Cool scenario for a porcelain wedding-20th anniversary: ​​ideas and tips

How to celebrate your 20th wedding anniversary?

According to the scenario of the 20th wedding anniversary, the host congratulates the heroes of the occasion:

- Dear friends! Over twenty years of marriage, you have been able to maintain the warm light of your love, and your happy home is full of this love. This anniversary is called porcelain, and not without reason, because this material is famous for its grace and beauty.

– It does not immediately acquire its shape: it needs time and the skillful hands of craftsmen who turn a shapeless piece into a real creation. This is how you created your beautiful family for many years.

– Porcelain is fragile, but feelings are unshakable. Twenty years of marriage is an art! Tenderness and fidelity are your traveling companions, Do not divide your union in half. We congratulate you on your porcelain date, We wish you twice twenty to be together! Let the wind carry problems past, You are always lucky in family life.

- Live well and in harmony, so that no misfortune or bad weather can destroy your well-being! I ask the “newlyweds” and guests to take their places at the festive table.

Then the host raises a toast: “From cups filled to the brim, drink the drink of happiness to the bottom.” We sincerely wish you, dear ones, that it will be sweeter than honey and wine!

Celebrations in honor of the 20th wedding anniversary will continue the ancient ritual: the married couple needs to break a porcelain cup so that the next years of their lives will be even happier.

Presenter: - Now everything is according to the law. The marriage is sealed with porcelain ringing.

“And now I will give our celebrants an important document - the “Porcelain Wedding Certificate.” It is awarded to a couple who have lived together for 20 years. During this period, the spouses showed respect and care for each other, and also acquired such useful skills as patience and the ability to make concessions at the right time. We consider the porcelain marriage officially registered!

The “newlyweds” and witnesses put their signatures on this document.

The presenter addresses those invited to the celebration on the occasion of the 20th wedding anniversary: ​​- Dear guests, I invite you to congratulate the heroes of the day! Each of you will have warm words and gifts for them.

According to established tradition, spouses celebrating this date are presented with porcelain items: boxes, souvenirs, figurines, vases, sets, as well as jewelry with porcelain inserts - brooches, cameos, etc.

After this, the host will address the heroes of the occasion: “You are our porcelain people, reveal the secret of what feeling connected you together.”

Spouses must answer questions. You can ask your husband:

  • Name your wife's favorite flowers.
  • How many guests were at your wedding?
  • How old is your father-in-law?

Questions for the wife:

  • Where and when did you meet your spouse?
  • What dish does he like to eat for dinner?
  • What sports team does he support?
  • And so on.

Then at the porcelain wedding there will be a toast: “You’ve been married for twenty years.” Peace, happiness to you, friends! I want to congratulate you on this long-awaited date! Twenty years! What happiness - to understand everything and forgive everything, Whether on a sunny day or in bad weather - To love equally! Don't bow down from blows, don't become pessimists. Stay young, Twenty years later again. Let the porcelain pattern make your life shine! We need, as we once did, to shout “Bitterly” in unison!


The first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “porcelain” is a tea, coffee or table set. It is worth noting that this is a wonderful gift that can always be used.

Other possible gifts include the following:

  • a beautiful floor or regular porcelain vase, along with which you can give a bouquet of flowers;
  • a porcelain figurine depicting lovers or a pair of swans;
  • a porcelain dish decorated with a family photo of the spouses.

If the gift has nothing to do with porcelain, you can supplement it with some porcelain trinket to fit it into the theme of the wedding, or you can leave everything as is and not add to the collection of useless figurines.

Where to celebrate a porcelain wedding?

Traditionally, the 20th anniversary of marriage is celebrated at home over a modest dinner. Most still prefer a fun and noisy feast. To invite friends and relatives, to cheer them up and not to be bored.

For such events, it is better to rent a room in a restaurant or cafe. In summer, a picturesque park is suitable for organizing an anniversary. To prevent the sun from interfering, gazebos are installed for guests. If possible, you can rent a ship and celebrate your anniversary on the open sea.

It all depends on the imagination of the celebration organizers.

How to celebrate a porcelain wedding at home?

