What competitions can be held at a bachelorette party for the bride?

Why are competitions needed, and what to consider when choosing them?

A bachelorette party is a fun holiday.
It is necessary not only because tradition requires it. This event helps the bride, who is pretty tired from the wedding hassle, to relax before the most important day of her life. That is why the holiday should be held in a fun and carefree atmosphere. This is why we need competitions that will help all participants in the event relax, get closer and just have fun. The competition program should be extensive so that none of the girls gets bored. However, when compiling it, some factors should be taken into account: Venue of the event

You need to pay attention to this in order to decide whether to choose mobile or table tests. So, for example, in a sauna, where bachelorette parties are often celebrated today, there will most likely be enough space only for intellectual competitions, but in a cafe, restaurant, apartment or outdoors it will be possible to conduct mobile tests.

Dress code is another factor that should be given attention when selecting competitions for a bachelorette party.

If the party is celebrated in a pirate, nautical or denim style, it will not be difficult for its participants to take part in moving tests, even if they chose not very comfortable high-heeled shoes. In the end, it can be removed for a while. But girls who come to the party in beautiful floor-length dresses will probably not be very comfortable running races with their friends. However, as a rule, this depends on the number of strong drinks consumed.

The style in which the events will be held. Today, themed bachelorette parties have become fashionable. When organizing them, attention should be paid not only to decorating the room and choosing clothes, but also to ensuring that the competition program corresponds to the theme.

Number of participants. This factor cannot be ignored due to the fact that some competitions require a large number of people in the team. If there are not very many participants in the bachelorette party, try to create a competitive program of such tests in which each girl will be involved.

You can come up with competitions for this event yourself, or you can use the ready-made examples given below. Be sure to prepare all the props in advance so that you don’t have to frantically search for the necessary items at the event venue. This could ruin the holiday.

"I never…"

This game will help girls get to know each other better. This is especially true if the bride’s friends from school, university, work, etc. gathered at the bachelorette party, that is, they do not know each other well.

The essence of the game is that each participant takes turns talking about something that she has not done, for example, “I have never had a dog at home” or “I have never danced on a bar.” Those girls who have ever done this drink a fine glass or sip of wine. The main idea is for everyone to answer honestly, without being shy. You can come up with different fun games for a bachelorette party, then no one will be bored.

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Additional Tips

The bride needs to think through a lot of organizational aspects when planning her bachelorette party to ensure that everyone is comfortable and having fun. It is worth considering the following nuances:

  • Food. Wherever the bachelorette party is taking place, care must be taken to ensure that no one goes hungry. You can prepare simple meals, buy snacks at the store, or order food to your home.
  • Time to celebrate. Previously, it was customary to have a bachelorette party on the eve of the wedding, but then this event was not accompanied by fun. To prevent the bride and her bridesmaids from looking sleepy and tired at the wedding, it is better to hold it a week or several days before the appointed date.
  • Guests. To avoid a tense atmosphere at the bachelorette party, you need to invite only your closest friends. You shouldn’t invite someone just to keep up appearances, because the holiday will no longer be so relaxed. As for the groom's relatives, the bride must decide for herself whether she wants them to attend the bachelorette party.
  • Striptease. Ordering a stripper for the bride from the bridesmaids has become a familiar part of the bachelorette party, but before that you need to check with both the bride and the groom whether they are against such a decision. For some couples, a quarrel may break out on this basis, which is undesirable before the wedding.
  • Scenario. To throw a cool bachelorette party, ideas for games and competitions need to be thought out in advance, as well as prizes.
  • Organizer. In most cases, the bride organizes the bachelorette party on her own, but sometimes her friends take over the organization. You may need an organizer if you need ideas for an unusual bachelorette party. This point needs to be discussed in advance to avoid wasting time and money.

Ideas on how to celebrate a bachelorette party are limited only by the bride and her bridesmaids’ own imagination. If you wish, you can throw a fun and memorable party with minimal financial costs. The main thing is to be in a good mood and have a good time with your closest friends.

