Congratulations on your marriage in beautiful short verses

Happiness to you our young people, our beautiful and dear ones! May fate be favorable to you, give her bows for this! We wish you a lot of laughter. May all your wishes come true!


Today is the day of your hopes, you have crossed a new line, I cordially congratulate you and wish you family blessings!


I congratulate you with love on your wedding day! Everything will be successful in your life, I know, Lots of health, love and personal happiness! And the evil ones will bypass you all, all, all bad weather!


I wish you happiness, my friends, on your wedding day! Let the house be full of love, And let your cherished wishes come true!


Happiness to you, newlyweds May your house be full of smiles, More love and good luck to you. Many happy days to boot! Let the family be rich in children, And let this house not forget the joy!


Today you said “Yes” and be your family forever! Keep it carefully, Speak words of love! Then you will be happy, bad weather will pass you by!


You were in love yesterday And now, in the morning, you have become husband and wife. You have become a new family! We sincerely congratulate you and wish you with all our hearts to always be happy and never swear!


Congratulations on your wedding. We wish you to be tolerant! Be happy, loved and of course indivisible! Walk through life side by side, Take care of your marriage!


Happiness to you young spouses. Look for support in each other! Love and respect, And never betray!


Expect changes today. The birth of a family has taken place! There was an exchange of rings, And this is reality, not an obsession! We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts and wish you happiness in your marriage!


Today we give congratulations to a new family who has been born! We wish the young only happiness, May all bad weather go away in life!


Love to you our dear, young bride and groom! Accept congratulations, and hug each other!


We wish our young people to have fun walking through life, so that there is only greater happiness, and so that you don’t know sorrows! We wish you love and strength to live with dignity and beauty!


Today all your dreams have come true, your hearts and hands are intertwined! Congratulations on your marriage. We wish you to live in reverence for each other!

Congratulations on your marriage

​​ ​ light!​ about family!​ ​ together,​ ​Give birth to excellent children,​ ​ and it shines!​ in the rooms of this fortress​ ​ right, and who​ Let Love illuminate​ ​ the heavens,​ Throw them to the grandmothers​ ​Congratulations on your legal marriage,​Since you lit​ ​Live happily always,​Create a wonderful creation​ ​Raise glorious grandchildren.​I want a glass of my own​ ​It was always fun​ guilty, just go​

​ you will always be,​ the Lord, the Creator of the universe​ ​ - they will raise you.​ ​ Love and happiness​ ​ love beacon,​ And don’t swear​ ​ And it will shine with happiness​ And great-grandmother, and​ ​ lift up​ from children’s laughter.​ ​ forward, and back​And children's laughter​ ​Hearts unite!​But most of all​​we wish you,​Then let it​

never. throughout your life​Hurry up and have children,​ ​Today is a very beautiful day,​You must become!​ ​ wish​ ​ in prose​ ​ that with​

​And a lot of work is filled with happiness,​ ​So that there is​Prosperity, prosperity.​ ​and shines!​To all of us​ ​You have united your hearts.​***​ ​To cherish your love,​We heartily congratulate you​ to remember​ with a smile years​ ​ family,​ Patience to you, humility,​ marriage from your​ ​Throughout life together​ We wish you great love​ ​come visit!​ Cheerful laughter, smiles​

​Let your heart be filled with​ ​Love forever!​ ​Happy Wedding Day​ ​ spent together. Good luck​ After all, you were created by​ ​ faith,​ ​ marriage!​ ​you go.​ and heartfelt,​ ​May your union​

congratulations to the newlyweds on their marriage

​ sea,​ ​ no difficult worries​***​ ​ dear groom and​ you in this​ ​for each other.​Go with Christ​Uniting your hearts with​ ​Raise your children and​​So that your​ ​will be blessed, ​And the two began to shine,​It hurts,​We wish you a joint bride! This day of​ ​ journey, good mood​ I wish that the morning begins​ ​ all your journey,​ friend,​ ​ love.​ the most durable union​ ​Full cup of love​ rings.​ ​And old age later​ good days,​ - day of love

​and mutual understanding.​From the touch of lips​ ​Becoming for our​Your Marriage Union​ ​Each other is very​ and eternal.​ ​and kindness,​And we​ ​will risk you for a visit!..​Children and grandchildren,​ ​day of creation of a new​ Congratulations on your legal marriage​ ​ and the words “I love”,​ children as an example!​ ​ having concluded,​ take care.​

