How to sign a greeting card. How to sign a postcard from the heart and with love

Regardless of whether you write cards well or, on the contrary, you cannot find the right words, you have inspiration and it is this that is the main source of energy for writing a good card. Every birthday deserves a proper celebration and every birthday can be started with a congratulatory message. If you have problems expressing your feelings and you feel that your writing is good enough, you can use our simple tips to write a well-worded message that will help you reach the heart of the person you are going to congratulate. A heartfelt greeting card can take your gift from good to great, just read what to write in a greeting card below.

We create beautiful happy birthday cards

Typically, a congratulation, especially a happy birthday, consists of the following sections: an address to the hero of the day, an indication of the celebration on which one is congratulating, good wishes and parting words, and a signature. All these sections should be appropriately emotionally charged.

Any postcard begins with an address to the addressee. If you write to relatives, close friends or acquaintances, start with the words “beloved”, “dear”. If the person to whom the postcard is addressed is a more official person, the address “dear” or “respected” would be appropriate. In rare cases, the rather old title "honorable" may be used.

After contacting, indicate on what holiday you congratulate the person. If we are talking about an anniversary, it is quite appropriate to write the date to which it is dated. If the birthday person’s date is not round, or the person is talking about a woman, you should refrain from indicating numbers.

If the text of a postcard is difficult for you, you can use texts that are widely available on the Internet, for example, on the website You can often find congratulations in poetry; you can choose words for any situation, even using the appropriate personal names. Search engines will help you resolve this issue.

What's better than a happy birthday card with or without poetry?

When you're fully committed to a personalized message, try choosing the words yourself. Use the most valuable and kind epithets that characterize the birthday person, important and necessary wishes for him. The entire text should speak about the genuineness of your feelings for the recipient.

Of course, when writing a card, you should take into account the age, gender and marital status of the birthday person. Don't use words or wishes that might offend him. For example, a woman who is not satisfied with her personal life should not openly and strongly desire to get married. It is better to put this information in a light, streamlined form or not use it at all.

The signature should be made in the general style of the postcard. Just as in address, for loved ones and relatives, you can use an informal style, good home nicknames. For a formal card, you should sign with your full name.

Be sure to purchase a postcard that matches the event. Many of them already have printed text, which you can only supplement. There may be blank cards, providing the opportunity for complete imagination to its giver.

How to choose a signature?

The following factors need to be taken into account.

  • The choice depends on the degree of relationship, the number of years of friendship and the closeness of communication.
  • Wedding cards sold in stores already have the standard “Happy Wedding Day” text printed on them, but it won’t make any impression on the bride and groom. Be sure to write at least 2-3 short sentences coming from the heart.
  • It is not recommended to choose too long poems of more than 15 lines. By nature, people do not like to read long works. It causes boredom and does not bring instant joy. The reader has to read several times to understand the key idea. Therefore, there is a possibility that a long congratulatory manuscript will not be read to the end.

  • It is important to take into account the preferences of the newlyweds. Close friends and relatives probably know whether they love tender poetic lines or short but succinct words written from themselves.
  • A popular option today is to give cards with money that are shaped like an envelope. They usually don’t write lengthy essays on them. If desired, donors leave only their names and date.


How to sign a birthday card?

So, the best congratulations from century to century are the wishes of health and happiness, which were expressed sincerely and with all my heart. Also, in congratulations, you should show respect for the hero of the occasion, recognize his skills, abilities, and talents. For example, you can start your congratulations like this: “We value and respect you (you) ... we wish you good health and life for many years.”

In general, congratulations are similar to white magic, a kind of conspiracy for happiness, health and long life. Young people love light, comic congratulations, so let it be short, but succinct and mischievous. If the birthday person is a fan of poetry, and you do not have the ability to compose them, then it is not a problem! Nowadays, on the Internet you can find congratulations in poetry of any genre and for any category of people - be it family, friends or colleagues.

An original and memorable card will be one that was made with your own hands - after all, no one else will have such a card! For work you will need: paper, a stationery knife, shells, ribbons, lace, bows, glue stick, universal glue, paints, scrapbooking kit.

You can’t use too thin paper, just like cardboard - otherwise the postcard will not hold its shape, it’s better to use thick paper, paper for pastel drawing is perfect, it’s also corrugated - and this will make the postcard more alive. So, you need to cut out the base from paper using a stationery knife. Now you need to prepare decorations for the postcard - a scrapbooking kit can play their role - there are a lot of decorative little things there. But you can also use buttons, shells, various appliques and everything that is at hand.

