Folk signs and superstitions about a wedding dress: what you can and cannot do

Do you believe in wedding omens with all your heart? Surely, otherwise they would not have read this article. For each stage of the celebration and preparation for it, there are dozens of signs that explain what to do to ensure that family life is long and happy - the bride’s outfit is not ignored either. We decided to talk about the main signs about a wedding dress: there are both popular ones and those that you probably haven’t heard of. We urge you to treat them critically and with a bit of humor, because there is no statistical evidence that they work.

Berta Privee

What color should a wedding dress be?

Almost all girls believe in omens about the color of a wedding dress, since it contains a certain energy that affects the well-being of life together. The traditional color has always been white, symbolizing the purity of the girl and her innocence.

However, some ladies are moving away from tradition, preferring to wear a wedding dress in other colors. Here's what the colors mean:

  • Gold. It brings prosperity and good luck. If a girl wears a golden robe to a wedding, married life will begin with career success and financial well-being.
  • Pink. Means love, romantic feelings and tenderness. Promotes a happy, long-lasting union. But some argue that wearing a pink outfit can cause money problems for spouses.
  • Silver or grey. You should not choose this color for a wedding dress. According to superstitions, it will lead to a quick separation of the couple or to regular quarrels due to misunderstanding.
  • Beige or ivory. Wedding clothes of this color can bring regular discord and betrayal to the newlyweds.
  • Red wedding dress. In the pre-Christian era, it was believed that a bride in red was protected from the evil eye and bad thoughts. This bright color indicates wisdom and a passionate nature. But some associate red shades with war. This means that the relationship between spouses can be too emotional and conflictual.
  • Orange is the color of respect among people around, relatives, friends who listen to both spouses.
  • Blue. Means sincere, honest and pure relationships. Such a union is doomed to happiness and promises to be very strong due to the absence of secrets between the spouses.
  • The blue dress represents the indifference of one spouse to the opinion of the other, the rapid cooling of feelings, and problems with finances.
  • Violet. Beliefs about wedding attire of this color vary. According to one, the couple will soon separate. Another speaks of the great affection and love of the spouses.
  • Green. A light green dress will lead to a modest but prosperous union, without great financial benefits.
  • Brown outfit. It can bring grief to marital relationships and sudden divorce. As a result, the former spouses will begin the long process of dividing up common property.
  • Black dress. In many countries it is a mourning color. If you wear an outfit of this color to a wedding ceremony, it will lead to an unhappy life in tears. It is also possible that there will be early widowhood and problems with the woman’s mental balance immediately after the celebration.

The shade of the wedding attire is selected depending on the number of marriages. For the first wedding, it is customary to wear a light-colored dress. For second and subsequent weddings, many choose outfits of other colors.

Signs associated with the style of the bride's dress

Some newlyweds associate their future life together with the style of their wedding dress. According to beliefs, her well-being is influenced by the length and model of the dress:

  • The longer the bride's wedding dress, the longer she will live with her husband. Although now many girls prefer to wear short, comfortable outfits that highlight all their advantages.
  • The dress must be one-piece and fluffy. If the skirt in an outfit is separate from the bodice, there is a high probability of a quick divorce between the spouses.
  • It is bad when the bride's wedding dress has intricate patterns and weaves, as there is a belief that this will cause confusion between the newlyweds.
  • When a girl has an open neckline and back, this indicates that she is frivolous and frivolous. According to signs, such a feature will definitely cause betrayal.

If a girl gets married for the first time, her head must be covered with a veil. She personifies innocence and purity, which is no longer possible with remarriage.

How to choose and try on correctly

There are some pre-wedding signs that almost all brides try to follow. They lead to luck and prosperity in life together:

