“Tatar Hospitality” Entertainment for the senior group

A wedding is a beautiful and solemn event, it is the day when loving hearts unite their union and become a family. Each nation has its own traditions and customs that have arisen over centuries. A Tatar wedding is a reflection of the cultural identity and is a symbolic celebration.

The modern wedding of the Tatars is very different from those celebrations of past centuries, but those families who respect their culture, observe traditions, still try to adhere to and follow them.

A Tatar wedding takes place according to an unusual scenario for other peoples; it differs in the special congratulations of the newlyweds and the incredible richness of the table. The Tatars are a Muslim people; it was religion that left a significant imprint on their wedding celebration customs, adding mystery and color.

The newlyweds will be glad to hear congratulations from the guests in their native language.

Customs and traditional wedding celebrations by the Tatar people

According to tradition, among the Tatars all festivities take place in the month of November; it is at this time that all work in the field ends.

The first stage from which a Tatar wedding begins is matchmaking. The parents of the future spouse meet with the mother and father of the bride, discuss all the details necessary for the marriage, including the wedding date, the amount of kalym (ransom) for the beloved. The parents of the future wife try to give consent to a worthy groom who asks to give up their daughter. Following matchmaking, there are the following stages, such as engagement and conspiracy.

A distinctive feature of a traditional Russian wedding is that the bride's parents pick up the groom from home and take him to his future wife in order to spend their wedding night. When celebrating a wedding among the Tatars, in compliance with all traditions and rituals, in order to get into the house of his beloved, the groom must pay a bride price. Nowadays this step is often skipped. It should be noted that basically all the costs of wedding events fall on the shoulders of the girl’s parents, since traditionally it was established that the bride should have a rich dowry.

Karachay wedding customs and traditions

Nikah is one of the rituals that the bride and groom undergo. It has some similarities with weddings among Orthodox peoples. Young people who want to get married stand in front of the mullah, he initially reads a prayer, and then gives them instructions. This ritual is the first step in a Tatar wedding, after which the newlyweds can already remain alone. At the end of the ceremony, the newly invited couple went to the wedding house. It was in it that the consecration of the bed took place. Those invited to a Tatar wedding touched the feather bed and placed a few coins in a saucer prepared in advance for the ceremony. The guests left the house and only the bride, an elderly relative, remained in it, who was teaching the girl how to traditionally receive her husband.

Tatar wedding

Preparing for a Tatar wedding

They prepare for a Tatar wedding thoroughly and long before the official date of the celebration. Before the wedding takes place, matchmakers and the boy’s parents come to the girl’s house and agree on the wedding of their children, always with the blessing of the mullah. The bride and groom do not take part in the negotiations. Matchmaking takes place in three stages:

  • bride's viewing;
  • story about the groom;
  • negotiations between the parties.

The groom is represented by a matchmaker (Yauchi) and one of the older relatives. If the first two parts of the matchmaking were successful, then at the third stage of negotiations the father and mother of the newlywed become involved. In the final part of the matchmaking, the parties discuss monetary and other important aspects of the life of a young family: where the newlyweds will live, who buys what for home improvement, what the husband’s contribution to the new family will be, the amount of bride price for the bride and many other issues.

According to Tatar custom, the bride price can be paid in installments before the celebration or paid in full on the wedding day. Gold jewelry, winter and summer clothes, bed linen, dishes, and money are most often offered as bridewealth. Negotiators do not discuss what the bride's dowry will be during matchmaking. If the parties have agreed, the couple is informed about the successful outcome of the matchmaking and the engagement date is determined. Afterwards, the script of the celebration is discussed, which consists of Tatar wedding rituals.

Nikah is a wedding ceremony of Muslim marriage. It is held in a mosque or in the home of the newlywed. The sacrament of the ritual includes: prayers, reading the Koran, spiritual instructions to the young. Sacred vows are made either by the newlyweds or by those who represent them. After Nikah is completed, the marriage is registered at the registry office. The bride and groom submit an application on the day of their engagement. These events are enough for the girl to be considered a matchmaker and receive the status of “yarekshen kyz” .

Tatar wedding (Tui) is a celebration that lasts several days. It begins in the bride's house, and then smoothly moves into the groom's home. Nowadays, Tatars usually celebrate their wedding in a restaurant for several days.

If the young people know each other well, and the parents agree to the marriage of their children, then the matchmaking and engagement are carried out on the same day. At the parents' house, the girls are setting the table. The closest relatives on both sides negotiate the terms of the children's marriage and give each other gifts.

