Why can’t you try on a wedding dress for an unmarried girl just like that?

Signs and superstitions about wedding dresses

It is generally accepted that it should not be worn by anyone other than the bride. This superstition forces an unmarried girl to be very careful about her clothes. To believe in such a story or to refuse it is, of course, the choice of every young lady. But one thing is certain - you need to know what such superstition is connected with.

Perhaps the largest number of signs and superstitions exist around a wedding dress. And the girl doesn’t know them all, much less observe them. Our ancestors, based on safety considerations and personal experience, decided to follow these rules so that the lives of the young would pass in peace and harmony.

  1. It is strictly forbidden to show the wedding dress to the groom before the ceremony. At the same time, young people are not allowed to dress together. The girl should already appear before her future husband in full attire.
  2. One piece of fabric must be used per outfit. All kinds of inserts, combinations, and even more so various cuts are prohibited. All this will only mean a fragmented life, which the bride will try to sew and put together all her life.
  3. It is prohibited to let anyone wear wedding clothes. Moreover, this ban applies to both girlfriends and closest relatives. The wedding clothing itself includes not only the dress, but also shoes, a veil and other accessories that the bride will wear on the day of the celebration.
  4. Your mother or godmother should help you put on the dress itself. No one else is allowed to touch the wedding clothes themselves. Jewelry is worn by a sister or a married friend whose marriage is going well.
  5. Not everything in an image has to be new. At least one or two items in clothing may be old. For example, underwear or favorite earrings. A girl should connect her past with her future happy life.
  6. The dress can be passed down from generation to generation. You are allowed to wear exactly the same outfit only if your ancestors lived a long, happy family life. If a woman suffered in marriage, then there is no point in adopting someone else’s energy with the help of a dress.

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Exceptions to the rules

It is considered a good sign to get married in your mother or grandmother's wedding dress. If your relatives were able to experience all the delights of marriage, then wearing such a dress for your wedding, you will be as happy in marriage as they are. Moreover, such a chain will help create a family connection and if the newlyweds have a girl, you can be sure that she will find a worthy companion, like her ancestors.

Is it possible to wear a white dress to other events? This question interests all representatives of the fairer sex. As for using a bride's outfit for a photo shoot, there are also certain rules. It is a bad omen for an unmarried girl to be photographed as a bride. Such carelessness and disregard for ancient beliefs can cost a young lady very dearly.

A custom-made wedding dress can ensure a happy marriage.

It is believed that a girl who tries on wedding decorations “inappropriately” may “remain a bride” for a very long time or may never experience the happiness of being a bride at all.

But a photo shoot in the dress you once got married in is quite appropriate. You can wear and try on your wedding outfit every day.

The bride must keep her dress and not give it to anyone. Our grandmothers, after the wedding, carefully put the wedding decorations in a chest, the key to which only the owner of the dress had. They were sure that after the celebration, for three months the outfit could not even be touched, much less worn or tried on. That is why access to it was under seven locks.

Why can't you try on someone else's dress before the wedding?

The superstition regarding someone else's wedding dress states that it is unacceptable to wear such clothes. All this is connected with higher powers. It is generally accepted that during important events in our lives we experience intense emotions. All feelings are deposited in the form of energy.

The same energy powers all things and accessories. Thus, at her own wedding, the bride experiences a sea of ​​emotions from the most joyful to the saddest. During the day, the girl manages to cry several times and feel happy. Her dress ultimately feeds on the entire mood that the young lady was experiencing.

The resulting charge of emotion can be transferred to someone else. If another person wears the bride’s dress, he can radically change his own life and destiny.

It would seem like an insignificant act, but it will not only completely reprint the life of the previous bride, but will also make its own changes. Each person experiences life events and significant moments differently. Some people will break from this, while others will go far ahead.

So here, there are people with a strong energy background; such superstition may not affect them. But there are also those young ladies who have weak energy. Unfortunately, after receiving someone else’s wedding dress, their life can change dramatically, and not for the better.

Each thing carries its own energy

In the recent past, wedding dresses were sewn by the brides themselves. The outfit could be decorated with embroidery, jewelry and everything your heart desires. In the process of creating her masterpiece, each needlewoman put a piece of her soul into it.

It was believed that putting on someone else's outfit was the same as trying on someone else's fate. A wedding dress is a symbol of celebration, so many people believe that it cannot be sold, loaned, or even tried on. It carries a certain energy of the owner, and if we assume that a person took it with bad intentions, then adverse consequences are possible.

Remember! A wedding dress is a symbol of an important event that happened in your life.

What is important to know about a rented dress?

Currently, girls are increasingly using the services of wedding salons that offer clothes for rent. There is nothing wrong with this if you follow all the established rules.

  1. Be sure to take your dress to the dry cleaner yourself. Of course, salon owners will tell you that the clothes have just been processed. It is best not to trust anyone and carry out a similar procedure again.
  2. Add a piece from your wardrobe to your outfit. Things that you have been wearing for a long time store your energy, which can protect you. Underwear would be the ideal option. It will fit tightly to the body, thereby creating additional protection for you.

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If you don't believe in the power of energy, then you don't have to worry about the fact that someone with an unfortunate fate wore such a dress. Immediately renounce such thoughts and set yourself in a positive mood.

Then your optimism will overcome all existing negative aspects.

Signs about a wedding dress after the wedding

The wedding ended, but the dress remained. What to do with him? There are also many superstitions associated with storage options for wedding attire. Most often, such things remain in the family wardrobe as a memory. But if the family breaks up or money is needed, other options are possible. What do people say about this?

