Sample menu for a wedding for 20, 30, 40 and 50 people

There is a traditional scheme for holding a wedding celebration: ransoming the bride, a visit by the newlyweds to the registry office, a photo shoot with guests and, of course, a feast where the biggest fun takes place. The guests' impression of the holiday will depend on how well the menu for the wedding is compiled. It is necessary to take into account the number of guests so that there is enough food on the table, but at the same time, nothing has to be thrown away later. You will learn how to create a menu for a wedding for one person, as well as for 20, 30, 40 and even 50 guests, from the article below.

Varied menu - satisfied guests

In order for the food to please everyone, even the most demanding guests, you need to approach the preparation of the wedding menu especially carefully. It is important that it be as varied as possible, then no one will leave the event hungry.

Even if you really love Japanese cuisine and seafood as such, it is not the best solution to put only sushi, octopus and fish on the tables. Pair your fish dishes with a few meat appetizers, as well as a couple of vegetarian dishes. Even if there are no true opponents of animal food among your guests, someone will choose vegetable dishes so as not to fill their bellies too much at this celebration.

Rules for choosing a menu in a cafe

When preparing a menu, the most difficult thing is choosing dishes. You should not opt ​​for very complex dishes. As a rule, not everyone likes such dishes, which means that not everyone will leave full. Choose time-tested salads: Olivier, Caesar, Greek and others. The same rule applies to hot dishes: between chicken fillet with pineapples and just chicken or pork steak, choose the second one, since the likelihood that almost everyone will like it is much higher.

You should not choose dishes based only on menu entries. Ask to try everything you're about to order. Some cafes are willing to do such a tasting, but even if you are asked to pay for this procedure, agree - you will save not only money if the dishes offered to the chefs do not suit you, but also nerves - on your wedding day you especially want everything, even the smallest details , were taken into account and brought to the ideal.

The presentation of the dish is also important. Often the pictures on the menu do not correspond to the real state of things. By doing a tasting, you will save yourself from unpleasant surprises at your holiday. True, it should be noted that the best test of the work of a cafe or restaurant is not a targeted sampling of dishes, but a visit to this establishment as an ordinary guest. Dine at the chosen place and check not only the kitchen, but also the work of the waiters.

Which dishes should you prefer?

If we talk about dishes in more detail, it is better to provide two salads for each guest: a light vegetable and a meat one. These can be salads in individual plates, or there can be large salad bowls, which are located on the table so that each invitee can serve himself the desired food. A light salad can be a simple slice of cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs, while more hearty salads include “Musketeer” and “Sail”.

A good hot dish would be baked potatoes with meat, so popular among newlyweds. For dessert, of course, a wedding cake will be served, but in addition to it, it is better to prepare cupcakes or sweets. It is better to make several types of snacks: sliced ​​cheese, fruit, meat, possibly fish.

Focus on what alcohol you have chosen for your event. If there is vodka on the tables, and there are many men among the guests, then you should give preference to a nourishing appetizer, such as meat or fish. For ladies, a plate with grapes, nuts, cubes of cheese and a bowl of honey, into which pieces of food are placed on skewers or a fork, is well suited for champagne or wine.

Meal options

When the final list of guests for the wedding is compiled, you need to determine how many of them are men, women and children. This is important because the number and size of dishes will vary in these cases. Men's portions are usually slightly larger than women's, but children's portions, on the contrary, are smaller.

In addition, it is recommended to make a separate table for children so that they do not get bored surrounded by adults.

The children's menu usually includes fewer dishes, for example, the same salads are served, but appetizers and cold cuts are abandoned. The main course is made less caloric, for example, not fried, as in adults, but boiled, while the number of desserts increases.

There are several dozen options for the holiday menu, so at first you can get lost in all this diversity. It’s easier to entrust this to wedding planners, but not every couple hires professionals to prepare the celebration, especially if it is designed for 20 people.

In order not to rack your brains for a long time, sorting through different options, you can choose something from popular dishes. An approximate wedding menu for 20 people consisting of cuts may be as follows.

