Review of fashionable capes for wedding dresses for autumn and winter - how to sew them yourself

Wedding capes for the bride became a fashion trend in 2022, when fashion designers, sensitive to the slightest breath of fashion, almost simultaneously came up with the idea of ​​not only legalizing the bride’s right to insulation during the cold season, but also making them part of a transformable outfit that allows you to do without banal warm clothes and a second dress for the wedding.

This step satisfied both brides getting married in the summer, when the finest lace, chiffon and tulle additions to their outfits appeared, and those who were happy to purchase a new coat or hat for the fall or spring.

Where to start

Having chosen the right fur in the store, you don’t need to immediately take up the scissors and shred the material upon arriving home.
It is necessary to approach the sewing process responsibly. First of all, you should familiarize yourself with how to properly cut the material . To do this, it is important to know the following rules:

  • The pattern for the material is laid out from the wrong side in the direction of the fur pile. In order for the cutting to be accurate, the diagram must be secured with pins.
  • To mark allowances, use chalk for dark fur or a ballpoint pen for light material.
  • The fur cutting process is carried out very carefully, tucking long fur fibers onto the front side of the part.
  • If the fibers are short, cutting should be done after the elements of the pattern are fixed on the back and front sides.

Creating a pattern

Having studied the cutting rules, you need to think about the model that you would like to sew with your own hands. Experienced seamstresses recommend choosing models with a hood. Sewing such a product will not take much time, and the result will delight the hostess on a dank, gray day. Thanks to the hood, you won't be afraid of getting caught in heavy snow or rain. So, the pattern for a faux fur coat with a hood is very similar to the pattern for a coat made based on individual measurements. For those who have experience in sewing coats, it is recommended to use the existing pattern. If you don’t have one, the pattern in the photo will help you cope with the task.

Original cut

If you strive to be exclusive and original, take a closer look at non-standard models of faux fur coats. For example, at world fashion shows models were presented that looked like a men's shirt and even a blouse with straps. There was an option that imitated a fur sweatshirt. The original cut will definitely add zest to your look. Perfectly fits into a stylish urban look. You can see similar models at Burberry, Marco de Vincenzo, Fendi, etc.

When wearing a faux fur coat with an original cut, be sure to complement it with bold and stylish accessories. Looking shocking is a delicate matter.

Remember that faux fur today looks practically no different from natural fur. The ideal technology of its manufacture allows you to make the product light and practical to wear. The only rule for caring for an artificial fur coat is to use dry cleaning services. You should not wash or clean faux fur yourself.

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Having dealt with fashion trends, all you have to do is choose the fashionable color of an artificial fur coat for 2020-2021 and enjoy the product to your heart’s content. Be beautiful at any time of the year!

Modeling the pattern

Taking the coat pattern as a basis, let’s modernize it a little. We move the dart located on the chest to the side and shorten it by 2-3 cm. We remove the dart at the waist, increasing the front by 5 cm. In order for the finished product to look beautiful when fastened, under the fastener, you need to leave an increase of 4 cm.

In order for the fur coat to have a hood, we attach the pattern of this element to the left, right front and back. If the amount of material allows, you can sew a faux fur coat with your own hands with a one-piece cut hood. If there is not enough fur, the hood is cut out separately and sewn to an already basted product. A detailed master class on cutting and sewing a faux fur coat is presented in the video.

Sewing the pattern elements

After all the details of the future product are cut out, it is necessary to assemble them into a single whole and sweep them together. This is necessary so that during the attaching process the fur material does not stretch. When sewing a faux fur coat, you need to start by sewing horizontal darts on the shelves. When sewing, they need to be laid down.

The next stage is sewing the side and shoulder seams and stitching the sleeves. At the same time, the allowances must be spread out in different directions and basted manually to the product. This technique will avoid the formation of excess thickness at the joints of the material. Then we sew on the sleeves.

After the product is almost ready, we sew the lining to it. Once the lining material is securely sewn to the fur coat, you can begin sewing the hood. This must be done carefully so that the seam is not visible from the outside.

At the final stage, it is necessary to overcast the bottom of the sleeves and the hem, having previously shortened the lining material to the desired length. After general fitting, we sew buttons and loops for fur coats on the extension to the shelf, which was left at the cutting stage. The very last addition that will decorate the finished fur coat can be a belt sewn from a piece of artificial leather.

This instruction allows you to answer the main question: how to sew a fur coat from faux fur? Please note that following the recommendations of the master class, you can sew a fur item for the girl in the photo. Experienced seamstresses note that sewing a fur coat for a child is a little easier, since the parts are smaller and sew them faster than for a product for an adult.

To summarize, we note that sewing a fur coat from faux fur is quite within the power of any fashionista. To make the task easier, you can take a coat pattern and, having slightly modernized it, create a diagram for a new fur product. For those who are faced with a similar task for the first time, it is recommended to study in detail the recommendations of seamstresses and consistently follow all the tips. When working with your own hands, do not rush to cut out the material. To ensure that the finished product turns out flawless, double-check all the measurements and the correct placement of the pattern pieces several times. By following these recommendations, you can easily sew a fur coat from artificial material.

