Congratulations to your son on his wedding from mom and dad, touching to tears in your own words

Wedding congratulations to son from mom, dad

​​ ​And failures bypass​ to a friend​ ​I cling threads on​ the hearts of love not​ ​Raise children and​ ​Adopt children.​And the eyes shone​ ​Let them be​Son we share​ ​scare,​Son , become​ ​you a worthy husband.​ ​it doesn’t hurt to learn,​ ​ your wrist,​ ​ is getting cold,​ ​ love your husband,​ There is no one happier in​ ​ the same​

​ two or three​ we won’t:​ ​Reign in the heart​And we are not​ ​Your fidgety children​Trust in everything​ ​I don’t know how​And let always​ ​Be strong and​ this moment​ ​And knock in​And what gender​ ​We are both in peace and harmony,​ ​let us down.​Let them please everyone​ and believe​ ​in me stand up and​ the nightingales​ are always insistent.​ ​On the big planet.​ the beat of the heart,​ - it’s up to you to decide.​ we love him -​ ​It helps to be persistent.​ Love your wife, children​ us.​

​that love will all lie down!​ they sing,​Live happily,​Carry you through the years​So that honesty in​Today, children, I am​He, right,​Live together and grow,​Let comfort prevail, ​Weaved into the outfit​And let your house be visited​I wish you love.​ Congratulations on the relationship!​ not a log,​ in love,​ lead your family.​ the house will be populated​

​And the problems and​ the mother-in-law's ribbon.​ ​ happiness may not​ ​ be any sorrow and​ For a happy you​ ​Remained until the end.​ ​After all, the day is​ So let us​ ​Mutual understanding,​Let ours be fleeting​ ​And goodness not​ quarrels​ ​And if​ it leaves,​ ​trouble.​ life​ ​My dear newlyweds,​ ​it’s not easy for you today.​ at the same time.​ ​To overcome​ life,​

​ goes away.​ ​sometimes​ ​I am this burden for everyone?​ ​And in it​ ​Even in life​I bless.​ ​The culprits of the merry feast,​ ​You are a new family​ ​Forget that I​ ​could,​ And let them go​ ​And there are smiles​ ​But I’m boiling,​ ​only joy and​ ​a lot of happiness, and​Your mother is crying,​ ​I wish you not​ ​already created,​ ​ - mother-in-law,​Any tests.​

​ years, And from the face​ ​I want​ ​ like foam,​ goodness always live.​ ​ not only​ children,​ ​ the darkened share,​ Now you began​ ​I won’t drink​ My beloved adult son ,​ ​He doesn’t hold the hand of his wife.​ ​they wouldn’t recognize​ ​I wish I could drink now​ Let it be every day​ ​Even if it’s only today​ ​I’m very happy​ Happy share -​ ​ husband and wife!​

​your blood:​ ​Today you created​ hold​ ​Our dears,​you are not idle,​ ​for the union!​ brings only joy​ ​it will be bitter!​ for you.​ ​ in life and​ So let in​ ​I will remember my family in my youth, Today and always. Love and fidelity

​ no boredom,​ I bring you to the parade ground​ ​And let everyone​ My dear daughter-in-law!​ ​There is no love and​ love! I want​ in balloons of hope,​ ​ carries with him​ Your husband is with you!​ ​ more beautiful,​ Jealousy does not go away.​ ​That you will not​ love!​ ​ Gone from childhood.​ You have become a family​ ​ How to be here?​ And may always​ ​ ​ be your mother-in-law.

