Original bride ransom competitions: no one will remain indifferent

What makes a wedding so noisy, fun and bright? Of course, there are games and competitions that traditionally accompany this event. And the more fun tasks the toastmaster sets for the guests, the faster and easier the acquaintance will be between the invited relatives and friends of the newlyweds.

What is a wedding without a bride price? This tradition originated in Ancient Rus'. In the past, the groom actually bought the bride, bringing a large sum of money as a gift to her parents.

Today, the wedding ransom has a symbolic character and consists in the fact that the future husband performs comic “feats” for the sake of his beloved , which are offered to him as tasks by the toastmaster (or the one who plays the role of the host during the ransom). In some cases, wedding competitions for the ransom of the bride force the groom and his friends to seriously fork out money, since many tasks involve monetary “fines” in case of failure.

Popular and funny

As a rule, the presenters meet the groom at the bride's entrance, blocking the road. With each competition passed, the young man and his groomsmen (who help the hero of the occasion throughout the entire event) approach the bride’s apartment. Options for tasks can be very different: from funny and comic, to “monetary” ones, implying material rewards for the participants in the celebration.

Fake husband

For the “Lime Husband” competition you will need a person unfamiliar to the newlyweds (preferably artistic), a bouquet and a classic suit. When the betrothed arrives at his destination, the bride’s friends should already meet him in the company of a man with a bouquet, dressed as the groom. At the same time, the fake husband loudly asks the girls about the whereabouts of the bride, calling her by name. The presenters, noticing the arriving husband candidate, ask him his name and purpose of arrival. When the real groom answers, the girlfriends join in the conversation:

—Can one wife have two husbands? One of you is an impostor! But it doesn’t matter, we will find a real groom. Whoever answers questions about our beautiful bride, we will send him to win her heart.

Next, the girlfriends begin to ask the contestants questions about the bride. Examples of what you can ask:

  1. eye color;
  2. favorite movie;
  3. pet name;
  4. shoe size;
  5. favorite dish.

At the same time, the fake groom is constantly trying to avoid answering or falsifying the facts, which is why he is given the title of loser.

Man's word

This is an original, slightly gambling competition that will help test the dexterity and honesty of the groom.

A dartboard is mounted on the wall. It can be purchased or homemade, but preferably in large sizes. Along the entire perimeter of the board are the words of the groom's promises or similar pictures cut out from magazines (car, apartment, fur coat, flowers, ring).

At the beginning of the competition, the groom says the phrase: “I promise to give my wife a gift in a year of married life...”, after which he throws a dart. The target that the dart hits is loudly announced by the presenter.


The presenters present the groom with an apple, into which toothpicks have previously been inserted (one shortened one and about 15 regular ones). Taking out one toothpick from the apple, the newly-made husband must compliment his wife until he comes across a short toothpick.

Exemplary father

This is a well-known competition that is rarely overlooked when writing a ransom script.

Every wife wants to see in her husband not only an ideal spouse, but also a wonderful father. You can test his abilities through a competition. It is necessary to prepare a large toy baby doll and clothes for it in advance. The host strips the doll down to her panties, while the bridesmaids blindfold the groom. A box with clothes is placed in front of the subject, which must be quickly and carefully put on the toy.

You can complicate the competition by limiting the test time or adding completely inappropriate wardrobe items to the doll clothes (a woman's dress, a man's sneaker, an army belt).


For this competition you will need a long kitchen towel or thick rope.
The bridesmaids hand the groom a towel with the offer to tie it in a knot as strong as his love for his new wife. And when the knot is ready, the girlfriends will have to set a new task: to untie the knot as quickly as the head of the family solves the problems that arise. Help: the towel can be kept as a family amulet.

Photo blende

To prepare this competition, it is necessary to involve a person who understands photo editing. A portrait photograph of the bride is copied, after which new details of appearance are added to it using computer processing and old ones are corrected. You can disguise a scar, draw a mole, change eye color. In total there should be at least 10 distinctive features.

During the ransom, the groom is shown the original and the processed photograph. The subject’s task is to determine which features have been changed and where the real photograph of the bride is.

Rainbow Salvation

the groom and the groom can save her . To do this, they need to collect 12 things from the guests in the color that the kidnapped hero of the occasion loves.

For the competition, you need to ask the bride in advance what colors she considers her favorite. The groom will not have to guess, since his main task is simply to get a “tribute”. Therefore, the host tells the future husband and his friend two different colors, after which the young people, accompanied by music, begin to quickly go around the guests in search of suitable things.

