Games with balloons! 15 fun activities for adults and children

Competitions with balloons at weddings have long gained great popularity.
All newlyweds want their wedding to be bright, fun and unforgettable. To create the right atmosphere, in addition to an incendiary DJ, you also need a presenter who will hold the right competitions. In this matter, the main thing is not to descend into vulgarity and banality. There are already legends about many competitions at weddings and the level of competitions, their style, ease, grace and charisma of the host will set the tone for the entire wedding. In fact, there are many interesting, unusual wedding competitions, and many of them use balloons. It is precisely these props that we will talk about today:

  • What types of balloons are there?
  • Funny forfeits
  • Sculpture of the bride and groom
  • Competition for the best figure made from modeling balls
  • Recognize your loved one by their voice
  • Particularly valuable cargo
  • An unforgettable twist
  • Air Plyushkin
  • Super-light
  • Accurate shooter
  • Air Casino
  • Air courier

What types of balloons are there?

There are a wide variety of balloons - atmospheric and helium balloons, latex and foil, modeling balloons, giant balloons, panoramic or 3D balloons, surprise balloons, and glow or LED balloons. And all this variety can be used for wedding competitions. Let's describe some of them.

Funny forfeits

For a competition with forfeits (and forfeits are tasks for the participants that need to be completed), props are required in the form of balloons with notes containing tasks placed inside.
Participants take out their funny forfeits by bursting the balloon, and then complete the task. It could be anything:

  • dance a dance to a given tune
  • depict without words a character or an animal that everyone must guess
  • come up with a poem for the newlyweds using given words or rhymes
  • remember a joke about your mother-in-law, mother-in-law or other family members
  • read the tongue twister
  • perform a fragment of a song

Competitions with balloons in pairs

Both newlyweds and witnesses can safely participate in couples competitions. The host can form pairs of guests from the bride and groom, giving them the opportunity to get to know each other better.


  • Participants: guests in pairs.
  • Props: tape, balloons.

Girls must prepare their men for the fight. To do this, you need to make armor from tape and balloons. The men then compete to burst their opponent's balloons and keep their own.


  • Participants: guests in pairs.
  • Props: balloons.

Participants must dance holding the ball between them and make sure that it does not burst or fall. The success of a dance competition for guests largely depends on correctly selected musical compositions.

Flower glade

  • Participants: guests in pairs.
  • Props: balloons.

In this wedding competition, men need to collect as many flowers as possible for their beloved ones, in the form of balloons that are scattered on the floor. And girls need to hold the entire “bouquet” in their hands. advises tying balloons without threads to complicate the task.

Sculpture of the bride and groom

Wedding competitions using balloons help guests be creative and creative. One of these competitions is the creation of a sculpture of the bride and groom. As props, two teams of 2-3 people are given several medium-sized balls, modeling balls, wigs, markers, ropes, tape and clothes - one team is female, and the other team is male. The task of each team is to create a “sculpture”. Accordingly, one of the teams assembles the groom from the received props, and the second - the bride. The team whose sculpture turns out to be more interesting and funnier wins. The result should be a single sculpture of the bride and groom.

Competitions for parents

Anecdote from life

Ask parents to tell one by one the two funniest incidents in the lives of their children. The winner is determined by applause, but in the end, friendship will win, of course.

At the end of the competition, you can give each couple a notebook and pen to record the future “exploits” of their common grandchildren.


Parents from both sides are called. On a projector screen or on a large plasma screen, group photos of the bride and groom are shown one by one: kindergarten, school, graduation, group at the institute. The bride's parents find the groom, the groom's parents find the bride.

Props: stopwatch. But more for show. One big family must win.

Competition for the best figure made from modeling balls

Modeling balls are oblong, sausage-like balls of various shades, from which you can create various figures by twisting them. The competition for the best figure from modeling balls involves participants creating the best figure. Everyone can do one figure at speed or each can do their own, trying to make it as funny and interesting as possible. This competition allows you to attract a large number of participants and even involve the entire audience. It’s good if the invited magician first demonstrates the creation of at least the simplest figures, and then asks those present to assemble one of the shown figures.

Top 10 cool entertainment

To prevent one of the most important days in your life from turning into a complete feast, it is important to have original and interesting entertainment. It's best to choose wedding competitions that don't require a lot of props and don't force guests to do anything difficult. We offer ten ideas for interesting competitions that are easy to organize on your own

We offer ten ideas for interesting competitions that are easy to organize on your own.

Simple warm-up

Based on the KVN competition of the same name. The host reads out questions prepared in advance, and the guests must answer them funny. The main thing is that vulgar or offensive topics should not be touched upon.