​so that soon you will be born​ ​ to live in poverty!​ ​This is from​ I wish you to be a housewife​ ​ now.​ And the evil mother-in-law​ ​ in them are nightingales​ If my advice​ ​ is yours.​ And that love,​ ​ Bitter!​ grandchildren ,​ ​And souls, children,​

​ with all my heart I wish​ ​ in the house.​ ​I wish you patience,​ there is no desire to gain a reputation.​ ​ they sing,​ it will come in handy,​ ​After years, the happiness​ that we have now,​ ​We wrote congratulations with​ ​Let marriage​ be like clothes:​ ​Your mother, and​

​Don’t take care​Without him in​ ​Daughter-in-law is a girl​And your house​ ​I’m ready to share.​ carry,​ ​Keep forever.​ ​ spouse,​ holds​ ​Washing, steaming and​ at the same time -​ ​ feelings , but there’s no way for the family. She’s ugly in appearance, let’s not be happy But all the disputes Give birth and raise Our beloved son, your Tenderness, optimism and sewing have flown by! Mother-in-law!​

​Only give yourself​‏>

From Mom

Wedding congratulations from mom

​Well, ​Besides​ he leaves,​ ​—without me!​ children,​ ​ wife​ ​for many years,​ kindness,​ ​You really need to see​​ It’s time for hope, and​ ​ to the husband, children.​ let everything heals​ ​ incompetence...​And in it​ ​I am the mother-in-law,​To love each other​ ​So young, beautiful​Let him call​ ​The rest will settle​ grandchildren,​ ​strength flourishing,​And your home​ ​In languid bedroom​ I have no strength to look,​ ​ only joy and​ not a judge.​ ​ in spite​ and smart! .​ like her son​ ​ goodness always live.​ If there is peace in​ ​The harsh life of our​ Love her and​ ​The one in​ the​ umbrella.​ ​ old woman!​ ways:​ ​To me, daughter-in-law, not​ Happy holiday , my

Wedding congratulations from mother to daughter

​ protects...​ ​May​ ​May​ ​take care of you every day, ​days.​ forever,​ there is no better place in the world,​ ​Congratulations, son, today​So hold it together​

​What, where and​ ​ measles,​ ​ relatives,​ And jealousy again​ ​ brings only joy​ Who?

​Congratulations, son! At the wedding​ She is yours​ ​Be your son​ the wedding​ ​hands​ with whom to go?​ ​Who knows that​Mom congratulates.​

Wedding congratulations from mother to daughter

​ burns!​ ​And let everyone​ not be happy?​ ​ the closest person is cheerful!​

​ strong family man,​ You take this responsibility​ ​And create the best!​ ​While support for​ ​ awaits ahead?​

​Tenderness, patience​ ​As the evening, so​ ​carries with it​ ​I wish you to live​

​You are not invited,​ ​Let them help you​Be a good husband​ ​take it upon yourself,​Touching congratulations from your mother​ ​you​The time will come, mother-in-law​

Wedding congratulations from mother to son

​He wishes from the bottom of his heart.​ in the movies, for​ ​ love! I want you to understand​ ​dancing.​You need this​ ​So that you can grow​You are serious, despite​ ​Let it not pass​In your home​ You must be a support​ ​My mother-in-law now!​ Father and me.​ ​And pain separationYou are always a friend ​No that with all my heart I wish​

Wedding congratulations from the mother of the bride

​ you are family.​ ​ that​ there is mutual attraction.​ ​ be you a master,​ family,​ I’m not used to it.​ ​God grant that you find out.​

​ friend,​ ​ stay as a mother.​ Your mother, and​ My baby, our sun,​ ​ ​ ​ Love will not grow cold​ ​And be happy​ I want to wish,​ I congratulate you​

​ dear father's house​ Therefore, accept the order:​ ​So that your home​ Where does this tenderness​ ​ also come from​ -​ My ray of light,​ ​And already something​ from the troubles,​

Wedding congratulations from the groom's mother

​always!​ so that they don’t know​ ​ about the wedding!​ ​You were dear​ ​If you love your son,​ did​ ​in your son? exciting, needs, Birch tree of life not ​ and then. Today you entered So that the council may wilt, We all believe in you, daughter, I congratulate you, I am proud of my and now - Today you have become

Congratulations on your wedding day from mom

​everyone in the world​ ​ you will wake up as a husband​ lives!​ ​ into a legal marriage,​ love, so that the world​ Sprouts for​ ​ son, in you​ After all, today it became​

​ son:​ ​With your little wife, look​, husband and wife.​ are more beautiful!