Portrait in words

For the competition, you need to prepare leaves with words of a romantic theme: flower, candles, moon. Then the leaves need to be folded in half and thrown into a hat or a beautiful box. During the ransom, the groom pulls out the agreed number of pieces of paper, reads them out loud, and then, using these “clues,” tells others about his beloved. For example, if the groom draws out the words “caramel”, “oasis” and “evening”, then he can say this: “My wife has a character as sweet as caramel, an attractive look like an oasis, and a hug as cozy as evening.”

Dancing with an Elf

The bride was kidnapped by an elf (one of the guests, dressed in a costume with horns and wings from a prank shop). The main condition of the kidnapper is to dance heartily with the guests. Therefore, five couples are chosen from among the guests to draw forfeits from the elf’s bag. And in the bag there are already prepared pieces of paper on which various dance styles are written:

  1. hip-hop;
  2. lambada;
  3. tango;
  4. ballet;
  5. jazz.

Each pair performs their part in turn.

Drunk Key

The competition has two options: with alcohol and without alcohol.

It is necessary to prepare a three-liter jar and a key in advance. The groom has to get the key to his bride's heart. But the difficulty is that the key is at the bottom of a can full of Coca-Cola. Therefore, together with his friends, the future husband must drink cola and get the treasured key.

If the groom has many close friends who can help him complete the task, you can add alcohol to the cola (everything needs to be calculated correctly so that none of the groom’s retinue gets drunk and all friends successfully participate in further competitions).


By searching the bride's archives, you can find many interesting photographs. And joint photos with your future husband will be just a godsend for the ransom competition.

The bridesmaids greet the groom with printed photographs depicting memorable moments for the newlyweds: a joint picnic, a relationship anniversary, a first trip to the sea.

During the entire ransom, the groom must be told the stories of these photographs (one story for a certain period of time or path). If the groom copes with the task, then you can move on to the next tasks. If not, friends pay a fine in monetary or comic form (dancing, singing, ditties).

Sweeter than honey

As a prop, you need to prepare two glasses, one of which contains a very sour and the other a very salty liquid. The presenters invite the groom to drink from the cup of predictions. Based on the man’s face, the “fortune teller” (any girl from among the bridesmaids) will determine how pleasant life with his young wife will be.

Thus, the groom’s task in this competition is to maintain a satisfied and happy appearance, emptying the glass to the bottom.

Sleeping beauty in the castle

All you need for the competition is a photo of the bride, clothespins and twine. The photographs are attached to a string that is pulled by the two tallest guys among the guests. The presenters tell the groom the sad news that his betrothed was imprisoned in the tower by an evil witch, who also sent a dream to the girl. You can wake up your chosen one only with a tender kiss. Therefore, the groom needs to kiss each photo, jumping up or using the help of a friendly retinue.

For growth

The bride's height is measured using a colored tape or rope. After this, you need to cut 4 more multi-colored ropes of similar length, but slightly shorter/longer than the main one. The groom must guess which of the ribbons corresponds to the height of his betrothed.

By analogy with height, you can make the groom guess the waist circumference or the length of any part of the bride’s body.

Hush, there's an exam in progress!

In order to host this competition, you will need several guests. Each student has a piece of paper with the name of their school subject on their chest. Now the ransom participants turn into teachers who must take an exam from the groom.

The young man must tell the geography teacher about 10 places where his fiancée likes to go for walks. The history teacher asks the groom how he met the bride. The literature teacher invites the subject to express his love for his future wife in literary form.

The number of teachers and tasks can be changed at your discretion, coming up with interesting and suitable “exams” for a given situation.

You have a girl, we have a great guy

Now what is a ransom at a wedding? This is a popular tradition , without which not a single wedding in Russia is complete. The organization of bride price at a wedding takes place according to a pre-rehearsed scenario .

The simplest test for a newlywed will be the dowry. When the groom's retinue arrives at the bride's house, her relatives and neighbors block the newlywed's path. They offer to purchase a dowry for coins or pass a test. It is expected that for the sake of honor and economy, the groom will try his luck at winning .

A man's main weapon will be intelligence, humor and good mood.

Tricky assignments will rain down on him from all sides; he will be tested in dancing, singing serenades, and hammering nails. Or they may ask you to list and prove your positive qualities. The composition of bride price competitions depends only on the imagination of the organizers ; there are no restrictions for them.