​Let the day be​ ​For the two​ to fight. We congratulate you very much,​ ​We wish you more children​ ​handsome great-grandchildren,​ families. There is a lot of things​ ​ in prose​ So that all the bad​ ​Today in your lives​ Live together in harmony,​ ​And if you stumble​ the day everything becomes​ ​ hearts​ We wish you tender​ ​and grandchildren,​ You can wish for the ardor of love among​ in​ Well, here you​ ​ were quickly forgotten,​ ​ a special day,​ for a long time,​

​ sometimes,​ more beautiful​ ​In the single rhythm of​ love,​ ​So that in the house​ ​ ​ ​ this day for the newlyweds, and leave the circle​ ​So that you do not​ ​After all, you are a friend​ ​Let love and fidelity​ Let him lend a shoulder​ ​And the house is yours​ From this moment​ ​And so that you don’t have to sorrow​ ​And with each​ but we want​ ​ bachelors, and in​ we cursed our lives.​ ​ we fully found a friend.​ saving.​ ​ another .​ let it be complete​ ​and forever!​ and adversity​ ​ May you miss!​ love everything during the day​

​ to wish the most important​ ​ this day I wish that for​ ​Now let everyone​ And let you​ ​And even in​ a cup!​ ​Wealth and happiness,​You will know​​ ​ hot!​ - happiness, patience​ ​ I wish that on your​ life path​ ​ new calendar leaf​ the sun shines brightly,​ ​ in old age​ We wish you a lot, a lot of happiness,​ ​They may not come in.​ ​A wedding is a holiday for​ The big road, and not ​and material well-being!​

​wonderful wife not​‏>

Congratulations to the newlyweds from their parents

Let there be peace under your roof, And in the house - happiness and peace, So that you can hear the beating of each other’s hearts Until the golden wedding!

Let everything that you dreamed come true, Let everything that pleases the eye, So that happiness can easily settle in your house,

So that you don’t drop this happiness on the fly and forever preserve the warmth of the first meeting!


Dear son and daughter, We want to confess to you: We are endlessly glad to add to our family,

And we wish that the union will be strong, beyond its years, that your marriage will be happy From engagement to gray hair.


Congratulations on your legal marriage

​You, having taken the​Burns only in​ ​Bad weather go away​You live without​ ​Smiles a joyful bouquet,​ ​haven,​ ​So that in the​ ​ lovers' house,​ ​ the path​ Voice congratulations on the​ ​ hinder your development​ hands walked calmly, ​ flames of love.​ let.​

​ old age.​ Reliable friends and​ ​Where you left it was comfortable for you,​ ​This day -​You took up​ ​ weddings on your phone​ sports abilities -​ ​So that from heaven​ Let time rush​ Let them not fade​ ​Spouses! In this word there are cheerful anchors, And they lived together for the inspired ones. Hands go The relationship between two people

​supported your beloved​ ​looking, the Gods were jealous,​ in their eternal​ ​ your rings, everything is beautiful:​ ​Happy life, long​ And troubles, sad​ days,​ ​We wish you to live​ And let your gait​ ​ sometimes reminiscent of sports.​ football team, visited​ ​To be ashamed not​ ​ rhythm,​ Pain passes by​

​The sound and happiness of the years.​ ​ let them crush​ You both appreciated​ ​ together,​ it will be easy​ ​ First there is a competition​ with you in sports​ ​ there were needs.​ But sadness will not cool down.​ gentle light!​ ​And so that all​your cape under​ ​each other,​No less years,​ ​And fewer pebbles​ in the run, the goal​ ​of the event and at​ Let there be heat in​ ​passion and​ Live, believe and dream,​ ​Love every moment​

​ to hell with the name Family! , loved and​ ​Advice and love to you​ We also wish you​ ​In your home​***​ ​ to catch your other half,​ sweet, tender and​ joy,​ ​You devotion, sing​ the face of love,​ You met how​ lucky!!!​ - you can’t tell the kids,​

​ let them find​ ​ With legal marriage​ then celebration of victory,​ ​ caring.​ Excitement, feelings and​ ​ in your marriage​ Strengthen the family hearth,​ ​ morning and dawn!​ Let love inspire you,​ ​ more precisely,​ So that voices sounded,​ ​The place is joy and​ congratulations,​ ​after some time​Congratulations on joining​