How to celebrate a porcelain wedding anniversary? According to tradition, it is customary to celebrate 20 years of marriage in the family circle and at home. You can invite only your closest friends, relatives and their children, so that the voices of the children fill the apartment with special comfort.

The main thing to do is to provide a festive atmosphere . There must be porcelain dishes on the table, if not all, but at least a stand for fruit, cake or coffee and tea mugs.

To celebrate a porcelain wedding anniversary with your family, decorate the room in which the celebration will take place with light-colored balloons and cover the table with a white tablecloth. And the husband and wife should choose outfits in white, milky or beige to distinguish themselves from the guests and emphasize that this day is special and important for them.

Since porcelain was brought to Russia from eastern countries, it is recommended to serve oriental treats on the table. And for a tea party, bake pies from porcelain mugs, order a cake or make pastries and cookies.

A holiday in a family atmosphere brings back nostalgic memories

Therefore, it would be useful to prepare a presentation with interesting moments from the shooting of the wedding day.

Porcelain wedding decoration

Chinese porcelain is famous throughout the world for its quality and color range - products made from Chinese porcelain of the highest standard in blue tones. It is in this color scheme that you need to decorate the banquet hall for a porcelain wedding.

A variety of porcelain figurines and porcelain vases will decorate your interior. Blue and blue cushions on the chairs, exactly the same colors of the tablecloth on the table, curtains on the windows and white roses decorating the table will complement the interior.

Of course, there should be porcelain dishes on the tables to once again emphasize the symbolism of the wedding.

Decor for organizing an anniversary

Regardless of where the anniversary celebration will take place, the interior should be decorated.

Competitions and scenarios to celebrate 20 years of marriage

To prevent the celebration from turning into an ordinary feast, you need to think about organizing your 20th wedding anniversary. It is advisable to entrust this matter to a professional presenter, who will need to tell you about your wishes for the script.

You can celebrate it at home without a toastmaster, for your closest and dearest people. But you still need to figure out what to do with the guests and prepare a comic scenario for the holiday. The celebration should be led not by one of the spouses, but by one of the guests who has charm and the ability to win over the guests.

Different ideas for a scenario for celebrating a porcelain wedding with competitions will allow you to add variety to the series of unmemorable, monotonous holidays and make this day special for both the spouses and invited friends.

At the beginning of the holiday, have the event host give each guest a small card with a ribbon threaded through it. Guests should write their wishes to the anniversaries on them. In the room where the celebration will take place, you need to put up an impromptu Tree of Love , made up of flowers and branches. You will need to hang wish cards on it, and the spouses will then read each of them and keep them for a long memory.

As at a wedding, guests must shout “Bitter!” to the spouses. and count their kiss to 20.

You can continue the tradition of the first dance. Let the spouses prepare a beautiful dance for the holiday and present it to the guests, just like on the wedding day

It will be great if the children of the heroes of the occasion prepare a performance for their parents. It can be humorous or touching, in the form of a skit, poems or songs, dances.

Of course, we also need to prepare competitions for celebrating the 20th wedding anniversary. Some good ideas to let guests stretch their legs and have fun with each other :

  • A competition called "Darts". It requires a game of darts and a numbered list with questions about the family of the heroes of the day. Each willing guest shoots a dart and tries to answer the question with the number closest to which he got. The spouses “judge” whether the answer is correct or not. If the guest answered correctly, he is entitled to a small gift.
  • Competition "Vocal Love". Each guest must name a song that contains the word “love” and perform a verse from it. The best singer must be determined by the applause of those gathered and given a prize.
  • The “Sweets” competition is very simple, but guests of any age always enjoy it. It requires flat plates, hard candies such as “sea pebbles” and Chinese chopsticks. Two participants must eat all the candies on their plate using wooden sticks. Whoever does it faster will be the winner.

But competitions should be held not only for guests, but also for spouses. Interesting and funny competitions for a porcelain wedding for the bride and groom:

  • Competition "Without words". One of the spouses remembers an event from family life with the help of actions alone, without words or sounds, and tries to show it to his partner so that he can guess what it is about. Then the husband and wife change places and the competition continues.
  • A competition for the husband in which he will have to show resourcefulness. From the box he must take out a certain number of sheets of paper on which different words are written. And using these words, compose a text dedicated to your spouse or their life together. Words should be tricky and difficult.
  • Competition for the wife. Three guests, including the husband, change their voices using helium from a balloon. They take turns saying the phrase “I love you,” and the wife must guess what her husband’s voice is.

