The girl caught the bride’s bouquet: what traditions and signs say

In all countries there are different wedding traditions, customs, rituals and signs associated with them, some of them, due to various historical reasons, are similar among many peoples. Although Russia cannot boast of special adherence to and observance of all wedding traditions and rituals, nevertheless, some customs of the matchmaking and marriage ceremony are familiar to many married couples firsthand. But every girl knows that catching the bride’s bouquet at a wedding is considered a very good omen, although, perhaps, she does not fully realize its significance.


The tradition of throwing a bouquet appeared in Europe in the Middle Ages. It was believed that the newlywed's outfit had special magical properties and brought happiness. Each girl tried not just to touch the dress, but to tear off a piece of it for herself. Getting a piece of a wedding dress was considered great luck. The guests literally tore the newlywed's outfit into pieces. To distract their attention and preserve her festive dress, the bride threw a bouquet into the crowd. Interesting! Sometimes, instead of a bouquet, the bride throws a garter or other element of her wedding dress.
The ritual with a wedding bouquet for the newlywed was also known in Ancient Rus', but it was different from the modern one. The groom himself collected flowers for his betrothed. And on the wedding day, the unmarried guests stood around the bride in a round dance, and the newlywed, with her eyes closed, randomly handed one of the girls the desired gift. The ritual was carefully observed by the men present. They looked at who was standing in the round dance, and this way they found out which of the girls they could send matchmakers to.

Our ancestors did not throw wedding flowers into the crowd, believing that the wedding attribute should be kept in the house of the newlyweds until it withers.

Why should you not give a bridal bouquet to anyone?

A wedding bouquet carries powerful energy. Since ancient times, the bride's bouquet was collected from wild flowers and herbs by the future husband. It served as a kind of amulet against evil spirits for the bride and her future husband.

According to ancient tradition, the bride's wedding bouquet is purchased and given by the future husband immediately before the wedding ceremony.

As a last resort, the groom's father or his close relative can purchase the attribute. This task cannot be entrusted to a woman.

During the wedding ceremony, the bundle can only be given to the groom or mother.

Warning! By leaving it unattended or handing the bouquet to guests, according to the sign, you can miss your happiness.

Others, even the closest people, should not touch the buds during the celebration.

According to wedding tradition, throwing a bunch into a crowd of girlfriends is also undesirable; for this you need to use a double bouquet.

The meaning of signs at a wedding

Every single girl dreams of catching the bride's bouquet. The bride not only throws the desired item to the guests, but first turns her back to them so that fate will decide who will be the lucky one. The friends standing in a row try to catch the bouquet by any means possible, because legend says that the girl who catches the flowers will soon get married.

But the concept of “soon” is interpreted differently by experts:

  • someone says that the long-awaited event will happen in three years;
  • according to another version, the lucky girl will receive a marriage proposal within a year;
  • The most popular interpretation is that the friend who received the wedding bouquet will be the next to invite guests to her wedding.

After one of the friends has the bouquet, the bride approaches the lucky girl and wishes her happiness.

It may happen that the bouquet flies to the side. In this case, it is believed that the guest to whom the accessory fell closer will be in for a pleasant surprise.

Some believe that flowers falling on the floor are a sign of an imminent wedding in the family on the part of the newlywed.

About artificial flowers

Modern compositions made from artificial flowers can be difficult to distinguish from real ones. Undoubtedly, such flowers solve many problems. If you are not bothered by prejudices about non-living plants and you want the friend who caught the bouquet not to worry about how to preserve living flowers after the event, then ordering a composition from artificial ones will be the best solution.

There is a superstition that the use of inanimate plants promises the same artificiality and falsehood in the relations of the future family.

What to do with the caught one?

Everyone decides for themselves what to do with the caught bunch of flowers. Some people believe that there is no need to keep dry plants in the house, so they simply throw out a wilted bouquet.

The second option is to release a bunch of flowers along a river, into a lake or into the sea, or simply leave them in a park on a bench, but this tradition is rarely used.

Most lucky women prefer to dry the trophy. According to legend, the dried bouquet should be kept in the house until the omen is fulfilled and the girl gets married.