  • The dress cannot be worn through the legs during the fitting process. With the right consistency, relationships will become strong.
  • When trying on a wedding outfit, you should wear light-colored underwear. The bride should wear a similar color of linen on the day of the ceremony.
  • Any item of clothing with many knots tied or a regular pin attached is worn under the dress. These elements protect the bride from the evil eye throughout the celebration.
  • The fitting cannot be done with an unmarried friend who has the same name as the bride. Otherwise, she can steal the girl's destiny.
  • It is recommended to take a woman who has been happily married for at least 7 years as a wedding assistant.
  • If it happens that during the process of trying on a dress a button comes off, it must be sewn on by the bride herself, but only with two stitches. This contributes to a long life together.
  • When wedding items are purchased for cash, the change from the purchase must be kept. The money should not be spent over the next 3 months.
  • A purchased wedding dress and all its paraphernalia cannot be tried on by anyone other than the bride, even after the ceremony. Otherwise, the married couple will face frequent quarrels.
  • The groom should not see his future wife in a wedding dress before the formal part, as this will lead to a quick separation, betrayal, and quarrels. It is better that no one except those closest to you sees the dress.
  • The bride or her mother cannot iron or hem the outfit. It is better to entrust this matter to distant relatives, a friend, or studio employees.
  • During the fitting process, it is prohibited to use sharp objects to avoid injury. If blood suddenly gets on your clothes, this is considered a very bad sign.
  • It is better to buy wedding shoes on Friday, and a veil on Tuesday. It is advisable to purchase the dress on Wednesday.
  • Shoes should be such that the toes and heels are closed. Sandals symbolize a poor life.
  • The bride should not look at herself in the mirror in full wedding attire. Some item of clothing should be put on immediately before leaving the house. This could be 1 glove or garter.

The girl's outfit must include a borrowed item. In past times, the mother gave her daughter a talisman in the form of an embroidered scarf, which protected her from bad thoughts. Nowadays they take some accessory from a friend or relative. This could be a hairpin or a hairpin.

I have the most reverent attitude towards this dress

Probably, more often than others, friends tell each other signs associated with a wedding dress. No surprise! This outfit means so much to the girls! He clearly demonstrates that she loves and is loved, that from now on there are two of them, and they will share all the joys and sorrows in half.

The groom saw the bride in a wedding dress before the wedding

There are so many expectations associated with him and they are all happy. And when, finally, this wonderful dress takes its place on the hanger, waiting for the cherished moment, you absolutely don’t want anyone else to touch it, much less try it on.

It is also quite understandable why the groom should not see the bride in a wedding dress before the wedding. She wants to appear before him in all her splendor. And he will have to admire her beauty and charm so much that he will remember it for many, many years.

All preliminary fittings and shows will deprive the newlywed of the opportunity to see the reflection of these feelings on the face of her chosen one, and the reference to some kind of trouble was invented “to divert attention”

The question of whether to show a dress to her friends before the wedding or not to do so is up to each girl to decide for herself. Who knows her friends better than she, and what can you expect from them? This moment received a negative connotation, probably due to the fear of “jinxing” one’s happiness, of suffering from the envy of others.

Unmarried girl in a wedding dress

Envy is indeed a very strong feeling that can ruin the mood and further relationships between people. there are many examples of sincere friendship in the world , when it was thanks to reliable friends that everything worked out in the best possible way. So know how to choose them, and you won’t have to worry about unkind looks.

There are many cautions associated with the process of purchasing a wedding dress. There is especially a lot of disagreement over whether it is possible to buy a wedding dress in advance, that is, before the official engagement takes place. This is an extraordinary act and a bold step. Not every girl will dare to do it. But there are situations when people at first glance understand that they have found their soulmate, that their feelings are mutual and their “publication” is only a matter of time. Then why not?

A girl tries on a dress before the wedding

It’s a different matter if you don’t even have a groom in mind, but just want to get married. Then there is no need to rush. By the time such decoration is needed, fashion, the figure of the future bride, and her preferences may have changed. As for the assertion that a thoughtless purchase will harm future happiness , there is no objective evidence for this. No one has ever kept such statistics, so it is your own choice to believe or not to believe in it.

Much the same applies to doubts about whether an unmarried girl can wear a wedding dress. It depends on how the girl herself reacts to this. Sometimes your own fears can create such an internal blockage that it is not easy for positive change to break through. But there is also a belief that when trying on a wedding dress for an unmarried girl, it is a sign of a quick marriage. There is a tradition of catching a wedding bouquet thrown at random by the bride at the end of the evening. The one who catches him will find personal happiness within a year.

The bride throws the wedding bouquet

By the way, it is in this case that one can remember the exact opposite sign. According to one of the superstitions, the newlywed should not let go of the bouquet during the entire wedding day, and then put it in her bedroom, then everything will be wonderful for her. Even better is to dry a few flowers as a keepsake and keep them until the end of your days. Such a souvenir, they say, will become a talisman for the family. But mutual love and the ability to value a partner will protect her much more reliably from troubles, and there will be no need to “preserve” or “dry” them.

Wedding bouquet in the hands of the bride

Is it possible to wear a used outfit to a wedding?

Many girls are interested in whether it is possible to rent a wedding dress or buy it second-hand. The outfit must be bought new. Otherwise, due to savings, there is a high risk of debt formation in the life of a married couple.