​ love,​ ​And every moment​Be for each other​ ​From the jubilant bells​Friendship makes hearts happy,​ ​And the first word​And happiness for​ ​ comfort.​Love and happiness​ ​ - the period of grinding in​ legal marriage in​ ​Let there be passion, fall in love as if again. ​ you are faithful. ​Today is a clean, bright day.​

​And empty words​ ​Take the freshness of feelings​ they don’t know,​ ​It’s ahead because​ And they would warm up​ ​Happiness to become one​ Mutual understanding,​ ​and wedding, and​ Congratulations on the day​ ​And happiness on​ ​Not just don’t say the date,​ ​and beauty!​ Happiness will be without​ ​ what is more important,​ the heart!​ ​ family.​ Prosperity, prosperity.​ ​ then either​ ​ marriage! On this​ ​the two are one.​ - an important holiday!​ ​Do not commit​ ​Keep the echo​ of the march​ of the end!​ ​To save the marriage​

​You are so happy today.​Take care of this present,​ ​In happiness, worries, labors​ synchronized swimming, or​ ​the day your​Wonderful event in life is born,​ ​I hasten to say, discarding​ the evil ones,​ ​ Mendelssohn,​Let honey river for many years. Guests “Bitter!” to you​ Long life together​ ​ and dreams​ ​ constant rivalry, like family, and I​

​Laziness begins like a river:​Only kindness in​ ​Cherish tenderness, take care of​Your life​And may​ ​they shout loudly for you.​ years!​ ​Let yours fly​ in any form​ ​I wish you both​ ​—​Live in peace,​ bring your home,​ ​warmth!​ flows​

​ God Almighty protects,​‏>

Less than a month has passed

“With today’s youth, everything is not the same as it was with us before,” modern grandmothers would say if they heard congratulations not on the wedding, but on the month after it! How to celebrate and what to celebrate is a purely personal matter for everyone. We are talking about celebrating a month, six months from the date of the wedding ceremony.

If people can afford it, and they have the desire, then why not celebrate such short periods of life together? Groups of young people often spend this day in clubs, at private parties, accepting more than one wedding congratulations on the month of married life, as well as on the wedding. Perhaps not everyone understands this date, but the spouses had to sacrifice a lot in order to get used to each other, to make compromises even in a short period of time.

The wishes of friends on the first, sixth or tenth month after the wedding are not as important to them as the presence of friends and understanding of each other.

SMS congratulations on legal marriage in prose

​We wish you love​And now you are​​ one year old
I wish you great happiness.
Let your friends love you from your old life and love you on your wedding day And like a month And your home and patience. Let us say again: Don’t forget to always play relationships grow stronger, grow older, sailing weddings!​​ relatives
​ Congratulations!
And vivat wonderful days, one team, to be with you. To your love With all my heart With all my heart Your wishes have come true Your son And happiness looks like no loss, no love! With my soul young, be tuned in to one, be on each other's shores
​reliable support and​To your worries and​happiness, joy​Happy wedding​ ​May

​ ​And troubles will pass​And your​ hearts​ disputes:​***​ a winner for two.​ not quarrel over your joys, I wish, young, and will keep boredom on the side. filled with happiness, where to go and let this day, because all is trifles.
Enjoy life,​And your triumph.​Adversity bypassed,​We wish you health, passion,​Union of hearts and​ ​Happy
​ ​Let​ from love​ what to wear.​ as a bright holiday,​ victories and good luck, love, raise yours. May your light shine in love and children, love and peace feelings! Until the day when at least my eyes sparkle. then,​​ children

​​ the understanding to live.​ earthly! legitimate​To your beautiful​With all my heart in​Your glorious​doesn’t burden you today,​They will congratulate​on your wedding​But with all ​​and

​ ​And your life​ the person who will help​ with marriage in prose​ family.​ a wonderful hour,​ day,​ Life is a complex​ golden!
I wish​ ​Life
​ ​We are all in a hurry​You two art destinies!​Achieve agreement in life,​Live cheerfully and​ keep.​And again there is nothing​Hope, Happiness and​ you always understand​ vanity , consisting of​ swimming,​ congratulate you,​ united,​ Let love fill​ Live until a hundred together,​ I wish happiness to the young,​ put on!​ Love.​ each other and​ many little things, piled up​ Take it in your luggage​ And wish from​ In love and​ years of​ years.​Have everything that​ Hot Love, as if​ Letting friends home​ We wish to live for many years, to act together. And unnecessary words, empty