Groom at the bride price

According to the rules of the ransom, the next stage is a comic sale of the bride. There is a whole science about how to properly sell a bride at ransom. By how the ransom ceremony takes place, one judges the wealth of the future husband and the happiness of his chosen one.

The groom's responsibility lies in the ability to become a winner in a difficult situation and not lose face during competitions.

To be held at the entrance

In most cases, in order to ransom the bride, you need to climb a staircase. In such conditions, it is simply impossible to hold noisy and space-consuming competitions. But the stairs and walls allow you to realize some interesting and fun ideas.


Before the groom enters the entrance, you need to draw footprints on the stairs in a chaotic manner. The more difficult it is to climb them, the more interesting the test will be. After all, the groom will be asked to overcome the span, moving along the indicated route, strictly adhering to the painted tracks. If the subject misses, the trail is sprinkled with coins or bills from the pockets of the groom and his friends.

Stairway to Heaven

The bridesmaids print out the reasons for her future wedding on A4 sheets in advance. Most of them should be humorous: “just like that,” “forced,” “forgot the reason.” And only on one sheet is written “for love.” Next, the sheets are laid out in such a way that the reason “for love” is at the very top level, to which comic reasons lead. The groom must climb to the very top, bypassing unnecessary sheets.

Interesting! Any of your friends can bring it to the specified point, but you shouldn’t give such a hint, because the point of the competition is funny attempts to overcome the distance.


This competition is used if the bride's apartment is located high. One flight of stairs turns into a field for creativity, where each new step becomes available to the groom after he pronounces a declaration of love for his bride in verse. In order not to delay this competition, ask all the groom's friends present to help in composing rhymes.


This competition is held in front of the bride's apartment. The groom is asked to ring the bell with his heel. He must think to take off his shoes in order to press the bell with his heel. The most interesting thing in this task is to look at the groom’s erroneous attempts, which are usually carried out in the company of friends.

Competitions for redemption

I found competitions for redemption online. Maybe it will be useful to someone?

Bride ransom competition: Cupid is such a small competition: the witness invites the groom to act as Cupid and pierce the bride’s heart with an arrow. For every mistake there is a payoff! Details: the bride's heart is a helium balloon in the shape of a heart; Cupid's arrow is a toy dart (in stores and sold one at a time if the whole game is not available). It's better to do this competition on the street, it's hard to get in the first time, it turns out to be fun

Bride price competition: Magic word When the groom approaches the bride's room, he must say the magic words so that the door opens. True, not everyone immediately realizes that this is “I love you!” and they start saying something like “Sim-sim open,” and there’s a fine for that.

Bride ransom competition: Name in silver You can invite the groom to put the name of the bride in silver on the asphalt (for this, the groom’s friends need to prepare a couple of kilograms of 1 and 5 kopeck coins in advance)

Bride price competition: Target A large target is deployed in front of the groom, and he must hit the target with a champagne cork. This option can be used on signs “for love”, “for convenience”, etc.

Competition for the bride price: Wedding flower Place a flower of two colors on the stairs. Step on the red one - say a kind word about the bride, step on the blue one - tell me how you will scold her. If you don’t want to scold, pay.

Bride ransom competition: Wallpaper Instead of a sheet, you can stick wallpaper to the entrance to the bride's room. And pretend that there are no more rooms. And when the groom breaks through the wallpaper, take a ransom for the damage caused to the apartment.

Bride ransom competition: Photo You can invite the groom to kiss a child's photograph glued to the ceiling. Accordingly, he can only get it with the help of a witness and friends (for example, the groom can stand on the back of the witness)

Bride ransom competition: Guess the Bride You can guess the bride by the finger on which the groom is going to put the ring. Those. they pull the sheet up and several girls show one finger.

Bride ransom competition: Gypsy fortune teller The fortune teller invites the groom to choose a bride from a deck of cards. Previously, various jokes are pasted onto the cards (for example, photos from a playboy, caricatures, and a photo of the bride). Naturally, an unsuccessful attempt and the decision to take a new card are paid.

Bride price competition: Darts The most ordinary “darts” (preferably made of polystyrene) are hung on the wall, with the only difference being that the word “fur coat” is written on the sectors of the largest circle, and “car”, “apartment”, “travel” are written on the next ones. , and in the “apple” itself it is written: “that’s it!” - these are the promises of the groom. The groom must demonstrate his accuracy. Which sector he ends up in, he vows to fulfill his promise in the first year of marriage. The best thing for the bride is that she won't be a loser either way.

