There are two types of field registrations – official and unofficial. The latter do not limit imagination, but
7792 04-01-2021 Author: Mysekret Team 0 Many women decide to change their own style before the wedding.
Hi all! From the first moment I started doing weddings, I discovered
Home » Wedding » What to wear for women aged 40-50 Married after 40
“We want a celebration not like everyone else”, “We want a unique wedding just about us”, -
For parents, their daughter's wedding is a very important and touching day. They are thoroughly preparing for it,
When choosing a wedding venue, newlyweds often choose Turkey, and this is understandable: no one
Paper is the most accessible material for creativity. At first glance, paper crafts are not
The wedding fuss and nervous tremors are long behind us, and every day a new one is getting closer.
Over the past few years, wedding invitations have evolved from banal cards with rings