Favorable days for a wedding in August according to the church calendar



When choosing a wedding date, you need to take into account not only personal preferences, but also the influence of the Moon on the wedding. Future life together and harmonious, strong relationships between spouses will largely depend on this. The lunar wedding calendar for August will help you decide on a favorable day to start a family, and will tell you when it is better to cancel the wedding and move it to another date.

The choice of the date for creating a family union should be conscious. When setting a wedding day, it is important to analyze the main astrological parameters:

The strongest influence is exerted by the position of the Moon in the zodiac constellation . Each month is influenced by a specific zodiac sign. Pisces, Cancer, Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius and Volodya are favorable zodiac constellations for newlyweds. Aries, Virgo and Scorpio - these signs are not conducive to harmonious relationships in the family.

During the full moon , the most successful days for starting a family are characterized by powerful positive energy. The waxing Moon is a good omen that will give the newlyweds many pleasant emotions and well-being. The waning moon is a time of peace, summing up, any undertakings will be difficult and may fail. The new moon is one of the most unfavorable days for the ritual.

Every day of the lunar cycle has its influence on the spouses. You can program yourself for a calm relationship or bring a storm of emotions into it, fill it with bright, memorable events. Guided by the lunar calendar, you can calculate good periods filled with positive energy - 6, 7, 12, 16, 24, 28 days. It should be noted that 9, 15, 23, 29 lunar days are the days of Satan; it is not advisable to hold a celebration.

What to consider when choosing a wedding date

In addition to the phases of the Moon and the position of Venus, the planet of love, do not forget about folk signs that will help you conclude a successful marriage.

According to popular beliefs, a wedding in August will bring happiness if it takes place before the start of the Dormition Lent, that is, before August 14th. In this case, the new family will find harmony and blessings from heaven. For believers, this is a good sign and great support.

Note to brides: no matter how hot it is on August days, choose shoes with a closed toe and heel. It would be better if they were classic pumps, without holes. Otherwise, the family budget will leak through the holes in the shoes and it will be difficult to achieve prosperity.

For a long time, newlyweds put a new coin in their shoes - this attracted wealth to their future family. The coins cannot be removed until the end of the ceremony. Ideally, you should wear them throughout your wedding day.

If a bride, getting ready for her wedding, heard the beautiful singing of wild birds outside the window, then her family life will be very successful and her marriage will be happy.

The frowning August sky foreshadows trials for the new family. However, fate can be deceived - you need to attach a brooch with a diamond to the bride’s dress and the groom’s boutonniere. This stone will ward off all troubles and predict a pure wedding with the most favorable consequences.

In August, it is the season for watermelons, pears, apples and peaches - these fruits should be on the table and both the bride and groom should try a piece of them. In this case, the marriage will be “sweet” like these fruits. Our ancestors believed that by decorating their holiday with the gifts of nature, they attracted her attention and favor.

Unexpected rain, when the wedding is soaked to the skin in August, portends extraordinary happiness for the young family. And all guests can expect the most wonderful events in their lives within 1 month after such a “wet” wedding. Rain cleanses of negativity and gives pure water energy for great achievements.

In August, at a wedding, newlyweds must feed each other apples and honey to attract the “sweet” life.

The last month of summer, the first month of happiness

August (“Serpen” in Old Church Slavonic) is often compared to the candle of Sunday. Favorite month for newlyweds. Even traditional September often loses to the last month of hot summer in terms of popularity in organizing wedding celebrations. And not without reason:

  1. The temperature is much more comfortable than in changeable June and hot July. Especially the second half of August is famous for its moderate warmth, dryness and sunny days. This means that both the ceremony and the photo shoot can be held outdoors in a beautiful place - in a garden, park, on the bank of a river or sea.
  2. Season of vegetables and fruits. Abundance on the wedding table has always been a good omen for the newlyweds to live in abundance. The sickle harvest in gardens and vegetable gardens, its purity and naturalness will not allow this sign to play against the bride and groom.
  3. The end of the high season at the resorts. This means that your honeymoon can be spent in a relatively calm atmosphere.
  4. A large selection of fresh flowers and their relative cheapness compared to winter days. You can literally strew the wedding with petals and inflorescences.

Wedding in August - fragrant lavender and country style
Disadvantages, of course, are also present in an August wedding. And the main one is related to the undeniability of advantages : there are too many people who want to get married in August. This entails the high cost of wedding services and forces you to book a restaurant or banquet hall much in advance. And it may disrupt the planned wedding in the chosen church, since the priest simply does not have enough time for another ceremony.

Favorable days for a wedding in August 2021

August 3 and 27 will be the best days for getting married.

1, 12, 13, 16, 19, 23, 24, 29, 30, 31 are good and calm days for celebrations in August.

If the engagement falls on August 12 and 13, then there is no doubt that the wedding is just around the corner and the newlyweds will live happily ever after. The vibrations of these days open the way to making important plans for life.

August 1, 13, 29, 30 - these days the Moon is especially harmonious and favorable to starting a family.