  • Vegetable. It includes fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, herbs, bell peppers of several colors, and radishes. If you wish, you can order vegetable carving from a professional, then real masterpieces will be cut from ordinary fruits.
  • Meat. 2-3 types of meat delicacies are used, for example, smoked neck, carbonade, brisket, pastrami, roll, jamon, boiled pork, etc.
  • Sausage and cheese. 2-3 types of sausage and 1-2 types of hard cheese are cut; if desired, you can supplement the plate with Feta or Brynza cheese, cut into cubes.
  • Fish. Usually salted and smoked types of fish are used, which are complemented by seafood - shrimp, scallops, squid, mussels, etc.

The cuts are what should be on the tables before the guests are seated. In addition, it is necessary to place light snacks on common plates. Most often these are pickles, for example, vegetables and mushrooms, as well as canapés, croutons and sandwiches. Such dishes are laid out in such a way that 1 plate is used for 6-7 people. Thus, for 20 guests, each type of common cuts and appetizers should be presented in 3-4 servings.

As for salads, it is better to make 2-3 different options, which will be served alternately. One of them is made with meat or chicken, the second with fish or seafood, the third with vegetables or mushrooms. If there are many sweet tooth lovers at the wedding, or the celebration is scheduled for the hot season, the vegetable salad can be replaced with fruit salad.

After salads, hot and cold appetizers are served, mainly from meat or fish, but there may be variations with vegetables or mushrooms. This is not a main dish and does not require a side dish, and the portions should be small. You can also organize shared plates, since not every guest will be able to finish the entire menu.

Such snacks can include aspic or jellied meat, a meat or chicken roll with the addition of mushrooms and onions, lula kebab, or individual pieces of game or fish. It is important that the food served at this stage of the banquet is not too high in calories, otherwise there is a chance that there will be leftovers from the main course. Such snacks should only maintain your appetite.

Important! It is recommended to make a reserve of 200-300 g per person. It will be better if there is a little more leftover than if one of the guests is not full by the end of the evening.

The main dish is most often meat or chicken, less often fish and very rarely mushrooms. These can be steaks fried in a frying pan, chops with or without batter, portioned pieces baked in the oven or even kebab. A wedding menu for 20 people in a cafe can also include a whole dish, for example, a small pig, duck or carp. Before serving, it is cut into portioned pieces to make it convenient for guests, but the original shape is preserved for a spectacular appearance. The main dish is served with a side dish, most often potatoes, rice or vegetable stew.

Desserts can also be varied:

  • store-bought or hand-made candies;
  • cookie;
  • marmalade;
  • soufflé or mousse;
  • cupcakes;
  • sweet pancakes and pancakes;
  • cakes;
  • marshmallows;
  • Turkish Delight;
  • halva;
  • chuck-chuck, etc.

Sweets can be placed on the tables in common plates after the main course has been eaten, or just before the start of the banquet, placed on a separate table with a sign above it. If the desserts are portioned, such as soufflé or ice cream, then they are placed in small bowls for each guest.

Attention should also be paid to drinks. As for non-alcoholic drinks, you need to stock up on juices, carbonated and still water, and optional lemonade at the rate of 1.5 liters per person. When it comes to alcohol, girls usually prefer wine, champagne or liqueur, while men prefer strong drinks, but the situation may change depending on the tastes of the guests.

Advice! Using the drinks calculator, you can estimate how many alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks you need.