​ -​ you are a wife,​ ​It’s like a joke for me now.​ ​For each other​Today I became a​ ​wife.​ in health... And​

Words of congratulations from mom on her wedding

​happiness drunken parents,​So that you always send​More profit for me​A worthy life​Of course I wish my son-in-law,​ and my daughter!​It’s gratifying that​you are now in​you!​ in one direction - your daughter-in-law!​ So that he can see​ How he can’t help but drink, don’t answer,

Wedding congratulations from mom in prose

​Be gentle, affectionate, obedient​ you will be strong, friendly.​ Give birth to grandchildren to us​ our son has grown a look,​ Someone from the side, and​ And from a young age only your image.​ I like​ smokes...​You should go now​ Wife to her husband, Quarrels, quarrels - more often and more.

Congratulations from mom on the wedding in your own words

​So that they always fulfill​ me as a daughter!​ for years and up​ I looked at​ Such and such a beauty!​ Or maybe in vain​ one path.​ In serious matters​ not a single one!​ Don’t forget to read​ We wish you your family​ promises, I liked the end of you with delight,

Congratulations from mom on the wedding in verse

​If you're a mother​ ​ does she hate a girl? you​ ​You only liked to call​ sincerely,​ ​The neighbors say that​Don’t let in​ ​Since you trusted​ a miracle,​ ​We will​​ So that your grandchildren give birth to​ ​ ​ dreams and desires.​

Touching wedding congratulations from mom

​As in the past​ ​ ​ mother, father.​ ​ you​ I will replace you with​ ​ not bad...​ in his home.​ ​It’s like a gift that​ guests are eagerly​ ​ rather us,​​ ​ I was! Exactly!​Your birthday​ ​You lived like​ a mother.​ ​But with the jealousy​ of insults, separations.​Don’t forget that you​ ​have been given to you from above.​ to wait!​ ​Prosperity to earn​ On your wedding day, Son, your mother ​ ​for us​ for a long, long time​ ​I’m talking about​ my daughter, how to cope with​ ​Respect your family,​ ​ ​Don’t be angry with​ Our dear son, you​ ​impressive​ me I wish,​ ​remembers​ ​Always been a holiday.​And even if without​ ​dreamed,​ ​cursed?​ ​ appreciate,​In everyday life, in​ small quirks,​ ​became such an adult,​And all with​ ​Consent, peace, love,​ In its blooming​ Now​ ​ caresses will not pass​ So that a friend to me​ After all, it’s pressing, as if​ ​ After all, family -​ cares about the family​ ​Divide all matters​ ​ with solid, independent. And​ ​ he divided it in half with his wife.​ Happy marriage​ ​ of the year!​ We wish you the main thing in​

Sincere wedding congratulations from mom

​ and day.​ ​ became.​ damn stone!…​ ​ this is a union of hearts​ ​And most importantly, you​ are in half.​

​ today you create

Short wedding greetings from mom

​The door opened, and​ and hands.​ ​ be happy,​ Be always caring​ ​ for your family. We​ are special,​ ​May you be happy​ ​ immodestly,​ Find decent friends!​ ​ we won’t:​ ​ didn’t enter -​ I wish you children

​and faithful husband,​‏>

Beautiful poems

One of the most difficult options for congratulations. It requires hard work, especially if you do everything unique and original.

Alternatively, turn to a book of toasts or the Internet in order to read and understand which congratulations on your wedding day are most suitable. Before deciding on the meaning of the poem, it is necessary to determine its meaning.

It could be:

  • lyrical;
  • musical;
  • comic;
  • touching;
  • edifying.

It will be especially good if you can combine two semantic loads at once in a lyrical text. For example, start with a joke and end on a touching note.

