What are the restrictions for fasting before a wedding, what can you eat and drink?

What days can you get married?

A wedding in a church can take place in the morning or afternoon, after the completion of the Liturgy.

You can get married in the Russian Orthodox Church according to the canons on all days except:

  1. From the Week of Meat, that is, the Sunday before Forgiveness Sunday, to the Week of St. Thomas (1st Sunday after Easter).
  2. Throughout Peter's Lent.
  3. During the entire Nativity Fast, including the days of Christmastide, that is, until January 18.
  4. On the eve of one-day fasts, namely on the eve of Wednesday and Friday.
  5. On the eve of Sundays, great holidays, temple (throne) holidays.

How to celebrate a wedding? Congratulations on your wedding. What do you give for a wedding?

The sacrament of wedding takes place joyfully and solemnly. It is customary to continue the celebration at the table after the end of the sacrament. But since a spiritual holiday is being celebrated, the feast should be modest and quiet. From this point of view, it is better to separate the wedding day and the wedding day in time.

In congratulations on a wedding, they usually wish for salvation for the soul, congratulate on God's blessing, wish to live happily ever after, take care of each other, love and cherish. They wish you peace and mental balance. It is also better to give spiritual gifts, for example, icons or spiritual books.

Is it possible to eat before the wedding?

As far as I know, church rules do not provide for strict fasting, such as, for example, the Eucharistic fast before the sacrament of Communion. But confessing and receiving communion before the Wedding is a very pious and important tradition.

You shouldn’t overeat before the sacrament itself, and purely for practical reasons. Firstly, it will be difficult to stand with a full belly. Secondly, belching and other processes of the stomach will not decorate the Wedding in any way. And, thirdly, as popular wisdom says: a full belly is deaf to prayer.


Wondering how to prepare for the sacrament of wedding, young people begin to understand a lot. And, if the meaning of everything that happens during the performance of this church ceremony touches the heart to the very depths, without causing resistance, then, most likely, the young people are on the right path.

What remains with the spouses after the ceremony are the wedding icons. Parents can give them as a gift, or you can purchase images in the temple. Often mothers themselves embroider icons as a sign of blessing their children. As a rule, this is the image of the Savior and the Mother of God. Before the wedding, they are also given to the priest along with the rings. The newlyweds will also have wedding candles. They can be purchased immediately before the ceremony or purchased in advance to decorate them at your discretion.

Is it possible to get a divorce after a wedding?

In my opinion, the fact that such a question arises is very suspicious, especially among people who plan to unite their souls in the sacrament of Wedding. With this question, a person seems to cling to the past, leaving himself ways to retreat. I always say that there is no such thing as “debunking”. Because church sacraments do not have retroactive force, that is, you cannot “unbaptise”, “unconfess”, “take communion” and so on. And even when divorced spouses submit a petition to the local diocesan bishop regarding this sad event, he only states the fact of the breakdown of the family. And the spouses will be answerable to God for not doing everything possible to save the church marriage. Although, I will make a reservation, in each case the guilt for divorce must be considered individually.

Is it necessary to fast before a church wedding?

Fasting is considered a prerequisite for preparing for a wedding, as well as for any other sacrament, since before the ceremony you need to take communion , and before communion, fasting is necessary. In this way, the soul and body are cleansed before the ceremony.

How many days is it better to fast? Not less than 3 days

Sometimes priests recommend fasting for a week , but this is not a strict rule. It is important not so much to limit yourself in food as to spiritual humility, renunciation of worldly things on the eve of marriage.

Visit the priest before the church wedding

It is also better not to eat anything directly on the wedding day, especially if the newlyweds are about to receive communion before the ceremony. But if the wedding is planned for the afternoon, and the spouses have already received communion several days ago, then a light breakfast is acceptable. If there is a fear of feeling unwell due to hunger or fainting during the sacrament, then it is better to consult with a clergyman. Sometimes the priest may bless the couple to eat a light meal on the eve of the wedding.

If for some reason it is impossible to observe fasting, for example, the bride is pregnant or one of the newlyweds is sick, then it is better to ask the clergyman who will perform the sacrament - is it possible to eat meat and dairy products in this case. If it is objectively impossible to observe the fast, the priest may make a relaxation as an exception due to special circumstances. However, you should not abuse this and put pressure on pity, or invent reasons for not fasting.

Fasting is only the beginning of the restrictions and spiritual work that awaits spouses who decide to get married

Therefore, it is better to perceive the restriction as a spiritual test of the strength of faith and determination for the wedding.

If fasting is perceived as a heavy duty, is it worth getting married? After all, married life will be filled with trials and daily patience. If even three days of abstinence seems like an insurmountable obstacle, although in fact it is not, then it is better to reconsider your decision .

