Is it possible to take off a wedding ring: signs and customs, tips and reviews

In many cultures and religions, marriage is something sacred, inviolable and bright. Some associate the union of two people with the Almighty, others with the universe, and still others are completely skeptical about marriage. In this regard, there is an incredible number of signs and superstitions. Let's find out whether it is possible to remove a wedding ring and how the absence of wedding jewelry can affect the spouses.

Psychological factor

Despite the countless superstitions about engagement rings and why they should not be removed, lost, sold or given away, people still prefer to dispose of their jewelry as they please. It's all about the psychological factor: if you are afraid of losing your jewelry, then you shouldn't take it off. However, there is a list of activities during which it is best to put the wedding ring in a distant drawer or safe, just like other jewelry.

Many sincerely believe that if they remove the decoration, discord and conflicts will appear in their family. But should the ring be blamed? Inability to find compromises, turning any conversation into a quarrel, allowing pride instead of respect, lack of love in marriage, everyday problems and parental responsibilities - these are the main reasons why problems begin in the family. Therefore, before you find out whether it is possible to remove an engagement ring due to signs and superstitions, we will tell you in which cases it is worth getting rid of any jewelry so as not to spoil their condition and appearance.

The appearance of jewelry

It is not known for certain when and where the first wedding rings appeared. Evidence of the existence of such accessories was found in both Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece; references are present in many historical documents.

The first wedding rings were made not of metal, but of reed stems. However, the meaning of the jewelry was the same - lovers exchanged them as a sign of love. The shape of a closed circle did not appear by chance: it indicated fidelity and testified to the constancy of the relationship.

The ring was put on the ring finger of the left hand; this rule was described in the ancient writings of Rome and Egypt. The fact is that a nerve connected to the heart passes through the ring finger. That is, in essence, the products connected the hearts of two lovers.

The tradition of exchanging wedding rings has survived to this day, only today accessories are made from various precious metals. In the Orthodox faith, jewelry is usually worn on the right hand, in Catholicism - on the left.

It all depends on the material

The materials used in diamond, platinum and gold jewelry are soft to a certain extent. So if you wear the ring and participate in certain activities, you risk bending it. The claws that hold the diamond or other gemstone may become deformed.

It's mainly about sports. Any type of physical activity (football, basketball, tennis, etc.) can damage an expensive ring. Make yourself a small box under lock and key or keep your jewelry in a safe place, preferably at home, so you don't accidentally damage it while practicing.

Can I wear another ring with my engagement ring?

In the classic version, wearing other rings along with a wedding ring is not recommended: this supposedly negatively affects its energy and protective functions. So if you want to follow the behests of your ancestors, leave the main family decoration in splendid isolation - it’s worth it.

But many newlyweds do not so blindly follow centuries-old traditions, especially since before their eyes is the experience of world celebrities who do not hesitate to combine engagement rings with other rings.

The best combination of an engagement ring is with rings given by the husband on some significant occasion.

In terms of style, the engagement ring can be worn with any neighbors of suitable design and shape. You definitely don’t need to combine it with cheap jewelry, and gold doesn’t go well with simpler silver. In general, each case is individual: you need to see the rings to talk about their compatibility.

You can even occasionally wear another ring instead of your wedding ring. We remember that the engagement ring is a symbol of fidelity and family ties, and it is purely your business what to consider as such. Although signs say the opposite: they recommend not taking pride of place on the ring finger of the right hand with other jewelry. Even before the wedding: it is believed that then the girl will not get married.

If you seriously want to create a harmonious outfit, take a closer look at paired rings - engagement and wedding rings. Not only do they fit perfectly in design, but they are also specially designed to be worn comfortably together. Such rings in combination with each other form a single whole.

For those who love themselves

Many people wonder whether it is possible to remove the engagement ring after the wedding. Answer: of course you can. Just make sure your spouse is okay with this action. Some people react extremely strongly to the fact that their partner does not choose to wear their wedding jewelry 24/7. They may be jealous, offended and even suspect of treason. Tell your loved one in advance why you want to temporarily stop wearing jewelry.

Did you know that cosmetics, hairsprays, perfumes and other products containing chemicals commonly used by women can cause dirt to accumulate on your ring? Many social couples say that they prefer to wear jewelry when they go out into the world.

If you do notice dirt on your ring, you can wash it using a soft brush and soapy water. But make sure you cover the sink drain or use a bowl.

Is it possible to wear a ring on a chain around your neck?

Many people are interested in whether they can wear a wedding ring on a chain around their neck. We answer: it is possible without restrictions. This is an ideal solution for pregnant and heavily weighted ladies who do not want to part with their treasured jewelry. It doesn’t fit on your finger, it’s inconvenient, it’s prohibited by the nature of your professional activity - keep the family shrine near your heart.

This option is also very acceptable for widows who want to preserve the warm memory of their deceased spouse. In this case, you can even wear both rings on your neck, yours and your husband’s.