Check out this unusual and creative competition for a wedding anniversary:

Original ideas for celebrating a porcelain anniversary

It is not necessary to adhere to generally accepted traditions and celebrate the porcelain anniversary at home with guests. You can approach this issue with creativity and spend the holiday the way you want, and not as recommended. For example, celebrate your twentieth wedding anniversary outdoors.

Send the children to their grandparents, and go to the country house and spend the whole weekend there together . Just not to do gardening, but to relax your soul and body. If you are celebrating a porcelain wedding anniversary in the summer, then you can take tents and go on a short hike with fishing, nightly gatherings around a fire in the open air and conversations.

How can the two of you celebrate 20 years of marriage after the wedding, if your budget allows? You can fly to warm shores abroad. Enjoy the sea, the sun and the exotic. Such a vacation will allow spouses to escape from family worries and look at their relationship from a different angle.

Abroad, you can visit local tea parties and get acquainted with the traditions of the tea ceremony of a foreign country.

Be sure to buy and give each other symbolic gifts made of porcelain on vacation: dishes, key rings, figurines or other souvenirs

On such a round date, spouses can also exchange gifts that are as strong and lasting as their relationship, for example, high-quality jewelry.

If you want to share a joyful event with all your friends and relatives, then you can throw a grand celebration and even throw a costume party. This approach to the wedding anniversary will definitely amaze all the guests and will be remembered for a long time.

To stir up and excite the guests, it is necessary to include practical jokes in the cheerful scenario of a porcelain wedding. For example:

  • improvise hostage taking;
  • conduct a search with police and dogs;
  • appear at the holiday for the “illegitimate child” of one of the spouses.

You can also give guests a task in advance so that they prepare cool scenes for the holiday for their 20th wedding anniversary. Involving guests in the festive action will become a reason for long conversations about the originality and courage of the spouses.

Scenario for a porcelain wedding anniversary

The musical accompaniment of the evening celebrating a porcelain wedding should take into account the tastes and wishes of the heroes of the day: the hits of their youth, calm music should sound throughout the evening.

Modern dance rhythms are appropriate at a festive disco, if one is included in the porcelain wedding scenario.

To properly conduct a celebration in honor of such a wonderful wedding anniversary, you need to take into account the following points when drawing up the scenario for a porcelain wedding of 20 years:

  1. Choose a host who will greet the guests and announce the theme of the celebration. If you decide to celebrate without a toastmaster, it could be a family friend or one of the spouses’ children. It is necessary to reveal in detail the beauty of porcelain and marital relationships:

“Porcelain is a material that retains heat well and gives happiness. The porcelain family also preserves warmth of feelings and happiness.

But porcelain is created through a painstaking process. So the “porcelain bride and groom” painstakingly, day after day, create their creation - a family!

The Chinese call porcelain “white gold”, we believe that you too will turn your family relationships into real gold!”

  1. The presenter gives those present the opportunity to congratulate the heroes of the day and present them with gifts.
  2. Competitions in honor of the 20th anniversary of the porcelain wedding.

They should be cheerful, but not vulgar, and relate to the family life of the celebrants.

For example, the “Memory Test” competition. To questions from the presenter that relate to family life. First, the wife answers (the husband leaves the room), then the returning husband answers the same questions.

“Apple of Love”: pairs of guests participate, they are blindfolded and given one apple per couple. The winner is the couple who can eat the apple without using their hands.

“Sweets lover”: sweets are poured onto a tray, the participants are given Japanese chopsticks, with which they “catch” the sweets from the tray. The one who catches the most candies wins.

“Questions and answers”: this game always causes a storm of laughter and applause. The presenter invites one guest to draw a prepared card with questions, and the other to draw a card with answers. The discrepancy between questions and answers can sometimes be comical.

Incentive prizes at a porcelain wedding, of course, should be made of porcelain.