Minimum required on the table

In order for the feast to be fun, and for all the guests to remember the treats for a long time, it is necessary that the banquet menu include at least:

  • Appetizers of two or three types: sliced ​​vegetables (can be pickled vegetables), cheese, seafood, meat, herring with potatoes and fresh herbs or with onion rings, fruit, sausages. In addition to various cuts, a variety of filled pita rolls, stuffed eggs, tomatoes and more can serve as snacks.
  • Salads, or better yet two: Olivier salad, mimosa, herring under a fur coat, Caesar with chicken, various mushroom and warm meat salads.
  • Hot: meat or fish with side dishes (potatoes, rice, vegetables). Serving hot food in pots for each guest looks impressive.
  • Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks: mineral water, juice or fruit drink, alcoholic drinks - champagne, wine, vodka, maybe martini.
  • Dessert. A wedding cake is no longer an integral part of the celebration. Sometimes it is replaced with cupcakes laid out in tiers on a special stand. This treat is convenient for guests to take. Even if your wedding includes cake, make sure there is an extra dessert. It is usually placed on a separate table, where there are mugs of tea. Such sweets can be chocolates, cake pops, muffins, cookies and more.


As for alcohol, it is usually advised to stock up on it at the rate of 1 bottle for 1-2 people. Svetlana Reznik

On average, a wedding feast lasts 6-8 hours, and during this time one guest usually eats about 1-1.2 kg of food. This amount is divided into all stages of the banquet, that is, on average 100 g for each salad, 200 g for each cold and hot appetizer, about 350 g for the main course and 150-200 g for dessert.

Particular attention is paid to desserts. The highlight of the evening will be the wedding cake, but in addition to it, you can treat your friends and family to other sweets or fruits. They are either placed on a separate table (candy bar), or laid out in portions after the main course. This move is relevant if the rest of the menu is not too high in calories.

Interesting! About

Calculating the amount of food

In order to calculate the menu per person for a wedding, you need to remember that there should be enough food for everyone to eat, but not too much of it left. When thinking about the amount of food, take into account not only the number of guests, but also their gender, age, as well as the duration of the event, because the longer the holiday lasts, the more treats you will need.

Typically, wedding festivities last about five hours; on average, during this time a guest can eat one and a half kilograms of food. Based on this calculation, you can order a menu: approximately 250-300 grams of food for each of the items from the previous section. A little less food (about 200 grams) can be set aside for dessert, but it is better to set aside at least 400 grams for main course. If there are children under 12 at the party, reduce the amount of food provided for them by about half.

Alcohol should be calculated as follows: strong alcohol, such as cognac, vodka, half a bottle per person, and weak alcohol - one bottle. Men, as a rule, prefer to drink strong drinks, women, on the contrary, prefer weak ones. You don’t need a lot of champagne, since it is usually drunk only at the very beginning of the event; take one bottle for three guests.

For non-alcoholic drinks, especially if the wedding takes place in the warm season, it is better to take at least one and a half to two liters per person. In general, the rule “you can never have too much” applies to drinks, because even if your guests do not drink everything prepared, alcohol and water do not spoil for a long time, and unopened bottles can then be used for another event.

Ideal wedding reception option for 2022

This is my personal opinion and conclusion, based on practice and adapted to the Russian mentality of the middle strata of the population. I advise everyone to give up breaking tables.

  1. This is not eaten! Only 1/3 is used, 1/3 is taken away and 1/3 is thrown away!!! Just think about it, if you spent 100 rubles on a banquet, then you simply threw away 30,000 rubles. These are: half-eaten salads because you took two or more of them, cheese, fresh vegetables, mayonnaise products, cold cuts, second hot dishes.
  2. Doesn't look aesthetically pleasing . You order decor for guest tables: central compositions for the table, runners or individual tablecloths, numbers for tables, etc. All the decor is lost among the food. Here you choose either the decor or the food, and so you wasted money on the decor, which merges with the plates of food, and on food, some of which is simply surplus!

Perfect option.