This is interesting: How to congratulate your daughter and son-in-law on their wedding day in an original way?

It should be understood that men do not really like sensual and sentimental moments, so it may be possible to abandon them altogether. Not every son will like it if his parents start crying while reading a poem.

The best congratulations in poetic form will be a slightly formal speech, filled with a humorous tone and a reverent attitude.

Congratulations on your wedding from mom

​we are proud of you and​Now with your wife​ ​you!​And your choice​ ​Congratulations, my children​And a mother's heart​ ​We both​ have flown in.​​ soon
​ ​ you will follow​ ​Son, I know​ it’s approved - yes!​

​ dear,​ ​ goes numb.​ we love him -​ ​slanting bangs, ponytail​ That’s what I want​ ​Daughter, beloved,​

​ father.​ ​ prosperity to the young family,​ ​ ​ you love​ I wish you well​ ​With your wedding!​

​He’s sitting with you​ ​He, really,​ ​with a white ribbon...​ will become a grandmother.​ ​He’s bright in weddings​

​Invest in the family​ ​ happiness and harmony.​ ​You and the​ ​Woman that bring​ ​ joy,​

​ With the birth of a family!​ Now your wife​ ​ is not a log,​ -​ ​May there be​ ​ love and soul,​ May your family​

​ to share hardships​ ​ with you,​ A bed with feather beds​ ​For each other​ And I’m sitting​ ​So let’s​ Oh, mom, hello!​

​ two or three,​ The main desire is​ ​Wear with pride​ ​life will remind​ ​you will​

​And I know, a husband​ ​ of love!​ you have now become​ ​ a little to the left.​ at the same time.​ ​ What can I help?​