Gifts for a porcelain wedding are also given based on the name of the celebration: all kinds of porcelain sets. porcelain vases and figurines will remind the spouses of their 20th porcelain anniversary for a long time.

The children of the celebrants will show their great love and respect for their parents if they take charge of organizing the wedding anniversary. This will be the best gift for parents.

Competitions for 20 years of married life

On the wedding day, the couple can afford to have fun to the fullest. Memories competitions will be relevant. It all depends on the tastes of the couple and their guests. Below we offer you cool competitions.

  1. "Love that has passed through the years." Competition to test your spouse's memories. The husband leaves the room for a while. And the wife answers the host’s questions:
  • How did you meet?
  • Where did your husband reveal his feelings to you?
  • What gifts did your spouse give?
  • Number of guests at the wedding?
  • Under what circumstances did the husband meet his parents?
  • Is the head of the family a husband or wife?

Scenario “20 years of happiness”

That's right, 20 years of happiness. After all, the first decades of marriage are the most eventful in the life of a family; they are quite difficult, but happy.

This needs to be told to everyone at the anniversary celebration, and this is the main theme of the porcelain wedding script.

So that relatives and the celebrants themselves do not have to take on the responsibility of hosting the evening and explaining to guests the meaning of the rituals and rules of competitions, it is better to invite a professional host to the celebration.

Guests are greeted at the entrance to the hall by the host. He hands out little cards with ribbons to everyone. Guests write their wishes to the anniversaries on them. When everyone is assembled, the host begins the evening with a congratulations-toast: “Porcelain is a thin, beautiful material that retains heat well.

How similar he is to a family that, maintaining the warmth of feelings for twenty years, remains as beautiful as on the wedding day. But porcelain does not take shape and beauty right away. It is created by the skillful hands of the spouses, turning a piece of clay into an elegant creation, decorated with love and mutual understanding.

This is how our anniversary masters created their wonderful family.”

After the first congratulations, the presenter explains that everyone present is sailing along the river of love. On the first island, travelers find the Tree of Love (an indoor tree or a similar flower arrangement). They offer to tie cards with wishes on it, which were distributed to guests at the beginning of the evening.

Next, two Elves with “palm” branches appear “on the stage”. They welcome guests and invite the celebrants to stand under the “sacred palm branches” and make a wish that will surely come true.

The spouses stand under the branches held by the Elves and pronounce loving vows and wishes to each other.

After the oath is pronounced, the celebrants of the day are presented with a porcelain cup of wine, from which the spouses must drink in turn.

After the feast, the dancing part of the evening begins with competitions. It opens with a porcelain dance of the heroes of the day. When the time comes for the “newlyweds” dance, the host announces that the wife is fragile, like porcelain. Therefore, the husband should very gently and carefully lead her in the dance.

Gradually, the rest of the guests join the dance, and the host reminds them that all women are very fragile, and strong men should treat them with care. At the end of the evening, a wedding cake is traditionally served. The spouses cut it together and serve it to all guests.

Screenplay competitions

Of course, when celebrating a wedding anniversary, several competitions should be included in the script. On the day of the 20th anniversary of marriage, you can already play memory contests, but catchy games and pranks that are prepared for weddings are not yet prohibited. It all depends on the taste of the heroes of the day and the courage of the guests who are ready to participate in competitions.

apple of paradise

Several pairs are selected. Participants are given an apple and blindfolded. The man and woman in each couple stand opposite each other and feed their partner their apple. The pair that finishes their apple the fastest wins. You cannot eat an apple from your own hands.

Porcelain anniversary script - 20 wedding years

Symbolically, the name of the anniversary is associated with the relationship between husband and wife during this period. That's right, 20 years of happiness. After all, the first decades of marriage are the most eventful in the life of a family; they are quite difficult, but happy. This needs to be told to everyone at the anniversary celebration, and this is the main theme of the porcelain wedding script.

Presenter Dear friends! Recertification is in vogue now. Therefore, I propose to hold this event every 20 years, i.e. carry out re-certification and re-registration of married couples! And today our young spouses ______ and _______ came for recertification for the first time. They are worried because now they are the bride and groom again!