  • Boarding 17:00. Portioned serving of salads to the table. One type of salad for each guest. If there are vegetarians or other guests with non-standard gastronomic needs, find out in advance and order a separate meal. In order to eat a salad, 15-20 minutes is enough, taking into account toast and the activity of the presenter.
  • That is, set the hot serve at 17:20. No need to do it in an hour. The guests did not eat, they were preparing for the wedding, and it is now important to feed them well in order to avoid rapid alcohol intoxication.
  • Give them a break of two hours and offer a second main course, but in a restaurant order it for 2/3 of the guests. Not everyone will be hungry.
  • If you are worried that guests need snacks to accompany their alcohol, give them a separate table with snacks. Let it be several varieties: a cheese plate (for 50 guests, one is enough - only a few eat cheese), cold cuts (grams should be calculated based on the characteristics of the event: the number of people drinking strong alcohol and the composition of the main dishes), a fruit slide (only a few people eat this too) Carefully consider the composition of the dish, do not order quickly oxidizing foods: apple, banana, pear. Tangerines, seasonal berries, pineapple, strawberries, grapes), pickles (one serving is enough for 50 guests), bruschetta and tartlets (they are convenient to snack on) are suitable. .

Now representatives of restaurants will probably write and take care of your guests, convince you and scold me. Don't listen to anyone!!!! It is important for them to make a check at the banquet. Each restaurant has a minimum food requirement. When I make a menu for couples, I can never get enough dishes for them, and when the admin at a restaurant counts, the check always exceeds the minimum wage. It is better to take expensive food in moderation than cheap food, but a lot.

Menu for 20 people

Weddings for no more than 20 guests are usually held when they want to celebrate their wedding day with only their closest people. In this case, the newlyweds are almost guaranteed to know the tastes and preferences of their guests, and it will not be a surprise for them to be allergic to any product, as well as vegetarianism or diet. Such a modest wedding can be organized at home. Thinking through a menu for a wedding at home is not difficult.

Place 2-3 salads on the tables, arranged in 5-6 salad bowls, which will allow everyone to try the dishes without any problems. For snacks, place oven-baked sandwiches, stuffed vegetables, pickles, sliced ​​cheese and sausage on the tables. It would be best to cook two types of hot ones, and to save money, you can bake the chicken. For dessert, the menu for a wedding for 20 people should include several delicacies. In addition to the cake, prepare at least 20 cakes for each invitee.

Sample menu for a summer wedding

We have prepared for you an interesting menu option for your summer celebration. We will list only the names of the dishes, and the recipes themselves will not be difficult to find on culinary sites.

Summer wedding menu

  1. Wedding loaf.
  2. Sandwiches with sardine cream.
  3. Spanish sandwiches with poultry.
  4. Stuffed eggs with mayonnaise sauce.
  5. Fish rolls.
  6. Young veal in mushroom sauce.
  7. Fried chicken with tomato sauce.
  8. Sweet strawberries with egg cream.
  9. Sand cake with nuts.
  10. Honey cake with prune jam.
  11. Cherry compote.
  12. Italian white coffee.
  13. Wine and berry ice cream.
  14. Fruit assortment.

The menu is very rich; every guest will surely find something to enjoy.

Menu for 30 people

It will most likely not be possible to accommodate 30 people at home, which means you will have to order a menu for the wedding at a restaurant. Check with the waiters exactly how the dishes are laid out on the table. It’s good if each dish is divided into 2-3 plates. Then every 6-7 people will be able to serve themselves.

Look at which gender guests have the most at your party. If there are many more men than women, the amount of food needs to be increased significantly. You will need to add a lot of treats to the menu for a wedding for 30 people if there is strong alcohol on the tables, which requires a good snack.

You will need to prepare at least twelve bottles of strong alcohol and about twenty wines. There should be at least 50 kilograms of food. Look at the weight of the dishes on the cafe menu and add up - this method will let you know how many more dishes you need to choose so that everyone remains full.


No holiday table is complete without several salads. Moreover, some salads can be eaten as a separate dish, so they are very popular.

White bride

A simple but tasty salad that looks festive and will please your guests.

We will need:

  • Potatoes – 8-10 medium tubers.
  • Chicken eggs – 8 pcs.
  • Chicken meat (thigh) – 2-3 pcs.
  • Hard cheese – 300-350g.
  • Mayonnaise – 100-150ml.
  • Salt to taste.