After the engagement, preparations for the wedding begin, which takes on average 3 to 5 weeks. The groom pays the bride price in installments, buys gifts for the bride, her parents and close relatives. The bride finishes preparing the trousseau she began saving as a teenager. The parents of the newlyweds and immediate family organize the wedding party.

Decoration of the celebration venue

Tatar weddings are celebrated for several days. The venue for the celebration is decorated according to the taste, desires and religious preferences of the newlyweds, as well as their parents. Ordinary wedding decorations (garlands, balloons, flower arrangements), as well as national decor that is very fashionable today: elegant tablecloths, dishes with Tatar patterns, pillows with ornaments, are popular. If the newlyweds are religious, then the wedding venue is usually decorated with decorated elements with spiritual instructions from the Koran.

Musical accompaniment

Music for a Tatar wedding is usually chosen by young people, taking into account the tastes of their relatives. Compositions by contemporary authors in Russian and Tatar are extremely popular. You can just as often hear fiery and sad folk songs at Tatar weddings. Mendelssohn's march is played not only during registration; almost no Tatar wedding can take place without it.

Traditional Tatar outfits of newlyweds

Traditional Tatar wedding clothes of newlyweds are strikingly different from the European outfits that are familiar to our eyes. The bride is a symbol of modesty and purity, so the bride’s festive clothes should completely cover the body, arms, décolleté and neck. To understand what the wedding dress of a Tatar bride looks like, look at the photo below. A dress to the toes or trousers with a tunic are combined with a headdress that completely covers the hair. A girl can leave only her hands and face exposed; everything else should be hidden from prying eyes by clothing. Thick fabric is used for Tatar wedding dresses.

Here the groom's clothing is not treated so scrupulously and has much fewer requirements than the bride's attire. The future spouse at the wedding celebration can wear a regular classic suit of any color, a white shirt and tie. Clothing for a Tatar groom is practically no different from the outfit of any European newlywed. He is distinguished only by his headdress - a skullcap.

Scenario for a Tatar wedding

Before the wedding, you need to think through the event scenario in detail. It should include Tatar wedding customs and traditions. In order for the celebration to be fun, original and memorable for the guests for a long time, it is necessary to discuss in advance with the toastmaster all the nuances and subtleties of the celebration. For convenience, we suggest using a typical scenario with prepared remarks. It takes into account many wedding rituals, ceremonies, traditions and their features.


The matchmakers come to the house of the bride's parents, where they are greeted and hospitably seated in the meeting room. Following the ancient Tatar custom, at the first stage all conversations are conducted in a veiled manner so that evil spirits do not introduce confusion into this process and do not disrupt it. Participating in the conspiracy are: the matchmaker, the groom's uncle and the bride's parents.

Young father:

– Hello, dear guests! What did you come with?

Groom's matchmaker:

- Hello! Thank you for the warm welcome in your home! We have a good deal for you! We heard that you have a treasure - an uncut stone, beautiful and pure. Is it true?

Young father:

– What people don’t say. Why do you need to know this?

Groom's matchmaker:

“We want to look at a treasure of unprecedented beauty.” If people told the truth and we like it, then we will offer you a good frame. And it will increase the value of the treasure many times over and save it for a long time from troubles and misfortunes.

Young father:

“People have already come to our house with such a proposal more than once.” What makes you think that your frame will be the best of all?

The groom's matchmaker and uncle begin to praise the groom in great detail. They talk about all his positive qualities: caring, loving, hard-working, religious, without bad habits. When the story is over, the bride comes out to the matchmakers so they can look at her. After this, the wedding bride price is discussed. The size of the initial ransom for the Tatar bride is learned in advance from the father and mother of the groom.

Groom's matchmaker:

– People don’t lie! The treasure is truly fabulously beautiful and worthy of the best frame. We want to offer you a good price for it.

Young father:

- We don't sell it! The treasure is very dear to us, we protect, preserve and value it. What price are you willing to offer if we decide to take such a step?

After this remark, a long and active bargaining for the girl begins. The matchmaker and the groom’s uncle are trying to reduce the price, and the bride’s father and mother, on the contrary, are trying to increase the cost of the bride price for their daughter. After the preliminary agreement is over, the matchmakers agree on the date of the next meeting and leave the bride’s house. At the third stage of matchmaking, the parents of both the groom and the bride are present. They discuss in great detail financial issues that relate to the life of a young family together and the organization of a wedding celebration.

Bride ransom

According to Tatar tradition, on the wedding day, the parents of the future wife take the groom from his house and take him to a special room with the young bride, which is called “kiyau eye”. In ancient times, such temporary premises were built next to the house of the bride's parents. Today, for this purpose, they rent an apartment or a hotel room. Kiyau eye is also intended for the first wedding night.