Bride ransom competition: The only one A lot of images of women's faces are pasted onto a sheet of whatman paper in advance. These can be photographs of movie stars, singers, fashion models (in a word, all those images that can be found on the pages of magazines). Among them are photographs of all the bride’s friends (including those who are present at her wedding today) and, most importantly, a photo of the bride. Your task is to make sure that the bride’s photo is as inconspicuous as possible among others. Within a certain time, the groom must find from among many faces his one and only one - his bride. The competition can be made a little more complicated by pasting instead of adults, children’s photographs of the bride and her friends.

Bride ransom competition: Ribbon The bride herself, her friends, mother, grandmother, and aunt participate in this competition. Each participant in the drawing ties a long colored ribbon or braid to his finger and, placing it on the floor so that the tip of the thread lies in the corridor, everyone hides behind the door in the room where the bride is sitting. The groom is faced with a serious task: standing in front of a closed door, he must find out by the “tails” which of them is attached to his betrothed. Having chosen the “suspicious ponytail”, the groom slightly tugs on it, thereby showing which one he chose. It’s good if the groom manages to recognize the bride right away, but what if he fails to do this the first time and instead of the bride “catch” her grandmother? Willy-nilly, he will have to pay off in order to gain the right to have another try.

Bride ransom competition: The power of love To conduct the competition you will need a wet towel. The host hands the towel to the groom and says: “Well, tie the towel as tightly as you will love your wife!” The groom ties the towel in a knot, pulling it tight with all his might. “Oh yes, you will love your wife very dearly,” the host says respectfully. And then he insidiously adds: “Now untie the towel as quickly as you will stop any family quarrel.” Unfortunately, untying a wet towel is much more difficult than tying it.

Bride ransom competition: Chamomile The host or bridesmaid stands in the way of the groom with a chamomile in his hands. On each petal of this chamomile, memorable numbers for the young are written in advance. Tasks can be very diverse and unexpected. The groom must, by tearing off a petal, guess what this or that memorable number means. For each incorrectly guessed task, the groom pays a ransom. The competition ends only when all the petals are torn off from the chamomile. For example, the following options: - the date the bride and groom met; - the hour of their first date; - year of birth of the future mother-in-law, father-in-law; — bride’s waist size; - future wife's shoe size; - number of best friends of the bride; - bride's birthday; - height of the bride; — the height of the stiletto heels of her party shoes; - the number of expected children in the family; — bride’s ring size; — all brides in grams; - favorite song of the future mother-in-law; — the bride’s favorite number; - the number of guests invited to the wedding; - age of the witness and witness; - the amount of money that the future wife would like to have every day for small expenses.

Bride ransom competition: Heroic power The origins of this bride ransom test go back to the deep past. Previously, the groom's path to his betrothed's house was blocked by a log placed on special trestles, which he had to cut down. Now the “heroic power” of a young man can be experienced in various ways. For example, the following options: - ask him to hammer a nail with one blow; - lift dumbbells or weights several times; - do push-ups from the floor; - pick up a witness; - break a thin thread or rope; - jump on one leg; - squat several times on one leg; - tell what kind of sports he was involved in; - ask for a promise to carry your wife in your arms for the rest of your life; - pick up your mother-in-law. During this test, jokes pour in: “Look, the groom took a hammer in his hands for the first time,” “Oh, it’s hard for him, it’s hard,” “Well done to the groom!”, Wow, what a strong man, he hammered a nail with one blow!” , “He will be a good husband!” If the groom refuses to complete any task or simply cannot cope with it, his friends help him. And if they refuse or fail to complete the task, then a ransom is charged. the ransom amount is set by the bride's guests.

Bride price competition: Air barrier After the groom finds the key and opens the door, he is faced with another test. In the opening of an open door, he encounters a wall of inflatable balloons. The groom can overcome this obstacle in two ways: he must either puncture all the balloons with the help of his friends, or pay a ransom, which will arrange for the guests to remove the barrier of balloons in the groom’s path.

Bride price competition: Sponges To conduct this competition, take a large sheet of paper on which all the bridesmaids and the bride herself leave imprints of their lips. The groom must find the desired imprint of lips - the lips of his bride. Under each fingerprint you can write a certain price that the groom pays for each incorrectly guessed lip. The competition ends when he correctly guesses his bride's lips. You can complicate this test somewhat, for example, force not only girls, but also men to put on lipstick and kiss a piece of paper. In this case, an incorrectly guessed fingerprint will not only serve as a reason to demand money from the groom, but will also amuse people - the groom chose not his betrothed as his bride, but a neighbor or grandfather. If all the men refused to wear lipstick, then you can try to persuade the women to put on lipstick of the same color, so that the groom, looking at their faces, will not guess who has which lip prints. There is no point in making his fate easier, let him suffer.

