How to write holiday dates? Russian language rules


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Spelling the names of holidays is often difficult. This is not surprising, because their number is measured in hundreds: state and professional, thematic and personal, religious and folk.

Spelling errors commonly occur in the use of quotation marks and capitalization. But if you know a few key rules, then everything is simple. Let's figure it out.

How to write the names of holidays: with a capital letter or with a small letter

The use of capital letters in the names of official holidays is subject to certain rules. First you need to determine how many words are in the name of the celebration:

Monosyllabic. If a generally recognized holiday contains one word, then it should be written with a capital letter - it's as simple as that.

Examples: Easter, Christmas.

Polysyllabic. According to the rules of the Russian language, proper names and the first word, which is an integral part of the name, are written with a capital letter in the names of holidays.

Examples: New Year holidays, Valentine's Day, Christmas, International Women's Day, Aviation Day.

It is important to remember that only international and national dates are written with a capital letter.

Exceptions: dates distinguished by the importance of historical events. In this case, even a few words in the names of holidays should be capitalized. This applies to significant religious, state and historical events. In most cases, their spelling is better to remember.

Examples : Old New Year, Great Patriotic War, Heroes of the Fatherland Day in Russia.

Gorgeous congratulations to the newlyweds on their Wedding Day in prose (in your own words)

Dear newlyweds, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your wedding, on a wonderful holiday in honor of the creation of your family. I wish you to be the dearest and closest people to each other throughout your life. I wish to fill your hearts with happiness and joy, and your home with prosperity and prosperity. I wish that the thread that tied you was strong and durable, without a single tear or knot. Peace to you, mutual understanding, fidelity and trust.

Let your life together be amazingly beautiful and happy! I wish you eternal mutual love, financial well-being, beautiful and healthy children, as well as the fulfillment of all your goals and desires! Let today be a wonderful start to your long family life!

With all my heart I congratulate you on your wedding day. Of course, I wish you peace, happiness and long years of married life. And let there be no worries and unnecessary troubles. I wish you to cherish each other and take care of your love. I wish you to paint beautiful dreams together on the family canvas and successfully turn them into reality.

I congratulate you, dear newlyweds, on your holiday of love and family birthday! I wish you to sincerely love each other all your life, delight with your achievements and surprise with pleasant surprises. May there be a lot of light and goodness, prosperity and happiness in your life. Advice and love to you, peace and grace to your home!

From this day forward we wish to walk holding hands. Listen and hear each other. Be together and become one. And remember that love is a theorem that needs to be proven every day. You have as many kids as you want, a full house... and a little more than that. Be healthy and be together. Congratulations to the newlyweds!

Dear newlyweds, we congratulate you on this happy day - your wedding day! Love, take care, respect each other. Let your home be a full cup, let children's laughter sound in it and let faith, hope and love always live. We wish you great happiness, joy and good luck.

My dear, dear and beloved newlyweds! I cordially congratulate you on your wedding day! I wish that your eyes look at each other with the same love in fifty years! Let that feeling that has taken up all the space in your hearts not fade, not go away, but only grow stronger over the years, become wise, sincere and very warm! Be a support to each other in all the vicissitudes of everyday life, forgive each other, love passionately and devotedly! May God bless your marriage for many, many years to come!

dear bride and groom, I want to congratulate you on this significant event for you, on your wedding day, and wish you well-being in all your endeavors, long happy years of life together, so that every day brings you only happiness and joy. Let this day be the first step for you on a wide and long road called MARRIAGE. Happiness, love and understanding.

Dear newlyweds, congratulations on a new stage in your relationship, on getting married! We wish you love, joy, wisdom, inspiration, patience, harmony, abundance. Take care of each other, give in to each other, don’t wash dirty linen in your family, don’t listen to anyone but your heart and be happy!

Congratulations , young people! May this day become a great and joyful event in your life, may this holiday mark the beginning of your strong marital relationship. I wish to create a wonderful family and feed it with happiness, care, love and joy every day. Advice and love, good luck and prosperity to you!

From today on, the most wonderful and most important holiday for the two of you is your wedding. Let me sincerely congratulate you and wish you to live without boredom as a friendly and strong family. Let the flame of your love burn hotter every year. We wish you peace, sun and light, may life always smile at you. Be happy and dearly loved, may your home be full and may your friends come to visit. Walk together along the road with faith and dreams. May the Lord always protect you from troubles and failures.

From today you open the first page of your family book. Let there be many volumes lived together. May your love be the most beautiful in the world. We wish you great happiness, a lot of joy and success in everything. Let this joyful day of your life be remembered by you forever. May your now born union warm your hearts throughout your life. We wish you good health, joy and prosperity. Advice and love to you. May the Lord protect you from all failures.

How to write holiday names with numbers

Some holidays contain numbers, and they also need to be written correctly.

If the name of a holiday begins with a number , then the word following it is written with a capital letter.

Example: Congratulations on May 9th.

If the holiday begins with a number written in a word, then the general rule comes into force: we write the number with a capital letter, and the next word with a small letter.


  • Congratulations on the Ninth of May.
  • Accept the gift for the Eighth of March.