Wedding procession in Tatar

The ceremonial procession arrives at the groom's house - kiyau eye. The bride's friends and relatives do not allow the newlywed to enter until he has paid off the entire bride price or paid an additional amount. The wedding toastmaster or a relative of the bride is responsible for this event. When everything is settled, the Tatar wedding celebration begins: the groom and his relatives are given a worthy welcome.

The presenter says:

– Good afternoon, dear guests! Please tell me what you came with?

The groom introduces himself and says that he has come to pick up the bride.

The wedding host takes out a sheet of paper, which is a symbol of the marriage contract, and begins to compare the data:

- Everything is correct. I have it written here: (name of the groom) agreed to pay the amount that was set in advance in the amount of 50,000 rubles for (name of the bride). Have you prepared the bride price?

The groom and witnesses begin to pay the bride price. Checking the list, the host accompanies his actions with praise of the groom's gifts and jokes. The parents of the newlywed give the main amount of money and large gifts of kalym even before the wedding celebration, and during the ceremony they pay symbolic gifts, taking into account ancient traditions. The newlywed, for example, brings with him jewelry or barrels of oil and honey.

After the bride price is paid, the host holds funny wedding competitions. You can get original ideas from the article “Bride ransom competitions.” When all the obstacles on the way to the bride have been passed, the newlywed takes his future wife from the Kiyau Eye. Afterwards, the newlyweds and guests go to the Nikah ceremony.


The Nikah wedding ceremony is held in the house of the girl’s parents or in the mosque. This solemn ceremony, which lasts about an hour, is attended by the mullah, the newlyweds and close relatives of the heroes of the occasion. The ceremony is performed in silence behind closed doors. The mullah sits at the head of the table, and the newlyweds sit on the male half of the table or opposite it. When the prayer begins, the newlyweds stand and listen to the holy words in silence. Then the bride and groom take their marriage vows.

At the end of the wedding ceremony, the mullah declares the newlyweds husband and wife before Allah and instructs them in their family life with prayers from the Koran. Then relatives give gifts to the mullah and congratulate the newlyweds on creating a new family. After the end of the Tatar Nikah ceremony, the newlyweds and their guests go to the registry office.


The official part of the Tatar wedding ends at the registry office. Now comes the most fun stage of the celebration, which consists of:

  • a festive feast in the newlywed's house;
  • wife moving to her husband;
  • feast in the groom's house.

Traditionally, the bride's parents set a table at their home to welcome the newlyweds after registration. The newlyweds sit at the head of the festive table, the wife should be to the right of the husband. The parents of the newlywed are placed next to the young wife, and the wife’s parents are located next to the young husband. On the right are the husband's relatives, on the left are the wife's relatives. The Tatar wedding celebration begins with traditional treats, competitions, national dances and songs, and entertainment.

After the celebration at the bride's house, the newlyweds go to kiyau eye, where they spend their first night together. On the second day, a bathhouse is heated for the newlyweds, and they are treated to pancakes and pancakes. The newlyweds are congratulated by relatives, neighbors, friends and acquaintances on both sides. After several days of festivities, one of the most important rituals of a Tatar wedding takes place - the wife moves to her husband’s house. And the feast itself continues for several more days.

Wife moving into husband's house

The wife's moving to her husband's house is an integral part of the Tatar wedding. It has a strong influence on the future relationship between the parents-in-law and the daughter-in-law. Even at modern Tatar weddings this ancient custom is observed when meeting future relatives. The ritual helps the young wife to show the best qualities of a caring wife and a good housewife. For fathers-in-law, this ritual is a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate their attitude towards their daughter-in-law as a daughter, and to wish the newlyweds a happy family life.

The bride is brought to his home by the young husband, accompanied by relatives. On the threshold of the new house, the girl is met by the groom's parents. This is how the ritual itself begins. Male guests place a pillow or skin at the feet of the bride - this is a sign of respect for the girl, a warm and hospitable greeting. The mother-in-law and the elder sister of the groom treat the young woman with honey and bread so that the relationship between them is kind and cordial. Relatives suggest that the young wife smear her hands with flour so that the new family will always have money. It is also customary for newlyweds to give pets as gifts.

