Happy wedding anniversary in prose 12/03/2020 Wedding anniversary, Congratulations

Happy wedding anniversary in prose

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary and I sincerely wish you many years of happy family life and stable prosperity. Let your hearts beat in the same rhythm, let every day be successful and joyful for both of you. Be healthy and rich guys. Today is a special date - the anniversary of the creation of your wonderful family! I wish you to live in love and harmony for many more years. Let the house be a full cup; peace, kindness, mutual understanding and prosperity, happy holiday! Happy Anniversary! I wish you to support and love each other, despite any vicissitudes of fate! You are made for each other! Happiness to you and sincere love! Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! I wish your family many years of prosperity, prosperity and well-being. May your path in life be clean and bright, and may your children delight you with their chirping! And the main thing is that you love each other and appreciate every minute you live together. A wedding anniversary is a reason to feel like newlyweds again. Today, look at your wedding photos, remember how beautiful and happy you were on your wedding day! And you will understand that your feelings have not faded away since that day, but have become deeper and stronger! On this wonderful holiday - your wedding anniversary - I congratulate you with all my heart! I am very glad to see you happy and loving, I am glad that you have a strong family, and that you have wonderful children growing up. I wish you to continue to live in harmony with each other! On your wedding anniversary, we wish you to share in half not only happy moments, but also all the difficulties of family life. We wish to always support each other in everything, overcome obstacles together and achieve our goals. Take care, appreciate, love each other and be happy together!

Congratulations on the golden wedding to parents from children in their own words

Father and mother! You have been together fifty years ago, and we know better than many what your life was like. I won’t say that it was always easy, that you didn’t have any challenges, but that’s why now I’m doubly happy to have you around. You have endured everything and now, holding hands and looking into each other’s eyes, you know for sure that half a century ago love helped you choose a life partner, and not a random fellow traveler. Be happy, dear ones!

Congratulations on the long-awaited bright anniversary of love! This day has come thanks to your patience, understanding, sincerity and boundless devotion. We wish you to continue to enjoy the bright colors of life, smile more at each other and give sincere love and support. Let happiness bloom in hearts, let memories give only bright and bright moments, and let the years lived together be like a real fairy tale.

Our precious mommy and daddy, you can’t imagine how happy we are. Not every child gets to see their parents' golden wedding. Thank you for providing invaluable pleasure. Please be healthy, cheerful, happy. Give us the opportunity to take a walk at your next wedding anniversary. We wish you, beloved heroes of the day, the most joyful mood, the strongest health, we wish you to attend the anniversary weddings of your grandchildren.

Dear parents, I bow to you and thank you very much for saying “yes” to each other 50 years ago. This oath gave rise to a beautiful and strong dynasty. Thank you for a happy childhood, rich youth and a reliable shoulder in adulthood. Thank you for growing up in an atmosphere of love and understanding. For achievements in the field of marriage and family relationships, accept the gold medal, it is rightfully yours!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary in prose

Today is your pink wedding, and so we decided to give you a beautiful bouquet of pink roses and a bottle of good rose wine as a gift! Let your love be beautiful and tender, like these roses, and strong and exciting the blood, like this wine! Happy wedding anniversary! I wish you good health for many years to come. All the best and good luck on your life's journey. I wish you, like the sea, great happiness, like the sun, hot and faithful love. And let the nightingales sing in your soul in moments of sadness and sadness. Peace and prosperity to your home. Today is your Wedding Anniversary! We remember your Wedding well. When you connected your hearts by exchanging rings. It seems that nothing has changed since then: You are also young and beautiful. We wish you prosperity, kindness, love and again say “Bitter!” Our dear friends, for so many years of living together, you were able to keep the warm light of your love in your soul, and your happy home is full of this love. Live also amicably and happily, so that neither trouble nor the elements can destroy your happy home. Happy first anniversary to you, dear children. You have walked together the first kilometer of your life together and we wish you to continue your journey cheerfully, easily and happily. Let your family not be disturbed by sorrows and troubles, let all the bad things remain aside! Our dear, dear children! Happy Anniversary! We wish that no one, nothing ever separates you, that your hearts do not harden, but remain pure and kind to each other and the people around you! Happiness and love, understanding and inspiration! Our dear and beloved children! Today we sincerely congratulate you on your first anniversary together. Take care of your tender feelings, carry respect for each other through all adversity, be tolerant and learn to forgive. Darling, today is our wedding anniversary, I want to wish you joy, happiness, prosperity! So that our family does not know troubles and grief, so that bad weather does not touch us!

Congratulations on the golden wedding to grandparents from their grandchildren in their own words

Grandfather and grandmother! It seems to us that you have always been together, and it is impossible to even imagine that one day you could not meet or understand that you were made for each other. We are proud of you and that we are part of your beautiful half-century-long love story. Looking at you, we begin to appreciate relationships, life, feelings - by your example, you teach us to be softer, more tolerant and kinder! Be happy, darlings!