Talking cap

The only props you need are a cap (hat), as well as phrases read in different voices and recorded on a voice recorder. At the right moment, the host brings a cap to the head of one of the guests and says: “Now I will read your thoughts!” At this moment, a pre-prepared phrase sounds from the speakers. When holding the “Talking Hat” competition, you can also use pre-selected fragments from songs. Lots of laughter guaranteed.

Musical chair

Chairs are placed - one less than the number of participants. To the music, which gets faster and faster, the guests walk in a circle. When the sound stops, you need to take an empty seat as quickly as possible. Those who do not have time are eliminated from the game.

With each stage, there are fewer and fewer chairs until there is only one chair and two participants left. The one who manages to take the coveted place will be declared the winner.

Attention! At the end of each competition that you have in mind, try to give the guests small souvenirs, even comic diplomas. This will motivate others to participate and leave those present with a pleasant impression of the celebration.

These are small things for you, but you will be surprised that, years later, your friends will remember your wedding because they received pleasant surprises at it.


Competition for two teams. One sings a verse (for example, “We will be together, always. Oh, yeah! Just say: “Yes.””), and the other team responds with song lines that contradict in meaning (for example, “I love you... but it’s not destiny - with you alone not on our way").

I'll sing now

In another cool wedding competition, the first team sings a song that contains some question (for example: “Where are you, my beloved, where?”). The second should answer the question with another song (for example, “Where the currants grow...”).


All guests are invited to imagine that they are flying on a plane with the newlyweds on their honeymoon. Everyone chooses a pair and a role: flight attendant, pilot, etc. Then the journey begins with landing in different countries, where characteristic music plays and everyone dances in different styles.

Love hedgehog

For this simple competition you will need any fruit and a couple of dozen matches that are inserted into it. The task of the young people is to take turns getting one match at a time and at the same time address each other affectionately. For example, “my sunshine”, “my princess”, “my dear”, etc.

Make me smile

The groom stands frowning, pretending to be angry with his wife. Her task is to make her loved one laugh with the help of gestures and words. Tickling is prohibited! But all kinds of support from guests is encouraged and accepted to make this funny competition even more fun.

Bowling alley

For such a game you will need props - a ball and pins on which the future household duties of the bride are written. For example, washing dishes, ironing, daily foot massage.

The bride throws the ball and publicly promises to do what is written on the knocked down pins.

Funny songs

The host asks the bride and groom to write three lines from different songs on a piece of paper. Then he announces to the guests: “Now we are counting information from the subconscious of the newlyweds and finding out their innermost secrets!”

The presenter says: “This is what the groom thought when he first met the bride (reads his first line). And here’s what the bride thought (reads the first line from her sheet). This is what the groom thought when he kissed the bride for the first time (reads the second line from his sheet). And this is what the bride was thinking about (reads her second line). But what does the groom actually think about during the wedding (reads the last line on his sheet). And this is what the bride thinks (reads out her last line).” If all this is said with perky notes, a good mood is guaranteed!

Particularly valuable cargo

Wedding competitions with balloons allow you to use a minimum of props, such as the “especially valuable cargo” competition. To carry it out, you need forks, which are always present at weddings, and ordinary balloons filled with atmospheric air. Sometimes the competition is held using spoons, but the version with forks is a more complicated version, since the task is to move the ball across part of the hall using the cutlery provided. At the same time, you cannot blow on it, hold it with your hand or press it to your body. The winner is the one who carries the ball the fastest without dropping or bursting it.

Dance competitions for children at a wedding

To ensure that children who come with their parents to the wedding don’t get bored, they also have fun rhythmic games.

Musical chunga-changa

Boys and girls dance freely to the music from the famous children's cartoon.

When the word “chunga” sounds in the song, the boys jump, and when the word “changa” sounds, the girls jump.

Forbidden Movement

Children stand in a circle and repeat all the movements of the toastmaster to energetic music. But one forbidden action cannot be repeated. The child who makes it is out of the game.

Right left

Children dance to cheerful music, waiting for the leader's command. As soon as he says: “To the right!”, all players must turn to the right, with the command: “To the left!” - to the left. The one who completed the task incorrectly is eliminated.