Prizes and fines

If games and competitions will be held at the bachelorette party, you need to think about what the girls will receive for winning or losing. To do this, it is worth paying attention to their interests and temperaments, since, for example, prizes with erotic overtones are not suitable for modest women.

You can use sweets or pleasant trinkets as bonuses for winning competitions and games. You can also purchase small things that will be useful around the house, for example, ice cube trays, oven mitts, thermal wipes, etc.

We also need to think about fines - what girls should pay for losing in a game or competition. If there is alcohol at the celebration, then the bride and her bridesmaids can drink an extra sip of wine or a glass of strong drink for their failure.

You can also come up with interesting tasks for the losers, for example, stand for 5 minutes on one leg, read a poem or sing a song with a mouth full of sweets, kiss a random passerby on the street, etc. Games and competitions for a bachelorette party will help create the right atmosphere at the event.

Competitions for the bride

“I made him out of what was...”

Bridesmaids should print out in advance a photograph of the groom and several other men - athletes, TV stars, or maybe just strangers from social networks. The finished photos should be cut into several parts, like puzzles, and mixed. Well, the further train of thought is clear - the future wife must collect a photo of her groom from this whole bunch.

“And I recognize my dear one by...”

Another similar competition: for this, the bridesmaids must photograph some decent part of the groom’s body in advance. This could be the ear, forehead, little toe on the right foot, or index finger on the left hand. In addition, photographs of the same part of the body of completely strangers are printed. The bride must guess her betrothed from all the variety of choices.

“My friend, I recognize you”

Each invited guest brings her own childhood photo to the party - the younger the age, the better. All the cards are shuffled, and the future spouse takes them one at a time and tries to guess which one is which.

"Baba Yaga is against it!"

All the invited girls take turns trying to dissuade the bride from getting married, citing a variety of arguments against family life. The future spouse must protest, citing equally irrefutable evidence in favor of marriage. The funnier the arguments for and against, the better.

“About Baba Yaga - option 2”

The previous competition has another option. In this case, the guests are divided into two teams. Participants in one group express arguments “for” family life, debaters from the other – “against”. For every argument that seems weighty to her, the bride rewards the team with some kind of sign - it could be a match, a candy wrapper, or similar little things. When both teams' arguments come to an end, you need to count how many awards each team received. Whoever has more wins.

"Dress rehearsal"

One of the girlfriends should represent the nagging mother-in-law, scolding the young wife and asking her tricky questions. For example, “Why did my son wear unironed socks to work today?” or “How did the hair get into the soup?” The bride must find worthy answers to her husband’s mother.

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"Farewell to my maiden name"

There are a lot of options here - you can write your name on a balloon and release it into the sky. You can write it on a piece of paper, which you can then burn or bury in the ground. You can write a large poster with your maiden name, which will be held by two girlfriends at opposite ends. The bride must break it by running between them.

Bachelorette party competitions

The first rule of a bachelorette party is that no one gets bored, so you should carefully consider what competitions and games will be at your party.

Competitions for a bachelorette party in a bar

Ideas for competitions at a bachelorette party in a cafe:

  1. Get to know your friend. All bridesmaids take their childhood photographs with them; the bride’s task is to recognize her close friends from the photographs. It comes out funny and sentimental.
  2. Let's write a bride's story. Pass around a sheet of paper on which each of those present writes a couple of sentences-memories about friendship or study with the bride. And then one of them will read out everything written, it will turn out to be a funny story.
  3. Question answer. The bridesmaids ask tricky questions about her personal life, which may confuse the girl a little, but she has the right not to answer. This game will allow you to learn a lot about the bride and her husband.
  4. Competition to know the groom. To do this, you need to make a list of questions about the groom and their relationship, and conduct a survey with him first, and then ask the same questions to the bride at the party. The answers will reveal how well she knows her future husband.