If you dry the flowers in time, the bouquet will retain both its shape and appearance. The herbarium can remain in the house for as long as necessary. Some turn to florists for this, but you can ensure that wedding flowers do not lose their original appearance on your own.

How to dry it?

Drying flowers is not difficult at home. This process consists of several stages:

  1. It is necessary to make sure that there is no moisture on the bouquet and remove wilted elements;
  2. Separate flowers from leaves and greenery;
  3. Tie the third part of the flowers, which will be in the center of the composition, and then attach the remaining two parts with wire;
  4. Hang the bouquet in a dry, warm place with the buds down. Direct sunlight should be avoided to prevent the herbarium from fading;
  5. It is necessary to ensure that mold does not form on the petals;
  6. Leaves and greens are dried separately under newspaper in a well-ventilated area and then added to the composition;
  7. Dried flowers are very fragile. A special spray, which is sold in the floristry department, or regular hairspray will help make them stronger. It is applied to the bouquet before or after drying. The varnish will give the composition a beautiful shine;
  8. Small flowers are dried for 3 to 5 days. Large buds, for example, roses - more than 10 days.


The number of flowers in the composition depends on the location of the celebration. For example, in European countries, a bouquet must consist of an even number of plants, since paired buds symbolize the bride and groom. In Russia, the number of flowers was equal to the age of the bride, plus one if it was an even number.

But numerologists consider the best combination for a wedding to be 5,7 or 9 pieces. In their opinion, these numbers have a beneficial effect on the health and love of newlyweds.


In some families, the wedding bouquet becomes an heirloom. Mothers dry the flower arrangement to give it to their children before the wedding. Throughout the entire celebration, this attribute of the bride is not released from her hands and is treasured like the apple of her eye. It is allowed to entrust the bouquet only to the mother for a while.

Preserving a flower arrangement in its original form until children grow up is not easy. It is allowed to separate the buds into petals, dry them and store them in a linen bag.

Advice! If unsightly mold appears, remove it carefully with a piece of soft cloth or a cotton pad.

It is interesting to know why dry petals are sprinkled on newlyweds who return to the house from the registry office. This custom promises mutual understanding and happiness in the newly-made family.

Modern traditions

Today, no wedding is complete without throwing the bride's bouquet. The ceremony is carried out according to certain rules.
At the end of the party, the newlywed stands in the center of the hall, and behind her line up those who want to quickly receive a marriage proposal. The bride turns around her axis three times with her eyes closed and, uttering words of good wishes, throws a flower arrangement. The bride can throw a bouquet to the guests, but then give the girl who caught the bouquet only one flower from the arrangement, and take the rest for herself.

In the West, they came up with an unusual ritual with a wedding symbol. One ribbon is tied to the bouquet, and the bride simply takes the ends of the rest in her hand. Unmarried friends choose the end of one of the ribbons and dance around the hero of the occasion to cheerful music, and then, at the sign of the leader, they pull the ribbons. The wedding symbol remains with one of the lucky ones.

Many people believe that giving a wedding bouquet to a friend is sharing your happiness with her. Such a ritual will not bring good luck to either the newlyweds or the girlfriend. Those who fear the consequences, but want to carry out the tradition, are encouraged to replace the original composition with a duplicate. It is his bride who throws it to her friends. The wedding bouquet given by the groom remains in the couple's house as a family heirloom.

Advice! If the wedding bed of the newlyweds is decorated with rose petals on their first wedding night, they should be collected, dried and filled into a small pillow. Subsequently, it is kept in the spouses' bed.

Some people prefer not to store their wedding attribute for a long time. On the wedding anniversary it is burned. A bright flame emanating from dry petals is a good omen for young spouses.

How to make the base of a bouquet yourself: step-by-step instructions

To create an unusual spherical bouquet, you don’t need to turn to specialists. The base can be created from simple scrap materials and polystyrene foam with your own hands, following the detailed instructions.