When a young wife crosses the threshold of a new home for the first time, she must perform one of the ancient wedding rituals - the consecration of the home. The girl hangs wall decorations, new curtains, towels, and lays runners on the floor. This simple and sweet ritual helps the newlywed to feel like a mistress in her husband’s house and show her dowry to her husband’s relatives. The mother-in-law accompanies the daughter-in-law when she goes to fetch water for the first time. The girl seems to be passing her first exam, demonstrating neatness and thriftiness: the less water she spills, the more they will respect her. The ritual of the wife moving to her husband's house ends in a fun and festive manner. Intermarried families give each other gifts and arrange a wedding celebration in their new home.

Feast and national Tatar treats

A traditional Tatar wedding involves a luxurious feast with a huge number of different national treats. At the beginning of the festivities, guests are offered hot and cold snacks. Then they serve soup made from noodles and lamb meat (shurpa) and other national wedding dishes. There are always fruit juices, compotes and water on the tables. Alcoholic drinks are strictly prohibited at Nikah celebrations.

For a Tatar wedding celebration, two geese are prepared - a symbol of a new young family. Traditionally, only the eldest man, who is appointed by the parents of the young husband, has the right to butcher geese. The main goal of this ritual is not to damage the bird's bones when the carcass is cut into pieces. At the time when the dish with geese is brought out to the guests, it is customary to give gifts and money to the newlyweds.

Particular importance is attached to the serving and cutting of some other Tatar dishes.

Gulbadia is a closed wedding pie filled with meat, rice, cottage cheese and raisins. It is prepared to order just before the wedding.

Chak-chak is a national traditional Tatar sweet. It consists of honey and fried dough. Chak-chak is prepared by the bride's relatives.

Wedding gulbadia can be cut by both men and women. The person in charge is appointed by the father and mother of the newlywed. Before the ceremony itself, the pie is covered with a scarf. According to custom, guests put money on it for the treat. You need to cut the gulbadia into four parts and very carefully. The main thing is not to damage the core of the wedding treat, keeping all its layers in their original form. One part of gulbadia is taken by the husband's parents to treat relatives who did not come to the wedding celebration. Guests are treated to the remaining portions.

Chak-chak or bride's treat is served at every Tatar wedding. This usually happens at the end of the celebration along with tea and other sweets. The one who will cut the wedding chak-chak is chosen by the wife's parents. Traditionally, this person is the elder brother's wife or the bride's aunt (kyz jingi). Before cutting the dish, bargaining takes place between relatives and wedding guests. Chak-chak, like gulbadia, is cut into four parts - one is taken by the parents of the young husband, the rest is treated to the guests present at the wedding.

Video: traditions and customs at a Tatar wedding

The Tatar wedding, which took place according to all traditional rules, is a big and luxurious holiday. It is with him that the happy and joyful life of a new young family begins. Religious sacred vows give a special solemnity, which seals the indestructible marriage union for many years of a new married couple. The newlyweds give them in front of the mullah and close relatives. Warm, sincere wishes from family and friends remain in the memory of the young spouses and wedding guests for many years.

Even in the case of a modest holiday, a simplified ceremony, or the abandonment of a certain number of Tatar wedding rituals, you must not forget that the main meaning of Nikah is to strengthen the love of the newlyweds . When creating a family union, always remember the mutual respect and trust of the spouses in each other - these are the elements that form a solid foundation for every family. Watch a very beautiful and sentimental ceremony of a modern Tatar wedding in our video:

Celebrating a wedding among the Tatars

All nations have peculiarities of celebrating a wedding; they are unique and interesting. Tatar wedding traditions completely permeate the celebration at all its stages. Depending on the nationality of the invited guests, the wedding can take place in the Tatar language, or in Russian or another language that everyone knows and understands.

Wedding traditions determine the places for the bride and groom, as well as guests, during the feast. At a celebration, young people always sit at the head of the table. The relatives of the future husband, a witness on his part, must sit next to the bride, and her parents and girlfriend must sit next to the groom. The right side is traditionally occupied by the groom's relatives, and the left, in turn, by the bride. Initially, the guests present are introduced. Traditionally, the toastmaster was chosen from those present, but now sometimes the services of a professional are used. It is this person who will entertain everyone on the wedding day. You can congratulate the newlyweds both in Russian and in your native Tatar language.

Dishes that are necessarily present on the wedding table of the Tatars:

  • fruits;
  • chak-chak is a kind of cake, which must be decorated with montpassier sweets;
  • two geese. They are sometimes served to guests with pilaf;
  • kalach;
  • soup;
  • Gubadya;
  • meat cooked with onions and carrots.
  • drinks: strong - vodka, compote was always present on the tables, and tea was served at the end of the event.

Caucasian wedding

Modern Tatar weddings sometimes move away from traditional celebrations. In addition to the obligatory dishes and drinks, there are others on the tables.

