10 ways to decorate a car for a wedding with your own hands

Often young couples wonder how and what to decorate their important special day? Expensive and beautiful luxury cars can become one of the objects of holiday decorations. But to increase the chic, we will tell you how to make them even more spectacular.

So what can a stylish and memorable procession look like at a wedding celebration? Modern, expressive and luxurious! Many people strive to come up with something extraordinary when decorating their car.


You've probably seen Hollywood films where newlyweds leave a wedding to the sound of tin cans dragging behind the car. Why not repeat it, because this is an easy way to decorate a car for a wedding with your own hands. Only the jars should be clean and preferably the same color (you can paint them).

Polina Vinogradova/ Elina Upmane Photography

Rings for a car

Who would have thought that this expensive wedding accessory (about 2000 rubles) could be so easy to make with your own hands! For the rings on the car you will need:

  1. flexible hose (rubber, corrugated - it doesn’t matter) - 2 meters
  2. golden ribbon for decorating flowers (foil will also work)
  3. a solid base for the rings (foam, hard cardboard...)
  4. artificial flowers in desired color
  5. bells
  6. scotch

Make two rings from flexible hoses - one larger, the other smaller. Cover these templates with tape.

Make another ring to use as a stand.

all the rings with foil or gold ribbon (however, the color of your rings can be whatever you wish). Next, fasten the two main rings together and place them on the stand ring. Tape all joints well with tape, otherwise your composition will fall apart in the wind.

Place the rings firmly on a solid base, sew with ribbons or thick threads.

The base of the composition can be decorated in any way you like: draped with fabric or decorated with many flowers or beads, show your imagination!

Tie a bell to each ring

Flower arrangements

Decorate your car with fresh flowers, it always looks great. If you have a budget, ask the florist to make a composition for the newlyweds’ car, then the car will become one of the places for a photo shoot. Make sure the flower designs are well attached and will not fall off while riding.

Sarah Jane Ethan Photography

What else can you decorate a wedding car with?

Various themed figurines can also be offered as holiday decoration options. These could be swans or two hearts made of flowers, a wedding doll separately on the car of the bride and groom or a couple on a common car, hats in the form of a man’s top hat and a lady’s hat.

Photos of hats on wedding cars

The car can also be decorated with butterflies made of fabric or on magnets, compositions of large balloons and small balls around the perimeter of the car. The main thing is not to overdo it and choose all the elements harmoniously. Take two basic colors and one or two halftones, and as accessories, for example, balls of the same size, laid out in neat compositions, and rings on the hood or roof, or a combination of butterflies with tulle bows and floral arrangements. Tulle is one of the most popular fabrics for decoration because it allows you to create luxury by gathering into folds. It makes spectacular bows, roses, or you can simply stretch it over the entire hood, tying it in a knot near the rear-view mirrors.

Photo of a tulle bow on a wedding car

Don't forget about decorating the bumper. A large two-layer bow made of tulle in two shades with a laconic floral arrangement fixed in the center will look very impressive In principle, the numbers cannot be closed, but in honor of such an event, traffic cops usually make concessions. Therefore, you can attach a sign to the number with the inscription, for example, “cool wedding” or with the names of the newlyweds.

While getting carried away with car decor, don’t forget about such an important point as maintaining a complete overview for the driver

The windshield, mirrors and rear view window above the bumper must be open.

When decorating the wedding convoy cars yourself, the question often arises of how to attach the tulle to the wedding car. For this purpose, ribbons, tapes and elastic bands are used, which fix the fabric on the radiator grille and mirrors, and are threaded through the hood lid. It is important to pull the long tulle elements tightly so that they do not lose their shape during movement.

Wedding car outfit with magnets

One of the popular and easy-to-use ways to decorate a motorcade is with car magnets for a wedding. To order, you can make a completely variable set of magnets in the shape of hearts, butterflies, as well as individual products with the names of the newlyweds and funny inscriptions. It is noteworthy that their form and content can be anything, which will add originality and exclusivity to the wedding design. You can arrange and combine them as you wish. The only limitation to their use is that they only stick to metal surfaces. If you want to decorate the glass, you can use stickers.

Photo of magnets for a wedding car

Options for decorating wedding cars with flowers with examples

Flowers are always included in the decoration of an event. Fresh flowers on a car look very gentle and touching. But keep in mind that they are alive and do not retain their original appearance for a long time, especially in extreme conditions of driving around the city during the hot season. Do not place them on the radiator or hood . Acceptable options are car handles and mirrors, roof and bumper.

