Favorable and beautiful days for a wedding in February

A wedding in February is an unforgettable event, filled with romance and fabulousness. Not every couple dares to organize a wedding in the fall, and especially in winter - in the February frosts. However, the most daring and extravagant newlyweds choose February, as this month is incredibly beautiful. You may be lucky and your wedding will fall on a sunny, frosty day. But it is worth keeping in mind that the weather is unpredictable, and your celebration may also fall on a windy, snowy day with a blizzard and blizzard. Don’t rely on the weather and choose a favorable day for your wedding in February, so that, no matter what, your marriage becomes the strongest and most harmonious, and the day when you said “Yes” to each other will be remembered as one of the brightest events in life !

On the portal svadbagolik.ru you can find out which day is best to choose for a wedding in February so that your union is successful and reliable, what signs exist, and we will also share with you interesting ideas on how to celebrate your wedding day at this time of year.

Favorable days for a wedding in February

When planning a wedding, many people look at the lunar calendar, which can help in choosing a good date for the ceremony. The lunar calendar of favorable wedding days for February 2022 advises young people to pay attention to the following numbers:

  • February 2. This day is prosperous for any endeavors, including the formation of a marriage.
  • February 5th. A husband and wife who get married on this day will bring a sea of ​​romance into family relationships.
  • February 9th. Newlyweds will be able to achieve their goals in career, family life and other areas.
  • February 10. A wedding played at the beginning of the second week of the month promises prosperity and a strong union.
  • 24 February. A bride who wants to get married on this day will receive a responsible partner and a passionate lover as her husband.
  • February 27. The wedding will lead to a long lasting marriage.

Many couples dream of getting married on the most romantic holiday of the year - Valentine's Day.

Astrologers do not recommend combining two events in one, advising to move the date to another day

In addition, getting married on February 14 means holding the ceremony on the eve of the Presentation of the Lord.

Another extremely unlucky February date for newlyweds is the 29th of the month. This day comes once every four years, and the couple will not be able to regularly celebrate the anniversary.

Signs and superstitions associated with a wedding in February

Old-timers have different opinions about the festivities during Maslenitsa Week. Most people believe that getting married during Maslenitsa is a good decision that will bear fruit in the future. However, there is a proverb “To get married on Maslenitsa is to marry with misfortune,” according to which a marriage entered into in the last week of February will bring misfortune and lack of money.

The influence of the zodiac sign on the fate of the family

According to astrology, a wedding is considered a significant event in a person’s life. Therefore, its conduct and result are influenced by the position of the planets and zodiac signs. The zodiac circle symbolizes all areas of life. Each sign has its own element, which may not get along with another. When choosing a life partner, you need to take into account the oracle and the compatibility of the elements:

  1. Fiery. This includes Leo, Sagittarius and Aries. They interact well with representatives of the same element, as well as Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.
  2. Air. This includes Libra, Gemini and Aquarius. They harmonize well with representatives of the fire and water elements. Conflicts arise with Virgos, Capricorns and Taurus.
  3. Water. Representatives are Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces. They get along with Leos, Aries, Sagittarius, as well as signs of the same element.
  4. Earthly. This group includes Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus. They have good relationships with water and fire signs.

It is important for the bride and groom to be not only compatible according to their zodiac signs, but also suitable for each other according to their natal chart. Even professional astrologers assure that no people are 100% compatible, so you need to rely not only on horoscopes and signs.

In addition to favorable days according to the lunar calendar, pay attention to the constellation:

  1. Aries. There will be an eternal battle for leadership in this family.
  2. Calf. The couple will be able to build a wonderful relationship. The family will develop mutual understanding and care for the other half.
  3. Twins. There are few quarrels, all issues are resolved peacefully. Typically, spouses are ready to give in on unprincipled issues.
  4. Cancer. A strong family, spouses feel each other’s mood and support. Therefore, everything will turn out well.
  5. A lion. Relative harmony until one of the spouses angers the other. Quarrels are violent, but quickly subside.
  6. Virgo. Quiet and family life, order will reign here, everything will be sorted out.
  7. Scales. The relationship is good, the spouses compromise. But money problems are possible due to wastefulness.
  8. Scorpios. The husband is categorical and adamant. If the wife does not give in, the marriage will quickly fall apart.
  9. Sagittarius. A positive family striving forward. For spouses there is no reason to be sad.
  10. Capricorn. Spouses value and take care of each other. Conflicts happen, but are resolved quickly.
  11. Aquarius. There is complete equality here, since the spouses decide everything together.
  12. Fish. Very strong feelings that a couple will retain until the end.