Another interesting point in the wedding tradition of the Tatar people is that as night approaches, the newlyweds must dance their first dance together. At this moment, they move away from modernity and immerse themselves in the culture of national dance.

According to tradition, at the end of the feast, the newlyweds go to the bathhouse. This custom is not accidental. Tatars believe that the power of water cleanses.

Before leaving the bathhouse, the groom dressed himself in clothes that the bride had sewn for him and presented her with gifts.

After the bath, special wedding pancakes await the son-in-law. While eating, he must, unnoticed by those present, place a coin under the plate. According to legend, it is a symbol of good luck.

Another interesting ritual is caressing. The bride should sit face down in the corner and sing sad songs. For example, about humility. Invited guests, as well as relatives, should come up to her, pat her on the back, calm her down and give useful advice and instructions. My parents always spoke Tatar. The bride received gifts from those present at the ceremony.

Initially, the groom stays at his beloved’s home for four days, making various offerings to her family. A girl is engaged in needlework and presents wedding gifts made with her own hands to her husband.

The final stage of the wedding celebration is the wife moving to her husband's house. According to Tatar customs, a feast must be arranged. Elderly neighbors are invited and a “bridal show” is arranged. The bride is greeted with honor and a fur coat is laid at her feet, always turning it inside out or the pillow. Bread and honey are mandatory treats for the bride. Tatar wedding traditions include the following custom: after moving to the groom, the bride’s hands are dipped in flour. A mandatory gift at this stage is livestock.

Winter wedding in Russian style

Decorating the house with the bride's handicrafts is also an important moment in the last stage of the wedding. The girl always consecrated the needles and the foundation of their house together with her husband, which is new to her - this, according to legend, means that she will be in harmony with her husband and his family.

Nikah uku tartibe (Imam өchen)

(Nikah mәҗlesen tүbәndәge tәrtiptә alyp baryrga mөmkin)

Barysy and utyryshkach (kiyaү belen kәlәsh imamnyn karshysyna utyrsa yakhshy), imam tүbәndәgechә Allahy Tagalәgә hәmed-sәnә һәm pәigambәrebezgә salavat sүzlәre belәn m җlesne bashlap җibәrә:

Әүзү billәһi minәsh-shәitanir-raҗiim. Bismillaһir-rahmanir-rahim. Alkhәmdulillәһi rabbil galәmiin. Vassalәtү vәssalәmү galә rasulinә Mukhәmmәdin vә gәla әliһi vә әskhabiһi әҗмәgyyn.

Galәmnәrne yuktan bar kylyp, tәrbiyalәp toruchy Bөek Rabbybyz Allahy Subkhәnәkә vә Hak Tәgalәgә barcha olugglaularybyz һәm shөkeranәlәrebez bulsa ide!

Galәmnәrgә rәkhmәt өchen җibәrelgәn pәigambәrebez Mөkhәmmәd Mostafa sallaһү galәyһi vә sәlәm hәzrәtlәrenә kңel tүrlәrebezәn chykkan salavat larybyz һәm in izge dogalarybyz ireshsә ide.

Mөkhtәrәm җәmagәt, hөrmәtle kunaklar, mөselman karәshlәr, Әssәlәmүgalәykum vә rahmәtullaһi vә bәrakәtukh! Barchabyzga and Allah Tәgalәnе sәlame, rahmәte һәm bәrakәte bulsyn! Allahy Tәgalә oshbu nikah mәҗlesen bәrakәtle itep bulachak yash gailәgә һәm bezneң һәmmәbezgә dә hәerle kөnnәr, hәerle tormishlar nasyp itsen.

In berenche itep sushi җyilu khөrmәtenә ber doga kylyp alyk:

Әүзү billәһi minәsh-shәitanir-raҗiim. Bismillaһir-rahmanir-rahim. Allah үmmә әnzilni mүnzilәm, mүbәrakәn vә әntә khairum munzilin. Ya Rabbim Allah shushy mәҗlesne, shushy nikah kөnen bәrakәtle it һәm kabullardan kyl. Rabbanә әtinә fid dunya hәsәnәtәn vә fil әhyyrati hәsәnәtәn vә kyynә gasәbәn nәr. Birakhmatiki I am Arhamarahimin!

Rabbis of Allah Tәgalәdәn nikahlashuchy yashlәrebezgә hәer-fatihasyn sorau khormәtenә oeshtyrylgan mәҗlesebezne bashlybyz.

Nikah shartlaryna kereshkәnche in aldan vәgaz ukyp kitmәkche bulam.