Presenter - Groom, answer us the question - did you manage to carry the love for your wife through the years? Do you agree to extend family ties, with the right to be called husband, father, and subsequently, father-in-law and grandfather?

Host - And now you, bride, answer, did you manage to carry your love through the years to your spouse? Do you agree to extend family ties, with the right to be called a loving wife, mother, and subsequently mother-in-law, mother-in-law, grandmother, great-grandmother?

Presenter - Now you will secure your words with your signature. On behalf of myself and all the guests present, I announce you, from today, as a married couple who have passed the first certification! And I want to present you with a symbolic marriage certificate. Your strong family is not only your joy, the joy of your children and relatives. This is the joy of your friends! Happy holiday to you, our dear, beloved ones! Seal these honorary titles with a marital kiss! Witnesses and guests congratulate the newlyweds!

Host - Now get settled, dear guests, because a wedding is a long affair! Choose a more cheerful neighbor, someone you can talk to, and a nicer neighbor, someone you can look after. Men are closer to snacks, women are closer to drinks. After which the feast begins with a congratulations-toast:

Presenter - As you know, porcelain is an exquisite material, retains heat well, and gives joy. He is like a family that cherishes the warmth of feelings and love for each other. Only this material does not immediately acquire its shape and beauty. Through painstaking work and love, it is created by the hands of a husband and wife, turning a piece of clay into a masterpiece of art. This is how the couple created their creation - a family! We believe that your love will turn this fragile material into gold!

Well, guests, stood up in unison, raised their glasses cheerfully, Let's wish them great happiness, Three times in unison - congratulations! The guests are standing and chanting.

It's high time for everyone to have a drink - the newlyweds are in harmony - HURRAY! The guests pick up.

And at weddings, spouses don’t just drink, they confirm their love with a kiss, so it’s bittersweet, gentlemen, I’m counting down to twenty!

The spouses kiss, and the host, together with the guests, count loudly to twenty, then everyone eats, music plays.

Host - Of course, you all already know each other, you’ve known each other for years, just like our dear hosts, but still. It won't hurt us to get to know each other better. For example, let’s pay attention to what color our clothes are.

  • So who's wearing red today? These people are joyful, beautiful, independent, and value the fullness of life. Always ready for love, in the sense of a great feeling. They prefer to go on vacation and spend their holidays in the south.
  • Who is wearing white clothes? Often naive, honest people, with an untarnished reputation, kind and decent. They prefer to relax among snowy plains and polar bears.
  • The black color of clothing indicates that we are dealing with talented people who are capable of bewitching absolutely everyone. They love black caviar and black coffee. Sexually attractive, fertile in everything! They like to relax at the dacha.
  • Blue clothes guarantee their owners noble origin and romance. These are loyal, nice people, they worry about literally everything and everyone. They like to relax everywhere, just to fly by plane or sail on a ship.
  • The green color of the outfit indicates that these are people overwhelmed by hope and dreams. Always fresh and attractive. For relaxation they prefer the nearby forest.
  • Who came dressed in yellow? These people are pleasant, warm, romantic, but... insidious. Gold is preferred for jewelry. They strive to take a place in the upper class. They love to relax on Golden Sands. They love to listen to Sting, they love to be called Zolotets.

Presenter - So we have become a little closer and clearer to each other!

Presenter - I invite everyone who is young at heart to join our heroes of the occasion.

There is time to go out for a smoke and talk about your own things. Dance a little, Everything is fun, not strict. And after a while we are waiting for everyone at the table, Otherwise we will continue without you!

Host - And now I address the guests, Dear ladies and gentlemen, I know you have something to say to the couple, So I ask everyone to stand up one by one, announce your congratulations, and give a gift! The time for congratulations comes, each guest in turn stands up and announces his congratulations.

We should have some fun, Spin around in one competition, Who is the most accurate - come out, And show yourself to everyone!

Host - And now we will find out who is the most accurate and erudite. Anyone who misses will receive a penalty to correct their accuracy. For your next wedding anniversary competition, you'll need a game of darts and a numbered list with questions about the wedding anniversary's family. Each willing guest shoots a dart and tries to answer the question with the number closest to which he got. The spouses judge whether the answer is correct or not. If the guest answered correctly, he is entitled to a small gift.