The duration of the influence of zodiac signs on the moon is about 3 days. Therefore, there are no difficulties in choosing the right time, taking into account these recommendations.

Organization of a wedding ceremony

Newlyweds are often afraid to get married in winter due to changeable weather and bitter frosts. However, there are many options for holding a holiday that will satisfy the guests and be remembered by the bride and groom for a lifetime. February weddings can be held in the following places :

  • Celebration on the street. You can arrange real festivities in the Slavic style by ordering three horses with a sleigh and playing active games in the air.
  • Cafe or restaurant. A good solution would be a cozy place with a warm fireplace and large windows.
  • Camping.

How to plan a wedding in February

  • Warm resort. If, after getting engaged in November, the newlyweds want to have a wedding celebration, but they are afraid of the winter cold, they can celebrate an important event in another country.

Another important detail in planning a wedding celebration in February is careful work on creating the images of the bride and groom. Light chiffon wedding dresses will have to be saved for summer events. For a wedding, the bride can wear a long dress made of thick fabric, and for going out, purchase a warm sheepskin coat and mittens of the same color. The groom should also stock up on warm clothes.

It is impossible to imagine the image of a bride without a luxurious bouquet.

The bride's bouquet will look especially good if the flowers contrast with the whiteness of the snow. An excellent solution would be a composition of scarlet or blue flowers.

Your February wedding photo shoot will be filled with fun and exquisite beauty. Snow-white flakes falling on the newlyweds will decorate any photo. Against the background of white snow, bright red rose petals scattered on the ground look luxurious. The images in the photographs can be anything: the bride and groom try on Slavic costumes, arrange photo sessions with horses and in a snowy forest, exchange wedding rings.

Ring, Eiphoria (price on the link)

Selecting a date according to the lunar wedding calendar 2022

According to astrologers, the happiest dates for the birth of a new family will be the days when the Moon is in the constellations of Taurus, Cancer, Aquarius and Pisces.
But experts also take into account other aspects of the planets. In order for the wedding to be happy, we need to determine the favorable days according to the lunar calendar when our celestial neighbor will pass through feminine, soft signs. In winter and spring these will be the following dates:

  • January – 5, 6, 10, 25 and 26;
  • February – 2, 3, 6, 7, 26, 28 and 29;
  • December – 3, 4, 20, 21, 25-27;
  • March – 1, 6, 8, 22 and 23;
  • April – 2, 3, 17 and 24;
  • May – 13-15, 21-24 and 31st day of the month.

Best period

Summer is considered the most favorable time for marriage, regardless of the date.
It is especially worth celebrating this day before Ivan Kupala Day, which is usually celebrated in July. Other favorable dates for a wedding held in the summer are in July - from the 1st to the 12th, from the 26th to the 29th. At this time, astrologers advise celebrating this event in nature, outside the city, doing photo sessions among flowers or herbs, using various beacons - it is believed that they will make the marriage happy and very strong. A July wedding can take place outdoors, near a river - it is believed that the energy of water will protect the family from constant quarrels and scandals. In July, astrologers advise celebrating weddings on the 2nd, 3rd, 15th, 19th, 20th-26th. At this time, the newlyweds will be under the special protection of the heavenly bodies in 2022. In order for marriage to bring happiness, it is recommended to celebrate the birth of a new family in an old house, a family estate, or on private territory. It is advisable that the interior have wicker items and candles - such a celebration will bring harmony and comfort.

If you are planning a wedding 2022 in August, the most favorable dates for this event will be the 2nd, 3rd, 21st, 13th, 19th and 16th. Astrologers advise going on a trip by water or celebrating this day in a water restaurant or on a boat. You can make a wish and throw a Chinese lantern into the sky; if there is no wind, it is believed that your wish will definitely come true.

In the fall, astrologers advise celebrating a wedding in the following months - September - 5, 6, 19, 21, 13, 23 and 22, in October - 7, 11-17, 19, 21 and 25, in November - 2, 5-11 , 19th, 22nd and 25th. The best place for a marriage is considered to be a home environment, a restaurant where it is as cozy as home.

Where to go on your honeymoon in February

The main advantage of a February wedding is that at this time tickets to resorts are much cheaper. By visiting a travel agency, you will receive many advantageous offers and will be able to fly to any country. The best places for a February honeymoon are the following resorts:

  • Maldives. The Maldives is considered an elite and expensive holiday destination, but in winter prices are significantly reduced. A young husband and wife can rent a room for $50 a night and enjoy the picturesque scenery.
  • Dominican Republic . The Dominican Republic will become a paradise for spouses in love. The country regularly hosts colorful carnivals, and prices for bungalows are affordable for everyone.
  • Cuba . On the famous peninsula, newlyweds can enjoy the beauty of pristine beaches or take a road trip through major cities.
  • Thailand . This resort is one of the best options. Young couples will be able to visit ancient temples and get acquainted with Asian culture, paying a reasonable amount for their vacation.