  • Boil the potatoes, peel them, then grate them on a medium grater or cut them into small strips.
  • Boil the meat, cool and separate from the bones. Then we try to cut it as small as possible.
  • Boil the eggs and peel them. Separate the yolk and white, all three, on a medium grater.
  • We take a deep transparent container and lay it in layers.
  • First the potatoes, then coat with mayonnaise. Then chicken and mayonnaise again.
  • The next layer is the yolk, then grated cheese and the last layer of mayonnaise.
  • Now sprinkle the salad with egg whites, distribute, the salad is ready.


A bright, beautiful salad that can become a real table decoration.

We will need:

  • Crab sticks – 3 packs.
  • Chicken eggs – 4-5 pcs.
  • Carrots – 2 pcs.
  • Hard cheese – 250-300g.
  • Mayonnaise – 150-100ml.
  • Salt to taste.


  • Boil eggs and carrots, cool and peel. Then grate on a medium grater into different dishes.
  • Three cheeses on a medium grater or cut into long strips.
  • We cut the sticks into cubes.
  • We take plastic or other dishes with high sides. Let's start laying the salad.
  • The first layer is carrots, then eggs and the last layer is crab sticks.
  • Coat each layer with mayonnaise. We tamp lightly, let it brew and take shape.
  • Turn the dishes over so that the salad falls out but retains its shape. Coat the top layer with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese.
  • The alternation of layers does not play a role, so it can be arbitrary. The main thing is to sprinkle the top layer with cheese shavings.
  • The salad is ready, decorate with herbs and serve.

Light salad

A very simple but pleasant salad that contains a minimal amount of calories.

We will need:

  • Peking cabbage - 1 fork.
  • Canned white beans – 2 cans.
  • Fresh cucumber – 2-3 pcs.
  • Low calorie sour cream – 1 can.
  • Eggs optional.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
  • Greenery.


  • Cut the Chinese cabbage and cucumber into thin strips.
  • Pour the beans out of the jar and rinse well.
  • Mix cabbage, cucumber, beans. Season with sour cream and add herbs.
  • If desired, you can grate the eggs on a fine grater and add to the salad.
  • Season with salt and pepper to taste, add other spices if desired.
  • Form the resulting mass, sprinkle with herbs, and serve.
  • The dish is ready.

Menu for 40 people

It’s much more difficult to think through a menu for a wedding for 40 people. Although according to the formula: number of guests × 1.5 kilograms of food + 5-10 kg of snacks = number of treats on the tables, the task is simplified. If feeding everyone becomes problematic due to lack of funds, then under no circumstances cut down on portions.

Choose cheaper products, for example, serve chicken instead of pork, and replace Caesar salad with Olivier. In order for all guests to be able to please themselves with a piece of your wedding cake, it must be at least 9 kg. Be sure to serve additional desserts with it.


The sweetest part of the holiday table is desserts. They become the kings of the festive evening.


We will need:

  • Egg whites – 9 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar – 400g.
  • Peanuts – 300g.
  • Flour – 3 tablespoons.
  • Water – 100ml.
  • Condensed milk - 3 tablespoons.
  • Butter – 3 tablespoons.
  • Apple jam – 4 tablespoons.
  • Vanillin to taste.
  • Cocoa powder – 2 teaspoons.


  • Heat a frying pan, peel the peanuts and fry well. Then grind in a mixer.
  • We make three cakes. For each you need to beat three egg whites with added sugar. The foam should be thick and homogeneous.
  • Mix four tablespoons of grated nuts with a spoonful of flour, then add to the whites, mix well.
  • We form the cakes (round or square), the thickness should not exceed 1 cm.
  • Preheat the oven and place the cakes there. Bake at 160C for two hours. Check regularly to ensure that the cakes do not dry out.
  • Take it out and leave it for several hours until it cools completely.
  • Preparing the cream. First you need to cook the syrup - bring 100 ml of water to a boil, add 100 grams of sugar, mix well. As soon as it boils again, add condensed milk and wait until it boils again. We lower the temperature so that the bottom does not burn, close the lid, and cook for 10-115 minutes. Remove from the stove and cool.
  • Beat the butter adding vanilla, then add syrup in small portions. This will make it easier to bring to a homogeneous mass. The cream should turn out light and airy, if the consistency is different, then beat again.
  • Divide the cream into three parts. Add cocoa powder to one part and mix well.
  • Assembling the cake. Grease the bottom cake with white cream, place the second cake on top, and repeat the procedure. Grease the third layer on top with brown cream.
  • Coat the sides with the same cream and sprinkle grated nuts on top.
  • Let it brew for a few hours and the cake is ready.