Bismillaһir-rahmanir-rahiim. .. (Nikah, gailә tormyshy, bala tәrbiyase (balaga kүrkәm isem saylau һ.b) turanda ber vәgaz ukyla)


Ә hәzer inde nikahnyң tөp өleshenә kүchәbez. Nikah sүze garәpchәdәn kileshү tөzү digәn mәgүnәdә һәm әlege kileshү dores bulsyn өchen bilgele ber shartlar үtәlergә tiesh. Nikahnyn bernichә mөһim bulgan sharty bar.

In berenche shart - kiyaү belen kәlәshn Allah yshanuy, yagni moselman bululary һәm mony:

“Lә ilәһe ilallah, Mөkhәmmаdu rasullaһ” - deep iman sүzen әtep dәlillәp kүrsәtүlәre .

“Lә ilәһe ilallah, mәkhәmmаdu rasullah” - deep “Ber Allakhtan kala butan Allah yuk, Mөkhәmmad Allaһnyn ilchese” ikәnlegenә yshanip, mәgnаsen аңlap, chin kүң elennәn әitkәn keshe moselman sanala, Allahny tanygan keshe bula.

Pәigambәrebez Мөхәмәд Mostafa sallәllaһu galәyһi vә sәllәm әytte: uz irke belen shushy suzne uz gomerendә ber mәrtәbә әitkәn keshe, shushi suzgә tugry kalsa, anany aktyk uryny җәnnәtә bulyr, dide.

Ikenche shart nikahta shahitlar buluy. Shahitlar itep moselman bulgan ike ir keshe, yaisә ber ir keshe һәm ike khatyn kyz saylana ala. Kiyaү belәn kәlәsh әlege shaһitlar karshynda үзләrenең рузалыгын belderәlәr, әlege kesheәrnen shaһitlygy belәn nikah terkelә.

Kiyaүnen kәlәshkә mәһәr, yagni nikah bүlәge birүe dә nikahnyn tөp shartlarynyn berse bulyp torah (Gadәtә altyn bizәnү әiberlәre, alka, yozek yaisә muensa bireә). Әgәr kiyaү mәһәrne almagan bulsa, annan kaychan alyp birelәchәge soral. Әgәr dә kәlәsh birganәn mәһәr beәn riza bulmasa, butүtәn torle bulәk sorarga da hokukly.

Nikahnyn tagy ber sharty bulyp ike yaknyn da ate-anilirenen rizalygy, yashlarnen uz telәklәre belen nikahlashuy. Shuna kur alardan shahitlar karshynda rizalyklary yes sorala.

Bugenge mәҗlestә without bөtenebez dә shushi nikahnyn shәһitlәre, lakin shulai yes tanyklykka terkәү өchen bezgә ike shahit saylarga kirәk bulachak. Әydәgez kemnәrne saylybyz? (Shahitlar saylan)

Hөrmәtle yashlәr, hәzer sez shaһitlәr aldynda һәm tөp shaһit Allahy Tәgalә karshynda , “Lә ilәһe ilallah, Mө khammәdu rasullah” - deep үzegezneң moselman buluyg yzny raslarga tiesh.

In berenche kaleshtany bashlybyz. Әйдә сәлѣлѣиван кәлімәсень әтеп күрсәт. Bismillaһir-rahmanir-rahiim…

Kiyaү rәhim it. Bismillaһir-rahmanir-rahiim…

Bik yakhshy barybyz da kurde, ishette yashlәr ikese dә iman kәlimәsen әitep үzlәrenen moselman ikәnleklәren rasladylar.

Ә khazer nikahnyn aldagy tagy ber shartyn үtәp, kiyaүnen nindi bulak, mәһәr bulәk itүen soryk. Kiyaү nindi mәһәr birәsen?

Kilen kileshengan mәһәrgә rizamy?

Shahitlәr mәһәrne kүrdegezme? Yakhshy...

Tagyn ber shart үtәlde. Һәм inde songy shart rizalyklaryn sorau.

Bimillәһir-rahmanir-rahim. In berenche kaleshtany sorybyz (soraular үtkәn zamanda birelә):

— Bismillaһir-rahmanir-rahiim Ibrahim kyzy Maryam, sin Gabdulla uly Salihka riza bulyp bardynmy?

-Әye, riza bulyp bardym.

— Shahitlar khavapny isettegezme? Yakhshy, inde egetten sorybyz.

— Bimillәһir-rahmanir-rahim. Gabdulla uly Salih, sin Ibrahim kyzy Maryamne khatynlykka riza bulyp aldynmy?