Venus is in Leo in the first half of the month, which will help create a luxurious celebration by inviting many guests. Everyone will be happy with your holiday! Leo loves noise, bright emotions and is always the center of attention. The newlyweds will receive many expensive gifts and money.

When Venus moves into the sign of Virgo, you can have an intelligent and calm wedding, where your closest people will gather and there will be no annoying guests. Such a marriage will work out successfully, without quarrels and conflicts. Children born from late August marriages are smart and sensible, study well and know how to get settled in life.

interesting and detailed information about: Wedding in June omens

From August 7 to August 10, Venus will be weakened by its opposition to Neptune. This cunning planet turns any plans into manilovism and castles in the air. It's easy to get fooled by people these days, so there shouldn't be any random strangers at your wedding. Be careful with alcohol - Neptune provokes passion for sensual pleasures to the detriment of health.

On August 15, Venus changes sign, so small omissions and quarrels over trifles are possible. Just be more attentive to each other if you choose this day for your wedding.

On August 3, Tuesday, the Moon passes through the sign of Gemini, which makes it possible to obtain complete mutual understanding in a marriage concluded on this day. The favorable aspect of the Sun and Moon will last until 14:00. Venus in conjunction with Uranus will add sophistication and splendor to the wedding.

On August 27, the Moon in Taurus will allow the newlyweds to reveal all their talents and throw out energy from 7:00 to 18:00, that is, for the entire day of celebrations. The holiday will pass like clockwork without conflicts or discrepancies.

On August 16, Venus in Libra will create a favorable time for an alliance for many years to come. Such a marriage will withstand any test, and lovers will begin to respect and appreciate each other, constantly supporting each other in all matters.

Features of the August wedding

Couples who have planned a celebration on a warm summer day should not forget that the application for marriage registration is submitted no later than a month before the expected date. Therefore, it is most convenient to organize an engagement in June, so as not to rush to prepare the holiday and not forget important little things.

The bride's wedding dress should be chosen based on weather conditions.

Skirts that are too thick or a corset that is too tight can cause the newlywed to suffer heatstroke on a hot day.

For possible cool rainy weather, it is better to complement the outfit with a charming warm accessory: a light cardigan or stole.

August is the perfect time for outdoor themed weddings . There, a classic fluffy wedding dress can be replaced with an exclusive light sundress from a novice designer. And a stuffy indoor banquet hall on the cool bank of a river or sea. Not every couple dares to celebrate the occasion with a picnic on the warm sand or a big feast in an apple orchard.

Photos of a wedding in August - an apple orchard as a wonderful place for a celebration

Originality requires courage, but the last sunny days and the imminent approach of autumn can awaken interesting ideas and a determination for extravagant actions.

A classic large bridal bouquet of roses is unlikely to be appropriate in this case. Give preference to original compositions with wildflowers, twigs and even thorns. Experts say thistle is still a trendy wedding plant.

Bride's bouquet with thistle is a fashionable feature of themed weddings

Ideas for an August wedding photo shoot are characterized by a summer mood and are full of harvest motifs :

  • Gardening theme. Baskets of delicious pears, apples, tomatoes and beets look attractive in the hands of the bride's hostess. Orchards are an excellent backdrop for photography.
  • Wheat or sunflower field. Classic summer photo shoots.
  • Photo session on a boat on a river or lake. It could even be themed, if you can get costumes, in the spirit of 18th century boat trips.
  • Those who are brave and uncomplicated may like the idea of ​​a photo shoot in swimsuits near a pond.

A boat ride is a cool idea for an August wedding photo shoot

Beautiful wedding dates for 2022 August

There are two such dates in August: 08/08/2021 and 08/20/2021. Please note that August 20 will fall on the Dormition Fast and it will be impossible to get married. But it is not forbidden to play a secular wedding.

August 8 Moon in Leo. The fire sign of the Zodiac will help create a creative union of equal and intelligent people. The bride and groom will be able to combine their efforts and realize themselves not only as husband and wife, but also achieve great success in their professional activities. Passion and sincerity of intentions will manifest themselves in gifts and the desire to give joy to each other every day, and not just on holidays. There will always be guests in their house, because Leo does not like loneliness.

Also, this is the 29th lunar day, when emotions will take over power in the family. Yes, the young people will have a fun life, but this may cause difficulties with mutual understanding.

On August 20, the Moon is in Aquarius and this is the 12th lunar day. On this day, fate gives the bride not only a husband, but also a faithful friend who will never leave. He will not be jealous and torment you with questions. Such a partner will do everything so that his beloved woman does not need anything.

In general, on the 12th lunar day you can create a trusting union in which everyone is happy with each other and they have a happy future ahead of them.

Why is it August?

Favorable dates for a wedding can be found at any time of the year. Let's figure out why it is worth giving preference to the last month of summer?