Menu for 50 people

Feeding such a crowd of relatives and friends is a real quest: you need to think in advance about how to arrange seating arrangements, as well as the placement of dishes on the tables. A sample menu for a wedding for 50 people might look like this:

  • Vegetable salad, Stolichny salad with chicken breast and fresh cucumber - all in portioned salad bowls for each guest.
  • For every 5-6 guests there is a plate with stuffed eggplants, sandwiches, cold cuts and fish.
  • A non-standard move would be to serve hot pancakes with meat filling.
  • There should be fish on the tables - pike perch or mackerel, if one of the guests is not full of pancakes.
  • An inexpensive but very tasty hot dish is chicken tabaka.
  • The cake must weigh more than 10 kilograms. Make 50 cakes to go with it, and put not only tea, but also coffee on the dessert table.

What to consider?

  • Season.
    In summer, light food is most preferred - vegetable, fruit, fish dishes. In the cold season, hot snacks made from traditional types of meat (beef, pork, chicken) are preferable.
  • Number of guests.
    The total amount of food is calculated taking into account the norm per guest.
  • Serving features.
    It is better to use portioned salad bowls or tartlets for serving, and common trays for appetizers and cuts.
  • Special menu.
    It is necessary to take into account the presence of children, people with allergies, vegetarians and vegans. To properly create a menu for them, we recommend including alternative options.

How to make a wedding menu at home

If your wedding is taking place in a narrow circle of invitees, and your house can accommodate up to 20 guests, then you should not spend extra money on renting a room - you can prepare all the dishes yourself, involving relatives and friends in this process.

Of course, dishes made at home should not be the usual ones that everyone eats for lunch and dinner, but there is no point in trying to repeat complex recipes from chefs. Here is a sample menu for a wedding for 15-20 people, which is easy to repeat at home:

  • Snacks: pickles, sliced ​​cheese and meat, vegetable plate, fruit, sandwiches with sprats.
  • Salads: herring under a fur coat, with chicken and pineapples.
  • Hot: cabbage rolls, baked potatoes, marinated fish.
  • Dessert: cake, wafer rolls with condensed milk, sweets, fruit.

Place all dishes on 2-3 plates and place them at different ends of the table.

Side dishes

Properly selected side dishes can make the main dish taste much better.

Baked potato

The beautiful and original appearance of the side dish can become a real decoration of the festive table.

We will need:

  • Potatoes – 15-20 large tubers.
  • Hard cheese – 250-300g.
  • Raw egg yolk – 6 pcs.
  • Medium fat sour cream – 7 tablespoons.


  • Wash the potatoes well, place them on a baking sheet and bake until fully cooked. As soon as the tubers can be pierced freely, you can pull them out.
  • Cut the potatoes in half and carefully remove the pulp. The main thing is not to damage the skin.
  • Mash the potatoes well with the addition of sour cream, yolk, and salt. Mix everything well until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • Grate the cheese into the resulting mass on a fine grater and mix everything again.
  • Place the mixture back into the potato boats. To get a beautiful appearance, use a fork to apply the design.
  • Place in an oven preheated to 200 C. Bake until golden brown on top. Take it out and sprinkle with herbs.
  • The side dish is ready.

Original rice

An unusual side dish that is suitable for sweet meat. However, it can also be served as a separate dish.