— Әye, riza bulyp aldym

- Allah Tagal is a razy bulsyn. Shahitlar khavapny ishettegezme? Shahitlar bu җavaplarny ishette, barygyz and ishetkәnsezder. Inde hәzer nikah hөtbәse ukyp doga kylabyz.

N ikah hotbasse uku :


Alkhәmdu lilәһi mүyәsiril үmүүri үә mүkaddirish shүһүүri үә mүgayyiril әzminәti үәddүһүr. Allazii nәәҗәә mүүsәә mәgәһүү gәlәt tuur. Үә әnzәlәt tәүraata үәl inҗiљә үәl fүrkaanә үәz zәbүүr. Үә әхәлән nikәәхә mәһүүр. Kәmәә kaalәllaһu sүbhәәnәһүү үә tәgәәlәә fii sүүratin “Nүүr”:

“Үә әңkiүл әәәмәә minkүm үәsaalihiinә min giәәdikүm үә imәәәikum ii yәkүүnүү fүkaraaaә yүgүnһimүllaүmң fәdly "Hii".

Let's talk about it:

“Annikәәхү sunnәtii, fәmәr ragybә gәң sunnәtii fәlaisә minnii. Әннәәкѯ руагийбү үәл mәңкүүхәтү mәrguubәтү, үәl mәһru gәlәә mәә tәraadaiәә. "

Asbәtәllaaһu fii sudүүril җәәnibәayni hәbbәtәl mәhәbbәһ.

Asbәtәllaaһu fii sudүүril җәәnibәayni hәbbәtәl mәhәbbәһ.

Asbәtәllaaһu fii sudүүril җәәnibәayni hәbbәtәl mәhәbbәһ.

Үә әkuulү kauli һәәзәә үә әstәgfirullaһәl gaffәәra lii үә lәkүm үә lisәәәiril җәmәәgәtil muslimiinә әҗmәgiin

Һәәзәә хүкмүм әхкәміл үәәкімінә үә rabbil gәәlәmiinә үә sunnәtүm min үнәнil әnbiyәәәi үәl mursәliin.

Doga kylu:

Oh Rabbim Allah Үzennen rizalygyn өchen shushi yashlәrgә nikah ukydyk. Oshbu nikahny kabullardan kylsan ide. Yash parlarnyn arasyna tagyn da nygrak mәkhәbbәt hislәre salyp, alarga җiңelleklәr belen tormysh koryp shatlyk belen, kaigy-khәsrәtsez, ber-bersen yaratyp, ber-bersenә terәk bulyp yashә rgә nasyp itsan ide, ya Rabbym alarga saulyk-sәlamәtlek birep, sau-sәlamәt balalar alyp kaytyp, Balalarny st. tigezlek belan, saulyk belen, shatlyk belen - imanly itep uzlәre tәrbiyalәp үsterep kartaigan kөnnәrendә dә alarnyң kuanychyn kүergә nasyp itәң ide. “Bәәrakәllaһu lәkә үә bәәrakә galәikә үә җәmәga bәynәkүmәә fii khair”

“Allaһ Tagalә sezgә bәrәkәten ​​birsen, Үzenen yardәmen yaudyrsyn һәm bәkhet belen yařargә nasyp itsen!” Rabbanә әtinә fid dunya hәsәnәtәn vә fil ahyyrati hәsәnәtәn vә kyynә gaәbәn nәr. Amine. (doga tәmam)

In shә Allah shushy mizgelәrdәn sez Allahy Tәgalә karshynda ir belen khatyn buldygyz, һәm ber-beregezgә hәlәl bulyp sanalasyz. Һәм сезнѣ өсә яңа Burychlar da өстәлә. Bugennәn bashlap әti-әnilәregez өstendәge burych season үз өstegezgә tөshә. Sezneң ikegezgә dә yana vazifalar өstәlә, ir keshe huҗa keshe st huҗalyk өchen җavap biә, chөnki Paygambәrebez әytte һәrberegez kotuche һәrberegez үzegezneң k өtүegez өchen җavap birә dide bu irlәrgә karata әitelgan sүz.

Khatyn-kyznyn vazifasy өydәge pөkhtәlekne chistalykny buldyruchy, җyly rizyk pesherep iren achyk yoz belen karshi aluchy, irenң, balalarynyn clean pөkhtә bululary shulai uk Khatyn-kyznyn vazifalary on kerә. In kүrkәm khatyn-kyz dide pәigambәrebez sәallaһү galәyһissәlәm, ireә buysyna belgan iren huҗa deep tany belgan. Ә in kurkәm ir - khatynyna karata rәhim shәfkatle, mәrhamәtle bulgan ir dide.