Where to go on a honeymoon in February

  • India. Rich in attractions, India will allow its guests to ride rickshaws, attend ancient rituals and see the Taj Mahal.

The decision to celebrate a wedding in winter is a risky step, but the right approach to organization will allow you to have an unforgettable holiday . The main thing is to carefully think through the images of the newlyweds and guests and choose a suitable place for the celebration. Watch the video for ideas on organizing a winter wedding.

Signs for a wedding

According to many folk legends, February is considered a very favorable month for such a celebration as a wedding. It used to be that the colder the wedding day was, the longer the newlyweds would live together. But that time has passed, February has warmed up and is considered almost the warmest winter month. And the signs of our ancestors are still with us and greatly influence our lives.

Here are some of them:

  • if there is a blizzard on the wedding day, the newlyweds will become very rich;
  • strong wind without precipitation - the newlyweds will be “tossed” from side to side, and married life will be windy;
  • severe frost during a wedding means a new addition to the family;
  • For complete prosperity and harmony in the family, it is best to get married on Maslenitsa (or any other day of Maslenitsa week).

Each of the signs has its own story and some meaning, but the most important thing in marriage is the love and mutual understanding of the newlyweds, who will not be hindered by snow, blizzards, or other problems in life. In addition, when there is a lot of rainfall, it is necessary to choose the right place for a photo shoot so that the guests are comfortable and the photos turn out beautiful.

Wedding day is a very important holiday that is remembered for the rest of our lives, and it is in our power to make it more joyful and happy. To do this, you need to choose the right date, which will help you overcome all difficulties and live a long life in complete understanding with your partner.

Wedding signs for love and happiness

Wedding signs are more comic than a guide to action:

  • When a cat sneezes on the morning before the wedding, it foretells happiness in family life for the bride.
  • Precipitation in the form of rain, snow on the wedding day - fortunately, good luck.
  • The main person in the house will be the one who first steps on the carpet or crosses the threshold in a church or registry office.
  • The more dishes are broken at the wedding feast, the more happiness the young couple will have.
  • Whoever bites off the largest piece from the wedding loaf will be the leader in the family.
  • Numerous guests at the wedding mean a long life together.
  • Matchmaking for Epiphany means a strong, happy family.
  • A spider on a wedding dress means wealth.

Hall decoration and menu

With rare exceptions, weddings in February are still held indoors. The choice of location and menu depends on the wishes and tastes of the newlyweds, the number of guests and other factors. But in the winter cold, it is best to give preference to a room with wooden furniture, which will give guests a feeling of comfort and warmth, especially compared to the frosty weather outside.

The decor of the room also depends on what kind of atmosphere the organizers want to create. A room with a fireplace, checkered tablecloths, soft fabrics for drapery, fresh flowers - this will enhance the comfort. You can go the opposite way - choose a restaurant with light walls and large windows, use snow-white tablecloths, light decorative elements and thereby create something like the Snow Queen's castle.

Important! Guests will certainly appreciate the menu consisting of traditional Russian dishes such as borscht, pancakes, herring with potatoes, Olivier salad and herring under a fur coat. But you can choose Italian, French or any other cuisine.

The wedding cake should reflect the spirit of the February wedding. For example, you can make it in the shape of a snow-covered spruce or make it as a multi-tiered structure with figures of newlyweds in winter clothes.

Places for a wedding photo shoot in winter

In addition to street photography and studio interiors, there is a whole list of places where you can take photographs, sheltered from the cold and bad weather. The choice of interesting interiors is huge, for every taste and style of celebration. Numerous hotels, restaurants, shopping centers and estates in the capital are at your service.

  • GUM

    It is quite popular among newlyweds as a location for photography. There are beautiful old interiors, numerous stairs and bridges, facades of expensive shops and the spirit of the Soviet era.

    The disadvantages of filming here include the large influx of tourists and other weddings.

    Cost: free, but you must obtain permission from the administration.

  • Hotel Korston

    Winter photo shoot in Korston A very good option is a wedding photo shoot in Korston.
    There is a deposit system here; in order to obtain permission to film, you need to make a deposit; for this amount, a buffet will be arranged for guests during the filming. If you are just a couple, you can use the deposit amount to order dinner at one of the hotel restaurants on another day. There are a lot of beautiful places for photographs; special attention should be paid to the Extra Lounge restaurant, on the 20th floor of the hotel. The hotel has a modern interior in high-tech style, perfect for photos.