What you will need for the base of the bouquet:

  • cardboard tube from under food foil or film;
  • regular foam;
  • PVA glue;
  • toilet paper;
  • cotton threads;
  • bank erasers (stationery);
  • knife;
  • glue gun

To make a ball with a diameter of approximately 18-20 cm, you will need 5-6 squares of polystyrene foam 5-6 cm thick in a square shape. How to do:

  1. Make a hole for the handle: attach the cardboard tube to the foam and trace it with a pencil. Using a knife, cut out a recess according to the design. When exactly half of the tube fits into it, do the same steps on another foam plastic.
  2. Glue all the parts of the foam, covering the entire surface of the joined parts with glue. Pieces with a prepared hole should be located at the bottom of the composition. Secure the resulting square with rubber bands and leave until the glue dries. To make the base, it is undesirable to use “moment” glue, as it corrodes the foam. The best option is PVA glue.
  3. Using a sharp small knife, cut off pieces of foam to form a circle out of the square.
  4. Roll the ball on the table to remove any unevenness.
  5. Shorten the cardboard reel to 14-16 cm. Coat the part that will be hidden in the ball with hot glue and insert it into the spherical base.
  6. Wrap the ball randomly with threads. Dilute glue with water in a ratio of 1*1. Dip pieces of toilet paper into the solution and stick to the ball, completely covering its surface. Leave until dry.

The basis for the wedding bouquet is ready! Then you can decorate it with fresh or artificial flowers, and wrap the handle with a ribbon of a suitable color.

Photo of a hand-made bridal bouquet

Bridal bouquet of gerberas and chrysanthemums

Wedding bouquet of orchids

The wedding can be magnificent or modest, in a classic or original style, but always with flowers. The bride's bouquet is the most important flower arrangement, which emphasizes the tenderness and charm of the girl. You can arrange it yourself and make a bouquet to your liking.

To see everything clearly, watch the video of a DIY wedding bouquet:

What should it be?

When choosing a bouquet for the bride, it is important not only to take into account that it matches the style and color of the newlywed’s dress. There are a number of signs associated with the selection of colors for a wedding symbol.

According to legends, it is not recommended to use gladioli, callas and carnations. They can bring quarrels into the family. The same applies to fern, which is often included in the composition. Any plants with pointed leaves should be avoided, symbolizing quarrels and conflicts between spouses in the future.

It is considered a bad omen if the bride pricks her finger during the wedding, so it is better to trim the thorns from flowers in advance

The composition should look harmonious. The optimal shape is spherical or spherical. Multi-level bouquets with stems of different lengths are a symbol of a troubled family life.

It is not recommended to use artificial elements to create a wedding symbol. They promise betrayal. You can always find flowers that are suitable for any weather and will not lose their beauty during the celebration.

As for the number of flowers in the bouquet, it is recommended to take them as many as the bride’s age. If this number is even, then one flower is added to it.

Many believe that quarrels and betrayals can bring flowers of dark shades. To create a wedding accessory, it is recommended to give preference to roses, peonies, tulips, orchids and hydrangeas in light shades. Some add herbal amulets that protect against the evil eye and envy: the top part of garlic, rosemary and basil.

Making a bouquet

If the newlyweds believe in omens, then the wedding bouquet should be ordered taking into account some nuances. The main one is that the number of stems should be equal to the years of the bride. If the number is even, you need to add one more flower.

Another important belief is that there should be no sharp objects in the bouquet. This applies to ribbons fastened with safety pins, decorative stones with sharp edges, various hairpins, etc. According to the sign, if a girl hurts her hand, the couple will often quarrel.

Signs and superstitions

The tradition of throwing a bouquet is not the only sign.

Important! Dreams in which a wedding bouquet appears promise only pleasant events.

A number of beliefs are associated with the wedding attribute, many of which are not widely known:

  • The wedding symbol must be purchased by the groom or a male blood relative. Entrusting a purchase to a woman is a bad omen;
  • the groom, going for a bouquet, must leave the house with his right foot, and when returning, cross the threshold with his left foot;
  • It is not recommended to talk to anyone on the way to buy flowers;
  • when paying for a purchase, they pay with such a bill that it is necessary to give change - this portends prosperity;
  • a bad sign, promising troubles and failures, is to drop a bouquet during a celebration;
  • During the banquet, the bouquet is placed in the center of the newlyweds’ table, complementing the decoration of the presidium.

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