​ - patience,​‏>

Short wedding congratulations

​with all our hearts,​ ​we vowed​to friendship​Despite the obstacles!​ ​You always need each other​ ​in life,​ ​Sun,​ ​no need,​ ​To love truly and let everything be in​ ​arguments, stupid quarrels.​Affection, care, attention,​ ​Great love and​ ​And in the registry office​ ​Live
This is Sensuality. Inspiration.​ in the eyes of brilliance.​ ​ sealed with a signature.​ Be close forever!

​In the life of anxiety​ ​​ interweaving of sunny and​ ​Let the rivers in​Let yours burn​ ​So take care of that​Now you are Spouses.​ ​advice!​ ​Until the wedding​The only ray in​ ​And from friends​ and no sorrow​ We wish the young​ ​ cloudy days, alternating​ the sea pouring in,​ ​ a light of​ love,​ And many years​

I wish you a lot of gold! Let there be happiness, I wish you great luck, Let it pass you by And remove the unmarried ones. That's what we want

Large, stripes. Happiness and​ ​Let the best in​ not fade away,​ ​perhaps​ like life, dear, -​ ​Live in peace​ So that your life​ ​ trouble,​ ​Happy wedding day​ we wish you.​ ​A lot of children mischievous,​ the prosperity of your life​ ​life comes true.​ ​After all, you lit​

​Love for​ Do not know the whims​ ​ and agreement​ was richer,​ ​May it not soon overtake you, newlyweds!​ ​***​So that it would be​ ​depending on​ ​Luck. Love. Understanding.​ your love​ ​ will lead to​ happiness in family weather,​ ​So that there are children​ So that you have​ ​ old age.​ I have one wish for you

​Be healthy, live​ ​in it.​ Your consent and​ ​I wish you - to keep​And in honor​And in difficult​ ​Comfort your home is full,​ ​you in everything​ ​And a series of toddlers​ -​​ rich,​***​ ​ prudence, the ability to find​ warmth,​ ​ today is her holiday.​ the hour will always help.​ home, the warmth of the hearth!​

​And there was​ ​success,​Let it grow, grandfathers​ ​When one something​As far as​ ​Love is not a gift​ compromises and steadfast​ ​And be together​ ​So let it always​Great happiness and​ ​Let joy for need not ​So that you live for joy!​ ​want​ your salary.​

​ - work,​ to withstand life's difficulties.​ ​ with an excellent family,​ it is blooming,​ ​ love​ you will never be​ ​ than!​ happiest of all! And no from​ ​ Let everyday little things​ So that together​ ​Over the years​ We from​

​ be stingy,​ ​May your union, born​ ​Happy wedding day, I​ become home,​ ​at the same time! We wish you souls. And happiness - now, I congratulate you, Where there is a lot of music On the bright day of the family

​Shake all your ancestors​‏>

Beautiful congratulations on the wedding

​Surround your relatives with care,​ they spoil the main thing in​ ​Huge house, children​And wish happiness​ ​Live cheerfully and​ your smiles do not​ ​Warm the warmth of your​Successes, happiness to you​ ​and light.​ birth​ - they are for you ​Make them happy.​ ​Your life -​ ​decent.​ we want,​ ​ together,​ ​ conceals!​ shower,​ ​ I wish!

​Live happily and together,​ love and happiness!​ ​Always kiss each other​Kiss, dear ones, “Bitterly”!​ We are in a hurry.​ ​We wish the young​ ​Have in your life​ ​Congratulations on your​ marriage in​ ​ ​What you need​ for happiness​ everything you need​ ​ flows like a stream of silver,​ ​ Never grows​ ​Love each other,​ ​Always waiting for them​We want to wish you patience​ ​Living to old age is all you need​,​ prose from your parents​And in your nose,​

​ to a young family?​ And thus keeping​ ​ ​The fate of your union​ ​In the midst of everyday storms​ ​After all​ ​warm greetings.​ ​And peace of mind,​ ​ such,​Keeping the fire of love​ ​So it came in​ the forehead, in​ ​In harmony so that​ the holy law​ ​ protects and preserves!​ ​ and the cold.​ of the day you are a spouse​ ​Life is a long string of​Many joyful moments,​ ​May your grandchildren​ be holy​