​And what gender​Happiness is for you!​ ​your ring!​ calm sailing, bringing​ ​And rejoice if​ you are excellent,​ ​May your closeness,​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Relatives! ​And it let go...​ ​ - it’s up to you to decide.​ We want to last​ ​ Dear, beloved son,​ you have many pleasant​ ​ somethings​ Be happy, son​ ​ Your sweetness​ May God reward your​ ​ hearts: - mother-in-law, daughter came running... My dears! Today happened​ ​ was​ I congratulate you today.​ ​ impressions and emotions.​ it will get better.​ ​ my!​ She won’t become a fish​ ​ sing like nightingales! a wonderful event -​ ​Your marriage union.​ And with all​ ​ Don’t reproach​ your friend​ You​ ​We just didn’t notice,​ we’re broke!​ ​Let them sing about​ happiness giving you.​ ​ your blood:​ understood ,​ ​you have become a husband​ May your love,​ ​a friend appear soon, always find​ ​manage​ ​How to get married fell​ ​Let your union​ be your real feeling,​ ​I send him​ ​I will remember my youth That not a daughter-in-law, and a wife. Live​Dear little one.​ ​Happiness, I compromise​ for you, be not​ ​And at the right​ time,​ ​ the sea sways,​ What is beautifully called​ ​ its grateful syllable,​ again,​ ​ and found a daughter.​ always in love,​ ​I wish you to be a wise wife.​ ​ just a husband and​ do not stray from the course.​ ​After all, today​ ​And rings create​ Love!​ ​Albeit a little​How I was afraid​ ​My dear children,​ peace and harmony.​ ​And keep the hearth,​ Wedding, this is​ ​ a wife, but also​ You are a captain, and​ ​ adults​ pattern,​ ​May your life​ be with your​ ​ mother-in-law.​ I wish you​​ And remember that​ Raise your children,​ ​ beautifully,​ ​ best friends, and therefore​ You become skillfully, son.​ ​Whoever argues​ with beauty​ will be decorated with​ merriment!​ I’m jealous.​ ​If my advice​ is only happiness,​ ​ You now -​ ​Take care of your husband.​ I wish you a lot of life​ ​ then your union​ You take a step​ ​We speak reverently -​With the lake blue,​ ​Well, I​Don’t attach importance​ ​it will come in handy,​Incorruptible, pure love, one whole. I wish​ May your husband be proud of you for​ ​ years.​ will last for centuries!​ ​ and only​ You are an exemplary husband​ ​ the snow of the mountains! replenishment in​ ​Every day and​ The sun is always bright​ ​I’m here for you, son, for​ ​the work.​ be​ ​Strollers, I remember, the mother-in-law can do.​ ​Now the most important thing​But all the disputes​ ​are bad weather.​ family, financial well-being,​ ​ hour, let​ wedding​ ​Love your wife,​And your ship​ ​Today! Not​​ ​is completely different.​ - without me!​ ​Be you always for​ mutual patience and​ ​Well, we​Sheds a bright light!​ ​I wish you happiness,​ appreciate and believe,​ ​family​ I’ll wait! ​Keep vigilantly from​ Now you are no longer!​ ​ She called her​ son, her family,​ ​ and not a judge, her husband.​ Inseparable and indivisible,​ ​ years. And if​ Don’t forget about​ The decision is not easy.​ ​ for love, you believe.​ ​ storms.​ Go ahead, be bold!​ ​ your beautiful wife.​ What will you save​ ​If there is silence​ So that it always​ It will be difficult, we, ​ us!​ I bless you to accept him.​ ​So catch your parents​ I would also like to say​ ​Kisses! I'm happy! I’m proud!​ Your journey together​ ​you from grief.​ ​ ​ ​ the feeling lived,​ parents, we will always help​ ​My dear son, my​ was able,​ So that caring​ ​ ​ congratulations,​ would:​ ​Dear son, congratulations began with the first​ Let there be happiness​ ​Who cares​ That your hearts​ ​ with a kind word and​ a good one! step on the towel,​ ​ yours is great,​ won’t you be happy?​ connected!​ ​ we’ll give good advice.​ This is the time of two lives.​ ​For my wife there was a family lesson.​ and days​ ​I want you with​ so let him Let love not​ ​I wish you to live​ On this happy day​ ​ Be happy!​ It’s time to become a husband,​ Your wife and​ ​ husband,​ Now the groom has already grown up​ ​Have you ever at​ the beginning of a new life, will last for many years.​ ​ fades away in vain.​ loving,​ ​ most​ On this wonderful day​ ​And, from your​ cheek!​ ​So that in all​ ours,​ ​ wedding​ I accept on​ ​ Today I feel​ And it will be for you​ ​ To grow up with​ You wants to congratulate​ ​ I congratulate you,​ motherly quietly,​ Live peacefully, brightly,​ ​ family affairs​ You have become quite an adult​ ​Take your children.​ your home daughter-in-law​ pride in your​ ​ with each other​ you family.​ ​ mother,​ children, from all​ ​Tears are not flowing​ Today for you -​ ​Your​ son was also important.​ ​The toastmaster is leading the wedding,​ ​I’m glad​ for the​ child , which has become​ ​so easy,​Have fun, eat,​ ​Wish to all​ souls! I wish you happiness, at ease again.​ ​ flowers​ are needed.​ ​To become a husband, the head​All the people have fun.​ ​And my parting words​ to a wonderful young man​ ​Let​ From quarrels​ And listen to your mother.​ ​ Years of​ prosperity, support fire I can’t believe it

​And the necessary gifts!​‏>

Touching prose

The most sincere and touching wishes are words spoken from the bottom of the heart. Mothers, like no other, are full of love for their children.

Therefore, it will be easiest for them to express congratulations in prose.

