Preparing the bride for the wedding - what needs to be done and when

Bride's notes: getting ready for the wedding

Hi all!

This year was marked by one amazing event for me - I got married! It was so incredible and exciting that the vivid impressions of that day, I think, will warm my soul for a long time.

Today I want to share with you my notes and tips when preparing for this special day, which can be useful not only for future brides.

Our forum is cosmetic, so I’ll start with the cosmetic side of the issue, namely with the bride’s makeup.


I did my own makeup and don’t regret it at all, but I know that many people prefer to trust a professional on such an exciting day and not worry about the result. Here's what I learned when preparing for the wedding regarding makeup:

  • Be sure to do a rehearsal.
    It doesn't matter whether a makeup artist does your makeup or you do it yourself.
    , the rehearsal will help you understand what “shape” and what colors your wedding makeup will be (very obvious
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