Pattern of a fur coat with a stand-up collar

The model is of medium length, slightly widened towards the bottom. Both natural and faux fur can be used for sewing. In total, you need about 2.5 meters of base and lining material, fittings, and decorative elements (if desired).

Attention! All parts of the top must have the same pile direction. Paired parts should mirror the pattern

When working with faux fur, we cut only the woven part; when working with natural fur, we cut the inner part. We don't touch the pile.

Main stages of work:

Cut out 2 shelves, back, collar, 2 sleeve parts;

Duplicate the details for selection. In this case, the length of the hem at the bottom increases by 6-10 cm;

According to the markings, cut the shelves into 2 parts. The upper part is cut separately;

Important! Pay attention to the allowances: shoulder, side, vertical seams of the sleeve, along the stand - 1 cm, at the bottom of the sleeve and fur coat - 4 cm. The layout of the patterns when working with faux fur is slightly different

The layout of the patterns when working with faux fur is slightly different.

  • We connect the upper shoulder seam: the shelves and the back of the back;
  • We sew in the sleeves and sew the remaining parts;
  • We form the lining according to the pattern;

We connect the parts, install the fittings, turn the fur coat inside out and sew the bottom.

Features of the models

Today, a fur poncho is a favorite model of fashionistas.

A fur poncho for women is a universal “hybrid” of a fur coat and a cape - light and comfortable

When choosing one model or another, it is difficult to find two identical fur capes; designers present many variations to choose from:

A long model reaching to the knee or below may have additional comfort elements (hood, sleeves). A long fur cape will ideally hide some figure imperfections, emphasizing the slender legs of a charming woman.

Fur poncho - beautiful, comfortable and practical

Wide model. To explain simply, this poncho resembles the cut of a flared skirt. Instead of sleeves, designers use simple slits, so a woman in such a model resembles an exotic butterfly.

A fur poncho can make a queen out of any woman

Short model. This cut option is universal for ladies of any status, age and even style.

Fur poncho is a real hit of the winter season

Poncho-bolero. An original model of fur cape that can add exclusivity and luxury to any outfit.

A fur bolero is an ideal attribute for an evening outfit

Mink models

Mink fur is the most popular among fashionistas. This is a kind of classic of style, luxury and a display of special status.

Mink fur

This fur has excellent wear resistance characteristics, provides excellent warmth in cold weather and looks incredibly aesthetically pleasing. Practice shows that with proper care, mink products can be worn for about ten seasons. A special place in the ranking of mink products is occupied by a mink poncho.

The mink cape is an elite model; it is not intended for traveling on public transport or for everyday wear. This model complements an elegant look and produces a stunning effect of elegance and luxury.

Mink Cape

Particularly attractive is the variety of shades of mink, including deep chocolate, elegant silver, and delicate milky shades.

Milky mink fur poncho

There are bold variations of models made from dyed mink; here the color range is not limited.

Hot pink mink poncho

Among the many variations, the most popular are mink capes with particularly wide sleeves or with slits instead. This clothing does not require any special decor or accessories. And without unnecessary decorations, the cape looks like a real work of design art.

Mink poncho is a fashionable and bright attribute of outerwear

To increase the level of comfort and versatility, these ponchos can be complemented by a turn-down collar that turns into a hood.

Mink poncho with hood

Such an element will not only protect you from the cold, but will help you maintain your hairstyle for a social event or celebration.

A cape on the bride's shoulders for a wedding dress in the fall - it warms not only love

An elegant and warm cape for a bride in the fall will be a soft stole or a lace cape, for example, made from angora yarn. Knitted products are always popular. And there is no shame in wearing unique and beautiful knitted items to a wedding celebration.

Photo of a cape on a wedding dress for a wedding in the fall - stole

In late autumn, a charming long coat or warm jacket will help the bride to warm up. Such accessories are no less important than a wedding dress if the photo shoot is planned outdoors.

Designers decorate wedding outerwear with luxurious embroidery, beads, pearls, fur and lace

A cloak will also serve as an autumn fairytale element for a wedding cape. Or a variation of it called cape. The difference between a cape and a regular raincoat is that instead of sleeves there are regular slits for the arms, sometimes with fur or lace trim. This image is associated with Disney princesses and elegant ladies of the Renaissance period.

Elegant cape – long wedding cape

A bolero with long or short sleeves is an excellent classic solution for a warm autumn. This accessory has long been adopted by brides as a must-have item. But it hasn’t stopped being played out by designers in the most incredible ways.

Photo of a wedding cape for the bride in the fall - bolero

The tenderness and style of a wedding boa will bring the charm of the heroes of the works of Balzac and Tolstoy to the festive outfit. This decorative element of clothing has been familiar to fashionistas since Tsarist times. A boa is a fur or fabric cape that is connected on the chest with clasps invisible to the eye, creating the effect of a single piece. Noble young ladies tried to highlight the clasp on the item with expensive accessories: brooches with stones or pearls, gold or silver hairpins. Ladies shone with fur and fabric boas at court balls.

Boa – the softness of down

A bridal cape made of swan's down will also protect the young lady from the autumn cold. This delicate material is associated with the lightness of a graceful bird and is well suited for young brides with a fragile physique.

Rug made from an old fur coat in the interior

A fur coat rug can be made not only for the floor. The interior has a huge number of options where it will look appropriate and original.