  1. My dear children! I confess to all the guests at your wedding that I am very happy about today's event. Despite this, I will worry about you. I would like you not to encounter troubles on your life’s path, to avoid trouble. Son, I raised and raised you from childhood. Now I'm ready to fade into the background. I will always be there, support and advise when you ask me for it. I love you and wish you harmony in your new life.
  2. My dear son, my words will be spoken to you first. Since childhood, you have made me happy. Always helped and supported. You were always a good student, helped around the house, and were a truly perfect child. Together with you we went through all the difficult moments and today you found a real family. Before you is a beautiful wife, I hope that soon you will have a child who will delight you just as much as you do me.
  3. Dear daughter-in-law. I am happy that you appeared in our life. I trust my son and am proud of his choice. May your days pass happily and carefree together until you grow old. And you will not forget about your parents.
  4. My son. You would know how glad I am that your eyes are shining. Today I feel only fun and joy for you. Let your eyes glow with love until old age, and let the beautiful bride dazzle everyone with her beauty and radiant smile.

This is interesting: How to choose the right wedding congratulations for a colleague?

Congratulations to your son on his wedding in prose - wishes in your own words

​So that, like swans,​ families​ Even​ our souls will not be superfluous:​ and a​ storm does not grow nearby.​ With beautiful wishes,​ Never part! ​To each other​The honorable term has come.​They dance for joy.​Treat each other with care. I wish you to keep​And useful legends.​Tightly take care of each other's hands,​Leaving your parents' home,​adult,​Loyalty you kept, We wish to be Congratulations, our son! to a friend, a wonderful girl. Children, the comfort of your home, How to hold on in a fairy tale, protect and overcome - You have your own So that you can be a wall for each other You know in Offense to no one

​remember that family​‏>

Touching wedding congratulations from the groom’s mother in verse

​And the​ voices say,​ ​So that in difficult​ all problems and​ ​Her​ family is very visible,​ ​ take care of​ For their own​​ fiancee
​ ​Advice and love​ ​ ​adversity together. Let you adore, Then be you And your wife all your life. Called the best wife, Maybe soon you will please not only the quiet one So that on the road For all the years your ​ ​ your family will not be broken They loved the one next to​ ​ her protection.​ ​ A spark of happiness, feelings​ A real ideal! behind a strong shoulder. Take care of her lovingly. I love you, son,

In your heart Be happy guys.

​The sun always shines for me more often​ ​ May the cherished things come true​ ​About the cliffs of vanity.​ life is only full​ ​Yes, I’m glad​For you to live​ ​Congratulations on your wedding,​Carry through the years.​ ​And rich in children !​ remember,​ ​ and it’s full You are calm in everything.
Sometimes you​ ​ what are you​ about​ And it will be​ ​ cheerful​ There is no greater happiness​ and emotions.​ ​ you know,​ And the children​ ​I bless you for life.​ We wish you peace​ ​ your hearth,​ mutual understanding​ ​ you may encounter We dreamed so much.​ ​ festivities!​ ​ for mom,​ Dear children! Let it be​ ​I am pleased that​ ​the house is full,​In peace and​ ​And only prosperity,​Every day it grows stronger​ ​For the family it​ ​with strong winds, storms​And if you​ ​You in the family​What to see happy​ ​happy marriage!​ you are in love,​ so that happiness falls,​ ​ agreement​ May love always​ ​ marriage!​ mean a lot.​ ​ or thunderstorms, nothing​ need my hand​ ​ I accept​ children.​​ Let your mother's heart desire to live in you, let it warm you. Listen, son. Today you,​ ​In fidelity, you should not​ ​I will give it to you, my​And your daughter​With the wedding, I​​ your Live​ -​​ family
and​ ​Be happy, her​ ​And keep love.​ ​You are my dear son,​So handsome, grown-up.​ ​Bon voyage!​ Now family. Thanks to​ ​What is more important today is your​You son only​ ​You are together, you​ ​agree. Always take care of us! happiness​ ​Dear and dear children,​ friend,​ ​life​ wedding term.​ ​Here we let go​ good luck!​ ​ love you can​ I for her​ ​And for a visit​ ​May your hearth​ burn long, and​ ​Today you have become​And your spouse​ ​You are on your shoulder​You are the groom -​ ​you from your​Beautiful poems for a wedding​ to overcome any bad weather​ ​ with my soul.​ come often.​ family​ ​ so I wish you​ husband and wife.​ appreciate​ ​the shoulder,​ the most beautiful,​ nests,​ ​from the groom's mother​ and see again​ ​Now not only​ With you a secret​

​And the heart trembles​‏>

Parting words in your own words

Parents say not only touching words, but also parting speeches. They are not edifying in nature. In this way, parents try to convey their reverent attitude and love .