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The decoration should be laid out on the blank and see how it all looks as a whole, because re-gluing the elements will be much more difficult. After the composition has been approved by your taste, you need to begin gluing the elements to the base using universal pencil glue. If you know how to draw, then you can decorate a postcard in this way, and it is better to use acrylic, metallic, three-dimensional, matte and glossy paints - a drawing made with such materials will look more vibrant. An inscription - an appeal can be written in ink or cut out letters from magazines and newspapers. That's all - all you have to do is write the message inside - and the card is ready!

How to sign a postcard for a teacher?

In schools, even today, the tradition of congratulating teachers on holidays with a postcard has been preserved. But how to sign it in order to show respect to the teacher and at the same time congratulate him on some event? Of course, ready-made congratulations can be found on the Internet, but you cannot choose personal texts that, for example, relate to family and friends.

You can also make such a postcard yourself - simply cut out the base from thick paper and glue on it drawings of books, autumn foliage, elements of the subject that this teacher teaches. Then you just need to sign the card and you can congratulate! You can also not glue the image onto the base of the card, but paint it with pencils or paints, and then decorate it with sparkles or beads along the contour of the picture. But no matter what the postcard for the teacher is, it will still bring him a lot of joy, because attention is sometimes the most important thing for a person!

In what style should you sign congratulations?

Distance of relationship, close communication, long-term friendship are factors influencing the choice of style for signing a wedding card. If unfamiliar work colleagues, “necessary” people or very distant relatives buy a standard printed greeting card, then family and friends will make every effort to come up with something creative and exclusive.

If the guest is a close relative or friend

It is quite appropriate to sign a wedding card with jokes and a bit of humor from family and close friends. Family ties and close relationships are predetermined by affectionate words of love and care, sincere feelings of joy and pride. Beautiful poems full of warmth will decorate your congratulations. Cool pranks and congratulations, full of laughter and fun, will highlight the holiday atmosphere.

If the guest practically does not know the newlyweds

Guests unfamiliar to the newlyweds, invited to the wedding celebration, or distant relatives whom the bride or groom had never seen before the wedding day should be more restrained in showing emotions. In this case, standard, classic phrases and appeals would be appropriate. Words of wishes in the text will also become more traditional: “long, happy life,” “strong love.”

How to sign a postcard beautifully?

Typically, a congratulation written in a card can be divided into 4 parts: an appeal to the hero of the occasion, a definition of the holiday in honor of which, in fact, the card is presented as a gift, wishes and a signature. Each such section should correspond to the event and convey a lot of positive emotions.

So, you need to start with the appeal. For family and friends, congratulations can begin with the words “beloved”, “dear”. If there is a warm relationship between colleagues at work, then these words are also appropriate in this situation. But when congratulating your superiors, it is better to write “dear.” For friends, you can start the card with a nickname or shortened form of the friend’s name, especially if the friend is close.

Then you need to indicate what event you are congratulating this person on. If it is an anniversary, then you can write the number without hesitation, but in this case you should be more careful with women. If the birthday person turns, for example, 28 years old, then you should not indicate the number, but just write “happy birthday.” On the Internet you can find many congratulatory texts, and even in poetry.

It is better to rewrite the text of the congratulation with a sincere attitude, because congratulations can absorb the energy of the addressee. And if you write poetry yourself, then you don’t need to be afraid that it won’t turn out quite well - as long as it’s sincere and from the bottom of your heart. The character and age of the birthday person should be taken into account when choosing the congratulation itself so that it suits him. The signature should fit within the text itself, for example: “your loving wife.

You can buy a postcard, inside of which the text of the wish is already written - you just need to add a short text and your signature to such a congratulation. And if the postcard is given not from one, but from a group of people, then a ready-made congratulation is the best option. Each person will then simply sign their name or leave an autograph under their wish.

You should write the date at the bottom of the card, because people tend to keep cards all their lives and it’s nice for them to remember exactly when and on what holiday they received this or that card.

It doesn’t matter what form the postcard will be and its content - in poetry or prose, the main thing is that the words are sincere and from the bottom of the heart. The hero of the occasion will be glad not only to receive such a congratulation, but also, after many years, to periodically take it out and again be imbued with the positive emotions that were addressed to him through this card. Such a little thing can bring many positive moments and brighten up the holiday!