Chair covers

Fur rugs on chairs will decorate the dining room and create a cozy atmosphere in cold winter and rainy autumn.

And if the capes on the chairs are combined with a carpet on the floor or a blanket on the sofa, then the interior is guaranteed to be impressive.

Of course, such an ensemble will require more than one fur coat, but the result is worth it.


A fur blanket will add coziness to any room. It not only looks stylish, but will also help you stay warm when it’s raining or frosty outside.

The size of the rug-bedspread is not fundamentally important. It can cover the furniture completely or only part of it. The main thing is harmony with the overall interior of the room.

rug on the wall

If your fur coat has animal colors, and you are a fan of exotic interiors, a rug on the wall will be the ideal solution.

The interior in African and other exotic styles will perfectly complement the “skin of a wild animal” on the wall. Prepare a pattern of a suitable size in the form of a skin and cut the fur along its contour.

Think in advance about how the “skin” will be attached to the wall. Make air loops from lace or braid along one edge of the product.

Leather Jacket

This wardrobe item is more associated with autumn, but don't forget that leather jackets can also be insulated. And even if not, then a jacket thrown over your shoulders during a photo shoot on the street is in any case better than nothing. The combination of airy, delicate and feminine wedding dresses with rough boots and leather biker jackets no longer scares anyone. On the contrary, such a contrasting mix has become almost a classic for non-standard weddings in a modern style.

A leather jacket doesn't have to be black. Light models look completely “wedding-like,” while bright ones will add color to the bride’s image. A special chic is personalized embroidery, which will make your jacket something more than just an element of appearance. Unique words and designs will transform it into a symbol of your new married life and a memento that can be treasured and passed on to future generations.

How to sew a fur coat for a wedding with your own hands?

If the bride wants to save money or she doesn’t like any of the fur coats she saw in the store, she can sew the wedding accessory herself. Experienced seamstresses can try to create complex fur products - for example, a jacket, a long fur coat with sleeves or a model with a hood

Those girls who have little experience in sewing things are recommended to pay attention to simpler fur styles - boleros, ponchos or capes

Patterns and process description

  • The sewing process must begin by constructing a pattern. Seamstresses who have already done this will be able to easily draw the future product on their own. A good option would be to go to a professional tailor, who will draw outerwear patterns taking into account the chosen material.
  • Before using the finished design, the bride must indicate the required length of the product, chest circumference, waist, and sleeve length, if provided. Look at the photo below for examples of wedding fur coat patterns:

  • After the patterns are ready, it's time to start processing the fur. The material must be cut, taking into account the direction of growth of the animal's fur. It is correct to cut from the inside out so as not to spoil the appearance of the fur. You need to make sure that when cutting the skin the pile is not damaged. When everything is ready, you should clean off any remaining wool along the seams.
  • Then you need to sew the parts according to the drawing, sew on a lining from a suitable material (for example, satin) with a butt seam. The remaining sections are stitched with a zigzag stitch.
  • When the fur cape is almost ready, you need to sew on the buttons, but it is better to use internal loops - this way the expensive fur will not contrast badly with the plastic parts.
  • The following video will provide more visual information on how to properly sew a fur coat for a wedding. Watch the video, which shows in detail the steps of creating a beautiful wedding cape from traditional material with your own hands:


Create a product with love, then everything will definitely work out and your wedding will be excellent. Maria

Knitted with a light hood

For the standard model you will need about half a kilogram of white cotton and two crochet hooks.

The cape will be made in a single fabric alternating fillet and “oblique mesh” with patterns in the form of leaves. The main fabric is knitted from the shoulder line up with decreases, then from the shoulder line down with increases.

In order to knit a hood, as shown in the diagrams of wedding capes, you need to start working from the neck, making decreases for the rounding according to the principle of forming the heel. To make the hood light, decorate it with a frill made of fillet mesh with an extension.

Delicate bolero

To knit a cape for a wedding dress with your own hands, you will need linen knitting threads.

You can take half-woolen ones, then the product will be denser.

The large rectangle is the back knitting pattern, the small rectangle is the sleeves, and the semicircle is the front and binding pattern.

The sleeves are knitted in the round after connecting the back to the front.

Shawl "Fiesta"

A fairly simple pattern that is knitted in one piece. At the end of each row, the product must be turned over to the other side and knitted in the opposite direction.

It is worth drawing your attention to the fact that one skein of yarn will definitely not be enough for your work and, in order to connect a fairly thick thread, it is recommended to tie the ends of the threads in a knot, leaving a few centimeters, but this should only be done at the beginning or end of any row

Winter option: boa

At first it may seem that sewing a cape is not very easy.
Yes, indeed, some models can have a complex cut or be made from materials that require certain skills. Taking this into account, we have selected a fairly simple version of the wedding cape that all brides can easily handle. How to sew a fur cape for a wedding? For the product you will need fur or its substitute 0.4 meters wide, one and a half meters wide, lining fabric 140 centimeters wide and two meters of grosgrain ribbon 2.5 centimeters wide.

We take two pieces of grosgrain ribbon, each one should be 40 centimeters long. We put them on top of the fur part and pin them to the top cut at a distance of 37 centimeters and to the bottom cut at a distance of 27 centimeters.