An unforgettable twist

Wedding balloon competitions are a great opportunity for guests to show off their dancing skills and acting talent. Several participating couples are selected for this competition. You can, for example, announce a white dance by inviting several girls to the stage. And now they will choose their gentlemen for the dance. Here the presenter brings to the screen the legendary dance of Uma Thurman and John Travolta in the film “Pulp Fiction.” The task of the participating couples is to depict the dance as similar as possible, but the difficulty is that they are given a balloon, which they must not drop during the dance. To make it more like a scene from a film, couples can perform in turns and may additionally be given white and black jackets and wigs as props. Like the characters in the film, participants can remove their shoes while dancing. The couple that achieves maximum similarity and does not drop the ball becomes the winner.

How can you create unique glowing balls for the hall?

You can create unusual glowing balls yourself. To do this, use the attached instructions.

  • So, you use classic latex balloons, equipped with 3V LEDs and 3V batteries, thermal glue, and a glue gun.
  • The antennae of the LED need to be bent so that they can fit on the surface of the battery.
  • The long wire should be used as a positive lead and should be connected to the positive lead of the battery. The short wire is a minus, so it needs to be fixed to the minus of the battery.
  • The LED must be additionally coated with glue, as this will strengthen the contact with the battery. Instead of glue, you can use classic tape.
  • Depending on the number of balls, use a certain number of LEDs.
  • The prepared LEDs need to be installed in the inside of the balls.
  • Now the last stage remains. You must inflate balloons that you will use to create unique compositions.
  • You can post the date of the special event.
  • You can specify the exact number of people invited.
  • You can indicate the time of painting as the birth of a family.

Please note that the above process requires minimal effort and time. In addition, the products promise to be absolutely safe.

Air Plyushkin

Competitions with balloons at weddings are often based on time and quantity. The “Aerial Plyushkin” competition is just one of these. For the competition, balls lying on the floor in the hall are used. The task of the two participants is to independently collect and hold as many balls on their body as possible. They can be tucked under clothes, under armpits, held with hands and teeth, neck and other parts of the body. Condition - the balls should not touch the ground, tables and chairs in the hall and other foreign objects. The competition is timed - 2-3 minutes are allocated. At the end, the number of balls for each participant is counted. Whoever collects and holds the most balls becomes the winner.

Funny for parents

A wedding evening is a good occasion for young parents to show their imagination and artistry. Jokes and competitions are specially selected for them, and if they contain funny moments, then both mothers and fathers will be able to feel young in soul and body. Humor will add pep to their spirit and enhance the emotional perception of the celebration.

Important! Take into account the age characteristics of the older generation and the specifics of cultural perception

If all precautions are taken, parents will remain friends for life, and a playful competitive spirit will add laughter and fun and help relieve boredom

If all precautions are taken, parents will remain friends for life, and a playful competitive spirit will add laughter and fun and help relieve boredom

Generous mom

The presenter asks questions, the answers to which need to be blown out with soap bubbles:

  • How many times per hour will you call the newlyweds to give advice?
  • How many times a year will you let your children have fun and take your grandchildren with you?
  • How many days will you spend with your grandchildren each holiday?
  • How many grandchildren do you expect from your children?
  • How much money are you willing to give to buy a new car?
  • How much money are you willing to give to young people to purchase an apartment?

The most generous mother wins the competition.


The competition reveals who is the best kisser - the parents of the groom or the bride. To the general command “Bitter for our parents,” they begin to kiss. The couple whose kiss lasts the longest wins.

rope of love

The parents of the newlyweds take part in the tug-of-war, with a heart-shaped balloon tied to the middle of it. The newlyweds stand in the center: they are unable to move or walk.

Parents pull the rope towards their child. The winner will be those whose team takes the heart first: daughters-in-law or sons-in-law.


Parents should continue the phrase:

"Take a good wife..."

  • grief to grieve;
  • know neither boredom nor grief;
  • jelly and cabbage soup.

"A good bride..."

  • no matter how you hide, they will find it;
  • they will give it away for free;
  • they will take it away anyway.

“The girl will be born when...”

  • she will dream about the wedding;
  • she can’t have fun without a boyfriend;
  • the chest is full, the waist is knitted.

“Good wife and fatty cabbage soup...”

  • don’t believe in life in vain;
  • do not fistula to the left;
  • Don’t look for any other good.

“I’ll fall for my husband...”

  • I will not be afraid of anything;
  • I’ll turn away immediately;
  • I'll hit the wall with my forehead.

“What’s the use of treasure when...”

  • presidential salary;
  • there is a machine gun;
  • too happy for his wife;
  • there is harmony in the family.

"To love the old..."

  • howl in anguish;
  • only ruin your life;
  • make people laugh.

“A good wife will save the house, but a bad wife...”

  • the hut will be destroyed;
  • he will take apart the log;
  • will drink everything away;
  • will make a mess.