A dress purchased from another person can transmit the negative energy of a girl who has already been married in it.

You can try to cleanse it with a candle purchased from the church and holy water. This way the bride will protect herself from bad words that could be said on the dress.

A huge charge of positive energy is given into the wedding attire, which is sewn by yourself, by a close friend, sister or mother.

Are omens really that scary?

The Internet is replete with advertisements for “wedding dress for sale,” which means there is demand, which creates supply. Such proposals have always been and will be. Girls buy used dresses not only for weddings, but also for everyday and evening wear. There is nothing scary or reprehensible about this purchase. After all, second-hand clothing has become widespread today.

A huge number of people buy used clothes, and that all the people who put on used clothes suddenly become unhappy? Naturally not. It’s just that humanity is divided into two categories: one part of people believes in omens and superstitions, the other does not.

Signs about the wedding dress after the celebration

A woman can wear a dress throughout her life, but she cannot rent it to other brides for money. It is also forbidden for girls, especially unmarried ones, to try it on, as this will lead to quarrels between spouses. The same rule applies to other accessories. They are put in a separate box and put away.

Many people think that it is better to sell a wedding dress after the wedding. However, according to belief, you can destroy your marriage in this way. This means that a piece of well-being is given to others. Previously, wedding dresses were passed down from mother to daughter. It was believed that they were the most powerful amulet of the family, especially if the spouses had lived happily ever after.

It was always forbidden to throw away or burn wedding clothes. This will negatively affect the relationship of a married couple. You can throw away the outfit only if the spouses are divorced. In this way, the girl rids herself of all the bad things she had.

If you are about to remarry, wearing an old dress is prohibited. The outfit can be any color except white, since the woman is no longer innocent. It is also better to replace the veil with a tiara, a stylish hat or veil.

What does a veil and other items of a bride’s wardrobe mean?

The main accessory that completes the bride's image, an indispensable amulet for the woman herself and her future family, is the veil. There are signs associated with this festive attribute. According to ancient legends, the color of the veil must be light, which symbolizes the purity and humility of the young bride. This may explain the popularity of white dresses for brides, although modern women are increasingly going beyond this rule, choosing dresses of different colors.

White veil is a symbol of tenderness, purity and humility

Signs about the veil:

  • the longer it is, the longer the joint family life will be;
  • Only the young chosen one is allowed to remove it;
  • Unlike a dress, it is advisable to buy a new veil;
  • after the wedding, the veil is kept at the head of the newlyweds’ bed for at least a month;
  • The bride should not be allowed to try on her veil to a guest, or take it from her own hands.

The main function of a veil is to protect the bride from evil, envious glances, especially if the young woman had a wedding ceremony in it. In this case, the veil becomes a family amulet, a symbol of strong love and mutual understanding between spouses.

You need to carefully select shoes to go with the dress - they must be closed-toed. If you give preference to sandals, a young family may face poverty and lack of money.

Other superstitions

There are also signs for pregnant women. They will help you avoid the evil eye:

  • Under the dress, the tummy should be tied with a belt or red ribbon. Good protection is the child's father's belt, which he wore for a long time.
  • It is better if your belly is not visible thanks to your wedding dress.
  • It is better for the newly-made wife to spend the second wedding day in a red outfit, which symbolizes new life.
  • To make the birth go smoothly, the belt of the wedding dress should not be decorated with flowers, and it is better to wear shoes without fasteners or laces.

The relationship between spouses can be judged by the bride's attire. When her dress has an odd number of buttons, one should expect cheating on the part of her husband. If the dress is torn before the formal part, it means an evil mother-in-law. Here are a few more signs regarding the dress:

  • You cannot borrow money to buy wedding supplies (this also applies to loans), as the spouses will be mired in debt.
  • You can choose any decor for your outfit, except pearls - they promise tears.
  • Fluffy skirts or trains should not be touched by the groom before the wedding ceremony. The bridesmaids should do this.

Before exchanging rings, the newlyweds are prohibited from touching. Whoever touches their outfits will interfere with their relationship for the rest of their lives.

Types of dresses - photos

Long sleeves of a formal dress go perfectly with open shoulders or a bare back. Rich sleeve trim is welcome, along with modest skirt decor. If the bride is tall, a straight floor-length dress with long sleeves and a slit in the skirt will be the ideal choice.

A short

Idea! Often a removable train is attached to a short dress, which adds solemnity to the look.