Ideas for a fun bachelorette party in a bar or cafe

The key to a good bachelorette party is not only the place where you want to organize it, not only competitions and entertainment, but, first of all, a good mood and loyal friends nearby. Then any of your parties will leave a bright mark in your memory.

What questions are asked to the groom at the ransom: cool tasks and riddles

Any wedding is a whole complex of traditions and rituals that alternate sequentially and signify the union of a man and a woman both on the spiritual and material levels. The latter includes ransom. This is a very ancient custom, which among our ancestors had a very definite meaning and was significant, but today has turned into fun. Therefore, wedding organizers prepare in advance questions for the groom to buy the bride, as well as tests for him. Without this, the newlywed is not supposed to go to the groom.

Warming up

First, you need all participants to relax and feel the mood of the bachelorette party. Therefore, after announcing the purpose of the meeting and the rules of the meeting, you can include the following games.

  • Perhaps the girlfriends haven’t met together like this for a long time. Therefore, it’s good to start a bachelorette party with a game that will reveal the transformation talents of each girl. A humorous quiz – “Guess it!” Participants are given pre-prepared cards with the names of famous men. The task is to pantomime, without words, to portray the wife of this man.
  • An interesting questionnaire will be the answers from which will tell about the origin of the future bride’s love for her sweetheart. Memorable dates are written on the cards. On others - what they mean. The participants’ task is to choose the correct meaning for each date. The bride can use the words "sooner" or "later".
  • Filling out humorous anonymous questionnaires is also a great start. The questionnaires are read out loud, the task is to guess who the author of the lines is. The questions are chosen to be simple. For example, “When did you meet your love?”, “How many letters are in your name?”, “Who is your favorite artist?”, “Your favorite dessert” and so on.
  • A shouting game will help you finally lose your inhibitions before the upcoming fun. Any text is selected. This could be a story from family life, a good joke. Participants speak a word from the text, reading in a chain. The very first one reads barely audibly. You need to finish reading very loudly and in chorus.

"Question answer"

There are several variations of this game for a bachelorette party at home. The most popular involves making many cards, some with questions and others with answers. Groups of leaves are folded into separate hats or bags and mixed. Each girl in turn takes out a question, and the one sitting next to her takes out the answer, and they read the resulting combination out loud. Sample questions for a bachelorette party game for the bride are below.

  • Do you consider yourself smart?
  • Will you fight for the bouquet at the wedding?
  • Will you go with the newlyweds on their honeymoon and ruin their entire vacation?
  • How often are you at home?
  • Do you want to have a lover?
  • Will you spy on the newlyweds on their wedding night?

It is advisable to create universal answers so that they fit most questions. A sample list follows.

  • Yes, and no one will judge me for this;
  • Even the mere thought of this brings me joy;
  • This is my hobby;
  • Yes, but then I will be tormented by remorse;
  • I don't want to talk about it today;
  • This opportunity should not be missed.

The Question and Answer game for a bachelorette party has several variations. One of them will not require preparation. You need to take a blank sheet of A4 or larger size and give it to one of the girls so that she can write an interesting question at the very top of the paper. After this, she folds the edge of the sheet so that what is written is not visible, and passes it to the next friend, voicing only part of the question. The next participant must write an answer to the question that she presented, and then write her own. When the sheet is finished, all combinations are read out loud.

"Best women's handbag"

Men often joke about the capacity of handbags and the things that can be found in their depths. In a close group of women you can test how prepared the bride and her friends are for unforeseen circumstances. It is worth making a table in advance in which each item that can be found in a purse is assigned a certain number of points. The girl who collects the most will win.

For example, lipstick, a mirror, a comb and powder are frequent guests in women's handbags, so you can earn 1 point for these items. The same can be said about your phone, wallet and bank card. Not everyone has medicines and hygiene products, so 2 points are given for them. There are also very rare things, for example, a set of screwdrivers or a hair dryer - they can be awarded 5 or even 10 points. The presenter can read out the items on this list and those girls who have the name of the item in their bags lay them out in front of them. At the end, everyone counts the points together and determines the winner.