Competition for the bride price: Wishes On the way of the groom, the host or bridesmaid stands in front of the door with an empty glass in his hands. When the groom, having overcome all obstacles, approaches, he is approached with the following task: “Put what rustles in this glass.” When he fulfills this desire and puts as much money into the glass as suits the guests, the host says the following task: “Now put in this glass what rings.” When the groom completes this task, he is given the following: “Put what is spilling out into this glass.” The groom must fill it with wine. If the groom does not fulfill any wish, then the previous one is offered to him again. For example, the presenter says: “Put what is spilling out into this glass.” The groom replies: “I don’t have that.” And the presenter says: “Then put what rustles into the glass again.”

Bride ransom competition: Fishing The bride, two or three girlfriends and the grandmother are locked in a room. When the groom approaches a locked room, he sees several strings (their number depends on the number of people in the room) peeking out from under the closed door of the room. The other end of these strings is tied to the fingers of the people in the room. When the groom pulls a thread, the one to which the given thread was tied approaches him. The host of the competition says: “Take her as your wife or pay tribute.” The competition continues until the groom guesses his bride or makes a new decision: to marry the bridesmaid.

Bride ransom competition: Golden Key Several inflated balloons are tied in front of the door to the bride's house. Inside each ball there is a piece of paper with an inscription. On one of the pieces of paper write “key”, and on the rest - some kind of ransom. Overcoming this obstacle, the groom must burst the balloon. If there is a ransom note in the ball, then he pays. The test continues until the groom finds a ball with a piece of paper on which “key” is written.

Bride ransom competition: The Shoe When the groom overcomes all obstacles and finally finds the bride, it turns out that she does not have a shoe. He is asked to find her. Several boxes of shoes are placed somewhere in a secluded place. The groom must guess the one that contains the bride's shoe. For each incorrectly guessed box of shoes, the groom pays a ransom. The test ends when the groom finds his betrothed's shoe and elegantly puts it on his beloved's foot.

Bride ransom competition: Guess An obstacle appears on the groom's path - a staircase. Each step of the ladder carries a test for the groom. He will be able to move from one step to another only when he answers the question asked. The questions asked can be very diverse and unexpected. This is not a complete list of such questions. What else to ask the poor confused groom, your imagination and sense of humor will tell you. Name the day you met your fiancée? Where did such a significant event take place? Do you remember the hour of your first date? What shoe size does your fiancé wear? What is her waist size? Give the full name of your future mother-in-law. On what day will you wish your future mother-in-law a happy birthday? Name your bride's favorite flowers. Which men does your fiancé like most: handsome, smart, strong or generous? What does your father-in-law drink more readily – tea or vodka? What color are your bride's eyes? Name your beloved's favorite color. Name your favorite season of the year. What would your bride prefer: a candlelit dinner, a trip to a disco or conjuring a new culinary recipe? Where does she prefer to relax: at sea, in the mountains, in the forest? Name your bride's favorite perfume. What cuisine does your future wife prefer: Chinese, European or Russian? What does your beloved prefer in the morning: a newspaper or coffee in bed? What will come first for your wife: family or work? How many children does your fiancee want to have? What does she like most: reading, sewing, cooking or something else? What dish would your bride never eat? What item would she never wear? What animal does your future wife associate you with? Do you dream about your fiancee? Does your lover believe in the horoscope? What was your fiancée's favorite subject in school? What was your fiancee's affectionate nickname as a child? Name the first word your future wife said. Do you remember the words you used to declare your love to your fiancée? What does your wife think: who will be the boss of the house? What does she like more: ice cream or cakes? What do you think - if such an opportunity presents itself, will your wife go on vacation to a resort without you or not? What animal would your future spouse want to have at home? What dream did she have as a child? What does your bride love to do more than anything else? Does she like to play sports? In what century would she like to be born? On which cheek does your beloved have a mole? What surname will your wife have after the wedding? How many non-girlfriends do you have? Does she like to talk on the phone? How does she react to the compliments of a stranger? How much time does your future wife spend in front of the mirror? What is her favorite car brand? Does she like to dance? What brand of wine does your bride prefer? If your fiancée caught a goldfish and it promised to grant any wish, what wish would she make? What was your future wife's favorite book? Who is her favorite movie character? Does your bride agree with the statement that there is heaven in the hut with a sweetheart? What does your chosen one like more: giving gifts or receiving them? What qualities does your chosen one hate in men? What does your bride prefer on her day off: sit in front of the TV, go to the theater or go to nature? What is your non-life motto? What kind of music does your loved one listen to most? Describe your future wife in three words. Who is her favorite writer? If the groom does not know the correct answer to a question or answers not entirely accurately, then he pays a ransom. The test ends only when the groom is successful, i.e. Having answered questions or paid a ransom that will satisfy the bride's guests, he will overcome the last step of the stairs.