The exceptions to the rule are the dates June 12 and November 7. These holidays have not been established as acceptable names and are still formalized without accents or capital letters.

Example: There will be fireworks on November 12th.

Regular calendar dates and personal holidays that are not related to international and national holidays, but corresponding to them in time, are written with a lowercase letter.

Example: Our daughter was born on the first of May. On May 9 we will go to grandma.

Toasts and parables for a wedding in your own words

Parable of the Three Whales

The ancients believed that the world stood on three pillars. Family life also rests on three pillars. The first pillar is passionate desire. The second pillar is trust and respect. The third pillar is harmony in everyday life. And three whales, as the ancients believed, stand on a turtle. This is how all three pillars are based on the same basis...

The name of this base... Can you guess it? That's right, love! So let's drink to love!

Wedding toast to science and art

Ask a Scientist: What is Family Life? He will answer: “Science, we need to calculate everything - where to live, when to have children, how to spend our holidays...”

Ask an artist, poet or performer: what is family life?

- Art! they will exclaim in one voice.

After all, without romance, impulse, wonderful surprises, it is impossible to maintain attraction to each other.

So let's drink to love - it unites science and art!

Riddle toast for a wedding

Everyone knows the parable about two frogs that once fell into a pot of milk. One thought: “This is the end for me!” — folded her paws and went to the bottom. And the other one floundered and floundered - and even churned the butter with her paws. She leaned on this oil and jumped out of the pot...

What determined the choice of these two women of the frog tribe?

The first frog was lonely. No one was waiting for her at home. So she drowned.

And the second frog recently got married. “My husband is waiting for me at home! - she thought. “I suppose he’s cut off all his phones, he’s worried... Who’s going to take care of him and feed him dinner?” What if some green toad has already been found?

The last thought made the frog work so quickly with its paws that soon it not only jumped out of the pot, but also took the butter with it - for its dear husband for dinner.

So let's drink to love, it is the main saving force!

How to write holiday names: with or without quotes

A common question that many people ask is: “How should I place quotation marks?” The names of holidays are used in quotation marks if they are preceded by the word “holiday”. But this word is not usually used, so quotation marks are rare.


  • Today we celebrate Victory Day. Today we are about.
  • I gave my mother a gift for the Eighth of March. I gave my mother a gift for the Eighth of March holiday.

How to write holiday names with the word “day”

Many holidays have the word “day” in their names. For such cases there is a rule:

  • if the word “day” is at the beginning, we use a capital letter;
  • in the middle or at the end, then we write with a small one.

Usually this rule does not cause any difficulties for anyone. You only have to read it once and remember it.


  • National Unity Day.
  • International Day of Families.
  • World Health Day.

Exception: personal dates not related to formal holidays. As a rule, this applies to anniversaries and other celebrations that are significant for a narrow circle of people, and not for the entire country. In this case, using the word “day” with a capital letter is not recommended from the point of view of the Russian language.


On the wedding day, the bride was the most beautiful girl in the building.

I will always remember the day I came of age.

Happy wedding day to two lovers. Tomorrow we celebrate Tatiana's day.

Celebrate holidays and write their names correctly, good luck to you!

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About love

We often talk about love, but many do not even think about what this feeling means, although it is different for everyone. The only thing that unites everyone is that without her, starting a family is almost impossible. Here's what many famous people think and say about love:

A.P. Chekhov, the famous Russian writer, spoke about love like this:

And he’s really right, such a feeling as love in the life of a family is a binding element, since it contains a lot of things. Another of his well-known phrases is “The greatest happiness is to love and be loved.” Agree, when this feeling is one-sided, such a family will quickly fall apart without passing even the most insignificant test.

According to the clergyman Theodore Hesberg: “The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother very much.” In families where parents often quarrel and children are unhappy, they constantly experience stress and, accordingly, their psyche can become disturbed. As a result, children develop a negative opinion from an early age. This statement about love is in fact a parting word for a new unit of society, and most importantly for the groom at the wedding and the husband after him.

The famous writer Victor Hugo gave the world this saying: “Life is a flower, and love is nectar.” This beautiful phrase about love perfectly conveys the meaning of his life. After all, he really said wise things, since a feeling like love is nectar that sweetens a person’s life, fills it with new colors and changes it for the better.

Congratulations from the mother of the bride at her daughter's wedding

Philosopher Leibniz G.V. also spoke about love, his catchphrase was: “Loving means constantly looking for your own in the happiness of another person.” Love and happiness are very close concepts; often one cannot exist without the other. Just think about it, this is really what happens. If we love a person, and he is happy, so are we, and when he is overcome by grief, anxiety, worries, then it affects us too.

The French writer C. Tillier believed that “being loved means much more than being rich, because when you are loved you are also happy...”. In fact, having millions you can buy a lot, but you will never get another person’s feelings and health for money. Therefore, it is better to live in love and poverty than without this bright feeling, but in good prosperity.

These statements about love convey the realities of life as well as possible. It is impossible to live a happy life without this feeling, and many famous personalities believe so. It is sung in songs, and spoken about in poems and other works. Thanks to him, marriages are concluded, about which there are also many quotes.

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