Short dresses are a completely logical choice: it is not always convenient to move around in a long skirt with a train. The only requirement for the bride in this case is beautiful legs. The top of such a dress should be covered with at least a guipure insert. But the sleeves can be quite bright.

Lace with train

The train is sewn to the dress or fixed with small buttons, which is very convenient - it can be unfastened after the official part of the celebration is completed. The train should be combined with the sleeves, and more often they are sewn from light fabrics , such as chiffon, so as not to weigh down the outfit.

Usually the train is attached to the waist, with the exception of the Watteau train, which, when combined with an Empire style dress, is attached not to the waist, but to the back and can be flush with the skirt or slightly longer.

A completely satin outfit with a train is very popular. Satin, shiny on the front side and matte on the back, allows you to play with the contrast of textures in an original way. For a very long train, satin charmeuse is suitable in this case.

The lace dress with the train looks amazing. In this case, the bodice, sleeves and train are lace, and the skirt is made of silk or satin.


Curvy models usually have an A-shaped skirt, a closed neck or a shallow neckline. If the skirt is very full, then the sleeves should be no longer than the elbows and tight-fitting. Beautiful models with lace sleeves and back.

A good option would be an outfit with long sleeves with a closed neckline, but an open back and a full skirt.

Winter with closed back

This outfit looks very aristocratic, and its choice speaks of the bride’s refined taste and modesty. A “blank” dress is an indispensable option for a winter wedding. Dresses with a closed back often have a stand-up collar, which gives the hostess a regal appearance.

The closed shoulders and back allow for lace trim, which makes the toilet very elegant. The combination of thick dress fabric and translucent trim is perfect. Light fabrics are used to decorate the arms, shoulders and décolleté area.

A good option for a winter dress for brides who are not too petite is a low-cut style with a bodice, back and sleeves made of lace or transparent fabric with beautiful patterns.

Closed in front with long sleeves and an open open back - this wedding dress looks extravagant and impressive!

For pregnant

The expectant mother needs to remember that the outfit is purchased a week before the celebration. In an interesting position, the volume of the figure changes rapidly, while the girth of the arms also increases. The option of a dress “for growth” will not work here either, since it is impossible to predict how the figure will behave even in a week, let alone a month.

The dress should not put pressure on the body, so corsets and tight-fitting models are not considered. Even for a short period of time, a dress with a loose silhouette is perfect. The fabric should be breathable, and it is better if elastic material is used for the sleeves.

Pregnant women can choose any model, except corset and mermaid dresses. In the early stages, a dress with a tight-fitting bodice, but without a corset, is suitable. An emphasis on the neckline and full skirt is welcome. Sleeves are made of the same material as the dress, or fabrics of contrasting density.

Idea! An outfit made from the same fabric with a low waist, a flared skirt and long sleeves is also good. This model will make your figure slimmer.

A Greek-style dress with a high waist and a flowing skirt is another popular option. It is suitable even for long periods of time, as it disguises the tummy well.

A trapeze dress does not draw attention to the waist at all, but a woman can wear her hair high and choose bright accessories if the decor of the outfit is simple, or, on the contrary, if the decoration is rich, minimize jewelry.

In the later stages, you may like a short dress to the knees or a little lower , since with a large belly and a floor-length skirt, the bride risks looking like a haystack. Long sleeves are perfect for this style.

As for color, there are no special requirements, but it is believed that bright shades are acceptable in the early stages, and in the last trimester it is better to stick to calm, pastel colors.

What does it mean if you dreamed of a bride's dress?

In most cases, dreams about a wedding dress indicate imminent positive changes in life. This could be the embodiment of an old dream, promotion, financial well-being.

If an unmarried girl sees herself in a white wedding dress at someone else’s wedding, it means illness or sadness. If the ceremony was with close relatives or friends, the dream does not bode well.

When a married lady dreams of a dress, it means that the feelings for her husband that she experienced at the very beginning of the relationship will soon return to her. If a woman in a white dress is a bride at her own wedding, this may indicate an imminent breakup, quarrel or disagreement. Washing a wedding dress means trying to solve problems on your own.

Beliefs for weddings by month

  • January - a quick divorce.
  • February - a peaceful and calm marriage.
  • March – good relations with the husband’s (wife’s) family.
  • April – fast replenishment.
  • May - quickly lose interest in each other.
  • June - the relationship will become stronger every year.
  • July – a calm marriage.
  • August - the husband will be both friend and lover.
  • September - live in abundance.
  • October is a difficult marriage. Lots of tears and misunderstandings.
  • November – financial well-being, love and respect.
  • December – feelings will become stronger every year.
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