Shulay uk ike yaknyn da әti-әnilәregezne tugannarygyzny da yaratygyz khormat itegez.

Kaenana һәm kaenatalar үz ata-anagyz kebek, mәhrәm khokemendә bulyrlar. Ata-anany hormat itu in izge burychlarnyn berse bulyp tora. Shushi vazifalarny үtәsәgez, tormyshygyz hәerle bәrakәtle bulyr.

Allahy Sүbkhәnәkә vә Hak Tәgalә sezgә җiңellek belen tormysh koryp, shatlyk belen kaigy-hasrәtsez ber-beregezgә terak bulyp, ber-beregezne anlap yashәrgә nasyp itsen. Kabullardan kylsyn nikahygyzny.

Ә hәzer yash gailәne shushi izge bәyrәmnәre belen kotlau өchen sүzne ike yaknyң әti-әilәrenә, tugannaryna birәsem kilә…

Vakyt kalsa, mәrkhүmnәr rukhlaryna bagyshlap Koran ukyp, doga kylyrga da mөmkin.

Nikah tabyny - ashau echүdәn son, kәlәsh beәn kiyaүdәn әti-әnilәrenә rәkhmәt sүzlәre әytterergә bula.

In sonynnan mәҗlesne tәmamlap әlege dogany kylu yakhshy bulyr:

Ash dogasi:

Әлхәмдүліләһи әләзий әтгаәнә, вә сәкаә вә җәаләнә minәl muslimin. Valhamdulillһi Rabbil Galemiin.

Yә Rabbibyz Allah, oshbu mәҗlesne kabullardan kyl.

Oshbu mәҗlesne oeshtyrgan, oeshtyrganda mallaryn, kөch kuәtlәren kertkәn, kүchtәnәchlәren alyp kilgan, sәdaka birgan karәshlәrebezneң һәmmmәsenең dә izgeleklaren kabu lardan kyl.

Alarga mal bәrakәte, saulyk-sәlamәtlek, yortlaryna iminlek bir bandәchelek beәn kylgan gonaһlaryn, hata-kimchelekleren gafu itep, akhirәtә җәnnәtlәreңne nasyp it.

Ya Rabbabyz Allah! Sinen әmeren үtәp, bugen shushi yashlәrgә nikah ukydyk, alarnyң nikakhlaryn tөzek kylyp, mәkhәbbәtlәren dәvamly kyl. Oshbu parga hәerle homer, hәerle selamәtlek, tәkdirlәngәn gomerlәrendә tigez yashәүlәren nasyp kyl.

Alardan tugan balalar dinebezne, ilebezne, millatebezne kүәtlәүche, үzlәrenә miһerbanly shәfkatle, khөrmәt kyluchy, dogachi balalar buluyn, shul balalarny shatlyk-sөenech, tigezlek belen үsterep, shatlyk -sөenechlәren genә kurergә nasyp it.

Yә Rabbybyz Allah tormysh digan ozyn avyr yulny үtkәndә ber-berenә tayanych bulyp, ber-beren khormat itep, khatalaryn gafu itep, ber-berenә yul kuep yashәrgә kүrkәm sabyrlyklar nasyp it.

“Bәәrakәllaһu lәkә үә bәәrakә galәikә үә җәmәga bәynәkүmәә fii khair”

“Allaһ Tagalә sezgә bәrәkәten ​​birsen, Үzenen yardәmen yaudyrsyn һәm bәkhet belen yařargә nasyp itsen!”

Rabbanә әtinә fid dunya hәsәnәtәn vә fil әhyyrati hәsәnәtәn vә kyynә gasәbәn nәr. Birakhmatiki i arhamarahimin.

Congratulations on the wedding of the Tatars

It all depends on your language proficiency and the ability to learn a few phrases.

Tatar wedding congratulations for newlyweds in their native language will delight the newlyweds. It will not be difficult to read congratulations to Tatar guests without hesitation, but, for example, a Russian person needs to prepare in advance. Hearing congratulations on the most memorable and joyful day in their native language, the newlyweds will undoubtedly be happy.

First of all, for a person of a different nationality, you need to choose the words that he wants to say to the newlyweds. The easiest way is to read the wish in prose, which does not contain complex words. Here you can resort to a person who speaks Tatar or write wedding wishes and translate them using computer programs.

A Tatar wedding is imbued with the same feelings and emotions as the celebration of other nations, but it is based on traditions that are directly related to religion. The Tatar modern wedding departs from some traditions of past years, but there are those who still observe all the canons as much as possible.

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