Host - While you are relaxing at the table, we will hold a quiz on a wedding theme, and together we will choose the most erudite guest! The theme is still the same - wedding, but not in life, but in the movies.

  • In what fairy tale, in order to have a wedding, did you have to organize an attack on your future father-in-law? The Bremen Town Musicians.
  • Which films have the word “wedding” in their titles? Wedding, Dowry wedding, Malinovka wedding, Jenny's wedding, Big wedding.
  • Which films contain the word “marry”? Balzaminov's marriage, The habit of getting married, It's time to get married, Promising does not mean getting married.

Of course, when celebrating a wedding anniversary, several competitions should be included in the script. On the day of the 20th anniversary of marriage, you can already play memory contests, but catchy games and pranks that are prepared for weddings are not yet prohibited. It all depends on the taste of the heroes of the day and the courage of the guests who are ready to participate in competitions.

Host - Now I’ll ask the spouses to come to the wedding cake.

The 20th anniversary is just a small stage of a life lived together. The porcelain anniversary symbolizes that the relationship between the spouses is still fragile. Therefore, you need to protect and appreciate those who are nearby. In order to celebrate more than one such holiday in the future, while living together for many years, and let this wedding scenario for 20 years of marriage remain in the memory of your guests for a long time.

Scenario for a wedding anniversary in the style of “Shurik’s Adventures”

The wedding day scenario is already in the past, the first or next anniversary is approaching. You probably already have a list of guests prepared; from it you need to select three daredevils who, according to the anniversary scenario, will try on the images of the Coward, the Goon and the Seasoned. They are the first to meet the “groom” and demand a ransom for their “bride.” The wife is waiting for several competitions and only then will he be taken to his wife.

Women things

Props: bag, wife’s cosmetics (mascara, lipstick, curlers, comb, tongs and other accessories), black scarf for blindfolding.

The blindfolded spouse needs to take one thing out of the bag and guess what it is. The more items are guessed, the greater the chances of seeing your beloved wife faster.

Art Gallery

Props: funny photographs from the life of a couple (paintings).

The spouse is invited to walk along the counter with paintings and comment on the masterpieces they see. The funnier the photo, the more interesting it is for guests to hear stories from the hero of the occasion.

Competitions at the festive table

To prevent the anniversary celebration from turning into an evening of toasts, we suggest diluting the scenario with several original competitions.

Cinema session

Coward, Dunce and Experienced invite the whole cast to go to the cinema and announce the start of the film show. Everyone present needs to guess which movie the following quotes are from:

  • Announce the entire list, please.
  • How do I get to the library?
  • What a disgusting thing this jellied fish of yours is.
  • A toast without wine is like a wedding night without a bride.
  • Who will jail him? He's a monument!

Catchphrases will fill the script with a certain atmosphere, and celebrating your wedding anniversary will become even more interesting. The person who guesses the most quotes wins a prize.

Best toast

The couple fills the glass with wine and passes it to the first guest. Music plays and the glass is passed around. The one on whom the music stops must make a toast to the spouses. The best congratulations are chosen by the heroes of the occasion.

Let's remember the alphabet

An alternative to the previous competition could be a simple competition of ingenuity. The presenter names all the letters of the alphabet one by one. Guests need to compose a mini-toast for the spouses on the spot, which will begin with a certain letter. Eg:

  • Oh, how nice it is to be present at this celebration!
  • Always be...
  • So we waited...
  • Dear guests...

Twist lesson

An experienced guy “shoots” a cigarette and teaches everyone how to dance the twist. Music for such competitions can be selected based on the theme of the anniversary (from Soviet films). The best dancers receive comic gifts.

Everybody dance!

Coward, Dunce and Experienced appear on the dance floor and begin a fiery dance. After some time, the music stops, and the guys choose their partners from the audience. The dancing continues. After the next stop, pairs are exchanged and new participants are involved in the dance. The competition lasts until all the guests are on the dance floor. With each stop you can change the music, the competition will become even more interesting.

Team competitions are the key to a good mood and a friendly atmosphere. The most original of them are presented below.