Gold engagement ring with diamond (go to SUNLIGHT catalogue)

However, everyone decides for themselves: you need to let go of the memory in time and continue to live. Immensely prolonged mourning is an obstacle to new happiness. It is unlikely that the deceased spouse would have wanted his beloved to bury himself alive.

But wearing a wedding ring on a chain with a cross is not recommended. According to the Christian canon, the cross should hang alone on the chain. This is a shrine, a symbol of faith, and it is better not to hang it together with other, albeit very expensive, decoration.

For those who love to swim

Never wear expensive jewelry when going to the pool or any body of water. This is because cold water causes muscles to contract, making your fingers weaker and weaker. Thus, you can lose your ring without even noticing the loss.

When you are asked whether it is possible to take off your wedding ring, you can safely answer “Yes!” Let's give an example. If a person enters the pool with precious jewelry, he may notice how, after swimming procedures, the metal has become more faded, discolored and abraded. It's all about the water, which contains a large amount of chlorine, because artificial reservoirs need regular treatment and disinfection.

The same applies to those who like to take a shower or bath. First, the ring can easily slip off if soap or foam gets on your fingers. Secondly, if your sink drains are an old type, the decoration could easily fall down the drain and be lost forever. Third, oily cleansers can scratch the ring and make it look very dull.

The spouse does not wear a wedding band: reasons

If a man took off his wedding ring, this may include one of the following reasons :

  1. It is simply inconvenient for him. It's not even about the size of the product, but about its shape. Men notice this point because they do not like tight things, which, in their opinion, bring discomfort.
  2. The man does not want others to know about his marital status. “Why, they say, does everyone know that I’m married?”
  3. Dependence on wife. Some people believe that the bonds of marriage set boundaries in life, and the ring gives them self-doubt and does not represent freedom.
  4. A man is uncomfortable or prohibited from working with a ring on his hand. Refers to professions most often associated with physical labor.
  5. He lost his jewelry or broke it.

However, you shouldn’t immediately make a fuss if your husband stops wearing the ring. You need to talk about this with him personally - maybe the reason lies in something else.

Men's wedding ring

Before bedtime

Some people are trying to figure out if it's okay to take off their wedding ring at night. And again, there are no laws that would prohibit doing this. Most people suffer from swelling of the extremities, where the fingers, ankles, hands, face and neck primarily increase in size.

A ring that recently fit you can compress nerve endings and blood vessels, which leads to numbness. If this happens often, then blood will begin to flow poorly to the finger so that the tissues function normally. Over time, the cells will begin to starve and then die.

Why can't you show your ring to strangers before the wedding?

You should not show your wedding rings to strangers before your wedding. We are not, of course, talking about close relatives who would not wish you harm. But it’s worth hiding these decorations from prying eyes so as not to bring disaster to your future union. Moreover, now girls usually wear beautiful engagement rings before the wedding, which shows everyone that the most important celebration in their life will soon take place.

Folk sign

Traditionally, the wedding ring must be chosen and purchased by the groom. The main rule is that the wedding jewelry should be made of white or yellow gold; if desired, you can buy it with precious stones.

On her wedding day, the bride must wear only one ring, purchased by her groom. It's a bad sign if one of the future spouses drops a piece of jewelry on the floor at the wedding.

Let's find out one more sign. “I'm not wearing a wedding ring, but nothing happens. The relationship between me and my husband is as stable as it was 20 years ago,” this is what most women say. However, if you listen to superstitions, then such an act can lead to discord in the family. There are signs according to which the wedding ring should never be removed until death and even after.

Previously, if a woman experienced swollen fingers during pregnancy and could not wear her wedding jewelry, she was condemned because they thought that their marriage was ruined. Many sincerely believed that happy couples would never think about whether it was possible to take off their wedding ring.

How to avoid the consequences predicted in signs

To prevent unfavorable events from overtaking spouses, you need to follow simple rules for choosing and using wedding rings:

  • jewelry should be chosen from high-grade gold, this will bring prosperity and strength to the house;
  • they must be smooth, without stones, grooves, or inlays, so that family life is smooth;
  • they buy different jewelry for engagement and wedding;
  • both rings must be made of the same metal, made in the same style;
  • do not use other people’s wedding rings - this will bring someone else’s energy and repeat the fate of the previous owners;
  • Wedding rings cannot be melted down. If you are tired of them, you can buy new ones on one of your anniversaries and wear them while repeating your vows. Hide old jewelry in a box or safe, the main thing is that they lie together;
  • when choosing, it is important to rely on sensations;
  • you cannot part with your marriage amulet for a long time, the ring should always be nearby;
  • You should purchase wedding jewelry in a good mood.

About pregnancy

When a woman is in an interesting position, especially during serious periods, she is recommended to remove the ring. If there is swelling, it will be extremely difficult to get rid of the jewelry. According to reviews, in this case neither soap nor oil helps. And sometimes you have to seek help from specialists who cut metal using special nippers. But the couple is unlikely to be delighted that, due to belief in omens and superstition, they had to damage an expensive ring.

