

Gel uyshlar kotep torsyn utese yulygyzda. Bekhet өchen kүp kirekmi. Bit uz kulygyzda street.

Tormysh bik katlauly, shuna kure Gadel yulny sayly belegez. Bezden sezge shushi telek: Ber-beregezne anly belegez.

Kavyshtygyz yashlek irtesende. Inge ine kuep, anlashyp. Eraktagy kartlyk konegezge. Baryp zhitegez sez parlashyp.

Ozatabyz sezne erak yulga. Ozyn yulga - homer yulina. Kulny - kulga, uiny - uyga kushyp, Ike yorek berge bulyrga.

Yashegez sez par bulyp, Ikegez ber jan bulyp. Kurshelerge үrnek gailė, Duslar өchen dan bulyp.


Serle uchak bar donyada. Ul - Gaile Uchagi. Bar anyn dorlegen chagy. Bar tik pyskygan chagi. Gaile uchagygyznyn һervakyt Yalkyny kochle bulsyn!

Bezden sezge izge telek; Tabriklibez beyramegez belen. Istelekle bulsyn tuegyz! Berge tipsen kainar yoregegez. Ber үk tosle bulsyn uegyz.


Yashegez ber-beregezge Gomerlek terek bulyp. Berge tipken yorek bulyp, һervakyt kirek bulyp.

Bezneң sezge telegebez: Kullarygyz kuldan kitmesen. Chechleregez chechke beylensen de Zhil-davyllar ana sutmesen!


Bugen - season in behetle, In shatlykly konegez. Matur bulsyn kүңеlegez, Tamle bulsyn telegez. Yaratyp kyna yashegez Beregezne beregez!

Khoday birgen mehebbetnen Kaderlären belegez. Barysy and soklanyrlyk Matur oya korygyz. Matur, zhyly oyagyzda Tattoo gyna torygyz!



Ak behetler sezge yuldash bulsyn, Kuterenke bulsyn kүңеlegez. Saulyk, shatlyk, kuanychlar belen Gorlap үtsen boten gomeregez.

Kushyp ike yorek yalkynyn Uchak tergezebez yashlekte Khoday bezge shulai kusha Almash kaldyrirga bu zhirde Yashlek utyn salgan st uchaknyn Urtak bulsyn һerchak zhylysy Yalgyz parly sagishlaryn zhyep Sargaerga yazmasyn ide. Dorlap torsyn һerchak uchagygyz Zhyly birep sezneң kүңelge Tigez, ozyn homer telim Һerber saby үssen bekhette Eger ber kon kaigy zile kerep Uchagyңny sinѣ үnderse Balalaryn adashmasyn өchen Sh emen sakla kuңelelen turende……


Tugannarny ham duslarny Shatlandyryrsyz Bugen. Bekhet koyashy yaktyrtsyn Seznen mehebbet kugen. Gel yakty bulsyn yulygyz, Yakty bulsyn uegyz. Boilers bulsyn nikakhygyz Boilers bulsyn tuegyz. Bugen donya koengandyr Ak karga ap-ak nurga Behetle tormysh teli st…һhem….ha!


Kolach tutyryp chechke zhyyalmadym Kysh bit inde, kirda kar tula, Nikah konegez belen tebrik itep, Shigyr yazdym sezge bu yuly. Sin mineke min sineke diep, Kavyshkansyz bulygyz berge. Doshman koensen, duslar koensen, Kurep sezne gomerge berge. Yaratyshyp, soep kavyshtygyz, Yashegez gel berge gomerge. Tinlesenner seznen mehebbatne kich tutykmy torgan timerge. Aldygyzda bik zur yullar yata, Aerilmasyn kulygyzdan kul. Tury bulsyn, izge bulsyn ide Ikeүlesep sez bashlagan yul.