Rules for preparing congratulations in a postcard

The tradition of giving small envelope postcards for special occasions with banknotes inside is not a reason to refuse another pleasant gift. A wedding card, which friends and relatives invited to the wedding signed with their own hands, will be a pleasant surprise and will keep the best moments of the wedding day in the newlyweds’ memory for a long time. When choosing, consider the following features:

  • Celebration style. A themed wedding not only requires appropriate decor and surroundings, but also sets a high bar for the guests. Find an unusual greeting card that matches the style of the wedding ceremony.
  • Size. A small or huge wedding card is not the best choice. The first one can easily be lost in the bustle of the celebration, and the second one may have nowhere to be stored due to its size. A medium-sized postcard is ideal.
  • Preferences of the bride and groom. Creative people are pleased to receive congratulations from family and friends signed on a hand-made wedding card. Lovers of exquisite, high style will love an exclusive gift, stylized as an ancient manuscript, or a parchment scroll. Young people will love a beautiful typographic card chosen with love.
  • Availability of printed ready-made text. There will be no problems with such a postcard, because the unknown author came up with everything for you. But it’s more pleasant to receive wedding congratulations, written by the hands of the donor with soul and tenderness.

How to sign wedding cards correctly, so that the newlyweds would be pleased and excited, many years later, to open the yellowed piece of paper and remember the special wedding day? The design rules are as follows:

  1. It is not customary to sign an envelope postcard. If you want to emphasize the name of the donor, you should sign the envelope briefly.
  2. The closer you know the newlyweds, the more warm, affectionate words and phrases are used to write.
  3. Beautiful words on the sheets of an unusual wedding card, designed in a certain style, will create a sensation if they are written with pen and ink.
  4. It is better to sign a wedding card succinctly.
  5. A humorous form of congratulations will always be appropriate, but try not to overdo it.
  6. Create a structure for the text of your congratulations so that it can be read easily and quickly.

What to write on a postcard?

- “Congratulations, Sharik, you’re a fool.” What should I write next? – They usually write about the weather. - Weather. “Our weather is good.”

So, you decided to send a postcard, stuck on the required number of stamps, took a pen... But what to write, besides the address? Sometimes, when you need to write a couple of lines, you don’t have a single thought in your head about how to fill the remaining space on the postcard! If you are a postcrosser and send a postcard to a stranger, then in his profile, most likely, there will be specific wishes regarding the text. If they are not there, then here are options for what you can write. Many of them are also suitable if you are sending a postal greeting to someone close, and not to an unfamiliar postcrosser.

— Standard points: say hello, say goodbye, wish good luck or a good day, put the date, write where the postcard came from to the recipient. There are already established phrases like “Happy postcrossing!”, “Have a nice day!” and so on. If the postcard is intended for someone close, then you can show your imagination, approach the matter with humor: “Hello, my dear, dearest Anna Alexandrovna!”, “With warmth, your St. Petersburg darling”, “Sorry for the clumsy handwriting”, “Your postal The pigeon arrived faster than usual!

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— Share some random fact, an event that happened to you recently. “Today I saw a big calico cat, one of the black spots was on the eye, like a pirate’s patch.” If a holiday has recently taken place or is coming up soon that is not celebrated in the recipient’s country, tell us about it.

— Write something interesting that you yourself recently learned about and that amazed, delighted or amused you. For example: “It turns out that in the Eskimo Gospel, “Lamb of God” was translated as “Young Seal of God.”

— Share a beautiful and wise quote or short poem, such as your favorite one or one that matches the image on the card.

- If, after looking at the recipient's profile, you realize that you have something in common with him, mention it. It's always nice to meet like-minded people.

— From your hometown to a stranger, or from a trip to a friend, you can send a postcard with the phrase “I wish you to visit here” and a description of the place depicted on the postcard. Mention some interesting facts about this city, why it is worth coming here and what you should definitely visit and see.

— In the 14th century, English aristocrats, wanting to emphasize the urgency of the message, wrote on the envelope: “Hurry, messenger, hurry!” They could also draw a gallows nearby: they say, delay threatens death! Of course, you shouldn’t do anything like that, but write “Thank you, postman!” or “Thank you, postman!”, if you are sending a postcard abroad, it’s very possible.

— If the postcard flies to another country, you can write a Russian pangram. A pangram, also known as a mixed letter, is a short text that uses all or almost all the letters of the alphabet. It is used to demonstrate fonts, test text transmission over communication lines, test printing devices, and you can write it to show a foreigner the Russian alphabet. Here, for example, are well-known pangrams for the Russian language: “Would citrus live in the thickets of the south? Yes, but a fake copy! You can come up with your own different letters! Explain that this phrase contains all the letters of the Russian alphabet. You can also write a translation of the pangram if you speak the recipient's language.

— If you don’t know what to write, use more beautiful stamps! You can also draw something, decorate the card with stickers or decorative tape.

Surely this is not all. What do you write on postcards? Share! Pictures via pinterest.

How to sign a postcard beautifully

It’s the 21st century and today people are trying to simplify their lives; letters, envelopes, the process of writing and packaging letters, postcards have long been forgotten. Anyone who has the Internet can go in and download a themed picture, copy a poem, and the congratulation is ready, social networks are full of applications with greeting cards, animations, which we send out in hundreds. But it's worth thinking about quality. If the hero of the occasion is really dear to you, then you need to try to surprise him and make a card with individual wishes, which will be written in beautiful “live” lines, with cocky curls.