“The wife rules, so the husband…”

  • spends the night in the garden;
  • wanders around the neighbors;
  • and not like a husband;
  • dances the girls.

“Raising children is not...”

  • kick the bumps;
  • break firewood;
  • tear the bast;
  • count the chickens.


Everyone is invited to the stage for the “Super-Lung” competition; men often appear. The task is to inflate the balloon in the shortest possible time until it bursts. In the first stage, the fastest player wins and the rest are eliminated. Then several more people from the audience are invited to join the winner, and the task is complicated by the fact that stronger balls or larger balls are given out. As a result, two prizes are awarded - to the first and second winner. It is also recognized that the winner has super lungs.

Competitions for couples


Several couples need to be involved in this competition. One of the guys sits on a chair and picks up a frog pump with a ball connected to it. The girl’s goal is to first inflate and then burst the accessory as quickly as possible with jumping movements, for which she is positioned on the guy’s lap. Another version of this game is also interesting: a ready-made balloon, not inflated too tightly, lies on the man’s lap, and the lady sits on top of it, trying to quickly burst the product.

Flour on a ball

Couples sit at a table where there is a balloon. The presenter invites the participants in this competition to blow on an object towards the seated opponent. The main task is to move the beautiful ball to the enemy’s side. Next, the presenter complicates this event by blindfolding the participants. The funniest action begins.

The chosen toastmaster secretly, in front of the amazed spectators, sprinkles flour on the product! The players, suspecting nothing, try their best to repeat the action stipulated by the conditions, which results in covering the contestants with flour while the guests laugh. After the bandages are removed, everyone will become even funnier.

Model and designer

To hold this competition you will need a girl and a guy. The lady will act as a model, and a representative of the opposite sex will act as a designer. Within a certain time, the man must attach the maximum number of props to the lady in any way possible in different places. The prize will go to the one who is the most diligent and fastest.


Several couples participate in a dance competition. A balloon is attached to the leg of the contestant (guy). The goal of the pairs is to do everything necessary to make the opponent’s weapon burst, while keeping their product safe. All actions are performed to a slow melody. The last couple to save their props receives a prize and applause.

Air courier

For this competition, balloons with helium and a small light weight attached are used, this is a package. The task of the invited participants is to deliver the package to the address, for example, to some part of the hall or to the bride and groom’s table without touching the balloon or weight. In this situation, all that remains is to blow on the ball, as well as wave your hands or parts of clothing at it, directing it, which is very difficult. You can unite 2-3 people into one team, it looks even more fun. It’s great if the prize is one of the balloons with a package attached, and it contains a pleasant surprise.

Whatever competitions you choose for your wedding, the main thing is that they fit into the overall style of the celebration, are easy to perform and fun, but without falling into banality and vulgarity, then your wedding will be remembered by everyone and many will be happy to “steal” these for themselves ideas.


This is one of the most popular entertainments during a wedding feast. There can be many options:

  • remember and perform the song according to the first line;
  • who knows more songs starting with a certain letter;
  • who knows more songs in which some kind of paint is named (an excellent option for a “rainbow wedding”, and for any “color” it can be changed: for example, for red - sing songs about everything that has a red color, for blue - everything , which is associated with shades of blue, and so on);
  • who knows more songs with a certain word (for example, “love” - wedding!);
  • and, finally, a traditional competition similar to the television game “Guess the Melody”, when the participant needs to guess the song by 3, 4... 7 notes.

Guests like such musical games; they can be used during a pause when guests are sitting at tables, for example, while waiting for hot food. Their main advantage is that both young people and representatives of the older generation, who find it difficult to endure, for example, dance marathons, play with pleasure.

I know this song

The conditions are simple: a melody sounds, and the first guest to guess it wins a prize. As a prize, you can prepare sweets or small chocolates in advance, wrapping them in a wrapper with photographs of the newlyweds (these can be ordered at any printing house). The interesting thing about the game is that you can record not only modern hits or old songs, music from famous films, but also the sounds of nature, sounds made by animals, and advertising tracks.

Who will sing who?

This is a game for two teams - they could be, for example, guests sitting on the left side of the bride and groom and on the right. The presenter gives each team a task in turn, asking a question with a line from a song (it is better to select the musical accompaniment in advance). Participants must remember a line that could answer the question, for example:

  1. “Why do birch trees make so much noise in Russia?” - “Because someone loves an accordion player”;
  2. “Where are you, my black-eyed one, where?” - “There, beyond the horizon”;
  3. “Why are you indifferent to me?” - “Because, because we are pilots”;
  4. “Tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been?” - “Somewhere in this world, where it’s always frosty...”
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