Program, or what to surprise

The program plays an important role (even the main one) here: competitions, entertainment, music.

The most extraordinary, but increasingly popular, option is to conduct a master class where you make with your own hands:

  • Dance (a specific dance).
  • Photograph.
  • Make cocktails.
  • Bake cool colorful cakes.

Below watch a master class on how to make your own soap.

But you can also get by with interesting timed competitions that will test the young woman’s readiness for married life. A symbolic reward and a fine are provided (for example, in the form of drinking a glass of alcohol) if she does not meet the allotted time. These could be tasks such as tying a tie, dressing up a child doll, drawing a portrait of your future husband with his eyes closed, and others.

An excellent solution would be competitions for girlfriends, for example, in the form of the quest “Who will be the next bride.”

All this should be accompanied by pleasant music, selected in advance. Moreover, it is advisable to choose the most famous and nostalgic compositions, so that everyone will sing along with pleasure.

Test options for the bride

Here are some cool challenges that you can arrange at a bachelorette party for the hero of the occasion:

Guess the baby

For this test, you will need photos of all participants in the event in their infant years. Each of them must bring a photo in advance and give it to the party organizer. All pictures should be mixed and placed in a box. The bride will need to take out the pictures one at a time and try to guess who is in them.

Box of Bride's Secrets

For this competition you will need paper cut into small pieces. Each bachelorette party participant must describe in a few sentences a memory from her past life with the participation of the hero of the occasion. This could be a funny incident that happened in childhood, or something that literally happened at an event today. The main thing is that the text contains some intrigue. After the girls finish writing secret notes and put them in a box, the test begins in which the bride will take part. The girl will need to take out the notes one by one and, after reading them out loud, guess who is the author of this or that masterpiece.

Does the bride know her lover well?

Here is a sample list of them:

  • groom's birthday;
  • his favorite dish;
  • recipe for this dish;
  • hobbies of the groom;
  • his favorite color;
  • shoe size;
  • clothing size;
  • favorite movie;
  • favorite musical artist;
  • favorite book.

You can use these questions for the competition, or you can come up with your own. They should be placed on a large chamomile with tear-off petals. You can draw it yourself on a large sheet of paper. However, if you don’t have time for such arts, you can limit yourself to questions written on ordinary pieces of paper.

Farewell to the past

Tomorrow the bride will have to go with the groom to the registry office. This means that today she should say goodbye to her past life forever. The essence of this test is as follows: the bride remembers all her past boyfriends and admirers and writes all their names in a column on a large sheet of paper. Each of the girls asks her compromising and revealing questions about someone on the list. The bride should tell without concealment everything that interests her bridesmaids. Only in this case will the rite of farewell to the past free life be considered completed. After this, the girl must take matches, crumple up a sheet of paper with the list and solemnly burn it, scattering the ashes to the wind. To do this, it is recommended to go outside or to a loggia.

Guess who?

The girl should be blindfolded and her friends should be brought to her one by one, so that she can determine by touch who is in front of her. While one of the bridesmaids is blindfolding the bride, the rest can exchange accessories or even some items of clothing in order to mislead the hero of the occasion.

What else can you please your guests with?

Anything that will lift their spirits! Prepare cheerful music, order something tasty from the nearest cafe (you can’t cook it yourself!), give each friend a small gift. Any souvenir that symbolizes a wedding or your strong friendship will do.

Include a couple of fortune-telling games in your party script. All unmarried girls love them very much and support wedding signs and traditions. It doesn’t matter if Epiphany or other traditional evenings for fortune telling do not coincide with the date of your party. You only get married once, so please yourself and your friends with a couple of fortune tellings for your betrothed or for the future.

We have given you just a few tips for planning a fun bachelorette party. Use them or change them as you wish. And the best holiday for you and your friends is guaranteed!


A blog about weddings, family events and small daily celebrations.

Bachelorette party before the wedding. Competitions and entertainment...

Ideas for a bachelorette party before the wedding, quizzes, challenges for the bride.