Holidays such as New Year, February 14, March 8 and Birthdays force us to return to cards, pens, markers and put our feelings and best wishes on paper. And if you intend to make your congratulation bright, warm and festive, then put your soul into it, write pleasant warming words, try to rhyme the lines, it’s so cute. The recipient will undoubtedly “melt” from your poetic sketches. After reading a postcard, a person should feel happiness, joy and nothing else, so our task is to buy, or better yet, create a beautiful postcard with your own hand and sign it with warm wishes and congratulations.

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Full list of categories:

  • Top cards
  • Morning day Evening

  • Happy Birthday
  • For friends
  • Days of the week
  • Good wishes
  • For loved ones
  • Seasons
  • Pictures without text
  • Treats for friends
  • Calendar
  • Flowers and gifts
  • Say thanks
  • Compliments
  • Motivation for life
  • Say hi
  • New Year
  • For a wedding
  • Copyright © 2011-2019 Amdoit | Designed by Amdoit

    Sources: article/54001/kak-podpisat-otkryitku-ot-dushi-is-lyubovyu B8/634223/

    How to sign a postcard beautifully: what to write with

    To begin with, the main thing is to determine whether you will buy a postcard or create it yourself, sign it with a pen or entrust it to Word, give it in person or send it by mail. If you sign your card with a pen, it’s a good idea to use several colors to set the mood for the text. If it brings fun and humor, then in some places you can draw emoticons, small drawings, flowers, they will undoubtedly please the eye.

    If the text is strict or formal, then you can get by with the usual request from the Internet, without frills and painting. Sometimes the problem becomes our restless handwriting, which strives to encrypt what is stated. We are so accustomed to communicating through a computer that when you pick up a pen, you are surprised at your own handwriting. Well, you can ask someone to sign the card for you, but often the text on the card is personal, and it can be awkward to involve strangers. There is a way out - first practice on a draft and rewrite everything into a white paper. Another option is to type the text in the already so familiar Word program. It is better, of course, to use Photoshop. Create text, decorate with styles and print. If you bought a postcard in a store, then it will not be difficult to cut out the finished text and paste it into the postcard.

    You are undoubtedly lucky if you have skills in working in the Photoshop graphic editor, then you can beautifully sign a unique gift card using some personal photos of the addressee or your photo and add drawings, pictures and text to it that will emphasize everything necessary and important thing you want to express. The text in the program can be formatted to a specific style already available in the database, or you can create individual settings: add embossing, shadow, stroke, set transparency. The letters themselves come to life and become decoration inside the card.

    How to give a cash gift correctly?

    The first question that guests have when they receive a wedding invitation is how much money should they give? There is no exact answer to this: a lot depends on the habits and traditions of the place where the celebration will take place (metropolis, small town, village). Also consider the scale of the upcoming event, the degree of your relationship, and your own financial situation.

    Usually, banknotes are presented at a wedding in a beautiful envelope, with congratulations and warm wishes. Naturally, the money that is inside is not shown: the young people themselves will look at the contents of the envelopes after the celebration.

    But when presenting a gift, you can use your imagination to surprise the newlyweds. For example, a guest enters the hall where the ceremonial presentation of gifts is taking place, dressed as a postman and hands the bride and groom a huge envelope. When the newlyweds open it, inside they will see a beautiful postcard with money and a congratulatory inscription.

    If you know exactly what the newlyweds will spend the donated amount on, you can present an accessory along with the envelope that will be associated with the planned purchase. For example, a young family is going to fly to an exotic country. In this case, give a beach umbrella or towel, sunscreen, and rubber slippers with money. Accompany the presentation of a surprise with a funny poem so that everyone understands why you gave such a gift.

    Start preparing for the wedding in advance, because for the newlyweds this is the most important holiday, at which everything should be thought out to the smallest detail. It is not so difficult to sign an envelope with money beautifully, the main thing is to do it with all your heart.

    How to sign a postcard beautifully: who can help?

    If your level of skill in Photoshop does not allow you to create a unique, beautiful postcard, and the process itself takes a lot of time and nerves, then you can entrust this mission to the specialists of a photo salon. You can contact them to print a finished postcard made by yourself, or give them the source materials to work with, sending a couple of pictures and photos to a flash drive. Thus, you transfer this task to a specialist, and all that remains is to come and pick up the finished result. In any case, your time, imagination and efforts will be highly appreciated and the person who receives the postcard will understand that he is dear to you. Do not doubt that he will happily look at everything that you have drawn and written.

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