​ that day, after​ ​ the neck, in the hand.​ the husband lived with​ ​Until the wedding​ On the wedding day​ ​May there be long happiness​ and the spouse.​ ​ days​A sea of ​​​​happiness and​ ​they shouted bitterly!​ ​Before the very wedding​ ​ which you can​ Love to be stunned by​ ​ your wife.​ ​ golden.​ Accept congratulations!​ ​ yours,​ ​Achieve agreement in life,​ It will not turn dull

​ love.​ ​At your wedding​ ​ golden.​ to be constantly nearby​ ​After all, without love​ Of course I lived. square​ ​Congratulations, new family!​Love, warmth, attention​ ​Will not upset you​Live to a hundred​ ​boredom.​Don’t be shy in​ ​golden.​***​ ​ with your loved one,​ life is very boring!​ ​ separate at once,​ We will remind you of the meaning of​ ​And happiness to your life in nothing,​ ​ years.​ ​Do not simplify the relationship​ with compliments​ ​***​ ​We wish you​ your husband. But​ ​Two Fates met today,​To get closer to​

​ to you again:​ ​ we wish you!​ Well, in the meantime,​ ​Always be with each other​. ​To make “seven” ​In all prosperity,​ let’s sing and dance,​ ​respect,​You will have love​

​ you.​ ​You are wonderful,​But we repeat​ ​and continue to tie your​ ​to the​ garden.​ I”,​ ​Prosperity, understanding!​A wonderful wedding -​ ​Love is your guarantee!​ ​Take care of your tenderness,​ ​Let’s say it bluntly day​ and again:​ ​personal development. Don’t​ So give​ ​The car, so that the mother-in-law​ We are waiting for a replenishment​ ​There are no problems for you!​ ​ advice!​ The birth of a young family,​ ​Don’t destroy this​ big one -​ ​And here’s what​ forget, that you ​ ​ God, you need to take the sea to the dacha.​ ​ we have five children!​ the best life -​

​Life together is​ ​Congratulations on your legal marriage,​ And now​ the temple,​ ​Were you the groom​ the main thing we wish is​ ​unique and independent​ happiness​ ​Beautiful, healthy children​We will forgive them​ ​Good and prosperity​ it’s so difficult! healthy, live richly,​ ​I wish to join her.​ ​ wife.​ ​ fidelity​ ​And now you​ and love.​

​to the whole family,​ ​to know.​ ​Every vacation, go​ seven,​ ​As much as​ you both need to be careful!​ ​And I write​ ​What I wish for you,​May the children be​ ​ husband and wife!​ ​We would like to wish​ for the wedding​ you can miss something​ ​Live together, without​ the sea.​ ​Don’t be offended,​ your salary.​ ​But this check​ is now in earnest:​

​ dear,​ to you!​ Strong happiness, tenderness and​ ​Raising good children is important.​ ​ deception,​ With your wife or​ ​ if we ask​ But know: salaries​ ​ for you do not​ Let millions of scarlet​ ​From all open​ Relatives, we congratulate you,​ ​ passions,​ -​ ​Congratulations to the newlyweds on their wedding​ Try to give in more,​

​ not a mother-in-law for a husband​‏>


Regardless of whether you are preparing congratulations for a wedding, wishes for a happy wedding month, or an anniversary awaiting you, sincere words on an important day for a married couple must be prepared. If your congratulations include wedding attributes or additional funds, consider their availability and high-quality execution in advance.

For everything to go well, secure yourself with another text of your wedding congratulations, or fix your text on hints known only to you.

Express what you want to say to young people in an original form, or come up with a certain style in which you will speak. You may want to give a formal toast when all the guests are seated at the tables. This is easy to organize at any wedding, just notify the toastmaster or host in advance. Don't be afraid to look funny and ridiculous, just use your imagination with words of sincere wishes!

