A wedding is one of the most important events in the life of a young couple. That's why everything has to be perfect on your wedding day. The decoration of the festive hall plays a special role. After all, this is where guests and newlyweds will spend a lot of time. Here you will need to solve many problems in the best possible way. It is important to decorate not only the hall itself, that is, the walls, windows and ceiling. You also need to pay attention to the tables at which the guests will sit, the special table for the newlyweds and the entrance to the banquet hall.
The first thing that comes to mind is the use of balloons to create decorations. The fact is that this method has many possibilities both with the choice of colors and with the design itself . Let us immediately note that the option of decorating a wedding hall with your own hands is more affordable than resorting to the services of specialized agencies. However, in the latter case, the bride and groom can be sure that everything will be done at the highest level. Let's take a closer look at the ideas for using balloons to make your wedding bright and unforgettable. The whole design concept is embodied in the decoration of the hall itself. All other parts - tables and entrance - are secondary and subordinate to the general idea. However, we should not forget that, in the end, they are no less important for creating a real holiday.
General points
So, first of all, you need to decide on some points and only after that choose specific solutions. First, a general concept is thought out, for which the following are important:
- color palette;
- idea (it must match the rest of the design - dress, cortege, etc.);
- integration of decorations into the interior of the selected room.
I would like to say a few words separately about the choice of color.
For decoration with balloons, the ideal, and therefore most popular, solution would be to use only two contrasting colors. For example, white with red, pink or purple.
A more complex and time-consuming option involves using several colors from the same range. For example, white, milky, orange, yellow, sand. A darker and more saturated version is four to five shades of the same color. It should be remembered that the color scheme of the jewelry must exactly match the outfits of the newlyweds in order to avoid dissonance .
Catalog of room decoration options by type
Turnkey hall decoration
Decorating the hall with balloons
Decorating the hall with flowers
Decorating the hall with fabrics
Decoration with Russian symbols
Sports holiday decor
Decoration of cars and limousines
Columns and bouquets on the floor
In this way, you can decorate the hall around the perimeter, which will give the whole room more personality and make it a wedding hall, and not an ordinary large room in a restaurant.
The trunk of the “plants” will be a wide ribbon of light fabric. The balls themselves are attached to it from below and above. The upper part should resemble a flower in shape - the petals are placed around the core, close to it. The lower one is simpler - it looks like a small platform. Such bouquets are secured near the walls with wire or glued to the floor around the perimeter of the room, if permitted by the owners of the room.
What shapes you can make from sausage balls with your own hands - let's look at several options. We will tell you about ways to decorate wedding glasses with your own hands. At this address: https://banquettes.ru/prazdniki/svadba/oformlenie-sv/prochee/kak-ukrashayutsya-mashinyi-svoimi-rukami.html - read about the design of the bride and groom’s car.
Weightless balloon columns are also a good solution. They will help connect the entrance to the design of the hall. Also, they can become accent details in zoning the premises of the banquet hall and separating its most important parts - the stage, the newlyweds’ table, and so on. Weaving columns is carried out in the simplest way from four balls in each row. The height is adjustable depending on the dimensions of the room. However, almost never such columns should be made all the way to the ceiling , otherwise they will look too bulky. These elements are located immediately after the entrance to the hall, at the table for the young couple, behind and in front of the stage. It is also possible to place it around the perimeter, but not too often. If columns and bouquets are used simultaneously, then along the walls there will be approximately twice as many of the latter. They are small and will not create a clutter. Everything will look natural. Watch the following video for a lesson on how to create a beautiful stand out of balloons: https://youtube.com/watch?v=gkleZpfbxHs
Features of balloon design
The most important advantage of this design is its efficiency and low cost. This is the ideal budget solution for those who do not want to spend a lot of money on decor.
However, even those who are willing to spend a lot of money on decoration often choose decoration with balloons.
Balloons have one undeniable drawback: over time, they can burst and make sharp sounds that frighten guests.
This can be prevented, the main thing is not to inflate them to the very end, not too much.
Ceiling decoration
Continuous coating
In the simplest version, balloons are used that are filled with helium . They are lighter than air and rise to the ceiling on their own.
So, for the simplest, but very beautiful decoration of the ceiling, you will need several hundred gas-filled balloons, to which beautiful thin ribbons are tied as decoration.
They are simply released upward. Thus, the ceiling is completely covered with balls. The ribbons can be made of slightly different lengths, then we will get the feeling of a kind of rain. In this case, the tape should be chosen from a light shiny material. You can additionally attach hearts, stars or circles to them, which will add additional charm. There is another variation of this type of decor. The balls are also located under the ceiling, but there is enough free space between them . This solution is more suitable for not too tall halls with a very large square footage.
Circular chandelier
Using several colors and circular weaving, you can create a kind of multi-tiered ball chandelier . In this case, the circles should be of different diameters. They are attached to each other unevenly and not in order of increasing diameter. You can give an example of six circles with diameters from one to five. If you count from the ceiling, then the circles will be arranged in this way: 5–2–2–4–3–1. However, this solution will look great only in a room with a very high ceiling. For lower halls, fewer circles are chosen.
On the cloud
One part of the room, for example a few meters near a tall window on the side, can be quite special. Neither in color nor in the general idea does it match the rest of the space.
Here you can arrange a corner for a photo shoot. The top and bottom are completely filled with milky balls of pink or blue and white.