Make sure that the ribbons do not bulge. Cut off the protruding ends of the tapes

Divide the tape with convex scars that you have left into two equal parts. Try them on the side sections of the product as ties.

Place the lining of the cape to the front side of the fur part of the product. Stitch the sections, turn the pile onto the part.

Do not sew about ten centimeters at the bottom of the seam and turn the cape inside out. And your warm accessory for the happiest day is ready!

Tips for brides who want to learn how to sew a wedding cape with their own hands:

  1. First of all, choose the method of creating a product that you know: you know how to crochet - knit a light ballerina, you sew well - create a sophisticated jacket, you have experience working with fur - you can take up a boa.
  2. Get started as early as possible. We told you about fairly simple models, but even they may not work out the first time. Be prepared that creating part of your wedding outfit will require patience.
  3. Buy material in reserve. An unexpected situation can always happen: somewhere you count or measure incorrectly, or the fabric breaks, then you have to run to the store and buy the same amount.

A fur coat made of natural fur is a royal wedding accessory

Such fur coats look luxurious and sophisticated on their owners. They are of good quality and durability. But their price category is also appropriate. The most popular wedding fur coats for many brides are models made from the following fur:

  • Rabbit. A wedding coat made of rabbit fur is suitable for any girl. Brides love this fur because it is not visually inferior to a mink coat, but is much cheaper. By purchasing a rabbit fur coat, you get the quality of real fur at a relatively reasonable price!
  • Mink. This is the most favorite fur of girls all over the world! The elegance and simplicity of a white mink wedding coat will highlight all the advantages of the image, and the bride will look truly magnificent.
  • Arctic fox. A fluffy coat that looks beautiful and is pleasant to the touch.
  • Mouton. Gorgeous color and quality, and combined with the price and ability to retain heat - just a godsend.
  • Swansdown. Such a fur coat for the bride will favorably emphasize her tenderness and lightness. Swan down is a very rare royal material, so it is unlikely to be suitable for everyday wear after the wedding. But if you want to be light and airy at your wedding, then you can rent such a fur coat.

Sometimes fur coats are specially decorated and embellished for a wedding to enhance the effect of luxury in the photo. But such finishing will not always be appropriate for everyday wear. Therefore, immediately clarify the question for yourself: “What goals are you pursuing when purchasing this accessory?”

When buying a fur coat made of natural fur, you should pay attention to the quality: if it has weak pile or after trying on your hair suddenly begins to become electrified, then you should take a closer look at other options, because... this model has not passed the required processing stages

Styles and styles

  1. Bolero - covers only the shoulders and arms, is made of thin materials and is definitely not suitable for winter. However, it would be appropriate on a summer evening, at the end of spring or at the very beginning of autumn.
  2. A stole and shawl are one of the simplest and most versatile styles. Pairs perfectly with both a classic wedding dress and a vintage outfit in a retro boho style.
  3. Jacket – short outerwear. Suitable for a classic wedding and will be appreciated by girls who love a formal style. Pairs well with Greek dresses and classic ball gowns. And if you complement the jacket with a suitable accessory, such as a brooch, then it will not look too restrained.
  4. Boa - usually made of fur. It protects the tears and neck from the cold, and its ends are connected at the chest. It looks good with fitted long and fluffy dresses, but this option for a wedding cape is not very comfortable. It is difficult to make many movements and dance in a boa.
  5. Boa is an elegant voluminous scarf of medium length. Can be made from fur, feathers or down. Best suited for a retro style wedding.
  6. Classic cape - covers the shoulders and almost the entire top of the bride's outfit. Near the neck, the two parts of the product are connected using ribbons, buttons or suitable brooches.
  7. A sweater or simple cardigan is good for a nautical-themed wedding.

One of the ways to make a light and interesting wedding cape with your own hands is crocheting.

Fur preparation

Before you alter a fur coat with your own hands, you need to see what kind of material you will have to deal with. Rate how good your fur is:

Find out which pieces can be used and which should be removed

To determine the strength of suspicious areas, moisten them with warm water and leave them alone for half an hour, and then try to carefully stretch the flesh. If it does not begin to tear and all the hairs remain in place, the fur can be safely used

Choose a style. Calculate how much fur you will need and what other materials you can add. Spread your fur coat.

Rip out the fur coat

The first step is to tear off the lining. You don’t need any special equipment for this - a simple tailor’s ripper is enough.

Lay out the fur coat pieces and the pattern pieces on them. See if there is enough fur or if you have to combine.

How to cut?

When considering options for how to remake a fur coat, consider several features of this material. Such knowledge will be useful when working with muton, nutria, and mink. New parts are cut using the flesh, not the fur. This is done like this:

  1. Place a piece of fur with the flesh side up.
  2. Place the pattern piece on it.
  3. Pin together the parts - in this case, not tailor's pins, but the most ordinary pushpins are more suitable.
  4. Cut the piece with allowances using a sharp furrier's knife, barely touching, so as not to cut the pile.

How to stitch?

Transforming old fur coats into fashionable ones with your own hands is a rather monotonous task and requires a fair amount of patience. Be prepared to sew by hand. The following seams are used to work with fur:

  • "goat":
  • furrier (over the edge).