Advantages of an August wedding:

  • moderate weather conditions: there is no heat, as in July, but there is no autumn cold either;
  • an abundance of seasonal vegetables, fruits and berries, which will really save your wedding budget;
  • the possibility of holding a ceremony outdoors, surrounded by nature;
  • gorgeous photo shoots against the backdrop of nature;
  • during the holiday season, the likelihood that all invited guests will be able to attend your celebration increases;
  • fresh flowers are freely available, which makes the decoration of a wedding celebration truly summer and more financially profitable.

The disadvantages include:

  • stuffiness in the banquet hall, despite the decline in heat outside. However, the problem can be easily solved if the air conditioner is running in the room. August is also a great time to consider an open restaurant or cafe.
  • It’s the peak of the wedding season, so prices for popular wedding services (photo and video shooting, show programs, music, cortege) are still high. Considering the real savings on the above-mentioned “seasonal” items, August is quite attractive for organizing a wedding.

As you can see, the above-mentioned disadvantages can be easily eliminated and turned into advantages.

Lunar calendar for wedding in August 2021

The strongest marriages are concluded on the waxing moon and on the full moon. A wedding on the waning moon is possible, but be prepared for minor conflicts and constant worries in life.

1, 7, 8, 12, 18, 22, 26, 28 lunar days are the most favorable days for marriage.

2, 4, 6, 13, 15, 20 lunar days are undesirable days for marriage.

If you get married on the days of lunar eclipses or new moons, you can program failures and conflicts, illnesses and negative incidents for your family. Such couples often become friends with toxic people who are difficult to get rid of. Marriage on a new moon attracts trouble and threatens the birth of unhealthy children.


Now you know all the numbers and dates when you can get married in August 2022. Everyone has the right to believe or not to believe in omens. If there is love, respect and mutual understanding between the bride and groom, the marriage will be happy. Difficulties cannot be avoided in this life. But by supporting each other, trusting each other, you can overcome all adversity, only strengthening your marriage bonds.

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Wedding according to the church calendar in 2021

On August 14, the Dormition Fast begins, which lasts until August 27 - the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. During the period of Lent, marriages and weddings according to the canons of the Christian Orthodox Church are prohibited. It is believed that such marriages are doomed to unhappiness and quick divorces.

On August 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 29, 30, you can get married and enter into a family union with the permission of the church. These days, young lovers are crowned by heaven itself and their marriage will be indestructible, of course, if they truly love each other. Those who are going to get married must understand that it will not be possible to “get married”, therefore such a decision must be conscious and made without doubt.

Folk signs and beliefs

For a long time, people have believed in all sorts of omens, especially when it comes to health or happiness. There are a huge number of superstitions related to weddings that need to be correctly interpreted. So, for example, you should never drop wedding rings, this indicates the breakdown of the marriage. A wedding is in May, which means “they will suffer”, many have heard, but what about the other months:

  • January - to be widows;
  • February - live together;
  • March – live in another country;
  • April - happiness will not last long;
  • May - witness betrayal in your own home;
  • June - whole life is like a honeymoon;
  • July – fickle love;
  • August - the husband will be a friend and lover;
  • September – calm peaceful life;
  • October – difficult family life;
  • November – wealth and happiness;
  • December – strong and strong love.

Russian traditions say that not only the month, but also the day of the week is important: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - to be rich, healthy and happy, and Thursday and Friday - to experience difficulties in family life.

In addition, you should also choose dates wisely. The 13th day of the month is considered the most unlucky, and 3,5,7,9, on the contrary, carry family well-being. Bad dates would be February 29, June 11 and July 16.

In addition to the combinations of day and month, it is worth taking a closer look at the weather conditions. Rain or snow on this day is considered a good sign, promising prosperity, and strong wind or storm means that the marriage will be windy.

The influence of the zodiac sign on the fate of the family

In 30 days, the Moon passes through 12 zodiac signs, which influence the fate of the newlyweds. When choosing a wedding date, pay attention not only to the constellations, but also to the time, day of the week and phase of the Earth's satellite.

To successfully get married in August 2022, you need to take into account which zodiac sign the Moon is in:

  • Aries – a delicate relationship between lovers;
  • Taurus – stable relationships for life;
  • Gemini - friendship without passion;
  • Cancer – marriage is united by children and caring for them;
  • Leo - with a lack of feelings, there may be betrayal;
  • Virgo – business relationships without romance;
  • Libra - there is mutual understanding in the family without much affection;
  • Scorpio is an unfavorable period for marriage;

  • Sagittarius – suitable for active people who love travel, tourism, and are not tied to home;
  • Capricorn – stability in relationships, one spouse makes a career, the other supports him;
  • Aquarius - a married couple may face a divorce in the future;
  • Pisces - romantic relationships will develop in the family; they can be disrupted by someone else's influence from the outside.

According to the eastern horoscope, 2022 is the year of the Black Water Tiger. Although the predator loves loneliness, unions formed at this time are strong, harmonious and happy in love. According to astrology, a wedding in August is successful for newlyweds born under the zodiac sign: Taurus, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.

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