Artificial analogues of flowers in modern manufacturing technologies look almost indistinguishable from real ones

Therefore, this is an ideal option for creating compositions. The main thing is to choose flowers in the same style. Don't load your cars with them too flashily, using all types of paints. A maximum of two contrasting colors or three to four pastel shades in accordance with the main range. Lilies look good with tall thin grass stems or inflorescences. Roses can be combined with lilies of the valley or abundant greenery, but not with wildflowers. Chamomiles make a beautiful combination with cornflowers and mimosa. Maki - only with greens.

Photo of wedding car decoration with roses

Show off your florist's talents and try out different compositions in advance to choose an eye-catching option that matches your style of celebration.

Wedding car stickers

Cool car stickers that arouse interest in your wedding will become a memorable accessory not only for those invited, but also for the public of the whole city. For example, who will remain indifferent to the cars where the “groom’s gang” or the “bride’s gang” are driving? You can choose the most unexpected inscriptions. Don't be afraid to experiment. It is unlikely that any passerby has encountered mafiosi who publicly call the wedding procession, for example, “the bride’s mafia” or “the godfather’s mafioso.”

This is your day - declare yourself to the world, let everyone pay attention to you, remember and imitate you. And you will have something to remember and tell your children.

Paper flags

This type of decorative element is common for children’s parties, but flags in the wedding colors will be an interesting decoration for a car. On the websites etsy.com or livemaster.ru you can find similar elements in a variety of colors.

Lindsay Madden/Fanny Combes

Basic recommendations

  1. It is necessary to take into account the model and body type of the car. Thus, retro cars do not need excessive decoration, the same applies to limousines and other status cars.
  2. The decoration of all cars should be made in the same style, but be sure to contrast with the color of the car. So, for dark cars you should use light decor, for light cars – bright ones. For themed weddings, it is appropriate to choose appropriate details; for example, for a celebration in a nautical style, it is ideal to use blue colors, shells, decorative nets, etc.
  3. When thinking through a design, you need to be guided not only by aesthetics, but also by practicality. Decoration must not interfere with the driver's view! The optimal places for attaching its elements are the hood (only if we are not talking about lush compositions), roof, handles, and trunk.
  4. The fixation of the parts must be extremely strong so that none of them comes off during movement.
  5. A motorcade consisting of cars of the same color and/or brand looks elegant. If the cars are of several colors, then it is advisable to start the white, black, and silver ones first, and concentrate the bright ones at the end.

If cars for the motorcade are rented, when signing the contract, you need to find out whether decor is included in the price (companies often offer such a service). Otherwise, you should get permission to decorate. It may happen that the car is covered with an expensive paint coating, to which it is prohibited to attach even ordinary tapes.


An unusual way to decorate a car for a wedding with your own hands is to install an installation of gift boxes on the roof. The help of a professional is optional; after training, you will pack the “gifts” in such a way that the result will be indistinguishable from the work of a decorator.

Lauren Fair

Haley Sheffield

Clothes for the bride and groom

Speaking about a fashionable wedding dress 2022, it should be noted that it must certainly be a model made of light flowing fabrics and silk with discreet decor.

The main and fashionable decoration will be draperies and openwork lace inserts. Lush models, classics, laconic outfits, models made in the ancient Greek style, trouser suits are relevant. In addition to the traditional white color, brides can choose outfits in olive, beige, powdery, and cappuccino colors.

At all times, the classic men's suit has always been considered the most fashionable and stylish, and 2022 is no exception. Suits in dark shades with a strict silhouette, a mandatory attribute of which will be a vest, will help the groom look expensive and presentable. Suits in lighter and snow-white shades will give an elegant and fresh look. However, the most important criterion remains convenience and comfort.


Young people often decorate their car with balloons for their wedding, but we want to offer an unusual way. Instead of hanging clusters of balloons on your car, choose large colorful balloons and let them hang out of the windows to attract attention.

Orange Turtle Photography


Shops for organizing holidays today offer stickers for car decoration, including wedding-themed ones. Such stickers are easily washed off with plain water, so there is no need to be afraid that they will damage the paintwork. If young people want an individual design, then it will not be difficult to order stickers from a printing company with the desired picture/text.

License plates with funny inscriptions are also popular. We do not recommend using these to avoid problems with traffic police officers.

From felt

You can easily please your loved ones and relatives with a small surprise in the form of a 2022 amulet - a cute little cow. A miniature cow toy can become a keychain, a bag pendant, or a nice gift for a small child. It can be made from felt - a pleasant to the touch and warm material that is very good to work with.