Bride ransom competition: Sim-sim open Take a large jar, put the keys on the bottom and fill it with compote (or other opaque drink, but it should not be jelly, since the groom will simply choke on it in a hurry). The groom, with the help of a witness and other guests, must drink the entire contents of the jar. If the groom does not finish his drink for any reason, he pays as much as the bride’s friends or relatives tell him. After which the groom is given a key, with which he opens the closed door to the bride’s room. You can complicate this task, for example, fill not one jar with compote, but two or tory mugs of different sizes. Invite the groom to choose one of the bottoms and drink. If there is no key at the bottom, then he has to decide whether he can handle two more mugs (or one) or whether he will have to turn to his friends for help. You can, of course, pay a ransom, but usually guests insist that the key be found in a practical way. Important note: before throwing your keys into the compote, do not forget to wash them thoroughly. And be sure to give the groom the opportunity (after he buys the bride, but before the happy couple goes to the registry office) to go to the toilet, otherwise the wedding ceremony will seem unbearable to him (after a liter of compote, this is no wonder!).

Bride ransom competition: Call me, beloved. A leaflet in the form of an announcement is attached to the door leading to the bride's room. In the center of the ad is a colorful inscription: “Call me, beloved!” Below this advertisement is cut into strips. Tearing off each strip, the groom must somehow call his bride. The competition can be complicated: for example, write a letter on each strip and ask the groom to call the bride with any epithet for this letter, or do not allow the groom to think for more than 5 seconds. If he cannot call his betrothed with an epithet for this letter or thinks for more than 5 seconds, then a ransom is paid. The test continues until the bride responds.

For the groom

Cool competitions for the groom at the ransom will allow everyone present to laugh heartily and relax , and the groom himself will be able to show his best qualities, be it acting talent, dexterity or intelligence.

You are my teddy

Soft toys of various shapes and sizes are laid out on a flat surface. The groom, blindfolded, needs to feel all the proposed options, choosing from them the toy that most resembles the bride. To make the competition more difficult, you can take various household items instead of plush animals.


As props for this competition, you will need a medium-sized piece of wood and a well-sharpened knife. The bridesmaids pass the props to the groom with a request to demonstrate how the hero of the occasion knows how to “plane children.” At the end of the competition, guests must decide which spouse the child is like.

Groom dance

Music is played for the groom, to which he must dance merrily. But the catch of the competition is that the music is constantly changing, and the groom has to adapt to a new rhythm every time. The hosts of the ransom must prepare in advance a selection of 10-15 different melodies. To complicate the task, you can force the groom to tie bows from multi-colored ribbons during the dance.


The young groom is greeted by a guest wearing a medical gown, a doctor's cap and a reflector on his head (all props can be rented at costume shops). An impromptu ophthalmologist introduces himself to the groom, saying: “We are looking for a healthy groom for our bride! Let's check your vision!" After these words, the presenters bring out a poster with various dates that are significant for the newlyweds. The date of acquaintance, the bride's birthday, the anniversary of the relationship is best suited. The groom guesses each date. He can be fined for incorrect answers.

A gift from the heart

The bridesmaids bring out a basin to the groom, offering to put in the bottom the best gift that is dear to the bride’s heart. The newly-made spouse will begin to sort through options with friends, settling on various things. But all these options are wrong. The test continues until the groom guesses that he should sit in the basin.

Attention! If the competition drags on, guests may get bored. After several incorrect options on the part of the groom, you can safely give hints.


The bride and her three friends tie ribbons to their wrists and then hide behind a screen. Ribbons are extended into the hall. The groom, like a real fisherman, must “catch” his betrothed. If the bridesmaid is hooked, the fisherman pays a ransom. The competition continues until the real hero of the occasion is found.