Competitions for “newlyweds”

The celebrants are asked questions about their favorite color, dish, season, etc. In the second competition, the presenter brings out a bunch of balloons in which tasks are hidden. The spouses take turns popping the balloons and doing what is written. The task could be a short pantomime on various family topics. When other “actors” are required, the husband or wife can call one of the guests to help.

Catch the color

A simple, almost childish competition, but usually all the guests really like it. The presenter names a color, and the participants must find it in their environment and touch the found object. You can look for colors everywhere - in your own and other people’s clothes, in the interior, among dishes and drinks - just to find them. Anyone who does not find the right color is out of the game. The one remaining becomes the winner.

Delicious sweets

Another competition for the speed of eating goodies. Place small candies like sea pebbles on a wide plate. The main thing is that they are firm and round. Participants receive Japanese wooden sticks and use them to catch candy.

Usually two participants are chosen for this competition, and each gets their own plate of candy. But you can increase the number of competitors. In addition to such active competitions, at a porcelain wedding, as at any other, congratulations competitions would be appropriate.

These can be toasts, songs, skits, posters, etc.

How to congratulate spouses for friends and relatives - tips

It just so happens that on any wedding anniversary, including a porcelain one, gifts related to the name of this anniversary are most often presented. Firstly, such a gift is very symbolic, and secondly, it is much easier to make a choice among many options.

Congratulations in prose and poetry

No matter how many guests there are at the wedding, it is necessary to give each of them the opportunity to express their wishes to the couple. In order not to write your own congratulations, you can find suitable postcards and use them to congratulate the couple on their anniversary.

Congratulations don't have to be serious. Cool rhymes or even ditties sound much more fun. By the way, children can sing a song to their parents as a congratulation, if only they have the necessary data for this.

Gift ideas for husband and wife

The choice of gifts for husband and wife depends on how valuable gifts are usually given to each other in this family. First of all, when congratulating his wife on her 20th wedding anniversary, the husband can present her with a gorgeous bouquet of flowers, and they should be white.

Given the name of the wedding, personalized porcelain cups can be given as a symbolic gift. If spouses are accustomed to expensive gifts from their other halves, then you can consider the following options:

  1. You can present your wife with jewelry made of precious metals inlaid with porcelain. They are not widespread, but if you wish, you can find such copies in specialized stores.
  2. You can also give jewelry without porcelain, but put it in a beautiful box made of this material.
  3. A worthy gift for your husband would be a tourist trip to China, where, as you know, porcelain was invented.

Whatever the gift, it cannot replace the caring attitude of spouses towards each other, respect and mutual understanding.

We should not forget that if you present your other half as a gift something that is an old dream for her (for him), this will cause a whole storm of joy and delight, even if the gift has nothing to do with porcelain.

Original and practical gifts

20 years since your wedding is a good reason to choose the most original gift and leave an unforgettable impression in the memory of the heroes of the occasion. If you don’t want to give a banal service or vase, you can come up with something more unusual, namely:

  1. You can give a collectible porcelain doll. By the way, it can serve as an impetus for the spouses themselves to want to collect a real collection of such dolls.
  2. An interesting gift is a massive mirror in a porcelain frame; besides, there is always a practical use for it.
  3. For non-superstitious people, a watch in a porcelain case is suitable. They can be wrist-mounted, tabletop or even floor-mounted.

Children can give their parents a vacation package for at least a few days. Having spent them alone, the spouses will plunge into the world of communication and will be able to pay maximum attention to each other.

From this video you will learn what to give and how to celebrate your 20th wedding anniversary:

A special role is played not by the gift itself, but by the feelings with which it is given, and this should not be forgotten under any circumstances.

Porcelain wedding scenario: ideas and tips

A porcelain wedding is celebrated after the spouses have lived together for 20 years.
Porcelain is characterized as a beautiful, exquisite, expensive, but fragile material. Likewise, marital relationships 20 years after the wedding are very beautiful, a lot of effort has been put into them, but they are still fragile and need to be protected. The porcelain wedding scenario prescribes a chamber celebration, surrounded by close people. You can arrange a holiday at home, or you can invite relatives and friends to a cozy restaurant.

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