Yash parlarga bekhet yausyn, Tigez homer itsenner. Chokerdashep yashi-yashi, Altyn tuiga zhitsenner. Homer buy ikese ber Sukmaktan atlasynnar. Ber-bersene mehebbetne ulgenche saklasynnar!


Nikah konegez boilers bulsyn! Bugen sezne yazilyshkan, Nikahlashkan konegez, Tantanali bu misgelnen Kaderlären belegez! Bugen donya gazhep nurly, Elmaegyz, kolegez! Boten donya beyram ite, Sezne boiler - kuregez! Bugen soyu dingezende Rehatlanep yozegez, Merhemetle, berekatle, Bugengedey mehebbbatle Bulsyn һerber konegez!



Hey, hashyyklar, yashlek tuegyzga Kunak bulyp min de elektem; Tuegyzny kotlap shigyr yazdym, Kainarlygyn ostep yereknen. Tormysh bit st tyn kul tugel Davyllar da bula, zhiller de; Neither bulsa da yoknen avyrlygyn Kүteregez berge inerde. Tebrik item kavyshu konegez belen, Ber-beregezge tinner bulygyz; Ozyn homer, saf mehabbat belen Yana matur tormysh korygyz. Yazmysh sezge soyu bulek itken, Yugaltmyycha ana saklagyz. Inne-inge kuep, homer bue Gel yaneshe gene atlagyz. Mizgellerge kushylyp ellar utsen, Өegezge kaigy kermesen. Par wasbylar konleshsenner sezden, Soyu koshy tashlap kitmesen. Par akkoshlar kebek yashegez gel, Bekhet belen utsen konegez, Homer yazı sezne kavyshtyrdy, Kozlerge de berge keregez.


Tuylar gorli bugen bu oyde, Kiyaү belen kelesh in turde. Terezeden ah yes elmaya, Behet telep gomer-gomerge. Tabyn tula koda-kunaklar, Ber-ber artly yava telekler; Yullarygyz, yashler, ak bulsyn, Soyuegez menge saf bulsyn. Yashegez gel berge, anlashyp, Sandugachlar kebek sayrashyp. Turende de altyn tuegyznyn Utyrygyz shulai parlashyp.


Yazmysh sukmaklary ochrashtyrgan, Ber-beregez belen tanyshtyrgan. Ike yorek bersen-berse tapkan Saf soyuler sezne kavyshtyrgan. Bugen sezne oli beyremegez, Kotep algan kyzyl tuegyz. Par akkoshtay ak kulmekle parlar, Gel yaneshe bulsyn yulygyz. Soyu hisen saklap gomer bue, Shatlyk-borchularny buleshep, Yashegez sez par kugerchen bulyp, Gel serleshep, һerchak kileshep. Behet telep sezge tui konende, Zhyly suzler belen deshebez. Khoday kushyp kavyshkansyz iken, Akhyrgacha berge yashegez.


Uynap-kolep, yana yulga sezne Ozatabyz tuyda bugenge. Avyr chakta tayanychyn bulsa, Tormysh yamle, yasheh kunelle. Nigez bulsyn hyyallarygyzga Beznen telekler de - ber olesh. Without tatulyk telly sezge bugen, Behet yorty tozu — sezne esh! Bars soyu gene, kanat kuep, Hyyal kuklerene kүtere, Telek zhite yulga chigar өchen, Terek kirek yulny үterge! Tabyshkansyz, telep baryshkansyz, Par bulgansyz iken ikegez, Ber-beregezge gomerlek yar bulyp, Tigez, tattoo homer itegez. Telek shundy kilechekke: Kaigylarny urtak bulegez, Shatlyklarny berge urtaklashyp, Yul kueshyp yashi belegez. Yana tormish digen binagyznyn Saf mehabbat bulsyn nigeze! - Ute almasyn anda berkaichan da Yamannarnyn aguly suzze. Bu tormyshta torle heller bula, Aerilmasyn tormysh yulygyz, Homer sukmagynnan uzgan chakta, Adashmagyz, zirek bulygyz.