Seams that bear a large load must be strengthened. Dublerin is used for this. You can also use special adhesive pads for leather and fur; they are also sometimes sold in sewing and furrier shops. The seams will have to be carefully aligned. For this you need:

  • foam sponge;
  • oppression.

The seam is moistened with a sponge, after which something heavy is placed on it (for example, an iron, but you don’t need to turn it on). You need to wait until it dries completely, and only then move on to the next stage. After the seam has dried, the fur must be combed along the seam - first against the pile, then in the direction of hair growth.

Threads and needles

If you want to alter a fur coat with your own hands, the master class begins with choosing threads. For such work, medium-thick cotton fabrics are always used. Synthetics simply cut the flesh.

It is better to buy special needles for fur. But if you suddenly don’t find them in the sewing store, you can also buy regular ones that correspond to threads No. 40 or No. 45.

DIY fur rug - how to restore the appearance of fur?

  • comb the matted fur with a wide-toothed brush;
  • greasy stains can be removed using a brush and a solution of gasoline and washing powder. After completing the procedure, wipe the stain with clean gasoline. Be sure to follow safety precautions - carry out the procedure in the fresh air!
  • A paste of gasoline and starch (can be replaced with bran) will help clean light fur from heavy contamination. The paste is applied to contaminated areas, left until completely dry and shaken.
  • A regular household vacuum cleaner will help get rid of the dust that has accumulated over the years.
  • short, dark-colored fur can be cleaned with hot sand.
  • Light astrakhan fur that has turned yellow can be dyed with fabric dye. Using a cotton swab, gently work through the top layer of fur.

After processing, let the fur dry thoroughly. It is necessary to dry away from radiators and direct sunlight.

Wedding coat color

When choosing a fur coat, the bride must try it on together with the dress, because even a white fur coat for the bride in combination with a cream dress will not always look as advantageous as if the color matches!

Traditional white color will always be popular, but gradually pastel colors are starting to come into fashion: milky, pearl, ivory, light blue, soft pink, pistachio. On the contrary, an ivory-colored wedding dress will go well with milky fur coats.

A well-chosen fur coat will complement the image of the newlywed and make it even more noticeable and unique. Even the simplest capes for the bride look luxurious if you make the right choice, the team of the portal is sure!

  • 23 photos

Why choose a hooded cape for your wedding?

When choosing clothes for a wedding, a girl should remember that she should look modest and discreet in it; one of the elements of the outfit that can help her with this is a cape with a hood, which will look elegant, but at the same time very modest.

A headdress for a bride is a special part of the outfit, because it is a mandatory attribute that must be present on a girl. Nevertheless, there are many options for this detail of the outfit and every girl will be able to choose exactly what she likes.

What is a cape?

Girls who prefer classic options more often give their preference to a long and multi-layered veil, and some, on the contrary, advocate creativity by wearing flower crowns (by the way, this ancient tradition came to us from Ukraine, where girls did not wear a veil during their wedding , and wore colorful flower crowns).

But girls who honor Orthodox traditions most often give their preference to scarves and capes that cover their heads. And it’s worth saying that they make the right decision. After all, ordinary ones, like lace capes, are a tribute to Orthodox traditions.

Color combination of cape and dress

When choosing a cape for a dress, you first need to consider how they will look together, whether the colors will match

  • If the dress is snow-white, then the cape should be similar, or vice versa, contrasting (for example, gray or blue). If the cape is white, but a little darker, then against the background of a snow-white dress it may seem dirty;
  • Remember that in addition to the dress itself, the cape should also be combined with other accessories, especially if its color is different from the color of the dress.

Not only beautiful, but also a practical attribute

As you know, the church greatly respects and honors pure, innocent and modest girls.

Therefore, the outfit must match. Often, girls wear the dress they wore at the wedding to their wedding; in such dresses, their arms are usually exposed, their backs are open, etc.

During the wedding, the girl should not have exposed parts of her body, so a properly selected cape will help hide the necessary places, while also decorating the girl’s outfit.

  • The bolero is perfect for a dress in which the arms or back are exposed;
  • Bare dresses will be hidden by a shawl;
  • If the dress has too deep a neckline, then a poncho would be an excellent solution when choosing a cape;
  • But on a closed dress with long sleeves, a traditional wedding cape - a bonnet - will look great.

So we can say that a wedding dress is not the only attribute that requires special attention. Properly selected accessories will help make the outfit more interesting and beautiful.

  • The cape will not only emphasize the fragility of the bride, but will also warm the girl;
  • A cape with a hood is a very good option, because it will not only decorate the bride’s outfit, but also preserve her hairstyle;
  • The bolero will help hide the bride's bare shoulders and highlight her figure.

Why is a cape most often chosen?

  • Firstly, the aesthetic component. Such a cape is made of light and weightless fabric; such an attribute creates a feeling of mystery and mystery;
  • Originality. Brides more often give preference to the veil in which the wedding took place, but they pay less attention to capes and scarves;
  • Church canons will not be violated. As everyone knows, when entering a church, a girl must cover her head with a scarf, but during the wedding the bride’s face must be open; a veil in this regard will not be the best solution and will cause some inconvenience. Therefore, a cape will be the best choice for the bride; it will cover the head, but will open the face, as required by the laws of the church, will hide bare areas of the body, but at the same time will complement the image of the bride and make it lighter and more delicate.