How to treat signs about an engagement ring

What to do with the information received? Surely you should treat it carefully. Like the wedding ring itself. After all, it is not one of the usual decorations. Esotericists believe that this is the astral world of two people who are engaged to higher powers.

What if you don’t believe in omens? Still, you shouldn't treat them with a grin. After all, every tradition was formulated after having manifested itself in real life thousands of times. Of course, to believe or not to believe is a purely personal matter for each person. But it’s better not to take off your wedding ring anyway!

Leather glove repair

DIY nut ​​ring

The meaning of decoration

The ring is a symbol of marriage and family. It is believed that such decoration connects two people with each other on a spiritual level. However, according to reviews, in the modern world many people prefer not to get married in a registry office, not to buy expensive rings, but to live as a civil family and not see something bad or forbidden in this.

Those who still adhere to old traditions should understand that now such decoration is not welcome in many industries. For example, if you work as a cook, then when you enter the kitchen, you must take off all your jewelry in order to comply with sanitary and hygiene standards. Firstly, when working with many products, a person may not notice how the ring came off the finger and ended up in the client’s dish. Secondly, jewelry accumulates dirt and germs, especially if there are stones, inscriptions or indentations on it. Imagine how unpleasant it is to eat salad that has particles of bacterial plaque or remnants of hand cream in it.

In what cases can you remove the engagement ring?

  1. Job. Doctors, chefs and food technologists cannot wear a wedding band on their finger all the time. This is prohibited by sanitary standards. The ban is due to the fact that despite following hygiene recommendations, bacteria will accumulate under the decoration
  2. Performing household duties and cosmetic procedures. For this reason, women remove the ring before washing dishes, washing and applying cream.
  3. Health problems. Certain diseases cause swelling of the limbs, so wearing a ring is dangerous. The finger may swell, the jewelry cannot be removed and will have to be sawed. Swelling often appears during pregnancy, which is why doctors recommend abandoning any jewelry in the later stages.


If you believe in omens and superstitions, you should not remove your wedding rings. But at the same time, you must remember that it is not jewelry that affects the well-being of a marriage, but mutual respect, trust and love. It is foolish to shift responsibility to a ring that is only a symbol of the fact that once upon a time two people decided to become something more than just a “couple.”

If you become the spouse of someone who cannot wear jewelry due to work or any hobbies, then do not let prejudice get the better of you. You should also not make scenes of jealousy and be offended that your partner refuses to wear jewelry. First you need to find out the reasons for this action.

For example, in many industries (factories, kitchens) people are fined, deprived of bonuses, and given a reprimand for wearing jewelry. Consider whether you or your spouse would want to be told off like a teenager in the principal's office because of prejudice?

Why don't priests wear wedding rings?

The decoration is removed by persons who are ordained to the clergy, that is, during ordination. This tradition is explained by the fact that the ring is not only a symbol of the wife’s belonging to her husband and vice versa. This is also the connection between the Father and the Son, where the first is God and the second is man.

When the priest removes the ring he wore after his wedding, it symbolizes his betrothal to the church. From this moment on, he is responsible not only for his wife and children, but also for his parish, which is also considered a spiritual family, no less important.

Some people think that by doing so the priest shows that his own relatives are no longer so important to him. But when a person tries for the benefit of the parish, serves God, he also helps his family, because his work benefits everyone. As a result, the connection with my wife and children strengthens and becomes more spiritual.

The sign that prohibits removing the ring after the wedding celebration really has good reason. After all, decoration is a symbol of a strong union of two loving people. When they wear a ring, they show everyone the depth of their feelings. But still, you shouldn’t be afraid of signs. There are times when jewelry has to be removed, and this does not necessarily ruin the marriage. Common sense is important when following the ban.

Summing up

So is it possible to take off your wedding ring? Contrary to all unconfirmed signs and superstitions, the answer is yes. Reviews confirm: it is allowed to go without wedding jewelry after the wedding.

Some people do not wear a ring as a sign of lost love, but continue to live together and raise children. They, as a rule, have no desire to get a divorce, so as not to traumatize the emotional and mental state of their loved ones. The lack of decoration is a symbol of their freedom, but at the same time interpersonal relationships can be at the level of good friendship. Therefore, contrary to most opinions, if you take off your wedding ring, your marriage will not end.

Is it possible to remove an engagement ring?

Although a wedding band is not worn before the wedding, there is still an ornament that a man gives, offering his hand and heart. This is an engagement ring. It is usually not smooth, with stone. It is also subject to a ban, according to which the decoration cannot be removed.

Jewelry is another confirmation of the strength of feelings and seriousness of intentions. If a person breaks the rule, along with the decoration he will give away everything good in his life - health, prosperity, love. But after the wedding, the jewelry can be sent to the box. It is not prohibited to wear it further - on the same finger under the wedding finger or on the little finger.

Recently a modern sign has emerged. If the engagement ring is lost or stolen, something new will come into the relationship. And not necessarily negative.

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