  • Restaurant Turandot

    Wedding photo shoot in Turandot A magnificent restaurant in the very center of the capital with luxurious palace interiors. There is also a deposit system for wedding photo shoots. The mansion has several halls, each of which amazes the imagination: a painted ceiling, a marble staircase, antique statues - all this will decorate your photographs.

  • Ritz-Carlton Hotel

    Another metropolitan hotel with a rich history. Filming here is paid, conditions must be clarified with the administration. Newlyweds are allowed to take photographs on the main staircase, in the hotel lobby, on the second floor and in the rooftop restaurant with a magnificent view of Red Square.

  • Sheremetyev estate in Kuskovo

    photo session in the interiors of the Kuskovo estate
    On the territory of the estate, it is fashionable to conduct a photo session in the interiors of the main estate house; it is a working museum.

    Wedding photo shoot in the Kuskovo estate: review of beautiful places for photography

  • Grand Tsaritsyn Palace

    shooting in the interiors of the Grand Palace in Tsaritsyno You can also hold a wedding photo shoot in its interiors.
    There are several spacious halls, luxurious marble staircases, a lot of stucco and gold. One of the downsides is that the palace is open to visitors, who move freely through the halls and sometimes interfere with filming. Cost: 11,000 rubles for 60 minutes.

    Wedding photo shoot in Tsaritsino: review of beautiful places for shooting

Images of newlyweds and guests

The bride has the right to choose any image for the wedding in which she will feel free and confident. But winter time requires the presence of stylish fur accessories - boas, muffs, short fur coats. After all, you can’t go out in February wearing just a wedding dress! As a rule, these details make the image of the hero of the occasion even more luxurious and stylish. You can wear ankle boots decorated with beads or rhinestones on your feet.

A bride's winter outfit will cost a little more than a regular wedding dress, but it's worth it!

It is better for the groom to choose a suit made of thick fabric such as tweed. Ideally, it will be a three-piece suit, and you can complement it with a stylish coat and leather gloves.

Another option is to stylize it as one of the winter fairy tales. For example, the bride can appear in the image of the Snow Maiden or the Snow Queen. The groom must take into account the bride’s choice and make sure that the suit matches the dress of his chosen one. If the bride is dressed as the Snow Maiden, then the groom, instead of a classic three-piece suit and a coat, should wear a traditional Russian costume - an embroidered shirt and a fur sheepskin coat.

Ideas and scenarios

The first and most popular wedding idea in February is a feast in a cafe or restaurant. When a blizzard is raging outside, there is nothing more pleasant than having a small feast at cozy tables, in the company of your family and friends. It is ideal if there is a fireplace in the restaurant hall, which will warm the room and give the wedding celebration a homely atmosphere.

The second option is to have a fun wedding: invite gypsies, mount horses and race through the streets on horse-drawn carts, filling the surrounding area with the sounds of an accordion. Such a wedding will be remembered not only by the newlyweds and their guests, but also by the entire neighborhood! Most often, this option is combined with the first: first they have fun on the streets, and then they move to the warm hall of the restaurant.

The third option is suitable for a mild winter without frost. You can have a picnic in nature - light a fire and have fun in the open air. The main thing is not to miss the weather forecast!

The fourth, most exotic option is to fly away from the February cold to warmer climes. But here you need to take into account that the young must either pay for the trip for all the guests themselves (which is very expensive), or limit the circle of invitees to those who can afford such a trip.

Advantages and disadvantages

A wedding in February has its pros and cons.

The advantages include the following.

  • Any bride looks tender and charming in furs, without which a winter wedding is impossible.
  • There is an opportunity to take beautiful, unique photographs against the backdrop of snowfall, snowdrifts, snow-covered trees and frost. Read here how to dress for a photo shoot.
  • The most significant advantage of a wedding in February is, perhaps, its low cost. Since this is not the season for weddings, you can inexpensively rent a restaurant hall, and also save on a honeymoon, limousines, dresses, makeup artist and hairdresser, presenter and musicians.
  • Early sunsets make it possible to organize fireworks, salutes, and fire shows.
  • All the friends of the newlyweds will most likely be there and will not miss the celebration, because February is not the holiday season.
  • This is a great chance to ride a horse-drawn sleigh.

Let's list the disadvantages.

  • The need to carefully plan all activities that must be carried out before sunset.
  • The need to calculate the time the newlyweds and guests will spend outside so that people do not freeze.
  • The need to take into account the possibility of snowfall, which can cause drifts and problems on the roads, and even lead to the fact that the newlyweds may be late for registering their marriage.
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