How to make it yourself

I think many girls would be interested in creating a wedding attribute with their own hands. And believe me, there is nothing complicated about it.

First you need to purchase fabric that will match the event; it should be light and airy:

  • Silk;
  • Tulle;
  • Guipure;
  • Lace fabric;
  • Any other fabric that will meet the specified criteria.

What else will you need to sew a cape for a wedding:

  • Threads that will match the color of the fabric;
  • Ribbons, braid, bouillons, beads or any other decorations;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Pattern.

The work ahead will be easy, especially for those who are already familiar with sewing. The main thing is to approach the matter responsibly and carefully.

  1. First you need to cut a circle from the fabric, the diameter of which is determined based on the size of the future cape;
  2. The circle will need to be cut in a straight line exactly to the center;
  3. Next you need to make a cutout for the neckline. Please note that this cutout should not be positioned strictly in the center! The next step is to fold the second piece of material in half and mark a rectangle. The width is equal to the circumference of the neck, which was divided in two, and the height is equal to the estimated height of the hood. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that you also need to take into account the height of the hairstyle that will be worn at the wedding;
  4. The hood is sewn to the cape, then the edges are processed and the clasp is sewn.
  5. If you want, then decorate the scarf as your imagination allows. But don't overdo it.

Remaking an astrakhan fur coat

Just a few seasons ago, karakul was undeservedly in the shadows and not illuminated by ramps on the fashion stage. Modern fashion shows of the warm season have significant sections of stunningly beautiful products made from this fur.

As you know, astrakhan fur is the fur of newborn lambs, very delicate with various natural patterns.

Due to the fact that astrakhan fur is a smooth fur with short pile, it lends itself perfectly to modeling. Also, astrakhan fur can be effectively combined with almost any fur, placing it as:

  • finishing the bottom of the fur coat and sleeves;
  • a spectacular long-pile collar (both its short stand-up collar style and its elongated turn-down style);
  • inserts of different cut and size;
  • horizontal stripes of various widths in combination with astrakhan stripes.

Since mostly very old astrakhan fur coats are subject to alteration. With your own hands you can make a completely new modern model from astrakhan according to modern patterns and patterns so that you yourself will be surprised at your abilities.

The best option would be a shortened fur coat style with a straight or flared silhouette. Having chosen the style of fur coat you like, we begin the rather labor-intensive process of manual work.

Summer capes for the bride in 2022 - photos of fashionable new items

A wedding dress cape in summer is a luxurious addition to a wedding dress. It does not carry the intended purpose, but it perfectly decorates the already incomparable bride. A rather rare type of wedding cape is a boa (a flirty feather scarf). This fun accessory is perfect for a bride in a 20s style dress.

A crocheted cape for the bride is also a great option for a summer or spring wedding dress. Choose a product with a wide, large pattern. Let it be a floral or floral ornament. It is an excellent omen if such a cape is knitted by the bride’s mother or grandmother with her own hands. In this case, the cape will serve not only as a delicate wedding decor, but also as a kind of blessing from relatives for a successful family life.

How to make a wedding fur coat with your own hands?

No matter how profitable it is to do needlework, not everyone is capable of it. But if you have sewing skills, especially working with fur, you can safely get to work.

Attention: If you are allergic to fur, it is better to limit yourself to artificial materials.

The easiest way to sew a light cape is from white eco-fur; it is easy to cut on the wrong side. This will eliminate the difficulties of working with pile.

Some fluffy materials are double-sided, so no lining is needed. After cutting and processing the seams, the wedding coat will be ready.

When choosing a style, it is important to focus on personal preferences, a suitable pattern and available technology.

Real fur looks more luxurious, but you will need a furrier's machine or labor-intensive manual labor. If such an undertaking seems complicated, part of the process can be entrusted to specialists.

Knit according to the pattern of a bolero with short sleeves. Handicraftsmen will be happy to knit such a product to order; it is worth submitting an offer to the appropriate group on social networks or to a portal with handmade offers.

It is not so important how and what a wedding coat or fur bolero is made of, the main thing is that it becomes a warm decoration of a wedding dress that will be remembered by everyone.

What is a bride's jacket?

A jacket is a type of jacket, a shortened version of it. Most often, it has a semi-fitted silhouette, the length reaches the waist or mid-thigh, the sleeves are long, three-quarter or short, and the closure is one button. It can be made from satin fabric, silk, knitwear, winter models - from cashmere, wool, leather.


There are many design options, thanks to which you can create a stylish and original image of the bride by choosing the right model.

As a rule, the following styles are distinguished:

  1. With a stand-up collar. A wedding dress usually involves an open neckline or a V-neck of the dress, so a classic version with a stand-up collar will look interesting and elegant.
  2. With a hood. Despite the fact that a hood is considered an element of sporty style, such a model would look appropriate with an outfit without a veil, at a winter wedding or a fantasy-style celebration.

Taking into account the time of the ceremony, you can choose a product with a suitable sleeve length:

  • With short sleeves - this product will perfectly complement the summer look of the bride;
  • With long sleeves - this option will help keep you warm during the cold season.