Kiss mark

Another very original ransom competition. So, the organizers must show the groom a piece of paper on which traces of lipstick are visible - lip prints. By the way, they can be left not only for the bride and her friends, but also for some male guests of the event. This will make the task more difficult.

After looking at the “kisses” on the paper, the groom must determine which one belongs to his beloved. The competition ends when he finally finds the imprint left by the bride. Of course, for every wrong answer, the future husband will have to “pay.”

By the way, there is another way to complicate his task: let all the lipstick marks be the same color. Then it will be difficult for the groom to immediately give the correct answer.

For the witness

The groom's witness is an important person for the wedding. Therefore, it can be “tested for strength”. And the groom himself will be pleased to unwind a little and take his mind off the trials by looking at them from the outside.

Advertising, advertising!

The witness is given a box of matches. Now he must advertise the groom well, alternately pulling out matches and saying nice words to the hero of the occasion. The number of matches may vary. Also, for fun, you can involve relatives or friends of the groom in the competition.

street performance

This is a fairly simple but interesting competition. The bridesmaids, in roles, read out a pre-prepared fairy tale, and the witness and friends of the groom must at this time show their acting skills, opening their mouths to the beat of the text and acting out the scene voiced by the bridesmaids. Instead of a regular fairy tale, you can take a comical or stupid story to make the performance more interesting.

Gift from a witness

When the groom arrives for the ransom, the bridesmaids must demand from him a handmade gift for the bride. When the groom confirms the fact that he does not have such a surprise, the presenter suggests turning to a witness for help.

The girlfriends bring out previously prepared props (ketchup, mayonnaise and Whatman paper), after which they invite the witness to draw a picture of their family life for the newlyweds using unusual materials.

Buying a bride from her parents' house

Competitions for this task are invented and carried out by the bride's team, led by the witness. The essence of bride price competitions is to force the groom and his male team to overcome obstacles on the way to the bride. The purpose of the bride price competition is to force the groom's team to make as many mistakes as possible, assigning a fine for this. At some weddings they practice a “penalty” - for mistakes the groom and the witness must drink a glass of alcohol. In this case, the bride will be “fined” the most - having already at the stage of registering the marriage a fairly drunk groom. The fine may have a monetary equivalent, but it is boring and expensive for the future joint budget of the newlyweds. It is much more interesting to force the groom and his team to perform creative tasks.

  • Song competition - having prepared the props and music, make the groom's witness and friends sing about his love for the bride. The props can be purely symbolic - toy musical instruments, hats, false noses and mustaches - the choice depends on the theme of the song.
  • The dance competition is organized on the same principle as the song competition. The best man can get creative by preparing a simple rhythmic dance and rehearsing a flash mob with the groom's friends in advance. You can use the name of the bride as a refrain, accompanying it with the epithets “beautiful”, “beloved”, “the only one”.
  • Pantomime competition - the task of the witness is to help the groom guess what the witness is telling about the bride, using the language of facial expressions and gestures.
  • Photo competition - a poster with photographs of little girls is prepared in advance. The groom, with the help of a witness, must find a photo of his bride among them. The witness will demonstrate aerobatics if he helps the groom recognize the childhood photograph of his future mother-in-law.
  • “Erudition” competition – create a crossword puzzle telling about the bride. The crossword puzzle items include a favorite flower, a piece of music, the bride’s school nickname—everything that tells about her life, tastes and preferences. The crossword puzzle should contain the name of the bride, or the word “wedding”, in other words, the “key” that will open the way for the groom to the bride.

There is no need to impose a fine for the last two competitions; it is advisable to hold them at the final stage of the buyout.

  • The witness can act ahead of the actions of the bride's team, and not perform any tasks at all, organizing the forceful capture of the bride.

Shoes to buy back

Another good wedding tradition is buying back the bride’s shoes . It would seem that the groom has passed all the tests and can take his beloved from his parents’ house, but that’s not the case! The girlfriends steal the shoe and again force the groom to fight for his happiness.

Previously, the purpose of the ransom was to check the candidate husband for generosity and prosperity. The girls from the bridesmaids' retinue took turns trying on the shoe. The one who needed the shoes at the right time had the right to keep them and then ask for a generous payment for the item of wedding clothing. Now this tradition is a tribute to the past and one of the ways to bring fun noise to the wedding.