We will need:

  • Rice, it’s better to take white – 3 cups.
  • White onion - 3 medium onions.
  • Garlic - one medium sized head.
  • Raisins – 8 tablespoons.
  • Walnuts – 300g.
  • Butter (butter or vegetable) – 250g.
  • Salt pepper.
  • Greenery.


  • Melt the butter in a frying pan with high sides, you can take a small cauldron.
  • Peel the onion and garlic, cut into small cubes, and add to the melted butter. Fry until golden brown.
  • Wash the rice, pour it into a frying pan, mix with onion and garlic. Fry for five minutes.
  • Add 6.5 cups of water and salt. Reduce the heat and cover with a lid. Leave on the stove until the water is completely absorbed.
  • Finely chop the walnuts. Take another frying pan and melt the butter. Add nuts, raisins, and some herbs and fry for 5-7 minutes, stirring constantly.
  • Pour the rice into the nuts, mix well, and place on a plate. For beauty, you can form a figure, sprinkle the remaining herbs on top.
  • The side dish is ready.

Vegetables with rice

The easiest way to make a side dish with minimal effort.

We will need:

  • White rice – 3.5 cups.
  • “Frozen vegetables” mixture – 1-2 packages.
  • Carrots – 3 medium-sized pieces.
  • Tomatoes – 4 medium-sized pieces.
  • White onion – 2 pcs.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.


  • Pour the “frozen vegetables” mixture into a frying pan and fry for 5-7 minutes.
  • Peel carrots, tomatoes, onions, set to small cubes. Place all the vegetables in a multicooker cup and add the fried mixture there.
  • Cover everything with rice and add water. You don't need a lot of water, just enough to cover the rice completely.
  • Salt, pepper, add a little vegetable oil. Can be supplemented with spices.
  • Turn on the device for 1.5 hours. If there is a window, then you can visually observe how the water is completely absorbed, which means you need to pull it out.
  • Mix and carefully place on plates.
  • The side dish is ready.

How can you save money?

Even if you order a menu for a wedding in a cafe, there are ways to save the budget of a young family:

  • Even if a restaurant offers you a cake made by their pastry chefs, look for another, cheaper option. Warn the restaurant administration that you will be taking dessert elsewhere; most likely, you will be asked to bring a certificate of conformity.
  • Taking alcohol from a cafe bar is very expensive; choose a place to celebrate not only based on the beautiful interior, but also based on the fact that you can bring your own drinks there.
  • Check to see if you can bring your own non-alcoholic drinks to the party. Usually small cafes will do this, as well as larger banquet halls, if you order a certain minimum of bottles from them.
  • Ask that all dishes that are left on the tables be taken with you. The second day of the wedding can be celebrated by not having time to eat at the celebration itself.


  1. Calculate the amount of food based on the gender, age of the guests, as well as their preferences. Don’t forget that on average, during a 5-hour wedding, a guest eats one and a half kilograms of food.
  2. Make your wedding menu as varied as possible so that every guest can find a dish to suit their taste.
  3. Don’t save money by cutting down portions; it’s better to choose dishes with less expensive ingredients.
  4. Focus on snacks. There should be a lot of them. And if there are a lot of men at the wedding, then they should also be very filling.
  5. Buy plenty of alcohol and water for your celebration: it’s better to have some left over for another celebration than for your guests to be left without drinks.

Thus, you understand that a banquet menu for a wedding, just like one prepared at home, is easy to prepare if you follow the simple rules described in our article.

What drinks to prepare for a wedding

For an aperitif, you should prepare champagne, martinis, low-alcohol cocktails, and keep tea and coffee on hand.

There should be an abundance of soft drinks: juices, nectars, fruit drinks, plain and sparkling water, a selection of well-known sodas. In the summer, it’s better to prepare water with lemon and stock up on ice, not just for cocktails.

The alcoholic selection is typical: wines, cognacs and vodka. At a themed wedding, tequila and absinthe are appropriate, preferably in moderation. The composition of the wine list depends on the age of the guests; this should be taken into account when planning, especially if the feast will be at home.

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