Civil registry office Birgen Yazu - Kegaz bit st, Sargaya st sandyk tobende. Sargaimasyn sezne saf mehebbat, Chechek atsyn kunel turende Ike yorek berge tibe hezer, Mehebbatten kuper korygyz, Bugen ikeu berge bulgan kebek, Menge-menge berge bulygyz! Kay zhirlairde gene yorsegez de Yullarygyz izge yul bulsyn! Berge tapkan uzegez saylagan Behetegez chiksez mu bulsyn! Ber-beregezne soyu belen gene Chiklenmesen tormysh yulygyz. Sezne ustergen eti-enilerge Һerchak kolech yozle bulygyz!


Par baldaklar kiep kul kuydygyz Ikeү berge gomer iterge - Nasyip bulsyn berge zhiteklashep Gomer urlerene zhiterge! Yashegez sez toep һervakytta Ber-beregeznezhyly kochagyn, Kaderlären zhuimy saf hislernen Sundermice soyu uchagyn! Mahebbatn tatly zhimeshleren: Soykemle kyz, batyr ullarny Үsteregez berge, nasyp bulsyn Үtkererge altyn tuylarny!


How does matchmaking work?

A man and his family decide who will become his future wife. The groom's father chooses future matchmakers from relatives and respected people. They go to the house of the future bride.

The girl greets the arriving guests with honors, they are treated to tea and sweets. While the bride is courting the matchmakers, the father and mother decide whether to agree to their terms.

The groom may be completely absent from the bride's viewing. The girl’s parents are also very interested in what kind of person the future son-in-law is. Therefore, matchmakers prepare a story about the groom, taking into account all his positive aspects.

After a short tea party, the guests go to the groom’s house and talk about the bride’s character and what kind of housewife she is. Parents on both sides are considering whether to go ahead with the wedding ceremony.

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Often, if the bride and groom have known each other since childhood, their parents also know each other, the matchmaking ritual fades into the background. Before the wedding ceremony, all material issues relating to the future family are discussed.

Muslim traditions change slightly in some cases. This also applies to viewing. If previously only matchmakers were sent to them, now the groom and his parents have the right to come. Accordingly, during one meeting everything is decided.

How does Nikah work?

Nikah is the name of the religious ceremony with the help of which marriage is secured by Allah. It is conducted by a mullah at home or in a mosque. There is no fundamental difference in this matter. Only the closest relatives of the bride and groom are present at the nikah.

If we compare it with the Orthodox wedding ceremony, we can note a great similarity. The bride and groom stand before Allah, swear to observe the Koran and marital duties. Without a nikah, a marriage is considered invalid, even if it is officially registered by the registry office.

Before the religious ceremony, the bride and groom exchange memorable gifts . A girl gives a young man a handmade product. It could be a shirt or a skullcap. The guy generously gifts his betrothed with jewelry or expensive clothes. After nikah, spouses have the right to remain alone in the same room. Before this, their personal communication is strictly prohibited.

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Relatives of future spouses are required to come to the mosque in national costumes. On the girl's side, two men who are close relatives must be present. As with official registration, witnesses are appointed for the duration of the religious ceremony. It could be either two men, or one man and two women. In Islam, one man is equal to two women.

How does the bride price work?

If the candidates are satisfied with each other, then the traditional wedding ceremony continues. The next stage is communication between the parents of the boy and girl. On it, the father reports the amount of dowry that he demands for his daughter. Kalym is a kind of ransom.

It can be calculated in monetary terms, jewelry, real estate, or livestock. A father has no right to give his daughter in marriage without a dowry. The groom must give the bride price to his father-in-law even before the official ceremony, several days in advance. In this case, the traditional Tatar wedding continues.

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1 congratulate

2 congratulate

3 congratulate

4 holiday

5 congratulate

6 holiday

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