Church wedding

Despite the fact that fasting is necessary, it is better to check with the priest in the church where the wedding is planned for the exact dates and restrictions. He will tell you exactly what is best to do and how many days to fast.

Is it possible to change after the wedding?

This is the same as asking: is it possible to stab a person after dinner? Personally, my logical gears grind when I hear or read questions like this. Adultery in church tradition is designated by the word “adultery.” If we break this word down into its components, we get literally “betrayal of love.” Is it good to renounce God, mother and father, betray your homeland and friends? Any reasonable person will say that these are the lowest and most vile offenses on earth. If a person is ready to betray his loved one for the sake of animal lust, then wedding is categorically contraindicated for such a person.

Work for the Glory of God

The main purpose of man is to unite his soul with the Heavenly Father, overcome sin within himself and live according to the commandments. Young people do not start a family for fun. This is work, constant sacrifice for the sake of another. If God blesses, then there will be children, and this is even more work and self-sacrifice. Do all newlyweds understand this well? Therefore, to the question: “How to prepare for a wedding?”, the priest will say: “First of all, internally... Bare your soul before God and test it: am I ready to live for the sake of another, am I ready to go with my other half to the end and beyond life? to appear together before the Heavenly Father and to what extent this desire is not dictated by emotions, which, when they subside, will no longer brighten up the difficulties and will have to accept everything as it is...”

Is it possible to drink alcohol before the wedding?

I think the answer is obvious. It is forbidden. Well, firstly, a normal priest would never allow a drunken person to participate in any sacrament. Alcohol taken before an important event in one’s life, which requires maximum seriousness and concentration from a person, indicates that the drinker does not take the church sacrament seriously. He is relaxed, his mind is clouded by alcohol, and he, by and large, does not care what happens to him. Such an attitude towards the sacrament is under no circumstances acceptable. In addition, the behavior of the bride or groom who came drunk to the sacrament should alert the other half: is he marrying an alcoholic or an alcoholic? Because frivolity in such a matter can be a prototype of the whole family life.

The importance of fasting in preparation

Fasting is the process of abstaining from eating certain types of food. But his main goal is not only to refuse food, but also:

  • curbing passions and sinful habits;
  • purification of the soul;
  • testing of readiness to give up desired, but unnecessary, benefits.

The body and soul of a person are one. Therefore, fasting days help to cleanse not only the body, but also the soul, and help improve a person’s spiritual health.

Fasting was first mentioned in the Old Testament. The first test of man by the Lord was the prohibition for Adam to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. By this, God wanted to test man’s ability to limit himself, to submit to the will of the Lord. With the help of fasting, a person trains his will. Having learned to curb carnal desires and strengthened the will, a person will be able to overcome stronger passions and protect the soul from sin.

During periods of abstinence, spiritual work occurs, thoughts and feelings change. These days it becomes clear what you need to change in yourself, what you need to repent of in order to become better.

It’s easy to give up some foods, but solving spiritual problems is much more difficult and requires painstaking work. In married life one has to face various difficulties. Fasting is the first test of a young family.

Where did the tradition of fasting come from?

Fasting, as a religious phenomenon, is associated with a repetition of the 40-day fast of Jesus Christ , when he retired to the desert. Fasting is also associated with the custom of fasting during days of tribulation, sharing the suffering of the Savior, or as repentance for one’s sins.

Another meaning of fasting is ascetic, for humility and taming desires . The exploits of ascetic saints who lead a solitary lifestyle, of course, are difficult to repeat in worldly life, and it is unlikely to be possible without harm to health, but you can take an example and, to the best of your ability, try to limit yourself in blessings, pacifying your spirit and body.

Lenten menu before the wedding

It was also customary to fast on the eve of major holidays in order to better prepare for them.

How does the wedding ceremony take place?

Even before the wedding party arrives, everything needs to be prepared in the church: put the candles and then light them, bring the rings and give them to the clergyman, lay out a white towel for the newlyweds to stand on. Entrust one of your bridesmaids or a groomsman to do this job.

The newlyweds arrive at the church together (although in the old days the groom waited for the bride on the threshold of the church) in advance, 20-30 minutes before the wedding. This is necessary so that you tune in to the right mood, feel the spirit of the sacred rite and the special atmosphere of the church environment.


What should wedding witnesses know? In the old days, when there was still pre-revolutionary Russia, a marriage concluded in the Church was legal before the State. Therefore, the witnesses, with their signatures in special books, confirmed (testified) that these people became husband and wife not only before God, but also before people and the state. They usually knew the newlyweds well and vouched for them.

The friend and friend, as they were popularly called, took part in the sacrament, and while the bride and groom walked around the lectern, they held crowns over their heads. They must also be baptized in Orthodoxy. These are a kind of guarantors before God. Like godparents to a baby, although it is difficult to vouch for adults. After all, they have their own head and their own thoughts. But you can pray for each other. Ask the Lord for blessings and help. And this is the work of God. This is what Christ commanded: praying for one another is one of the manifestations of love.