Funny short congratulations on your wedding day

​For our joy,​ there are always not enough,​ ​ scary,​ roses​ ​ in our soul? Today “I” will unite​ ​Loyalty in friendship,​A bunch of girls​ ​in prose​And remember, if​ ​to argue.​ adoration to everyone

​Shake all your ancestors​ ​After all, your couple​Lies on everything​ ​Wife let her husband​ in “WE” life, in love.​ ​ guys -​Today the first​

​what’s wrong​ And also​ ​Give away the kids​ - they​ ​gave you an example to everyone!​ in a big way,​ ​respects,​And with all your heart​Kiss more, less​

​Well, in a word, whole​ ​bricks of the fortress that​ happened,​ ​don’t argue with your wife​ eight!​ ​ they will add.​What can I wish you?​

​What you are going through!

​Of course - happiness!​ ​The world is beautiful with great love...​ acknowledges.​ ​Be the same​ ​Forever you like​***​

​ So continue what you started bed!

​Today you started​ business and build​ ​​ peacefully, smoothly, with​ And smart, kind​ ​Love them more deeply,​ in flowers, in dreams,​ congratulations to you! ​***​

​to marriage,​ ​a powerful fortress, and​ ​Congratulations on your legal marriage​ with love!​ ​and youthful,​ stay longer.​ ​Sometimes in music,​Smiles, joy, health​ ​But do not offend the beauty,

​We wish in life​ ​For you -​ ​may you in​ in prose​ ​We wish our young​Sign to receive​

​Don’t be afraid of booties,​ ​sometimes in bad weather,​I wish you a​ ​wife,​Look for a compromise everywhere,​ ​happy day ahead​

​friends help with this​Today your​ ​happy life begins to live​ ​soon you​ don’t be afraid of diapers​ ​Sometimes only in​ daylight!​

​Now dress, put on shoes​ ​Protect your family,​ Find the right path,​ ​light!​ and relatives. And​ ​a common life path,​ together.​

​"Golden parents of the state"!!!​ -​ ​dear eyes.​Today you entered into​ ​the husband must.​So as not to fall​ ​You don’t know the obstacles,​Once you have lit​ the materials, choose carefully:​

​ I wish you to go for the joy of your loved ones ​​ Give birth to boys, give birth​ ​Let marriage not affect you.​ ​All because​ you had to go down.

​ troubles should not be measured,​ love is a beacon,​ ​ let them become​ him happily, never​ ​ and family​ Let the marriage be blessed​ ​ girls.​ You’re in trouble,​

​For you - according to your wife,​ ​Appreciate every moment,​ ​Love hope and​ ​Then let it be love, trust, respect.​ do not turn left,​ ​Let your feelings​

​But children to parents​ ​So be happy​ ​happy day on​Everyone will judge​ ​What you will live to believe!​ ​you all your life​ And so as​ ​not to find out who​ will not fade.​ ​It will end on​ get bored


Other "marriage" holidays

It is customary for our people to celebrate marriages a year, two, or even ten years after the celebration. This day is called the anniversary. With legal marriage, relatives and friends come to say congratulations, just like at a wedding.

An anniversary is not necessarily a stormy feast: during the day, young people can spend time with friends in the forest, by the river, in the mountains, and in the late afternoon they can set the tables and remember the funny moments of the wedding.

Regardless of the kind of marriage a married couple lives in - whether it is legal or civil, the anniversary is exclusively their holiday, whether its start was officially registered or silently understood with their eyes. One way or another, on such an important day for two people, they greet it as an honorary anniversary and give gifts. Congratulations on a wedding anniversary for people living in a civil marriage should not differ from wishes for people with officially registered relationships.

Each conscious citizen has his own authority and worldview, where the proof of love is not the wet seal of a government institution, but the sincere feelings of each other.

see also

  • Beautiful New Year's greetings 2022 in verse
  • Beautiful congratulations in verse
  • Merry Christmas greetings to a woman in beautiful verses
  • Congratulations on your legal marriage in your own words
  • Congratulations on your anniversary in beautiful verses
  • Happy anniversary greetings in beautiful verses
  • Happy anniversary to a woman in beautiful verses
  • Happy Easter greetings in short beautiful verses
  • Happy birthday poems for a girl, beautiful congratulations
  • Congratulations to a woman in beautiful, funny short verses
  • Happy New Year greetings in beautiful verses
  • Congratulations on your pearl wedding in beautiful verses
  • Merry Christmas greetings in beautiful verses
  • Happy birthday poems for your niece, beautiful congratulations
  • Beautiful Merry Christmas SMS
  • Poems congratulations on the birth of a grandson
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