After all, absolutely every mother and father wants their son to live without troubles and problems, without making the mistakes of his parents.

  1. Today we will all have fun and relax at your wedding. And tomorrow you, my son, will have to work hard. From that moment on, you became the head of the family. Your task is to provide and support your wife. And this means not only material well-being, but also constant work on relationships. Marriage is the same kind of work in which you need to adapt to each other and make compromises. Let marriage become your favorite job, which will soon develop into a hobby.
  2. On this day you tied the knot. From now on, you are brothers, parents, and best friends to each other. Maintain your relationship at the same level. Love and protect each other. Never forget about your roots and parents.

Congratulations to your son on his wedding

​ - happiness only​ for each other​ ​Brought to be​ ​My soul mate​ I wish love​ ​Let it not consume​ Congratulations, dears,​ ​ the sun in your​ son has​ ​ I’ll share,​ in his chest.​​ eternal, love only you are now in​ ​ family,​ Loved you dearly.​

​ you are strong.​ ​ you are a harsh abyss.​ a wedding is a​ ​ quiet haven. May​ ​And not chat with​ ​I wish you worthy, dear ones,​ ​ bright, friends only in​ answer,​ ​Only joyful days. ,​ your house is filling​ ​Now I’ll refuse my daughter.​ ​May this​ be faithful to you! So let​ ​You go now​

​​ ​home​ ​was your marriage,​ ​You will become a husband and​ ​You son, the​ ​warmth of your love​ is rightfully given.​ ​Love my son,​ ​it’s not easy to go through.​ ​ yours will be happy​ ​ along one path.​ ​I am proud of my son:​ Storks are circling,​ ​So that his father is nothing.​

If you choose, and happiness. Bitter!​ ​​ children, just​ give it!​ ​Today, looking at​A ray of sunshine illuminates​

​Don’t let your​ ​and daughter in!​Well,​ ​For us​ ​I wish you happiness​ ​You don’t value it anymore,​ ​So you married​ good,​ ​I will always​ have you​.​ ​The faces of our young​ ​to yourself to the house​ Like​ ​ grandchildren.​ and all the best,​ ​ you will come back,​ Always help​ ​ my child! , separation.​ ​ like​ ​Son, now you are a husband​So that there will be joy​

​But remain son,​ ​ ​Congratulations on your wedding are like fun.​ ​And to you​ for many years​ ​And wants to congratulate​Respect you family,​ ​Such a beauty!​ has become -​ ​ not a little .​ well done.​ ​provide for your family,​ ​Today, children, I​ come to visit!​

​A conjugal, reverent waltz.​ ​Appreciate them,​ ​If you are a mother​Responsible position:​ ​I also wish you patience​Our beloved son,​And then wife​ ​May your day​ I congratulate you!​ ​Remember, now you ​Let there be love, understanding,​ ​Wish that not​ After all, family is​ ​ called,​Head of the family, in​

​ and strength,​ Congratulations on your​ ​ will decorate​ it will be cheerful, bell!​ After all,​ ​ I’m a mother’s day,​ Let the kids please​ forget​ ​ this is a union of hearts​ I’ll replace the​ steering wheel in your hands,​ ​So that your love​ wedding.​ ​your happy life.​ But I’m not​ ​ you today is not easy.​ I wish you only​ ​ everyone.​ A happy day ever,​ and hands.​ ​ mother.​ To sail through life​ ​ forever .​The bride is like an angel,​ ​Since I close my heart.​ ​You are a good new family​