Nothing has changed in the ceremony itself. They also still hold their crowns, and at this moment they are probably thinking about their future.

Wedding after Easter

You can get married and have a wedding any day after the Holy Day. The church considers Sunday (Krasnaya Gorka) - the first day after Easter - to be the most successful day for a wedding.

After Lent, Orthodox Christians always resolved issues related to weddings. This period, still free from field work, was reserved for matchmaking, weddings, weddings, festivities, etc. Church beliefs say that the happiest weddings are those that take place on Krasnaya Gorka. They promised the newlyweds health and a happy family life.

You can get married after Lent on any suitable day - the main thing is that it does not fall on another church date. At the same time, there are days that are most successful for organizing weddings, but they fall on church festivities.

People like to organize weddings:

  1. On Ivan Kupala. Young people who get married on this day will live richly.
  2. To Yablochny Spas. Promises salvation from problems.
  3. On Maslenitsa. Life will go on like clockwork.

On a note! According to popular belief, the ideal dates for a wedding are the 7th and 12th of any month.

Which date to choose

When choosing a date and month, the easiest way is to study the wedding calendar, which will mark all possible days for the Sacrament.

Dates may vary depending on the year.

It is strictly prohibited to:

  • during Easter and Maslenitsa week;
  • during Lent;
  • holidays of church and patronal days;
  • during winter Christmastide;
  • on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays;
  • at night.

Choosing a place

At one of the first stages, a temple is selected where the ceremony will take place. It does not have to be large and respectable; many, on the contrary, prefer a quiet, peaceful church somewhere in the countryside.

Advice. The chosen place should evoke only good feelings and emotions; if you don’t like something, then it’s better to continue your search.

There will also be a meeting and acquaintance with the priest who will conduct the cherished ritual. You will have an interview with him, during which he must make sure how important marriage is for the couple and she understands all its seriousness, and does not chase the ceremony as a beautiful and fashionable trend.

Father, in turn, should also instill in you the disposition and feeling of trusting him. He is obliged to tell in detail important details, without reproaching you if you do not know some rules and canons of the Orthodox Church. You can also consult with him about controversial issues, for example, your appearance, rings, a photo shoot in the temple, the best date, and so on.

If you often go to confession with a certain clergyman, you have known him for a long time and trust him, then it would be a great idea to have your wedding with him.

Canvas under your feet

We also need fabric for the wedding. Our parents and grandparents know well how to properly prepare for this ritual. In the past, wedding fabric was embroidered by mothers for their children. Young people are attracted to it. The color of the canvas is white. Today, few people embroider it themselves; they mostly buy it. By the way, the tradition of laying a towel under the feet of the bride and groom was preserved in atheistic times. They laid it in the registry office, and they still do it to this day. The canvas can be bought in a special store, at the market or directly in a church shop.

Even after learning everything about how to prepare for a wedding in the Orthodox Church, there is still excitement that is completely difficult to cope with.

Who will be refused?

Before you start planning the ceremony itself, make sure that you will not be denied it. So, below are the reasons why a clergyman may not marry you:

  1. The engagement will not take place if you are blood relatives to each other, for example, a brother and sister, or spiritual godfathers.
  2. Father will not give the go-ahead to adherents of another religion, sect, as well as atheists and the unbaptized.
  3. If the age has not reached 18 years or has crossed the line of 60 years for a woman and 70 years for a man.
    The rule regarding the older generation is often violated. Especially if the family has lived in an official marriage for a long time, the church will bless them in any case.
  4. According to Christian customs, you can be married no more than three times.
  5. Those who already have three divorces behind them will also be denied the Sacrament.
  6. If you are married to one person and want to enter into a sacred union with another.
  7. The priest may refuse a couple whose age difference is too large.
  8. People who have taken a vow of celibacy and clergy will never have a wedding.
  9. In most cases, a church ritual will not take place if the lovers have not officially registered their relationship with the state - in the registry office.


There is another important point that was not mentioned above. This seems to go without saying. Those wishing to receive the sacrament of wedding in the Orthodox Church must be baptized in Orthodoxy. And it is also advisable to be believers, which plays an important role in the salvation of a person’s soul. And the family is a small church. Where the husband is likened to Christ, and the wife is like the church. Children are their children. All together they sail to God in their ark. Only now this understanding has been lost among people. A husband must carefully protect his wife, take care of her as his faithful friend and the mother of his children. Do everything so that they don’t go hungry, don’t need, can learn and improve, enjoy life and thank God for it. And the wife is the keeper. A faithful companion and creator of the hearth. Is this true in the modern world?

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