The designers' collections include models made from various materials:

  1. Lace textiles. Lace in clothing decor always looks luxurious; an openwork product will make the bride’s appearance lighter and more touching.
  2. A satin or silk model will add special chic and grace to your look.
  3. A knitted product will make your image memorable thanks to a variety of original patterns, and you can also make it yourself.
  4. A fur product is suitable for a winter wedding: a warm fur cape will decorate and perfectly warm the bride.
  5. A model made of leather or denim is an unusual option for a wedding photo shoot.

One of the latest trends is decorating clothes with individual embroidery or appliqué. For example, clothes may feature the embroidered initials of a couple in love or a design that is meaningful to both.

It is important that the fabric or material from which the product is made matches the rest of the look.

Types of fur coats for weddings

Many brides prepare for the celebration in advance, carefully thinking through their image for the most important event in their lives.

First of all, a wedding dress is purchased, the rest of the accessories are selected to match it. A warm wedding attribute appears in a girl’s wardrobe in different ways, it can be:

  • buy;
  • order from the studio;
  • sew it yourself;
  • knit from fluffy yarn (imitation fur);
  • rent a wedding cape or fur bolero.

The style, length and cost of outerwear for a wedding depends on your budget and preferences.

Designers have developed many interesting options, and any of them can truly decorate the bride.

Possible styles of fur wedding cape:

  • short bolero;
  • shrug (voluminous sleeves);
  • cape;
  • coat;
  • short poncho;
  • shortened sheepskin coat;
  • medium length fur coat.

A full white fur coat as the basis of a wedding outfit is appropriate in frosty weather, especially if part of the celebration is held outdoors, for example, troika riding.

Another option is full protection from the cold right down to the toes when the wedding dress is short. Occasionally, a fur coat is sewn with a hood; this is suitable for a bride who does not want to wear a veil.

A small white bolero made of short-haired fur with ¾ sleeves looks best. It will highlight a dress, a veil or a hat with a train, elegant shoes and long gloves, as in the photo of a wedding fur coat.

A luxurious outfit with a fluffy bottom should not be hidden under voluminous outerwear in order to emphasize the sophistication of the bride’s image. However, such a decision is quite appropriate when the bride is pregnant.

The best styles of wedding fur coats for pregnant women among the fashion trends of 2017:

  • loose fur cape for a wedding dress;
  • fur cape;
  • trapezoidal coat;
  • “fly vest”;
  • fur poncho;
  • long cape with rich decoration.

If you plan to wear a fur coat after the wedding, you can choose any style for which you have enough money.

Fashionable cape over the bride's shoulders for a wedding dress 2021 photo

Regardless of what type of cape you choose (I’ll present the types themselves later), you can combine it with absolutely any outfit. The trick is that it can be worn not only with a wedding dress, but also with everyday clothes. We can say that the cape allows you to use it not only on the day of the celebration, but also after, thereby becoming a practical wardrobe item. Among the other advantages of such an accessory, it is worth noting that it will suit the owner of both an elegant figure and curvaceous figures. Due to the versatility of the material and cut, you can highlight a girl’s winning sides or hide her shortcomings.

In addition to the already listed advantages, the cape, having reached the 21st century, acquired a chic look and a variety of options. The most fashionable couturiers from all over the world offer styles for every taste and color, all you have to do is choose your cape. Dresses with this accessory often appear in autumn and winter collections. Designers such as Vera Wang, Tiffany, Oleg Cassini, Kaviar Gauche, Elie Saab and others have repeatedly used capes to achieve greater effect, both in 2019 and in the 2022 collections.

DIY wedding cape: pattern

It’s easy to make a wedding cape for a bride with your own hands: saving on work, spending money only on material; by making the cape you want, especially if you didn’t find a suitable one in the stores.

We present to your attention a pattern and step-by-step instructions for sewing a bolero cape that will perfectly highlight your wedding outfit:

  1. Choose, buy fabric. Any fabric is suitable for this type of cape, but it is advisable that it be a little stretchy - then it will be easier for the bride to put it on. It can be knitwear, faux fur with elastic lining, velvet, guipure and others. A cut of 150 by 50 cm is required.
  2. Cut out the piece according to the pattern. The dotted lines on it indicate parts of the product (sleeves) that can be sewn separately.
  3. Decorate cuffs, collars with fur, swan's down or fabric that is used to trim the wedding dress itself. All this is appropriate only if the bolero is not transparent. You can cut the sleeves from another material.


  1. Overlock the top and bottom of the cape.
  2. Fold in half along the wide part, sew along the curves.
  3. Sew on the length of the sleeve or leave it as is - the sleeve will be small.
  4. Overlock the bottom of the sleeves and add decorative elements.
  5. The cape is ready! You can see how such a bolero looks using the example of a product from the BELFASO 2014 wedding collection:

Summer capes for the bride in 2022 - photos of fashionable new items

A wedding dress cape in summer is a luxurious addition to a wedding dress.
It does not carry the intended purpose, but it perfectly decorates the already incomparable bride. A rather rare type of wedding cape is a boa (a flirty feather scarf). This fun accessory is perfect for a bride in a 20s style dress. A crocheted cape for the bride is also a great option for a summer or spring wedding dress. Choose a product with a wide, large pattern. Let it be a floral or floral ornament. It is an excellent omen if such a cape is knitted by the bride’s mother or grandmother with her own hands. In this case, the cape will serve not only as a delicate wedding decor, but also as a kind of blessing from relatives for a successful family life.