Where and how to store a wedding dress: signs

In Rus', it was customary to store such things in chests, which then gradually migrated to attics. This is how similar outfits have survived to this day. Treat the dress with respect. Wrap in multi-layer packaging and place in a box. And after that, hide it on the mezzanine. It is believed that you should not put the dress away from the wedding in the barn or take it to the dacha as an unnecessary thing. Keep it near your family hearth, and it will become its amulet.

Selling a wedding dress: the signs in this regard are unambiguous and say that neither wedding nor wedding attire should be transferred to another person for money.

This is a kind of family heirloom and even a talisman, which is the key to your strong family union. If your financial situation is such that you still have to sell the outfit, discreetly cut off a few threads or shreds from it and store them at home.

Where to put your wedding dress after a divorce? Signs believe that you should not keep it at home, otherwise you will not see a new happy marriage.


  1. The main disadvantage that makes all brides doubtful is, of course, that the dress has certainly already been worn before you. It’s up to you to decide whether this will somehow influence your choice: some people find it confusing or even scary, some people remember the signs and don’t even consider such options.
  2. Since someone has already worn this dress, the fabric may be a little dirty or may have stains on it. After dry cleaning they will be barely noticeable, but still this is a significant disadvantage.
  3. You will have to be very careful with the dress. If anything happens to it (the fabric rips, wine spills, etc.), you will need to pay the salon the full price of the dress. And then this alternative will be far from economical.
  4. Since the sizes of dresses for rent are the most common, brides with a non-standard figure will have a hard time finding the right one. The dress may not suit you, and you can’t hem it.
  5. Taking into account the fact that the salon will take a rather large deposit from you to rent a wedding dress, the cost of rent will increase significantly. The deposited money will be returned to you when you return the undamaged dress, but you need to include it in your budget.
  6. You will constantly worry about how not to ruin the dress so as not to pay for the damage caused. This can cause psychological discomfort and leave you unable to relax.
  7. It will not be very good if you choose a dress in advance, and then it turns out that the bride who took it in front of you stains the fabric. Then you will need to find another option at the last minute.
  8. Mandatory dry cleaning also costs money, and therefore sometimes buying an inexpensive dress will be even cheaper than renting a dress from a famous designer.
  9. And lastly, on the appointed day, the dress may well not be in the salon. Someone else can take it.

Therefore, the bride will need to somehow foresee everything, agree with a consultant or book an outfit in advance, which is not always available.

Consequences of fitting

You don't have to rent a wedding dress to get yourself into trouble. Signs assure that even if you just try it on, this already threatens to transfer energy from one person to another. In some cases, both the hostess and the girl who simply tried on her outfit can suffer.

For an ex-bride, passing on her wedding dress to a friend can be worth stolen happiness. According to legend, if a friend has an envious character, is negative and not very friendly, she can deliberately or unintentionally ruin the life of a married woman. Esotericists say that if a girl lets her dress be tried on, she may begin to have problems with her husband, and family life will be filled with difficulties and sorrows.

Experts also explain why an unmarried woman should not try on someone else's wedding dress. In addition to the fact that she may inadvertently take over her friend’s happiness and ruin her life without wanting to, the girl herself may turn out to be a victim.

For an unmarried woman who does not have a lover, fitting can result in her being left without a groom and never getting married. According to a common belief, wearing someone else's wedding dress leads to an unsettled personal life and loneliness.

Additional Tips

If a girl keeps her dress in the family after the wedding, then she needs to treat it with care, and it is better to put it in a box and in a closet.

It is not recommended to let friends and relatives try on a wedding dress based on a sign, not only for superstitious reasons, but also for practical reasons - the fabric can accidentally tear and get dirty, and delicate material is difficult to restore.

To an even greater extent, this applies to the case when the wedding has not even taken place yet, that is, the bride bought a dress, it is waiting in the closet, and suddenly a friend or relative asks to try it on.

From the point of view of superstitions, this is generally unacceptable, since the hero of the occasion may be jinxed, and the wedding will not take place at all.

Attention! Also, the dress must be cleaned. Our article will tell you how to do this at home.

White, red, black: what do the signs “recommend”?

Not so long ago, it was an unshakable and inviolable rule to dress the bride in snow-white attire. Everything else, at best, looked suspicious and caused gossip. But modern girls have masterfully dealt with this prejudice. They walk down the aisle not only in pink, blue and cream dresses, but also in red, steel, dark blue, brown and even black.

The example of the American film star Sarah Jessica Parker, who came to her wedding in a black wedding dress, became a textbook example and found many followers

History is silent about what the color of the bride's dress must be according to signs if she is getting married a second time. But traditionally he could be more modest and reserved. And the veil was not put on a second time. She symbolized the special purity and innocence of the young newlywed, which was not expected in remarriage.

Lush black wedding dress

Photo of a bride in a red wedding dress

Today it is a beautiful and delicate attribute of a wedding dress, which can only be worn for this ceremony. And although stylists now offer many ways to decorate a girl’s head: flowers in her hair, a veil-headband or hat with a veil, a cape with a hood, a spectacular scarf, many brides remain committed to the classic veil.

This elegant floor-length dress can be worn more than once for special occasions or to the theater, but a veil cannot.

Flowers in the bride's hair

Headband on the bride's head


Each girl must figure it out on her own in matters related to wedding signs and wedding attire. You should not completely trust the advice of others, even if it is centuries-old folk wisdom - you should rely on personal feelings. Practical brides who reject any superstitions at their roots can safely give dresses to friends and relatives to try on - the omen will not work if you do not believe in it. If a girl easily falls under the influence of sacred signs, then it is better not to give her outfit to anyone.

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