Dear, kind, dear ones, congratulations on the golden holiday, on your wedding anniversary. Our wisest grandparents, how wonderful it is that you have been together for so many years and spoiled us. We adore you. Our time has come to pamper you with attention and care. We wish that they will always be a joy to you, that you will live a long, good life, that they will help us with good advice, that you will be proud of your grandchildren and receive everyday pleasure from life. Happy anniversary, beloved ones!

Congratulations on your precious anniversary - golden family day! We wish you understanding in relationships, spiritual closeness and happiness. Let disagreements and quarrels pass you by. Accept each other, appreciate, take care and give us an example of bright and harmonious relationships. Let love reign in your home, life smiles every day, and all difficult moments are resolved with the love and support of loved ones in the warm circle of family.

Congratulations, grandma-bride and grandpa-groom! Of course, we don’t know what this day was like 50 years ago. But we are sure that your eyes also sparkled with happiness, tenderness and love. You were able to carry this fire in your souls through the years and after half a century you did not lose your reverent feelings. You are an example for us of fidelity, patience and all-forgiving love. Keep it up, dears! Give me another 50 in the same spirit!

Happy wedding anniversary to my husband in prose

With every wedding anniversary, your love gains new experiences, passing all the tests along the way. We wish you that life’s trials do not weaken your feelings, but only make them stronger and more invulnerable. My beloved husband, I congratulate you on our small but very significant date. We still have a lot of interesting things ahead, so let's just enjoy life. Happy Anniversary! Happy wedding anniversary, beloved! I want to wish us both a little patience towards each other, because you must admit that sometimes we lack it. And I also want to wish us that our feelings become stronger every year. Darling! I congratulate you on our anniversary. My beloved, I congratulate you on the fact that you are doing an excellent job as a husband, head of the family, protector and mentor. I promise that I will continue to perform my duties perfectly. I love you my happiness! Darling. Today is our wedding anniversary, which, according to home family tradition, we celebrate together every year. I want to say how glad I am to see your smile every day, to feel your kisses and hugs. For me, you are the best and most desirable man in the world. Expensive. You give me happiness by supporting, caring and helping me at home every day. With you next to you, all problems disappear, and joyful moments become brighter. Happy holiday, beloved, happy anniversary of our marriage. Today, on the solemn day of our wedding anniversary, I love you, I wish you health and life without growing old, more joys for you, less sadness, and troubles never knock on you. I'm very glad that we are together! I wish you good health, good mood and obedient children. And so that you return home every time with a light heart and great desire! Be happy and always be kind to your loved ones! Happy Anniversary!

Tips for writing anniversary wishes in prose:

Wishes, invented to be pronounced in your own words, are usually pronounced in a solemn atmosphere by those closest to you. When composing congratulations to friends or family on their wedding anniversary in prose, you should consider some tips:

  • spouses should be addressed using official or diminutive affectionate names, for example, Svetlana, Andrey, Anechka, Volodya, Katyusha;
  • When congratulating the newlyweds on their anniversary, you need to wish them mutual love, tenderness, patience, the imminent appearance of babies, family well-being without quarrels, insults;
  • elderly celebrants are usually wished health, strong relationships, mutual politeness, care, prosperity, prosperity, comfort in the home, love of children and grandchildren;
  • for a major anniversary, the words should be chosen in a more official tone, especially if the celebration is celebrated pompously, with many guests;
  • if a small date or a not-so-round wedding anniversary is celebrated in a small family setting, the phrases should be warmer, more sincere, and cordial.

It is recommended to think it over carefully, and then write down your beautiful wish for your marriage anniversary on a piece of paper or postcard, and say it out loud several times, as if at a rehearsal for memorization.

Parents' wedding anniversary is a big holiday for children

Make every effort to ensure that your parents celebrate their wedding anniversary every year on their wedding day. Celebrating parents' wedding anniversary has become a pleasant tradition, and children are the main organizers who arrange a special family holiday for parents. Celebrating such an important anniversary, children share their joy and organize a luxurious feast, where all relatives and friends are invited.

Each individual anniversary has its own name and celebration traditions. Therefore, when preparing a surprise for your parents, be sure to think through the holiday scenario and gifts that correspond to the name of the anniversary. It is also very important to prepare a beautiful congratulation to your parents on such an important day for them - their wedding anniversary.

What to say in congratulations to parents

Congratulating your parents on their wedding anniversary is not only necessary, but also necessary.

Children are the most valuable and most important thing in the lives of parents, therefore they expect the warmest and most affectionate words from their children. For them, what gifts children give is not so important as their support, respect and love. Therefore, you need to say first of all about your love for your parents and that they are the best in the world.

Tell them how dear their relationships in the family are to you, how you constantly remember their affection, love, and care. How important are your father’s instructions to you, the tenderness of your mother’s hands, how do you feel that your mother’s eyes are always watching you with anxiety and excitement.

Parents, especially those who are already aged, want to feel the support and care of their children. No matter how hard they try to look persistent and balanced, believe me, they expect love from you, like little children. If you don't have enough time to show this love and gratitude on a daily basis, then such family holidays are the best place to say “thank you” and “love” to your parents.

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