Recut sheepskin coats with your own hands

Not only old fur coats can be used for recutting. Other shoulder products are also quite suitable for recutting with your own hands: a sheepskin coat, a leather raincoat and jacket, a drape coat, etc. In this photo you see what we managed to make from an old and rather worn sheepskin coat. For more details, see the article How to cut a sheepskin coat and make a hood.

By the way, the surface of a sheepskin coat can sometimes be refreshed and even completely repainted. In dry cleaning, such a service is quite expensive, so you can do the painting yourself. There are a number of reliable and inexpensive methods and dyes, but we will talk about this in another article.

Other articles:

DIY hood trim How to make a removable fur hood trim. How much fur and sewing technology will be required.

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About how to choose leather clothes so as not to buy an obvious fake. What are the differences between genuine leather and artificial leatherette? What is eco-leather, nubuck and what types of real leather are there and their brief characteristics.

Remaking an old mink coat

Mink fur lends itself perfectly to alteration at home. The task of remaking a fur coat can be greatly simplified if your fur coat is made from whole skins. With a fur coat made from pieces, you will have to tinker a little, but you can cope with the task in any case.

In order to start altering any fur product, you need to know the basic rules:

  • cut the fur only with a sharp knife. This means cutting not the fur itself, but the inside. Then carefully detach the fur of the two segments.
  • at home we sew all the seams only by hand;
  • When cutting out parts, follow the direction of the pile.

To work you will need:

  • sharp shoemaker's or tailor's knife;
  • adhesive gasket tapes. Glue on the seams to prevent them from stretching.
  • hammer. The seams are beaten to make them softer and more elastic.
  • needles for hand sewing;
  • strong threads.

To begin with, we choose the style of a new model of fur product, having decided what can be made from an old fur coat.

If you just need to shorten it or increase it, then we work only with the hem:

  • cut off the lining;
  • sew on an additional piece from another fur;
  • or cut off a pre-measured strip of mink fur.

We restore the lining, the updated fur coat is ready.

We described above how to remake the sleeves.

If we reshape the entire mink coat, then the step-by-step actions will be as follows:

  • we rip the entire fur coat into separate parts;
  • we lay out the fur on the table and assess the condition of the flesh;
  • cut out the damaged areas;
  • smooth and secure the fur on the work surface;
  • apply the prepared patterns;
  • outline the patterns with chalk;
  • check the direction of the pile of all parts;
  • we cut out the details of a new fur coat;
  • we sew all the parts together with a basting stitch;
  • We try on the product and adjust details, if necessary;
  • We sew the parts together using a “goat” or “over the edge” seam.

We cut out and sew the lining to a new product made with our own hands.

As a result, we got a fashionable item from an old mink coat.

What do you need to sew a fur coat?

First of all, you need to buy materials for work:

  • Natural fur is the most expensive material. Products made from natural fur always look impressive, but require special skills, knowledge and professional equipment;
  • Faux fur is a more affordable alternative to natural material. Working with a solid piece of fur fabric will be easy even for sewing enthusiasts. In this case, you can always combine natural and artificial materials. For example, use natural raw materials to cut collars;
  • The base from an old fur coat is the most popular raw material for new clothes. But, you should always understand that any fur can have a certain period of operation. Therefore, all worn areas cannot be used when sewing a new item and will have to be removed during sewing.

Natural fur (animal skins) are purchased exclusively in specialized stores. If you want to save money, you can turn to fur factories. There are not many skins on the market, so they are often pre-ordered, otherwise the cost of raw materials will be inflated.

But artificial raw materials are quite accessible. In any fabric store you can find a variety of “natural” fur in a wide range of colors and types. The ready-made patterns presented below can be used for both natural and artificial raw materials.

The lining is simple satin, as the most classic option. But, you can use a quilted lining made of combined fabrics. This material is characterized by strength and acts as additional insulation. But satin looks more beautiful.

In addition to the material, you need to stock up on tools for work:

  1. Sharp scissors;
  2. Hairpins or clothespins (necessary for fixation). Their benefits will be appreciated by that category of seamstresses who preferred natural material;
  3. Punching pliers for installing accessories;
  4. Hammer with cloth winding (necessary for breaking or softening seams);
  5. Special triangular needles;
  6. Comb brush for combing fur;
  7. Chalk (soap) to mark markings;
  8. High-quality accessories: hooks, buttons, straps, ties and so on.

Need to know! Working with fur material is not so easy. The work is hampered by the pile and characteristics of the skin (hide). Therefore, some craftswomen use a scalpel or a simple blade instead of scissors. Good sharpness of the tools will allow you to make confident and fast movements when cutting the material.

Rug made of fur pompoms

A rug made of pompoms looks very original. It can be in the form of animals, square, round or any other shape.

Making fur pompoms is very simple:

  • cut out a circle of the required size;
  • Purl stitch the edges;
  • put the filling inside, tied with a ribbon;
  • carefully pull the pom pom (the ribbon should remain outside).

The number of pompoms depends on the amount of fur and the size of the intended rug. Finished pompoms are sewn to a pre-prepared base. If the base is a mesh, then the pompoms are tied with ribbons.

Easy, simple and original!

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