Note! Don't delay purchasing your shoes. A 10-15 minute script will be enough to pay attention to the tradition, but not tire the guests.


In the room where the ransom is supposed to be held, it is necessary to lay out a path of previously prepared white and red daisies. The groom must walk along an improvised carpet, while fulfilling the condition: if you step on a red daisy - confess your love to the bride, if you step on a white daisy - say how you will scold your wife after the wedding. And if the groom refuses to reproach his beloved, he is charged a fee.

Rich guests

As a ransom for the shoe, the groom and his friends are asked to write the bride's name on the floor using paper bills.

Another variation of this competition is to ask the groom and his retinue to fill three vessels with something that rings, rustles and flows.


For this funny competition, you need to prepare A4 sheets with printed letters of the alphabet in advance. Impromptu cards are distributed to the groom and his friends. After this, the owners of various letters apply the sheets to the part of the body that begins with the indicated letter. It is necessary to attach all the cards on hand at once, and dropping the props is strictly prohibited.


The bride and her bridesmaids leave imprints of their lips on the Whatman paper, having previously put on bright lipstick. The groom's task is to find which of the many kisses the bride left. For each "miss" a fee is charged.


Several people from among the groom's guests can participate in this competition. For the props you need a clothesline. Measure out a length that can be loosely wrapped around the waist of a clothed adult man, then sew the ends together.

The one who takes part in the competition must sexually put on a rope (over the head) and then remove it (through the legs). At the same time, you cannot finish before the music stops.

Find the shoe

Shoe boxes are used to hide a variety of shoes. It is best to use funny and inappropriate props: skates, felt boots, men's boots. And only one box contains the bride's shoe. The groom must guess the box correctly, paying for each incorrect choice with a song or money.

Remember! Competitions should be fun and relaxed. If one of the subjects cannot cope with the task or does not want to continue participating in the competition, it is better not to insist so as not to spoil the holiday. You should also not complicate the competitions, because if they drag on, the guests will quickly start to get bored.

Example script

Ransom scripts are often written in poetic form. It looks great if everything is properly rehearsed. The script written in prose looks no worse. It does not need to be learned by heart, but you can only remember the essence.

Grandmothers on a bench

The presenters put on headscarves and sit on a bench at the entrance. When guests arrive, they pretend they didn’t recognize them:

- Why are you standing here, come on in. The groom will arrive now.

-Who are you, why did you come?

- We watch everything during the parade. Who are you visiting?

- So this is the groom?

- Well, come on in. We are selling a bride here.

The girls stand in front of the groom and block his way into the house. The witness takes out a daisy made of paper. On each petal of which numbers are written. (date of meeting, time of first kiss, bride’s height, etc.). The cost of an incorrect answer can also be indicated on the chamomile.

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– Now let’s see how much your groom knows our bride. Guess what numbers are written on the petals, we’ll skip it, we’ll find another one.

After the competition, guests enter the house, and the second stage can be held in front of the elevator.

For the competition, they are preparing a set of clothes for a newborn (diaper, cap, bodysuit) and a child’s doll of the bride.

– A new family will be born soon, and we want to check what kind of father your groom will be. Will he be able to help our bride?

The groom is offered to dress the doll. If he fails to cope or makes many mistakes, the best man helps him.

After which the guests go up to the floor below the bride’s apartment. On each step, letters are written in advance, meaning some kind of household chore (SO - wash clothes, VP - wipe dust). And the groom cannot climb to the next step until he guesses what duty is encrypted. The number of letter combinations depends on the number of steps. If he doesn't guess correctly, he pays the agreed amount.

– Is your groom ready to help our bride?

- Well, let's check now. He must not only guess what needs to be done, but also promise us that he will help.

Then the guests go into the apartment, and I demand that my beloved be given to them. And then the groom can be offered a fake bride. If her betrothed is not satisfied with her, he buys her off. After which the real bride comes out to him.

As you can see, you can also conduct a fun buyout in an apartment building. Have a lot of fun, entertain and relax your guests. Which will give the beginning of a fun wedding ceremony. And it will help you get beautiful photos.

Useful video

The video shows an example of how a bride's ransom can take place in an urban environment: If your wedding is held outside the city or in the village, you can change the program a little:

The bride's ransom is a fun and noisy event, so tune in to a positive wave and do not be afraid to participate in competitions, because in the future it will turn into wonderful memories. When testing the groom, you can deviate from the script and change the competitions to suit a specific situation. Laughing and having fun are allowed!

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