Felt is available in a wide range of colors and thicknesses. Basically, a New Year's gift is made with your own hands using a ready-made template presented in our article. However, if you wish, you can develop your own non-trivial idea and implement it.

To make the symbol of 2022 from felt with your own hands, you will need the following tools and consumables: up to 5 white A4 sheets to create a template, strong threads, square felt, scissors, silicate glue, filler, decorations (eyes, buttons, satin ribbon).


  1. To begin with, the template is redrawn on a piece of paper and cut out. To save time, blanks can be downloaded from the Internet and printed.
  2. Next, the template is laid out on a square of felt of the desired shade and outlined around the edge with special chalk. At this stage, you can use a regular pen or pencil.
  3. After this, the blanks are cut out.
  4. The parts of the body and head are sewn together, leaving small openings for stuffing with filler.
  5. Ears, horns, and spots are glued onto the surface of the finished elements. Eyes can be made using beads or simply drawn with a special felt-tip pen.
  6. Next, the toy is “circled” around the entire perimeter with a special decorative seam using strong threads and decorated with various elements.
  7. A miniature bell is hung on the bull’s neck, which can be easily found in any handicraft store.
  8. You can make false nostrils using small buttons.
  9. Beautiful cheeks can be created using regular blush or pink shades.
  10. The tail is cut from tight twine or woven from embroidery floss.

According to the classics, the body and head of a bull should be light brown, and the horns and spots on the body should be dark brown. However, it should be noted that you can take absolutely any color of the consumable material for making the 2021 symbol with your own hands in the combination you like.

A cow is also made using the template described above. It has identical manufacturing steps. The only difference is the presence of an udder, which is stitched and filled with special material. Using a ready-made felt figurine, you can decorate a Christmas tree. In addition, it will be a great gift for the New Year holidays.

Round box

You will need: intertwined cardboard, a spray gun (spray with water), a simple pencil, a ruler, a centimeter, whatman paper, burlap, twine, glue moment Crystal, glue pencil for fabric, padding polyester, cotton, compass, cutting mat, clamps, elastic band , oilcloth, scissors, stationery knife, thread and needle, leatherette pen or other decorative elements.

Master Class

  1. Cut out a rectangle measuring 54x10cm from interwoven cardboard.
  2. Moisten it with spray spray on both sides, twist the circle, secure with a clamp and leave to dry.
  3. Glue the junction of the circle with a strip of thin paper.
  4. Measure the inner diameter of the bottom, we got 16.7 cm.
  5. Draw the bottom on the woven cardboard using a compass.
  6. Cut out connecting strips from whatman paper using denticles with a total length of 54 cm and a width of 2 cm.
  7. Glue the bottom to the main part using connecting teeth.
  8. Prepare a rectangle of burlap measuring 56x15cm, then sew its edges.
  9. Place the burlap blank over the main part of the box.
  10. Glue the burlap along the edge of the bottom, then along the top edge of the main part of the box.
  11. Cut out a rectangle of woven cardboard 57x3cm. Moisten and secure with a clamp - this will be the lid of the box. Set the piece aside to dry.
  12. Measure the diameter of the bottom, ours is 16.5 cm. Using these dimensions, draw a circle on whatman paper with a compass, cut it out and glue it to the bottom of the box.
  13. Measure the inner diameter of the box.
  14. Prepare a rectangle with denticles from whatman paper measuring 53x9.5 cm.
  15. Prepare a cotton rectangle measuring 53x11cm and glue it onto the rectangle of whatman paper with special glue for fabric, leaving the teeth free.
  16. Prepare a rectangle of oilcloth measuring 57x6cm and sew lace trim along the edge.
  17. Sew a transparent blank to the fabric with whatman paper and make 4 pockets.
  18. Glue a blank with pockets around the circumference of the box inside.
  19. Secure the edge using clamps.
  20. Cut circles from whatman paper and padding polyester with a diameter of 16.3 cm, and from cotton with a diameter of 17.3 cm.
  21. Glue a circle of padding paper and cotton together, then glue it to the bottom of the box.
  22. Make the lid of the box in the same way as the base. We made the blank in step 11. The diameter of the lid is 17.7 cm.
  23. Cover the lid with burlap and twine.
  24. Attach a leatherette handle to the top of the lid or decorate the box to your taste.

The round box is ready! I recommend watching this video!

DIY jewelry box Dressing table decor element 2019

Watch this video on YouTube

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