Beautiful words of gratitude at the wedding to parents, guests from the bride and groom in poetry and prose
Parents are the people who gave us life. Of course, no matter what important event occurs
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Original scenarios and competitions: how to conduct a bride ransom
What makes a wedding so noisy, fun and bright? Of course, games and competitions that are traditionally
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Win-win: how does an ideal engagement go in Russia?
An engagement, which is so popular in Western European countries, is considered a kind of preparation for a wedding celebration.
Family members, but not blood relatives
Family ties, cousins: who is related to whom?
A brother or sister is often the closest to a person in the world. Sometimes you want it so much
Congratulations on the anniversary
Congratulations on your marriage in beautiful short verses
Happiness to you our young people, our beautiful and dear ones! May fate be favorable to you,
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Two-tier cake - 4 recipes on how to assemble and prepare a delicious cake
Before ordering wedding food, it is important to pay attention to some nuances. The smallest two-tier cake
How to properly bless the young. What words do parents use to bless the young? What icon do the parents of the bride and groom bless the newlyweds with?
Parental blessing is a kind of transfer of the power of the family, which accumulates over centuries. Our ancestors believed
Touching wedding congratulations in prose to tears
When close people get married, the excitement is no less than that of newlyweds. Experiences begin in
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What does a loaf symbolize at a wedding: traditions and modernity
"Bread and salt." Where did the tradition come from? The “Bread and Salt” tradition in ancient times was associated not only with weddings
Poems about parents - a selection of beautiful poems with meaning
Poems about parents touching to tears Do not forget your loved ones and relatives, In that bustle,
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