Ideas for a bachelorette party before a wedding that will help make the bachelorette party scenario interesting. Fun competitions, games and quizzes with the participation of the groom, challenges for the bride at the bachelorette party.

A bachelorette party before a wedding is an important ritual and just an opportunity to have a good time with friends. I will try to answer the most popular question: how to entertain guests at a bachelorette party, what competitions can be organized for the bride.

A fun challenge for the bride at the bachelorette party before the wedding “Total Recall”

Each friend remembers and writes down the list of the sweetest cute/funny/drunk/embarrassing incident in the life of the bride that they remember. When everything is written, the bride reads them all out. You can invite the bride to guess the author of each note. And be sure to keep all the notes as a keepsake along with photos from the bachelorette party.

Competition for the bachelorette party before the wedding “Dream Wedding Dress”.

We divide our friends into teams and offer to make a wedding dress for the bride out of toilet paper, trying to guess the dress of her dreams. For ten minutes, while the music is playing, the teams create a dress on one of the team members. The dress then debuts and one of the team members talks about the creation and what inspired the design. The bride then chooses the dress that is closest to her dream dress.

Ideas for a bachelorette party with the groom "He said, she said." Conduct an interview in advance with the bride and groom on the topic of family, marriage, expectations from the wedding, etc. Then, read out the quotes, and the guests must guess who said it - the bride or groom. You can vote using a mustache and sponges on sticks (photo props). Whoever guesses the most gets a special prize - an invitation to be the guest who sees the wedding photos first.

Ideas for a bachelorette party. Creative play

The girls decorate the apron, creating a designer item as a gift for the bride for future breakfasts for her chosen one. To do this, you need to prepare glue, fabric markers, sequins, rhinestones, ribbons, bows, etc. in advance.

Competitions for the bride at the bachelorette party “Tasting” The game is played with eyes closed. You need to guess the taste. You can offer various juices, as well as small canapés or cupcakes for tasting. All friends can participate in the tasting in turn or only the bride.

Bachelorette party competitions “I have never. "Each of the bachelorette party participants comes up with and says some action: I never. flew, didn’t eat sea urchin, didn’t cook cutlets, didn’t kiss on the first date, etc. The girl who did what was called takes a sip from her glass.

Competitions for the bride at her bachelorette party. Quiz Mr. &Mrs. Invite your friends to write up humorous questions for the questionnaire about the groom in advance and ask him for the answers. The funnier the questions, the better. Then, during the bachelorette party, the bride must answer questions. If you are super organized, you can record all the groom's answers on video. Or arrange a Skype conference with the groom to see his reaction to the bride’s answers!

Some questions to ask: How did you two meet? What is your partner's favorite body part? Name one thing that the groom will save (besides the bride) if there is a fire? Which habit irritates him/her the most? Favorite movie/book? Who will cook breakfast after the wedding? The funniest thing that happened to him/her? His/her favorite sexual position?

Funny fortune telling

Since ancient times, girls have gathered together to tell fortunes - for their betrothed, for events, for the fulfillment of desires. At the bachelorette party before the wedding, you can also observe this tradition, albeit in a humorous version. There are the following options for fortune telling.

  • With the help of a friend. You can first agree with a male friend so that he can be in touch during the bachelorette party. Via the Internet or SMS messages, he needs to send questions from the girls one by one, and he will give interesting answers. The point is that the friend will not know from whom the questions are coming, so the results of such fortune-telling may be unexpected and funny;
  • Fortune cookies. If the bride is good at cooking, she can prepare breakable cookies in advance, inside of which you will need to put small leaves with fortunes. They can be both romantic and funny;
  • On the book. First you need to select a work of art in a printed version. The girls take turns asking a question that interests them, giving the page and line number. The rest open the book at the right place and read out the “prediction”;
  • On wax. This fortune telling can be considered “serious”; it could also be found at hen parties in ancient times. To predict the future, a candle is lit, the melting wax is collected in a spoon, and then quickly poured into a container of water. They make fortunes by the resulting figure, guessing what it looks like;
  • At Kinder Surprises. You can combine business with pleasure - sweets and fortune telling. You need to buy a Kinder surprise for each girl and, during the tea party, see who gets which toy, and then guess what it might indicate.