​And remember -​So that in memory​ ​I wish you children​I'm talking about your daughter​ ​opportunity.​And most importantly​ ​And you are the groom​ ​you decided,​I think everything: love and​ ​have already been created,​And let fate,​ ​only in tandem​ remained​ ​soon,​ ​dreamed,​May storms, storms​ ​for your parents,​ ​beautiful.​that it’s time for​ ​ happiness​

​Now you have become​ ​sometimes stubborn,​Success is always guaranteed.​ ​It’s for the long term​That’s what I want​ ​So that they don’t scare me​ ​Rather like a grandfather-grandmother​Let everyone go​ ​get married,​You should in​ ​ husband and wife!​ But don’t give up​ ​Congratulations from the mother​ of the year!​ ​ become a grandmother.​ ​And there will be no waves! in​


In prose

Today is a very joyful day in your life. Today you are marrying your son. What could be more beautiful in the world? I wish that you do not have to worry about your son. After all, he is now in good hands. Now he will always be fed, always cleanly dressed. Let your son's life now be like a fairy tale. Congratulations on your son's marriage!

Dear parents of the groom, I want to congratulate you on the marriage of your son. And say that you raised a wonderful man. You have invested a lot of strength, love and attention into your son. Thanks to your efforts, he became the ideal man. I want to wish you that you will never be ashamed of his actions. May he be a faithful and loving family man. Let him not forget about his parents. And let him be an exemplary husband. Hooray!

In your own words

Dear parents of the groom, low bow to you. I congratulate you on the marriage of your dear son and wish you to have grandchildren as soon as possible. I wish that your daughter-in-law becomes like a daughter to you. I also wish you to have a good relationship. Let the young couple invite you to visit more often. And may you be as proud of your parents as you are of your children. Congratulations! Today you cannot hide the excitement on your faces. Today your son is getting married. You have someone to be proud of. He is your support, he is your protection, he is your pride. Now he will have his own family. And a great responsibility falls on his shoulders. May everything go well for the young people. And may you be happy for your children. Congratulations!

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see also

  • Wedding congratulations to a cousin from his sister
  • 10 years of wedding, what a wedding, cool congratulations
  • 15 Wedding Anniversary, what a wedding, cool congratulations
  • Beautiful Merry Christmas greetings to mom
  • 5th wedding anniversary congratulations
  • Poems of congratulations to mom
  • Funny wedding congratulations from friends
  • Congratulations on your son's wedding
  • Happy 80th birthday greetings to mom
  • Congratulations on your wedding in touching prose
  • Funny wedding congratulations to brother from sister
  • Congratulations to my son on his 30th birthday from his mother
  • Wedding anniversary 1 year congratulations to husband
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  • Congratulations to your son on his 14th birthday from his mother
  • Congratulations to parents on their wedding anniversary in prose

Video congratulations

Shyness or a desire to stand out with an original congratulation from the mother of the groom leads to the idea of ​​​​creating a video. There can be a lot of ideas here:

  • videos of funny life situations with your son with the addition of warm words;
  • records of trips and gatherings of the whole family, alternating with congratulatory speeches;
  • video-recorded pep talk;
  • musical greeting. Mothers often choose it as a farewell message to their son on their wedding day, as this is an excellent opportunity to express personal feelings, emotions, and also wish the bride and groom a long and happy life;
  • others, as much as your imagination can handle.

It is important to know that no matter what way you choose to say a toast and congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding day, the main thing is that the words are sincere, warm, unforgettable and piercing. The choice depends on the mother, her heart will tell her. Congratulations in prose and toasts pronounced on the wedding day, and especially from parents, will be remembered by the young people for the rest of their lives, of course, if you try to give such a sincere congratulation for your son and his chosen one, which will be valuable for its emotions and sincerity. And of course, the newly-made mother-in-law needs to prepare for this. So that everyone, including you, would be pleased. And toasts to parents, moms, and dads will immediately sound like joyful approval for your efforts.

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