Moreover, the lower ones are inflated with ordinary air and they will lie on the floor, and the upper ones are inflated with helium so that they rise freely. The newlyweds, entering this heavenly corner, will find themselves as if in heaven. This can be an excellent solution not only for a photo shoot, but also for hosting a small orchestra, setting up a stage for the toastmaster and those who make toasts and ceremonial speeches in honor of the newborn family.
Helium balloons
"The Red carpet"
Each balloon, inflated with helium, is tied to a long colored ribbon.
We tie a weight to the second end. The weight can be a ball with a small amount of water. Or just a beautiful fabric bag with sand or pebbles. It won't even be a red carpet, but a festive corridor. Graduates and teachers can use it to enter the hall. By the way, the balls can be not only single, but also in bundles of 3-5 pieces. It's even more festive! It turns out to be a “fountain of balls” (that’s what professional aero designers call it). They always look great on stage and in the hall!
Here are some more examples of balloon “fountains”. I really like them, because the effect of columns is achieved with minimal effort. In some cases, the weights at the bottom are covered with the same primitives.
We make such fountains from 3-9 balloons.
It is not always possible to hang something on the back of the stage, so “standing” helium balloons will help out here too. By adjusting the length of the tapes, you can fill the space behind the protrusions.
Gazebos and arches
These structures can rather be classified as monumental, despite their lightness and apparent airiness. Therefore, when planning one of them in the hall, it is worth working carefully not only on the creation itself, but also on the placement . Since the arches are simpler, both in design and in their specific location in the hall, we will consider in more detail the option with a gazebo. It would be appropriate to place the arch above the table for the bride and groom. So that it does not interfere with the view too much, it is better to make it from absolutely transparent balls. This structure consists of four pillars and a canopy, which will be attached to one of the corners of each column.
It is better to make the canopy not straight, but slightly curved, as if a cut part of a sphere. Attaching it to the pillars will prevent it from moving, and at the same time the supports themselves will be held in place.
Each column can be crowned with a large ball, and a short white ribbon can be tied to each element of the canopy. One of the arches can be placed in front of the entrance to the hall from the outside. It will tie together all the design elements and immediately let guests know that they are attending a wedding. This design, although similar to internal, interior arches, should still be somewhat different from them. First of all, in size - it is advisable to completely cover the elements of the entrance opening, which in such halls is usually quite large. In addition, classic flowers such as “daisies” are attached to this arch and the inscription “JUST MARRIED” or something similar is placed on the upper part. Perhaps these will be the names of the bride and groom with a plus sign. They can also be made from balls, only much smaller in size.
Surprises from above
There are so-called surprise balls. They are a regular large balloon. They are usually decorated with inscriptions in the style of “Congratulations on your wedding” and so on. The highlight is their filling. Inside there are many small soft toys, balls, confetti, streamers and other gifts . Only a few of them are placed under the ceiling and additionally covered with many ribbons so that neither the newlyweds themselves nor the guests of the holiday would guess about the surprises. A small detonator is placed near or inside each such figure, which, when triggered at the right moment, pierces the shell and showers everyone in the hall with its contents. It is better to arrange such a performance at the end of the bride and groom's first dance, when they invite other couples to join them on the dance floor. This will be a real highlight of the wedding banquet and will give many joyful and cheerful moments to everyone present.
How else can you decorate a wedding hall with your own hands? Read our publication. We will tell you in detail about organizing a bride price in the traffic police style. Here: https://banquettes.ru/prazdniki/svadba/podgotovka/kak-sostavit-plan-rassadki-gostey.html - you will find templates for seating plans for guests at a wedding.
Holidays and dates that can be beautifully decorated
Decoration of the hall for a wedding
Decoration of the hall for the anniversary
Birthday hall decoration
Hall decoration for a corporate event
Decoration of away registration
Store opening decoration
Children's party decor
Hall decoration for the New Year
Decoration of the hall for February 14
Registration for February 23
Registration for March 8
Registration for May 9
Halloween Decoration
Decoration for Easter
Decoration for Maslenitsa
Maternity hospital discharge decor
National holiday decor
Disco decoration
Table decoration
You should know that tables for guests and newlyweds are decorated differently. There are more decorations for a young couple and they look brighter. All other tables, regardless of their configuration and number, are decorated with the same elements.
For guests
Small bouquets of balloons will look very good here . They can be placed in the middle of each table if they are small and round and can seat 6-8 people. If this is an option with several long common tables, then several of these bouquets are placed on the center line where there are no dishes or drinks. Each bouquet consists of several small inflorescences fastened together and held on thin ribbons. The length of the ribbons is chosen so that the main part of the bouquet is approximately 70–80 cm or a meter from the table surface. This is done so that decorative elements do not interfere with the view and communication of seated guests. You can also additionally attach one balloon on a long ribbon to the chairs . This technique can be used independently, but you should think carefully about how colors and shades will alternate.
For newlyweds
The central element of the decor here can be paired rings, swans or intersecting hearts created from small contrasting balls. Care should be taken that such a design does not prevent guests from seeing the heroes of the occasion, and does not block the view of the newlyweds. This can be achieved by placing it behind and slightly above the heads of the bride and groom. And in order to connect the decoration specifically with the table of the newlyweds, it is additionally decorated with light translucent fabric. It spreads out to the sides with peculiar wings and creates, as it were, a canopy over the sitting people.
The decor can use light and thin garlands that cross the entire hall, ribbons of balloons in one row and many other structural decorations. Two three-dimensional figures of the bride and groom made from the same elements and with painted faces will also look great.