Important! Although such fortune-telling is considered humorous, pleasant predictions can cheer up girls and set them up for positivity. In addition, this is another reason to dream together about husbands, children and a happy life.

Competitions for a bachelorette party at home - stop eating, it's time to rock!

Are many of your girlfriends unmarried? Then it will be interesting to look at the man of their dreams, whom they will have to make from... magazine clippings.

Competition “I blinded you from what was!”

Give each participant an envelope containing pre-cut magazine clippings. Foreheads, eyes, chins, noses of different stars. It could be Johnny Depp's ears or Radcliffe's glasses - it's all in your hands. The girls' task is to assemble the man of their dreams from parts in an envelope.

You can, of course, swap noses and eyes with your friends, the main thing is that they don’t manage to collect the “whole” Brad Pitt - otherwise it won’t be interesting

This is the kind of handsome guy your friends might end up with

"Guess the melody"

Prepare a piece of music that consists of introductions to wedding-themed songs. The girls’ task is to guess what kind of song is hidden under such a simple introduction.”

A continuation of such a competition could be regular karaoke, the main theme of which would be the upcoming wedding :).

"Wedding crocodile"

Note that fun and cool competitions for a bachelorette party are not necessarily mega original games. An ordinary crocodile, which we will turn into a wedding one, can be such a simple but fun entertainment.

To do this, we will need pre-prepared cards folded into a box, hat, bag, bag or basket. Each of the girls present takes a card in a circle and tries to depict what is written there :).

Here are some preparations:

  • First dance of the young;
  • A wedding cake;
  • Veil;
  • Glasses;
  • Friend;
  • Drunken brawl;
  • Cheerful guests;
  • Oh this wedding, wedding, wedding;
  • White dress, white veil;
  • How lucky you are...OH...my fiancée;

Also, funny competitions and games for a bachelorette party can be held not only at home, but also on the street :). For example, “Fanta” is a great opportunity to have fun just on the streets of your city.

For this game we will also need pre-prepared tasks. Put them in your hat and feel free to leave the apartment.

Who will pull the forfeit and after whom is not important, the main thing is that every guest takes part in the “rowdy”

  • Take a photo with a handsome young man as if he is proposing to you (you are in tears, he is on his knee);
  • Find 5 men wearing ties;
  • Ask for a phone number from 3 guys;
  • Take a photo with three blondes;
  • Take a funny photo with an unfamiliar girl;
  • Ride in a supermarket trolley;
  • Give a kiss to a handsome brunette;
  • A married man (identified by the ring) confesses his love.

Competitions and games for a bachelorette party can also be intellectual :). You can write a letter to the bride from her groom. Different words in this letter can be written in different languages. Let her try to guess WHAT her husband meant.

Example letter:

“My canım (darling). I am writing you this letter and looking forward to tomorrow's dnia (day). After all, tomorrow you will forever become מייַן (mine), and I will become דיין (yours). Driving up to your window in a white 車 (car), I will pick you up and take you to eine glänzende Zukunft (bright future). There I will maite (love) you for a long time, the way only you want. Then I will show you my rather large kodu (house), which will captivate you forever. And inside it you will find comodità (comfort) and mutluluk (happiness), which will make you its real mistress. I love you, my dear, and I look forward to our huwelijk (marriage).”

These are such interesting competitions for a bachelorette party and in general the evening can end with a final farewell to bachelor life. To do this, you need to prepare in advance balloons inflated with helium, a raft or a wreath to float down the river, or any other symbol of a free life.

You can write the names of exes or wishes for yourself in your married life on the balloons, put the wishes of your friends on a raft, and weave ribbons symbolizing each of you into a wreath. And release (send along the river) this symbol.

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